When will patch 7.3 be released? Dynamic change in the level of opponents

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Today I will tell you about the most significant innovations and changes in patch 7.3 in just 3 minutes.

So, we will go to a new planet called Argus and we will be able to master three new locations. To get to Argus, you need to complete a short chain of tasks, which is automatically issued upon entering the game.

Argus has exciting story quests, a useful teleport network, a military base in the form of a spaceship, a new currency for buying level 910 gear, and a new way to improve character stats using the Netherlight Crucible.

The crucible is unlocked by completing quests on Argus and allows you to upgrade artifact relics and acquire new talents.

The game will also introduce a legendary ring that increases the effectiveness of new talents. All legendary items will be leveled up to 1000.

In patch 7.3, the Legion will invade other worlds that need to be defended. Invasions will be 2-3 phase scenarios with a boss at the end.

The new dungeon "Resident of the Triumvirate" will include four bosses, including those in the expanded Mythic mode. In addition, a new Antorus raid will appear in the game in patch 7.3.5.

The method of obtaining knowledge for the artifact will also change. Instead of orders, it will be possible to receive new levels of knowledge weekly, up to 50 inclusive. Companion leveling will be much easier - with the help of new improvements, it will be possible to instantly increase the level of equipment of a follower to 900. For now, it's safe to say that these improvements are given as a reward for completing Orders, but it may be possible to get them by completing orders (currently only some classes use this method at the moment). The maximum equipment level for a follower will increase to 950.

The game will also introduce new crafting materials through Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning. Non-gathering professions will receive new recipes for crafting equipment and upgrades, including stones. Primal Obliterum is required to upgrade crafted items to level 935. Primal Obliterum can be obtained by fusing regular Obliterum with Primal Sargerite (a variant of the Blood of Sargeras from patch 7.3).

Almost all spellcasters will get a new ability animation. By the time this video is released, changes have already been announced for Restoration Druids, Restoration and Elemental Shamans, and all Priests and Mages.

Vehicle enthusiasts will also find new additions, such as the Antoran Hound and the Tamed Ur'zul.

It is not yet known exactly when the patch will be released, but all signs indicate that it can be expected on August 29 (in particular, all patches have recently been released with a frequency of 77 days).

There are many interesting things in the article, and we will start with the details about getting allied races and losing artifacts!

Disappearance of artifacts

As we know, somewhere at the end of Legion, namely in the prepatch, we will lose artifacts and in subsequent additions we will again knock out weapons from bosses, which I personally am very happy with, given that an interesting system for increasing the coolness of equipment will remain.
So, dataminers dug up a particle of Magni Bronzebeard's speech, which lifts the veil of secrecy over the method of destroying artifacts.

  • Magni: " The sword of Sargeras poisons the very lifeblood of the world. Vessels alone can contain such power... this is your mighty weapon. Raise them all together... draw the corruption from the Dark Titan's blade! Together, champions! For Azeroth!"

We still don’t know what happened next, but at least we know what exactly will lead to the loss of the artifact weapon’s power. True, it is interesting how intelligent objects will react to this, such as artifacts of demonologists and priests of Darkness...

Chains to access allied races

Dataminers are useful people, you need to love dataminers. They found information about how we will receive certain allied races. We decided to state this without any special spoilers, but still they are, so if you want to go through everything on your own, scroll to the next topic! :)


