Power bank not working. Why the bank does not charge the phone: what could be the causes and ways to fix the problem? The device runs out of power when turned off

What to do if the Android smartphone is not charging, and what can be the cause?

Almost every user of a mobile gadget, be it a smartphone or a tablet, has found himself in a situation where the gadget does not charge, does not see the connected charging, or incorrectly displays the battery charge. Before taking your phone to a service center, you can try troubleshooting at home. First you need to figure out what exactly the problem is.

After a strong discharge?

If problems appeared after the device was discharged to zero, check out. If the methods proposed in it do not help, you will have to spend a little time searching and troubleshooting.

Charger cable

The cable is one of the most vulnerable elements of the charger: it can burn out, break at the bend, or stop transmitting a signal. Instead of buying a new cord right away, try charging your phone with another compatible cable. Perhaps replacing it will be enough to solve the problem.

power unit

If the cable turned out to be working, and the charger still does not perform its function, check the operation of the power supply on another smartphone or, if possible, measure the voltage at the charging output connector using a voltmeter. If there is no voltage, the unit is defective and must be replaced.


Another common cause of problems with recharging a smartphone or tablet is clogged contacts. Dust and other small debris can get into the charger connector and the phone itself. The contacts can be cleaned with a soft brush, and you can also try to “pry up” the fasteners inside the connector with a toothpick.

Attention! These actions are dangerous, and they must be carried out carefully and competently. Remember that all responsibility for the gadget lies on your shoulders.


If everything is in order with the charger and its components, the problem may lie in the battery itself. If your smartphone has a removable battery, take it out and inspect it for damage or deformation. If it turns out to be faulty, you need to purchase a new battery. Read the material on the verification methods at the link.


If the smartphone firmware is unsuccessful or an update is installed, system failures may occur, including during the recharging process. There are several ways to fix this:

  • Use applications to optimize the system and its accumulated debris (CCleaner, Clean Master, Smart Manager).
  • Make a flashing.
  • Resort to a system rollback through the Recovery utility if you used it to create backups, or reset to factory settings.

Android Battery Calibration

If the mobile device sees charging, but it charges slowly or displays incorrect battery readings, you can try to calibrate the battery ( , brief instructions below).

  1. Fully discharge the gadget until it turns off. When you try to turn it on, it should immediately turn off.
  2. If the battery is removable, remove it from the device and hold it separately for a few minutes.
  3. Insert the battery back.
  4. Charge the device up to 100% without turning it on.
  5. Remove the battery again and put it back after a while.

This procedure must be repeated 2-3 times, which will help restore the vitality of your battery and "teach" it to correctly calculate its capabilities.

If none of the above has returned the ability to charge your Android phone, the only thing left is to take it to a service center where specialists can detect and fix problems.

To avoid such problems as much as possible and extend the life of your battery and charger, you need to follow these simple tips:

  • As soon as you notice that the gadget has become or slower to charge, calibrate the battery. In addition, it is recommended to do this for prevention purposes once every few months.
  • Try to charge your smartphone (or tablet) from an outlet, and not from a computer - this will make charging more efficient.
  • Do not overexpose or leave the device connected to charge overnight, as this may cause overheating and damage the battery.
  • Do not charge the device in an extremely humid or hot environment (such as in a bathroom or in direct sunlight).

The battery of a modern phone is a weak link, as the charge is depleted very quickly. The solution to this problem was high-capacity external batteries.

But constant use of such products can lead to their breakage. In this case, it is advisable to trust the repair of the power bank to an experienced specialist.

Charging Rules

External batteries are practically no different from the built-in batteries of the phone. But they are tuned to return energy. In order for the system to serve for a long time and reliably, several rules should be followed when charging it:

  1. New batteries should be charged to 100% capacity immediately. After that, the battery is completely discharged 2-3 times and charged again to full.
  2. It is not advisable to use a design that has not fully gained capacity. Experts recommend charging the device until it reaches 100% capacity. Please note that if the indicator shows this value, you should leave the external battery on for a little more. This is necessary, since "drip" recharging is carried out.
  3. Do not fully discharge the battery during operation. It is advisable to start recharging it at a capacity of 20%.

