How to tune digital channels on a Samsung TV. TV

Since January 2019, Tatarstan, together with the entire country, will finally say goodbye to its television "analogue". The specialists of the RTRS branch in Tatarstan told the correspondents of the IA "Tatar-inform" about what needs to be done to switch to digital television.

What TVs can I watch digital TV on?

The republican branch of RTRS emphasized that for residents of the republic, the costs of switching to digital broadcasting will be minimal. By default, the free (no monthly fee - approx. T-s) and public package will include 20 top Russian TV channels.

“It is important to understand that any TVs can be connected to digital terrestrial television, just for different devices the connection method may be slightly different,” noted the specialists of the RTRS branch in Tatarstan.

In simple terms - the newer your TV, the easier it will be to connect a digital TV. Most of the questions arise from the owners of common analog TVs using a kinescope. Most of these devices were released long before the digitalization of domestic television. But even such old-timers can be translated into “digital”, representatives of the RTBC RT assured.

First of all, they advised to get an antenna (how to pick it up, see below). Experts have divided all TVs into three types, depending on the generation.

The most modern flat-panel TVs support the DVB-T2 signal transmission standard by default - all the necessary equipment (receiver - approx. T-s) is already built into the device body. Therefore, to translate them into "digital", you just need to directly connect the antenna.

Older flat TV models (manufactured prior to 2013) may not have a built-in digital receiver. To find out about this, you just need to look at the device's passport and find in it a mention of support for the DVB-T2 standard. If it is not there, you need a separate set-top box (receiver).

A separate receiver will definitely be required for older analog TVs with a CRT. In order for these and previous models of devices to work with digital TV, you need to buy a set-top box receiver with DVB-T2 support. On the one hand, an antenna must be connected to the set-top box, on the other, the TV itself.

When is an antenna not needed?

Antenna is a necessary component when working with digital TV. Its separate installation is not required in several cases. For example, if your house has a community antenna. In this case, you need to ask the management company of your house if this antenna supports the DVB-T2 format. If so, then you can safely connect such an antenna. If there is no support for the "digit" in the common house antenna, then you can write a statement about its installation.

Another case where antenna installation is unnecessary is if you are a cable TV user. Such viewers have the right to conclude an agreement with the cable TV operator for the free airing of 20 publicly available channels. If the operator refuses, then you can safely write a corresponding complaint to Roskomnadzor.

An antenna is also not required if you have a satellite dish or simply do not have a TV. In other cases, the installation of an antenna is indispensable, concluded the specialists of the RTPC RT.

How to install an antenna for digital TV?

According to representatives of the RTBC RT, there should be no special difficulties with the installation of the antenna. But there are several important points to consider in the process. They are all related to the distance to the nearest TV tower.

With an increase in the distance to 20 km, a more powerful external antenna will be required, albeit without an amplifier. It will be required if the nearest TV tower is located at a distance of 20 - 60 km from your home.

“The antenna must be of the UHF range to receive digital terrestrial television. It is also allowed to use an all-wave antenna, which will allow you to simultaneously watch regional analogue channels and digital TV, ”the RTBC RT explained to journalists.

At the same time, experts emphasized that there is no need to install a powerful antenna if you live near a TV tower. Due to the high signal strength, it will work worse than room temperature.

How to choose equipment in a store?

Before going to buy an antenna or digital set-top box, you should remember that sellers are obliged to take the goods back if, for some reason, it did not suit you. You can also talk to neighbors on the landing - perhaps they have already switched to "digital" and will suggest a suitable model of antenna and attachment.

“Any prefix will do. The minimum price for them is now in the region of 700 rubles ", - told reporters the specialists of RTPC RT.

They added that more expensive receiver options will differ from budget models only by the presence of additional functions - watching video from a flash drive, recording TV programs and others. There will be no fundamental differences in the devices.

What to do when you have all the necessary equipment?

There are two options here. In the first case, we are talking about modern flat-panel TVs with support for DVB-T2 (with a built-in set-top box - approx. T-i). after connecting to the antenna, you just need to press the auto-tuning button on your remote. Electronics will automatically find available digital channels.

