What is a social search engine? Internet search engines: review of existing solutions Social network search engines

A search engine is a database of specific information on the Internet. Many users believe that as soon as they enter a query into a search engine, the entire Internet is immediately crawled, but this is not at all the case. Internet scanning occurs constantly, many programs, data about sites are entered into a database, where, according to certain criteria, all sites and all their pages are distributed into various lists and databases. That is, it is a kind of data file, and the search takes place not on the Internet, but on this file.

Google is the most popular search engine in the world.

In addition to the search engine, Google offers many additional services, software and hardware, including the mail service, the Google Chrome browser, the largest youtube video library and many other projects. Google is confidently buying up many projects that bring large profits. Most of the services are not aimed at a direct user, but at making money on the Internet and are integrated with a focus on the interests of European and American users.

Mail is a search engine popular mainly because of the mail service.

There are many additional services, the key of which is mail Mail, at the moment Mail owns the Odnoklassniki social network, its own My World network, the Money-mail service, many online games, three almost identical browsers with different names. All applications and services have a lot of advertising content. The social network "VKonatkte" blocks direct transitions to Mail services, arguing with a large number of viruses.


Wikipedia is a searchable reference system.

A non-profit search engine that exists on private donations, therefore it does not fill the pages with advertising. A multilingual project whose goal is to create a complete reference encyclopedia in all languages ​​of the world. It has no specific authors, is filled in and managed by volunteers from all over the world. Each user can both write and edit an article.

The official page is www.wikipedia.org.

Youtube is the largest video library.

Video hosting with elements of a social network, where each user can add a video. From the moment they were acquired by Google Ink, a separate registration for YouTube is not required, it is enough to register in the Google mail service.

The official page is youtube.com.

Yahoo! is the second most important search engine in the world.

There are additional services, the most famous of which is Yahoo mail. As part of improving the quality of the search engine, Yahoo transmits data about users and their requests to Microsoft. From these data, an idea of ​​the interests of users is formed, as well as a market for advertising content. The Yahoo search engine, as well as, is engaged in the absorption of other companies, for example, Yahoo owns the Altavista search service and the Alibaba e-commerce site.

The official page is www.yahoo.com.

WDL is a digital library.

The library collects books of cultural value in digital form. The main goal is to increase the level of cultural content of the Internet. Access to the library is free.

The official page is www.wdl.org/ru/.

Bing is a search engine from Microsoft.

The official website is www.baidu.com.

Search engines in Russia

Rambler is a "pro-American" search engine.

It was originally created as a media Internet portal. Like many other search engines, it has image search services, video files, maps, weather forecast, news section and much more. Publishers also offer a free browser Rambler-Nichrome.

The official page is www.rambler.ru.

Nigma is an intelligent search engine.

A more convenient search engine due to the presence of many filters and settings. The interface allows you to include or exclude suggested similar values ​​in the search to get better results. Also, when receiving a search result, it allows you to use information from other major search engines.

The official page is www.nigma.ru.

Aport - online catalog of goods.

In the past, the search engine, but after the fact that developments and innovations were discontinued, quickly lost ground and . At the moment, Aport is a trading platform, where goods from more than 1500 companies are presented.

The official page is www.aport.ru.

Sputnik is a national search engine and Internet portal.

Created by Rostelecom. It is currently in the testing phase.

The official website is www.sputnik.ru.

Metabot is a developing search engine.

The tasks of Metabot is to create a search engine for all other search engines, creating positions for issuing results, taking into account the data of the entire list of search engines. That is, it is a search engine for search engines.

The official page is www.metabot.ru.

The search engine has been suspended.

The official page is www.turtle.ru.

KM - multiportal.

Initially, the site was a multi-portal with the subsequent introduction of a search engine. The search can be carried out both within the site and on all tracked Runet sites.

The official page is www.km.ru.

Gogo - does not work, redirects to a search engine.

The official page is www.gogo.ru.

