The best extensions for google chrome. Best Extensions for Google Chrome

It is undeniably the most popular web browser. This is due to its cross-platform, multi-functional, wide customization and customization capabilities, as well as support for the largest (compared to competitors) numbers. Just about where the latter are located and will be discussed in this article.

The question of where the extensions are located in Chrome may interest users for various reasons, but first of all it is required to view and manage them. Below we will talk about how to go to add-ons directly through the browser menu, as well as where the directory with them is stored on the disk.

Web Browser Extensions

Initially, the icons of all add-ons installed in the browser are displayed in it to the right of the search bar. By clicking on this icon, you can access the settings of a particular add-on and the controls (if any).

If desired or necessary, the icons can be hidden, for example, so as not to clutter up the minimalistic toolbar. The section itself with all added components is hidden in the menu.

Here you can not only view all installed extensions, but also enable or disable them, delete, view additional information. For this, appropriate buttons, icons and links are provided. You can also go to the add-on page in the Google Chrome web store.

Folder on disk

Browser add-ons, like any program, write their files to the computer disk, and all of them are stored in one directory. Our task is to find it. In this case, you need to build on the version of the operating system installed on your PC. In addition, to get to the desired folder, you will need to enable the display of hidden items.

  1. Go to the root of the system drive. In our case, this is C: \\.
  2. On the toolbar "Explorer"   go to the tab "View"click on the button "Options"   and select “Change folder and search options”.
  3. In the dialog that appears, also go to the tab "View"scroll through the list "Advanced Options"   to the very end and set the marker opposite the item "Show hidden files, folders and drives".
  4. Click Apply   and "OK"   in the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe dialog box to close it.
  5. Now you can proceed to search for the directory where the extensions installed in Google Chrome are stored. So, in Windows 7 and version 10, you will need to go along the following path:

    C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ Default \\ Extensions

    C: \\ is the drive letter on which the operating system and the browser are installed (by default), in your case it may be different. Instead "Username"   you need to substitute the name of your account. Folder "Users"specified in the example path above, in the Russian-language versions of the OS is called "Users". If you do not know the name of your account, you can see it in this directory.

      In Windows XP, the path to a similar folder will look like this:

    C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ Data \\ Profile \\ Default \\ Extensions

    Extras: If you go back one step (to the Default folder), you can see other directories of browser add-ons. AT "Extension Rules"   and "Extension State"   user-defined rules and settings for these software components are stored.

    Unfortunately, the names of extension folders consist of an arbitrary set of letters (they are also displayed in the process of downloading and installing them in a web browser). You can only understand where and what kind of add-on is by its icon, having studied the contents of subfolders.


It's just that simple to find out where the Google Chrome browser extensions are. If you need to view them, configure and gain access to management, you should refer to the program menu. If you need to access the files directly, just go to the appropriate directory on the system drive of your PC or laptop.

Hello, dear readers of Optimacom. I'm wildly sorry, but today we’ll talk about Google chrome. I’m like that Chukchi - that’s what I’m singing about. And since I’ve been moving from Mozilla to Google Chrome lately, the song of praise will be about the latter. You can write a lot about this cool and fast Internet browser (which I will do on the pages of this site), but today we will only talk about which major extensions of Google Chrome   You will need it first.

If you have not yet seen what Google Chrome is - I highly recommend installing it, at least with a second browser, for review! You already know how to do this. Moreover, it was updated a couple of days ago and officially became the first browser in the world to support multi-profile. This is when several users can use one browser and not interfere with each other - each has its own profile, its own settings, bookmarks, extensions, appearance ... It's just a miracle.

Most recently, I believed that Google Chrome does not reach the Mozilla in the quantity and quality of its add-ons, and now I can say with confidence that it not only caught up with, but also surpassed the competitor. You can find a replacement for your favorite Mozilla add-ons very quickly and easily, you will soon see for yourself. And if, when installing a large number of add-ons, Mozilla Firefox began to terribly slow down, then Chrome flies, not paying attention to it.

Remember I told you about required Mozilla Firefox add-ons? Without which you simply can not do when traveling on the Internet. So now I’ll talk about such extensions of Chrome. As always - in detail and in pictures. Go…

All extensions for Chrome hang out in one place - the extension store. Don’t worry - they are all absolutely free, albeit in the store. You can get into it in a million ways. Here are a few of them ...

How to get to the Google Chrome Extensions Store

On the right, there is a wrench at the top (now three stripes) - click on it ...

