How to wipe the monitor screen: the best cleaning products that do not leave streaks. How to wipe the TV screen at home - affordable ways

Any technique requires cleaning, care and prevention. And the more attention and time we devote to the implementation of the necessary procedures, the longer this technique will delight us with its flawless work.

A computer or laptop is no exception. From time to time, for our "windows to the world of the Internet" it is required to do a "bath day". Despite the obviousness, many users, if they do not know how to wipe the LCD monitor, risk causing damage to their property. Wiping the monitor with an ordinary dish sponge, household cleaners, or chemical window cleaners can cause permanent damage to the LCD monitor.

Folk art is replete with incredible recommendations or anecdotes from life. What people do not just wipe their monitors ... With glass cleaners, washing alcohol or just a wet rag. I really want to believe that this exotic will remain exotic. And the question "how to wipe the LCD monitor" will be with a clear and correct answer.

Let's start with the points that most users do not pay attention to:
1. Monitors usually have technological openings/grids for ventilation. It is strictly not recommended to close them.
2. It is advisable to periodically dry clean the monitor. House dust is ubiquitous - it appears out of nowhere, penetrates and accumulates where it even theoretically cannot be. To combat it, you can use special cans of compressed air, special vacuum cleaners for computer equipment, or a regular home vacuum cleaner operating in air blowing mode.
3. When working with a computer, you must follow basic hygiene rules: do not work with greasy hands, do not try to use a sausage as a pointer for the monitor, minimize, if possible, contact of hands with the surface of the LCD screen.

Now consider what concerns directly cleaning the monitor. Let's start with the "HOW" moment to wipe, and then move on to the "WHAT" moment to wipe. This approach will give us a complete and clear picture.

How to clean the LCD monitor:
. Before the cleaning process, be sure to turn off the power supply of the monitor/laptop;
. Use cotton swabs to clean the edges of the screen, technological and ventilation grills;
. Never apply cleaning solutions directly to the screen. First you need to moisten the napkin, and only then wipe the surface of the monitor with a damp (by no means wet!) napkin or cloth;
. Wipe only from top to bottom. Do not use other directions.

How to clean the LCD monitor:
. Use only clean materials. The slightest dust, lumps or foreign matter on the surface of the fabric can scratch the screen;
. The materials you plan to clean your monitor with should be exceptionally soft. The rough texture of the cleaning material (terry cloth, rags, burlap, paper napkins, towels, etc.) can damage the top layer or anti-glare coating of the monitor;
. Never use napkins or lint-free cloths;
. Do not use physical force, pressure or pressure on the surface to be cleaned. Your overzealousness can cause mechanical damage and cause damage to the monitor;
. IMPORTANT!!! Do not use alcohol, window cleaners, abrasive cleaners, or chemical solvents to clean the surface of LCD screens. This can cause irreparable damage to the monitor and disable it permanently.
. Use only those tools and materials for care of the monitor, which are intended for this purpose.

A few words about how to wipe the LCD monitor in situations where there were no special tools at hand.
Option 1. You will need ordinary water and two microfiber cloths, which can be purchased, for example, in an optics store. Wet with water and wring out the first napkin well. Wipe the monitor surface well with a damp cloth, then dry immediately.
Option 2. If option 1 did not work (fat stains remained, pollution was not completely removed) - try adding a stage with a light soapy solution to the cleaning process (you can use the usual "Children's" soap). The sequence of your actions:
1. Wet wipe;
2. Wet cloth dipped in a light soapy solution;
3. Dry cloth.

Summary: the use of special tools for cleaning LCD matrices and the knowledge of how to wipe the monitor allows these very monitors to live a long and happy life. Compliance with elementary rules and the lack of experiments in the process of caring for LCD screens will allow you to forget about the problems with "windows to the world of virtual reality".

Grease stains on the monitor, dust particles make it difficult to perceive the image, and also have a negative impact on vision. The liquid crystal monitor does not have the ability to repel dirt, so dust gradually settles on it, fingerprints and stains remain. In the article, we will consider how to wipe a computer monitor at home, which methods are more effective and convenient.

