How to clear the search in a telegram. Can I erase a sent message? Mobile version

  • Confirm that you are definitely leaving the conversation:

  • Everything can also be done in the chat window - for this, select three points of the messenger settings:

  • Everything is ready to leave the group and finish solving the question of how to remove a chat from a Telegram:

The remaining participants will be notified that you have left the conversation. Both the administrator and the regular participant can log out, while he remains in the user's contact list. There is only one drawback: to get into it again, you must be invited or sent an invitation link.

Deleting a Telegram conversation from a computer

  • Right-click on the group, select the option:

  • We confirm the exit from the group:

Now you know how to leave the chat in Telegram.

How to delete a message for everyone in the chat

We will figure out how to delete a Telegram message in the chat for all users, and what are the restrictions.

Any group admin is allowed to erase information both from his own device and from the devices of everyone who entered the conversation. This is applicable for messages sent within 48 hours.

Mobile version

  • We mark the necessary data:

  • Click the appropriate option:

  • Next, click "OK" to delete only on your device, or put a tick to erase from all users, and then finish the procedure:

  • Also, if you hold down a message and thus select multiple when clicking the trash can icon:

  • You can immediately erase the required number of messages sent in the last 48 hours, on your own, on the devices of the rest and on the server:

From Desktop version

  • Right-click the message and mark the deletion of the message:

  • Now you can remove the marked data from your device or from all devices and the server by checking the box confirming given type deletions:

  • Let's mark several messages at once and press the button:

  • Now they can all be destroyed in the same way, erasing messages from all participants for the last 48 hours:

How to clear your chat history

Anyone can clear the history of correspondence in Telegram.

From phone

  • Hold for a few seconds on the group name, select "Clear history":

  • Confirm clearing history:

  • The same can be done in the conversation window - we click the three dots in the upper right corner of the messenger:

  • We click "Clear history":

  • We confirm its deletion. In this case, data will only be deleted from your devices:

From computer

  • Let's right-click on your group and select "clear history" (1).
  • Or press the three dots in the upper right corner of the application and mark a similar item (2):

If you delete the application, will the chats be deleted?

If you just erase the messenger from your device, everything will remain on the server and, when Telegram is installed, it will be synchronized again on your devices.

The storage period of the history in Telegram is not limited. If we clear the conversation only on our device, the correspondence of the other interlocutors will remain until they erase it, but you will not restore it.

Messages will be permanently lost only if they are deleted from all devices, as described in the manual above. In this case, they will be automatically deleted from the server. Thus, we get an answer to the question of how to delete the recipient's correspondence in a telegram, but this can only be applied to messages sent within the last two days.

We will also answer the question, if you delete your telegram account, will the chats be deleted? Yes, by deleting your account, you forever say goodbye to all correspondence and contacts.

If you are the creator of a conversation, you can remove anyone from it.

  • We click the name of your conversation:

  • We hold the name of the desired user:

  • And we confirm the deletion:

Actions to remove any user, both admin and regular, can only be performed by its creator. The rest of the users - administrators appointed by the creator have the right to exclude only regular members, and ordinary ones will never exclude anyone.

How to exclude someone from a chat on a computer

  • Choose a user:

  • Or click on the group name:

  • Select a user and click "Delete":

  • We exclude him from the conversation:

If you are the creator of a Telegram conversation, you have unlimited options for excluding participants from the created conversation. If necessary, you can delete messages in correspondence sent within 48 hours, and they will be destroyed forever. If you fear for your correspondence, use secret (closed) chats, which have the option of self-destruction of the correspondence.

In this case, we will analyze the non-obvious capabilities of the Telegram messenger, which will be useful to advanced users of the service - each of you.

1. Turn off notifications for dialogs and chats

How to do it: click on the chat name and select the Mute option

Thus, you can both drown out some particularly intrusive users of the messenger, and hide notifications from group chats.

This feature is especially relevant when working with channels and bots, of which you can collect a very large number.

2. Learn about delivery, reading messages

How to do it: watch the checkboxes next to the sent message

Everything is simple, one check mark next to the sent message means that it has been delivered to the user, two - has already been read by him.

Now you cannot be tricked into not seeing the message.

3. Change your own name for easy search

How to do it: Settings - Username

Normal nickname instead of number mobile phone make it much easier for other users to find you in the messenger.

