How to delete relationships in classmates via the phone. It is clear how to put marital status in "classmates"

In Odnoklassniki, the user can indicate a lot of all kinds of information about himself. Can even list your favorite movies or books! Often people indicate their soulmates, that is, the people with whom they are in a relationship. In this article, we will explain in detail how to add, change or remove a soul mate.

How to put marital status in Odnoklassniki?

Go to Odnoklassniki, in the menu that is located in the center of the screen, click "More" - "About me".

Here you will see sections where you can add information about yourself. We are interested in the second half. Click on the line "Maybe Odnoklassniki has your soul mate?"

Choose a soul mate from your friends. If your spouse is not on Odnoklassniki, you can indicate his name by clicking on the line "Specify the name of your significant other."

Specified the name of the second half, clicked "Finish".

Go to your page, now information about your second half will be indicated here as well.

How to remove marital status in Odnoklassniki?

Go to the section "About Me" again and find information about your marital status. Click on marital status (in the example it is "Married"), after which a menu will appear, and already in it, click "Break relationship".

Relationships will be severed, information about the other half will disappear from your page.

How to change marital status in Odnoklassniki?

It is best to change marital status through the removal of the second half, as shown above. Next, simply indicate your new current marital status.

Marital status in the mobile version of the site

At the time of this writing, you cannot change, delete or add a marital status in the mobile version of the site on the phone or using the application. But you can do this: open the full version of the site from a mobile browser and enter the required data. To do this, in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki, open the menu and click "Full site version".

Information for users over 13 years old

How to establish a relationship in Odnoklassniki, that is, change your status about yourself.

The Odnoklassniki network gives a lot of opportunities to users and for a long time does not quite live up to its name because finding your classmates is the least that can be done in it.

Here they fall in love, quarrel, congratulate on the holidays, etc. And relatively recently, a function has appeared that allows you to designate your relationship with someone.

All those who visit your page will see who you are married or in a relationship with.

How to establish a relationship in Odnoklassniki

  • In the "More" menu, find the "About Me" settings, or you can scroll down your page a little, then on the right you will see the question "Maybe Odnoklassniki has your soulmate?"
  • Click on the link "second half", it is here that you can choose in what relationship you are and with whom.
  • The selected user must receive your invitation and confirm the "relationship".

How to remove relationships in Odnoklassniki

If your relationship is already listed in Odnoklassniki, you can change this. It's very simple:

  • Again, in the "More" menu in the "About me" tab, click on the link "Married" or "In a relationship",
  • Uncheck the box
  • Save the settings.

Now your profile will not indicate whether you are in a relationship with anyone or not.

Everything flows and changes, the person who was dear to you yesterday may cease to be so today. Of course, you need to part beautifully and do it through, not the best way. But in some cases it is perfectly acceptable. For example, the relationship was originally virtual. Or has the person offended you so much that you do not want to meet and call him, so you decided to burn all the bridges across Odnoklassniki? Or maybe you just want to tickle the nerves of your soulmate, hint that you can be lost under certain conditions?

  1. You can just write a letter that you have decided to leave. A farewell letter is not only romantic, but also easy and simple.
  2. Another option is to leave a message on a person's wall or forum. This is perfect for when you want to inform not only him, but all your mutual friends about your breakup. Instead of a message, you can send a song or music video corresponding to the occasion.
  3. You can record a video or audio message.
  4. If you absolutely do not want to communicate with a person (for example, he did some meanness), then you can write to one of your mutual friends so that they convey your decision to him. This is also an option, although not very successful.

However, it's still best to talk to the person in person about the breakup, especially if you have had a serious relationship. Take courage and act decently - talk to the person face to face, do not leave a negative memory of yourself. Many believe that the more often you do the right thing in life, the more often fate encourages you for it.

Who knows, maybe, after parting with someone beautifully today, tomorrow you will meet someone with whom you will be together all your life? You may never again ask yourself how to hide a relationship on Odnoklassniki, because you probably want to shout about your love not only to the entire social network, but to the whole world.

Previously, on the Odnoklassniki social network, one could simply add users as friends and communicate with them. Now it is possible to assign friends to certain categories, such as "Family", "Best friends", "Colleagues", etc. In addition, you can indicate with whom from your list of friends you are in a closer relationship. However, along with this possibility, a problem arose: feelings are not eternal, and sometimes it is required to remove this or that person from the relationship.