We repair the battery

Very often, these batteries are not charged from the network, which in turn does not allow you to use it to operate the phone. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Entrance failure. To determine if this is the case, you need to disassemble the battery to gain access to the internal microcircuits. Then, using a multimeter, check if current is coming from an external source. If this is not the case, you need to completely change the battery charging socket.
  2. Complete exhaustion. Very often, users put the battery to 0%. Therefore, when the charger is connected, the controller sees this value and simply thinks that this device is simply missing. Solving this problem is quite simple. Remove the internal battery and charge it directly. You can use the so-called "crabs" for this, suitable for all types of batteries. When the system is a little recharged, you should insert it inside the case and try to charge it with it.

Please note that there are many other reasons for the failure of an external battery. Therefore, its repair is better to trust experienced professionals. They will quickly determine the cause, as well as the need to replace all defective parts with new ones.

The battery capacity of most Android smartphones and tablets allows you to actively use the device without recharging for 12-24 hours. The charging time of the device is two to three hours. But sometimes the gadget abruptly resets the charge level, quickly discharges, loses the battery charge level when connected to a power outlet, or stops responding to the charger connection at all. If your smartphone has stopped charging, explore the possible causes and solutions for this situation.

What to do if your Android phone or tablet is not charging. Possible reasons

Common reasons for the lack of charging are a breakdown of the power supply or microUSB connector, battery wear, and software failures. Realizing that the smartphone or tablet is not charging, first of all check the voltage on the contacts of the battery and charger. If everything is in order, use other methods to restore your smartphone or tablet.

Indicates that charging is in progress, but not charging from the network

If, when connected to a power outlet, the indicator shows the charging process, and when you disconnect the cable, the smartphone or tablet turns off, the charge level controllers have probably shorted. A short circuit occurs as a result of water entering the case or a broken connector.

Try testing the device with a different cable and battery - if the result is the same, take your smartphone or tablet to a service center. Specialists will find and replace the defective element.

The percentage of charge does not change via USB from the computer

Users often charge their smartphones and tablets from a laptop rather than from an outlet. Reasons why a smartphone with a good battery does not receive power from a computer:

  • rupture or insufficient cable thickness;
  • insufficient current for charging;
  • the connection is blocked by the PC operating system;
  • USB charging is disabled in the device menu.

Finding a broken wire, connect the two torn ends together and rewind with electrical tape. If the current supplied to the USB port is not sufficient for charging, try connecting the device to a different port.

More often than others, the Ubuntu operating system blocks charging. To bypass the blocking, blacklist your smartphone along the path /etc/default/tpl.

Fully discharged and not charging

Smartphones and tablets do not respond to the connection of the charger when the battery is deeply discharged. If the gadget has been discharged more than a day ago and does not show signs of life, plug it into an outlet and leave it off. After 10 minutes, check if the charge indicator is on. If yes, you can turn on the device.

If the indicator does not light up, clean the contacts of the Micro USB connector and plug on the charger cable. Take a thick needle and use the reverse end to remove small dust particles and spools. Insert the plug into the socket and leave the smartphone or tablet for another 10 minutes.

A common situation when users suspect problems with charging is display failure. At the same time, the gadget is charging, but you do not see it - the screen remains dark. To check whether charging is in progress or not, use the indicator light on the case. If there is no indicator, turn on the device. If the display breaks, you will hear the characteristic sound of the system starting up, and if the charging connector does not work, the gadget simply will not turn on.

Stopped charging from cigarette lighter

When charging your smartphone in the car, you may encounter the problem of not being charged from the cigarette lighter. First of all, try connecting another device and check the fuse box in the car. It is possible that the one that is responsible for supplying current to the cigarette lighter socket has burned out. If the fuse is OK, disassemble the charger plug and check the condition of the fuse.

If the battery indicator is displayed on the screen, but the charge level does not increase or even drops, it means that the cigarette lighter is receiving low current, insufficient to power a smartphone or tablet.

The device blinks but does not charge

Smartphones and tablets equipped with a color indicator flash during charging. If your indicator flashes unusually while charging (for example, it was always blue, and now it is flashing green and red alternately), and the device is discharging, the problem may be that the processor is overheating. In this case, restart your tablet or smartphone in Recovery mode and try to charge it. If the situation does not improve, clean the connector and plug contacts and reconnect the cable. A continued flashing indicates that it is time to replace the battery with a new one.