Since it is to a certain extent aimed at solving business issues, this will be very useful.

4. Hide online availability from everyone

How to do it: Settings - Privacy and Security - Last Seen

This feature will help you protect yourself from unnecessary questions from contacts from your messenger.

Imagine a situation where you decide to ignore a message from someone, citing the fact that you were without Internet access or simply did not hear the notification.

If the time is visible when you are at last time went into the application, it will not work.

5. Log in to your account at least once every six months

How to do it: Setting - Privacy and Security - Delete My Account

By default, if you have not logged into your account in the messenger for more than six months, the system will simply erase all your data from its servers.

But the period after which this happens can be independently adjusted through the settings in the mobile application.

6. Pin chats, dialogs for ease of search

How to do it: swipe right to left in a chat or conversation and select the Pin option

Thus, the most important correspondence, channels or bots will be at the top of the list of chats and dialogs of the messenger.

When you actively use the application in this way, they are easiest to find for quick access.

7. Use chat with yourself for your own purposes

How to do it: find yourself by nickname through search

Few people know, but with the help of this messenger you can not only exchange a wide variety of information, but also store it for personal use.

In a dialogue with yourself, you can save important messages and any other information that can be accessed from absolutely any device.

8. Use hashtags to find thematic

How to do it: add hashtags to messages in #test format

Thus, it will be very easy to structure personal and work messages in the messenger.

When you click on one of the hashtags, a special menu will open, in which you can see all the information associated with it - this is very convenient.

At the same time, the hashtags that you use in chat with yourself will be available for searching only for you. And the hashtags that you use when communicating with your friends will only be available to group members.

9. Delete unnecessary dialogues from the device memory

How to do it: Settings - Data and Storage - Storage Usage

In this menu, you can select a specific dialog and clear files and photos that are stored in the device's memory within it.

Thus, the most active people will be able to significantly reduce the space occupied on the device - get rid of hundreds of megabytes of space that is used absolutely uselessly.

10. Monitor your mobile data usage

How to do it: Settings - Data and Storage - Network Usage

Russian operators are moving faster and faster towards reducing the number of unlimited internet tariffs and in the end they just want to give them up.

In the realities of the Ukrainian south, where I myself spend most of my time, unlimited tariffs on mobile Internet was not born.

Therefore, being able to monitor the traffic used is worth a lot.

Despite the fact that the main information in Telegram is stored on a special cloud, some files are still located directly in the memory of your device. This application storage system allows the phone to run faster because it internal memory turns out to be a relatively small load.
This principle of storing information is useful in cases where the device has few resources for storing memory. Of course, it is more expedient to spend them for other purposes.

What is stored in the Telegram cache?

The Telegram cache stores various files that you used in your correspondence - documents, video and audio recordings, photos. Thanks to the service created by the application developers, users can independently adjust the amount of the specified memory. A nice feature of the application is the ability to delete materials combined into one category. For example, you can clear your phone's memory only from photos, or only from videos, or from all at once. This is very convenient, since the program itself identifies materials and offers the user the most convenient options for clearing memory.

Telegram cache management

If you are using iOS, then you have access to the function of deleting the cache for each individual dialogue. For greater convenience, in the application settings, you can select the function of deleting files once a week. If you periodically "clear" the Telegram cache, then you do not need to worry about the performance of your smartphone or any other device - files will be deleted on their own, depending on the frequency that you specify in the settings.

If necessary, the functions of the messenger can be configured in such a way that automatic download stuff didn't happen. This is especially useful for those users who do not have unlimited Internet traffic transmitted from using wi-fi... This option can be set in the "Chat settings" section. After you have adjusted this parameter, you can download various files at a time when it is convenient. In this case, performing various manipulations with the application is not only safe, but also profitable - after all, now you are sure that you will not spend a lot of money on downloading files, right?

There are more than enough chats (groups) for communication on a variety of topics in the Telegram messenger. Sometimes they are created for private communication between a small circle of interlocutors, and sometimes for more global purposes. For various reasons, each user of the messenger becomes a participant in one or more conversations, in connection with which, over time, the question arises - as in the Telegram in the chat for everyone.

In order to do this from a smartphone (it doesn't matter Android, iPhone (iOS) or any other), you need to press and hold on messages and conversations in the contact list and select “leave the group” in the pop-up menu. Then confirm your deletion by clicking on the "ok" button.

