Put on the back burner the meaning of the phraseological unit. How to learn not to postpone important and urgent matters on the back burner

Postpone in long box shelve / shelve Usually nesov. with neg. He led him more often. incl. or deer. To postpone the execution of something for an indefinitely long time, to delay the solution of any issue for a long time. Postpone what? decision, case, discussion ... on the back burner.

Chichikov wanted to finish everything as soon as possible, without putting it on the back burner. (N. Gogol.)

We will not postpone it, we will interrogate him now. (A. Chekhov.)

Yangui and Timofey Kosyakov volunteered to deliver their cargo to the expedition. They decided not to postpone the matter and go on the very next day. (V. Arseniev.)

(?) The expression is traditionally associated with the custom established by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (father of Peter I) in his residence. A long box was installed in front of the royal palace, where everyone who wanted to lowered their petitions (requests). These petitions were considered for a very long time, so the long box began to be called long.

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M .: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .

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    Put on the back burner

    shelve - to postpone the execution of any case for an indefinite time. There are several options for the origin of phraseological units: 1. The expression dates back to the times of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, a box for petitions was nailed in front of his palace, these ... ... Phraseology reference

    shelve - To postpone the execution of what l. business for a long, indefinite time ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Postpone / Postpone Usually nesov. with neg. He led him more often. incl. or deer. To postpone the execution of something for an indefinitely long time, to delay the solution of any issue for a long time. Postpone what? decision, case, discussion ... ... Educational phraseological dictionary

    Shelve - Put aside IN A LONG BOX. Put aside IN A LONG BOX. (Postpone) for an indefinite, long time. Prokhor was always tough in his actions, therefore, without postponing the troubles he had begun, at one o'clock in the afternoon he called Baroness Zamoyskaya (Shishkov. ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Put on the back burner - what. Outdated. Iron. Postpone the decision of the case for an indefinite period of time. The Senate, after talking about the answer, put it, as they say, in a long box under a red cloth (Derzhavin. Notes) ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Postpone / postpone (put) on the back burner - what. Spread. Delay the execution of what L. affairs for an indefinite period. FSRYa, 543; BTS, 271, 1535; SHZF 2001, 29; FM 2002, 649; ZS 1996, 222, 342, 474, 476; F 2, 69; BMS 1998, 653; Mokienko 1986, 39; DP, 565 ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

    postpone - postpone, carry, push back; suspend, unharness, postpone, underplay, delay, unplug, leave, shelter, reserve, stock, postpone, postpone for later, postpone until the Greek calendars, postpone for black ... ... Synonym dictionary

    postpone - Postpone the care of what (colloquial) stop thinking, care about what n. I put aside an empty message. A. Pushkin. Set aside to postpone the execution of which n. affairs for an indefinite time. Look, do not delay the answer, do not postpone in ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

Like many phraseological units, the expression "put on the back burner", meaning the delay of something for a long period of time, has an ambiguous origin.

It is likely that this phraseological unit originates during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, nicknamed "Quiet", by whose order a long box for the so-called petitions was installed in the village of Kolomenskoye (the king's favorite residence) next to his palace.

Anyone could leave a message to the king in this box with a complaint or request. Complaints were collected only after the full filling of this capacious box. Then the letters were considered for a long time by clerks and boyars. And in Russian the word "long" means "long". So it turns out that in order to submit a petition, you need to put it on the back burner. But still, we say: "put on the back burner" and not "put".

Therefore, other philologists believe that the origin of the "long box" lies in the nineteenth century. At that time, various motions, complaints and petitions were sorted out. So officials laid out the submitted papers in different boxes. Cases that did not require quick solution or they simply did not want to look at them, they put them in a drawer of the writing desk, which could be called "long".

But it is also possible that the phrase "put on the back burner" came into the Russian language from the German language: etwas in die lange Truhe legen, meaning "to put something in a long chest." Indeed, in the eighteenth century, there were indeed large and long chests in German courts to store court papers. So the affairs of the poor, in contrast to the nobility, whose affairs were resolved very quickly, were kept and waited for their "star" hour in the farthest chest: why not "long box".

