Basic settings of the VKontakte group: what are they for and what they influence. How to set up a VKontakte group

If you recently acquired your own community on a social network or are just planning to do so, you may have a lot of questions, one of the most important is how to edit a group in VKontakte.

The more interesting content you have, the better. Add thematic photos to the album, you can find videos by the topic and add them to your videos. All the basic settings of your "virtual club by interests" are in the "Community Management" section in the menu under the main picture on the right.

Menu for a group in Contact

Group entries in VKontakte

Of course, the content of the main page is one of the main aspects. The popularity of the community depends on what you write on the wall: will people come and not only join, but stay for a long time, invite their friends and actively participate in the life of the community. You can write notes on the wall in VKontakte yourself, or you can order from professional copywriters if you have a commercial project.

You can allow members to post on the wall, but in this case, you may face an invasion of spammers, especially if the promotion is successful. They will leave advertisements on your wall without a twinge of conscience, and even if the wall is closed, but comments are open, I will spam them.

Here is a double-edged sword: close the wall - get rid of spammers, but this will have a bad effect on the group as a whole, because people in VKontakte like to comment and write posts, and you will deprive them of this opportunity. Ideally, you should give the opportunity to write on the wall and comment, but often moderate, removing spam and other "unnecessary". Participant rights can be configured in the Information tab in Community Management.

Group discussions

Under the information about the group there is a section "Discussions", some do not pay attention to it and do not use it, but in vain. It resembles a regular forum, an administrator or a member creates a topic, and everyone can discuss it. Here you can create any atmosphere you want, everything will depend on the nature of the topics for discussion in the community. The main thing is that there should be no silence here.

To begin with, the administrator will create topics, and when the group becomes popular, the participants themselves will want to discuss some issues and will create topics if you give them permission to do so in the settings. Try to create topics that encourage people to comment and dialogue.

If you recently acquired your own community on a social network or are just planning to do so, you may have a lot of questions, one of the most important is how to edit a group in VKontakte.

The more interesting content you have, the better. Add thematic photos to the album, you can find videos by the topic and add them to your videos. All the basic settings of your "virtual club by interests" are in the "Community Management" section in the menu under the main picture on the right.

Menu for a group in Contact

  • We need to improve the design and navigation. You have probably already seen beautiful buttons in many large communities with which you can get to subsections.
  • The menu can be ordered from designers, there are a huge number of such proposals.
  • You can also read the article on how to design a group simply and beautifully.

Group entries in VKontakte

Of course, the content of the main page is one of the main aspects. The popularity of the community depends on what you write on the wall: will people come and not only join, but stay for a long time, invite their friends and actively participate in the life of the community. You can write notes on the wall in VKontakte yourself, or you can order from professional copywriters if you have a commercial project.

You can allow members to post on the wall, but in this case, you may face an invasion of spammers, especially if the promotion is successful. They will leave advertisements on your wall without a twinge of conscience, and even if the wall is closed, but comments are open, I will spam them.

Here is a double-edged sword: close the wall - get rid of spammers, but this will have a bad effect on the group as a whole, because people in VKontakte like to comment and write posts, and you will deprive them of this opportunity. Ideally, you should give the opportunity to write on the wall and comment, but often moderate, removing spam and other "unnecessary". Participant rights can be configured in the Information tab in Community Management.

Group discussions

Under the information about the group there is a section "Discussions", some do not pay attention to it and do not use it, but in vain. It resembles a regular forum, an administrator or a member creates a topic, and everyone can discuss it. Here you can create any atmosphere you want, everything will depend on the nature of the topics for discussion in the community. The main thing is that there should be no silence here.

To begin with, the administrator will create topics, and when the group becomes popular, the participants themselves will want to discuss some issues and will create topics if you give them permission to do so in the settings. Try to create topics that encourage people to comment and dialogue.

Tagged: vkontakte, group

How to edit a group in a contact?

A group in contact is a great way to maintain some kind of audience for a famous person or service provided, an enterprise, and so on. How to create and learn to edit a group in contact?

