Beautiful description in instagram. How to keep a beautiful instagram in one style. What to choose an instagram avatar

We released a new book "Content Marketing on Social Networks: How to sit in the head of subscribers and fall in love with their brand."

Surely you saw popular blogs in Instagram. They are always distinguished by one general characteristic - high-quality picture! In recent years, the social network has learned far in its development. This is no longer an application for processing a photo, as was intended initially. But the main thing remains the same - the visual series is still a key factor in successful promotion.

Unusual and successful pictures are remembered, create the first impression of the brand, motivate buy goods / subscribe. Well readable text information also plays a role in visual perception. In this article, we collected tips to help you find a target audience and make it with your subscribers.

How beautiful to issue a section "About yourself" in instagram profile (with example)

You can conduct a personal or selling blog. And in that and in another case, it is first important to come up with his concept. That is, understand what it will be what it will be what you want to convey to readers. These two items need to be reflected in the header. This is a few lines under your avatar. The main task of the description is briefly and interesting to tell the random visitor about who you are (short, memorable name) and that it will find here. It may be the types of goods or services that you offer. Also often indicate the following data:

  • Address and time of work.
  • Conditions for cooperation / sale (availability of delivery in the city, country or peace).
  • Discounts, contests.
  • UTP. Your difference from competitors.
  • Link to another company site.
  • Contacts.

To specify information, click on "Edit Profile" at the top of the page next to the photo.

Visual registration "About yourself"

Add Emodi, suitable by sense to the name and other information. Do not overdo it, otherwise the hat will look littered. One field is one, maximum two images. In this example, there is clear information about what is for resource, mail, calling for target action, emotions.

Sometimes that points do not merge, the interval increases between them. To do this, write the text according to the following scheme. The offer (after it should not be a space) - transfer to a new line - in it put the gap - the transfer and the next phrase. It is easiest to be made in notes or notepad, and then copy to the desired section.

How else to do beautiful decoration of instagram caps

You can also connect a business account so that the profile looks more neat and attractive. From the usual account, it features a great functionality and the presence of a gray mark under the name of the user / name of the brand. The inscription is different: personal blog, art, fictional character. It attracts attention.

How to implement

Go to the settings (three points or wheels in the upper right corner), rewind the proposed actions and select the desired one. Next, follow the instructions of the application.

The end result will look like this.

How beautiful to issue a page in Instagram: photo profile

In editing mode, you can change the avatar. It is also important if you want to collect a lot of target followers. Pick up a bright picture that reflects the essence of your activity and looks like the rest of the publication. It must meet the two requirements:

  • Chain attention.
  • Be understandable (parts do not merge in one).

If you have a suitable image from other social networks, consider Instagram format. If the cut in the cropped image is preserved and the composition is still well. Otherwise, it is better to create something new. It needs to be given time and strength, as a person looking to find your product / service / theme is likely to get a long list of proposals. A rigorous avatar will lower your chances of attracting a subscriber.

How to keep a beautiful profile in Instagram: Secrets photo

This is one of the most difficult moments in blogging. From the side it may seem to post pictures every day nothing costs. In fact, this is a big job. Because they should be not only a pleasant eye, but also original. Competition in this social network is just a huge. Let's give some tips:

  • Make frames about the reserve. They will save you a day when there is no features for shooting. Yes, posting posts are important every day.
  • Choose interesting perspectives. Connect the fantasy and create scenes, unusual combination of objects.
  • Examine lectures on the composition, lighting and practice-work. Over time, the photo will get better and better.
  • We regularly view famous profiles with a large number of subscribers, notify the items.
  • Do not overload a picture. Let she carry one, the main idea.
  • Do not publish frames that do not fit into the idea of \u200b\u200byour Instagram.

Test popular filters and select one that comes to the concept of your blog. Here are several applications: VSco Cam, Lightroom, A Color Story.

How beautiful to keep instagram in one style: examples and tips

This is the easiest and most common way of design. Surely you noticed the famous accounts that combine one color or part in the photos. You can repeat the shade with the background, processing in programs, items of the object being removed.

If this technique seems to you boring, try to apply it during the week. And then change the gamut. Alternate them with each other or invent new ones for different periods of time. There are several applications that will help plan such content. Here they are:

  • Inpreview.
  • Unum.
  • Snug for instagram.

The second method is a chessboard. This means that you combine two colors or visual and text components (quotes, post name, etc.). It looks stylish and well suited for shop profiles. So you create a uniform distribution of entertainment, selling and useful information.