To wipe the computer screen, you need to purchase in the store all the tools necessary for the procedure:

1. Wet wipes designed for cleaning monitors. Make sure they match matrices TFT TN, TFT IPS. They must be made of lint-free material. Pay special attention to the composition of the impregnation. It must not contain alcohol. Preference should be given to wipes soaked in water that do not leave streaks. Glossy screens are more sensitive to stains, wipe them with special care. At one time it is desirable to capture a large area.

Use wet wipes to clean the monitor as follows:

  • wipe the display with a damp cloth, while capturing all the corners;
  • waiting for the napkin to dry;
  • wipe the screen again with a dry cloth;
  • repeated wiping with a dry cloth guarantees no streaks and a clean shine of the monitor.

2. Dry wipes. Cleaning wipes can be wet or dry. They remove not only dirt, dust, but also have the ability to remove static electricity. They can be combined to remove dirt from the screen. Such a set of dry and wet wipes can be purchased at a computer salon. Wet impregnated with a special composition, thanks to which all dirt is quickly and efficiently removed from the screen. Dry is designed to remove residual moisture, dirt.

3. Complex for cleaning the laptop monitor. It includes a bottle of cleaning spray, a pack of dry wipes. The liquid from the vial must not be sprayed onto the screen. A small amount of liquid is applied to one of the wipes, then the surface is wiped. Wipe the display dry with a second napkin.

4. Fabrics intended for wiping glasses. Microfiber is considered ideal in cleaning stains from the display. It is designed to collect dust, eliminate streaks, grease stains from sensitive surfaces. This fabric owes its effectiveness to its structure.

5. High quality cotton pads. If the quality is low, cotton will fall out of the discs, and fluff will stick to the monitor, which is difficult to remove.

Monitor wipes

How to clean your monitor without spending

There are many easy, but not always economical, options for cleaning your monitor. But in some cases, you need to resolve the issue of how to wipe the laptop screen at home so that the costs are minimal. There are enough options, the main thing is that they are safe for your laptop and you.

How can you wipe a laptop screen if you don't have enough money to buy a special kit or spray? In this case, you can use elementary means: water, soap. We offer the following options for the use of these substances:

  1. Use of ordinary water. Due to the low quality of tap water, it is recommended to purchase it in a store. Wet a lint-free cloth with this liquid, wipe the display. The rag can be made of such materials: flannel, cotton, microfiber. With this method of cleaning the screen from dirt, it is important to ensure that water does not penetrate into the corners of the matrix, onto the keyboard, inside the laptop case. The cloth should be damp, but not wet. The display should be placed parallel to the floor.
  2. Use of soapy water. Usually used "Children's" soap to clean matte displays. Initially, the monitor is wiped with a rag soaked in the solution, after which the matter is rinsed well, wringed out, and the screen is wiped dry. Before cleaning the monitor, dust it off with a dry cloth.

To care for LCD monitors, it is best to use soft microfiber cloths that do not leave lint.

Folk remedies for cleaning the computer screen

We will describe how you can clean your computer monitor correctly, without harm to technology, at home.

It is difficult to choose a screen care product, because the assortment on the shelves of specialized stores is large. In addition, not everyone has enough money to purchase an extra spray can. In such cases, you can get by with folk remedies that can clean the laptop screen:

  1. To remove dust, use a plastic, cellophane bag. Dust particles will be attracted to it due to static electricity. Strengthen the attraction, you can rub the bag on a synthetic fabric.
  2. Use of a balloon. It works like a bag, but rub the product to increase static electricity on wool, hair, soft toys, fleecy synthetic material.
  3. Ordinary soap (not laundry). It is desirable that the soap does not contain dye, fragrance, chemical additives or their minimum content. Dissolve liquid soap (2 tablespoons) in a glass of water (35 - 36 degrees), stir, moisten a cloth, wring out, wipe the monitor.
  4. Table vinegar (9%). In a glass of warm water we take 2 tbsp. l. means, apply to a rag, wring out, process a dirty surface. Once again, wash the weave, wipe the surface. At the end, wipe the display with a dry cloth.
  5. Lemon acid. In warm water (150 ml), dissolve completely 1/3 or ¼ of a teaspoon of powder. Soak a cloth in the liquid, treat the monitor, wipe with a damp cloth, and finally wipe with a dry cloth.