  • The quest chain will begin at the faction embassy in Orgrimmar. The essence will be the same as with the choice of new artifacts at level 102 - in fact, we will simply choose which race we invite first. Sylvanas will suggest that the player go to the Nightborne or Highmountain tauren, and the blood elves and tauren at the embassy will advise us on this matter.
  • Once we select the Nightborne, we will be directed to Suramar, where Lady Liadrin will invite Thalyssra to Silvermoon City.
  • In Suramar, a dialogue will take place between Thalyssra, Liadrin and Tyrande, where Tyrande will state that she does not trust the Nightborne after the events of the War of the Ancients and admits that such a "betrayal" may happen again. Thalyssra reacts calmly, replying that the Alliance is too conservative and therefore decides to accept the blood elves' invitation.
  • In Silvermoon, we will meet Lor "temar and Alleria, who has come to convey the will of King Anduin to the blood elves, who encourages them to join the Alliance.
  • After that, all the characters, including the hero, will go to the Sunwell. However, due to the presence of Alleria, the energy of Light is distorted and portals to the Abyss begin to open around, and the Prince of the Void Durzaan tries to capture the Well and subjugate it to his masters. Together, they manage to drive the aliens away, and Alleria was asked to "leave the premises" and Quel'talas, because she was a threat to her people once.
  • Thalyssra decides that the Nightborne will now join the Horde.

Highmountain tauren

  • Once the player selects the Highmountain tauren, they will go to a feast at Thunder Bluff. There we will meet Baine, Tarhorn, and Mayla Highmountain, who were invited to the party. In the course of the feast, the Spiritwalker will become ill, strange whispers will begin to torment him.
  • Servants of the Abyss will attack Thunder Bluff and we have to fight them off. During the battle, we will meet with Uul "ginet, a powerful creature associated with the Old Gods.
  • After the attack is repelled, Mayla will rush back to Highmountain to place the Tarhorn in the waters below the Thunder Totem so they can heal the Spiritwalker. The player will talk to Spiritwalker Leaden Sky and complete some of his tasks.
  • The Tar Horn will wake up and tell the story of how the Old Gods once tried to capture Highmountain, and General Uul "ginet was at the head of their army. Khaln Highmountain called all the tribes to oppose the enemy, but their forces were not enough, and then it was decided to use the amulets that imprisoned the general and his servants.However, after so many years, the amulets began to weaken, and the Darkness breaks free.After Bane will arrive in Thunder Totem to help his relatives.
  • In the end, we will fight Uul "ginet and the drogbars, who will fall under the destructive influence of a creature from the Abyss. When the danger is over, Bane will find out that the Spiritwalker is actually a black dragon.
  • Highmountain tauren become allies of the Horde.

Void Elves

  • At the embassy in Stormwind, Anduin announces that the Alliance must find new allies and the player must choose between the Lightforged Draenei and the Void Elves. Turalyon and Alleria will describe the positive qualities of both factions.
  • Once the player selects the Void Elves, they will head to Windrunner Manor with Alleria. Alleria will pursue Magister Umbric, finding information about how he knew the Abyss. As you search, it will become clear that the Prince of the Abyss Durzaan also visited these places.
  • Alleria opens a portal to the Abyss, where she and the player find Umbric and the other exiled elves. Next, a conversation will take place, during which they will discuss that the Abyss can not only sow chaos, but also serve as a protector from it.
  • After some time, it turns out that Durzaan is also here and that he, too, plans to get the power of these elves. A battle ensues, with Alleria and the Void Elves defeating the Void Prince. Umbric accepts Windrunner's offer to teach them how to control the Void.
  • The Void Elves become allies of the Alliance, and Alleria becomes their mentor.

Lightforged Draenei

  • Once the player selects the Lightforged Draenei, they teleport with Turalyon to Argus, where Turalyon plans to tell the Draenei that the Alliance is warm, sunny, and hot.
  • On Argus, we will need to watch the different kinds of tests that the draenei go through in order to become enlightened. You will need to carefully monitor the T "partos, who imagines himself a knight and speaks of himself in the third person. All draenei are tested in pairs, but the T" partos believes that he does not need a partner. In the end, it turns out that he is still needed and he asks the player to help him.
  • The tests will take place in the "Swamps of the Lightforged Draenei" location. T "parthos will have to face an alternative version of himself that serves the Darkness. This entity will try in every possible way to lead the draenei astray, whispering terrible things.
  • As a result, he will be able to pass the test and he will become illumined.
  • And after that, the Lightforged Draenei will become part of the Alliance

New selfie camera

The selfie camera is an interesting gadget that has become quite controversial in WoD. Someone thought that she was very cool and funny, and someone spoke about the inappropriateness of such innovations, especially considering that, in fact, a whole patch was dedicated to her.
In update 7.3.5, there will be new quests to get a camera for those who do not have one, as well as new filters, and very cool ones!

