Work on the Internet Freilance Announcements. Jobs, remote work at home. Who hires freelancers

Hello, dear blog readers Website. In the articles and I mentioned Freilance, but did not go into the details of this recruiting the popularity of the phenomenon. Today I want to just fix this defects and talk about pros and cons of the life of online freelancer, and not only on the Internet.

We will try to understand what freelance is and why attracting remote workers may be a process that is advantageous to both sides of these business relations (and the employee and the employer).

This phenomenon and disadvantages have (software), but thanks to the set of advantages, the number of adherents of such a way of existence in our complex world is constantly increasing. Instructions for remote work on the Internet for beginners and a list of resources required to search for a customer. Suddenly, the freelancers will be afraid of you and this will change your life cool? BUT? Why not?!

Who are freelancers and what do they do?

In Ruune freelancer is a kind of private person (Although it can be), taking some kind of work (task). By and large, it may be not remote job (for example, a builder who makes repairs in the apartment, or an office worker hired at the time of performing the task), but most often the employer and the performer find each other and support relationships via the Internet (online).

Actually, it is with the emergence and an increase in the popularity of the Internet () this type of labor activity and received such popularity. In the general sense, the word under freelance should be understood (freelancer).

To some extent under the concept of the freelancer and IP (individual entrepreneur) falls, but these definitions are not identical. Frilanser is, as a rule, one person hired to perform certain buildings, and the IP may himself have the staff of employees for whom will be the leader (employer).

The main advantage of freelancer's remote work is the lack of bosses, alarms and Mondays. However, when looking at a different angle, each of the described advantages can also be considered a disadvantage. But first things first.

Let's first see what specialty most in demand And on them most often offered their services on the market of remote work (Consider now only online frilance, as a fundamental).

What do Internet freelancers do

  1. Text Specialists - (Create texts), (Processing other people's texts), Content managers (answer the strategy of filling the site content), editors and proofreaders (), as well as various translators (technical texts, artistic, entire sites, etc.). In addition to the virtuoso possession of the pen and knowledge of languages, both knowledge of psychology, marketing, as well as analysts, often needed from such specialists. Text Freelance can be considered writers who pretend to write masterpieces for various publications per percentage of their sales.
  2. Programmers and administrators - Write programs and scripts, solve the tasks of the administration of sites, web servers, applications, etc. Also here can be attributed to the testers of various software products - games, programs, mobile applications, online services, usability sites, etc. Among such specialists, the Gentelment Set is, programming languages \u200b\u200b(JavaScript, PHP, Perl, etc.), the ability to work with data databases, and also virtuoso.
  3. Designers - Freelance in this area can be engaged in the interior designers (landscapes), graphic designers (drawing banners, buttons, calendars, etc.), web designers (combining programmer and esthete depositors), game designers and other variations of freelancers of this kind Combines their exacerbated "sense of excellent" and skill working with various graphics programs (Llustrator, Photoshop, CorelDraw, 3D Max, 4Studio, Max, Maya), as well as basic knowledge in many adjacent freelance specialties (for example, a web designer should be able to know , own azami web programming, etc.)
  4. Site promotion specialists - This is a seed-shnik (linkbilders), optimizers (USABELIrs), versalists, experts to attract visitors to the site with the help of various types of advertising (, etc.), promotion specialists in social networks, and web analytics. The knowledge of freelancers from this area should be extensive and most importantly - "with heat from the heat", because in promotion everything is constantly changing (new algorithms and filters are introduced by search engines, even the basic approaches to promotion - as, for example,).
  5. MANAMIETERS - Freelancers who are not pushing "work on uncle", and seeking independent ways to make money. As a rule, they do not combine, but work alone. I (and other bloggers) with stretch can also be called a maimyker, which means FRilanser. For earnings, your own projects can be used (including roads) or traffic arbitration (its purchase in context systems, tizers, etc., followed by a drain on or something similar). Cognition for this kind of classes is required very versatile, for the maimyker must be a webmaster, both the vestist, and the analyst, and the marketer, and the strategist, etc.
  6. Coaching (coaches) - A variety of freelancers, which are specialists (or considering themselves such) in any area and offering their training services. Most often it takes place in the online format (, correspondence or communication in the chat) both individual and as part of the group. Thus, it is necessary for anything (my son, for example, hired Frilanser-and as a fitness coach, which cost him much cheaper than the real coach). To some extent, the variety of freelance can be attributed and (creating and selling training courses). From the freelancer in this case, in addition to knowledge in a specific area, the ability of this knowledge is also required to transmit students. If you decide to do this, I advise you to pay attention to the system Justclick. which includes a complete set of tools (affiliate, shop, service email service, etc.).

Options for remote work not related to the Internet

In addition, there is quite many areas of Freilancewho are not directly related to the Internet, and their work can not be attributed to the discharge remote (online):

  1. Engineers, architects and other qualified specialists who have no permanent job, are ready to carry out contracts for companies or individuals (for example, to create a project of the future home, design the electrician, heat supply, etc.). Services of this kind can be offered again via the Internet, or through newspaper ads, or by recommendations from those customers to whom the freelancer has already performed this work.
  2. Freelancers include builders who perform repairs in apartments or other premises, electricians, plumbers and people of other specialties, which have no permanent employer, and are searching for them on their own.
  3. Photographers and videographers located in free swimming. Their main "feeders" are weddings, anniversaries and other events that customers want to leave documented memories. Customer search for freelance can be conducted again by all available ways (Internet, its website, newspapers, contextual advertising, recommendations, etc.)
  4. Among the journalists (writing or shooting), the share of freelance engaged in the freelance (for example, the same Him Phillips), when the material created was then sold to those who wish to get editions or television channels.
  5. A lot of people in the field of jurisprudence and related areas work freelancers, i.e. without binding to some firm or organization (lawyers, consultants, experts incoming an accountant, etc.)
  6. Offline coaching (?) Is represented by tutors who are also more "in free swimming".
  7. Until recently, we had "bombing" (private workers' drivers, workers, who were also kind of freelancers (free artists).

