TinyMCE Advanced is an advanced WordPress editor. WordPress Text Editing Plugin

Having dealt with the basic functionality of the WordPress admin panel. The greatest amount of time, after forming the basis of our site, we will devote to articles, their writing and optimization. To set and format posts in WordPress, an editor has been introduced, but it is very inferior to plugins specialized for these needs. After installing and configuring the Tinymce Advanced visual and html editor plugin, editing posts will be much easier.

There are many text editor plugins, one of them is a functional plugin that a huge number of people have chosen for themselves - TinyMCE Advanced.

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In order to start using and testing this TinyMCE Advanced plugin, you need to download and install it, as shown below in the video tutorial.

Description of the TinyMCE Advanced plugin

The plugin for the TinyMCE Advanced editor has been around for a very long time and probably 90% of WordPress platform users have it installed and used daily.

The TinyMCE Advanced plugin is very simple, but at the same time it provides all the necessary functionality when working with pages and posts.

Thanks to TinyMCE Advanced, we can add a large number of new buttons to our standard editor available after , which will certainly come in handy for you.

It is almost impossible to overestimate this plugin, it is used hourly, every minimum and fine tuning become simple and affordable with TinyMCE Advanced.

Video review of TinyMCE Advanced, its installation and configuration

In this video you will see the benefits available when installing and working with TinyMCE Advanced.

Why TinyMCE Advanced is better than the standard one

For those who do not yet know the purpose of the plugins, we have a special one, while the rest can plunge into the article with their heads.

TinyMCE Advanced exists to create your publications in a convenient visual and code format, to change and create a style for writing unique texts. The editor offered in the base WordPress package is poor to say the least, and has only basic tools.

As we see in confirmation of the above, you can’t overclock far with a standard editor, for this reason TinyMCE Advanced comes to our aid with its advanced functionality.

At first glance, it is clear that our capabilities will grow significantly with such functionality of TinyMCE Advanced capabilities. Anyone who has ever worked with text editors can easily understand the icons and features of the plugin. For those who do not want to search for the necessary elements by typing, we will analyze the main features and settings of TinyMCE Advanced.

What will TinyMCE Advanced give us?

So, using the TinyMCE Advanced editor will allow us to add and use the following features:

  1. Easy and convenient creation of tables directly when writing an article. Editing and filling which will not cause you any inconvenience.
  2. Advanced and convenient page structure formatting. The ability to create and control the placement of layers (
  3. You will also be able to put superscripts and subscripts.
  4. Changing text background color with TinyMCE Advanced is very easy without using CSS.
  5. Embedding video files will become much more convenient with the TinyMCE Advanced editor.
  6. Change font size.
  7. Wide choice of font families.
  8. A set of hotkeys will add speed to writing and formatting your texts.
  9. It will become available to clear all formatting with one key.

These features and more will come in handy in shaping your WordPress creations.

The plugin is constantly updated, which cannot but please us, because this is the main sign that the developers are thinking about your comfort.

Using TinyMCE Advanced you will write your posts confident in your abilities, we wish you inspiration and unique texts, see you next

Possible problems with TinyMCE Advanced and how to solve them

The TinyMCE Advanced plugin is written in PHP, just like any program, it may not work for one reason or another. The following are the most common problems that users encounter. What is the editor for WordPress.

WordPress TinyMCE Advanced visual editor not working

If, when connecting the plugin, you cannot edit it, use icons, add or change settings, try the following operation:

  1. Check the performance of other plugins that you manage from the admin panel, if their settings buttons work, then proceed to the next step. In case of problems with other add-ons, you need to look for the causes of internal settings, and not in the plugin itself.
  2. Update WordPress to the latest version.
  3. Completely remove the plugin and download TinyMCE Advanced from the official website.
  4. After installation, activate it and check if it works.

If this does not help you, perhaps the problems are related to other plugins, sometimes they may conflict, try disabling all plugins and see if the situation has changed. If TinyMCE Advanced does not work and you need to look for deeper problems with a “clean” engine, you should contact the programmer.

On the administration page: TinyMCE buttons are not sorted, they do not move, the toolbar is empty, other errors on the page

This is usually caused by another plugin that adds incompatible JavaScript libraries for all pages, not just where needed. The way around this is to try to find out which plugins are doing this, temporarily disable the rest of the plugins until all the TinyMCE buttons appear, and enable them one by one while checking for changes in the settings.

If that doesn't help, try some general Javascript troubleshooting: clear the cache, try a different browser, try a different computer if possible, delete and re-download all plugin files, and finally install Firefox with Firebug or Opera, note the first JS causing errors (important) and post it below or search the web to find out what is causing it.

Organized the buttons and saved them, but nothing changes in the visual editor on the posts page

Click on the "Delete" button (next to the Save button) and then on "Continue". Then turn off and activate the plugin again. This will reset all settings that are stored in the database.