Do not use alcohol-containing products, it is better to replace them with a weak vinegar solution

What Not to Use to Clean the LCD

You can not wipe the laptop monitor by all means. Not every sponge is suitable for this procedure. Poor material, inept use of cleaning agents can damage the display:

  • accidental scratches;
  • damage to the LCD display due to the use of unsuitable cleaning fluid;
  • destruction of liquid crystals (with very strong pressure on the screen).

Some detergents contain substances that will gradually degrade the surface of the monitor. Before you start cleaning, please read the list of actions that should not be used to clean the LCD screen:

  1. Fabric with pile, terry towel. These materials leave small threads on the surface that stick to the laptop. Fluff can scratch the screen.
  2. Paper products, paper napkins. If you clean the LCD with these products, particles of material will remain on its surface. They damage the screen in the same way as threads, fibers from fabrics.
  3. Any brushes.
  4. Rough, hard fabrics.
  5. Waffle towels (these products can scratch the screen).
  6. Sponges from foam rubber intended for washing of ware. This material leaves streaks. Therefore, such a purge will entail another one. Sponge pores can retain dust, grains of sand, crumbs that damage the LCD.

Paper can scratch the screen

If you decide to use a detergent to clean grease stains, fingerprints, dust, do not use the following for this purpose:

  • Means containing acetone, alcohol. These substances have a damaging effect on the anti-reflective coating. After the first cleaning of the display with such a tool, you may not notice any damage. But already at this time, microcracks appear, which will expand over time. If alcohol mixtures are used to clean the screen regularly, this will affect appearance glass. It will look transparent from the side. At the same time, it will be noticeable that it is not new.
  • Cleaning powder, abrasive compositions. They leave scratches on the screen.
  • Soda. This folk method is recommended for rubbing different kind dirt at home. While this product does an excellent job of removing burnt food from the stove, it is not suitable for removing greasy stains from the display.

We strongly do not recommend using products that are not designed for this purpose to care for monitors. Not every screen can withstand wet cleaning using products such as polish, shampoo, window cleaner.

To clean the monitor screen, it is best to use tools specially designed for this.

If you have to clean the monitor, first turn off the laptop, computer. You need to turn it off, not just turning off the screen or activating the standby mode. It is necessary to unplug the device from the socket. At the time of the cleaning procedure, the display of the equipment must be completely de-energized.

It is important to know how to properly wipe a dirty monitor home computer how not to damage the glass, what can be used and what is prohibited:

  1. Do not use cleaners containing alcohol or acetone.
  2. Do not clean off contamination with any sharp object (knife, blade, scissors). For this purpose, you can use a cloth with a special monitor cleaner. When cleaning heavy dirt, you should not rub the screen, it is better to walk twice through the dirt with a rag than to ruin the display.
  3. Before you clean your laptop, do not put the device into standby mode. It needs to be turned off completely. This precaution will keep the device safe and secure.
  4. When cleaning, use lint-free cloths to keep the monitor from being scratched by abrasive particles.
  5. To clean the corners of the monitor from dirt, dust, it is recommended to use cotton swabs.
  6. If the stain is complex, it should be initially wiped with a special agent applied to a cloth, after a few minutes it is removed with gentle movements. When cleaning the monitor with products suitable for this technique, hold the screen with your free hand. This is necessary in order to prevent the device from falling.
  7. To clean hard-to-reach places, cracks, you can use a toothpick, which you first wrap in a napkin.
  8. Wipe the display in one direction (either horizontally or vertically). It is important that the movements are light. You cannot press on the screen.
  9. Hands need to be prepared for work. They remove all jewelry that can scratch the monitor (bracelet, ring, watch).
  10. If the display is too dusty, dirty, experts recommend replacing the cleaning material, rinsing it between approaches.
  11. You need to turn on the laptop, the computer after the procedure.