At the same time, remote work is not always freelance. For example, some firms work work part of employees at home, if it allows the specifics of their occupations. In this case, the facilities for renting premises and the time of the employee, which he does not spend now on the road. However, such an employee is not FRILANSER, although his freedom and more than the office employee.

People become freelancers for various reasons. For someone, it is a problem to constantly drive to the office (people with disabilities or women with young children), for someone psychologically difficult to work in the office, and for someone the main advantage is the opportunity to choose tasks itself, and not perform that What is entrusted.

In the percentage worldwide, there are a lot of those who are constantly or temporarily engaged in freelance, and their number is constantly growing. It is possible that this method of "maintaining pants" will have more to taste than stagnation in the office.

Pros and cons of remote work on the Internet

Despite the fact that we have already found out (Freilance is not only not so much remote job), yet in this article I want to talk exactly about online work, for it is close to the subject of this blog and what I am doing myself.

Pros of work freelancer

  1. There are no bosses, alarms and Mondays, which for many is the most important advantage. In other words, Freilance gives a feeling of freedom and independence. You yourself are free to choose orders yourself, you yourself are planning our working day (or night) and choose the days in which you will rest.
  2. Remote work allows not to waste time on the road and money on the passage (yes and the costume to buy is not necessary). Stand up, washed, sat down at the computer (right in pajamas) - and you are already at work. Lepal, as for me.
  3. You can perform highly paid job living in the "outback", having only a computer at hand and Internet access. Often the income of the freelancer (in this case) is an order of magnitude greater than what he could earn in real life at his place of residence. Many talented specialists exempts from the need to change the place of residence in pursuit of an interesting job and a long ruble.
  4. Some frilanser-s are generally attached to a particular place of residence - if only there was electricity and the Internet (even episodic). This allows you to travel around the world (Goa, Vietnam, Village Gadyukino, etc.) and live where you like as much as you want. Again, it's all to the topic of freedom, which freelance gives.
  5. You will be opened the entire market of freelance services, where there is a huge number of employers and suggestions. With the proper approach and the corresponding reputation without work, even in the crisis you will not be left.
  6. You will have a clearly agreed amount of work, and everything you need will be made additionally - will be paid, unlike working in the office, where you will have to implement all the fantasies of your leader within the framework of the salaries.
  7. You will have the opportunity to give a sufficient amount of the family (at least homemade will at least see you, albeit from the back), for you only on an unnecessary way to work on a few hours of life a day.

Freelance is a lesson that is not suitable for everyone

As in any other case, many of the places marked at some circumstances can be considered as minuses. If you generalize, then to the substantial disadvantages of freelancer You can attribute:

  1. In addition to actually, you will have to spend time on selling your service, i.e. Searches for a suitable employer (advertise your services, to make a website with a portfolio, give ads on freelance exchanges, etc.), as well as keep "Egor Egor" so as not to become a victim of deception (the customer can get ordered work, but not pay it) . To do this, it will be necessary to discuss all the controversial and slippery moments in detail, and still apply protection against fraud.
  2. In the absence of the head and clear routine of the day, many are quite difficult to collect and at the good will "start running" when you can easily include the film, play a computer game, chat in social networks or trite to deepen in reading news (no one for it persistent). Not everyone is easily given such a thing as self-discipline, and many for fruitful work need a pressure factor (the head sitting by a number of colleagues, sysadmin disabling access to social networks, etc.).
  3. There is no social package in the form of hospital, paid vacations, etc. of things. Sick - starve or eat the snack. This can also include an extremely unstable level of income, quite well characterized by an expression - "That thick, then empty." To such a way of doing business will need to be adapted.
  4. If you want to receive a pension in the future, then make any additional efforts to conduct reporting and paying taxes (or hire freelancers for this case from accountants or yourself).
  5. Upcom (remote) work almost everything seems to be the perfect option, but this is far from that. Sometimes in the office, creating a working environment is much easier than at home where children are noisy, and the homemade is not perceived seriously your occupation, without understanding why you can't distract and go to the store, spending, go to walk with a child (dog) and t. P.
  6. It is difficult to plan enough large purchases, because it is quite difficult to take a loan for IP, and what income you will understand for at least the coming year is very difficult. But, this is my pure IMHO ().

Who hires freelancers

As you understand, two players play in Freilance - an employer and performer. Let's also look a little for the fullness what is attractive frilanser for the customer Compared to a full-time employee:

  1. In the campaign may not be office workers at all, but only freelancers (or their number can be significantly reduced). This allows you to save on rental of premises and their setting.
  2. A staffing employee will have to pay not only for the work performed, but also for the time spent at the workplace, which may not be at all cost-effective. And social package, as mentioned above, the freeplane is not required. Yes, and terminate the contract with a free artist is much easier than to dismiss the negligent staff member.
  3. The employer has much more space to choose the "ideal artist", because the freelance market is not limited to the place where the office is located. Often, high-quality and not strongly requested specialists can be found on another edge of light.

At the same time some essential drawbacks of hiring exactly freelancers To perform this or that work is not viewed (except for many employers of the conservative approach). Is that only it is impossible to come up and look over the remote employee's shoulder to find out whether he is busy business or again the solitaire began to put it off. But when paying for the result, this is not particularly important.

What is freelance and how to start earning

I want to bring a few principles with which it seems to me is to be guided to implement a successful career in freelancing (income growth by increasing the number of orders made and the possibility of increasing fees for their implementation).