Some buttons are missing from the TinyMCE menu, or some tools don't appear at all, or TinyMCE behaves strangely after installing a plugin

Almost all of these problems are caused by the browser's cache, or network cache. Clear your browser cache, close your browser, then launch it and try again. If the problem persists, try reloading the page by holding down Ctrl (in IE) or Shift (in Firefox) to tell the browser to reload the page from the server. It can also be caused by a network cache somewhere between you and your web host. Just wait a few hours for the problem to go away.

I don't see any styles being imported into "style" in the drop down menu

These styles (only classes) are imported from the editor into your current theme's style.css file. However, some themes do not include this file. In this case, follow the instructions on the TinyMCE Avdanced settings page to add your own file style.css editor for your theme. When defining styles, keep in mind that TinyMCE will only import class names:



I just installed the TinyMCE Avdanced plugin but nothing happened

Log out of WordPress, clear your browser cache, restart your browser and try again. If this doesn't work, there may be a caching proxy or a network cache somewhere between you and your host. You may need to wait a few hours for this cache to expire.

When I add "emoji" they don't show in the editor

The Emoticons button in TinyMCE adds emoji codes. The actual images are added by WordPress when viewing a post/page. Make sure the "Convert emoticons like :-) and :-P to pictures" box in the "Settings"/"Writing" menu is checked.

Plugin doesn't add any buttons, "Visual" and "HTML text" tabs are missing

Make sure the "Disable Visual Editor" checkbox under "Users"/"Your Profile" is unchecked.

I welcome you to the blog site. In this article I will tell you how you can replace, and at the same time fix the standard Visual WordPress Post Editor. So let's start with the fact that the standard text editor is essentially nothing more than the usual Word that each of us used, but only in a very simplified form. It is simply inconvenient for many to write articles when there are only a couple of buttons for decorating their posts, and therefore many begin to study in order to prescribe what they want in the code, but here a catch awaits them.

The HTML editor allows you to use not all known tags, but only the main ones. By the way, here is a list of those tags that the WordPress editor understands: address, a, abbr, acronym, area, article, aside, b, big, blockquote, br, caption, cite, class, code, col, del, details, dd, div, dl, dt, em, figure, figcaption, footer, font, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, header, hgroup, hr, i, img, ins, kbd, li, map, ol, p, pre, q, s, section, small, span, strike, strong, sub, summary, sup, table, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr, tt, u, ul, var.

If you try to enter some other tag not included in this list, then the WordPress editor will simply remove it from the post. Also, PHP and JavaScript code cannot be used in the html editor. If you still want to shove the JavaScript code into the become, then you have to separate file paste this code, then upload it to the blog and write in the html editor the path to open this file.

All this makes it burdensome to spend much more time on than many people can afford. Therefore, many are looking for how to replace the standard WordPres visual editor that would suit their needs and goals. That's exactly what we're going to talk about today.

The editor is called TinyMCE Advanced, which makes fancy CKEditor plugin. I didn’t say it just like that, because as many as 15 plugins were shoved into it: Advanced HR, Advanced Image, Advanced Link, Context Menu, Emotions (Smilies), Date and Time, IESpell, Layer, Nonbreaking, Print, Search and Replace, Style , Table, Visual Characters, and XHTML Extras.

This is by far the most sophisticated text editor that exists in general. In general, it turns out that the plugin is paid, but for some reason it is distributed absolutely free. The developers write that, they say, for just getting acquainted, you can use it for free, but for commercial sites you need to purchase a license.

Although I think this is something else. The plugin itself weighs a lot and not everyone needs certain functions, buttons, of which there are just seas, so the plugin can be assembled for yourself, leaving only what you need, thereby reducing its size without slowing down the blog.

In this article, we will talk about one interesting visual page editor for WordPress. plugin Page Builder Sandwich is designed for easy page editing. The plugin has been tested on a large number of WordPress templates from different sources and has proven to be very good.

Page Builder Sandwich allows you to make changes to the design of site pages on the fly. The add-on can be downloaded from the official WordPress repository. At the time of this writing, the plugin has been downloaded by more than 3,000 users. The score for this add-on is 4.4 out of 5.

Let's take a closer look at the features of the plugin.

Visual page editor Page Builder Sandwich

The advantages of the plugin include a simplified addition of text. Select the desired area, and just start typing. There is also drag and drop technology - this is an invaluable feature that allows you to move selected objects relative to the workspace with the mouse. You do not have to place forms through the code, picking up their coordinates at random. This significantly reduces the operating time.

The plugin has the ability to undo actions. If you did something wrong, then just use the key combination ctrl + z, and you will be taken back one step.

The plugin allows you to quickly and easily place content on the page. If you need to post a video with , you just need to copy the video link and paste it in the desired area on the page. In addition, the visual editor has a simple and intuitive interface, so even inexperienced users can figure it out.

Working with the Page Builder Sandwich Plugin

After installing and activating the plugin, go to the "Users" sub-item in the "Your Profile" sub-item in the WordPress console, and check the "Show Toolbar when viewing site" checkbox. After that, when you visit any page on your site through the front-end, you will notice the visual editor button at the top right. It's big and blue so you can't miss it. When you click on the button, an editor will open, allowing you to edit whatever you want on the fly.

