How to fix Play Market errors: detailed step-by-step instructions. Play Market does not work (no connection) and other errors

Internet surfers very often encounter the problem that instead of the expected page, when opening a resource in a web browser, an error 400 is issued containing a description of the wrong request. It is believed that this failure belongs to the category of user, moreover, associated with errors entering the address of the requested resource, but this is not always the case.

Error 400 (Bad Request) - what is it?

Initially, the error itself can be interpreted precisely as an incorrect request when an Internet surfer enters an incorrect resource address. This is a so-called syntax error. For example, when trying to access the Mail.Ru mail server, a Ukrainian user can easily enter the UA domain instead of RU, rightly believing that initially the site can redirect depending on the region or location of the user.

But such a domain does not actually exist. So it turns out that instead of entering the start page, the surfer receives a message that an error 400 has occurred (Bad Request - incorrect, incorrect or bad request).

Windows Services Impact

One of the reasons for the failure, as some experts note, may even be the influence of the services provided by the antivirus software and the protection system of the Windows OS itself.

The same firewall (firewall) or Windows Defender can easily provoke a situation when an error 400 appears. In this case, we are talking about blocking sites and their contents. To resolve this problem, in the simplest case, you should add the address of the Internet resource to the exclusion list of all protection programs. In the case of the built-in firewall, you will have to use the creation of a new rule.

Error Code 400: Nginx

Often an error message appears accompanied by an indication of a lock by the Nginx service. There can be two situations: either it is a virus, or the original component really worked, which, however, is used exclusively in UNIX-like systems, and by and large should not have anything to do with Windows.

The trouble is that in this case a request is made to the server, which is just running such OS, which can block requests made from a specific IP address. In turn, the address itself is marked as unreliable, and entered in a special LOG-file of the firewall, which should exclude attempts to access in the future. The message that a 400 error occurred may directly indicate the contents of a huge amount of computer junk in the system in the form of a cache and cookies. All this needs to be cleaned.

What to do first?

In all cases when error 400 occurs, to start with a browser or using system tools (if by default access to the Internet is via built-in tools like Inetrnet Explorer or Edge), clear your browsing history, delete the cache and cookies. By the way, you can apply exception lists only after a complete cleanup.

To do this manually is a thankless task, therefore, to simplify the work, you should give preference to automatic optimizer programs (Glary Utilities, Advanced System Care, CCleaner, etc.).

On the other hand, it’s worth checking the system for the presence of various kinds of advertising junk or spyware, using for this purpose not anti-virus scanner, but portable versions of applications like Anti-Malware.

Sometimes even the most common computer reboot can help. Perhaps the appearance of this error was caused by a short-term failure of the operating system or the default browser (it may very well be that when accessing the requested page in another browser the error will not appear). In general, the bulk of the work to fix the problem comes down to freeing up system resources and browser memory. After that, the problem disappears in almost all cases, except for the lack of communication or the low speed of the Internet connection, when a timeout can be observed - exceeding the server response timeout when requesting. But this is another question, although the solutions proposed for this situation help in other cases, when the problem is related to requests in browsers.

For those who do not want to cope with the problem on their own, a special Fix It utility from Microsoft has been created that is able to fix some errors in connecting to the Internet (and not only). So neglect and such a tool is not worth it. In some cases, it can prove to be an effective means of eliminating failures of this kind.

Some active users who often use the Play Market application may receive errors with different encodings and identifiers. One of the main and most popular in the last place is the error code 192 in the play market. What does it mean and what methods of eliminating this error are available for the average user?

In what cases an error occurs

There may actually be several reasons, and the most common ones are the following:

  1. Downloading applications with problems or bugs.
  2. Poor update of the Play Market.
  3. The cache problem.
  4. Problems with Google Play data.
  5. Malfunctions and account.

These reasons are the most common, therefore, they must be corrected. How to do it right without unnecessary losses and harm to the user and the gadget?

How to fix error 192 yourself?

In order to get rid of the constantly appearing error 192 in the Play Market, you need to start with the most obvious action - clearing the application cache.

Cache cache

Clear the cache as follows:

  1. Open the settings menu on your mobile phone or tablet.
  2. Go from settings to the section with applications (most often this section is called "Application Manager). Otherwise, the name of this section depends on the model of the device and the version of Android OS installed on it.
  3. After that, you need to open the "everything" tab, and inside this tab to find the Google Play Play Market application.
  4. At the bottom of the application information, you need to click the Stop button and click on it.
  5. The next step is to find another button, "Clear Cache" and click on it.
  6. Then you need to repeat all the previous steps, but for another application - Google Play Services.