  1. The first and most importantly - need to love what you do . Otherwise, nothing will come. The work of the freelancer is for the most part "Pahot" (albeit for big, what can get working in real life, money). But if the applications you have chosen the effort causes your rejection, then you will not hold out for a long time. Your work should you first like, and this is the most important thing. I would, for example, could not dedicate all my free time to this blog for so many years (sometimes hours 12-15 per day), if I didn't like it all.
  2. Get a separate mailbox, ICQ (Skype) to communicate with customers, buy a separate SIM card, as well as to receive payment for your work (and the card will not hurt that if the payment is possible only by non-cash).
  3. Soberly evaluate your capabilities and take it only for those orders that are able to execute. Be sure to specify the task in order to avoid further inconsistencies due to misunderstanding. For example, I do not take over the writing of reviews on those topics where there is little meaning.
  4. It is possible that the current level of your knowledge for the selected specialty has not yet reaches the level needed to occupy. In this case, it will be possible to raise your level using educational courses, coaching or just books recommended.
  5. The price of the price needs to be addressed even before the start of work. It must be informed by your labor costs and the complexity of work. It is not necessary to talk about changing the cost of work after the conclusion of the contract. By level of prices for your services, you can navigate on the freeline exchanges and other thematic resources given below. At first, you may (or even work for free) to collect a portfolio of workcharacterizing you with a good side (sometimes under the portfolio creates a special website advertising the services provided, also placed on the stock exchanges).
  6. Probably it is clear that the maintenance of the work time is a big plus and will encourage the employer to further cooperate with you, as well as recommend your services to your colleagues and acquaintances. The same applies to the correction found errors - their timely elimination levels the fact of their appearance. Of course, it is better not to make mistakes, but we are all people ...
  7. be careful. Employers often offer fluxeners to participate in contests (qualifying competitions), but often only one goal is to get the work they need free. In the overwhelming majority of cases of a good portfolio for the customer will be enough to decide on the choice of the Contractor.

    At the same time, many solid campaigns offer to perform test work, and here you need to make sure that the task is equally for all, and there is a fraud, when the customer comes out of the free piece of pieces, then it would take that with a different approach I would have to pay. In general, this is a reminder that the ear must be kept to the East and try not to come across the bait of Fans of freebies, which in this market is plenty.

    To do this, you can agree on a separate payment of each of the executed stages of the work, or to give the Customer to check not a complete option, but only a part (or a demo version) sufficient to assess the quality of execution (the rest is already transmitted after payment). Sometimes practicing a prepayment, as I do, for example, I am when ordering reviews. For large projects, you can try to use the guarantor services (intermediary) when transferring money and work performed (analogue of the deposit cell).

  8. The most difficult to start. You have to learn yourself to motivate to work, plan your time, master the ways to search for customers, establish houses a full workplace. However, it is at that time a foundation is laid, and it will be important to begin to acquire regular customers (this is an excellent substrate for stabilizing income), to develop a strategy of negotiations with clients and study philosophically to refuses, inconsistencies and even in cases of deception (but try not to come across Fishing rod).
  9. As mentioned above, Freelancer need to solve the issue of tax payments. A good solution, in my opinion, is the opening of an IP on a simplist (you can do it for free). As a rule, FRILANSER-s do not carry any expenses besides hard time, so they choose USN from 6%, which is not much, in my opinion. In addition, when opening an IP, you begin to go experience for a future pension, which is also good. If your income is more or less decent, then almost all payments to the pension fund can be obtained back a little time in the form of tax deductions. If you decide, check out my article.
  10. Not rare cases when fluxers are combined into a team to perform a complex project, and then worked. To search the vacancy in such teams can be on thematic forums. Well, and ordinary customers can be sought on the following freelance stockies, or among their friends or acquaintances familiar (through the srangian radio).

Freelance Exchanges and sites to search for remote online work

The main problem and the task facing the freelancer is to find employers. As well as the last striving to find the most suitable artist (pricing and qualifications). It is quite explained that the best solution of these two tasks is something like the search for the search for remote work.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Today I prepared to your attention a very interesting sector on the topic of earnings online. Many more than once came across the problem of finding profitable vacancies for freelancers and, but not always found exactly what was looking for so long.

From the article you can find out:

  • What vacancies for work freelancer the most profitable?
  • What stock exchanges are better to use for earnings at home + Freilance sites catalog;
  • How to start a newcomer on the Internet?

Consider the basic concepts and ladies analysis on payments on various stock exchanges, as well as which vacancies are paid more than the rest. Ready? Then let's start.

What is freelance and who is a freelancer?

Freilance, from English. " freelance ", Literallying means" freelance ", in a modern sense, means the format in which there is no need for an employee to be regularly in the office, that is, it can perform its functions on a remote basis. Accordingly, the Freelance Exchange is a platform on which a freelancer can search for customers.

The work by freelancer at home allows you to choose the vacancy, because the network has many different projects uniting performers and those who give tasks.

Work freelancer at home (vacancies): Top 15 professions for earnings on the Internet

And now let's stay in detail on vacancies that can serve as an analogue of the main work or additional earnings on the network. Consider how much you can earn on a particular profession, sitting at home.

Vacancy №1: Internet - marketer

The task of the marketer of which includes raising sales in a specific group. To achieve this, you have to apply certain efforts and carefully study the competitive market and consumer behavior. In most cases, marketers know how to draw consumer attention, how to "force the consumer" to buy more, as well as to convince it to choose a product or service on this resource or in a specific social group.

The specificity of the marketer activity is such that he can sit at home, the main thing is to establish coordination between other employees. The main professional skills of a good marketer is the ability to develop advertising campaigns, organize and launch various promotions and discounts.

The salary of an experienced marketer may also be solid: in some companies, marketers on the "remote" receive up to 80-90 thousand.

Vacancy №2: Rewater or copywriter

If you figure it out in detail, the rewriter is a person who having the source text at hand, rewrites it in his own words ( rewitting), which allows you to achieve uniqueness. Very similar to the rewater with the only difference that the copywriter does not have source materials, it works independently. The main target for a copywriter is to create a completely unique content that is used to fill various sites, blogs and thematic sections.

Copywriting is an excellent lesson that is ideal for those who want to earn remotely. But, in addition to the computer and access to the network, the copywriter will also need high literacy, a good syllable and skill to create texts.

If you have all these skills, you can easily earn from 35 thousand per month.

The essence of the profession copywriter can be found in this video:

Vacancy №3: Contextual Advertising Specialist

What does contextual advertising mean? This is an advertisement for those of goods and services that is offered to the user based on its latest network requests. Most often they work with such instruments like Google AdWords and Yandex Direct.