It's simple if you have been in contact for several days. Then you will know what action will lead to what.

So let's figure it out step by step.

If you are an administrator or editor (moderator) of a group, then you can change some information about the group. Without going into any menu, right on the page you can change the status of the group or climb into the discussions and find the Edit button there. So you can specify how many topics will be shown on the page and how topics will be displayed, at the top there may be one that has been recently edited or some entries have been added there.

There is a Community Management button under the group avatar. There you can already fundamentally change the group - name, page address (instead of numbers, you can write a word). In the same place, you write a description of the group, select a category and decide what to do with privacy, which group will be - open or closed, who can add photos and audio, create albums, and so on. You can also edit members, add them to the blacklist, make someone an administrator, or demote someone. Also in the same menu you can specify the city in which the group is located or add a link to other accounts or services.

You will quickly figure it out, good luck!

Setting up a VKontakte group

Each community is designed to serve the goals and objectives of its creator. With the help of the settings, you can make any community as closely as possible to your idea.

A VKontakte group can be configured by its owners or administrators. To start editing a group, go to it and click on the three dots under the main photo. You will see the following menu:

The main thing in it is the first point, "management". There are several main blocks here.

In the "Basic information" you can change the name (it and the page address must be required, the rest of the items are optional), add a description, define the type, upload a cover.

Basic information options

The "Additional Information" block will allow you to customize the topic, specify the site address, designate the location, provide other data:

Additional Information

At other points, you can:

Now, here are some helpful tips:

How to change the address of the VKontakte group

This function is available in the "Settings". If the address is already taken, you will receive a corresponding notification.

Enter the name of the address

After saving, the new page address will serve as a link to the group.

How to find out the VK group ID (how to find out the VK group number)

If you have not changed the page address, by default the ID will be the last row of numbers contained in it (set automatically).

If you changed the page address to a specific name, it will be more difficult to find out the ID. To do this, hover the cursor over one of the menu items and use the right mouse button to copy the link address. Enter it into the browser, and if it contains numbers (and this does not always happen), then this will be the ID of your page.

Click on any menu item

How to hide a group on VKontakte

To do this, just go to the "Groups" section in the left vertical menu, hover over the three dots opposite one of the communities in which you are a member, and select the "Unsubscribe" option.


Other group secrets and instructions on how to edit groups in VKontakte can be found on the official help page\u003dhome:

Other points


Many users have difficulty asking how to edit. If almost everyone can create a community, then only an experienced user can manage it and make the necessary adjustments.

First, you need to understand that the procedures for editing a group via a PC and a smartphone have significant differences, which are mainly explained by the differences in the set of functions of the full and mobile versions of the site. Let's look at the instructions for each of these devices.

Most often, editing the VK group is carried out via a PC, since the full version of the site is much more convenient and understandable than a mobile one. All processes in this manual are related to the Control section, the path to which is as follows:

  • Click on the name of the desired community, moving to its main page.

  • Find the Management item under the group's avatar. Click on it.

Now you can analyze the procedure for editing a group in detail.


The Settings tab contains several blocks at once. The first one is Basic Information, where you can change the name of the group, its description and type. Using the Download hyperlink, you can add or change. And in the Address line, write the letter code of the group page.

The next block is for working with an action button:

  • after turning it on, you can select or change the type of action (open the site, call by phone, write to the mail, etc.);
  • depending on the type of action chosen, specify a contact for communication (phone number, e-mail address, etc.);
  • specify or change the name of the button (Contact / Write).

The Additional information block allows you to set the theme and theme of the group, as well as age restrictions. If necessary, you can change the contact phone number, the address of a third-party site or the actual address of the company here.

Attention! After all the changes have been made, be sure to save them using the button at the bottom of the screen!


In this tab, you can adjust the availability of various sections and blocks in the community structure:

  • open or close the wall;
  • hide, open or restrict access to photos, video clips, materials, discussions, documents;
  • enable or disable the Events and Products blocks;
  • change the settings of the Products block (delivery region, currency, store contact details, etc.);
  • define major and minor blocks.