It is very important to follow the rules for the care of monitors, this will save you from unnecessary expenses.

In order not to harm the display when cleaning a laptop, computer, you should avoid contamination. To do this, you must follow the basic rules.

Do you still think that it does not matter how and with what to clean the laptop screen? To wipe the monitor, do you first breathe on it and then buff it with your sleeve? Or wash the screen with baby soap? Then do not be surprised that your equipment quickly becomes unusable. And we know how to properly clean screens, and today we will tell you about it.

How to clean the screen of a laptop, computer, TV?

To care for the monitor, you will need two things: a napkin (or two or three is better) and cleaning fluid. You may think that it doesn't matter what material you use to wipe the LCD monitor. In fact, an improperly selected screen cloth can leave scratches on the monitor's coating. So how do you clean a laptop screen? Which cloth is suitable for cleaning screens and which is not? Let's take a look at the most common monitor cleaning materials.

Paper and paper napkins. Paper is not suitable for cleaning LCD monitors, but it perfectly cleans the screens of phones and tablets, however, only if they are made of Gorilla Glass. If the screen has a plastic coating, then the paper can leave scratches.

Cotton wool and cotton pads. Like paper, it is only suitable for cleaning glass screens of tablets and phones. May leave micro scratches on plastic.

Wet wipes for screens. Not the cheapest, but the easiest option. Such napkins do not scratch the surface, and their impregnation does not leave streaks. However, be careful when choosing wet wipes and do not buy cheap ones, as they contain alcohol, which can corrode the plastic coating of the screen. Remember that wet wipes for tech dry quickly, so give preference to those that have each wipe individually packaged in a sealed sachet.

Sponge for washing dishes or foam rubber washcloth. It is categorically impossible to use for screen care, especially the same one that you have already washed the dishes with! The sponge absorbs dust and scratches the screen, especially its rough side. In no case do not use a melamine sponge to wipe the monitor - this will leave deep scratches on the plastic!

Synthetic napkin. Not suitable for cleaning plastic screens as it leaves scratches. It also attracts a lot of dust.

Microfiber. The best material for screen care. Microfiber cleans both glass and plastic well, without scratching them. But microfiber is different from microfiber: microfiber cloths designed for cleaning are not suitable for caring for a monitor. But microfiber for glasses and optics is also suitable for cleaning LCD screens.

Cotton napkin. Oddly enough, not the best choice. Cotton fibers are quite rough in their structure, because of which the screen coating will scratch and eventually become worn. In addition, the pile of a cotton napkin will stick to the screen, and completely removing it is not an easy task. But if you still decide to use a napkin made of natural material to wipe the monitor, then always moisten it before the procedure in a special detergent or in distilled water.

In addition to the material, you will also need liquid to clean the monitor. You can buy it in the store (make sure it does not contain alcohol) or make it yourself.

How to make monitor care liquid at home?

First, you will need a base for the solution - water. You will need to use distilled water that is free of salts and minerals that can scratch the screen. No other water - neither mineral nor tap - will do.

Secondly, a cleaning component will need to be added to the water. In the best case, this is grape vinegar, which is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. However, even if you add more vinegar, you will not ruin the monitor.

If you do not have grape vinegar, add isopropyl alcohol or vodka in the same proportions. But remember that such a tool cannot be used constantly, since alcohol corrodes the monitor coating.

You can also find on the Internet that instead of a cleaning component, you can take shavings of baby soap and dissolve it in water, but this composition is ineffective for cleaning screens, since soap stains remain after it.

And in no case do not add ammonia-containing substances, such as window cleaner, to a homemade liquid as a cleaning component! Ammonia may react with the screen coating, causing whitish spots to appear on the screen.

Proper care of the monitor: instructions

So, you have a tissue and monitor cleaner. What to do next? Just follow our instructions.

1. Power off the monitor. Never wipe the monitor while it is on, as this will not only make it difficult to see dust and dirt, but also risk electric shock.