If the TV is older, then first you need to connect the set-top box to it. This can be done in several ways - through a four-channel tulip cable, a SCART connector, or through a more modern HDMI connector - the type of connection will depend on the specific model of your TV. Older models mainly use "tulip", the most modern - HDMI.

After connecting the set-top box through one of these connectors, you need to click on the "auto search" button on it. In this case, the TV must be switched to AV mode (the corresponding button is located on the TV remote). After that, the set-top box itself will scan the available TV channels and you can watch digital TV.

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Analogue television is being replaced by higher quality digital television. Connecting it is no more difficult than the usual analog one, to which we are all accustomed. To do this, first of all, you will need to purchase a special digital set-top box of DVB-T2 format or a TV with an already built-in digital tuner. In addition to the receiver (set-top box), you may need an additional cable and a CAM - module. The latter is needed if you plan to view an extended list of broadcast channels. You can connect the set-top box to the TV yourself without involving a specialist (although when buying additional equipment, the employees of the selling company will most likely insist that you invite a specialist). To save on calling a specialist, let's take a closer look at what equipment is needed to install the receiver.


As already mentioned, to watch terrestrial TV broadcasts in digital quality, you will need a special DVB-T2 set-top box, which is also called a receiver or an external tuner. Today, stores have a fairly large selection of such devices. Most often they are identical, so it is worth choose a TV set-top box for digital television based on the functionality and options that you need. For example, if the set-top box will be used as a media player, you need to pay attention to the playback formats, as well as the availability of additional ports (for a flash drive or other storage devices).

The most expensive are digital set-top boxes with TimeShift and Scheduler functions. They allow you to record a TV show at any time, and you do not even need to be at home, you can simply set the start and end times for recording.


For the set-top box to work, you need two types of cables. One ordinary television (coaxial), the second special (HDMI), designed to transmit a digital signal. Although the second type of cable is now also common. The coaxial cable is designed to connect the antenna to the set-top box, HDMI - to connect the set-top box to the TV.

Advice! A television (coaxial) cable is best purchased with a copper shield. Unlike cables with an aluminum shield, copper provides better signal transmission.


And most importantly, don't forget to get an antenna. A digital television signal, like an analogue one, is broadcast in the decimeter range at frequencies of 470-860 MHz, and therefore an ordinary decimeter antenna is suitable for receiving it. It can be of two types: indoor or outdoor. The type of device is selected based on the distance of the TV tower. Home (indoor) devices will work well if the repeater is located within 15 km of the home. If the TV tower is more than 15 km away, only an external antenna is suitable.

Advice! If you live outside the city, where the nearest TV tower is clearly more than 15 km away, first of all talk to your neighbors and find out which antenna, with which amplifier, they use, and what is the quality of signal reception on their TV.

It is worth noting that some antennas are not equipped with a built-in amplifier, in which case it will have to be purchased separately. To check whether an amplifier is needed at all, and whether it is worth spending extra money on it, you can use an already purchased prefix. To do this, connect the antenna to the set-top box with cables, and the set-top box to the TV, go to the device settings and find the signal level scale. If an antenna without an amplifier will provide reliable reception (filling the scale level at least 75%), then you do not need to purchase an amplifier. Otherwise, the signal can be considered weak. The image with such a signal will constantly disappear.

Additional ways to connect the set-top box to the TV

As mentioned earlier, you can connect the set-top box to the TV using an HDMI cable. But this method of connection is suitable only if the TV is no more than 5-7 years old. Older TVs do not have these inputs. Let's consider additional connection methods.

Connection via RCA cable

TVs were equipped with RCA jacks to work in tandem with video set-top boxes, VCRs and video players.

Before starting work, you must turn off the power of the TV and set-top box. After that, we alternately insert the wires into the jacks located on the back of the receiver. Each wire is color-coded, so there shouldn't be any difficulties at this stage. The white and red wires are responsible for the left and right channels of the audio signal, the yellow (for video signal) is also connected to the corresponding color jack.

At the next stage, turn on the power and tune the TV channels. To do this, select “AV-input” in the TV menu.