But this is another example of a vacancy that makes it good and at the same time being at home.

Example of salary to specialists not to be verbose:

Vacancy №4: Designer

Work at home by freelance designer is to some extent, prestigious. But, at the same time, the work of the designer can be very difficult. The thing is that in the design environment there is very high competition, which means that you need to notice that something worth it. Most designers at first work for very modest payment, but on the other hand, it allows them to gain useful knowledge and experience that is very useful in the future.

There are a huge variety of design varieties, but remote work on the Internet implies high demand for the sphere of web design, that is, design sites, pages, blogs, etc. Experienced designers earn remotely from 50 thousand per month and above - everything depends on the ability to navigate in multitasking mode.

Check out the video review of a web designer about this profession:

Vacancy №5: Content - manager

The content manager is responsible for filling the resource, in other words, for its content. Under the word "Content" means news, thematic articles, pictures and photos, a description of sections and various commodity positions and much more. From how high-quality content will be directly dependent on the number of regular visitors.

For the content manager, the main requirements is literacy, hard work, discipline, confident PC possession, as well as the skills of handling CMS (at least initial).

The average salary of Content - the manager is 25-35 thousand.

Vacancy №6: SMM - specialist

It may be both in the office and at home and its main task is to attract a large number of traffic. It is mainly engaged in promoting or promoting goods, product or services, optimization of groups in social networks, etc.

The requirements of the SMM-pin include such qualities as literacy, speech possession, the ability to "feel" interesting things, knowledge of the audience and the peculiarities of the perception of this or that product.

Important: Professionalism SMM - specialist It is determined how successful and the group or resource is also promoted and how long customers are loyal. The higher these indicators, the more experienced employee and, accordingly, the higher the salary will be.

Salary of some SMMs can be up to 70,000 per month.

Example of a real ad by an open vacancy SMM manager ( Pictures Clickable):

Vacancy number 7: Video Blogger

A video blog is an occupation to which many guys and girls seek, but unfortunately, not everyone, it turns out. Before run your own blog, I need to know in advance what he will be dedicated. Will this make a beauty blog, like Masha Wei or Kati Clap or it will be a review format like a friend of Oblomov. Examples can be given a lot - the main thing, find your niche. And naturally, that the blog began to generate income, it is necessary that he has a high conversion, a large number of views.

If all these conditions are performed, the earnings of popular bloggers will be very decent. For example, some representatives of the blogosphere can earn 100000-500000 per month. Look,.

Vacancy number 8: Test

Tester software is engaged in software testing to official release products. The duties of the tester includes:

  • Testing programs;
  • Testing applications;
  • Study and verification of resource usability;
  • Knowledge of programming languages;
  • Successful business communication;
  • Ability to delve into other people's codes, as well as detect errors.

This is an excellent example of how you can combine a hobby and a way to earn well. For example, some programmers have, and the average monthly salary of the tester is 70-90 thousand per month.

Vacancy number 9: Foreign Language Teacher

If you know a foreign language and own well, you can easily find yourself students. To date, language is needed to everyone: both schoolchildren and students and adults. So, in adulthood, knowledge of a foreign language often helps in communicating with foreign partners, and many examples can be given.

So, it will be enough to organize the conduct of skype classes or any other video Massevenger. The online teacher conducts an occupation, tells and explains the topic, asks his homework, and the student performs and can ask the various questions that interest.

One online consultation can cost about 500 - 1500 rubles, and different from English are often valued above, which means that they are expensive. If you consider the option that the teacher conducts 2 classes per day, worth 700 rubles and does it 5 days a week, then for a month it will be possible to get 30,000 rubles. And this example provides the minimum amount and only 2 lessons per day, while experienced teachers can conduct 5-6 lessons per day.

Vacancy number 10: Call - Center operator

Almost anyone who wants to become an operator of Call - the center, the main thing that the employee like to communicate with people, and he would be able to do it. The task of the operator, as a rule, includes customer call (real and potential), answers to various questions, as well as consultations on the product or service (depending on what Call is engaged in).

Most often, operators have 2 major activities: these are telephone sales and processing incoming calls and correspondence. And one of the most common tasks is consulting customers through communication in the online chat, which implies constant finding the operator on the network.

Important: Over 86% of companies that sell goods and services are resorted to help online consultants who would help the client to get answers to their questions.

Basically, Call - centers operators have the following scheme: there is a guaranteed rate + bonuses, where bonuses are usually charged depending on the number of customers who have made a purchase. On average, Call - center operators can receive a month from 20 to 50 thousand.

An advertisement for a set by a vacancy Call operator:

Vacancy №11: Group Administrator in social networks

The team administrator on social networks usually loads entertainment and advertising posts in the group, add music, pictures, links. Also, the task of the administrator includes the removal of negative comments, as well as preserving the support of the benevolent atmosphere in the community.

Depending on the direction of the group, the administrator can sometimes create and post surveys, announce various events and events and even conduct marketing research.

On average, in one month, administrators can earn from 35 to 65 thousand per month, it all depends on the level of employment and the specifics, of course.

Vacancy number 12: Internet project manager

The manager's responsibility includes the creation of a structure and development strategy. The site can be news, entertaining, in a format of an online store or highly specialized - the main thing, to understand its scope. Also, managers will have to deal with optimization issues, coordinate the work of SMM specialists and engage in many other related affairs.

Experienced managers can earn from 50 thousand per month. The main thing in the work of the manager is the ability to correctly distribute your time resources.

Vacancy №13: Consultant

With the development of information technologies, the possibilities of business communication are significantly simplified, and no one will not surprise meetings or tutoring over Skype. By analogy with the aforementioned professions, it is also possible to engage in online consultations, the main thing is to choose the most suitable area for yourself. In fact, you can advise on absolutely different issues: starting from business trainings and ending with fortune and clairvoyance.

For example, trainings are very popular, dedicated to raising sales, business activity, as well as personal growth training. If a person has some useful knowledge and professional skills, no one prevents him from transmitting his knowledge to other people and earn money.