  • After you log into your account on the Odnoklassniki website, in the upper left corner you will see your main photo, to the right of it the fields “Main”, “Friends”, “Photo”, “Groups”, “Notes”, “Video ”,“ Gifts ”,“ Forum ”,“ Holidays ”,“ Bookmarks ”,“ About Me ”,“ Black List ”,“ Auctions ”,“ Events ”,“ Achievements ”. Below the main photo there are the functions "Add photo", "Top up account", "More". On the right side of the window, you will see a list of holidays that your friends celebrate, below it is a list of people with whom you once knew, and below this list there will be a field "About Me". There you can see your personal information, your parents and other relatives, as well as the person with whom you are in a relationship.
  • To remove this person from the relationship, click on the "In a relationship with ..." button. Now you have two functions: "Get married" and "Break relationship". By clicking on the second button, you will remove the person from the relationship and you can choose a new soul mate for yourself, or leave this column empty.
  • The next way to break off relations on Odnoklassniki is to remove a person from friends. Go to the menu that contains the entire list of your friends, enter the name of your ex-soulmate or friend in the search bar, hover over the account of this user and select the last one from the opened functions. It will be the “End Friendship” function.
  • In addition to the above two ways of how to remove a person from a relationship, there is another way in this social network. In the list of your friends, find a person who is in a relationship with you, click on his name. His account will open in front of you. Below the main photo is a button that allows this user to write private messages. Click on it. This way, you will be able to send a text message to a friend asking them to remove you from the relationship.
  • Odnoklassniki is a social network familiar to everyone. Many people use it for communication. Active users have come up with a new use for this site: finding the second half. To protect themselves from inappropriate offers, people want to designate a non-free status. The creators of the site made it possible to specify the position in which the page owner relationship is.

    How to put marital status in Odnoklassniki

    To indicate in Odnoklassniki that you have found a soul mate, you need to do certain actions:

    • We open the page. From the visible tabs, select "More" (1) to see the rest of the sections. We click the line "About me" (2).
    • A window has opened with personal information specified during registration. We find the column "Marital status" (1). Press the button "Specify" (2).

    • From the options that appear, select the desired one. When you select "In a relationship" or "Married", a window opens with a list of friends. We celebrate our husband or lover. If he is not on Odnoklassniki, just indicate your first and last name.

    Attention: a person already marked with a relationship on the site will not appear in the list.

    • The selected user receives a notification about the choice as a second half. When he confirms the status, the obligations that bind you will be displayed on both pages.

    Change of joint venture

    Personal circumstances may change. You can also change the information on Odnoklassniki. It is enough to visit the section "About Me". Next to the name of the other half is the "Edit" button. By clicking on it, you can indicate that the relationship has changed.

    JV removal

    Sometimes, due to certain circumstances, one wants to hide a loved one or the fact of his presence from users of the social network. The site provides the opportunity to remove this information from the profile. The actions here are the same as when changing the status, only by clicking the "Edit" link, you must select the "Delete" option.

    Attention: if you delete information from your page, it will automatically be deleted from the second half.

    How to do it from your phone

    Most users access the site from their phone. Unfortunately, not all features are available for the mobile version. This also applies to the choice of status. The only way to indicate, change or remove a cn using a mobile device is to go to the full version of the site. You already know the further algorithm of actions.

    Having done some simple manipulations, you can tell everyone about the status of the relationship, protecting yourself from the undue attention of the opposite sex. After all, any communication should bring extremely positive emotions.

    Save to yourself!

    On Odnoklassniki, users constantly communicate with each other. Some are linked by family relations, others have common interests, and still others studied or worked together. But there is a category of people who like to meet on social networks or are looking for a soul mate (a partner for a serious relationship or marriage).

    So that acquaintance does not cause inconvenience (the woman is married, and she is constantly attacked by fans, a similar situation for a man), it is recommended to put marital status in Odnoklassniki. When you know the marital status of a virtual interlocutor and do not hide yours from other users, you feel much more confident and insured against all sorts of ridiculous and unpleasant situations.

    Cases when, after a long virtual acquaintance, one of the partners unexpectedly finds out that the other is connected by family ties are quite frequent. After an unsuccessful acquaintance, a person may become disappointed in the opposite sex and withdraw psycho-emotional. Therefore, in Odnoklassniki you need to indicate your marital status.

    How to do this in classmates?

    We go to your profile from your phone, computer or laptop. From the "More" section through the "About me" item we get to a new page.

    Here you need to click the line "Second half".

    If you are not married, but have a boyfriend or girlfriend, set the status to "In a relationship".

    For married and married users, there is a special status "Married". We will now select it. The computer will prompt the account owner to select a spouse from the list of friends.

    If your spouse does not have a profile in Odnoklassniki, you can simply indicate the name of this person.

    Now we are clicking on a specific avatar. But your "half" must confirm their consent to post such information on the network.

    The selected prospective partner receives notification of the following nature:

    To confirm your intentions, he must click on the sign "Accept". Now you receive the notification.

    To check the saving of information, return to the main page of the profile, go to More - About yourself. In the right corner of the page, you see your spouse's name.

    When you change your marital status, you can always edit the data. To do this, you need to click the line "Break the relationship" and set one of two things:

    • Open for communication.
    • Divorced.

    Can't establish marital status

    Site creators have introduced restrictions for users.

    1. You cannot show your soul mate to a person under 13 years old.
    2. You cannot specify a partner who is of the same gender as the user (only male and female).
    3. It is impossible to seal the marriage union in Odnoklassniki with a blocked user.

    If everything is all right with your "soul mate", you are over 13 years old and you are a representative of a traditional orientation, feel free to advertise your marriage relationship. So you will save yourself, your partner, and the person who wants to get to know you better from incidents.

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