Solving the problem with turning on and off the computer instantly. What to do if your computer turns on and off immediately

Today, in this article, I will consider the problem when the computer turns on and off immediately, and I will also try to describe all the reasons why this happens + a description of how to fix them.

The computer turns on and off immediately is a problem that does not occur very often and not only on computers. If you have such a problem with a laptop, then the article "" is exactly what you need.

By the way, this article "The computer turns on and off immediately" in content, will not differ much from a similar one about a laptop. Let's divide it into several parts, in each of which the reason will be written in the title, and below - the way to solve the problem. I will describe a complete list of problems that cause the computer to turn on and off immediately. By clicking on the item of the list you need, you will immediately move to the place in the article where it is written in detail about the problem and methods of solving it.

Here is the list itself:

Let's start in order:

  1. Power problem.

So, we will probably start with the most common problem, because of which the computer turns on and off immediately. If the PC does not receive adequate stable power, it will not be able to work. First, you should check if everything is in order with your electricity. Perhaps someone near you is welding with welding, because of this, the light blinks and, as a result, the computer cannot work normally. You should also check if the power cable itself is damaged.

As well as the performance of the surge protector.

But in fact, most often the problem lies in the power supply. (BP) This is a computer component that is responsible for powering all the elements of the computer. It is very important that the power supply unit is fully operational, because in case of overvoltage, it "takes over" all responsibility. That is, not the entire PC burns out, but only the block itself.

But back to the moment when the computer turns on and immediately turns off. A power supply unit from old age may simply not provide adequate power to those computer components that are connected to it. As a result, it will look like this: The computer turns on and immediately, or turns off after a few seconds. It also happens that it does not turn on at all. (most likely the fuse has blown). You can find out more about why the PC won't turn on.

The way out of this situation is quite simple, you need to borrow a power supply from a friend, hook it up to your PC and try to turn it on. If everything worked, then you can safely go to the store for a new power supply.(I do not recommend repairing an old power supply unit, because it is dangerous to joke with the power supply. Next time, not only the power supply unit but the entire computer may burn out.)

An article on how to properly replace a power supply unit is waiting for you

If you yourself are poorly versed in PCs and are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to take the system unit to a service center.

  1. BIOS flashing / reset required.

There are cases when the user decides to find out by scientific poking what BIOS is and what it is eaten with. As a result, something is changed there, and the changes are saved. After saving, the computer turns off, then turns on and can either immediately go to reboot, or turn off. He can also display any message on the monitor screen. (Sometimes it is enough to drive this message into a search engine and find similar cases, as well as find out how they were advised to solve this issue) This says that with such a BIOS configuration, the PC cannot start, so it (BIOS) must be reset. How to do this, see the video below.

If the reset does not help, and the computer still turns on and off immediately, you may need to flash the BIOS, and if you do not know how to do this yourself, then I recommend taking the PC to a service center. But first, read this article and try all the methods described in it. Chances are good to bring your PC back to life yourself.

  1. Dust cleaning is required.

Very often the computer turns on and immediately turns off due to overheating of the central processor... As soon as its temperature rises to a critical one, it gives a command to emergency shutdown of the PC. If the temperature is close to critical, the computer starts creepy

By the way, if you still do not know how to independently check the temperature of the processor, motherboard and hard drive and also want to see how the cooling will cope with the temperature at maximum load, then the article “Before cleaning, you must remove all computer components from their seats ( video card, CPU cooler, RAM, etc.) and blow them out.

4. The motherboard is defective.

Of course, when the computer turns on and off immediately, there is a fraction of the chance that the motherboard is out of order.

Let's agree this way: If you tried all the methods described in this article and nothing helped you, then most likely the matter is already serious, and you cannot do without the participation of the service center specialists.

This is where my article comes to its logical conclusion. I hope she helped you. Maybe I missed something. If so, write in the comments for what other reasons the computer turns on and off immediately. I will definitely add it \u003d). Good luck!

Hello everybody! Today our topic will be considering situations when the computer turns off and then turns on immediately. I was prompted to write the article by the request of a client who asked for help. He tried to figure it out on his own, changing the video card, checking for viruses - the result is unchanged. So what is it? Let's try to figure it out!