Heroes of the Alliance will be able to take the task "Lights, camera, action!" Ariel has Ultraflares in Stormwind. First, she will tell you what this selfie camera is, and then she will send the player to collect items to make it. After completing the quest, the player will receive a toy.

After that, we can take the quest "Crystal Clarity", for which you will need to take a picture of a colorful basilisk in Northern Stranglethorn. After the task is done, the camera will be upgraded to version 2.0.

But the most important thing is that new, very cool filters will appear in the game. You will need to get them from bosses. Here they are:

  • Firelands Filter- paints the skies in the colors of the Firelands.
  • Frostmourne Filter- souls imprisoned in the blade begin to fly around the player.
  • Sha filter- paints the skies in the colors of Sha.
  • Twilight Filter- paints the sky in the colors of twilight.
  • Argus filter- a destroyed planet will appear in the sky.

New Qiraji Tanks and Patch 7.3.5 Estimated Release Date

Patch 7.3.5 will introduce new Qiraji Tanks and Beetle Mounts. What will it be - updating the models of old mounts or new vehicles - is a mystery. However, judging by their description, they will be associated with the mini-holiday "Call of the Scarab", which is celebrated from January 21 and 23.

The new mounts have the same description: "A Qiraji battle tank was recently seen during the Call of the Scarab, could this be a hint of the return of the deadly creatures?".

Based on these facts, the following conclusions and conjectures can be drawn:

  • Perhaps the developers decided to still give players unique and cool rewards for mini-holidays. Or maybe, due to the change in Silithus, a small holiday will become a big one, but this is unlikely.
  • Also, mounts can be a temporary reward and can only be used during the Call of the Scarab celebration.
  • But they can also become a reward for some tasks in Silithus or they can be knocked out there, again due to a change in location.
  • And finally, the main conclusion! These mounts are part of patch 7.3.5, and given that the Call of the Scarab holiday has been running since January 21st, this means that the update should be released earlier, presumably on January 17th!


  • There will be new quests in Silithus.
  • And several tasks will be devoted to the new location scaling system.
  • Turalyon and Alleria will arrive in Stormwind and see for themselves the statues erected in their honor.
  • Khadgar will refuse to take part in the war between the Horde and the Alliance and will depart for Karazhen to consult with Medivh on what needs to be done to save Azeroth in the future.
  • NPC allies, characters of allied races, will appear in the world, and at the same time with unique phrases.

- the seventh addition to World of Warcraft. To understand when WOW Battle for Azeroth will be released, we analyze the development time of past expansions, the duration of the arena seasons, the connection with the release of WWII fiction books, and other factors.

Note: The exact release date of the Battle for Azeroth add-on is known only to Blizzard, but we can only speculate based on indirect factors. However, such assumptions often allow us to predict the release date of a new WOW patch.

So, when can we expect Batte for Azeroth to release?

Updated: the developers stated that the add-on will be released "on or before September 21, 2018". The exact date is not known, but you can read the reflections below.

Linking Books to Expansions

Due to the postponement of the release date of the book Before the Storm to June 12, 2018, players began to speculate about when the WOW Battle for Azeroth expansion would be released in this case.

Historically, a book appears before an expansion is released, but the time between its publication and release can vary greatly.


