Free online translator preserves the structure of your document (Word, PDF, Excel, Powerpoint, OpenOffice, text). Free online translator preserves the structure of your document (Word, PDF, Excel, Powerpoint, OpenOffice, text) Pdf file in English

PDF is a universal document format that can be read by any computer with Adobe Actobat Reader installed. However, this format limits the ability to edit the document. In order to translate a pdf file into Russian, you need to do a few simple steps.


  • First of all, it is necessary to recognize the document in order to convert it into an editable format. Adobe FineReader is the best tool for this. This program has a wide enough functionality for high-quality recognition in many languages. Download and install any version of this program.
  • Launch Adobe FineReader. Use it to open a document to be translated. Select "Submit to Microsoft Word" in the recognition settings, and "Exact copy" in the formatting settings. then remove all workspaces from the document. Select the text you want to translate and select the "recognize" attribute. Select all the images that are in the document and give these areas the "Image" attribute. Start recognition.
  • At the end of recognition, a Microsoft Word document will open in front of you, in which the recognition result will be located. Try to keep the original formatting. After recognition, text and images will be placed in separate tables according to the areas of recognition that you have designated. How carefully you format the document depends on its identity with the original. Translate the text to be translated. The best option is to use the online translator. After translating the text, save the document.
  • The best option for converting a document from the .doc format to the .pdf format is the Doc2pdf program. You can either download the program and install it on your computer or use the online conversion service at
  • A fairly common task is the translation of a text from one language to another. Very often I personally encountered a similar task during my studies, when I had to translate an English text into Russian.

    If you are not familiar with the language, then you cannot do without special translation programs, dictionaries, online services!

    In this article, I would like to dwell on such services and programs in more detail.

    By the way, if you want to translate the text of a paper document (book, sheet, etc.), you must first scan and recognize it. And then drive the finished text into the translator program. about scanning and recognition.

    1. Dicter - support 40 languages ​​for translation

    Probably one of the most famous translation programs is PROMT. They have many different versions: for home use, corporate, dictionaries, translators, etc. - but the product is paid. Let's try to find him a free replacement ...

    A very handy program for translating text. Gigabytes of databases for translation will not be downloaded and installed on your computer, most of which you will not need.

    Using the program is very simple - select the desired text, click on the "DICTER" button in the tray and the translation is ready.

    Of course, the translation is not perfect, but after a slight adjustment (if the text is not replete with complex phrases and does not represent complex scientific and technical literature), it is quite suitable for most needs.

    2. Yandex. Translation

    Very useful service, it's a pity that it appeared relatively recently. To translate text, just copy it into the first left window, then the service will automatically translate it and show it in the second window on the right.

    The translation quality is certainly not perfect, but quite decent. If the text is not replete with complex speech turns and is not from the category of scientific and technical literature, then the result, I think, will suit you.

    In any case, I have not yet met a single program or service, after the translation of which one would not have to edit the text. There probably aren't any!

    3. Google translator

    The essence of working with the service is the same as in Yandex translator. By the way, it translates a little differently. Some texts are of better quality, some, on the contrary, are worse.

    Personally, these services are enough for me to translate unfamiliar words and text. I used to also use PROMT, but now the need for it has disappeared. Although, some say that if you connect and intelligently set up the bases for the desired topic, then PROMT is able to work miracles in translation, the text turns out as if it was translated by a translator!

    By the way, what programs and services do you use to translate documents from English into Russian?

    How good are the translated results?

    The resulting translated documents are machine translated by the magic of Google Translate . We do not make any guarantees towards the quality of the translations, nor would we recommend using any of these translated documents in a professional context. All documents are provided as-is, with no guarantee of quality or correctness, and should not be used as substitutes for a professionally translated document.

    Is there any cost for using Doc Translator?

    no. Doc Translator is a free service which is run by volunteers. We are able to maintain operations thanks to ad revenue and the generous donations we receive from users who feel that we provide them something of value.

    Which format are supported?

    We strive to support all major Office document formats in standard use today. This includes Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OpenOffice, text, and SRT formats. We also intend to introduce support for the PDF file format in the near future.

    PDF is a multifunctional document format that can be read by any computer with Adobe Actobat Reader installed. Together with this, this format limits the possibility of editing the document. In order to translate a pdf file into Russian, you need to do a few simple steps.


    1. First of all, you need to recognize the document in order to convert it into an editable format. Adobe FineReader is the best tool for this. This program has a fairly wide functionality for good recognition in many languages. Download and install any version of this program.