The third reception is a change in the snapshot boundaries. You can turn them with a white, black frame and even make round. This also has applications: Instafit, Whitagram, Diptic, Frame Swagg.

Perhaps you want to try all the options. It is feasible, the main thing at the same time adhere to the concept of your brand and do not lay out pictures that do not fit into it. Select the processing method that you will be easier to support for a long period.

How to write a handsome post in instagram

In Instagram, not only photos and videos are important, but also texts. For popularity, you need them to contain useful and interesting information for users and were well decorated. What is meant by this?

  • Notes Length Any - up to 2200 characters. Blogs are found both Longrid instructions and short polls / signatures.
  • If there is a lot of information, be sure to separate it into parts. One paragraph is one thought. Also between lines often put a point. At the end of phrases should not be a space!
  • Use a small amount of emoji for focusing on the desired fragment or text promotion.
  • Lists can be created, highlighting points arrows or dash.

It happens that in the post all written is not placed. In this case, there are two options for action. The first is to continue in the comments. It is not always convenient for readers. The second is to print the signature in the editor on the phone or notepad, and then make screenshots and lay out them in the gallery with the main picture. Also this method helps if Instagram still glues paragraphs. Only this time endure copied information.

Check out an example of a correctly formatted note.

How to make beautiful history and video

Two more effective tools for creating popular content. Short rollers like visitors of the network, and advertising develops at a rapid pace. It can be just a sequence of successful photos, live broadcast or shooting something interesting. There are several techniques that will help you make a good material.

  • Come up with the plot. Even if it is a set of pictures, make them so that the logicality and sequence can be traced.
  • Change the angles. Remove not only the main action, but also the world, the details.
  • Use 10-15 frames. So you will create a sense of video duration.
  • Add comprehensive music.

To edit stories there are many applications with different functions. You can add stickers, update format, trim, save as much as possible. Examples of such programs: Story Splitter, Story Size, ReposttoStories for Instagram, No Crop Story for Instagram and others. Among them there are both paid and free tools.

We told how to make a beautiful Instagram account in one style and about other ways to get an attractive content. The visual perception of the page users play a key role in its popularity. Do not despair if you do not have a budget to the photographer. Above, we showed a screen from a bookstore account with an interesting feed, where pictures are invented by employees. Any blog will become significantly better if you fulfill all the recommendations from this article. Start work on errors, make promotion promotion and response to the audience will not make yourself wait

Photo (cover)

Registration profile in Instagram: Why it is important

Information in the header of the profile:

  1. It helps find you in the search, which means that new subscribers can bring.
  2. The first thing that sees a person getting to your page. After reading, he decides - subscribe to your page or not.
  3. It affects how many subscribers will eventually become your buyers.

Be sure to highlight 10-20 minutes and make your profile correctly. But before this, update your instagram application to the latest version. So you can use all the promotion of the platform and do not miss any possibility of promoting your account.

How to choose nickname in instagram

In the settings, the field is called "Username".

We ask how to choose nickname in instagram, consider the main thing - you should not complicate your life to a potential customer. Nick should be so simple that a person hearing him, could easily find you in search of the social network. If the nickname is complicated, rewrite it and make it clear and memorable.

Examples of simple nicks:

The first account in the extradition is not only at the request of "Galia Berdnikov", but also on request "Businesswoman"

Profile description

In settings Applications this field is called "About me."

Maximum length - 150 characters.

When you first visited your account, a person decides whether he wants to continue watching you. You can interest his profile description.

Some Soviets

  • Website, if any. To link the link to click Click, for example, a new collection, a discount and so on.
  • Hashtegi and accounts. Recently, in the description of the profile, you can mark another account or hashteg, and it will be clickable. You can note your adjacent account, such as a business account in a personal or vice versa, and add your main hashtegi. After the account marks, you need to confirm the mark in the other.

It is clearly clear what the company is engaged. There is an address, work schedule and contacts for communication, which is important in the case of offline business

Unusual font in the description of the profile

A non-standard font in the profile header is a way to make an emphasis on the most important of your text.

To create a description, unusual font can use:

Like this may look like fonts in instagram

"Eternal" stories

Different - fixed stories, Highlights.

Highlights - Collections of "Stories", which are displayed below the profile description. And they are displayed only in a mobile application, when viewing an account from the computer, you will not see them.

These are peculiar albums for STORIES, which can be fixed in the account. In such an album, there can be some story and several.

To create such an album when viewing your story, click the "Allocate" button.

How can I use Highlights?

  • Catalog of goods / services - You can create albums for a special product or service.
  • Controller content - Especially relevant to bloggers or for those who promote a personal brand, constantly writes and shares their posts using hashtegov for headings.