In the end, I would like to note that the meaning of the last two versions is very well suited to another phraseological expression "put under the cloth", because the bureaucratic tables in state institutions were basically covered with cloth.

The saying "put on the back burner", as everyone probably knows, means "to delay the decision of a case for a long time." But what this box is and why it is long, probably not everyone knows.

True, there is also a significant disagreement among philologists on this issue. To this day, three variants of the origin of our saying have been proposed.

According to one version, this is a primordially Russian turnover that appeared during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, father of Peter I. And it is allegedly connected with the custom of filing petitions. Before the accession of Alexei Mikhailovich, petitions in the royal name were left on the tombs of the royal ancestors in the Archangel Cathedral. But Alexei Mikhailovich did not like to live in the Kremlin, but in his beloved village of Kolomenskoye, where he ordered to put a long, or "long" box for petitions (long and long in Russian are synonymous words). This box was quite roomy, and until it was full, complaints were not taken away. And then the petitions were considered for a long time by the boyars and Duma clerks. So the lowering of the petitions into the tsar's box acquired a figurative meaning - "pulling the case."

It is difficult, however, to vouch for the accuracy of this explanation: after all, what we say is “put on the back burner”, and not “put down” and not “put”. And this legend has no exact historical justification. Therefore, other scholars believe that the “long drawer” was a writing desk drawer in the first Russian chancelleries, where complaints that did not require a quick response, or did not make officials want to consider them, were postponed.

However, there are several arguments against this version. Firstly, the turnover “put on the back burner” appeared only in the middle of the 18th century. Secondly, it is found exclusively in the literary language and, thirdly, it retains the invariability of form. These features characterize the so-called tracing paper (this term, philologists denote literal borrowings from other languages). Thus, our turnover is most likely a tracing paper from the German etwas in die lange Truhe legen (to put something in a long chest). Let us remember that it was at the beginning of the 18th century that the Germans poured into Russia in bulk.

Indeed, in the buildings of German courts there were large long lari-lockers, where court cases were put; however, they were used as benches. The cases of the rich and noble plaintiffs, of course, were resolved quickly, and the cases of the poor, the court officials were postponing to the farthest end of the locker-bench - "on the back burner." By the way, in the 18th century, a more modern version appeared: etwas auf die lange Bank schieben, literally - pushing something to a long bench.

So, the expression “put on the back burner” is probably taken from the everyday life of the German bureaucracy of the New Time (which, however, did not differ much from ours, which is why the ill-fated box took root on Russian soil).

And the Russian analogue to this foreign expression is “put under the cloth ". It does not require special explanations.

Put on the back burner

(under the red cloth) - footnote.: put off for a long time

Wed The beginning preparation for the teacher did not end in anything, or, in any case, shelved.

Ch. Uspensky. Without your will. 1.

Wed Without shelving, they immediately went to the lake (hunting).

Pisemsky. People of the forties. 3, 19.

Wed His trial was pleasant to everyone, for the fact that it soon ended: immediately there was an analysis and a recovery on the spot, into the back box did not love save: everything would go on with him with a living hand.

P.I. Melnikov. The old years. 3.

At the palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, in Kolomenskoye, a long box was made in a post, where petitions were placed, which were quickly examined by the tsar, but remained motionless due to the red tape in the offices. In Russia, before Peter I, petitions to the tsar were also laid in the Archangel Cathedral on the graves of his ancestors.

Wed Etwas auf die lange Bank schieben.

Put (c) on a long bench.

In the old German legal process, the judges sat between the benches on which lay the cases that were subject to immediate consideration. These benches (benches) were like boxes, and the things that had been set aside were kept in these (long) benches.

Wed Mettre l "affaire aux oubliettes.

Cm. with a living hand.