The Russian multiportal, which is not very popular, needs to be improved. The search engine includes news, TV, games, map.

The official page is www.zoneru.org.

The search engine does not work, the developers suggest using the search engine.

In practice, Bush's idea was implemented by other scientists. From 1963 to 1969, scientists work on a new proposed concept for the transmission of information through a computer network.

And only by the end of the 1980s. The idea of ​​creating a computer network was resurrected in their developments by several US universities. In the 90s. the rapid development of the Internet began, and from February 1993, as soon as Mark Andressen completed the initial version of the prototype of modern browsers, the Internet began to enter the masses.

In the mid-90s, the search for the necessary information was carried out by placing sites in directories, which at that time were not many. By the way, in 1993 there were already three search engine bots in the network. These were non-commercial developments, and with the influx of a huge amount of information, they could not cope and disappeared in the maelstrom of the rapid development of the Internet.

Since 1995, search engines, which later became large, took over their sovereignty in the global Internet. Google, Yahoo in the Western Internet and Yandex , Rambler in Runet.

For newbies

September 1997 the Russian Network was able to see www.yandex.ru. With my non-strict view, I tried to evaluate this resource. By right, it can be considered the most successful Russian Internet project. The unique software (own algorithm) of the project made it possible already at the dawn of the creation of the system to firmly gain a foothold in the Russian search segment of the Internet.

Currently, according to statistics, Yandex owns 80% of search traffic to Runet sites. That is, 8 out of 10 people who puzzle over the search turn to this site! I consider it a success!

The main advantages of this search server include the following:

    huge index base;

    search taking into account the Russian morphology of the request;

    a large number of auxiliary resources;

    high speed of indexing and re-indexing of pages;

    amazing design

    quick update of news on the site

But in my opinion, the main advantage of the site is only 5 characters: ya.ru This seemingly simple resource is currently used by more than half of RuNet!!!

By cons, I want to include mail that is not popular enough for users (but for spammers it is a treasure).

Bottom line: Yandex is the choice of more than half of Runet users, and mine in particular!

Yahoo! is one of the very first, reliable and authoritative directories of the World Wide Web. The catalog has two main advantages: - an impressive volume (today about 2 million sites are reflected in more than 25 thousand categories) and the scientific and logical nature of the classification scheme used. Due to this, the reference book objectively reflects all branches of knowledge without any priorities. Impressive volume? On the one hand, there is a huge plus, but on the other hand, a minus that replaces it ... With a purposeful search, “information noise” arises! Only after narrowing the scope of the search, that is, entering a specific section (ex. Sport).

Given Yahoo!'s huge popularity and therefore traffic, in the past few years, its owners have been paying more and more attention to secondary services, including e-shops, auctions, news services, travel agencies, and so on. The directory itself is taking more and more modest place in the front page interface of the server. Exploitation of a well-known brand without maintaining a high quality level of the main product has already resulted in a decrease in the authority of Yahoo! as a leading reference guide, and if drastic steps are not taken soon in this area, its popularity will decline, despite the big name.

Also, recently, a Russian-language version of Yahoo Yahoo.ru has appeared.

Bottom line: the site is quite popular, but does not live up to its big name.

The search engine launched in 1998 and is now the sole leader among global search engines in all significant respects. Google's main advantage is the size of its index file, which today is more than 4.2 billion web pages and articles from interest groups.

The second undoubted advantage of Google is its ability to index documents not only in the form of HTML files, but also documents in PDF, RTF, PS, DOC, XLS, PPT, WP5 and several other formats. At the same time, Google allows you to instantly convert pages in these formats into a regular HTML file, which frees the user from the need to have special software to access the file.

Google is distinguished by a high degree of correspondence of the found information to the interests of the user. This result is achieved, in particular, also due to a special subsystem for protecting the user from sites that are promoted using various unscrupulous methods.