Video - What to do if the smartphone is not charging

Problems when charging a smartphone or tablet

The problems of modern gadgets are connected not only with the lack of charging when the cable is connected. It happens that a tablet or smartphone is charging, but then the charge level drops sharply, or the device turns off when the battery rate is 90% and stops turning on. The recommendations below will help you deal with the problem.

Charges only when turned off

After a fall or software failure, the smartphone can only accept charging when it is turned off. Solutions to the problem:

  • factory reset;
  • flashing the device.

If the software methods do not help, the Micro USB connector may be damaged, and the help of a service center specialist is required.

Charging but not completely

If the power indicator is displayed, but the smartphone does not show a 100% battery level, the battery needs to be calibrated. The second reason is insufficient current for a full charge. Check the charger for cable integrity and if necessary, change to a 2-amp model with a thicker cord.

If the suggested methods do not help, replace the battery with a new one.

Not charging more than 1%

In a situation where the charge percentage does not rise more than 1%, check the chargers with other gadgets and try charging your smartphone or tablet from a computer. If it doesn't help, replace the battery with a new one.

Doesn't charge until rebooted

Incorrect charging of gadgets is often associated with software. If your smartphone does not charge without rebooting or reboots during the charging process, follow these steps:

  • remove unnecessary programs from the system that can affect the charging process;
  • rollback to default settings;
  • connect another cable;
  • reflash the device.

The device runs out of power when turned off

For a working battery, it is normal to gradually reduce the charge level even when the smartphone or tablet is turned off - by about 1% per week. But if you turned off the device at night with a 100% charge level, and turned it on in the morning and saw a value of 50%, most likely you need to replace the battery. If the replacement does not work, the problem is in the processor - take the device to a service center.

The device is charging, but shows an incorrect charge value

When the charge indicator displays an incorrect value - for example, it shows 50%, and turns off after a minute and displays 0–5% when it is turned on again, battery calibration helps. To calibrate the battery:

  1. Discharge your smartphone or tablet. When it turns off, turn it back on and wait for it to turn off. Do this until the device starts to turn off after a second of active mode.
  2. Take the battery out for five minutes and put it back in.
  3. Connect the charging cable to your gadget. Charge it without turning it on.
  4. Remove the battery again for 5 minutes without turning on the device.
  5. Install the battery and turn on your smartphone/tablet.

If manually calibrating doesn't help, try downloading a calibrator app.

Why does an Android phone or tablet drain quickly?

Android gadgets keep the charge level throughout the day. If your device is running out of power faster and you need to extend the battery life, use the recommendations below.

What processes contribute to the discharge of the battery

The charge level is affected by screen brightness and communication modules. You can optimize battery consumption by making a number of settings. Go to device settings and disable the following features:

  • 4G connection - 4G networks do not work in all regions, and when the option is connected, the smartphone is in constant network search mode;
  • bluetooth - connect only for file transfer;
  • wi-fi - increases charge consumption by 15%;
  • gps - needed only for navigation and positioning;
  • auto-rotate display - the function uses the accelerometer and gyroscope, consuming energy;
  • vibration response to touch.

Close applications running in the background. If you use the launcher and themes, disable them. Also turn off automatic sync and app updates.

The device charges quickly and discharges quickly

If the smartphone is quickly discharged and just as quickly charged, the problem lies in the battery. Try to charge the phone to 100%, then discharge it until it turns off, and so on several times. If the battery does not charge better, replace it with a new one.

The device takes a long time to charge and discharges quickly

How long it takes to charge a smartphone or tablet depends on the power source. It is not recommended to use universal cables to power the device - the current strength may be insufficient and charging will be slow.

If you are using the original charger, but the battery level is growing slowly, try charging the device that is turned off. If 2-3 hours after turning off the phone, the charge indicator shows 100%, look for problems with the software. If charging the switched off gadget takes longer, the problem is in the hardware.

Charging a cold battery is slower, so do not connect the cable to the phone immediately upon returning from the cold. Wait for the machine to warm up to room temperature.

The gadget is quickly discharged in standby mode

In standby mode, the battery is consumed by the accelerometer and gyroscope. They are designed to control the movements of the device relative to the ground and the human body. To decrease the level more slowly, disable the sensors. Also close background applications. To do this, go to the "Settings" menu, select "Applications" and on the "Running" tab, stop unnecessary ones.