The computer shuts down and turns on immediately. We fix the situation

If the computer turns off and immediately turns on, then there is no need to sin on viruses in this situation, since they can affect the OS after it boots. Our situation looks very different.

  1. Inspect the front panel first to make sure the ON button is not lit.
  2. Do a good cleaning of the system from dust. Since it is she who conducts electricity well, and the failure of certain systems can also be on her conscience.

In order to check it, try connecting another, the serviceability of which has been confirmed, and see how your computer behaves.
If you want to play it safe against damage to the power supply, you need to purchase an UPS (uninterruptible power supply). A device that will save your "car" from possible power surges.

To check the RAM you will need:

  • Turn off the computer. Having opened the system unit, we are looking for the RAM bar.

Most often it is located in the upper right corner of the motherboard.

  • If there are several planks, take out one at a time and watch the computer work.

Thus, the functionality of each bar is checked.
Having discovered malfunctions, with any one bar, you can be sure that the cause of the troubles has been found.

If you think that the reason for the failures may lie in the hard disk, then it is unlikely, since the system notification would have occurred even when the OS was booted

  1. BIOS can be your assistant when searching for meta breakdowns. Turning on the computer, it can make certain sounds.


I hope that you have established the reason that the computer turns off and then turns on immediately, and you did not have to seek outside help. Write in the comments how you solved the problem, what caused the crashes. Do not forget to approve of my work with likes and of course share the info with your friends in social networks. Peace and goodness to you all!

Computer shuts down and turns on immediately

In the life of almost every user there have been situations when a computer or laptop suddenly began to behave differently than before. This can be expressed in unexpected reboots, various interruptions in work and spontaneous shutdowns. In this article we will talk about one of these problems - turning on and off the PC, and we will try to solve it.

There can be quite a few reasons for this PC behavior. This is the wrong connection of cables, and careless assembly, and failure of components. In addition, the problem may lie in some settings of the operating system. The information that will be given below is divided into two parts - problems after assembly or disassembly and failures "out of the blue", without outside interference with the computer hardware. Let's start with the first part.

Reason 1: Cables

After disassembling a computer, for example, to replace components or clean dust, some users simply forget to assemble it correctly. In particular, reconnect all cables or connect them as securely as possible. Our situation includes:

Reason 2: Short circuit

Most power supplies, including budget ones, are equipped with short circuit protection. Such protection turns off the power supply in the event of a short circuit, the reasons for which may be as follows:

Reason 3: A sharp rise in temperature - overheating

Overheating of the processor during the system startup phase can occur for several reasons.

  • Inoperative fan on the cooler or disconnected power cable of the latter (see above). In this case, when starting, it is enough to observe whether the blades rotate. If not, you will have to replace or lubricate the fan.
  • Incorrectly or crookedly installed CPU cooling system, which can lead to incomplete adhesion of the sole to the heat spreader cover. There is only one way out - to remove and reinstall the cooler.

Reason 4: New and old components

Computer components can also affect its performance. This is both a banal negligence when connecting, for example, a previous video card or RAM modules, and incompatibility.

  • Check if the components are securely connected to their connectors, if additional power is supplied (in the case of a video card).
  • In terms of compatibility, some motherboards with the same socket may not support older processors and vice versa. At the time of this writing, this is the case with socket 1151. The second revision (1151 v2) on the 300 series chipsets does not support the previous processors on the Skylake and Kaby Lake architectures (6th and 7th generations, for example, i7 6700, i7 7700). In this case, the "stone" comes to the socket. Be more careful when choosing components, and it is better to study the information about the purchased "hardware" before buying.
  • Reason 5: Dust

    The attitude of users to dust is often quite frivolous. And this is not just dirt. Dust clogging the cooling systems can lead to overheating and failure of components, the accumulation of harmful static charges, and at high humidity even begins to conduct an electric current. What this threatens us is described above. Keep your computer clean, not forgetting about the power supply (this often happens). Clean the dust at least once every 6 months, or even more often.

    Reason 6: Power supply

    We have already said that the power supply “goes into protection” in the event of a short circuit. The same behavior is possible when its electronic components overheat. The reason for this may be a large layer of dust on the radiators, as well as an inoperative fan. Insufficient power supply will also cause a sudden shutdown. Most often this is a consequence of the installation of additional equipment or components, or the advanced age of the unit, or rather, some of its parts.