  • Cataclysm - 49 days between the release of the expansion and the publication of The Shattering book.
  • Mists of Pandaria - 32 days between the release of the expansion and the release of the Tides of War novel.
  • Draenor - 191 days between the release of War Crimes and the launch of the expansion.
  • Legion - 140 days between the publication of the Illidan book and the release of the expansion.

As you can see, a lot of time passed between the release of books and the launch of Draenor and Legion, while Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria were released literally 1-1.5 months after the publication of the corresponding books.

One thing is certain - books are always being released before the official launch.

Thus, we can conclude that we will not see any pre-patches until at least mid-June 2018.

Legion Patch Schedule

There is a theory that patches in the Legion are released at intervals of 77 days.

In principle, this was how it was before patch 7.3 and Antorus. Information about Antorus first appeared in the game files long before the notorious 77 days, and the update itself comes out 91 days after the previous patch.

There is already information about patch 7.3.5 - suppose it will be released 77 days after Antorus, on February 13, 2018. Add another 77 days to this date, we get May 1, 2018 - too early for a new expansion.

If we keep in mind that the release time of patches in Legion has changed slightly, then the calculations should be slightly revised - let the release of update 7.3.5 be on February 27, 2018 (91 days), and the next patch May 29, 2018- such a date is already quite suitable as a pre-patch before the release of a large-scale expansion.

Duration between Legion patches (days)

Legion Arena Seasons

Another way to predict the release date of Battle for Azeroth (albeit a rather rough one) is the Legion Arena seasons.

Season 6 began on November 28, 2017, and there is no information on season 8 at the moment. The start of the new season is not tied to the release of patches, nor does it follow the 77-day rule. Usually each season lasts from 77 to 105 days.

Assuming that the next 2 seasons of the arena will last 80-100 days, then the end of season 7 will be sometime in June, which is quite matches the theoretical output of the pre-patch Battles for Azeroth.

WOW Legion arena season duration

Add-on development

Statistics show that from the moment a new WOW add-on is announced to its release, a year or more passes - from 340 to 470 days.

However, there have been changes to the development process in Legion:

  • There were 4 global patches in Mists of Pandaria and several smaller ones as part of 5.4.
  • Draenor had 2 major patches and a few smaller ones after 6.2.
  • In the Legion, 3 global patches have been released at the moment, but the changes being made are clearly divided into categories (unlocking raids, continuing the storyline, class changes, etc.).

A table with release dates and the timing of the appearance of all patches of the latest additions to World of Warcraft:

Mists of Pandaria

Battle for Azeroth

release date
x.1 patch
X.2 patch
X.3 patch
x.4 patch
Duration of patches within an add-on

Release date conclusions

If we take into account the old methods of determining the release date of the expansion, then we can say with certainty that the Battle for Azeroth will have to wait at least another year. However, given the acceleration of the release of updates in the Legion, it can be assumed that new information on the Battle will appear already in the third quarter of 2018(July-September).

In patch 7.3.5, most likely, the Legion storyline will come to a logical end - blocked raid content, time travel (Ulduar), etc. will open.

Also in 7.3.5, a new story should begin so that the events on Argus smoothly flow into the Battle for Azeroth plot.

Blizzard has overhauled the release of patches - they used to always bring new locations, class changes, raids, etc., and now, starting with Legion, patches only open up known but blocked features.

This way of releasing updates allows the company to update game content more often and reserve more time for work on the final elements of the expansion (raids, storylines).

When do you think the Battle for Azeroth expansion will be released? Write your guesses in the comments!

Blizzard has announced the release date for Update 7.3.5 on live servers: January 16 (US worlds) / January 17 (EU worlds). You can find out what's new and what the update will bring to the game by checking out (in English).

The release of Update 7.3.5 was preceded by a series of speculations, as no patch notes were released during PTR testing of the update. We previously assumed that the update would be installed on January 16 (US worlds). This assumption was based both on information about new vehicles being added to coincide with the start of the Call of the Scarab event, and information about unusually long server maintenance. Above all, the Xorothian ritualists should have completed their spell by this time.