If the actions with the software do not help, there may be damage to the motherboard. In this case, the smartphone or tablet needs to be repaired.

Battery drops sharply

Changes in charge level values ​​do not give the user the opportunity to figure out how long a smartphone or tablet will last without recharging. If you're worried about battery fluctuations, try manually calibrating your battery or using the Battery Calibrator app.

When calibration does not help, connect a light bulb directly to the battery contacts and wait until it stops shining. Then install the battery in the smartphone and charge it to 100%. After repeating the procedure three times, the charge level will be displayed more evenly.

The charge began to sit down quickly after the update

Software updates require more power from smartphones and tablets, and therefore consume battery faster. If after the update your gadget began to discharge faster, perform a factory reset, after saving important information.

Another common cause is a virus that got into the phone with an update. Find the virus program and remove it. To do this, use an antivirus - Kaspersky, McAfee or Dr. Web.

How to check battery status

There are various ways to check the battery status.

Method name


Digital team · In the dialing mode, enter the combination *#*#4636#*#* and select "Battery Information".

· use the Battery application - it displays information about the battery status: voltage, temperature and other parameters.

External inspection (if the battery is removable) · Disconnect the battery and inspect for bulges. If the battery is swollen, it means that it is out of order and needs to be replaced.

· If there are no visible irregularities, place the battery on a table and rotate it. A working battery will make a couple of turns and stop, and a worn one will spin for a long time.

During charging, you can see a question mark on the battery icon - it appears when the battery is worn out, notifying you of the need for replacement, or in cases where the plug contact comes off.

How to charge an Android device with a broken connector

Charging problems are often associated with a broken Micro USB connector. If it is out of order, and you need to extend the life of the gadget, use a wireless charger. Attach the receiver to the battery and turn it on. After an hour, the battery will be charged.

In extreme cases, the battery can be charged directly from the power cable. To do this, just cut off the plug, connect the wires to the contacts and plug the power supply into a power outlet. Do not use this method if you are not sure of your knowledge of electrical engineering, and if you do, constantly monitor the charging process.

How to properly charge Android devices

To prolong battery life, charge it properly. The method of charging depends on the material from which the battery is made. Lithium-ion batteries charge up to 100% and discharge completely, and recharge lithium-polymer batteries as needed. Other rules for charging smartphones and tablets:

  • Do not leave a charged gadget connected to the cable. After the battery is 100% saturated, turn off the power.
  • Use original power supplies from manufacturers.
  • Do not charge the device when you return from the cold.

Charging problems usually occur for users a year or two after buying a smartphone or tablet. If you notice a problem from the moment you purchased the device, before repairing it yourself, contact a service center where the gadget will be repaired or replaced under warranty.

Due to the fact that a modern person spends half of his life in a smartphone, using applications, the Internet, a camera, etc., the battery is greatly discharged. And it doesn't matter if the user is at home or at work, outdoors or in a restaurant, a mobile friend is always active. To keep the battery charged, an external energy storage device was invented. He helps out always and everywhere, but it happens that the Power Bank does not charge the phone. This article describes all possible breakdowns and how to solve them.

A power bank (portable charger) is an energy storage device that can power the device in circumstances where sockets are not available.

The portable charger has become a "lifeline" for the modern user, because with its support there is no need to worry about low battery levels if you use the gadget dynamically.

The use of external charging batteries is quite wide:

  • Tourist expedition where there is no access to sockets.
  • Long flight or train journey.
  • Active use of the device if the capacity is not enough for a day.
  • Small power of the integrated battery.

The right choice of an external battery is a rather difficult task, due to the fact that they differ in size and characteristics. For example, many power banks can only charge one phone, so if you want to power something bigger (like a camera), you will need a stronger external battery. It is worth considering that the rated power declared by the manufacturer is 20 percent less than the real one, so take it with a margin.

Current strength

The output voltage, which is measured in amperes, sets the level of speed with which the Power bank is able to charge your gadget. The higher the power output, the sooner the mechanism will charge using the matching USB cable. You can choose a device with an output power of 1A or 2A. Most smartphones easily accept a current of 1 A, however, for tablets it is desirable to have more power, otherwise such a device will charge for quite a long time. It is best to take an external battery, which is supplied with a current of at least 2 A.