When the headings are recruited a lot, you need to inform subscribers about which categories you have, tell what you write about them. To do this, you can make albums with Stories. Hashtegi in Stories clickable, so the reader will easily go to the heading page.

  • Significant events - The events you want to announce. Or important events that have already happened and to which you want to attract more attention.
  • Shares and draws.
  • Information about yourself or project.For example, you can write a few videos with a brief story about yourself.
  • F.A.Q. (answers on questions).How to place an order, payment methods, how to get to the store - you can add answers to all the questions that subscribers often ask you. Secure Stories with answers to questions, and they will always be "at hand" at the visitor of your account.

We released a new book "Content Marketing on Social Networks: How to sit in the head of subscribers and fall in love with their brand."

You have heard more than once how important the first impression: on social networks it works for a hundred percent. Instagram hat is the first thing to watch a new audience. Proper and competent design is crucial. Will users sign up for you? Do you click the link to the site? Will your account be shared with friends? For business, this is a key factor - to be at the distance of one click from the client.

What is a profile hat in Instagram: 10 of its components

Profile hat in Instagram takes up the top space where there are several fields.

  1. The photo. The profile page should contain an attractive photo related to the company: a logo or product photo. Some companies and celebrities have a confirmed icon to identify them as an official account.
  2. Nick and username. They are displayed at the top of the page. At a more noticeable place in the biography, there is a name that is highlighted in bold. They are used in the search, so prescribe carefully.
  3. Text field. 150 characters, tell about the directions of activity and induce to action.
  4. Web site. Specify the page to be attracted to traffic. Think what address to specify to save customers.
  5. Category. Displayed under the name of the company and is indicated on the associated page on Facebook. This feature will require a business account. Do not waste space with unnecessary words, specify the type of activity in a special field.
  6. Action buttons. Additional links for business accounts exempt space in Bio. Displays in a mobile application. You can find these fields when you click "Edit Profile", "Communication Methods". If you do not see them, make sure you have a business account. Main advantages: Fast contact with the company and unloading posts: you do not need to specify contact information under each post.
  7. Mail. Enter your email address and receive the appropriate button in the profile. When the client presses "Email", Instagram offers the default mail application on the phone.
  8. Location. It will help clients easily find a company. When clients click on this button, she will offer them a map card on the phone.
  9. Telephone. Another way to specify contact information in your business profile is to add a phone number. When someone presses a button, a hint appears for a direct call call.
  10. Call to action. What do you want visitors to do after visiting the profile?

Instagram hat: Examples how to make an original

How beautiful to issue a profile hat in instagram

A good bio must perform certain goals: show what business makes and characterize the perfect buyer. Watch the subscriber to the first action.

For whom: the perfect audience

Use the header to attract an ideal audience. She needs to understand who you are before it becomes yours. A good description in Instagram explains the essence of your business, and what you do.
If you want to highlight a certain skill, profession, hobbies or interest, you need to enable it in the header. A good idea will describe who helps and how to inspire the ideal audience.
Write Bio about the target audience, it will attract more subscribers corresponding to the brand. Potential customers will find you.

Links inside Instagram

Buttons for action and communication

If you want the profile to be an attractive store for new visitors, you will need to simplify them contact with you or designate the exact location. Go to the business profile. In addition to creating advanced messages and ads, adding links to Instagram Stories and access to the built-in analytics, switching to a business profile also makes it possible to add important contact details in Bio. You can specify email address, phone number and physical address in your profile. The profile visitor easily clicks on any of the links and is associated with you directly by email or by phone.

Enchantable Instagram Stories

Decoration of text

Show creativity: Use gaps, rows and emotions breaks. Remember that they are well displayed in the mobile version, but can move in desktop.

Add emotions

The use of emotions in the header gives the profile a pleasant atmosphere, helping the brand stand out. They take less space, which allows you to add additional information.

  1. Be inventive and try the combination of words mixed with Emodzhi.
  2. Use Emodzhi as markers. Stress the key points in content to split the text and make easier to read. Emoticons should always be related to the brand and increase the relevance of the caps.
  3. It is not recommended to use only Emodzhi independently without text. It can confuse your audience and is a waste of the precious space of brand promotion.
  4. Emodezhi must change. Play with different emotions to find suitable for brand.

Little bright emoticons are another way, how to make a beautiful profile hat in instagram.

What to write in an instagram profile in the header

Field "Name" in profile

People who are looking for you will use your name or company name. These are the only fields that participate in the search. But this does not mean that it is impossible to fantasize. Do you have a specialty or sectoral niche? Offer a specific service? Do you know something special? You can also include these details in the name to give more meaning.