Google has a high degree of user comfort. Even though it is a global search engine, users from non-English speaking countries are automatically redirected to an interface in their native language. The Russian-language interface, in particular, is located at www.google.com.ru. The duration of the process in most cases does not exceed ONE SECOND, despite the huge size of the system index file (that is, this site opens instantly, of course, this is not noticeable to users with a high Internet connection speed).

The interface of the first page of Google - today it has no worthy competitors on the Web.

In addition to searching for textual content, Google has the best search for illustrations today using the Image Search mode (Images, "Pictures"). Its database contains more than 880 thousand illustrations, the search for which is carried out similarly to the search for text documents with the possibility of limiting a certain size, format or color of graphic files - all through the "Advanced Image Search" option.

Bottom line: First place on the world stage from all sides, the best indicator, but there are doubts about the quality of the search.

This site was created in America and is still being edited, formatted, kept clean and tidy there. After I first came to this resource, I got the impression that the site is quite simple. Simple but with a twist! Yes, quite a nice design, the main page fits on the screen completely, the search limit is pretty standard (The Web, Top News, Reference Travel & Hotels, Celebrity Gossip, Home Repair, Health, Tech News, Parenting Sites). I speak English, so far, not so well as to easily navigate the English-language resource. Climbing through the translators, I came across a couple of "highlights". First of all, this is a rather extensive search limitation (earlier I only indicated what was on the page) Dashboard - this link on the main page will be very helpful for a person who is looking for something definitely accurate!!! You can also create your own search system… Searchroll. If you understand its use, then it will open up “new horizons” for you in the world of information search. You can build your search engine from sites you trust or use quite often! I have never seen anything like this in Russia! The site also works with Russian letters. There is a link to quite often entered tags ... (Americans are very fond of computer games)

Bottom line: The site is pretty good. An obvious minus is its English-speaking, and there are plenty of pluses!

The Nigma search engine was launched on a significant day - April 12, 2005 - Cosmonautics Day. The choice of date for the launch of the search engine was intentional or accidental, history is silent, but the fact that it once again emphasizes the scientific focus of Nigma is a fact.

The founder of the project is Viktor Lavrenko, former vice president of Mail.ru. From the very beginning, he was assisted by Vladimir Chernyshov, then still a student at the Department of Computer Science and Cybernetics at Moscow State University. To date, about 15 people are employed in the Nigma search engine project.

The main feature of Nigma is its scientific and applied nature: it is a kind of research laboratory for undergraduate and graduate students of Moscow State University. Various diplomas and dissertations are already being defended on its basis. But the creators of Nigma do not forget about the commercial component of the project. So, on the pages of the search results of Nigma there is advertising from Yandex.Direct. However, Viktor Lavrenko himself says that the commercial benefit from the project is far from being the primary goal. The main thing is to build an effective search based on new search algorithms: in particular, this is a method based on document clustering.

Nigma uses the index base of several search engines: Google, Yahoo, MSN, Yandex, Rambler, Altavista, Aport. It also has its own documentary base. When a user searches, a number of documents are formed, which are grouped into thematic classes with a specific description. Thus, the user can refine the search conditions by removing certain clusters from it (unchecking the boxes in front of their names).

The main audience of the Nigma search engine, according to Viktor Lavrenko, are students. And the main "chip" of the search engine, which attracts more and more new users, is the clustering of documents. The overall popularity of Nigma among Runet users remains at a fairly low level. Thus, according to statistics from LiveInternet, in July 2007 the share of clicks from Nigma among other search engines was 0.4%. But this is already higher than the share of 0.3% of the oldest Runet search engine - Aport. It cannot be said that the management of Nigma does not take any measures to increase the popularity of its search engine. On the contrary, like any scientific development, Nigma needs testers, which for it are ordinary users. In order to attract new users, various events have been and are being carried out. So, from October 2006 to April 2007, Nigma was advertised in Yandex.Direct, which provided it with more than 1,100 thousand clicks. After that, the management of Yandex considered it unreasonable to further advertise their competitor. There was also a small advertising campaign on the radio, which brought in new visitors.