... and at the very bottom ...

You can immediately go there using this link. And most often, when you search using search, other, different, interesting extensions, right in their descriptions, usually there is an active link to a page in the store. Just like mine, below. Learn about a new, interesting extension? Copy its name and paste into ...

Press the “Enter” key on your keyboard and you will be taken to the description and installation page of it. And such icons remind you that you have already installed this extension ...

Before proceeding to a discussion of the main extensions in more detail, I would like to make one more small digression. The fact is that after you find the extension you need and click the “INSTALL” button, a similar window will appear ...

It’s not so much scary, but terrifying for many. Some even refuse to use this browser because of this warning. I want to reassure you - no one will delve into your computer. Retrieve passwords and appearances, too. Only your behavior on the Internet is analyzed in order to make it more convenient for you to search for information in the ocean of garbage. It is thanks to this feature of browsers that you wonder how quickly answers to your questions are found by search engines.

Moreover - everything   browsers “knock” to search engines. And only Google Chrome does not hide it, but honestly warns. Do not believe? Go for valerian ...

Just yesterday, our beloved Yandex search engine introduced a new opportunity for all site owners. Now you can watch, like on TV, for all the visitor’s actions on any site. Yes, for all the actions. Mouse movements, where you click, which pages you go to, which system you have, which browser, which country and city you are from, your Internet provider (from whom do you get Internet), how many times have you visited the site, and when, by what requests (what were you looking for ) and where ... in short, absolutely everything is visible !!! I enjoyed all morning today, as if I was sitting behind you. Called - Webvisor.

How does Yandex know this? That's right - all ANY browsers give it all the data. Have you returned from a swoon? Continue?

And it has always been so, so do not bother with it. There is nothing wrong with that.

We talked about the main extensions of Chrome, if you remember more.

AdBlock Extension for Google Chrome

What annoys you the most on the Internet, what distracts you and infuriates you? That's right - advertising. Remove it from your eyes. To do this, install AdBlock.

I do not advise you to put a tick ...

I have so. You can also look in the “Filter Lists” and check the box next to some Vietnamese filter, but by default everything works fine.

This, if you right-click on the icon, and this is the left ...

Everything is clear and understandable, I hope. You can turn off the ad blocker everywhere or on a particular site.

There is another, similar, also great extension - Adblock Plus.It works similarly and also copes with advertising perfectly. I did not notice the difference in their work. You can put any. Both at once - no need, verified.

It’s also useful Flashblock —This extension prevents any flash video from loading. Instead, only the flash icon will be visible, when clicked on, you will safely load it and view it. The page loading is greatly accelerated due to this.

The next extension you can’t do without is ...

Speed \u200b\u200bDial 2 (en) extension for Google Chrome

There are several similar visual hostages, but we need to Speed \u200b\u200bDial 2 (ru),because it is the best. These are the same windows as in the Opera or Mozilla. The settings are not just a lot, but a lot. For every taste and color, you can customize the display of bookmarks. Everything is in Russian and is logical.

(And look at the statistics later - it is very impressive to display it.)

To create bookmark groups - click ...

The background image can be selected from the proposed ones or set your own. To do this, you must first upload it to any image hosting, for example And paste the resulting link into ...

If you move the mouse cursor to the right until it stops in the window tab, a side panel will drop out with the last tabs and links you visited or closed earlier. Very comfortably.

And in the windows themselves you can see how many times you have visited this bookmark.

I am very pleased with this extension, just lovely, some kind.

Many can be pushed away from this magnificent browser by its overly sharp rewinding of pages. This inconvenience can be easily defeated by installing ...

Extension for smooth page rewind in Google Chrome

It's called Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller. In its settings, you can set the page to move smoothly, inertia, etc. Choose for yourself how it will be convenient for you by moving the sliders ...

Here's another major extensions for Google Chrome... I never use the slider on the right, to move around the site - I go down the page with the mouse wheel. So why do I need this slider stealing useful workspace? Installed the extension " Remove scroll bars"And forgot about their existence.

How do you navigate sites? Still poking arrows left-right? Oh well. And aren't you tired? A mouse is not easier and faster to do it, what do you think? Of course it’s more convenient. For example, I have been using a special program for a long time gMote   and I control the mouse not only in the browser, but also in the computer when moving through folders. Wildly comfortable, I tell you. And for those who want to use such a miracle only in the browser, there is an extension Gestures for Chrome.