Here is a summary of the most noteworthy innovations:

  • To gain access to new tasks in Silithus, you need to complete the Antorus, the Burning Throne raid.
  • The Seething Shore battlefield will unlock later as the story progresses.
  • Allied Races NOT mentioned in the update description. They will not be introduced in Update 7.3.5. It is likely that early access to allied races will be unlocked as part of the Battle for Azeroth pre-purchase rewards.
  • During the Lunar Festival, players will be able to receive flower crowns: Wreath of Fortune , Wreath of Courage , Wreath of Prosperity , Wreath of Dark Flowers . These items were found by dataminers in the game files a few months ago:


Update 7.3.5 releases on January 17th. It includes several new features and changes, including time travel in Ulduar, leveling updates and zone scaling across Azeroth, Outland, and Draenor, and more. Players who complete the Antorus, Burning Throne raid will have the opportunity to learn about what will happen after the Argus storyline and experience the turbulent consequences of these events on Azeroth in a new questline. Check out the full patch notes for more details.

Before you jump into the game, make sure you secure your account with Blizzard Authenticator or Blizzard Mobile Authenticator along with Blizzard SMS Security. If you meet these two conditions, you can get 4 additional slots for your backpack.


Description of update 7.3.5 for World of Warcraft

New opportunities

DYNAMIC LEVEL CHANGE OF OPPOSITES Enemy levels in all zones in Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Outland, Northrend, Pandaria, and Draenor will now dynamically level up based on the player's level, just like they did in Legion. This system gives players more choice, allowing you to decide which zone to complete quests in and when to move on to the next one. All dungeons and rewards in these zones change accordingly.
TIME TRAVEL: ULDUAR Forgotten by all evil awakened again. Travel back in time with 10-30 other adventurers and cleanse Ulduar of Yogg-Saron's corrupting influence. Your character will be reduced to level 80 for the duration of this commemorative raid from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. You are doomed. Neither you nor anyone else CAN escape the approaching end of the world. Uulvi ifis khalas gag erkh "ong ushshsh!
SILITHUS: THE WOUND Players who complete the Antorus, the Burning Throne raid will be invited to their capital, from where they will travel to Silithus to shed light on the strange events surrounding the Blade of Sargeras. You will be able to start the new quest chain immediately after logging into the game.
NEW BATTLEFIELD: SHOWING SHORE On this new 10v10 battlefield, the Alliance and Horde will fight for a new valuable resource - Azerite. Competitions on the Seething Shore are held in the “king of the hill” format: the faction that first collects 10 units wins. azerite spawning in random places. A new battlefield will become available as you progress through the storyline in Silithus.

Various improvements



  • Since the difficulty level has changed, the achievements that can be obtained in this raid have also undergone some changes:

    Moved all Ulduar-related achievements for 10 and 25 player raids to the Raid tab of previous expansions.

  • New achievements have been added to the Dungeons & Raids tab -> Wrath of the Lich King Raids. All players who complete these achievements in 10 or 25 player raids will receive a new achievement upon logging into the game.
  • The new achievement will now award Rusted Proto-Drake and Iron Armored Proto-Drake mounts.


  • The damage dealt by the undead racial ability Gravetouch has been increased for the following classes: Death Knight, Hunter, Monk, Rogue, and Warrior.
  • Hunter


    (Rank 1) damage reduced by 50% and cost increased to 50. concentration (previously it was 40 units).

  • Cobra Shot (rank 2), available at level 3, reduces the cost by 10. concentration.
  • Cobra Shot (Rank 3), available at level 52, increases damage by 100%.
  • Damage from

Blizzard has announced the release date for Update 7.3.5 on live servers: January 16 (US worlds) / January 17 (EU worlds). You can find out what's new and what the update will bring to the game by checking out (in English).