Since July 2007, Nigma has been holding a new campaign aimed at increasing the popularity of its search engine. Users who frequently use Nigma's search results may at one point be happy with the message "You won a computer." However, you should not count on a freebie - the automatic selection system closely monitors those who are trying to deceive the search engine. In addition, the results of the automatic selection of winning users can be adjusted manually.

Nigma users have the opportunity to complain about bad search results directly on the search results page, using a special form. In addition, the development of new services and algorithms is "consistent" with ordinary users through various surveys.

So, one of Nigma's innovations was a system for correcting errors in requests, developed and introduced precisely because of frequent complaints from users. Moreover, in terms of efficiency and capabilities, it surpasses the developments of both our and foreign search engines.

Thus, we can hope that Nygma's helmsmen will continue to listen to the opinions of their users, which will undoubtedly only increase its popularity.

Bottom line: in any case, those who are not satisfied with the results of the search for the "monsters" of Runet - Google and Yandex, can try Nigma as a source of information.

(This article will be updated)

For students

Hm. Now search engines for schoolchildren or students are a substitute for a library, a "right hand" in their studies. A schoolboy cannot be imagined without a search engine, just like without a diary (witty, but truthful)

Everyone has long known that the computer has enslaved young children. VKontakte, Online games, Chats, music, films, laziness - all this and much more makes young people sit down at the computer every day when they come home. At the moment, the most acute problem of children and their parents looms. Disagreements, quarrels - the consequences of finding a child in front of the monitor. Personally, I wonder how we will relate to this in 20 years. Also forbid your children to spend 2/3 of their free time sitting in front of the monitor? Very interesting.

Time passes, and the computer develops. It is difficult to imagine what will happen in 10 years, if at such a pace the computer literally replaces life ... Almost everything is already in this small box under the table (system unit). TV, library, entertainment, earning money, EDUCATION... The developers attract us with all this, explaining it as convenience and part of the future!

Hm. Did I deviate from the topic of my project? Yes! I wanted to highlight search engines with a plus sign for all of us! After all, in many families there is a struggle with the computer, but we will put search engines in a separate rank! I don’t know about you, but for example, since 2002 (the appearance of my 1st computer), my parents began to “fight” with me and my email, BUT again, when it becomes necessary to do homework (abstracts, reports), parents give way and even push you to this "box", or rather to search engines. What do you think, with the help of which I compiled articles about Google, Yandex, the history of search engines? Own knowledge? Maybe, but I can describe the "shell", and already the inner content must first be found! Library? Although I have not been in it for 5 years (), I don’t think that I will find at least something about Yahoo, VKontakte.ru, YouTube. I will open my secret - I used Yandex.ru! Amazingly right?

So I brought out a huge minus after my loud speeches, where without it ... I will explain in order. Many students, especially grades 5-8, when making abstracts, reports, download information thoughtlessly, after reading the title and one line from each paragraph. And the next day, the biology teacher accepts four reports that are different in design and identical in content. This is what I call the “first link problem”. Students need to process information. If they imagine how long it takes to sit at a book to write this essay and use the same time to search for more extensive information and structure it ... I think the teacher would hang this work in front of his desk in a golden frame so that everyone learns this complex art - search for information for more than five minutes! Just four years ago, teachers asked after the abstract to leave data on where the information was taken from. Now I think everything is clear.

What to do with libraries? You can consider such a small chain ... 10 years ago - nowhere without books, 5 years ago - abstracts can be done on a computer, today - why is it needed? And indeed, now they go there only for a novel, a play, a story by a writer whom you pass through literature. I will even say more, only behind the great works of the authors ("War and Peace", "Eugene Onegin", "Crime and Punishment"). Everything else is already printed on A4 sheets. The library remains an excellent option for quiet reading or writing an essay, since all teachers copied from the Internet have already learned (I doubt it).