    2. Launch Adobe FineReader. With its support, open a document prepared for translation. Select “Submit to Microsoft Word” in the recognition settings, and “Exact copy” in the formatting settings. later, remove all workspaces from the document. Select the text that you want to translate and select the "recognize" sign. Select all the images that are in the document and give these areas the "Image" attribute. Start identification.

    3. At the end of recognition, a Microsoft Word document will open in front of you, in which the recognition result will be located. Be careful to keep the initial formatting. Later, recognitions, text and images will be placed in separate tables according to the recognition areas that you have designated. How scrupulously you format the document depends on its identity with the initial one. Translate the text prepared for translation. The best option would be to use the online translator. By translating the text, save the document.

    4. The best option for converting a document from the .doc format to the .pdf format is the Doc2pdf program. You can either download the program and install it on your computer or use the online conversion service at

    Translation of pdf format into text file gives a huge number of benefits to the user. For example, text files load much faster, they take up less space and require fewer computer sources. But the main advantage is the probability of text copying. There are a huge number of ways in which you can convert pdf to text. A particularly easy and effective method is to use ABBYY FineReader 8.

    You will need

    • ABBYY Fine Reader 8


    1. First you need to install this program, but if it is already available on your computer, then easily run it.

    3. After that, in the right column, select the desired pages that need to be translated. Click on the "Recognize" button.

    4. Later, after the program recognizes the text, save it. To do this, you need to click on the "Save" button and prefer the Microsoft Word application.

    5. As a result, MS Word will open, in which the text from Pdf will be saved.

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    Often you need to edit a pdf file. Let's say if you want to apply the information that is contained in it. In this case, a converter or a text recognition program will come to our aid. It is preferable to use a recognizer. True, the process when working with it is a little more difficult and long, it provides much more accurate conversion than an easy converter.


    1. Download and install a text recognizer. It is desirable to use the ABBYY product, because it supports a huge number of languages ​​and it is much easier to transfer the document after conversion, exactly repeating the structure of the original document.

    2. Open the file with OCR software. To do this, use the "File" menu, or simply drag and drop the file into the open dialog box. Wait until the document is processed.

    3. Highlight the areas you want to treat. To do this, click on the open document with the right mouse button and select the option “Delete all recognition areas and text”, after which manually select the text that you want to recognize. Start the file processing process.

    4. Later, after the process is completed, select the type of file in which you want to transfer the document. This will be a Microsoft Word document. Select the form in which the document should appear - as an exact copy, as an editable copy, or as solid text. Wait for the transfer process to finish. After his conclusion, the document made will open itself.

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    PDF2Word is completely independent and does not require Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader. PDFZilla is an easy-to-use program for converting PDF documents to any of the following formats: DOC, RTF, TXT, BMP, JPG.

    Print quickly and transfer to a computer in a short time text not everyone can do it from paper. However, for a variety of purposes, people often need to transfer printed text into a computer - and for this, sources from text ohms are scanned, after which they are allowed to be used electronically in a graphic image format. This format has a number of disadvantages - you must recognize the letters in the image, which are not always sharp and clear. In addition, scanned text it is unthinkable to copy - if you want to copy any passage, you will have to type it manually.


    1. There are a number of methods that allow you to quickly translate the scanned image V text new format and simplify the recognition process text ov. To recognize the scanned text and there is a special program - ABYY Finereader.

    2. With the help of this program, you can easily convert all kinds of graphic and PDF formats to text new files, which in turn can be easily printed with minimal waste of ink or toner in the printer. ABYY Finereader is easy to recognize text s printed in virtually all fonts of all sizes; in some cases, when part text but remains unrecognized, you can retype individual letters based on the scanned document. Any PC user will be able to use this program and apply it for its intended purpose - it is primitive in use and quite effective.

    3. There is also another way to convert images to text New format - Microsoft Office 2003 can be used for this. Scanned text in TIFF format can be opened in Microsoft Office Document Imaging. Find the "Submit" button on the program toolbar. text in Microsoft Word" and click it. Everything that the program can read and recognize will be transferred to the latest Microsoft Word document.

    Format pdf (Portable Document Format) is mainly intended for the presentation of printed products in electronic form, but with its use it is also possible to create documents containing multimedia elements that are not prepared for printing. Until 2008, the format was closed and owned extraordinarily by Adobe Systems Corporation. However, now third-party developers can also create programs to work with this, now more open, format, which has greatly increased its celebrity.