Antenna (coaxial) cable connection

This type of connection is more suitable for very old TV models that do not have a video input. In this case, the set-top box is connected via a standard antenna cable. To do this, turn off the power and connect the antenna to the console. You can then tune the channels.

Important! Not all set-top boxes have the required antenna output, so consider this point when buying a receiver.

It is worth noting that this method is not the best, since when connecting through a simple antenna, you will not get the desired picture and sound quality.

Channel setup

To view a standard free package of TV programs included in the first and second multiplexes (each with 10 channels), you can configure it immediately after installing and connecting the set-top box. If you plan to view an extended list of channels that are broadcast in encrypted form, you will need additional equipment to decode them. You will have to buy a CAM module and a special decoding card. In addition, the card balance must be paid for the selected channel package.

If 20 channels of free digital broadcasting are enough for you, then after connecting the receiver and cable, you need to scan them. Most models of TVs and set-top boxes implement this function in automatic mode, in some it must be done manually. In any case, there should be no difficulties here. In the TV menu, select manual scan and start it, when finished you will see all the channels included in both multiplexes.

If you decide to use an extended list of channels, for example, from NTV + or any other provider, you first have to purchase a CAM module and a card. It must be placed in the conditional access module and then in the CAM device, which is inserted into the TV itself. After that, you can turn on the TV and scan the channels manually or automatically.

The cost of additional equipment depends on the selected service provider. Some providers provide an exclusively complete package of equipment, which means that it will not be possible to buy only a CAM module and an additional access card. The standard set includes a prefix module and a card, the cost of which can range from 4000 to 9000 rubles. Some providers provide equipment for rent, in this case the cost will be much lower.

Advice! For the best video performance, it is best to set the frequency to 114,000 kHz.

Connection without prefix

If your TV is equipped with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner, then there is no need to buy a set-top box. To connect such a TV, only a decimeter antenna will be enough, which can be immediately connected to the antenna input, and start scanning digital channels. In addition, in this case, control will be carried out from one remote control, which is much more convenient.

So, you wanted to connect digital TV. What needs to be done for this, and what to pay attention to? I will answer all your questions. I'll tell you right away that we are talking about terrestrial digital TV (prefix, antenna, air), about cable - it's not here)

How to connect digital TV? In fact, it's very simple!

I suggest you simple algorithm, following which you can easily connect and tune 10 or 20 digital channels on your TV yourself. But, since each step has its own nuances, I wrote separate articles on them. Carefully study everything that is written here, and you will be happy - free digital television in your home. All links open in a new window.

So let's go.

The first three steps when connecting to digital TV, or "Where to start"?

  1. Read this short introduction to the topic written by me. This will give you a rough idea of \u200b\u200bthe question in general.
  2. Watch on terrestrial digital TV. Maybe you expected more or something different? If you are not satisfied with what is being broadcasted there, you can close this site and go about your business)
  3. Make sure that you are near a digital TV operating in the DVB T2 format and that you are in the broadcasting area of \u200b\u200bone of them.

If the first three points did not discourage the desire, then we will continue. Most likely, further steps will require money, so check the coverage area well and think if you are not in vain doing this.

All you need is a TV (I took it for 1100) and (I took 700 rubles with an amplifier). In total, the issue price is 1800 rubles, which pays off for a year of a cable TV subscriber. And if you don't buy an antenna, then it's generally great. Yes, and the TV may already have a built-in receiver for connecting digital TV.

Further steps to connect the "numbers"

  1. We solve the issue with.
  2. We solve the issue with
  3. Having everything you need on hand! (Hooray!)
  4. If there are more channels than it should be (takes!),.
  5. If something did not work out, and nothing was caught, then we do not despair.
  6. If all else fails, then we call or write an email to the local customer support center. I wrote, and from there they really answered my questions. Well done!

Connecting digital television is not launching a spacecraft into space, and I think that it is available to everyone who has such a desire and very little money)

Here is a short manual with a bunch of pitfalls. I hope it was helpful to you.

Soon, the government of our country promises a total conversion of the television broadcasting format from analog to digital. In order not to be left without a TV broadcast after this event and not to contemplate the laconic message "no signal" on your TV screen around the clock, you will have to do some simple preparatory work.