After that, download the application again.

Data cleansing

The next step to be taken (in the event that the cache cleanup did not bring any results) is to delete the application data. It is done like this:

  1. Open the settings menu.
  2. Go to applications (application manager).
  3. Open Play Market settings.
  4. Stop the application.
  5. Click on “Erase data”.

That is, almost all actions from clearing the cache and clearing data are identical. Cleaning will help fix error 192. If this does not help, you should go ahead and delete your account.

Delete your Google profile

It is clear that this method is better to use if no one else has corrected the situation. Using this method first is not recommended, since deleting and restoring an account in case of incorrect actions may entail the deletion of all information about it.

To remove and reinstall your account profile, you must do the following:

  1. On your mobile device or tablet, you need to go to the settings section.
  2. Go to the accounts section and select the Google account you want to delete. In the event that the user profile really refers to google, you need to select Google. If to another platform - select it.
  3. The next step is to touch the menu icon. This icon can be found in the upper right corner of the workspace.
  4. In the list of dropped out teams select "Delete account".
  5. After that, you should restart your mobile device and re-add your account there.
  6. The final step is to try downloading the Play Market app again.

This method is able to deal with many Play Market errors, including problem 192. If this method did not bring any expected results, it is recommended to contact technical support.

Many of us sooner or later face a situation where when trying to download or update an application from the Google Play Store, our smartphone or tablet refuses to do this, giving an error message and its number, similar to the one you see on the below screenshot.

Unfortunately, the official list of Play Store error numbers, as well as the decryption of their codes does not exist, not to mention what needs to be done in a particular case to eliminate them. But, fortunately, independent developers from the XDA-Developers forum compiled their own list of Play Market errors, sorted by their numerical codes and methods for solving them.

So meet: Play Market Mistakes. Decryption of codes and what to do if the Play Store does not work

First of all, before starting to search for a solution to a particular error, check the availability of an Internet connection, the availability of free space in the device’s memory, as well as the correct setting of the date and time on your device — this simple set of tools can solve many of the problems listed below.

Error 491 / Error 481 :

Problem:  Downloading and updating applications is not possible

Decision: Delete your Google Account by going to the settings menu of your device -\u003e “Accounts” section -\u003e naming an account -\u003e menu button -\u003e “Delete account”. Reboot the device, add the account again and go to Settings -\u003e Applications -\u003e All -\u003e Google Play Services -\u003e "Clear Data" button, then the "Stop" button

Error 498:

Decision:  Downloading the application may be interrupted due to a cache overflow on your device. Remove unnecessary applications from your tablet or smartphone and restart it in recovery mode by turning off the device and pressing the volume down, power on and Home buttons (Samsung devices) or the volume on and off buttons (most other devices) at the same time, select the option in recovery "Wipe / clear cache". Clockworkmod and TWRP instructions. recovery.

Error 919:

Problem: The application downloads, but does not start

Decision:  There is no free space in the internal memory of your device. Delete unnecessary applications, photos, music and other files

Error 403 / Error 413 / Error 504 :

Problem:  Installing and updating applications is not possible

Decision:  If you are using a proxy, try dropping it. Go to the settings menu, the "Applications" section -\u003e All -\u003e Google Play Services -\u003e the "Clear Data" button, then the "Stop" button. Do the same with the Play Store app. Make sure there is free space in the device’s memory. Clear the cache of your internet browser. Clear data from the Google Sevices Framework application.

Error 923:

Problem: Google account sync error or lack of cache

Decision:  Delete, as in the case of error 491, a Google account and recreate it. Remove unnecessary applications. If this does not help, clear the system cache as described in resolving error 498.

Error 921 / Error rpc: aec: 0] :

Problem:  Unable to download apps from Play Store

Decision:  if you use proxy, refuse it. Clear the cache of the Play Store app as described above. If this does not help, clear the application data, but keep in mind that after that you will need to re-enter the password and login of your account. If this does not help, at the same time clear the data and cache of the Google Play Services application and the Google Sevices Framework applications. In case of emergency, delete your Google Account, reboot your device and re-create your account.

Error 492:

Problem:  Dalvik cache

Decision: Delete, as described above, the data and cache of the Play Store app and Google Play Services. If this does not help, those with root access can clear the Dalvik cache from recovery. The most extreme case is resetting the device to the factory settings, but at the same time all your data and applications on it will be lost.