If possible, ask the seller if the device supports the Quick Charge 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0 function. It will provide an opportunity to charge devices compatible with this technology in an accelerated mode.

Note! The smartphone cannot be charged if the external battery is almost empty.

The number of USB outputs has a big impact on how many phones you can charge in parallel with an external battery. The more ports the Power bank has, the more devices you can charge together. Often they have 1 or 2 USB ports. The newest and most elite modifications have USB Type-C. When charging has 2 outputs, they have different current capacities (1 A and 2 A).

It is allowed to charge several devices in parallel, for example, a mobile using a 1 A output and a tablet using 2 A. Note that 2 mobile phones will charge faster than a phone and a tablet. In daily use, the 1st port is enough.

The strength of the input current should also not be neglected, because it has a great influence on how quickly the Powerbank is able to charge from 220V. According to the standard, it ranges from 1A to 2A. The higher the number, the sooner your portable assistant will charge. We advise you to purchase a unit with a current power of at least 2 A.

We identify problems

When charging was bought not so long ago or was not used for a long period, you can try to recharge it for at least 10 hours. The problem is that while the fixture was lying around in the warehouse and not being used, the chemical processes in the battery could be fundamentally slowed down, which is characteristic of lithium-ion batteries even when they are not functioning. It may well be that he does not charge the mobile phone just because of this. During the “buildup”, the elements that slow down the battery will disintegrate, and the device will give out the required amount of energy, you need to verify this by trying to charge your smartphone.

It happens that at first the charging procedure goes on, and then stops. Since more than half of autonomous chargers are brought from China, it is not surprising that the capacity factor shown on the charger does not correspond to its present level. Undoubtedly, a power bank with a genuine capacity of 2500 mAh will not be able to fully charge a phone whose battery is 3500 mAh.

Port contacts

Due to high humidity, the plates on the inlets and the contacts on the cable cable may oxidize, they will not have the necessary closure. It is still possible that the port legs can be detached from the board, this can only be checked by disassembling the case, and then you will have to hand over the Powerbank for repair.

Replacing a broken wire

The external battery may be defective if the usb cable is damaged. Inspect the wire visually for a break or tear, if nothing is noticeable, try connecting a different cord and if the mobile works properly, the verdict will be known. Either cut out the damaged piece of wire and rewind whole pieces or buy a new one.

Checking the battery

The reason for the poor performance of the Power bank is not always in the device itself. The battery of a smartphone with a depleted capacity simply does not accumulate energy, which indicates a problem. Charge the device from the mains and operate it for 30 minutes, if the charge drops by more than 50%, the battery must be replaced.

Running applications

Some programs for phones have a "heavy" stuffing, which heavily loads the system and processor. Such processes drain the battery, working even in the background, because of this, the device will charge very slowly. You can check which applications draw a lot of energy in the settings by going to "Applications", then clicking on the "All" tab, then in the submenu specifying the cache view.


Do not rush to carry your Power bank for repair, the reason for its malfunction may lie on the surface and we hope that this article will help determine it.


What to do if the phone does not charge? Many of us have come across this question when everything seems to be fine, but for some reason the smartphone shows charging, but does not charge, quickly discharges or cannot be charged at all. In many cases, it's too early to grab your head and look for phone numbers and addresses of service centers. You can try to figure it out on your own.

Why is my smartphone not charging?

Before taking drastic measures and blaming the device itself for a malfunction, it is worth checking the following points:

  • charger performance;
  • Correspondence of the charger to the phone;
  • Serviceability of the charging cable and plug;
  • Status of the connector and contacts of the smartphone.

The serviceability of the sockets is checked with a voltmeter or a special screwdriver, at the end of which a light comes on if voltage is present. If not, then check another outlet.

The problem with the wiring can be in the whole apartment. If this is confirmed, then everything is in order with the phone and the problem is not in it or charging.

Lack of charge due to carelessness

Inattention is one of the most common causes of a dead phone. Everyone has several gadgets with the same connectors. Also, almost everyone among different cables and chargers will have at least one, but with a different plug.

In a hurry or distracted by other things, we take the wire without looking, we try to connect it to the phone, but nothing happens. Or it turns out, but the charge does not go. Then the first thought that comes to mind is that the charging or smartphone has broken.

