Modern video surveillance cameras

Video surveillance cameras are advanced and challenging, and special knowledge from the video surveillance installer is required for its correct installation and settings. There are many options, as well as terminology that you may not hear before. Therefore, we decided to create this guide to help you better understand video surveillance cameras when considering the possibility of installing video surveillance at home or in the office. If you need help in choosing video surveillance look here.

When buying a camera system, you must consider many factors, for example, how the system will be used, the technical characteristics of the video surveillance chamber and the limitations of the environment in which the system is installed. Each section of the buyer's guide below will tell you about various aspects of cameras.

Cameras can be wired or wireless.

In wired cameras, cables with PoE (POWER OVER Ethernet) are used. PoE means only one cable is connected to each camera, which simplifies the installation.

The loss of the Internet or interference does not affect the signal from wired cameras, so the signal is more reliable. Wireless cameras affect the loss of Wi-Fi or a weak Wi-Fi signal, for example, due to walls or weather conditions.

The main advantage of wireless cameras is that the walls do not need to drill holes, and if you delete the installation of the wireless chamber, it will not affect the property and will remain as it was before installation.

Wired cameras are commonly used in commercial and business purposes, while wireless are more popular in residential premises.

The resolution of the chamber is defined as the number of parts that the video surveillance camera can capture. Resolution is measured in pixels. The greater the number of pixels, the more details and more images without blur and grain. The resolution is measured in megapixels, which is a little more than one million pixels, or rather 1,048,576 pixels. Horizontal resolution is multiplied by vertical permission to get a general meaning in megapixels. The best video surveillance resolution can be seen at the bottom of the table below.

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