In addition, if necessary, you can connect the Store application here. To do this, check the box next to the corresponding line and click the Save button.


This tab is for editing the comment option. You can enable a keyword filter or block messages containing obscene language by checking the required items in the list of settings.

At the bottom of the screen, you can see messages that have been deleted for ethical reasons.


This tab has only one function - adding actual links to other VK pages or to third-party resources. This will help make the community more informative and provide a steady stream of visitors to the main site.


The full name of the section sounds like Addresses and opening hours, from which it is clear that here you can indicate the actual address of the company (if any), add geolocation, phone number and opening hours. For groups that represent a virtual representation of an offline business, this option is extremely important, since it creates the impression of openness and accessibility for both existing and potential customers.

Working with API

This tab allows you to generate group access keys. As a rule, they are used by the most advanced SMM specialists. And for beginners, it is enough to know that the API key is a kind of virtual signature of the user or the VK community.


In the "Members" section, you can search for information about users who have subscribed to the community, grant them privileges or add them to the Blacklist.


Here you can enable the Community messages option, after which the corresponding block will appear in the left column of the menu. In a special text field, you can write the current greeting text, which will be automatically sent to users who have started a dialogue with the bot.


In this section, you can add or remove applications required for the effective functioning of the community.

Money transfers

This section is intended to regulate the function of monetary relationships between users in a group.

Content Complaints

Here you can see negative reviews for posts in the community.

Group editing via mobile app

It is not very convenient to manage a community through a mobile application. However, if there is no other way out, you can follow the instructions below:

  • Enter the section with group settings in the standard way.
  • In the Information section, you can change the basic parameters of the community.
  • The Services section allows you to edit the page content.
  • The Blacklist section displays blocked users. If you want, you can easily remove or add any person here.
  • The Invitations section contains a list of users to whom invitations to participate in the group were sent.
  • Applications is a section containing a tool for approving or deleting community applications.
  • In the Participants tab, you can see the complete list of participants, including administrators, moderators and other users.
  • The Links section is designed to add and remove links to internal pages of the social network, as well as to third-party sites.

As you can see, in many ways the items of the community management menu through the mobile application coincide with the items in the full version of the site. Therefore, if necessary, you can make changes to the group, even when away from the PC.

The social network VKontakte offers ample opportunities for creating, developing, and editing groups. The intuitive interface allows you to quickly customize the community to the needs of the target audience, which ensures stable monetization in the long term.

Decided to create your own community, but now you wondered how best to set it up? This article will certainly help you navigate the settings, which at first glance may seem a little confusing.

How to set up a VKontakte group so that there is no spam, but users, at the same time, can calmly communicate with each other and discuss the material that you publish? Our useful information below will help you with this.

We recommend that you close the wall, but leave the opportunity for people to comment on the posts. Every day, several times, visit your community and remove spam, if any. Blacklist users for at least a month and file a complaint on the page with the appropriate button so that the administration of the social network freezes it.

You can empower people to create discussions. But, again, watch out for spam.

Now about the settings

Let's talk directly about how to set up a group in Contact. To get started, log into your community and click on the "Community Management" button, which is located under the group's avatar.

The first tab is "Information". She is the most basic. Here are the settings:

These are the most basic settings available to you. Other tabs contain "Black List", "List of Participants", "Links". Everything is clear here. As for the settings, do not neglect this opportunity, take 5-10 minutes to this question and set up your group as you see fit.

Almost every registered user of the popular social network VKontakte is in at least one group or public.

At the same time, many users create their own groups and are actively engaged in their filling and promotion.

We have the following issues on the agenda:

The first question that immediately arises is why you need to create a VKontakte group? Most often, this is done just for fun. In this case, a person chooses a topic that is close to himself and gathers an interested audience.

Sometimes groups are created for the purpose of mutual assistance (material, informational or some other). And sometimes - to make money (for the purpose of subsequent placement of advertising posts, links, announcements, etc.).