If you are familiar with the situation with a large number of cables, then do not rush to contact the service center. Just check if you have connected the charger to your phone. You also need to make sure that the cable is fully inserted into the connector. After all, sometimes we just connect the charge, and it can move away. Therefore, always check whether the cable is fully inserted. If it happened to you as mentioned above, then this is just an unfortunate oversight. But what if it really is a technical malfunction?

Faulty cable and charger

Charger cables have a fairly short lifespan. Moreover, its wear depends both on the method of use and on storage. If you twist the charger or coil the cable frequently, the life of the charger will shorten quickly. The same thing happens when the wire is kinked at the edge of the table.

So, if there is voltage and you connected the charger correctly, but the phone does not charge, you need to check the cable. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the health of the charger the first time, since thin wires can break inside a whole outer cable. Therefore, the easiest way to determine if charging is working or not is to connect another gadget. If the other phone does not charge, then the charger is really faulty and needs to be replaced.

Charging in progress but battery not charging

There are only five reasons why the charging process is displayed, but the battery percentage remains unchanged:

  • Not the charger.
  • Battery defective.
  • The smartphone is loaded with work, that is, many applications and services are included.
  • Motherboard problem.
  • Software problems.

Case one. Almost all modern gadgets use the same Mini-USB connector. But this does not mean that the same cable can be used for everyone. In some cases, a technical inconsistency may occur. For example, if you connect an Iphone or Samsung smartphone to a non-original charger, the phone will show charging, but the battery will not charge. The situation can be corrected only by using original cables.

Second case. Battery problem. If the battery on your phone is removable (like many models of the Nokia, Samsung, Lenovo brands), then the problem is solved quickly and easily. You need to buy a new battery and insert it back into the smartphone. If the battery is non-removable, then it is better to contact the service center, since then you need to remove the back panel of the case. The situation becomes more complicated if the smartphone is still under warranty. After all, removing the case damages the protective stickers.

Case three. It happens extremely rarely. After all, in order for the phone to not charge, you need to run a lot of applications. Then the following happens: the programs will use up all the charge, so the battery either charges badly and slowly, or does not charge at all. Then you just need to turn off all services (Internet, Wi-Fi, and so on) and applications.

Case four. If the phone shows charging, but its percentage does not increase at all or very slowly, then sometimes the reason lies much deeper. The problem is with the motherboard. It may be damaged during operation or a factory defect may appear over time. Then you need to contact the service center.

Case five. Modern gadgets quickly become outdated and very often new versions of programs and operating systems appear. Therefore, it is possible that the situation when charging is in progress, but the phone does not charge is due to problems with the software. Nothing depends on charging here and everything can be fixed only in a service center.

Contact issues

Contacts may become dirty or bent. If your phone “floated”, then they can also become covered with plaque or rust. In this case, they must be cleaned.

This is done as follows:

  • Remove the back cover of the phone and take out the battery.
  • Clean the contacts on the battery and in the phone itself with a cotton swab (it can be replaced with a toothpick or a match with cotton wool). Actions must be smooth and careful.
  • If you see that the cloves of the battery are bent, then they must be returned to their original position with the help of all the same toothpicks or matches.
  • Use a cotton swab to clean the Mini-USB connector as well. Often it is there that dust, dirt and dried debris accumulate.

Phone won't charge when turned off

This happens when the smartphone is completely discharged. Then the phone cannot recognize the battery and thinks it needs to be replaced. But if the battery is still normal and you do not want to buy a new one, then you need to charge it without using the gadget. This can be done using a special tool or a homemade charger.

As you can see, there are many reasons why a phone with an Android operating system or another does not charge, or it takes a long time. And most of them can be eliminated on their own without contacting a service center.

Another reason why the phone is bad and long

It's all about the battery. Namely, in its capacity. It is listed on each battery in miles amps (mAh). The higher the number, the longer the charge can hold and the sooner the phone will charge. This is especially true for owners of smartphones with the Android operating system.

Over time, no matter how powerful the battery is, it will begin to lose its capabilities. Every day, the phone will go less and less time without recharging. The only way out is to buy a new battery.

Advice: if you come across an article on the Internet with recommendations for extending battery life or increasing its power using a microwave oven, then take this information as a cruel joke.

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