    In order to determine whether your computer has enough power, you can use a special calculator.

    You can find out the capabilities of the power supply unit by looking at one of its side surfaces. In column "+ 12V" the maximum power on this line is indicated. It is this indicator that is the main one, and not the denomination written on the box or in the product card.

    We must also say about the overload of ports, in particular, USB, devices with high energy consumption. Interruptions are especially common when using splitters or hubs. Here you can only advise to unload ports or buy a hub with additional power.

    Reason 7: Defective hardware

    As mentioned above, faulty components can cause a short circuit, thereby provoking the operation of the power supply protection. It can also be a failure of various components - capacitors, chips, and so on, on the motherboard. To determine the faulty hardware, you must disconnect it from the "motherboard" and try to start the PC.

    Example: turn off the video card and turn on the computer. If the launch is unsuccessful, we repeat the same thing with the RAM, only you need to turn off the bars one by one. Next, you need to disconnect the hard drive, and if it is not one, then the second. Do not forget about external devices and peripherals. If the computer did not agree to start normally, then the matter is most likely in the motherboard, and it goes straight to the service center.

    Reason 8: BIOS

    A BIOS is a small control program written on a special microcircuit. With its help, you can configure the parameters of the components of the motherboard at the lowest level. Incorrect settings can lead to the problem we are currently discussing. Most often, this is the setting of frequencies and (or) voltages that are not supported by components. There is only one way out - to reset the settings to the factory settings.

    Reason 9: OS quick start function

    Fast startup feature present in Windows 10 and based on saving drivers and OS kernel to a file hiperfil.sysmay cause the computer to behave incorrectly when turned on. This is most often seen on laptops. You can disable it in the following way:


    As you can see, there are quite a few reasons causing the problem under discussion, and in most cases its solution takes a sufficient amount of time. When disassembling and assembling your computer, try to be as careful as possible - this will help to avoid most of the trouble. Keep your system unit clean: dust is our enemy. And the last tip: do not change the BIOS settings without preliminary information preparation, as this may lead to the inoperability of the computer.

    the computer turns on and off immediately

    A rather intricate problem is with a personal computer, when, when it is turned on, it starts up, but after a while, usually it varies from a few seconds to half an hour, it turns off.

    The first reason the computer turns on and then turns off may be that, for some reason, the computer's power supply has become malfunctioning or does not work quite as it should. This can happen as a result of several reasons, for example, due to the fact that some foreign body could get into the power supply unit, which causes a short circuit inside the unit, as a result of which this device goes into protection mode, that is, turns off the computer. In this case, you need to disassemble the system unit of your PC, remove the power supply and thoroughly vacuum it, then insert it into place, connect and check the computer for operation. The thing is that no foreign body could have entered the power supply unit, and the dust accumulated in it is to blame, which hinders the operation of the device (interferes with the rotation of the fan, causes electrostatic discharges, and so on). In addition, the power supply unit could simply “burn out”, for example, due to long computer operation and power surges in the network, as a result of which, again, the protection mode is activated and the computer is turned off. To test this argument. You need to find a 100% working power supply, connect it to your computer and start it up, if within an hour everything will work fine and the computer will not turn off, then, therefore, the matter is in the computer's power supply.

    Another, fairly common reason that after some time after turning on the computer, it turns off is a malfunction of the RAM strips, without which it is in principle possible to start the computer, but only for a fairly short time. As a rule, the reasons why the RAM bars can fail and become inoperative can be very diverse, starting from static electricity and ending with overheating. In this case, the problem of shutting down the computer can be solved only by replacing the RAM.

    Another problem associated with the fact that the computer turns off some time after it was turned on is that it overheats excessively, especially the processor of a personal computer. Overheating can occur as a result of the fact that the cooler, which is engaged in cooling the processor, does not cope with its task. This may be due to the fact that too much dust has accumulated to the cooler or on the cooling grill, which worsens the heat outflow, and also as a result of the fact that the cooler has simply exhausted its reserve. Especially often this problem is observed on laptops, which are "cleaned" by their users extremely rarely, if at all. The solution to this problem is obvious - cleaning the personal computer from dust, or replacing a non-working cooler (if any) with a new, efficient one.

