A friend around is an easy version. Friend around the entrance

The existence of all kinds of social applications makes our life more open and colorful. And one of these programs that you can install on your computer is the program Friend around... It can be used to chat with friends on the web. From the very first days of its appearance, she began to enjoy great demand and popularity, and if you get to know her better, it becomes clear why this happened. A simpler, more convenient and modern messenger cannot be imagined.

The computer version of the program Friend Around has a very pleasant and inviting interface, unlike similar applications. Simple navigation of the program allows you to quickly find both old and new friends, communication with whom will make your life brighter and richer. The functionality of the program provides for the ability to daily change statuses, upload your personal photos, as well as the ability to give gifts to other users. What is very convenient, you can also send SMS messages from your PC using the functions of this program.

Despite the fact that the program also has a paid package of functions - their capabilities are naturally wider and more tempting, even with the standard free package, you can enjoy using Friend Around. The highlight of the application is the ability to use geolocation, which allows you to find out which of the virtual users is currently near you. You can send him a message using the messenger and thus make another interesting acquaintance.

The standard version of the program Friend Vokrug is available as a free download for free. Its additional features are negotiated separately, but their cost is not too high. In parallel with the computer version of Friend Around, experts recommend immediately installing the client on a mobile device. In this case, there will be no malfunctions of the program, but you can use it both from your computer and from your phone, and all data will be synchronized.

Set Friend Around

To start using the program on your computer or laptop, just download it from the link above and unpack it by running the installation file. After installation, you can enter your personal account or create a new account. After completing all the steps, you can use the program without any restrictions.

The Friend Around chat client was created for active young people, and all young people are now online: playing in browsers, watching videos on Youtube, listening to music on social networks. Many people prefer not to download anything, so it is logical that there is a demand for Friend Around without downloading.

Friend Around online does not exist in nature

In fact, there is no such possibility - to use the program without downloading. And there are many good reasons for this:

  • Firstly, you cannot implement in a browser all the capabilities that a full-fledged, full-featured chat client provides.
  • Secondly, it is a security issue. When the program is launched from your phone, linked to your number, it is almost impossible to hack your account. It will not be easy for online crooks to get to the chat client you have installed.
  • Thirdly, it is not yet known which would be more convenient, Friend Around online or an installed program. The program can be opened and closed at any time, and entering the page through the browser, loading a bunch of extraneous tabs at the same time, is not always convenient and not always fast.
  • Finally, without installing the application on a smartphone, such an important "feature" as using BlueTooth would be lost. Friend Around marks those who are right next to you. So strangers can accidentally meet in a chat and immediately see each other in real life! This is a funny excuse to meet.

Thousands of people across the country are sitting in Friend Around online. To become one of them, download the program to your tablet, phone or laptop, register and write a few words about yourself. Online registration with a Friend takes around a couple of minutes. Each account is tied to a phone number, not an email address, which is easy to hack. Therefore, the main step during registration is to drive your number into a special window. Then upload a prettier photo - this will be your avatar - and start making acquaintances, look for people by your region or country, by age and by photos. In order not to enter the password every time, check the "remember" box and then the entrance to Friend Around will be performed automatically when the program starts. When you run a full-fledged installed program: there are no portable and browser versions in nature!

Friend around - the program is useful for those who need new horizons for communication. With the help of Friend Around both for a computer and for mobile phones, You will always be in touch with your friends, up to date with all events and most importantly: you will no longer have to look for friends - They will find you themselves.

Initially, the "Friend Around" program was created only for mobile phones by MoKo Media LLC in 2009 on Android for mobile phones and tablets, then a version for a computer under Windows 7 was developed, and so on.

The program practically contains all the functionality of the mobile version, in addition to its zest, user search via bluetooth. A Friend Around will help you express your emotion with emoticons and give gifts, for the curious, the program will show who is nearby.

Write messages even to those who are not online right now. An interesting feature is the search for those who are nearby. Start meeting those who are nearby right now - a great option for those who are embarrassed to meet on the streets. After all, it is much easier to write a message without seeing the person personally and his reaction.

Despite the fact that a browser version is available, it is the program on the PC that adds functionality, for example: a computer application sends Push notifications about all events that occur in the account: new "likes" and messages, requests to add friends.

Enter your passions, hobbies and interests, fill in the "achievements" column, and make new acquaintances!
The service is suitable for people of different age categories, because everyone needs warm and friendly communication. Expand your circle of acquaintances, get to know each other with the help of Friend Around.


No fees or payments - all options are available immediately after download and registration. The developers have done everything to make communication between people as convenient and comfortable as possible.

If you want to start dating now, there is a "Live" section, in which you can immediately select an interlocutor and immediately start a conversation. Pick an opponent with similar interests and life principles and open a chat.