Error 911 / Error 919:

Problem:  Applications do not download

Decision:  Typically, this problem occurs due to an authentication error when accessing a WiFi network or mobile Internet connection. Turn off WiFi or turn off your mobile connection and turn them on again. Check the correctness of their settings and using a web browser make sure that the Internet connection is established.

Mistakerh01 / Errorrpc:s-5:aec-0 /RPC:S-3 Error receiving information from the server :

Problem: Error receiving information from the server

Decision: Make sure you have free space by deleting unnecessary applications and data. Delete the Play Store and Google Sevices Framework caches as described above. Clear the system cache from recovery as described above.

Invalid batch file error:

Problem: Cache or file error.

Decision: if an error occurred while updating the application, go to the system settings menu, section "Applications" -\u003e All -\u003e find this application, open it and click on the "Clear Cache" button.

If this does not help, try downloading the apk file of the application, for example, this way and installing it manually.

Try, as described above, to clear the data and cache of the Play Store and Google Sevices Framework applications.

Delete your Google Account, reboot your devices and re-create your account.

As you already understood, there are several main ways to solve problems when on your device google Play Store doesn't work  and more often than not, you can get rid of one or another mistake by applying one of them, and in extreme cases by using a full set of tools.

There are times when the Play Market does not download applications (via Wi-Fi, for example), Android writes that “there is no connection”, or a message appears that an error has occurred in the Google Play Market application. Android smartphones such as Samsung and Lenovo do not download games.

Let's see why this happens, how to deal with these issues and what to do to forget about them forever!

Instability during operation of the Market Play and its complete inoperability can be caused by various reasons. Virus, technical problems on the server, crash of add-ons, constant crashes of the application, other errors can lead to partial or complete failure of the program.

Returning to the factory settings in the Android OS is not always an acceptable option, in which the user will have to deal with the installation of applications again, and SMS and phone book contacts that are not duplicated to the SIM card will disappear without the possibility of recovery!

Solution to the problem

To get started, reboot the device and check for internet access. Many bugs are eliminated by these simple steps. Launch the Play Market and if the problem persists, move on to other options.

Let's consider the easiest way to resume Play Market on Android.

Method # 1 - delete account data

Method # 2 - clean the hosts file

If the error does not disappear, we perform the following algorithm.

A possible solution to correct errors may be updating or reinstalling the program completely. In some cases (extremely rare), you can use the date setting on the phone / tablet.

Try deleting your Google account, rebooting your device, and recovering it. Make sure that there are no programs on your mobile phone (for example, Freedom, designed to hack games) that block the Play Market for Android OS.

Many users of various mobile devices, using the Play Market, are faced with a common notification with the text "No connection" when accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi.

Method # 3 - remove proxies

If all other programs and browsers work, and the Play Market does not see the connection, try disabling the proxy using the sequence of actions:

  • Menu;
  • Settings
  • Wi-Fi

Select and hold the network to which you are connected, click "Change network". Next, click the "Advanced Settings" switch and in the "Proxy Server Settings" set to "No".

If the proxies were turned off, go to the properties of the Internet connection. Check “Advanced Settings”, “IP Settings” should be static. Set DNS1 to, and DNS2 to and save. Disconnect from Wi-Fi and reconnect.

Method # 4 - configure the router

Another method of solving the problem is changing the MTU: open the parameters of the router, find the Network - WAN tab. For MTU Size, specify one of the values: 1500/1460/1420. The correct quantity can be obtained from your ISP. Save, reboot the router, check if the Play Market is working.

Reset to factory settings

If none of the methods resolved the error, make sure that all the necessary data is duplicated on the SIM card and memory card and reset to factory settings. This cardinal method will completely return the working Play Market.

Be careful when installing suspicious software that works due to finding bugs, white spots and Android flaws. Anyone can harm not only the stable operation of the Play Market, but the whole system!

List of possible errors Google Play Market

  • 403. An error that appears to users from the Crimea. In this case, you can use a proxy, or change the account (as an option), since the Play Market in the Crimea no longer works;
  • 495. Appears when downloading any files from the store;
  • 941. In the process of updating applications, this error may appear;
  • 491. If such a message appears, then you need to change your Google account;
  • 498. The device’s cache is full and must be cleaned accordingly. This is done very simply, go to: settings - applications and remove the "excess" from the selected application. You can use some kind of software that will clean the system;
  • 919 (923, 492). The device memory is full. It is easy to solve the problem, you need to remove unnecessary from your phone or tablet;
  • 927. Perhaps the application store is currently being updated. We wait a few minutes and repeat again;

In this article I tried to write about all the problems with the Play Market and how to solve them. I hope that they will help you and you can safely use the application.