2. Wipe the entire monitor, except for the screen, with a separate cloth.

3. Wipe the monitor screen with a dry cloth using light pressure. If you have a cotton napkin, soak it a little in distilled water.

4. If dust has accumulated in the corners of the screen, do not try to get it with a fingernail or a needle, as this will ruin the coating. To remove dust from the corners of the screen, use a syringe and blow out all the dust.

5. Apply the cleaning solution to the cloth (not the monitor!). If you applied a lot of solution, wring out the napkin.

6. Lightly wipe the screen with a tissue in a circular motion. Do not scrub the stains, but rather let the cleaner dissolve them, and then wipe heavily soiled areas again.

7. Wipe the screen with a dry cloth.

How to clean a glossy screen?

Cleaning a glossy screen in the sequence of actions is no different from cleaning a matte one, but there are a few subtleties that it is advisable to take into account.

First, it is undesirable to wipe glossy screen dry cloth, even if it is a quality microfiber cloth, because such a coating is very easy to scratch.

Secondly, do not forget to wash the napkin after each use, as dust accumulates in it during cleaning. If you just shake off the cloth, then some of this dust will remain in the fibers and scratch the screen.

Thirdly, wipe the glossy screen not in circular motions, but in one direction horizontally or vertically.

And fourthly, after cleaning, the glossy screen does not need to be wiped with a dry cloth. Just wait until it dries.

How to clean the screen of the tablet and phone?

The touch screen can be cleaned in the same way as an LCD monitor, but without the use of any household chemicals (except those specifically designed), especially those containing alcohol or bleach. The fact is that most touch screens have an oleophobic coating, that is, repelling fats. Therefore, fingerprints can be easily wiped off with a regular microfiber cloth.

If on touch screen there are splashes, streaks and other old stains, they can be wiped off with a microfiber cloth moistened with distilled water. Just do not wet the napkin too much: if moisture gets inside your gadget, it may break.

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Every day when working with a computer, the monitor screen gets dirty and dusty. To keep the display clean, it must be wiped down at least once every two weeks. Some use special wet wipes, others use a dry soft cloth.

But what is the best way to clean a computer screen?

Remember! Never use alcohol or products containing alcohol on the screen! No washing powders, window cleaners, sharp objects, etc. must not touch the display, either the monitor or laptop, or other portable device- a tablet, for example. On sale you can see special napkins, which include alcohol. These wipes should be avoided. The monitor screen contains an anti-reflective coating. If you wipe it with a product that contains alcohol, then the screen will become covered with cracks.

Cleaning wipes for monitor Defender

Go to a special computer store, you will surely find a lot of screen care products. If you decide to buy dry wipes, then make sure that they are lint-free, as white spools may remain on the screen. Such wipes should be used with special aerosols or gels for screens. When buying napkins with filler, you need to look not only at whether they contain lint, but also at the composition of the filling, it should not contain alcohol. Special foams for screens are inferior in effectiveness to other means. You can also wipe the monitor with a soft, damp cloth and baby soap foam. In this case, you can not overdo it with foam and water!

To prevent the monitor screen from needing frequent cleaning, try not to touch it with greasy dirty fingers and eat less often in front of it. Remember that direct Sun rays, as well as heating batteries have a bad effect on the operation of the monitor. If you do not poke your fingers into the screen and do not splash anything on it (if there are no divorces), then it is enough to wipe it with a barely damp cloth and that's it.

One more important rule when cleaning screens - this procedure should be done only on a turned off monitor, laptop or plasma TV. And only when it's cold. This is done so that the cleaning is complete, otherwise there may be stains on the warm screen, it will absorb the product that is on a napkin or rag with its heat.

Any owner of new technology, including a laptop, will certainly think about how to wipe the laptop screen at home. Of course, you should not use rags or napkins for this, which are usually used for serving the dining table. And, of course, you can’t splash on the laptop screen from a spray bottle not only with water, but also with other liquids.