The release of Update 7.3.5 was preceded by a series of speculations, as no patch notes were released during PTR testing of the update. We previously assumed that the update would be installed on January 16 (US worlds). This assumption was based both on information about new vehicles being added to coincide with the start of the Call of the Scarab event, and information about unusually long server maintenance. Above all, the Xorothian ritualists should have completed their spell by this time.

Here is a summary of the most noteworthy innovations:

  • To gain access to new tasks in Silithus, you need to complete the Antorus, the Burning Throne raid.
  • The Seething Shore battlefield will unlock later as the story progresses.
  • Allied Races NOT mentioned in the update description. They will not be introduced in Update 7.3.5. It is likely that early access to allied races will be unlocked as part of the Battle for Azeroth pre-purchase rewards.
  • During the Lunar Festival, players will be able to receive flower crowns: Wreath of Fortune , Wreath of Courage , Wreath of Prosperity , Wreath of Dark Flowers . These items were found by dataminers in the game files a few months ago:


Update 7.3.5 releases on January 17th. It includes several new features and changes, including time travel in Ulduar, leveling updates and zone scaling across Azeroth, Outland, and Draenor, and more. Players who complete the Antorus, Burning Throne raid will have the opportunity to learn about what will happen after the Argus storyline and experience the turbulent consequences of these events on Azeroth in a new questline. Check out the full patch notes for more details.

Before you jump into the game, make sure you secure your account with Blizzard Authenticator or Blizzard Mobile Authenticator along with Blizzard SMS Security. If you meet these two conditions, you can get 4 additional slots for your backpack.


Description of update 7.3.5 for World of Warcraft

New opportunities

DYNAMIC LEVEL CHANGE OF OPPOSITES Enemy levels in all zones in Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Outland, Northrend, Pandaria, and Draenor will now dynamically level up based on the player's level, just like they did in Legion. This system gives players more choice, allowing you to decide which zone to complete quests in and when to move on to the next one. All dungeons and rewards in these zones change accordingly.
TIME TRAVEL: ULDUAR Forgotten by all evil awakened again. Travel back in time with 10-30 other adventurers and cleanse Ulduar of Yogg-Saron's corrupting influence. Your character will be reduced to level 80 for the duration of this commemorative raid from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. You are doomed. Neither you nor anyone else CAN escape the approaching end of the world. Uulvi ifis khalas gag erkh "ong ushshsh!
SILITHUS: THE WOUND Players who complete the Antorus, the Burning Throne raid will be invited to their capital, from where they will travel to Silithus to shed light on the strange events surrounding the Blade of Sargeras. You will be able to start the new quest chain immediately after logging into the game.
NEW BATTLEFIELD: SHOWING SHORE On this new 10v10 battlefield, the Alliance and Horde will fight for a new valuable resource - Azerite. Competitions on the Seething Shore are held in the “king of the hill” format: the faction that first collects 10 units wins. azerite spawning in random places. A new battlefield will become available as you progress through the storyline in Silithus.

Various improvements



  • Since the difficulty level has changed, the achievements that can be obtained in this raid have also undergone some changes:

    Moved all Ulduar-related achievements for 10 and 25 player raids to the Raid tab of previous expansions.

  • New achievements have been added to the Dungeons & Raids tab -> Wrath of the Lich King Raids. All players who complete these achievements in 10 or 25 player raids will receive a new achievement upon logging into the game.
  • The new achievement will now award Rusted Proto-Drake and Iron Armored Proto-Drake mounts.


  • The damage dealt by the undead racial ability Gravetouch has been increased for the following classes: Death Knight, Hunter, Monk, Rogue, and Warrior.
  • Hunter


    (Rank 1) damage reduced by 50% and cost increased to 50. concentration (previously it was 40 units).

  • Cobra Shot (rank 2), available at level 3, reduces the cost by 10. concentration.
  • Cobra Shot (Rank 3), available at level 52, increases damage by 100%.
  • Damage from
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