    1. Install some kind of document viewer in this format if no application is associated with pdf stretching on your operating system. If you plan to only read, and not create such documents on your own, then it’s better to use the program from Adobe Systems itself, which developed this format. The application is called Adobe Reader and is distributed for free, and you can download a particularly fresh version on the company's website - After downloading and installing, any pdf file you run will be transferred by the operating system to this program. In addition, you will be able to view such documents, let's say, at ease in the browser, if you encounter them on the Internet.

    2. Use online services if you need to work with files of this format without installing the appropriate software on your computer. Such services, as usual, require registration, and later they allow you to both view and create pdf documents. These include, say, Google Docs,,,, and others.

    3. Associate the pdf extension with a program for viewing such files, if it is installed on the computer, but the operating system does not transfer files of this format to it. To do this, right-click the pdf file, in the pop-up context menu, expand the "Open with support" section and click on the "Prefer program" item. In the list of applications in the window that opens, select the one you need, and if it is missing, then click the "Browse" button and find the program executable file on your computer, and then click the "Open" button. If you prefer the application, check the "Use this for all files of this type" box and click the "OK" button.

    In pdf-format, electronic books, instructions and other documents are usually placed. Some of them are copy-protected, that is, the information in them is contained in the form of a picture, and it is only possible to “pull” the text out of it by means of recognition.

    You will need

    • – Abby FineReader
    • – Abby Screenshot Reader.


    1. Download and install the Abbyy FineReader program on your computer, to do this, go to the official website of the application, select the product you need and click the "Download" link. This program is designed to scan paper documents, but you can use it to recognize file in PDF format. To do this, run the program, then select the menu "File" - "Open". Select from computer file, the one to be recognized.

    2. Set the recognition settings: language (let's select several languages, for example, when the text is in Russian, but there are words in English in it); distribution of text into blocks (text blocks, images), resolution. Select the required section of text, right-click and select the block type (text, picture or table).

    3. Then click "Recognize". Later, you can save the resulting text by copying it to a Word document. Identification pdf- file and it is allowed to execute both page by page and for each document at once.

    4. Install Abbyy Screenshot Reader. After that, the program icon will appear in the tray. This application allows you to recognize text from a pdf document open on the screen. This also applies to any images, and everyone that is generally displayed on the monitor.

    5. Open a document, click on the program icon, select the type of source (image, text) and the type of data you want to get. You can choose text, a table, or an image. For example, if you need to recognize tabular data, select the direction "Text" - "Table".

    6. Then a cursor in the form of a cross will appear on the screen, select the necessary information. After recognition, an MS Excel spreadsheet will appear with the information inserted from the document. In order to split the received text into columns of the table, use the menu "Tools" - "Divide by columns", select the delimiter (space or tab) and click "OK".

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    The Microsoft Word program offers its users a very comfortable option that allows you to translate typed text. There is no need to dig in dictionaries in search of a translation of words or use translation programs. It's pretty easy to start Word.

    You will need

    • - computer;
    • - Internet.


    1. Launch the Microsoft Word program on your computer. The version of this program must be at least 2003.

    2. Type the text that needs to be translated, checking it for spelling errors. Any inaccuracy can make it difficult to translate the text by the program or distort its meaning. Select the typed text and click the "Review" tab in the main menu. In the menu that opens, select the inscription "Translation". Later, a "Reference Materials" window will appear to the left of the page.

    3. It is allowed to open this window and more by a simple method. Select the text or the desired fragment, right-click on it, select "Translate" in the context menu that appears.

    4. In the window that opens, specify the initial language and the target language. Later, the program will display the translated text below. It is also possible to set certain translation parameters by clicking on the inscription of the same name in the "Reference Materials". In the window that appears, check the box next to "Apply a dictionary on the Internet." This will contribute more to a perfect translation.

    5. After the desired text has been translated, click the "Insert" button below it. And in your document, in place of the initial test, text in a different language will appear.

    6. If there is no such button, easily select the translation, right-click on it, select "Copy". And then paste it in place of the initial text. Translation will be completed.

    7. It is allowed to translate not every text as a whole, but a certain fragment or word. To do this, select the element that needs to be translated and apply all the actions described above to it.

    8. Remember that when translating, the computer conveys only the general sense of the sentences. Therefore, you should not use the translated text in business documents or correspondence.