Content keywords

The search does not work by keywords, but they focus on the profile activities and will help communicate with subscribers in their language. Add the main values \u200b\u200bof the company and the target audience to the keys. If you are using Instagram for business, spend some time to create a "profile" of your ideal subscriber. Find pain and interests. What keywords will help you to respond to them to the greatest extent? It will help users better understand: who you can offer.



A good biography clearly explains: what is your business than your company doing. If you want to show yourself in skills, professions, hobbies or interests, turn on a couple of lines in the header. Think what distinguishes you from competitors. A unique set of skills or experiences that may be of interest to your followers?
Highlight what makes you special, which distinguishes you from competitors. What interesting facts can you tell users about your brand?

Opening hours

Specify the opening hours. Simple detail saves time followers.

Simple ideas for decoring profile caps in instagram

  1. Make an emphasis on the official ownership of the brand page.
  2. Share brand hashtegov.
  3. Leave the Bio slogan, the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe brand.
  4. Be minimalist. Puma writes short, simple phrases and allows their images and a well-known logo to talk for themselves. Simplified Bio allows customers to accurately determine what exactly wants to get a brand.
  5. Inspire the subscriber to purchase goods on the specified website.
  6. Offer download your materials.
  7. Replace some words with emotions.
  8. Specify the link to the Instagram page of the company's director or moderators.
  9. Leave the bio empty if you are famous without unnecessary words.

Let's sum up

Think about how you can use 150 characters in your biography to make a description that will attract potential customers. Numerous examples how to fill the headside of the profile in Instagram will give tips to create your own style and the original story.
As you notice, your hat is an important part of attracting an ideal audience. It increases traffic and sales of goods and services. Make sure you create an excellent first impression.

Everyone knows that they are celebrated by clothes. And especially, if we are talking about such a visual social. Networks like instagram. You may have a breathtaking texts. But you risk staying unnoticed, because the user first sees a picture, a photo. If they "caress the look", then the chances of what will happen before reading, much increase. And if master instagram in one style, then the chances of finding subscribers are cast in a square.

If you look at the photo bloggers and want to have the same cool accounts, then you should read this article. In it, Zina @cool_insta_photo_ identified the main points on the way to a beautiful profile.

Color gamut in one style

In order to keep Instagram "on the envy of neighbors", it is necessary to determine the color range that will prevail in your photos. See what color is the most in your wardrobe? What surrounds you? What time is it outside the window? What colors do you like?

Choose for yourself three basic and their shades. Try to alternate so that the photo looks harmonious. Color circle to help you.


The photo is desirable to shoot with the natural light - even a schoolboy knows about it today. Properly exposed light is the key to a good frame.

The best time for shooting is an early morning when the sun gets up, and the early evening when the sun sits down. Then the items do not discard hard shadows and photos are excellent.


Do not neglect this item if you decide to conduct a beautiful account. There should be no noise, perspirations, artifacts that dated horizons on your pictures.

Try to filter content. If you really like the photo, but it is bad quality, no matter how you want, you should not spread it on the page. Have you turned out perfectly, but in the frame got a trash tank? Do not be lazy to remove it.


Unfortunately, in Instagram, there is no possibility of previewing your photos in the tape. But there are several mobile applications that are perfectly coping with this problem. With their help, you download the program not yet published photos and see how they will look in the profile. Move, change, play the stains until the result is like.

There are both paid and free schedules. One of my favorite applications is Unum. It is quite an intuitive interface. The only minus is the number of grids (empty cells). Over time we will have to buy. But it's worth it.


A single style is good because the processing of the photo is not particularly different from the photo to the photo. No need to impose a "shock" filters. Select a pair that you like and alternate them. Even better - use one filter. For beauty, you can also apply various effects of glare, add beautiful fonts. Experiment, but in moderation.

As you can see, it is not so difficult, as it seems. The main thing is to start today and tomorrow your page will pleasantly surprise everyone.

We all want our profile in Instagram to become a real masterpiece. To alerts on the screen of your phone about new subscribers and litters, did not go out. All this is real, but first you need to know how to arrange Instagram profile. Pay for this at least 10 - 20 minutes, using the recommendations below.

It is difficult to imagine a modern business without a profile in instagram. Bloggers, online shopping, agencies and other directions increase their profits through maintaining a social networking page. Business cannot develop without improvement, this applies not only to technologies, management systems, but also to communicate with potential buyers, subscribers. To be more successful, interesting for their potential buyers is competently approach to maintain a photoblog in Instagram.