The next problem, which is just as important when using the Internet and search engines in general, especially for inexperienced users, sites with copious amounts of pop-ups or malicious viruses! You should not immediately after the search result click on all the links in a row. First, you should look at the address of the site you want to visit (the address is located under the heading). Pop-ups are ads that appear separately and can only be closed by clicking on them… this leads to the opening of the site that was described on this ad or simply ignoring this site (often this leads to another virus jump). After the search result, you should only look at the first page of results, as further sites with the same information or not related to your topic will be repeated!

So, summing up the general conclusion, I would like to say that without search engines, a student, a student, an adult “will not go far”! Search engines are



    huge amount of information

    minimum time spent

    coverage of great knowledge

    pleasant leisure

And there is only one obvious minus - poor information processing ... in my opinion, this is just the laziness of young people, which developed after negative work with a computer (games, chats).

, Nygma , Ksty , Quintura , as well as delicacy and flickr . It adapts to the user's preferences and allows him to indicate the most authoritative sites for each keyword. A wiki sounds like a wiki because both technologies use the collaborative activity of community members. Other users of the created search engine can offer the host tags and sites for customization.

Search can be tailored to specific topics and specific communities. Swiki system

  1. learns from the history of user requests
  2. produces results more relevant to your topic
  3. shows a "cloud" of popular queries

The search form is built into a website or blog, and you can pre-set restrictions and filters for the search engine being created: keywords or site addresses that are closest in meaning, blogs, categories, exclusion sites. On the search result pages, each link can be "raised" or "lowered".

In the Nigma metasearch, the ability to exclude sites included in certain clusters from the search results has been added. This is done simply: unnecessary clusters are marked with a checkmark and the output is updated.

Kvintura (Russia)

Quintura(Quintura) - a search engine based on the ideology of visual search and "tag clouds". Developed in Russia.

  • reflects the search query on a visual map and allows you to control the map and edit the query with the mouse.
  • analyzes the contextual relationships between words, helping to determine the correct context, and therefore the exact meaning of the query words.
  • groups data on the fly when changing a query with a mouse click.
  • shows the keywords related to your query and helps you include or exclude new words in your query with one click.



Service http://flexum.ru for creating a search for a group of sites. For example, you can search the sites of Intel centers or NFPK or search the sites of the region.

  1. Sites can be assigned different ratings, thereby affecting the relevance of documents and their position in the search results.
  2. An easy way to install a search engine in any site. To place a search engine on your site, just insert a few lines of html code.
  3. Collaboration on search. You can involve friends for work, while flexibly delimiting the rights of each of them.

The procedure for adding a site to the list of materials to be searched is similar to the procedure for bookmarking in Delicious. The user must complete the link with a brief summary of the site and keywords.

In a previous article, we briefly touched on social search offered by Yahoo.

Yahoo has learned not only to provide information, but also to share it. Now the user can leave a comment on the page that he finds interesting, as well as add additional useful content.

In the process of performing a web search in a social search engine, not only algorithmic data is used, but also information contained in personalized tags that the user saves.

The social search engine presents personalized search results based on people's knowledge.

However, as it turns out, Yahoo isn't the only search engine to implement "social search." A new search engine called AnooX has announced the release of its own version of social search. According to Anoox, their search engine is vastly superior to any traditional search engine.

AnooX is a fairly democratic search engine. The company claims that the leading search engines, including Yahoo and Google, rely solely on the results provided by the systems, the individual knowledge of people is absolutely not taken into account. Search results are generated in a somewhat cryptic way. People (moreover, it can be you!) do not take any part in this process. In other words, search engines provide ready-made results, and you, as a user, cannot and do not have the right to make changes to the information received in any way.

AnooX claims to be the best search engine, even though many of the leading search engines have significant advantages. According to AnooX, the success of many search engines is due to solid funding. Google and Yahoo are "armed" with billions of dollars to buy computer resources that AnooX can only dream of. When at one time Yahoo and Google were just starting to develop, they had a specific task: to raise capital. AnooX, above all, strives to outperform the competition.