How to connect digital TV without a set-top box

Let's first figure out what are the prerequisites for watching digital TV broadcasts on your home TV. In the absence of a collective antenna, there are only two of them:

  • digital TV tuner with support for DVB-T2 standard;
  • the presence of a receiving television antenna operating in the decimeter range. It is possible to use a universal all-wave antenna.

If you used a "Polish" antenna to receive analogue channels, and you have no special desire to change it, then it is advisable to replace the antenna amplifier that comes with it with a balun. This device cuts the unnecessary receiving frequency range and more accurately tune the antenna to the desired frequency grid. In principle, there are antennas of this type on the market, already equipped with a balun, so that the old antenna can be replaced painlessly.

Before you start purchasing a television antenna and, if necessary, a TV tuner (receiver) or a modern TV with an already built-in digital receiving unit, you need to make sure that reception of digital channels in your region of residence is possible in principle.

If it turns out that modern innovations have not yet touched your region, you should consider other options. For example, connecting to cable TV, purchasing the necessary set for satellite reception of digital channels, or setting up IPTV (Internet TV in IP format).

If you have reliable reception, people who own television receivers purchased before 2004 will have two options: change the TV or buy a DVB-T2 set-top box. Usually the second option is used more often because it is much cheaper.

The set-top box is connected to the TV using the cable that comes with it through the usual AV connector or HDMI video input.

Digital TV DVB-T2 without set-top box

So, we found out that watching digital TV without a set-top box is possible only if there is a built-in digital DVB-T2 module. If this condition is met, then apart from the UHF antenna (in the absence of a collective antenna), you will not need anything else.

Before connecting the antenna, it is advisable to disconnect the TV from the power supply. After the cable is connected, turn on the TV, activate the DVB-T2 tuner, go to its settings menu, indicate the broadcasting country (Russia) and turn on "auto search". In a few minutes, all available digital channels will appear on your device.

Digital TV DVB-C without set-top box

If you are a subscriber of any cable network, then when your provider switches to digital format, the only condition for watching digital channels will be a TV with support for DVB-C, MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 standards. If such a tuner is in your TV the receiver is absent, then viewing the broadcasts of your operator can only be carried out using the set-top box.

Televisions released in the past five years usually come with everything needed for cable connection. Many devices even have a CAM card receiver. If your TV belongs to this class, then you don't have to do anything new to set up and connect it. You just need to connect the cable to the TV connector, activate the cable DVB-C tuner and turn on the automatic channel search. In a word, repeat almost the same procedure as when setting up digital terrestrial television.

Some providers use IP protocol or mixed DVB + IP format for signal transmission. In this case, it all depends on the class of your television receiver. If it supports IPTV standard, there will be no problem. Otherwise, the company will offer you an external receiver to match the broadcast format with the capabilities of your TV.

Similar problems arise with cable operators, who use CAM modules to settle accounts with customers. In this case, even if you have a corresponding built-in digital tuner, you will not be able to freely watch TV channels, since they are encoded.

If your TV does not have a device for receiving such cards, you will have to purchase from your provider, or buy a PCMCIA card reader yourself and connect it to the device through a special “PCMCIA” slot or USB connector, depending on the model. Another option is to purchase a receiver equipped with such a card reader. In short, if you have any connection problems, call the specialist of the company that provides you with these services and consult with him.

Iptv without prefix

There are various ways to connect IPTV to your TV:

  • using an external attachment;
  • wirelessly using a WI-FI router;
  • by installing IPTV applications;
  • through the installed browser.

Since we are only interested in the wireless connection method, we will consider it using the example of some modern TVs of famous brands.

LG TVs connect to Internet TV through the company's SS IPTV application. To install this program, in the “Menu” section of the device, you must select the type of connection (via the router), then through the “Smart” tab, enter “Smart World”. Enter "SS IPTV" through the address line and turn on the search. The installed application should be displayed in the list of programs, after which we install and open the application. That's it, the connection is established, it remains to load only the playlist of your provider.

Owners of Philips TVs need to follow a similar procedure. After establishing the connection (WI-FI), on the remote control of the device by pressing the "Home" button, open the "configuration menu". Then, through the "Network Settings" option, enter the "Operation Mode" subsection and write "DNS" in it. In order to connect IPTV, it is enough to install any available widget.