First you need to make sure that your instagram application is the freshest, for this not be lazy and check. We wrote about how to update instagram for you.

We will give an example of a screenshot from the iPhone, the differences from the android version are not critical, so we hope you will be all clear. From the very beginning, the empty page looks like this:

Click on the big button in the center - "Edit Profile"

Change photo profile

First of all, if you move from the top to the bottom, it is proposed change photo profile. Ideally, you need to stick with a single stylist with the fact that it is planned to be placed. We will consider a single stylist in detail in the second half of the article.
If you focus on popular profiles, it should be a major photo of the face, in full growth with a flawless background, for business of course the logo.


One of the fundamental options in filling out its profile. By name in the future, the search system will rank your profile. Here you need to fully answer the question of your potential subscribers, customers who are interested in people. It should be remembered that the maximum in the name can be used up to 30 characters. Do not try to do any symbols for "beauty", it will be an error, because someone will drive into the search - + ** Eyelash extensions ** +, use only target words, each of which is better to start with a capital letter.

In our case, this is " Secrets Instagram.»

For a personal profile, you can write a name and surname, if there are any experiences about leakage of your data, use a pseudonym. It is better to use English letters, to attract and overseas subscribers.

For an organization's profile, or service sector, it is better to specify a specific product. For example - " Repair of Samara phones" or " Stretch ceilings Krasnodar»

In the future, if you need to change the name, you can always do it, of course, it is not recommended to do it with a promoted account. Why turn what works well, it can lead to loss of positions in search engines.


Here it is already spelled out, then what you have chosen during registration. Only English letters are used, as well as numbers, as well as special characters. The username can be changed, according to Recommendations:

  • Do not invent too long username.
  • Better if it contains a brief word, which would be easy to read, informatively, expressed the essence.
  • If you have a website, then try to set the username according to it.

Tools for business

If you are not a company and do not provide services, while skipping this step. If on the contrary you want to fill in the information in order for your customers to contact you, then go to these settings and fill in the company data.

Phone and floor

Fill in the last two lines. The phone must be confirmed by SMS, the gender can not specify if this is not a personal page.

4 Secret Instagram: Single Style Decides All

A single style of publications is the best way to attract attention to the profile and acquire constant followers of the brand.

We select suitable style

As a rule, most photos falling into the tape of Follovers are single-type and uninteresting. But, it is worth appearing among the stream of monotonous content interested in information, like the subscriber reacts instantly, leaving the like or, even, turning into a profile. In the future, such a follover will be able to distinguish the publication of the pages liked and it is already purposefully looking for them in the news feed. Corporate image, style helps not only be recognizable, but also:

- creates a bright impression after the first acquaintance;

- forms a single picture in the head of the page of the page;

- lures and attracts.

Create something unique, stand out among millions of users is quite difficult, but it is not necessary to develop complex filing techniques. It is enough to follow several advice how to issue an Instagram profile in a single style, and the profile will always be in demand, interesting to its readers. Consider the most effective ways to create a unique style styles to attract the attention of subscribers.

Secret 1 - Playing Color

In order for the profile to harmoniously watched, you can select the photo content based on the set of specific colors. Colors are selected by relying on the subject of the profile, the direction of the company's activities or on the basis of shades present in the brand logo. The tonality of publications must be chosen at the first stage of the account creation and stick to the selected direction throughout the entire promotion time.

Among the most "attracting", the attention of flower subscribers stand out:

- light gray;

- caramel;

- light pink.

A large number of shades can make a general view of the profile messy and repulsive, so it is important to choose close by the properties of the color and stick to the tones close to them. Do it the built-in editor " Colour»

The example above shows how you can give the overall stylist to all newly downloadable photos. Very interesting, for example, a beige background can be changed with shades of blue, on one photo it can be unnoticed, but in general gives a stunning effect.

You can also use special services that analyze already made publications, one can determine which color in them prevails, and stick to this direction when running a page. Professional SMM managers can take advantage of special color combinations that will help form a harmonious palette of colors. These include:

In conclusion, I would like to say that the choice of a single style is one of the most difficult and important stages in creating a popular profile. Correctly selected concept will help reveal the topics of the blog, attract the target audience and will become a recognizable feature of the profile. Same shapes, main characters, font, single gamma shades or unifying all publishing filter. What will choose the profile owner no matter, the main thing is that the choice made reflected the idea. Helped content to present information to blog subscribers and always attended publications.

(32 estimates, average: 4,53 out of 5)

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