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and well-aimed words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotes, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. SPb., Type. Ak. sciences.... M.I.Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what "put on the back burner" is in other dictionaries:

    - (under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich a box for requests). See TIME MEASURES HURRY ... IN AND. Dahl. Russian proverbs

    Put on the back burner - what. Outdated. Iron. Postpone the decision of the case for an indefinite period of time. The Senate, after talking about the answer, put it, as they say, in a long box under a red cloth (Derzhavin. Notes) ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Put in a long box (under the red cloth) a sock. put off for a long time. Wed The beginning preparation for the teacher did not end with anything, or, in any case, was put off in a long box. Ch. Uspensky. Without your will. 1. Wed Not… … Michelson's Big Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    What. Spread. Delay the execution of what L. affairs for an indefinite period. FSRYa, 543; BTS, 271, 1535; SHZF 2001, 29; FM 2002, 649; ZS 1996, 222, 342, 474, 476; F 2, 69; BMS 1998, 653; Mokienko 1986, 39; DP, 565 ...

    Blue box. Simple. Shuttle. iron. About TV. Mokienko 2003, 152. Long box. Zharg. angle. Shuttle. 1. The coffin. 2. Dark corridor. Baldaev 1, 113; Mokienko 2003, 152. / i\u003e Cf. put on the back burner. Drive someone into a box. Zharg. pier Bring someone l. ... ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    - (put) a footnote. postpone for a more or less long time Under the cloth lies (case) Cf. Have mercy! tout coule, tout roule, but we have the most useful projects under the cloth for six months, and no one wants to think about anything! Saltykov. Little nothings of life. 1, 2, 2 ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary - In various styles of speech, phraseological turns are widely used - stable phrases that form semantic unity. Their function is diverse: if in scientific and official business speech they are used mainly as ... ... Spelling and Styling Reference

In principle, the expression “put on the back burner” has only one meaning. Moreover, it is consonant with the expression itself and has a negative meaning when used. It means postponing insignificantly important things for later, an intolerable delay in their implementation.

Alternatively, the verbal expression “put on the back burner” is considered a derivative of the nominal phraseological phrase “long box”, which is most often used to denote the delayed execution of something. For example, a will is a postponement of the performance of some actions until after the death of a person.

It is much more interesting to learn about where this phraseological phrase came from in our great and mighty Russian language. Because there are several versions of its origin.

The first version is official. It is believed that the origins of the meaning of the expression "put on the back burner" go back to the seventeenth century, during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Quiet - the father of Peter the Great.

It was he who established the installation on the square opposite his Kolomna Palace of a box for submitting all requests, suggestions, petitions and complaints. Since at that time all notes were made on long sheets of paper - rolls or birch bark - the box was quite long in shape.

The problem was that the box was checked very rarely, so complaints to the sovereign were extremely rare. Sometimes they did not reach at all, since they were taken apart by the courtiers. Since the answer had to wait for a very long time, in the common people this box was called long.

The second version is semi-official. Some believe that the expression "put on the back burner" got its meaning much later - in the nineteenth century. At this time, in the offices and offices of officials there were obligatory dressers with filing cabinets of cases to be done. The drawers in these filing cabinets were very long.

And often cases that did not require urgent consideration were put aside in the longest and most distant box. Hence the expression.

From the same working environment, a synonymous phraseological expression came about - to put on the shelter. The same officials "hid" or put aside unnecessary affairs under the cloth, which was upholstered in the desks in their offices.

The third version is folk. In Russian, the semantics of the words "long" and "long" in the common people are the same. In other words, these words are synonymous.

Even the pronunciation of the phraseological phrase varies - some use both the pronunciation "put on the back burner" and the pronunciation "put on the back burner."

The fourth version is foreign. In German, there is a synonymous phraseological phrase: etwas in die lange Truhe legen. Literally, this expression means - to put aside something in a long chest. Most often in Germany, this expression is used in the judicial and legal industries to denote a too lengthy investigation of a case, "capercaillie"

But upon a detailed semantic consideration, it is very similar to Russian. Some philological scholars believe that the Russian-language expression is a reflection of the German-language version for certain situations.

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