Enough important point is the method of dusting itself. It is much easier to just brush off the dust than it is to wipe off the marks left by flies or other insects, or large stains. Therefore, in the beginning it is necessary to understand what pollution is:

  1. Ordinary dust.
  2. Footprints left by flies or other insects.
  3. Mud tracks.
  4. Fat stains from fingers.

Dusty laptop screen

The easiest way is to wipe the laptop screen from dust, because it is enough to make just a couple of movements with your hand, in which there is a small, but most importantly dry cloth or sponge, and there will be no trace of all traces of dust on the screen.

Various dirt stains left by flies or other kinds of insects are very easy to remove with special wet wipes, which are designed specifically to remove such dirt. But you should never try to scrape off stains with your fingers, especially on modern LCD monitors, because this can damage a special protective coating, while you can accidentally cause other damage to the laptop screen, which most likely will not be noticed immediately, but will appear during further operation of the equipment.

If plain water is used to remove dirt stains, then carefully wring out a napkin or rag. Removing dirt stains with plain water can have an extremely negative effect on office equipment if water spills directly on the laptop display. Water flows into various holes or simply soaks into the screen, which affects the structure of the screen, which will be broken. In addition, water ingress can damage the entire laptop, not just the screen.

The LCD monitor, even with the most severe dirt, is easiest to wipe with a weak solution of 3% vinegar. After removing all dirt, simply wipe the monitor with a dry cloth to remove any moisture that may have remained on it.

If dust has settled on the laptop screen, then you can use ordinary cellophane, which can be found in every home, to remove it. But it is best to use food cellophane, because it is quite soft and thin. When the cellophane starts to come into contact with the laptop screen, static electricity will begin to form, but since it will be much stronger on the cellophane, all the dust will be attracted and stick to it. When using this method, it is necessary that the laptop is unplugged from the mains and has cooled down.

To wipe the laptop screen, you need to purchase special liquids that are sold in a specialized department of a hardware store. Do not wipe the monitor with substances and solutions that contain alcohol. If the contamination cannot be eliminated in any way, then you can use baby soap, with its help it is possible to remove even the most greasy stains.


Before wiping your computer monitor from dirty prints, you need to find out what is strictly not allowed to use. Use prohibited:

  • simple paper napkins;
  • coarse cloth and towels;
  • foam sponges.

Napkins should not be used.

To remove dust from a computer screen at home, paper napkins and coarse towels are often used, but in this case a large amount of lint sticks to the screen, which is sometimes very difficult to remove. In addition, wipes and rough fabrics can scratch the surface of the screen, and not just leave streaks, which is why you should choose the softest possible fabric.

In this case, how to wipe the computer screen? Wet wipes will do the job best, before buying, you need to read what they are saturated with. If they are impregnated with an alcohol-containing solution, then such a purchase should be refrained from. If you use wipes soaked in alcohol, there is a high chance that many small cracks will appear on the screen, as well as damage to the anti-reflective coating.

An equally important criterion will be the degree of humidity, since you can clean the computer screen with a very damp cloth, but some of the moisture will still be absorbed into the screen, which, of course, will not have a very positive effect on its operation. Soft wipes, which are usually sold in a set with a special composition for caring for a computer screen, will also work. Also good decision will choose the microfiber that is used to clean the lenses of the glasses. They use it due to the fact that it has practically no villi that can remain on the surface of the glasses or the monitor.


The computer screen should be cleaned as you use it, because during operation, traces of dust, dirt and greasy fingerprints will inevitably remain on the screen.

Before cleaning the monitor from dust, unplug the monitor from the mains and let it stand for a while, waiting for all its parts to cool down. Only after that you can start cleaning.

Cleaning the screen from dust

For cleaning, only clean rags and napkins are used, any slight contamination on them can lead to the appearance of numerous streaks and dirty stripes on the monitor. If the screen has only accumulated dust, you can simply wipe it with a microfiber or a specialized monitor care cloth, since they will not leave any dirt marks, streaks and lint.

