How to roll back an update to an ipad. How to rollback iOS to a previous version

Have you read ““? You still couldn't resist and installed, and now you don't know how to rollback from iOS 11 to iOS 10? As long as Apple signs iOS 10, it's easy to revert to iOS 10. This process shouldn't take you too long. The complete rollback instruction is further under the cut.

How to get iOS 10 back from iOS 11?

Let's start in order ... What you need to do in order not to lose all your data on your phone or tablet ...

If you backed up to iTunes or iCloud on iOS 10 before installing iOS 11, then after the rollback, you can restore this data. If you make a "backup" on iOS 11, you won't be able to restore new data on the firmware version of which will be iOS 10. Therefore, it is important to understand that you can only restore information from a backup made on iOS 10, or you will have to restore your mobile device as new.

How to downgrade from iOS 11 to iOS 10?

  1. First, you need to check which version of iTunes you have installed. Should be the very last.
  2. Now you need to download the latest iOS 10 firmware build, which Apple is still signing. At the moment it is. We download it specifically for your device model.
  3. Now we take your iPhone or iPad, go to the Settings application and turn off the Find iPhone function there, as well as password protection and Touch ID.
  4. Let's go further ... Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer using a cable and launch iTunes. Click on the icon with the image of your device.
  5. Turn on DFU mode on the device. Hold the power off button for 3 seconds and, without releasing it, press the HOME button for 10 seconds. Then continue to hold the HOME button, but release the power off button. Hold the HOME button for another 30 seconds. iTunes will detect your device in recovery mode.
  6. Now in iTunes, press and hold the (Alt) Option key on Mac or the Shift key on Windows and select the Restore option. It remains only to specify the previously saved IPSW file of the iOS 10.3.3 firmware and wait for the process to complete.

Once again, we remind you that a rollback from iOS 11 to iOS 10 can only be done if Apple signs the iOS 10 build.

Almost every user of the products of the legendary Apple at least once in their life faced the question of how to rollback iOS on their mobile device. The process of returning an old operating system on a device from Apple is usually straightforward. In order to find out how to rollback iOS, it is enough to clearly follow the instructions below and then you can not only install the old version of iOS, but also save all your data on the device.

Before installing the old version of iOS, we recommend that you take a few simple preparatory steps:

  • - if in any way an error occurs during an iOS rollback, then you risk losing all data on your mobile phone or tablet. To avoid such troubles, you need to back up your data.
  • Selecting the operating system version - before you know how to roll back the iOS version, you must select the operating system version. It should be borne in mind that the iOS developers have stopped supporting older versions of the operating system.

So, considering the question of how to install a previous version of iOS on your mobile device, you should follow a simple instruction. First, you need to download the version of iOS you need:

  1. Go to;
  2. After that, find the field that says YOUR DEVICE and indicate which mobile device you are using.
  3. Now you should see a field in which you should specify the model of your gadget.
  4. In a new window iOS VERSION, you must specify which iOS OS you want to install on your device. Only after that, as you specify the desired iOS version, the rollback can be successfully performed.

Now we can look at how to get the old iOS back on our mobile device:

  1. Connect your mobile device to your PC. Please note that the latest version of the dedicated iTunes software must be installed on your PC. Otherwise, before installing an older version of iOS, you must download and install this program.
  2. We launch the application on our personal computer to start returning the old firmware on the device.
  3. After that, you need to select the type of your mobile device. To do this, you can press the corresponding key in the interface or use the CTRL + S key combination.
  4. Next, in the window that appears, click the “Browse” button and select “Update” in the new window.
  5. If Windows is installed on your PC, hold down the Shift button and at the same time click on the "Update" button. If you have a Mac, then hold Alt instead of Shift.
  6. After that, you will see a form where you should select the previously downloaded file for iOS rollback.
  7. Congratulations! The process of installing the old OS version has begun. In most cases, the process of installing a previous version of iOS is fairly quick.

So, let's look at another option of how to install the previous version of iOS on your gadget. For this we need the RedShow program. This program can be installed on both Windows and Mac. By the way, before proceeding with the iOS rollback, you should carry out the preparatory steps described above to preserve your data on your mobile device. It should be said in advance that this method is somewhat more complicated than the previous one, but sometimes it becomes necessary to use it for advanced PC users.

