Plugin Contemporary contact form for WordPress. Wordpress feedback plugins and features of working with them. Adding feedback page using Page Builder

Do you want to add an order form to your site? If so, keep in mind that each web site e-commerce needs such a form so that its customers can order a product or service and possibly pay directly via the Internet.

In this article, we will offer you the best plugins 10 for WordPress, which will allow you to create an order form on your website.

1. Supercart

Supercart. It is a complete WordPress plugin designed to create forms of orders based on the well-known WHMCS plugin. Can be used as one page ( full ajax) or several pages / steps ( paul Ajax). It is very safe, easy to use and can be configured in minutes 10.

If you have already installed WHMCS, just download and activate this plugin for the WordPress order form, and you can easily use information from your WHMCS database. After activation, you will need only update additions (if you have them) to simply add HTML tags.

You can also add an image to all your extensions. In short Supercart. This is the most complete, the most advanced and most powerful plugin of the WHMCS order form available on the market.

2. List of Woo Product Tables

This is a simpler, fast and efficient way to list your WooCommerce products on a flexible, easy-to-use table or form; With the ability to quickly view. Indeed, thanks to the plugin List of Woo Product TablesYou can easily display all your WooCommerce products in the form of a table or form on one page.

Just copy the shortcode and place it on any page. Its functions include: Support for multiple automatically generated shortcodes, display columns as needed, search engine AJAX, the ability to quickly view the directory and tables, etc.

3. Arg Multistep Checkout for WooCommerce

With elegant and intuitive design, WordPress extension Arg Multistep Checkout It will help you to improve user interaction by dividing the most important elements of the WooCommerce payment process by default.

The increase in sales is a light goal, and it is here that WooCommerce Arg Multistep Checkout plugin makes this process complex and easy to understand.

Other features: intuitive design, smooth animations when changing and checking the step, adding new steps, access to the following steps by clicking on the following tab, integration of login and registration steps, the presence of an order check step, excellent integration with your WordPress topic, Step-by-step check, compatibility with WPML, etc.

4. Standard PayPal Payment Gateway for Ninja Forms

Le Plugin Standard Paypal Payment Gateway for Ninja Forms Allows you to create the order form and receive payments using the standard PayPal account of your site.

Its main features are: simplicity of integration, activation or deactivation of PayPal gateway in separate forms, support for regular payments and much more.

5. Super Forms - Calculator

With this WordPress extension, you can create extended calculated forms based on user data entered. Install excellent forms of booking and orders or create complex assessment forms.

It is as simple as to engage in ordinary mathematics. This is the expansion of the plugin Super shapesThe latter is necessary for the proper operation of this Xtension.

6. WooCommerce fields and duties

WooCommerce fields and duties Allows the ESHOP administrator to create payments (or discounts, if the Commission's value is negative) and additional fields of invoice and delivery with which it may, if desired, to associate certain conditional rules.

In accordance with these conventional rules, the plugin decides whether additional fields should be displayed in payment forms and should the fees apply to the payment basket. Each field / tax may have several conventional rules related to each other. The conditional rule can take into account several data types.

Among its functions, you will find, among other things: support for conditional logic, support for multiple data types, integrate multiple field types, excellent compatibility with WooCommerce and WPML and much more.

Registration WooCommerce

Plugin WordPress Registration WooCommerce Allows you to add additional custom fields in the client registration form. You will have the opportunity to add several types of fields to be mentioned among others: text area, selection zone, check box, switch, selector time selector, dates selector, password Select color, etc.

You can also display all fields on the payment page, with the exception of the image field in case the clients want to check. This plugin also allows you to enable / disable WooCommerce fields by default. Connection functions through Facebook and Twitter are also integrated into this plugin.

Among other of its functionality, you will find: add an unlimited field number, an intuitive interface, field configuration for better readability, support for conditional logic for its fields, advanced options for field personalization and many others

8. Pages of Basket and Order WHMCS - Ordering on one page

The main goal of this wonderful plug-in is to give users the best experience in the process of ordering products. So visitors quickly turn into customers.

Pages Basket and Order WHMCS (WCOP) It has very stylish, comfortable order pages and ordering with a variety of functions.

In addition to standard Pages / Forms of the WHMCS, WCOP offers one payment page. This order form for one page is the ideal solution if you want to offer your customers one payment page.