As you know, browsers are very convenient programs that allow you to comfortably browse web pages. Among modern browsers, Google Chrome is very popular, which is used by a very large number of people around the world to surf the Internet. This browser has a very good speed and convenience, which makes many people use it. The standard functionality of this browser allows you to do a lot of things, however, this is not all that it is capable of, since the extensions for google chrome can increase its functionality at times.

At the moment, there are a very large number, many of which can be very useful and convenient solutions to various problems. Modern plugins for google chrome can be useful to almost any user. Let's look at the most popular and useful ones.

Surely this extension for Google Chrome is one of the most popular, if not the most popular. AdBlock is a very convenient tool that avoids a lot of annoying advertising on web pages. The program works very quickly and efficiently, uses an internal advertising database, which is updated every day. Therefore, if you want to save yourself from viewing a large number of advertisements, which now and then pop up on the page in the most inconvenient place, the AdBlock plugin for Google Chrome is a great solution in this case.

There are various extensions for google chrome browser, Chrome Remote Desktop is one of the most unusual and most functional of them. To some extent, it can not even be called an extension, however, it does not matter at all, because this program is able to give access to other computers. Such a solution is perfect if the user, for example, forgot some file or some information on a working computer. Using Chrome Remote Desktop, he will always be able to access a working computer from his home.

In addition, this extension can also be used to work together on the same screen, which is often very convenient during the workflow.

Delicious Bookmark Extension

A very small, but very convenient extension that allows you to share various hyperlinks. If you install this add-on on your computer, then you will have more need to copy this or that hyperlink each time, and to paste it into this or that document every time. Delicious Bookmark Extension can do everything for you and greatly simplify your work, as well as save such a valuable resource as time.

A very convenient and easy-to-use thing that allows you to transfer all open tabs from a computer to a smartphone in a very quick time. One of the main features of this plugin is the work in offline mode, which allows you to perform all the necessary functions in the absence of access to the Internet.

Google Mail Checker

If at work or for some other reason you often have to work with e-mail, then this extension is what you need. Google Mail Checker shows in real time the number of unread emails in your mail. Thus, you will not need to refresh the page every time to determine whether new letters have arrived or not.

A convenient indicator of this extension will always inform you if a new message arrives.


Very easy to use and very convenient thing. This extension allows you to send texts from your computer to phones. In the case of text arriving, a notification is sent to the computer. Despite the seemingly simplicity of the plug-in, for quite a long time there was no special solution that would allow full communication from a computer with people who use phones with the Android operating system.

Nimbus screenshots

A very convenient extension that allows you to quickly take screenshots of any part of the screen. This plugin allows you to save time and, if necessary, share your screenshots with the whole world. Nimbus Screenshot is very convenient for work when you need to show certain data.

There are google chrome add-ons that allow you to block certain sites and Website Blocker is one of the most successful such extensions. This add-on is perfect for those people who often break away from the workflow on all kinds of social networks and other resources. The plugin allows you to block access to certain sites for a certain period of time. Suppose if you do not want to visit facebook, twitter or any other site during working hours, all you need to do is block them from 9 am to 5 pm and you will no longer have such problems.


It happens that during work you stumbled upon some interesting article or other information that you want to read, but you don’t have time. In this case, the Pocket extension allows you to put it in a so-called pocket, that is, note to yourself that you are interested in this material, and later read it.

FVD Downloader

A very convenient tool that allows you to download to your computer almost any video from the Internet. However, the program does not work for YouTube, but it works great with facebook and many other resources.

The start page of Google Chrome should not be so monotonous and familiar and the speed dial plugin for google chrome allows you to do this. Speed \u200b\u200bDial gives great opportunities to any user to customize the Google Chrome start page. With this add-on you can set an unlimited number of bookmarks, as well as group folders, which in many cases can be very, very useful.

Hola better internet

If there are prohibited sites that you want to access, then Hola Better Internet is a great solution. This extension allows you to enter, and does it very quickly and efficiently.

Do you want to know more about how you spend time on the Internet? The TimeStats extension is an excellent solution in this case, which will allow you to get all the necessary statistics about the use of your time on the network. The program offers a large number of charts and graphs, which indicate the time you spent on specific sites, as well as a large number of other statistical information. If you want to spend time on the Internet more productively, be sure to put this extension.


If you are tired of logging into a particular service each time again, in this case, the LastPass password manager is an excellent solution to this problem. With the help of this convenient plugin, you will have the opportunity to log in in a matter of seconds to any service in which you have an account. The manager has earned trust due to his reliability, the data that he stores remain in complete secrecy.


