Best rts android. The best strategies for Android - rating

Story Haegemonia: Legions of Iron starts back in 2002. It was then that this real-time first came out for the PC. The game received very good reviews and gained a positive reputation even among the most demanding gamers. And since recently Haegemonia: Legions of Iron available for Android And iOS.

Auralux created for those users who do not pursue a rich storyline, complex gameplay and modern graphics. The game is RTS, made in the best traditions of minimalistic puzzles. IN Auralux there is only one type of player controlled units who are at war with the enemy army. When two opposing forces collide, music is born. In combination with soothing visualization, a unique effect is created that makes Auralux An ideal tool for relaxation after a hard day's work.

Two civilizations of robots have reached that stage in their development, when confrontation is inevitable. The race of technological progress develops into a war for total supremacy, covering five planets at once: a sandy desert, volcanic lands, snowy regions, a swampy area and a high-tech city. There are 20 levels in the game - 4 on each planet.

Now anyone can become Android developer. The availability of information and the popularity of mobile games ultimately lead to Google Play constantly filled with new titles. Unfortunately, this process has one very serious drawback - the low quality of the bulk of the content. Sometimes the search for something worthwhile in Market turns into hard work. To save you time, we regularly publish selections of the best games. This time we will talk about strategies.

"Age of Empires"began its existence back in 1997. Extraction of resources, an interesting building system, development between several time periods and, of course, real-time battles with the enemy made the game a real hit. Since then, the series has increased to 8 games, and the number of copies sold totaled 15 million fanbase" Ages of empires" is growing, and now the game is reaching a new level, conquering mobile devices. With Age of Empires: World Domination begins a new page in the history of the cult series of games.

Imagine a real-time strategy game with dynamic storytelling, epic battles, city building and resource management. Something similar can be observed in, however, the plot there is the most boring, and the whole development of events is tied solely to the destruction of random opponents. It suits someone, but not the creators Tiny Realms. The development team decided that it was necessary to create a more interesting alternative, based on some of the principles of the sensational hit. As a result, we can observe the origin and development of the fantasy world Tiny Realms in which each user plays an important role.

- a sci-fi real-time strategy that mixes economic and military opportunities and is dedicated to the expansion of planets located in neighboring galaxies: the game mechanics are extremely diverse - users will have to explore the area, collect resources and attack opponents, trying to take a leading position in the ranking on android. The plot narrative turned out to be crumpled and hardly thought out - before the start of each mission, only a small text message appears on the screen, superficially telling about the whole situation in space. Say, useful planets are getting smaller, resources are running out, and the life of humanity (and other races) is hanging in the balance.

That is why a terrible war broke out, and anyone who is able to calculate moves in advance and predict the actions of opponents can become a winner in such a meat grinder. Of course, in each text there are other interesting details, but it’s better to find out about it on the go - all the subtleties still cannot be recounted!

The first gaming experience begins with the choice of a faction - there are few cardinal differences between all organizations, but there are some unique fighters and special skills, but in general they are all similar. After a perfect choice, the surroundings of an unknown planet will immediately appear on the screen. Gray, lifeless land, heavy sky hidden behind clouds, gloomy outlines of mountain ranges and sand dunes. In a word, the sights are completely unattractive, and even unsafe - at the other end of the map, hidden behind the fog of war, a powerful enemy is sure to be waiting, capable of defeating any offender! And a clear and beautifully designed training will help to avoid such a sad fate.

So, users lead a small group of soldiers who arrived on an unknown planet.

The goal is to quickly build a base that brings resources and explore the level, defeat all enemies and proceed to the next task. The to-do list is modest, but at each stage of the passage you will definitely encounter a whole bunch of problems, and therefore you should carefully approach each element. First of all, it is worth examining the interface. On the top right is a miniature of the global map, which determines the current state of affairs in the battle and shows which side the enemy is moving from. Just below the map is an epochal panel with purchases for every taste. Special mining plants, barracks with soldiers, generators, processing plants, guard guns and turrets. There are a lot of buildings! However, the abundance of opportunities is not beneficial - beginners often have questions about which elements are better to build first, where to get resources from and why, in fact, security installations are needed if you only have to attack? The built-in tutorial will try to answer all the questions, you just need to read carefully!