Everything that is written below will only work if you have SHSH hashes from the firmware you are going to recover to.
Read about what SHSH hashes are and what role they play in flashing Apple gadgets.
Even if you didn't save the hashes yourself, that doesn't mean you don't have them. For devices that have been jailbroken at least once, hashes for all future firmwares can be automatically saved on Cydia servers on the Internet.
Remember, for iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod touch 2G, iPod touch 3G, iPod touch 4G, iPad 1G, and Apple TV 2G, SHSH hashes can be extracted directly from the firmware currently installed on the device, even if it is not already signed Apple. Read how to do this.

Using this method, you can restore the iPhone not only to an iOS version lower than the one currently installed, but also to a more recent version, provided that it is no longer relevant and is not signed by Apple. For current iOS versions, apply.
You can find out which versions of iOS are current on the pages with information on the corresponding firmware, or in ours.

This manual does not apply to devices with Apple A5 and newer processors - iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 and everything that came out later. It is impossible to upgrade the iOS version on them without upgrading the modem version.

  1. Download from ours the version of the firmware that you want to flash without upgrading the modem. Place the firmware file on your desktop.
  2. Download the latest version of redsn0w for Windows.
  3. Unpack the archive, place redsn0w on your desktop.
  4. In the context menu of the redsn0w.exe file, select the "Run as administrator" item:
  5. On the redsn0w start screen, click the "Extras" button.
  6. Then click the "Even more" button.
  7. On the next screen, click "Restore".
  8. Press the "IPSW" button, specify the path to the firmware file to which you want to recover without upgrading the modem.
  9. redsn0w will ask you if you want to prevent the modem from rising. Be sure to answer in the affirmative!

  10. Then a warning will follow about the need to enter the device into Pwned DFU mode. Click OK.

  11. Then redsn0w will help you put the device into the required mode. You will need to connect your iPhone to your computer via a cable and turn it off by holding down the Power button (on the top), and then sliding the slider that appears. Then click "Next".
  12. At the next step, you will need to press the Power button for 3 seconds, then hold down the Home and Power buttons for 10 seconds, then release Power, and hold Home for about 10 seconds.
  13. You will be returned to the firmware recovery screen, where the "Local" and "Remote" buttons will become available.
  14. If you previously saved hashes using redsn0w or TinyUmbrella on your computer, you can click the "Local" button and specify the path to them. If you haven't saved the hashes on your computer, click the "Remote" button to have redsn0w look for hashes on Cydia's servers. If the hashes are found, the "Next" button will become available, you just have to click on it. Otherwise, you won't be able to restore your iPhone.
  15. Further actions will not require your participation. redsn0w will process the firmware itself and upload it to the device. You just have to wait for the gadget to load in normal mode.

  16. When the iPhone turns on, we advise you to go to the iOS settings, in the "General-About this device" section and make sure that the version of the modem remains unchanged.
  17. If any error occurs and the iPhone remains in DFU mode (with the screen off, not responding to any taps), you can get it out of there by holding down the Home and Power buttons until a bull's-eye appears on the screen.

On September 19, Apple released the final version of iOS 11. Millions of iPhone, iPod and iPad users immediately started updating "over the air" and today everyone has decided whether to stay on the new version of the system or it is better to wait until the more stable iOS 10.

At the time of publication of this manual, Apple continues to sign iOS 10.3.3, so the rollback procedure is still possible. If you decide to return to the top ten, try not to hesitate - then it may be too late.

What to do before downgrading from iOS 11 to iOS 10?

The process of preparing an iOS device is quite simple and allows you to restore all data immediately after installing iOS 10, but with one condition - you must have a backup in iTunes or iCloud created for iOS 10.

When the firmware is downgraded, data recovery from a backup from a newer iOS version is not possible.

Head to the menu Settings -\u003e Touch ID & Password and disable the corresponding slider. Rollback is possible only with disabled protection.

How to downgrade from iOS 11 to iOS 10. Step by step instructions

1. Hold down the Power key and turn off your iOS device. For iPhone 7: Hold the Volume Down button while holding down the Home button.

2. Hold down the Home key and connect your smartphone using a USB cable to a computer or Mac with iTunes installed. Hold the Home key until you see the iTunes icon.

3. ITunes should recognize your device and offer three options: "Cancel", "Refresh" or "Restore". Choose "Cancel".

4. Download the firmware image specific to your device.

Well, you have updated your favorite application to the most recent up-to-date version, but the developers made a mistake and the program began to work worse, or completely cut its functionality (for example, deleting the Audio recordings section from the Vkontakte application). Don't be upset, there is a way to downgrade App Store apps.

In contact with

How to install old version of App Store apps on iPhone and iPad without jailbreak

1 ... Download the utility for Windows, OS X or Linux from the developer's official website. The program is paid, but the first 30 days are provided without the need to make a payment.