The cost of one consultation can be about 1000-2000 rubles, but if the client wants to subscribe to the whole course, make discounts conquer. On average, the salary of experienced consultants can be about 50-70 thousand.

Vacancy №14: Head Assistant

It may seem that the work as an assistant does not require anything special, but this is a common misconception. As before, the tasks of the assistant of the head include coordination of the work of the head, as well as the rational distribution of the leader's time. In order to do this, you need to have such qualities as:

  • Drawing up technical tasks;
  • Flexible thinking;
  • Sharp mind;
  • Sophistication;
  • Business skills and business etiquette;
  • Skills of successful communications;
  • Computer possession and other applied skills.

By the way, the ownership of a foreign language (besides his own) will be for the applicant a huge additional advantage.

For employees, the head of the head assistant does not have a specific salary rate, since it all depends on the generosity of the head. And if the leader is lucky, an assistant on "remote" can earn 60-80 thousand. per month.

Vacancy №15: Programmer

At all, information Technology - This is one of the most attractive and dynamically developing industries in the modern world, and competent and intelligent programmers have always been, there will be a gold weight. The work of the programmer, first of all, the result is aimed, and therefore the customer is ready to pay money if the final product sees. And here it does not matter at all, whether the programmer sits all day in the office or at home.

Another advantage of programming is the fact that it is not necessary to have a higher education: among experienced and well-known programmers a large number of self-taught. In any case, if a person knows the programming language, skillfully "goes" and can engage in the development of useful applications, its earnings will easily exceed the mark of 90,000 - 100,000 per month.

Freelance Exchange - Freeplans Catalog for Earning at Home (Top-7)

Ancient wisdom says that if a person has a desire, there is a thousand opportunities, and this rule, by the way, is very truthful. Take at least freelance; If a person has some talents and wants to apply them for the benefit of society, and get money at the same time, Freelance Exchange will help him.

According to user polls, the best exchanges of Freilance include the following:

Website number 1.

Initially, was planned in the format of the forum, but over time it became one of the largest platforms of freelance. Immediately after registration, the user can start receiving the first orders. Most of the tasks refers to programming and web design.

In the process of performing tasks, performers can increase the rating and access more expensive tasks. On average, the monthly earnings for an experienced performer is 50,000.

Website number 2. was founded back in 2003 and to start, it will only be necessary to undergo a simple registration procedure. The difference is that there are special tariff plans here, allowing you to pay for the services of the resource administration.

Although a convenient opportunity is provided for beginners - free access to the first 30 applications .

Website number 3.

A very famous and popular platform in freelancers, which combines more than 12 million people. Positions yourself as a serious area for interaction, and moderation here is very careful, sometimes moderators may refuse to register account. Depending on which information is indicated in the profile, the user gets access to specific orders that the system selects.

Payment is high, but also high and competition: to get an order to show non-lawy of perseverance. And here you need knowledge of English, but the result is definitely worth it.

Website number 4.

Designed for professional performers and in order to start performing tasks, a portfolio will be required. But here there is a huge number of orders for a variety of topics, including design, copywriting, programming, layout, optimization, etc. The choice is offered three options: apply for a free account, purchase a VIP - account or highlight your profile and place it on the main page.

There are a large number of tasks of a different level of complexity: ranging from the simplest (for beginners) and ending with complex (for professionals). If the cauldron: newcomer can get from 5 to 10 thousand per month, while professionals earn about 50-60 thousand.

Website number 5.

There are over 1 million users registered here. The main feature is the ability to communicate to perform tasks only subject to buying a Pro account, free register will not work. On the one hand, this is good, as it shows the seriousness of the opponent's intentions, but on the other - high rates can scare up newcomers.

Website number 6.

One of the youngest Runet resources, which was created in 2015. The format of work on the CCSC Exchange here is slightly different from other resources: the Contractor himself creates a proposal in which it indicates which price it is ready to perform the task.

If the customer suits it, he buys this proposal, which means that it will be automatically obliged to pay exactly the amount specified by the Contractor.

Website number 7.

This platform offers performers with many different tasks, ranging from decrypting audio recordings and ending with the creation of logos. There is a system of feedback, and the reviews can also leave the performer. On average, the newcomer may receive 8-12 thousand rubles per month, which is very good for the start, because with time, the rates can be increased.

I advise you to watch the video on the topic of the extensive work on the stock exchanges:

If the article was useful to you, and vacancies for remote work by freelancers helped, we do not forget to subscribe to the blog newsletter and make a repost of articles. All the best.

Greetings! Freilance's popularity is growing, interest in remote work increases, but job search questions remain open. Since we have managed to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this type of employment, passed detailed training course "" I think it has come time to start the selection of the corresponding vacancy or find some interesting projects. Taking into account the fact that for many of you Freelance will become a real novelty, I decided to act as a guide, which will hold a tour of the labor market online. Find a job in the network is easy. The main thing in this business is to know where to look for, and what to look for. Opening certain sites, we are also seeing the militant banners: "work by freelancer on the Internet - jobs for beginners." But what of these proposals are really suitable for novice remote workers, and what better to leave for professionals, try to find out right now.

Main Activities for Freelance

Well, we will not pull the time and proceed to the search for the most suitable vacancy for yourself. Among the most popular employment options on the Internet were:

Remote work in his profession

Very many more "green" and inexperienced freelancers do not know where to start a newcomer, and in which direction to move. In general, it is for this reason that many beginners remote workers are trying to find orders via the Internet in their immediate specialty.

Most often, work outside the office is found journalists, SMM managers, Internet marketers, programmers and translators. Nevertheless, if you have some other specialty, you can safely change stationary work on remote. However, in this case, the dementibility will directly depend on the specifics of labor and how much your regular presence is in the office.