It's fast and convenient: the instant messaging system sends your message via an Internet connection and it is immediately displayed on the interlocutor. If you want to finally see a friend-friend, turn on the video chat and communicate, looking each other in the eyes! This is how the boundaries and distance between people are erased.

Functionality Friend around:

In appearance, the Friend Around program is almost the same, while the implementation of chatting is much more convenient. We post only the latest and newest versions of this application. You can broadcast your status on VKontakte, communications, MSN Messenger, social networks, e-mail are available.

Friend Around has additional features (gifts, messages to shared channels), they are provided on a paid basis, and the prices are very democratic.

As much as we sometimes want to be alone, but most of our life is communication. With friends, family, work colleagues, and generally with complete strangers. But sometimes in this whirlwind we do not have enough time for the most dear and close ones ... But today there is a great way to stay in touch with them. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the new application from the site DrugVokrug.ru.

Installing Friend Around for Computer

Downloading Friend Around on your computer will take you exactly three minutes. In addition, now this program works even on Windows 10, not to mention the "seven" Find the official website, download, install. And that's all. From now on you will be in touch with everyone who is dear to you. There is always an opportunity not only to communicate with those whom you have known for a long time, but also to find new friends using Bluetooth technology. All you need is to have a computer or mobile device, the Internet and the desire to communicate! And you will plunge into the world of endless interesting communication with bright, versatile people!

If you don't have a soul mate yet, then a free friend around will help you find it! A very large number of pretty girls and guys who are ready to chat, make friends and get closer to each other spend time on this social network. After all, no one bothers you to transfer communication to another plane. Especially if you already live nearby. All profiles contain photographs, therefore, in addition to the rich inner world of your interlocutor, you can also evaluate him visually.

Among the functions of the program "FriendVokrug" there is the ability to automatically update the status. Also, a feature of the program is a very convenient chat, with a friendly interface. You will absolutely love to communicate using this application.

Each user on this network has its own rating. The more often you post, the higher your rating becomes. It is updated every hour. Therefore, the most sociable have the opportunity to get a leader star and a place in the top.

There is nothing better than live communication, but, unfortunately, in our time this is not always possible. In addition, now the expression is true that there is no one closer than those who are very far away. It's true. In this social network you have the opportunity to find a like-minded person, make useful contacts or meet your love. Whatever you expect from "DrugVokrug", your expectations will come true, and the world around you and communication will become a little brighter!

I am registered in many social networks, but almost 99% of them are designed for communication between already familiar people. After moving to a new city, I really wanted to find at least one soul mate here. I registered in the network of a friend around and in just a couple of days I was already sitting in a cafe with new friends and talking about what is interesting to all of us. Thanks to the developers for a great program and a great idea!

Friend around - a program for more interesting and comfortable online communication on the Internet. Make new friends and share photos with old acquaintances.

The program allows you to keep in touch with friends who have also installed Friend Around for their computer. To search for interlocutors, there is a convenient search, with the ability to choose according to several different criteria. In addition, using the utility, you can communicate with new people, thanks to the "Live" service, and use the functions characteristic of social networks - create your own statuses, discuss the statuses of friends, post, comment and rate photos, give virtual gifts, etc. Wherein FriendVokrug is available not only for Windows, but also for other operating systems such as iOS and Android... Therefore, you should be careful when choosing the version of the program if you want to download Friend Around 2019 for free.

Friend Around can notify you of incoming messages using SMS. Communication with other programs and services is also provided, for example, broadcasting status to the popular VKontakte network. To convey emotions, sets of emoticons were developed, as well as stickers - large animated pictures. Now expressing your feelings and emotions has become even easier, just enough download Friend Around... To stay on top of your friends' latest news, you can use the News Feed option, which shows their latest activities. You can start using the service after a simple registration, in which you need to fill out a form with your data to make it easier to find you. It should be noted that the use of Friend Around in Russian is a big plus.

A useful option in the program is the "Friend Vorug" rating, which depends on the number of user entries and is updated every hour. The winner of the week wins the leader's star, which makes his page more visible. The program also has a function that, using Bluetooth, displays who from the service is currently near you. This is a great opportunity to make new acquaintances in public places, having only the device with the installed program with you. As you can see, it's a good tool for those who are full of creative ideas and are not afraid to try something new. You can always download it from our website.

The main functions of the program Friend Around are free, however, there are also paid services that you can use for a nominal fee. For example, purchasing exclusive gifts and other unique features. From the first week of its existence, the program began to be in great demand. And you can download the Friend Around program tested for performance and safety without registration on this site.

Key features of the Friend Around program:

  • availability of social network functionality;
  • communication with other programs;
  • work with media files;
  • additional paid services;
  • search for users using Bluetooth;
  • works on most operating systems.

Version: 4.3.5

Program status: Free of charge

The size: 0.37 Mb

Developer: MoCo Media

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