2 ... Close the browser window.

3 ... Install and run.

4 ... Grant privileges to the program by clicking " Grant Priveleges", and then " Install».

5 ... Open iTunes, find the application of interest and click on the download button.

6 ... In the tab “ Structure"On the left side menu of Charles, find the line" p…"And select it.

7 ... Right-click on this line and select the menu item " Enable SSL Proxying».

8 ... Return to iTunes, stop downloading the application and delete it by pressing the " Delete».

9 ... In the iTunes search, once again enter the name of the application of interest, and by going to its page, you will thereby update the content.

10 ... Press the button again Download».

11 ... In the tab “ Structure"On the left sidebar of the Charles program, find the new line" p…”And expand its contents.

12 ... Right-click on the file “ buyProduct"And select" Export».

13 ... Save the file in the "XML Summary file (.xml)" format.

14 ... Right-click on the saved .xml file and select Open in programTextEdit (any text editor will work for this procedure).

15 ... Scroll down the code until you find the line softwareVersionExternalIdentifiers , under which the text will be located in the following format:









These are all possible versions of applications, from the oldest to the latest.

16 ... Copy the version number.

17 ... Return Charles and right-click on buyProduct and click “ Edit».

18 ... At the bottom, select the view " Text»And at the top of the text find the following line:


19 ... Under it between the keys XXXX replace the value with the one you copied from TextEdit.

20 ... At the bottom, click the " Execute».

21 ... Charles will create a new file in the branch " buyProduct"(At the very bottom of the" wa "folder).

22 ... Go to the " Response", And select" XML Text».

23 ... Look for the line in the code with the name of the application and its version.

ATTENTION! If the version of the application does not suit you, then using the brute-force method, repeat steps 16-23, substituting other values \u200b\u200binto the key XXXX.

24 ... Right-click on " buyProduct"And activate" Breakpoints».

25 ... Switch to iTunes, refresh the page with the application and download it again.

26 ... A new Charles window with Breakpoints is displayed.

27 ... Go to the " Edit Request"And click on" XML Text».

28 ... In line XXXX paste your version of the app that you copied in step 16.

29 ... At the bottom, click the " Execute».

30 ... A new Charles window with Breakpoints will open in which once again press the button " Execute».

31 ... Wait until the process of downloading the application in iTunes is completed.

32 ... Go to the " My programs»And find the downloaded offer.

33 ... Right-click on it and press " Intelligence».

34 ... As you can see, in our case we downloaded SoundCloud version 3.9.1 while the current version is 3.15.0.

34 ... Connect your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad to your Mac or PC.

35 ... Synchronize the application or simply drag it to the icon with the device.

How to install old version of App Store apps on iPhone and iPad with jailbreak without a computer

1. Install the iFile file manager in Cydia, thanks to which you can access all the directories of the drive.

2. Launch iFile and go to / private / var / mobile / Containers / Bundle / Application /. Here you will see a list of all installed applications on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad, but unfortunately with strange names. So you will have to look for an application at random, opening each folder and looking at the name "", where XXX is the name of the application.

By the way, in order not to follow this long path (/ private / var / mobile / Containers / Bundle / Application /) every time, add the folder to your bookmarks. To do this:

and) on the bottom panel, tap on the icon with shortcuts / bookmarks;

b) go to the " Bookmarks»;

in) click on the plus sign in the lower right corner of the display;

d) if necessary, change the name of the bookmark, for example " All Apps" and press " Create a».

3. Find the required application whose version you want to rollback.

4. Open the file “ iTunesMetadata.plist" and press " Text editor».

5. Scroll down the page until you see the format text:









The numbers refer to the version of the program. Copy any of the versions. In the future, you will also have to sort them out at random.

6. Install the free App Admin jailbreak tweak from the Cydia BigBoss repository.

7. Open the App Store and find the application of interest.

8. Regardless of whether it is installed or not, click the " Download / Open».

9. In the pop-up message, select “ Downgrade».

10. Once in the section " Known versions", You can select one of the old versions available in the list, and if there is no exact version, then click the plus sign in the upper right corner and paste the code copied in the seventh paragraph.

11. Wait for the installation to complete (the download of the application can be very slow. Don't worry, this is normal).

As you can see, we installed the old version of the Vkontakte application, which also had an Audio Recordings section.

In the App Store, next to the application, of course, there will be an "Update" sign, after clicking on which you will receive the latest version.

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