    In order to translate the text into Word, the computer must be connected to the Internet. This is where the data for translation comes from.

    Pdf - Portable Document Format is a format developed by Adobe Corporation. Documents of this type include not only text, but also graphics, media files, and additional sources, such as non-traditional fonts. Extract and save methods text and such documents differ from the methods used when working with ordinary text new files.

    You will need

    • Foxit PhantomPDF, Microsoft Office Word.


    1. If needed text from a pdf document, save to a document of one of the text new formats (txt, doc, rtf, etc.), use, say, the Foxit PhantomPDF program. Run the application and open the initial document in it - the corresponding dialog is called up by selecting the "Open" item in the "File" section of the program menu or by pressing the "burning keys" Ctrl + O. If this application is specified in your OS as the default program for working with pdf -files, then the operation of launching the application and loading a file into it can be combined by double-clicking on this file.

    2. To save an open pdf document in the simplest text new format - txt - no manipulations with the text ohm is not required, you can proceed directly to the save operation. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + S or select the "Save as" line in the "File" section of the application menu. In the File Type field of the dialog box, select TXT files. In the fields below, set the range of pages of the initial document that must be saved - you have a choice of 3 options. After that, click the "Save" button and pdf- text will be written in txt format.

    3. If necessary text the initial document opened in the Foxit editor can be transferred, say, to text New Microsoft Office Word processor. Press the keyboard shortcut Alt + 9 or click the icon with the image of the page in glasses, and the document will be presented in text new format. Select the required fragment or each text(Ctrl + A), copy the selection (Ctrl + C), switch to the Word window and paste text(Ctrl+V).

    4. With the reverse operation - saving text and in a pdf-document - Microsoft Word can cope independently. To do this, dial the required text or open a finished document in Word, and then call the save dialog - select the “Save As” item from the application menu. In the drop-down list "File type" select the most concise inscription - PDF (*.pdf). Later, additional settings for saving parameters will appear in the dialog, which you can change, but it is better to leave them with the default settings. Click the "Save" button and text will be in pdf format.

    A text document made in the Word editor can be converted from any format into PDF format using various special programs or an online converter. The choice of conversion method depends on the subsequent application of the document.

    PDF format and its meaning

    The PDF (Portable Document Format) format is designed for creating and distributing electronic documents. It is developed by Adobe Systems. The advantage of the PDF format lies in the fact that it is readable by all major operating systems without metamorphosis of the document table of contents and supports various vector and raster images, shapes, fonts, multimedia inserts and other information needed for display. Today, PDF is one of the most common formats for creation in electronic form and further reproduction of printing products on the Internet: magazines, books, advertising booklets, instructions, technical documentation, etc. It is also possible to save scanned copies of documents in this format. A significant property of the PDF format for the author of the document is the possibility of protection despite unauthorized copying and editing of information, as well as securing copyright with the help of an electronic signature mechanism. In turn, the user gets all the possibilities of interactive interaction with the content of PDF files: reading, filling out forms and signing a document, adding comments, creating bookmarks, searching by text, and more. others

    PDF Software

    Special software is required to work with PDF documents. Viewing, printing and making annotations can be done with the help of Adobe Reader, Foxit Reader, STDU Viewer and others. In order to create or edit a PDF document (including converting a finished text file from Word to PDF format), you must use the appropriate program. It can be Acrobat from Adobe Systems or third-party programs such as Foxit Phantom, PDF Factory, etc. These programs, after installation, create their own toolbar in MS Office applications (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, Info Path, One note, Publisher, Visio). Thus, in order to convert a Word file to a protected PDF file in Adobe Acrobat, you need to: open the Word file and select the "Create PDF" menu item in the Acrobat ribbon; in the dialog box that appears, you should prefer "Protect PDF", and in the next window, set a password and assign rights so that users cannot copy or edit the file. Then press the OK button, give the file a name and save it in the right place on your computer. The downside of such programs is the huge weight and paid license. You can also download free programs for converting documents to PDF, say PDF Creator or Primo PDF. They are virtual printers. In order to access such programs, you need to call the print function from any application. The disadvantages of this software include the lack of probability to embed media files, as well as the non-recognition of hyperlinks and interactive forms.

    Often there is a problem that various types of documentation in pdf format must be submitted in the form of Microsoft Word with doc extension. The pdf format is used for reading electronic documentation, reports, and does not give the chance to typically copy information, not to mention editing the contents of the document. To solve this snag, it is necessary to use all valid converters that will allow not only converting files, but also preserving their integrity and appearance.