Another advantage of this supplement is the ability to immediately observe the result.

On the left is the toolbar. IN free version the number of tools is limited. In the paid one, it is also limited, but there are much more of them. On the official WordPress website, you can find tutorials on working with the plugin.

The plugin was released relatively recently, and is currently being actively worked on. Perhaps in the future, developers will offer many interesting features to make working with the visual editor easier.

You can learn about another editor for WordPress in .

Interface language: English Russian Type: Plugin

WordPress Text Editor is an easy to use and essential tool for everyone, whether you're an editor or a web developer. However, as the version improves text editor with user experience for each user?

WP SmartEditor offers you and your clients a custom experience with the ability to filter the tools available for each user role, or even per user. In addition, the plugin is equipped with time-saving tools, such as a table manager, file manager, a custom style and button editor, bulleted lists and a summation tool.

User Roles and WordPress Profiles. WP Smart Editor offers unique features for every content creator. You have the opportunity:

  • Create multiple user profiles;
  • Select a set of editor tools to apply to each profile;
  • Apply profiles to one or more users or user roles;
  • Export/import user profiles from one website to another.

Choice of tools. WP Smart Editor comes with a powerful set of editor tools that are both useful and time-saving for editing content, including:

  • Column Manager: create and customize column layouts without using HTML code;
  • Button manager: design, save and reuse your buttons from the editor;
  • List manager: create your lists with icons, save and reuse them on your website;
  • Summary: create automatic content with links based on content title structure;
  • Tooltip Manager: Add an AJAX tooltip inside your content.

File manager. File management such as PDF files or ZIP files using the standard WordPress media manager. WP Smart Editor contains light version powerful WP file upload plugin so you can upload, manage and update files.

Table Manager. Creating a table in the WordPress editor requires knowledge of HTML/CSS and it's almost impossible to manage the table in content editors. WP Smart Editor includes a light version of the powerful WP Table Manager plugin, so you can create, manage and customize tables from your editor just like you would with Excel.

Custom HTML styling for users. WP Smart Editor has a dedicated tool for creating your own css styles and making them available to users. As a web designer, create your own style according to WordPress theme, name it, and let the content editor use it when needed.

Template Editor. With the template manager tool, you can save your layouts, all content and HTML structure, which you have typed in your editor, and use them later on another page.

Improved code editor. WordPress includes text/HTML views by default in its editor. We've enhanced the code-highlighted version of HTML with a search/replace, word or expression lookup feature and added it to all your content.

The WP Smart Editor plugin integrates beautifully with:

Dear readers, today we will talk about the convenience of writing and designing blog articles. Namely, about the plugin for WordPress TinyMCE Advanced.

Why you need a normal WordPress visual editor

You may have already taken the advice from the article and write your entries through it. Or maybe you didn't like her. Yes, and there are different situations when it is not possible to use it and you need to write an article through the blog admin panel using a visual editor (WYSIWYG - “What you see is what you get”).

WordPress has a standard visual editor built in that is not functional enough and easy to use. It looks like this:
The role of a visual editor in the life of a blogger is huge: everyone needs to design articles beautifully, neatly and conveniently for visual perception. In addition, working with a blog should be a pleasure, which means that the editor should be convenient and easy to use, and its functionality should be intuitive.

In general, today we will learn how to install a normal visual editor on WordPress, and the TinyMCE Advanced plugin will help us with this.

WordPress visual editor not working?

If for some reason the standard visual editor doesn't work for you at all, don't worry, you don't need it. Go straight to installing the TinyMCE Advanced plugin, which will provide you with an advanced full-fledged visual editor in WordPress.

Installing the TinyMCE Advanced Plugin for WordPress

The installation is standard. It is most convenient to copy the name of the plugin " TinyMCE Advanced» to search for plugins and install. You can also download the TinyMCE Advanced plugin from the official WordPress website. If you don't know how to install it, learn .

Plugin setup

How to Disable WordPress Visual Editor

If suddenly you are good at html and the editor only bothers you with its errors and glitches, you may want to turn it off. In WordPress, this is done like this: go to the section "Users", select your user and you will see that the very first setting item is the checkbox "Disable visual editor". Check the box and the editor will no longer be displayed.

Features and Benefits of TinyMCE Advanced Editor

After you have finished setting up the editor, open any article and rejoice! Now it already looks like a serious editor like MS Word. The TinyMCE Advanced visual editor for WordPress has a lot of features that will help you style your articles the way you want. I will list the main ones:

  • One-click text formatting: bold, italic, underline, etc. Remember to first select the section of text you want to format.
  • Align text to the left, right, center and width.
  • Adding bulleted and numbered lists
  • Styles for paragraphs and headings
  • Quotes and abbreviations
  • Adding and editing media files
  • Choice of color, font size and type
  • Choosing a background for text
  • Working with tables

These are just a few of the features of the TinyMCE visual editor. For a complete list of functions with a description of their work, see the following article. Installing the TinyMCE Advanced plugin for WordPress and mastering these tools will allow you to quickly and accurately format any blog article. In the next article, I will talk in detail about all its features and functions.

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