When the training is over, and the list of questions becomes half as small, then you can proceed to the first mission - users are already waiting for colorful and incredibly atmospheric locations filled with terrible warriors of unknown factions. You will have to build, calculate profits, look for cunning ways to protect personal possessions and be sure to cooperate with the arriving soldiers. In a word, a fascinating action that can both drive you crazy with really high complexity, and drag you out for hours with unusual tasks and an impressive company for tens of hours! A free project on android will be remembered for a long time and will leave only positive impressions!

(21 ratings, on average: 4,52 out of 5)

It's no secret that with the mass distribution of Android gadgets, a lot of new not only games, but also entire offshoots of game styles have appeared, which at first slightly pressed the toys written on the PC. But, having powerful potential and good hardening, now the "revival" of RTS has begun - the classic genre of games of the second half of the 90s - early 2000s. Older users remember very well the golden time when they sat in front of monitors, hacking on the grid in StarCraft, Warhammer 40k or Warcraft all day long ... Considering that several new generations of gamers have already grown up on this genre and RTS is able to unite fathers and children in exciting sparring, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with top free toys! In this top ten, we have selected not just games that simply belong to real-time strategies, but are very similar in storyline to those that have become symbols of that era.

1 Timelines: Assault On America

A popular strategy that was once adapted for all gaming platforms and now it's Android's turn. This toy will undoubtedly appeal to a wide range of real-time strategy fans due to the detailed drawing of units and terrain, an impressive amount of various equipment and, of course, a well-thought-out storyline.

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2.Legendary Heroes

A dynamic real time strategy that can keep the player in constant suspense! You will have many heroes at your disposal and each of them with their own unique abilities. Controlling the legendary hero and his team of 3 units, you have to fight on more than 30 maps, immersing yourself in an exciting game for many hours.

3. Stargol

This toy will appeal to fans of the iconic StarCraft, even though it appeared only in beta version and has a rather modest drawing. You will also need to build a base, hire workers to collect resources, build defenses against more and more attacking opponents and go on the offensive.

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4 Tropical Stormfront

As you may have guessed, the battles in this strategy game will take place in a tropical zone. Armies and flotillas of such countries as Britain, Russia, Germany, USA, China, Japan and a number of others will be at your complete disposal. In the stripped-down, free version, 4 missions are available, which are quite enough to decide whether to buy the full version or not.

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5. Redsun RTS

The game presented for review is a prime example of the genre! Choose a variety of units, expand your Base and inflict crushing blows on the enemy, up to nuclear ones! For each victory won, rewards in the form of achievements and medals are provided. Due to the fact that the game is free, and the developers write it in their spare time, so far you can only play on the side of the Alliance Patriots. Red Hammer will be available soon.

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6. ProjectY RTS 3d

Probably the most actively developing project in which updates appear almost daily! In the ProjectY strategy, to produce units in factories, you need to gain access to them by capturing enemy sectors. The tutorial built into the game will help you quickly get used to the controls and the nuances of the strategy, while colorful graphics and active gameplay make it very interesting and exciting.

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7. Land Air Sea Warfare RTS

In the war of Earth, Air and Sea, gamers will have to build an impregnable citadel in their rear and create an incredibly strong army of more than 100 types of units. Going on the defensive, setting up turrets, pillboxes and other barriers, you have an excellent opportunity to carry out a complete upgrade of your troops for a full-scale removal of the enemy!

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8Galaxy Alert

I would like to draw the attention of StarCraft fans to the Galaxy Alert strategy. The game surprisingly resembles the plot, and maps, and buildings, and battle tactics. You can play Galaxy Alert in one of the modes: single (with various missions), group (battle with other users) and endless (survival mode). The game also provides a system of step-by-step pumping of units and improvement of existing buildings.

Strategy in real time is not a frequent genre on mobile platforms. However, these games are usually very exciting with a gripping storyline. Therefore, there will always be a game that will please even the most demanding fans. So for your attention there are 15 best android rts games 2017.

Total War Battles: KINGDOM

Game Description: in this game you will come to be in the medieval England, where you have to create your kingdom, to build new cities, to train strong and powerful army and fight with powerful enemies.

Game Objectives: find the necessary resources for the expansion and improvement of the city and its army, completes quests in which you have to use the best strategy to achieve victory over the enemy and to invade new territories.

Graphics: the graphics will incredible delight medieval realism, detailed cities, buildings and objects, as well as high-quality animations.