If you have a different TV model, instructions for connecting to IPTV can be found on the Internet or on the official websites of the companies that manufacture these devices.

Digital TV without a set-top box via Smart TV

If your TV receiver supports the Smart TV function, then you will not need any additional technical means to connect it to Internet TV. Let's take an LG TV as an example, consider the scheme of its connection to any operator providing such services. Take PeersTV, for example. The whole connection procedure boils down to installing the required application, which will open for you a list of channels offered for viewing.

By the end of 2018 98% of Russian residents will be able to watch 20 broadcast channels in a new quality for free: First, Russia-1, Russia 24, NTV, Culture, Fifth, TVC, OTR, Match, Carousel, REN, TV3, STS, Mir, Zvezda, TNT, Domashny, MuzTV, Friday, Spas. The first ten channels from the list make up the first multiplex. It is available to absolutely every Russian. This is digital television with the most extensive coverage. Numbers 11-20 make up the second multiplex. It was launched in December 2017.

Digital television in Moscow

In the capital, the Ostankino Tower broadcasts digital television, coverage area within the city limits is 100% ... This means that with the appropriate equipment and with the correct settings, Muscovites can install 20 digital channels free of charge. How to connect digital television, we tell in this article just below (LINK INSIDE THE PAGE).

Digital television in the Moscow region. Coverage area for 2018

Access up to 20 digital channels also have all residents of the capital region... The signal of the Ostankino TV tower is distributed to some of the addresses; more distant areas receive the waves of the nearest transmitting structures. It is important to know where they are in order to connect state digital television yourself. Broadcasts are conducted by the TV towers Butovo, Mishutino, Morevo, Kuzminki, Petrovsky and others.

Interactive map. Digital TV: coverage areas in Russia

The official website provides a search service for the nearest TV tower. It is based on electronic maps Yandex and Google... Both of these links lead to the official digital terrestrial television coverage maps. The search bar is located in the upper left corner. Enter the address - the map focuses on the location you specified. After that, click with the mouse on a specific building. On the background of the map, information about the two nearest TV towers appears.

Free digital TV connection

You can connect it yourself. It is important that your equipment meets specifications.

TV set

The main digital TV format in the coverage area in Russia is DVB-T2. Your TV receiver must support this standard.

  • You have a digital TV:

Read the instructions carefully.

  • The TV supports the DVB-T2 standard: no additional equipment is needed.
  • The TV does not support the DVB-T2 standard: you need a set-top box (note that TV sets with the DVB-T standard do not support the Russian digital signal).
  • You have an analog TV.
    • You want to watch your favorite shows in a new quality. How to connect digital TV to a regular TV? - We need a special detention center.
    • If not: you continue to watch analog TV. No one will turn it off for you


Digital TV has uneven coverage and signal quality. The type of antenna that suits you depends on the distance to the nearest tower:

  • 1-2 km: use indoor antenna;
  • 2-20 km: use an outdoor antenna;
  • More than 20 km: you may need an outdoor antenna with amplifier.

To successfully install digital TV on your TV, you need to direct the antenna towards the nearest TV tower... The surrounding landscape also affects the broadcast quality of digital terrestrial television and the coverage area. Signal reception will be more reliable in flat terrain than in mountains or forests.

TV set-top box

You can buy it, for example, from the MGTS online store. On the Russian market, there are about 100 models of set-top boxes that have been tested for receiving a digital signal.

The methods for how to connect analog and digital television are slightly different. All 10 channels of the multiplex are transmitted on the same frequency. Therefore, they all appear at the same time. On what frequency is broadcasting in your area, you can find out using the coverage area map.

Cable digital television

There are only 20 free digital channels. If your interests go beyond the obligatory public TV channels, then the best solution would be to buy tV package from MGTS... The signal is transmitted over the cable. Its quality is not affected by either the landscape or the weather. Absolutely all channels are transmitted digitally, part broadcasts in HD quality... What do you need to connect digital TV? - choose your tariff and connect. Prices start at 145 rubles for a package of 134 TV channels.

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