The procedure for the smartphone.

If you need to leave a conversation with messages from a computer, then in the contact list, right-click on the group and select "leave group" from the menu. Then you need to confirm the exit.

Procedure on a PC.

When one of the participants leaves the conversation, a message appears in the general dialogue window. You can only return to a public supergroup on your own. Regular chats are private and in order to rejoin the conversation you will need an invitation link.

How to delete a conversation

Using similar actions, you can also clear the message history. This is necessary when there is a possibility that the smartphone or computer may end up in the wrong hands. The correspondence will disappear only from the one who deleted it, the interlocutors will retain the message history.

In order to delete the history on the smartphone, you need to hold down the conversation by pressing and select “remove the message history” from the offered menu.

Clearing history on your phone.

On the computer, you need to right-click on the desired group and select from the menu offered - "clear history" or "clear message history".

Clearing history on PC.

How to delete secret chat

One of the positive features of Telegram is the ability to conduct secret correspondence. The peculiarity of the dialogue is that it is not saved on the server and after a certain time is deleted without a trace. You can set a timer for each message or conversation in general. The timing of self-liquidation varies from two seconds to seven days.

The message disappears after the opponent has received it, the possibility of forwarding is also excluded. Therefore, there is no need to delete the secret dialogue, for the sake of confidentiality, unless it is no longer relevant and takes place in the contact list.

To leave and remove a dialogue from contacts, you can use the same method as when leaving a group.

The creator can remove the conversation. To do this, in the dialog window, you need to click on the button with the image of three vertical dots, it is in the upper right corner. Then choose - "delete".

Deleting secret correspondence.

Features of the secret dialogue:

  1. Linking correspondence to specific device... If the conversation is started on a smartphone, then, in parallel, logging into the same account from another gadget, it will not appear in the contact list.
  2. When leaving account the conversation is not saved.
  3. With one interlocutor, you can conduct several secret dialogues at the same time.
  4. There is no way to create secret chats in the PC app.
  5. Screenshot cannot be taken.

The image that is obtained when trying to take a screenshot of the screen.

How to delete a chat from all its participants

If you delete telegram app from your smartphone or computer, then groups, with the exception of secret chats, will not disappear. The history has no expiration date, so all messages will remain in the conversation. Administrators can erase specific phrases, in which case these fragments will disappear from all participants.

The creator of the dialogue has the right to permanently delete it. If this happens, then the group is lost forever and cannot be restored. But in this way, you can close access to the history of correspondence for all, already former, participants.

Removal on smartphone:

  1. Open the right group and go to the menu. You can get to the menu after clicking on the avatar and name located at the very top of the window.
  2. Click on the sign with the image of three vertical dots (normal) or gears (supergroup).
  3. Select the line - "remove and leave the group" for regular chat or "group information" for the supergroup.
  4. At the bottom of the window that opens there will be a button - "delete".

Steps to follow for regular phone chat.

Procedure for the supergroup on the phone.

Removal on a computer:

  1. Open the group and click on the button with the image of three vertical dots, which is located in the upper right corner.
  2. In the pop-up menu, select - "delete and exit" or for the supergroup "manager group".
  3. Then click on "group info".
  4. Scroll down and select - "delete group".

Procedure for regular chat on a PC.

Procedure for a supergroup on a PC.

Possible problems

The creator of the group is unlikely to have technical problems, because he has full right to delete all your projects based on information created inside the messenger. But if the creator loses his account, then this will happen with the conversation.

Participant gaps include:

  1. Exit private chat. If you delete from your contacts closed group, then it is no longer possible to return on your own.
  2. Access to correspondence. You can only clear the history on your device; the interlocutors keep all correspondence. Moreover, the group settings provide two privacy options: new members can see all the correspondence from the day the group was created, or only those messages that were sent after they joined the conversation.


At one time, everyone had or will have to delete the chat. If it's not just about leaving the group, but about removing it, then you need to think not only about your interests, but also about the consent of the participants. The deleted chat disappears from all interlocutors along with the correspondence and files.

When you leave the conversation, access to the correspondence becomes impossible, unless, of course, he is a public supergroup. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that sent messages do not disappear anywhere, and only its participants can see them. For private dialogues, it is better to use secret chats, since the likelihood of publicity is minimized. Hope this information was helpful.

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