    Reforming a file from pdf to doc with converter support

    It is possible to transfer information from a pdf document to Word, using various methods, it is possible to easily copy the contents of the file and paste it into Microsoft Office, but the design is lost and the formatting is violated. To do this, they came up with special software - a converter, one that will improve the work, make it more solid. For example, you can use the standard converter built into Microsoft Office Word 2013, which already has the function of reforming a pdf file into a Word document. You need to easily open a file with this stretch, and it will be displayed on the Word page. This method affects the quality of document design, page breaks and gaps are lost. A more primitive method is with the help of the First PDF program, which can be downloaded from the Internet for free. You will need to install it on your computer and run it. The program is primitive and comfortable in its application, and is available to any user. For conversion, first of all, you need to prefer the file, the one that will be converted, from the computer. After that, choose the file format and specify the path where the converted file will be located. After that, press the "GO" button and in a few minutes the doc file will be made. In addition to this program, there are a number of converters. Their differences are that not all software produces the result in a cool quality. Some of these programs are PDF to Word Converter 1.4, PDF Converter v1.0, FineReader 8.0. The rule of their work is similar to the First PDF program.

    Convert file from pdf to doc in online converter

    Nowadays, on the Internet, it is allowed to do many different actions, including converting pdf to doc online. This can be done with the support of the free Runet service, which does not require registration. The conversion algorithm for these services is slightly different. As usual, for this you need to go to the site, specify the path to the file, the one that needs to be converted by clicking on the "Select File" button. Later, prefer the "doc" format, if necessary, you can get a zipped file. Reforming the document will start after pressing the "Convert" button. The file is ready to use. There are a lot of services, but this one is distinguished by its quality of reforming an electronic document. Another way is to convert with the help of Google Disk. To do this, you need to register if an account on the service has not yet been created. After the registration has passed, go to your account, click the "Download" button, which is near the "Make" button. Select the path to the pdf file, and wait for the document to finish loading. Open the downloaded file with the right mouse button with the help of "Google Doc". Now you have the opportunity to edit the contents of the file, and later you can download it as a Word document. To do this, go to the main menu item "File" - "Download as" and prefer Microsoft Word (docx). When converting files, the main thing is the preservation of the design and format of an electronic document. Therefore, when reformatting a file, use a tried and true service or software that will accurately render the document, including sizes, genres, and text placement.

    Helpful advice
    For best recognition results, manually set the language in which the document is printed. This will avoid unnecessary errors when processing the file.

    PDF is one of the most popular electronic formats. The need to convert other files to PDF may arise under various circumstances. Most often, Word documents are converted to PDF, but if you wish, you can convert almost any file. The following guide will help you figure out how to do this.

    Word file conversion

    Word has a built-in converter. It can be used to get PDF documents. First, you draw up a simple Word document with text and the required additional elements, format it as needed, and at the save stage choose the following option:

    At the same time, the converter makes it possible to choose whether the file will be saved in a compressed form “for the Web”, or the document will be saved in the highest possible quality. In practice, the difference in the final size is not particularly noticeable. The finished PDF will be noticeably larger than the original Word document.

    Universal method for converting files to .PDF

    To convert any text and image files to PDF, use special software. There are a lot of utilities that have such functions. One of the simplest and at the same time functional applications is doPDF. The utility is distributed completely free of charge.
    The application is installed on the computer as a virtual print driver. This makes the utility a universal converter that allows you to save documents to PDF from any software products that have the option to print files.

    The installation itself is carried out in the same way as the installation process of any other applications. First, the installer will ask you if you need to install a special add-on for Word.

    After the successful installation of the program, you will be able to convert any files that could be printed to PDF. To do this, go to the print settings and select a virtual printer with the name of the program from the drop-down menu.

    On the "Properties" tab, you can select the resolution for printing. Also, when saving, you can set the quality of the PDF file. If the document is designed using non-standard fonts, check the "Embed fonts" box. This will ensure that third-party fonts are preserved in the final PDF.

    If at the beginning of the installation you did not refuse to install the add-on for MS Word, a new tab will appear on the office editor panel. It provides the tools and settings offered by the utility for saving to PDF.

    The settings, in essence, do not change in any way, but the button makes working with the utility more convenient.

    Now you can convert almost any files to PDF without much difficulty, I hope you liked my article, and if you have any questions or know a simpler and better way, then write in the comments!

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