Configuring sites

One of the simplest types of remote work, which is full-fledged employment option. Fill sites can either copyPasteeither rerathom. In the first case, the freeplane will need to combine texts, copying information on a given topic from several sources. As for Reperate, here you will have to retell your words read earlier. To start working in this area, it is enough to place your resume on several popular sites for job search or find an appropriate vacancy on the Freelance Exchange. In addition, it is often proposal for such remote work is published on news and trading sites. Perhaps someone will seem strange, but it the best job option remotely for beginnersbecause they pay for the filling of the site quite decent money, and there are no specific requirements for the skills of freelancers at such positions. All that you need - skill competent And concisely state their own thoughts.

Creating SEO-texts

Somewhat more complex work than already mentioned rewriting and copy-paste. In this case, you will need to create unique texts, organically using the " keywords»For search engines. Such a type of earning is more difficult, and therefore they pay for it better. To make it clearer, what will be your remote work at home as a SEO copywriter, I will give an example. Most of the tasks you have to do will have something like this: you will need to make a description of the phone model by pre-specified " keys"(The words that need to be organically inserted into the text of the article). The specialists of this industry earn in Russia from 20 to 50 thousand rubles per month.

Start making money on the WebLancer stock exchange

Vacancy moderator

It is completely different in its essence, the type of earnings in the network, the root differ from all previous options. The moderator's responsibility includes checking published comments and ads for compliance with the rules website. Suppose that some random user published an offensive comment containing obscene to take and not the most favorable wishes. In this case, you, being a moderator, are simply obliged to correct this comment or remove it at all. By the way, the removal and correction of comments concerns not all reviews. Healthy criticism is always welcome.. However, it should be objective and reliable.

On average, such work requires about three hours a day, which makes this type of earnings of the ideal part-time job for many categories of citizens - schoolchildren, students who work people looking for additional part-time job. Quite many people are looking for work on the Internet as a moderator, as it allows them to not give up offline.

Filling on the content of Internet sites

Another type of work, which can be performed without leaving home. To make money on the content of sites on content, you will need to look for a description of the description to specific categories of goods, copy them and transfer them to that site, for the benefit of which you work. On average, you will need to fill out about 200 commodity items every day, which goes about 3-4 hours of time. With due duties, you can earn about 10-15 thousand rubles per month. Agree, very good part-time job?

Promotion in social networks

Perfect work for those who do not imagine their lives without social networks and "freezes" every day "in them for several hours. Promotion implies system Increased Subscribers in groups and activity in communities as a whole. VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter -All these sites consist of a huge multitude of public groups, groups, communities and blogs, whose owners rarely have enough time to deal with their promotion personally. As a rule, such people are ready to pay other users for promoting their own creations.

Online consultant on the site

Specialist responsible for site visitors. This person helps with the selection of goods, making payment, tells about the storage proposals and the like. It is best to look for such jobs from direct employerswho are direct site owners. Because today you can set the appropriate application to mobile and receive messages that your help is required on the site, to sit on the computer, you will not have to sit on the computer.

Personal Assistant Internet Entrepreneur

Another group of specialists working remotely. Since all Internet entrepreneurs and info-businessmen earn money online, without leaving the house, it is quite logical that the helpers are required. distance. In the list of functions that you have to do in the role of a personal assistant, there is a mailing of letters to subscribers, and the search for potential partners, and interaction with other freelancers, and the fulfillment of other instructions. You can find a suitable vacancy in social networks on the websites of info-businessmen, in their groups and communities.

Specialist in targeted advertising on social networks

Very sought-after vacancy today. Since the social networks became a real bridgehead for promoting business projectsIt is not at all surprising that a huge many new professions have grown on this field. Targeting specialists are engaged in preparing, setting up and placement advertising, followed by ad statistics and adjust them. Sincers in this area are not so much, the high earnings of these specialists are quite explained.

Contextual advertising specialist

Just as his colleague in Targeting, is engaged in the preparation, placement and further optimization of advertising. The only difference between these two professions is that the field of activity of a specialist in contextual advertising is not a social network, but all sorts of search engines.

Designer, web designer

I decided to combine two of these jobs in one point, since today's design professionals in any manifestations are in demand - ranging from landscape projects, computer games and ending with the development of templates for sites and applications. Despite the fact that there are quite a few designers in the network, the profession is still pretty in demand, and the sites of freelancing in Russia are trying by the announcements offering work to the specialists of this industry.

Programming and website creation

The whole business today is actively moving into the network, so large and small businessmen will acquire their own websites in order not to lose the clientele. For programmers now just golden times - The demand for their work is in all sectors - ranging from the restaurant and ending with the trade. Freelancers of this industry can safely earn several thousand dollars a month.

Working with translations from foreign languages

Well, I guess, everyone knows how to work by freelancer in this industry. Specialists with knowledge of several languages \u200b\u200bare always in honor. If you know foreign languages, you can translate technical or artistic texts and do it without mistakes - Welcome to the world of remote work!

The most simple professions for earnings

Have you ever thought about writing reviews for money on the Internet? But such a work pond work. Deciphering Copery, writing comments, recommendations, reviews - all this is not fiction, but a real reality. Let them pay for it not so much, but 2-3 thousand rubles per month - always a pleasant bonus to the salary. Especially if you consider that such work does not take you more than 2 hours a day.

Try the WORK-ZILLA Exchange with simple tasks

Who is the most popular online professions?

Most of you are now at the crossroads. This is not surprising, after all, making a decision to change your familiar life and become a freelancer, it is very important not mistaken with the choice of profession. I am confident that many of you are now reflecting on what specialists are the most popular and highly paid. To answer this question, it is enough to move away from the online sphere. Think who earns well in your world offlineWhat do these people do?

Most likely, you will all come to a single denominator in this matter and say that he has a well earn one who is a professional in his business, which loves his work and makes it perfect. In general, this rule works with online work. To become popular and, as a result, a highly paid specialist, it is not necessary to think about someone who is paid more - a programmer, copywriter or video editing specialist. Need to choose a profession that you will like to do that will bring you pleasure. The rate for money will not make you happy and will not help you love her. And, believe me to my experience, the lack of desire, inspiration and motivation will not lead you to success and wealth.