How does AnooX work?

First of all, AnooX generates search results using its own search robots. Search results on Anoox are pretty good, on par with Yahoo and Google, and AnooX doesn't end there. Ordinary users have a great chance to turn into voting users.

AnooX search results are improving. The search engine acts as a purely democratic system that takes into account the opinion of each of its visitors.

How to find out that this or that result is the most objective?

How does the AnooX search engine achieve maximum objectivity?

AnooX, being a social search engine, carefully checks the user ID before allowing him (the user) to vote for this or that information provided.

To be honest, people who express their opinion or evaluate certain results will not be objective, since any person by nature is a subjective being.

Smarter and more sophisticated users will surely find a way to manipulate the results.

Thus, the social search methodology poses a certain danger to the search engine optimization industry as such. Now the optimization process implies not only meeting the requirements of search algorithms, but also having the “votes” of friends and colleagues who will give “positive feedback” for your sites in the search results as worthy and relevant results in accordance with their request.

There is another very important question. How do new search results reach the top rows? If your site is new and no one has voted for it yet, will it really be much further than everyone else, despite the fact that it contains more recent and worthy information? It turns out that if users do not find worthy results in the issue that are worth voting for, complete confusion will begin.

AnooX offers the following scenario. For example, your query is "Hotels in Paris" and you are offered 10,000 catalogs. In your opinion, the catalog "Hotel France", which ranks 46th, deserves better results. You click on the "Vote" button, which is located opposite this directory. Within 15 minutes from the moment of your vote, this catalog will be updated, taking into account all other votes that were received during these 15 minutes. This way, if someone else enters the query "Hotels in Paris", the results of AnooX searches will count your vote as "Hotel France" in the positions, given that this directory will be the only one that received a vote for this request.

One of the significant disadvantages of this script is the ability to easily manipulate the search results. If a site does not receive a vote within 15 minutes, the next search query will not change its position.

Let's do a little comparative analysis of social search on Yahoo and AnooX.

First of all, let's list the common features of social search on Yahoo and AnooX:

The influence of the "community" plays an important role in both search engines;

Search results are amenable to influence and manipulation;

Both search engines initially rely on an algorithmic way of collecting results.

A few words about the differences:

AnooX mistakenly believes that the majority is right, which ultimately affects search results. For Yahoo, majority opinion is not authoritative;

AnooX aims to compare similar results to provide the most objective results;

Yahoo search results are provided in less than one second. In AnnoX, you can wait more than 10 seconds for search results.

AnooX is still under development, so at this stage, the listed shortcomings are forgiven for it, moreover, AnooX is currently working on eliminating them.

Social search engines, which brought a new trend to the world of Internet search, still face many problems. Manipulating search results in social search engines is much easier than in search engines that are guided solely by computer algorithms. However, let's not jump to conclusions, as search engines are constantly upgrading and improving the quality of their technology.

If today we are talking about social search engines with a certain amount of prejudice, then this absolutely does not mean that everything will not change within a few months.

According to information seochat.com

If someone asks you what search engines you use or know, then most likely you will answer without hesitation: Google, Yandex, Bing, Yahoo. However, the Internet is a huge place where you can find even more search engines that will meet certain user requirements.

Worldwide search engines

In this list, we will not consider search engines known to everyone, and therefore you will not see names such as: Google, Yandex , Yahoo , Bing . The list contains many alternative search engines.

The search engines below are intended for children under the age of majority.

  • KidRex

Social media search engines

Social Mention– search for mentions in the media and tracking social trends.

Spokeo- collects all data from online and offline sources and allows you to search using name, email, contact phone number or address.

  • Digg- Newsletter and repository.
  • YouGotTheNews- search engine for US news and articles.
  • NewsLookup– search for the latest news around the world.
  • Elephind- search engine of historical news.
  • NewsLibrary is a search engine for finding facts and news.

Search engines for blogs

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