Secret Functions iPhone: Face Recognition, Charging, Tracking. Face recognition did not work at the iPhone X presentation. How reliable is this technology? IPhone 8 face recognition

When three devices come out at once, and this is iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X, the real confusion begins for the features. Many users start rubbing what and where.

Everywhere a lot of information about the Face ID function. Is it on the new iPhone 8 and an iPhone of 8 plus, a large number of people can not understand and that there are no more incomprehensible situations, today we will find out this moment once and forever.

How to enable Face ID on iPhone 8?

To understand this issue, it is enough to understand what Face ID is. If someone else does not know, this is a scanner of the face and it is used to unlock the phone, the Apple Pay payment system and in the general other, for which the Touch ID was used.

Only one security system may be in the device, or Face ID, or Touch ID. As you know, the iPhone X does not have the Home button, because it is called the curious and the availability of any buttons in the front is simply unacceptable.

Therefore, to exit this situation and the face scanner was invented, so that the user does not have to use their fingerprints and there was no additional inserts from behind.

IPhone 8 and iPhone 7, not too different from each other and in fact, all differences can simply recalculate on the fingers. And if you talk about the fingerprint scanner Touch ID, it is still present and functions well.

So the answer to your question I can say that Face ID on iPhone 8 is simply not. And this means that Animoji is also lacking, because it is the scanner of the face.

It is not worth upset about this, because both technologies are still quite raw and their full potential can be seen only next year, with the release of the next generation of iPhones.

Experts found in the iPhone functions about which many users did not guess.
iPhone can be charged in accelerated by using Apple's tablet. In addition, an effective way was discovered. A quick and simple method of closing all tabs and applications, which eventually save battery charge by 30-35%.

It is also noted that users who are tired of constantly pop-up advertising can get rid of it by including "Flight" mode in the settings.

Another "declassified" function was the ability to track with the iPhone parcel. To do this, it is enough to enter the tracking number of the desired parcel, after which the gadget will determine its location.

In addition, experts told about the possibility of using the side buttons of the "apple" device to split pages and turn on the flash.

The iPhone 8 will appear the recognition system of the owner

Experts who study the Apple released software in June "smart" column HomePod, found out that the IPhone 8 will install the recognition system of the owner.

With Pearl ID technology, the owner will not even need to bring a smartphone to the face. The message notes that the recognition technology of the Pearl ID is hidden in several command lines of the installed Apple. This is the fact that these lines are in the Touch ID command block, which are responsible for unlocking the device to fingerprint.

It is worth noting that if this information is confirmed, then with the release of iPhone 8, Apple will again make a step forward and breaks from its main competitors in terms of introducing technologies to consumer equipment. After all, besides the Pearl ID function, the new "apple" smartphone will be able to boast of its updated front camera, which will be able to record video with a resolution of 4K at a frequency of 60 frames per second.

The fact that the new device will be performed in the trendy "cramless" design, already somehow not mentioned - this is considered a faithful fact. Recall that the presentation of the iPhone 8 smartphone and the updated iPhone 7 and 7 Plus are expected in September of this year. According to some insiders, the mass production of devices has already begun. Therefore, experts from day to day expect to leak photos of a new smartphone or its parts, as reported by

If you believe Insiders, then the iPhone 8 will be the first Apple smartphone from the iPhone 5S time, which will not receive the fingerprint scanner Touch ID. If this is true, then you will confirm the payment of purchases via Apple Pay, unlock the mobile device and perform the entrance to the protected applications on this smartphone will be possible only with the help of your face, because a 3D camera is built into the future new product that can create a model of the face of its owner, and Then incredibly quickly check it with its real image at any time.

According to insider information, the recognition of the face in the iPhone 8 will occur lightning speed quickly - for some fractions of a second, and the technology itself will be able to work at a distance of 1-2 meters, that is, the owner of the mobile device does not have to look at it at a certain angle and on a certain distance. Moreover, the 3D camera in the new flagship of Apple will be able to fully work even in complete darkness.

Although it all sounds very tempting, but the face scanner in the iPhone 8 is a very dangerous thing that puts the security of its owner's question. For example, when paying purchases in the store using the Apple Pay payment system, the user always looks at the mobile device, because he needs to follow the situation. It turns out that if you don't have to make a fingerprint to the scanner of the Touch ID, then a transaction will automatically be automatically performed on the smartphone. In some cases, this may be extremely unprofitable, since, for example, the cashier could accidentally request an incorrect amount of money or simply from paying purchases will not be able to refuse how it can be done now.

Yes, it is possible to solve this "problem" with the help of software that Apple is most likely, and will do. Nevertheless, if other situations that are simply not avoided. Because, according to rumors, scanned face will not only the front camera, but also the back, then any person who will take possession of someone else's iPhone 8 for some time, can get full access to him, just sending his owner to his face without him Lead.