Creating a VKontakte group

The question of how to open a VKontakte group is technically solved quite easily. Here you do not need any special knowledge and skills (for example, as with). So, you are already registered on VKontakte and, therefore, you have your own personal page.

To create your own group, select the item "My groups" in the side menu of your page (number 1 in Fig. 1). The Popular Communities ad block appears with an offer to Subscribe, as well as a list of all the communities you are a member of. You need to click on the "Create community" button (number 2 in Fig. 1) located in the upper right corner.

Figure: 1. To open a VKontakte group, on our page, click on the "Create community" button.
Figure: 2. Enter the name of the group, select the type and click on the button "Create community"

We confirm the creation of our group by clicking on the "Create community" button (number 3 in Fig. 2). This will open a page with the settings for this group.

Group settings

The first tab with settings is called "Information" (number 1 in Fig. 3). All major community management options are located here.

In the "Name" item (number 2 in Fig. 3), you can edit the name of the newly created group.

In the "Page address" item, you can change the community URL if you want. To do this, instead of the standard URL in the "club82063972" format, specify some simpler and more memorable address, for example, superknigi. If the selected URL is already taken, then you will see the corresponding inscription.

In the item "Description of the community" (number 4 in Fig. 3), you can place a small text description. Usually they talk about what the group is about.

Below we select a topic from the list that will open after clicking on the small black triangle - it is marked with the number 5 in Fig. 3. We indicate your site, of course, if it exists (number 6 in Fig. 3). You can even indicate your location using the corresponding menu item (number 7 in Fig. 3).

  • wall settings (number 8 in Fig. 3),
  • photographs (number 9 in Fig. 3),
  • video and audio recordings,
  • documents,
  • materials and
  • discussions (number 10 in Fig. 3).

Each of these categories can be turned off, made open, or restricted. For example, in the off state, no one can write anything on the wall. If you turn off photos and videos, then no one can add them.

In limited condition a specific category can only be changed by the administrator or community moderator. For example, only administrators and moderators can write on the wall, only administrators and moderators can add audio and video recordings.

Open categories can be subject to changes by ordinary users. Users have the ability to add comments to the wall, photos to albums, videos, etc.

In the last paragraph "Type of group" (number 11 in Fig. 3), you can set the format for joining the community of new members. All users can join an open group without exception. To a closed group - only after the approval of the administrator or moderator. As for the private group, you can get here only at the invitation of one of the administrators.

In fig. 3 (digits 8-11) shows the default group settings, that is, such settings are offered automatically. You can agree with such settings, or you can customize them at your own discretion, as described above.

In the end, do not forget to approve your changes by clicking on the "Save" button (number 12 in Fig. 3).

The second tab in the community settings is called “ Participants»(Next to number 1 in Fig. 3). Here you can view the list of users currently in your group. Each of the users can be removed from the group, or appointed as a leader (the person will have the rights of a moderator).

The third tab is called " Black list". Users who are blocked in your community for any reason (insulting other members, spam, etc.) are posted here.

How to make a link in a group

Figure: 4 Create a link in your group
Figure: 5 Enter the URL of the link to the VKontakte group or to an external site

I entered the address of a free course from my website. Then click on the "Add link" button (number 2 in Fig. 5).

Figure: 6 Enter link text

In the window marked with number 1 in Fig. 6 “Enter the link text”, click the mouse and enter the text of your link. For example, I entered Computer literacy for beginners in 30 days. After that, click on the "Add" button (number 2 in Fig. 6). The resulting link is as shown in Fig. 4, number 2.

How do I select a post author in a group?

The Submitting Settings menu appears, where you can choose on whose behalf the post will be published:

  • On my own behalf, or
  • On behalf of the community.

If you check the box next to “On behalf of the community”, the post will be published on behalf of the group.

Figure: 7. Selecting an author when posting to a group

I invite you to the group "Computer literacy with Hope"

I am pleased to invite everyone to join the new VK-public.

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