Almost all Android users at least once encountered the fact that when trying to download the application or just launch the Play Market, an error popped up under some number. In this article, we will consider the solution to almost all the errors that you can find in the Play Market.

Error without number. If an error number is not written when jumping out an error, then this is almost certainly a problem with the Google Play Services. There are four ways to solve it, depending on the cause of the error.
  The first thing to do is go to the "Application Manager", find "Google Play Services" there and erase the application cache, dropping a little down.

If clearing the cache did not disappear, then uninstall the application, install it again. If this also does not help, then find the Google Services Framework application in the Manager and clear the cache.

If all else fails, then most likely your date and time are simply knocked down, so the services cannot be synchronized. Set the current date and time - everything should work.

Error 24  when installing the application on android. This error occurs during reinstallation. The files being installed are superimposed on the already installed ones, and an error occurs. To solve it, you will have to install an additional application to obtain root rights. It is called Root Explorer and is distributed free of charge through the Play Market. In the application, you need to go to the Data section and delete the old files that you are going to replace.

Error 101. This is one of the most easily solved problems. Appears when there is not enough memory to install the application. All you need to do is erase unnecessary files from the device’s memory so that there is enough space for a new application.

Error 194. This error occurred on older versions of the Play Market. But about a year ago a version was released where this error was fixed, so you just need to update the Play Market at least to version 5.9.12 or higher.

Error 403  access denied how to fix. The error appears when buying goods on the Play Market, if you logged into it from multiple accounts at once. To fix it, you need to log in from your main account, delete the purchased application and install it again. Error 403 play market in Crimea occurs for everyone due to Google’s sanction of February 1. How to fix? Use a VPN or anonymizer when entering the play market.

Error 413. Occurs when an application uses proxies that block application updates. You can remove this error by clearing the Google services cache.

Error 481. It occurs as a result of an account failure. To solve this problem, you need to go to accounts (accounts), as shown in the screenshots, and delete your account. Then reboot the device and create a new one.

Error 491  When downloading from the market. This problem appears when it is not possible to install or update the application. The solution is simple. You need to clear the cache and data of the Google Play Services, reboot the device and recreate your account.

Error 492  in the play market says that there was a malfunction in the Dalvik (a virtual device for reading the Java language). To fix the problem, try deleting the Google Play cache and Play Market. If the error persists, there is no way out; you will have to reset it to the factory settings.

Error 495 in the play market arises as a result of crashes in the Play Market and Service Framework applications. To fix the error, you should reset the cache of these applications and, if this does not help, delete the account.

Error 498  appears when your cache is full, so downloading from the Play Market is interrupted. To fix the error, delete the cache of extra files that take up a lot of space. Hint: social networks (VK, Facebook) usually save the most space with saved music.

Error 504 in the play market. This is a copy of error 495 - the same problem and the same solution.

Error 911  indicates various issues with Wi-Fi network authentication. The first thing to do is to erase the cache and clean up the Play Market data. Then try connecting to another available Wi-Fi and continue the installation via mobile networks.

Error 919  simple means that the device has run out of memory. You just need to erase unnecessary music, videos, photos, applications and continue normal operation.

Error 920  in the play market occurs due to problems with the connection via Wi-Fi. To solve it, you just need to reconnect. If this does not help, then delete your Google account and reboot your device. Also try deleting your cache and data from Google services.

Error 921  In the play market pops up due to blocking the installation of applications. To clear the error, clear the Play Market cache and Google Service Framework. Then turn off-turn on the device.

Error 926. This is another server error similar to the previous one. Clear the service application cache and reboot the phone.

Error 927  appears in the play market due to the fact that you are trying to download or update the application about the update time of the Play Market itself. Just wait until the update is complete.

Error 941 (942). Two identical errors that occur when there is a malfunction in the Play Market. To fix it, clear the cache, erase the Play Market data and recreate your account for reliability.

  If you find any other error in the Play Market that is not reflected in this list, then simply clear the cache and data of Google services; create a new account. As practice shows, this method works in 80% of all errors.

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