Popular Freelance Exchange for beginners and not only

Well, now a couple of words about where to go in search of work. On the network you will find many sites offering work for freelancers. To protect you from scams and scammers, I highly recommend working only with tested time and other freelancer with exchanges. I sketched a small list of sites on which you before You will find for yourself the first orders and be able to start your career remote employee. So, the list includes:

Registration of an account on the Exchange

  • Weblancer. . One of the best, in my opinion, Freelance Exchange for beginners, who are just starting their way of remote workers. Convenient project classification, strict unscrupulous customersThe ability to know the potential employer is better in personal correspondence - all this contributes to the search for really high-quality and interesting projects.
  • Advert. - Specialized Exciratory Exercise Executive textoy directions. Here the job will find copywriters, rewriters and authors of articles.

Account Registration on Advego Exchange

  • . Another version of the copyright exchange, where you can earn on writing texts on the finished technical task or sell ready-made texts.
  • Etxt - One of the most comfortable and lively stock exchanges, which not only provides novice copywriters, but also conducts shares with cash prizes. Just recently, the action was held here Million orders made"In the course of which the Contractor who fulfilled the millionth order and the Customer who paid this work received cash remuneration.

Account Registration on ETXT Exchange

Where else to go in search of remote work?

On only the freelancing exchanges, the white light of the wedge did not come down. You can safely use to search for remote work and other sources. For example:

  • All sorts of job search sites. Often, vacancies for remote workers appear on them.
  • In groups and communities in social networks. Public owners periodically gain moderators, administrators or just assistants to conduct a group. See posts, read the news, do not hesitate to "knock" in a personal and interested in the presence of vacancies.
  • Young businessmen, only starting to form the team of specialists, are actively looking for talented freelancers to implement their own projects.
  • Online shops. Please note that on the sites of any stores there is always a tab " Jobs" Periodically, look through what your favorite sites offer, and it is possible that the vacancy you need will be very fast.

More detailed overview of platforms for finding work remote employees can be found in my separate article "The highest quality exchanges for remote workers".

Warning: How much do you really earn on the stock exchange?

There is no unambiguous answer to this question. In Freilance, as in other matters and in any other field of activity, you will receive as much as your work is assessed by customers. To help you navigate, I will say that good designer For the development of a template for the site on average, 30,000 rubles pay. If you consider that an experienced professional copes with such work in 2 weeks, it turns out that it is a month to earn $ 1,000 - the case is ordinary.

What concerns writing texts, Copywriters who have chosen this industry as the main type of activity can earn in the area of \u200b\u200b10,000 rubles a week. That is, a month is the amount in the area of \u200b\u200b600 dollars.

Well, now a couple of words about " underwater stones"And how they will not come across them:


Well, on this, it seems to me today's review can be completed. I hope that the most pressing problems that disturb most newcomers in the world of freelancing, we decided. At the end, I just want to add that, the more skills you will possess, the more options for work can choose for yourself. Develop improve knowledge and skills, grow in a professional sense, and then success and financial independence will be around the corner. And on this I have everything, friends. See you soon!

If you found a mistake in the text, please select a text fragment and click Ctrl + Enter.. Thank you for helping my blog get better!

Budget: By agreement

Budget: By agreement

$ 500 for the project

35 000 rub. For the project

You will need to attract people daily who will buy goods from us. Product - Subscription to forecasts. Payment is indicated for every day subject to the implementation of the plan. Mandatory requirements need at least 2 clients per day to comply with the plan. For each additional client +800 rubles

1 500 rub. For the project

The company "Eychardviz" is located in the search for employees. HR Manager, Social Network Manager, PC Operator, Sales Manager. Work remote from anywhere in the world. Experience is not required, we will teach everything. Training remote. Advance once a week.

25 000 rubles. For the project

The search manager and attracting new clients of the Web Studio is required to work experience in the field of web development. Knowledge and understanding that such a website, how is its development (have an idea of \u200b\u200bstages) and which related services can be offered to a potential customer. - Customer maintenance to the stage of signing an agreement on the development inclusive. You do not need to work with paperwork, everything concerns documents - will be provided. - the result of your work is our new customers with whom

Budget: By agreement

10 000 rubles. For the project

We are looking for a programmer to develop different services for automating the promotion and management of an instagram account. Everything should be developed in the web format, on python. Must have experience with Django, Asyncio. Payment by results when you close the project - we all check on you on the LAN, if it works well, we pay and you carry us everything. To begin with, you will need to develop such a service\u003d9-e0_qezufq&feature\u003demb_title. We write to the teliggers

Budget: By agreement

Good afternoon, there is a ready-made application on the subject of likelumes of subscribers mutually exchange and the sale of the auto-job for getting likes and subscribers, the APP Stor refused to be released, not explaining the reasons if all correspondents with them and TP, but such applications as our many in the estor , you need to find a solution how to get around it and release them if anyone is ready to find a solution on the result, that is, the application in the APSTOR \u003d payment, write down on the @applemusiccharts telegrams

$ 500 for the project

In IT, the company invited a programmer with work experience Requirements: Knowledge of Python Yap, experience with Flask, as well as Pyrogram or Telethon, layout skill, basic knowledge JS Payment: Contract work schedule: Free, 4-8 hours a day. PA FROM INFORMATION WRITE WRITE IN TELEGRAMS @ AGATA2018

Budget: By agreement

25 000 rubles. For the project

Copywriter required (with knowledge in social engineering) Responsibilities: Writing texts of personnel topics for Internet marketing purposes Requirements: - Experience as a copywriter - Experience in writing unique articles of various topics - literacy, punctuality, responsibility, timely execution of tasks - knowledge of social engineering and skill Apply them in practice - knowledge of the marketing basics - Creativity Working conditions: - Remote mode of operation - Free schedule - worthy

Budget: By agreement

Hello, we are looking for a specialist with experience for a permanent job to optimize the site and promotion in the top 3 at the request of Masslooking, MassVoter, Storieviews, Social Promotion Services and TD for European countries and the United States. If you have experience optimization and output in the top white ways write to telegrams @Storieviews