If you use visual bookmarks for google chrome then this plugin is simply necessary for you. TabCloud greatly simplifies the work with visual bookmarks and will be useful to every Internet user.

Do you want to always be aware of what the weather is like now? And what will the weather be like in the future? In this case, Gismeteo Weather Forecast is a great solution. This plugin shows the most accurate weather, both for a specific region and for the whole world, so if you are interested in such an opportunity, be sure to download this plugin.

Screen Capture by Google

Another very convenient extension for working with screenshots. It works very fast. Among the additional functions of this plugin, it should be noted the ability to edit the screenshot, which in some cases can be very useful.

News Feed Eradicator


A very useful thing if you work as a web designer or are actively interested in this topic. The WhatFont extension allows you to just use the mouse cursor to find out the name of the font, and if you click on it, get a lot of other useful information.


The frigate extension for google chrome, allows you to check the fact of the availability of a site, does this using a special list. In the event that the site is unavailable, proxies are enabled through which access to the site is performed. Also, this plugin allows you to create your own list, which will contain sites that should be visited through a proxy.

Yandex elements for google chrome

Allows you to set visual Yandex bookmarks for google chrome, if you use the majority of your Yandex search engine, this extension may be more useful for you than ever since it offers a very convenient and easy toolkit to access the basic Yandex features and capabilities.

MusicSig vkontakte

This extension for downloading music on VKontakte google chrome can be a very convenient tool for those who like to listen to music on the social network Vkontakte. Just a few clicks and the song or audio file that interests you is saved on your computer. The extension also has some other useful features for users of the social network VKontakte.

Google elements for google chrome

A convenient set of special elements from Google will allow you to get quick access to all the features of this search engine. Therefore, if you like to use search from Google, as well as others with useful services of this corporation, be sure to set yourself the elements of quick access to all the features of Google.

This plugin allows you to convert real-time units of measure, as well as currencies and much more in real time. It can be very, very useful if you often work on the Internet with any unit of measure and do not want to spend your time using special online or any other converters.

This is not all the extensions for google chrome that exist in our time. There are many other extensions that also have very useful and useful features. Therefore, do not be afraid to get new features, install all kinds of plugins and use all the features of the popular Google Chrome browser. In the same case, if the extensions do not suddenly open in google chrome, read the official documentation or the information on various sites, usually the answer and solution to the problem can be found quite quickly.

Extensions for Google Chrome: a brief overview   was last modified: April 29th, 2016 by Maximb

As a web developer, you probably use a browser a lot. Today, almost every browser has its own developer tools that let you see what happens behind the scenes. Some of the browsers have many extensions to help you streamline your web development process.

In this post, we've put together our favorite and useful extensions for Google Chrome to help simplify the life of a web developer.

1 Web Developer

Web Developer Tools is one of the most useful extensions for any developer. It adds a toolbar to Chrome. With its help, you can conveniently edit CSS, view JavaScript and much more. The extension is available for Chrome, Firefox and Opera browsers.

2 Accessibility Web Developer Tools

Millions of people use the Internet, including people with disabilities. Therefore, your sites must be accessible to this category of users. This extension allows you to run an availability check on any page on the network. Add it to the list of tools for the web developer. To use it, click on the audits tab, select the availability audit, then execute. If the page violates any rules, they will be displayed in the form of a list with one or more violations of elements on the page.

3 Responsive Web Design Tester

Use the Responsive Web Design Tester extension to test how your page responds to various devices. It reflects the size and browser of the mobile device, comes with presets of various Android devices. It also works offline, which is useful when developing sites on a local hosting without access to the Internet.

4 wappalyzer

If you've ever used Built With, you'll be familiar with the Wappalyzer concept. This extension defines content management systems, e-commerce platforms, web servers, JavaScript databases, analytic tools and much more. In addition, the application is available for the Firefox browser.

5 PerfectPixel

Thanks to this extension, you can be sure that the design will perfectly match the received code. Just install the extension, this will allow you to put translucent overlays of the image on top of the web page to compare the image with the layout. Overlays can be different for each site and are saved between browsing sessions.

6 Refined GitHub

If you are disappointed with the GitHub user interface, this extension is a must for you. It simplifies the default GitHub interface and adds all kinds of additional features: question marking; highlighting requests as unread; adding a quick edit button; adding copyright links and much more.