Soap saves from more serious ones, just lather a little with a damp cloth or napkin and wipe the monitor with them, but it is important not to overdo it when soaping the cloth, if the cloth is poorly wrung out, water can flow into the corners of the monitor or begin to be absorbed, and this can even lead to a short circuit , and then the repair may no longer help, you will need to purchase a new computer.

After soaping the monitor, you should prepare a bowl of clean water, in which rinse the soap cloth well and wring it out thoroughly several times. Then this rag removes the remnants of soap from the computer screen. If the cloth is too damp, the screen surface will take a long time to dry. Do not use the computer until the monitor is completely dry.

You should also not splash water on the monitor during cleaning, since water can accidentally get on the matrix shell, this can lead to the screen becoming striped, and it will be extremely difficult to see something on it or even impossible.

To avoid getting moisture into the casing, it is necessary to remove contaminants in a circular motion or vertically from the bottom up. The corners that are adjacent to the base are carefully wiped with cotton swabs, most importantly, do not press too hard on them so as not to damage the display.


It is forbidden to wipe the screen of a laptop or other equipment during their operation. Soapy water, foam and specialized mixtures dry up in an instant on a warm monitor and get inside it, damaging internal parts and shortening the life of the computer.

Soft cloth for cleaning the laptop

It is forbidden to use products intended for washing dishes and glasses, as the substances contained in them can corrode the top layer of the laptop screen.

Do not remove dirt with a knife, blades or other sharp objects. At a minimum, this will lead to the appearance of many scratches or completely disable the monitor.

Matte monitors, unlike glossy ones, can be wiped with more damp wipes and rags, since all dried stains are easily washed off in one go. Glossy monitors On the contrary, they demand a more careful attitude towards themselves. When cleaning them, cover as much of the area to be wiped as possible at a time.

Any electronic equipment should be handled with care. When removing dirt stains from the monitor, it is not recommended to use excessively fluffy rags and towels, aggressive screen wipes. By following these rules, you can extend the life of the monitor not for months, but even for years.


Professional cleaners clean dust, dirt, streaks and greasy fingerprints left on the laptop screen much faster and easier.

There is also a convenient dispenser of cleaning liquid, which makes it possible to regulate the liquid during cleaning.

Gently wipe the screen

Due to the use of specialized materials, the likelihood of scratches disappears, and such materials absorb moisture much better.

All professional products not only allow you to get rid of pollution, but protect against germs and bacteria.

Professional products are much more economical, since only a couple of drops of such a product are required.


If food or hot drinks get on the screen, you must immediately start cleaning. In case of contact with varnishes or paint, cleaning must be done with the utmost care. Various water-based paints, for example, watercolors, are relatively easy to clean. It is much more difficult to get rid of traces of glyptal or oil paint, therefore, if they hit the monitor, you must immediately remove the paint with a small wooden spatula, a piece of plastic cut from a bottle will also do. Do not smear the stain, as it will be very difficult to wash it off later.

soap solution

After removing large stains, proceed to the following cleaning steps:

  • disconnect the computer from the network;
  • start preparing a weak solution of baby soap;
  • moisten a microfiber cloth;
  • wipe the remnants of stains as carefully as possible (from the edges of the monitor to the center);
  • a fresh napkin is moistened with purified water;
  • wipe the soap residue in the same way as before, from the edges of the screen to its center;
  • if there is a need, then repeat all these actions until the traces of spots disappear completely;
  • proceed to the final wipe of the monitor with a clean cloth.

The most important thing here is to remove all contaminants in one go. To prevent water from drying out and soaking into the monitor, if this happens, the stains will no longer be able to be washed off, they will literally become part of the screen, and the absorbed moisture can lead to damage to the monitor. When cleaning the screen, do not apply strong pressure to the screen to avoid accidental breakage.

Dried stains that were not noticed before cleaning can be scraped off with a thin wooden stick, but not with nails, a knife or a blade. If all else fails, you can try to soak the stains with a slightly damp cloth with soapy water. If this does not help, then it is best to transfer the computer to professionals for a repair service, but if they fail to eliminate the stains, then you will have to change the display.

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