Gameplay: the game has a huge number of buildings available for construction and the various options for creating the army. It is also distinguished by its multiplatform, which allows you to continue this game on other devices, as well as fight with players from around the world.

Tropical Stormfront

Stop chasing the lone opponent, it's time to start massive offensive! The military strategy “Tropical Stormfront” offers you a great opportunity – to remake the map of the world in such a way that the leading positions will be for the country, whose interests you defend!

In the game “Tropical Stormfront” you have to fight on the side of the United Democratic Alliance, for which it is necessary to cleanse the world from cruel invaders. Think over your strategy so that the victory is yours, not only on land but also in the sky and on the water. And a small but very important detail: if you capture the island, where there are the military bases of the enemy, they will automatically begin to work for you. As you know, any even the smallest detail can be decisive on the path to success.

Game Description: a challenging strategy game, where your task is to create a civilization from the Stone Age and reaching the space age.

Game Objectives: you must to build an outstanding building, to improve your army and engage the generals experienced on the service, to attack other countries, to conquer them and make their state the most powerful.

Graphics: stunning graphics with high resolution and sophisticated details associated with the era in which there is your state.

Gameplay: in the game from the outset and throughout the game there are trainings which explain in detail all game moments. In addition, the game has the ability to create alliances with other civilizations, thereby making your own even stronger.

Machines at War 3 RTS

This is a full-scale multiplayer strategy for Android by Isotope 244. After starting the new part of the Machines At War, the impression of temporary fault is occurred clearly because at first glance, it is quite difficult to focus on the difference between the new and previous versions. From the first part of the game has got a standard strategy and tactics for building your own database, from the second – a huge number of an army. The gameplay adds new elements that are rarely found in such projects. For example, changing weather conditions while conducting battles.

Gameplay includes 21 missions, which you can go for about 10-11 hours in uninterrupted passing. Game events unfold in the vast virtual world, with different locations, databases, maps. The choice of the game is represented by the fighting mode against the computer or online battles with other players. Creating a team of four people can be done in any format: 3/1, 2/2, full deathmatch.

As in many strategies, there are two indirect-convertible resources – the creation and improvement of its own base and technology development. For the development of the territory and conducting the battles there are 130 types of units available, which are opened after the construction of the main strategic targets. The army of units is represented by different departments. These are: land, marines, artillery, artisans, amphibious, warriors melee, portable media boards.

Each type of unit is designed to perform specific functions and tasks. In addition to the main types, the game has a special mega units, which can be obtained after the construction or capture special resources identified on maps. Grab one of the crystalline deposits you can start building super units – floating plants, submarines, nuclear installations.

Machines At War 3 is a full RTS project, which provides a great place for imagination and variations of fighting techniques, tactical actions in the multiplayer mode. The game will appreciate the fans of the good old strategy in which you need to spend the time building a strong base, and for the solution of all problems a huge army of units is responsible. The gameplay offers players many options, some of which is not always possible to implement. Simple controls, good graphics, well-drawn locations, spectacular sound design are pleasantly pleased.

Rusted Warfare

Rusted Warfare is a classic military real-time strategy for Android. Though this game cannot boast of advanced graphics, but the gameplay is one of the best representatives of its genre on mobile platforms. The developers of this game inspired by the most famous projects RTS genre – series of Command and Conquer and Dune 2. Indeed, after the first run of Rusted Warfare, it is impossible not to notice the features of the legendary strategies.

In this project there are all that are so fond of fans of the genre – big cards, the possibility of building bases and the whole three types of units. Despite the apparent simplicity, the game has the ground forces, navy and air force. Such a wide range of units opens up great opportunities for the application of different strategies. For example, with the help of a powerful fleet, you can easily block large enemy forces or impede the enemy by the constant bombardment to develop its economy.

But fans of brute force can always create dozens of cheap ground units and send this column to the assault. While troops are going to the base of the enemy, it is possible to stamp the same column again to send it to attack, if the first will be broken.

Auralux for Android is a fascinating application, made in the style of puzzle game in which you can play forever. In this game, users will be able to enjoy the beautiful minimalist graphics, designed in beautiful rich colors. The essence of the gameplay is to absorb planets. Everything is simple and clear.

A feature of the game is the abstract of the gameplay. You have to control the points of light and capture the stars. Once the sun is captured, it changes color and begins producing luminous spots.