7 CDN Headers & Cookies

This extension allows you to view all HTTP headers and cookies in one place. It is an easy and simple extension. You can add, edit or delete custom request headers and cookies, as well as export request headers and cookies to the CSV file.

8 User Agent Switcher

Use this extension to change the user agent for spoofing a device and / or browser. You can quickly switch between different users or add your own with settings that mimic Internet Explorer, iPhone, or mimic the Google bot. This is useful for debugging and testing site behavior on various devices.

9 JSON Viewer

An extension for printing JSON and JSONP, which you can customize to your taste. It includes features such as collapsible nodes; Interactive URLs a notepad in which you can enter the JSON format for an indefinite time with a single button or key combination 27 built-in themes and much more.

10 Check My Links

If you regularly edit pages with a large number of links, be sure to include this extension in your list of assistants for the web developer. It can quickly find all the links on the page and check each of them. Good links are highlighted in green, and broken links in red. The extension will also publish full URLs of broken links in the console log.

11 Usersnap

Often, web developers collaborate daily with several people on a project. This small extension will streamline the collaboration process, as it takes screenshots of the current content. You can communicate more effectively on various issues, exchange feedback between other developers, clients and other people involved in the web development of the project.

12 IE Tab

IE Tab emulates Internet Explorer using its rendering engine directly in Chrome. The application allows you to use ActiveX controls to test sites under development with different versions of IE, ranging from IE6 to IE9.

13 DevTools AutoSave

Using developer tools to make changes on the fly for testing purposes, further inserting the changes made into a text editor and downloading to the server can turn into hellish torments. Fortunately, this extension comes as a lifesaver, because it allows you to automatically save any changes made to the CSS and JS of the site to the source file.

14 Chrome MySQL Admin

If you work with databases daily, consider including this extension in your workflow. This is a simple MySQL client with all the necessary tools for managing MySQL databases and tables. You can connect to and manage databases, execute queries, create and delete tables, and much more in the quick and easy application interface.

15 Grunt Devtools

This Chrome Developer Tools extension adds tools that support background tasks and lets you complete tasks for multiple projects in one window.

If you use other extensions useful to the web developer for Google Chrome, then share them in the comments to the article. We are interested to know what other programmers and layout designers use in their work.

Google Chrome is one of the most popular programs for devices on the Android platform. Its feature is that it has everything that allows you to work almost the same way as on any PC.

Chrome allows you to synchronize contacts, view the history of site visits from your account on both a smartphone and a PC. Also, synchronization with your account allows you to restore your data on various mobile devices. And this is only a small part of the useful and convenient functions of this utility for computers and smartphones.

Google Chrome is a powerful search tool that serves as an assistant for each user. To improve Internet browsing and surfing sites, you can expand its capabilities with the help of various add-ons.

Most of the modules are free, and even beginners can cope with the installation with a single click. However, do not load your computer with unnecessary add-ons and utilities that will only load and slow down the application and the device as a whole.

Most useful add-ons for the Chrome browser

The largest selection of extensions and add-ons for Google can be found in the corresponding online store. A convenient interface allows you to quickly navigate and find the right section with a list of add-ons. But this store is available for installing software exclusively on computers - that is, no android device supports them on the latest versions.

The most useful and necessary extensions for the Google Chrome browser are the following add-ons:

This is not the whole list of add-ons that would be useful to the average Google Chrome user. Various plugins can be found and downloaded on the developer's website or from other official sources to avoid infection of unwanted viruses on your personal computer.

It is worth remembering that not all installations are equally necessary and useful to each user of the Internet. Some of the above may never come in handy and only slow down your work, reduce productivity and take up a lot of space. To avoid such inconvenience, decide in advance which extensions will help you in the future, and which ones you should refuse and disable, or even remove from the device.

Add or remove extensions and add-ons for Google Chrome

The add-on format for Google Chrome is “crx”. When downloading the installer file, a window should pop up in which you should confirm the consent to install the selected add-on.

To view the plugins available for installation, in the address bar, enter "chrome: // extensions /". Also, the specified list can be viewed through the "Extensions" of the browser. The settings for this section are available through the appropriate item - “Settings”.

Click the appropriate button on the extensions page to enter developer mode. This is done in order to install the extensions, the installer file of which is downloaded to your device. This completes the installation process.

You can remove unnecessary add-ons and extensions through the application manager of your device. Select an extra addon and install it. The removal procedure is extremely simple and should not take more than a minute.

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