    An equally common reason is the failure of the motherboard or its main components, for example, connectors, some capacitors, and so on, and here, whether you like it or not, the motherboard will have to be replaced.

    An equally common reason why the computer does not turn on is a failure in the boot area of \u200b\u200bmicroinstructions - BIOS, which is just the same responsible for the normal functioning and startup of devices on the computer. Failures can occur as a result of the fact that you turn off the computer not by means of a command on the PC (START menu - Shutdown), but by unplugging the plug from the outlet or pressing a button on the surge protector. You should not do this, otherwise you can completely ruin your computer. In addition, the BIOS can be damaged by a virus from the Internet, which, despite the fact that there are not so many, still find their way to the user's computers. Recovering the system after such virus attacks is quite difficult, and almost impossible for newbie users. The easiest way to fix and adjust the performance of your computer is to contact the specialists of the HelpUser service center, who will come to your home in time, and this is already a big enough plus, since you do not have to go around half the city to the service center you need, wasting your time. Qualified specialists and experienced craftsmen will carry out a complete diagnosis of your personal computer, inflate problems, successfully eliminate them, and your computer will return to normal functioning.


    If a computer or laptop immediately turns off or restarts when turned on, without even starting to load the OS, then this is in most cases a problem with the hardware. Also, sometimes it can be caused by incorrect BIOS settings, but only if you have made any changes there before.

    More often, a similar problem occurs with old computers, the components of which have not been cleaned of dust for a long time. Fortunately, it can be solved even at home, spending a minimum of time and financial resources. But in some cases it will be more expedient to replace the computer or part of its components.

    Causes of problems

    An endless turning on and off of a desktop or laptop can occur for the following reasons:

    Most often, the reasons for this behavior of the computer lie in a problem with components. Before carrying the device for repair, it is recommended to clean it from the inside of dust, check how correctly the RAM modules are inserted and whether there are any deformations on the capacitor.

    Method 1: configure BIOS to work correctly

    If you previously made changes to the BIOS and after that the computer stopped turning on correctly, plus you are sure that the rest of its components are in good working order, then the problem definitely lies in the last settings.

    There are two ways to solve this problem:

    • Easy. If the computer restarts on its own only after a while, then you can enter the BIOS using the standard method.
    • Complicated. The computer does not enter BIOS or reboots / shuts down immediately after being turned on. We'll have to reset the settings by opening the case and “pick up” the motherboard. It is recommended to entrust this work to a specialist, so as not to make it worse.

    Solving the problem in an easy way:

    The hard way:

    Do everything as carefully as possible so as not to damage the plugs themselves and the cap, which can cause the motherboard to be completely inoperative. It is better to entrust any work with components to a specialist.

    Method 2: check individual components

    First of all, clean the inside of the computer / laptop from dust. If there is a lot of dust, then after removing it there is a chance that the computer will turn on normally. Clean dust with a brush, dry microfiber cloths, vacuum cleaner. Do this gently, preferably with gloves. Use the vacuum cleaner at minimum power. If cleaning from dust did not help, then pay attention to modules with RAM and a power supply.

    Solving problems with RAM:

    To check if a faulty power supply is causing the problem, borrow it from someone and replace it with your own. Replacing the power supply is a simple procedure, the only thing you need to do is plug the wiring into it by analogy with how they were stuck into the previous block.

    If the computer turns on without problems with a new power supply, then this indicates the need to completely replace this element. A good PSU is not very expensive. It is recommended to consult with a specialist when choosing, because it is advisable to take into account the characteristics of the main components of the computer (motherboard, cooling system, etc.).

    Method 3: troubleshoot overheating

    If the reason is overheating, then the shutdown / restart of the computer does not occur immediately, but after 10-30 minutes. In this case, the OS boots without any problems, which allows you to check the heating of the equipment. To do this, download the AIDA64 utility to your computer. It weighs about 50 MB, downloads and installs quickly, however, the program is paid, so you can use it only for a limited period.

    In the program interface, in the left menu, open the tab "A computer" and there select "Sensors", after you will be shown the current temperature of the processor and video card. If it is above 60 degrees (processor) and 80 (video card), then you need to take action.



    In some cases, a spontaneous shutdown of the computer immediately or after a short time after switching on can be eliminated by yourself. If nothing works for you, then it is recommended to take the device to a service center, where it will be repaired within a few days.

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