The main objective of all levels is to destroy the enemy stars. In each level, three players of different colors take part. Opponents can be different colors, but you can always play for the Blues. At the start of the level all have one star, with the same number of points. Each star produces one point per second, so you need to grab as many stars to generate a large number of points and devour opponents. But not everything is so simple, you should pay attention to the details.

Don't think that everything will be so easy. Artificial intelligence of your opponents is on the top. Once you send all of your points to capture the star of one of the enemy, the opponent immediately sends his points to capture your star. But, if you've sent a huge number of points on your opponent, he begins to retreat and gather its forces in one place. In addition, two enemies on two fronts act directly against you, so you have a little string up your gyros. At first, even the training takes place with difficulty.

At the end of each level you will show an interesting graph with statistics of the last level, which displays the capture or loss of the stars and the total number of points of each player.

In terms of management, it is simple enough. To select the points you need to swipe your finger across the screen, thereby drawing a circle. Selected points are white. To send a selected point, you just need to tap on the desired location on the screen.

The whole process of the game is accompanied by pleasant and relaxing music, and the points are moving quite slowly and clumsily. Like in all modern games, Auralux has awards that are given for certain achievements.

Initially, in the game only four levels are available , but if you want, you can buy many more different cards, including the acceleration mode.

World War II: Real Strategy

This is the classic war game in real time, which is set in the fields of World War II. It will be a fierce fight against terrorism and chaos, in which you can become a famous marshal.

Additional information:

  • a large arsenal of weapons and military equipment;
  • upgrades;
  • availability of multiplayer.

Start execution of its tasks to create its own military base, gather soldiers, train them and begin to attack the enemies which are located in different parts of the world. To become a conqueror of the world will not be easy, it is necessary not just to lead your soldiers, but also to develop your own military strategy, to participate in the dynamic military campaigns on the ground and in the air, to destroy the enemy , to collect bonuses and move on to the first line in the table of world leaders.

Heroes of Order & Chaos

In an interesting application Heroes of Order & Chaos, you can choose one of 30 offered heroes and start the game. Your goal is to capture the enemy base. And it can be done in many different ways. You can set traps and ambushes, actively use your own tactical skills.

At the very beginning of the game you will be given a base, which, of course, you will develop and defend by all the forces against the attacks of the enemies. Do not forget to improve the characteristics of your character, increase its strength, so it will be easier for him to win in the bloody battles. You can win only if you can collect a huge army, train own character and show the most courage.

You are waiting for the exciting world of stunning victories and battles. By the way, the battle can be not only against artificial intelligence, but also against real opponents from all over the world. This epic battle you'll never forget!

You will be pleased with a variety of maps, which provide the opportunity to participate in the grand collective battles 3×3 or a 5×5. Nobody prevents you from using a powerful attack, cunning ambushes and even betrayal and lies. Make all efforts to win. Evaluate good graphics, good sound, addictive gameplay, the ability to create your team, the opportunity to play in real time. In other words, you will like a terrific app Heroes of Order & Chaos.

Also appreciate easy management, which does not have problems. There is no doubt that here you will spend a lot of free time. Connect to the gameplay of your friends and enjoy!

Throne Rush

Do you want to feel yourself in the role of a good knight, then install the application Throne Rush. The aim of the game is to build the village and to attack on the neighbor's land and their enslavement. The player is free to choose what to build from his village, that is a military camp, a thriving city or a rural and developed industrial center. The uniqueness of this game for Android gadgets is the fact that by using it, you can simultaneously develop the makings of an architect and strategist.

Fairy Kingdom HD

Help to build the kingdom and find love, to reveal the great mystery of the past, as well as to expel the dark evil that has descended on the day when it was their wedding. The game has 250 unique quests and 20 magical tasks, 7 unique characters who will need your help, a large map containing 100 mysterious buildings, clever charms and mysterious strangers, more than one hundred awards, items, and achievements! In the game there are great graphics and sound design. good luck!

Galaxy Empire: Evolved

In the distant future, when the Earth will no longer be suitable for people and resources have run out, mankind will have no other choice but to look for new places to live in the Universe. After a billion light-years on a ship, you will finally arrive at a suitable planet!

This is a chance for you to build your Galactic Empire!