Now such situations are simply excluded, because to get available to the iPhone you need to attach to the touch ID fingerprint. So it turns out that, to gain access to the anniversary flagship, Apple will simply be enough to take possession of a stranger smartphone, and then just bring it on the face of the owner. This will open full access to all information, photographs, messages, calls, bank details and other confidential data.

I would like to notice that this article is the personal opinion of its author, which may differ from reality. Everything will clear up with the Announcement of the iPhone 8, which Apple will show the public.

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In Cupertino, where the company submitted its new products, the Senior Vice President for the Development of Software Craig Federini could not unlock the iPhone X using Face ID face scanner.

Face ID, which was supposed to learn Federini in terms of his face and unlock the phone, for some reason refused to work and offered the user to enter a graphic key. The representative of Apple was not confused and moved to a spare device, in which the scanner immediately earned as it should.

Questions remain to the scanner

The Face ID recognition system has come to replace unlocking with the already outdated Touch ID - the fingerprint scanner, whose parameters are clearly inferior to the new technology. During the presentation of the Apple, the company's representative assured that the attacker will be able to deceive Touch ID in one case by 50 thousand, but Face ID will get hacked in one case by a million such attempts.

Face ID, literally reading the face of the owner by a large number of points, helped Apple to implement another new feature that the company called "Anyasodi" or animated Emodi. The essence of the innovation is that now some Emodi, for example, a puppy, foxes or pandas, can "repeat" user emotions - frowning eyebrows, smile wide, wink, etc. Such animese can be sent in the iMessage chat rooms, which should even more diversify the communication process.

Of course, Face ID has not cost without criticism. Experts expressed fears that unlocking the phone with the help of the owner represents a threat to personal data if the iPhone X user is captured by police officers or abducted criminals -

they do not even have to guess the password, but it will be necessary to simply bring the camera to the face.

Apple assured that the scanner will work only in case of direct look and open eyes, but it is unlikely to stop the intruders.

In addition, other issues remain, the answers to which only have to find out - is it possible to fool Face ID with a similar person or photography, how was it in the case of the Samsung flagship scanner? Will Face ID problems with unlocking from representatives of different races? How reliably a picture of the person will be stored in Apple systems and will he fall into the hands of a third party? Everything will become clear when the iPhone X (which is pronounced as "Ten", and not as "X") will go on sale - the release is scheduled for November 3, 2017.

What else showed

At the Presentation of Apple, for the first time spent in the theater in the New Cuppentine headquarters, in addition to the iPhone X, two more iPhone models were presented - iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus with screens of 4.7 and 5.5 inches, respectively. Both smartphones will receive a feature of augmented reality (AR), which can be used in various applications and games.

In addition, all three announced iPhone models will be charged without a traditional wire, and therefore will have a wireless charging function. The Qi AirPower Station will be able to charge three Apple devices at once - smartphone, third-generation Apple Watch watch and Airpods wireless headphones.

Inside the new "iPhones" will be located a six-core processor A11 Bionic, which Apple called "the fastest chip that ever was used in the smartphone."

The "smart" clock Apple Watch Series 3 was also first demonstrated during Apple's official event on September 12. Now the famous clock will be sold with a built-in digital SIM card, so Apple Watch will allow the user to call them from them from the phone.

Also, the Apple Watch third generation will be synchronized with the Special Apple Heart Study application, which tracks the heart rhythm of the person and notifies its violation.

The presentation did not pay attention to the Apple TV console, which will now receive 4K permission and support for HDR technology, providing the best video viewing quality and photo.

Already for many of us are not a mystery. Every day we learn something new and interesting. So, today it became known about the two top functions of the iPhone 8 - this is recognition of the face and gestures of users.

In the world web there was another confirmation that the new iPhone 8 will be able to recognize gestures and face of the user. The function will work through the use of a qualitatively new technology implemented by a laser and infrared sensor located near the front camera on the front of the smartphone.

Using face recognition feature, Apple will be able to expand the capabilities of the touch biometric touch ID sensor using two-stage authorization. Thus, the safety of using the IOS device will be significantly improved, since to unlock the iPhone, the user's face is scanned.

Face recognition in iPhone 8

By the way, earlier the network was told that the new iPhone 2017 can obtain the function of recognizing and identifying the face and the iris. Moreover, the new technology can also be applicable for other purposes: for example, as augmented reality in a smartphone chamber. And the ability to recognize gestures can provide users to control and manage their devices using elementary gestures (for example, to quickly increase or decrease the volume).

Output iPhone 8.

The source also repeats the previous rumors about immediately in three versions: we have 4.7 and 5.5-inch usual, as well as a premium smartphone with an OLED display of 5.8 inches. It will distinguish the huge display with the touch ID scanner, which will be located directly under the "glass", also wireless charging. By the way, we have previously written about our resource.

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