$ 10,000 for the project

Hello! Need a reite on an ongoing basis. The source code is. There is no rigid graphics - you work at a convenient time. Payment: 15-20 rubles for 1000 characters without spaces depending on the level of your texts. Experience is not important, the main thing is the ability to competently state thoughts in text form. The texts do not quit and within the limits of reasonable go to meet. IMPORTANT: Even if you have tremendous experience and work experience, but you are very painful react to the comments to the texts and are not ready to eliminate them, then do not discard

Budget: By agreement

Hello! Need a translation into English, the themes are different. The source code is. There are no graphics - you can work at a convenient time. Payment: 20-30 rubles for 1000 characters without spaces depending on the level of your English. Experience is not important, the main thing is the ability to competently present thoughts in English. The texts do not quit and within the limits of reasonable go to meet. IMPORTANT: Even if you have tremendous experience and work experience, but you are very painful react to the comments to the texts and are not ready to eliminate them, then not

Budget: By agreement

We need girls 19-27 years old. Instructions: 1) Tail the account to mail Gmail (new net mail) 2) Binding to phone number 3) Location in the appendix specify any European country. 4) The most important verification by photo with the specified gesture 5) Download your photos to the account. Photos should not be on Badoo before, telephone and mail create and find themselves.

1 000 rub. For the project

We are looking for authors of course, diploma, test work and abstracts. From us: - Stable payments - a constant flow of orders - work on a remote basis - conclude an agreement with the author (if necessary) - a stable company (many years in the market) - the best reward in the market of services - the prospect of growth and increasing income - pay immediately after delivery Works from you: - The desire to help people in writing works - a little free time and desire - you can write to a convenient topic for you -

Budget: By agreement

The online educational project on psychology, self-development and astrology requires a competent and proactive copywriter for a permanent basis. Main tasks: - Writing 10 posts per month for Instagram on psychology and self-development; - writing 8 posts per month for Instagram on the topic of astrology; - Writing selling information newsletters in the Sendpulse service; - sources of text - audio lights, it is necessary to listen to them, decrypt and prepare worked text; - Editing

15 000 rubles. For the project

Hello! Need a reite on an ongoing basis. The source code is. There is no rigid graphics - you work at a convenient time. Payment: 15-20 rubles for 1000 characters without spaces depending on the level of your texts. Experience is not important, the main thing is the ability to competently state thoughts in text form. The texts do not quit and within the limits of reasonable go to meet. IMPORTANT: Even if you have tremendous experience and work experience, but you are very painful react to the comments to the texts and are not ready to eliminate them, then do not discard

Budget: By agreement

Hello! Need a translation into English, the themes are different. The source code is. There are no graphics - you can work at a convenient time. Payment: 20-30 rubles for 1000 characters without spaces depending on the level of your English. Experience is not important, the main thing is the ability to competently present thoughts in English. The texts do not quit and within the limits of reasonable go to meet. IMPORTANT: Even if you have tremendous experience and work experience, but you are very painful react to the comments to the texts and are not ready to eliminate them, then not

Budget: By agreement

You need to make an application on Android with elementary logic. The application will open a plug, and the site in the built-in browser will open with certain user parameters. Logic: 1. The application launches. 2. The launch of the application is accompanied by the "Load" animation during N sec. 3. At this time (N sec.) A request to the server is sent, on the server, we determine to show the plug or open some URL in the web b. 4. If you need to open the plug (FALSE server response),

10 000 rubles. For the project

Unique texts are needed to describe goods (without grammatical and punctuation errors, readability and ease of perception of text, with a selling bias, competent formulation of necessary requests, with high uniqueness and without repaiming, meta-tags, keywords) for the site of the floral workshop www.flowerstories. RU. Categories of goods: Compositions from flowers, bouquets, etc. Separately, in the section "Floral stories", it is necessary to periodically prepare articles (up to 4000 characters)

Budget: By agreement

Budget: By agreement

TK are ready to send on request to performers who describe in detail their experience preferably in the development and integration of turnkey on banks, retail networks, taking into account the requirements of the Russian law to handle and transfer personal data.

Budget: By agreement

The translation company Neurk invites speakers to cooperate with the knowledge of German. Responsibilities: - Suggesting the company's rollers in German. Please in response letter to specify your standard bet (minute / page of the text of the text). Requirements: - Experience in dubbing from 2 years; - availability of its studio / equipment, access to the microphone and special. equipment; - Portfolio: Links to SoundSloud, YouTube or other sites We are waiting for your feedback and portfolio to email

1 rub. For the project

An experienced Unreal Engine programmer is required to work on First Person Shooter Game. Responsibilities: - Design, implementation, debugging and support of the code of the game mechanic based on Unreal Engine 4; - interaction with artists, designers and other developers; - C ++ programming at the professional level for Unreal Engine 4. Requirements: - availability of a portfolio of works performed on Unreal Engine 4 (commercial or own); - Knowledge of C ++ in the context of Unreal Engine 4; - Understanding

Budget: By agreement

The translation company Neurk invites translators to cooperation from Russian to English, themes - agricultural and construction equipment. Mandatory requirements for the candidate: - worth the English and Russian language; -experience work with the texts of the appropriate subject; - knowing knowledge or willingness to master the translation support software; - Filling trial task. Working conditions: -regular assessments of the quality of work with the possibility of increasing category

1 rub. For the project

In Photoshop add garlands to the house, three options. Add neon along the facade. Starry sky on background. And four sofit. Write in a green messenger. Eight nine 85 two hundred four 222 five needs to be done until the immediate evening. The example in the attachment.

500 rubles. For the project

Budget: By agreement

Hello! Need a reite on an ongoing basis. The source code is. There is no rigid graphics - you work at a convenient time. Payment: 15-20 rubles for 1000 characters without spaces depending on the level of your texts. Experience is not important, the main thing is the ability to competently state thoughts in text form. The texts do not quit and within the limits of reasonable go to meet. IMPORTANT: Even if you have tremendous experience and work experience, but you are very painful react to the comments to the texts and are not ready to eliminate them, then do not discard

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