You'll have to collect natural resources, develop technologies, build a fleet, as well as a unite! You have to defeat your enemies! You have to show the strength of our Empire!

Would you prefer a peaceful diplomacy or select the path of blood and weapons? Everything depends on you!

Rome: Total War

The game will send your mind in ancient Rome, where you will send a huge army in battles. Your job is to collect and maintain many thousands of the legion in the fight for the land of the Roman province. Your main goal is to occupy all the territory of the Roman Empire and become its lord and to keep the power as long as possible.

Make a choice among multiple factions, create a victorious strategy and lead it to glory. During the game you can watch stunning graphics, change camera location, zoom out and zoom in. A variety of climatic conditions, day and night, a large virtual world are also presented!

Fans of RTS strategies await the release of the game on the Android platform in 2017.

Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear

Try your abilities as a child of God against the Shining Lady – the princess, followed by a huge army of fierce warriors. This army destroys villages and takes people into slavery. So, you are the hope for the rest of the wild people. Become a powerful warrior with Baldur's Gate. The game is expected in 2017.

Tropical Wars-Pirate Battles

This is a very interesting and entertaining strategy in which you will create your own pirate island. To do this you need a good team and your own ship. Gather everything you need and go to the sea, where you will be waited for the battles, loot treasure and a lot of positive emotions. Collect money, improve your ship and you can easily become a full-fledged master of the surrounding seas.

Just you will need to improve and build up your island, in the event of loss you have a safe place to shelter. In the Tropical Wars app you play with a lot of real people around the world. Call your friends and the game will become much more interesting. In addition to the application there is a very good and colorful graphics, which gives even more pleasure from the gameplay.

It is an interesting game in the Android platform, which will immerse you into the fascinating world of adventure. Users will explore the vast expansions of the virtual space, constantly fight with their enemies, and pump the hero to the maximum level. This development has a wonderful gameplay and a very interesting story line, from which the gameplay becomes even more exciting.

Developers have realized their idea greatly, she definitely liked the owners of Android devices, it can be seen on the good ratings and number of downloads and positive reviews on the Play Market.

You will encounter a great strategy, where you need not only to fight constantly, and still pay much attention to the production of the necessary resources for survival. Of course, you will fight for a cause, you must banish all monsters from your territory, because they have no place here. All fights will take place in real time, so have patience, because all processes will occur in real time.

Do not forget to search for rare artifacts, which have their unusual abilities and will help you with the dangerous tasks. Be sure to seize new territory, because it will strengthen the defenses of your kingdom. Create new items, improve your character's talents and constantly modify its equipment, because every time the enemy is becoming more dangerous and stronger. Call to the aid of your friends and other allies in the game. Soak the siege of the enemy and immediately make a retaliatory strike. Collect in-game currency and get cool weapons.

Successful visualization and a good part of the graphic interactive environment will please the users. Sound is impressive, and the gameplay itself does not cease to amaze with its cool effects throughout the game. The interface. Download The Incorruptibles on your android phone or tablet and spend a fun free time with this entertaining RPG.

RTS games rarely honor mobile platforms with their settlement. And in general, even on the PC, which has always been considered the patrimony of this genre, the situation is almost the same bad - a clear crisis of the genre is on the face. But let's not talk about the bad, because today our editors got a tablet with the Redsun RTS game installed on it.

At the first glance, it immediately becomes clear where its creator drew inspiration from - the toy strongly resembles the early games of the Commnad and conquer and Red Alert series from the Westwood studio. But you are unlikely to find time to shed a nostalgic tear, because in this game you will find very cheerful gameplay that will not let you relax for almost a single second!

Like any other decent strategy game, the game will start off by building a base and collecting resources to build a huge army. Well, then you just have to visit the enemy base to disassemble it into its component parts. If you do not succeed, then you will have to repeat the second item of the list again. This can happen if you suddenly meet an enemy army on your way or because of too powerful enemy defenses. By the way, don't forget about the defense of your base!

Units. It was then that the developers of the game went wild, giving out a whole zoo of different equipment, ranging from simple ground troops to flying units. Ground vehicles are presented in the form of various buggies (just like in!), tanks, rocket launchers and other rubbish. Flying equipment will delight with a decent fleet of helicopters and planes.


Pleased: Interesting style a la CnC, classic gameplay, many different units.

Disappointing: There are no visible flaws in the game.

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