9. WooCommerce options for additional product

WooCommerce Extra Product Options is a WordPress extension that will allow you to create additional product options with support for conditional logic. You can also create forms, convert drop-down attribute lists in switches and more.

Among its features, we will find among other things: support multiple field types, price settings in accordance with selected fields, visual form field designer, shortcode support, activate some options for specific roles, choose between increasing prices for fixed value or percentage, import functionality / export to other forms, the ability to hide or display prices, conditional logic for fields and partitions in the forms constructor, compatibility with multiple plugins and e-commerce extensions, detailed documentation and much more ...


With ease, sell any individual services and products by creating your own transparent and responsive cost calculator and orders on your WordPress website. This unique plugin can actually be used to sell any type of service or product, apps, websites, graphics, SEO, pets, lunar fragments .... or anything else.

Your clients will be able to get an accurate assessment of their order (evaluation or final order is sent by email) or make direct payment using PayPal or Stripe. The client's email address can be automatically sent to your Mailchimp / Mailpoet / GetResponse list.

You can also hide all prices in the form and emails to use them as an ordinary form. Its intuitive and powerful conditional system and many of its components make it easy to create any types of forms.


That's all for this article dedicated to the best WordPress plugins for WordPress orders. Do not forget to send us your comments, suggestions and wishes for this list.

However, you can also refer to our resources if you need more items to implement your website creation projects by consulting our WordPress blog or Divi blog guide: Best WordPress theme for all the time

Greetings! Today, the Internet is very rapidly developing such a direction as feedback between the site owner and the client. The chopstick in this is the special form for communication. That is why I set a goal to help you choose the WordPress feedback plugin.

Why do you need feedback form

Currently, it is difficult for us to imagine that I used to manually copy or recruit an email address, from your e-mail to write a letter to the seller and wait for a response for a long time. After all, for this period, while the client went to the post office and wrote a letter, he could lose or forget the desired URL, to forget the question itself and a lot of things could happen. And for the owner, a client could be lost in this situation. Catch the meaning?

Modern programmers, such as feedback forms, are actively helping the owners of commercial resources do not miss a single client, and Internet users save their time and, satisfying the needs, make a purchase.

Where to find ready-made patterns or blanks

Each time, when creating a new site or village, the webmaster has to choose the best plugin WordPress for the form of communication. Because the customer does not always like the simple and standard form. Sometimes it even takes a lot of diverse pieces at the same time on one page.

The form for the possibility of feedback is one of the important parts of the WordPress site. Without it, the ability to always be in touch with visitors and customers. In addition, without this stamp, the likelihood of the loss of potential buyers increases.

WordPress plugins are popular thanks to their benefits: Constantly comes out updates that allow you to quickly and efficiently develop a site. Such an application facilitates the addition of contact form to the site, as well as the ability to create a pop-up shape, sample time or order a call.

In this article I want to introduce you to the most popular applications and modern novelties:

  1. Contact Form 7.
  2. Fast Secure Contact FROM.
  3. Contact Form by Contact Me
  4. Formcraft
  5. Visual Form Builder.
  6. NForms.
  7. Gravity Forms.
  8. Ninja Forms.
  9. Ninja Kick.

I will try to give a brief description of these popular plugins so that you can choose the appropriate option.

Contact Form 7.

CF7 Today it is the most demanded plugin for WordPress.

He has:

  1. Ajax sending messages.
  2. Built-in captcha.
  3. Special spam filter.
  4. Allows you to upload files.

This development is completely free and it is easy to adjust to various needs using HTML. Using a special code that consists of only one line, you can place the created contact form to any place on the page.

This plugin is though popular, but not devoid of flaws. One of these is the lack of finished patterns. If you need to change the design, you will have to do this using CSS.

Fast Secure Contact From

Fast Secure Contact From This non-standard development has high popularity. It is mainly used by the owners of blogs to create and add a contact form to sites.

This designer has a section of the administrator, with which you can make an unlimited number of forms. Using captcha and special protection, the designer is able to block attacks that are based on spammer tactics.

The positive parties of the plug-in are:

  1. Does not register a profile to simply users.
  2. Provides the ability to form a graph, online meetings.
  3. Supports multiple email addresses.

The absence of a simple interface was declared a minus, but this deficiency is not worth the edge and developers of the designer work on its elimination.

Contact Form by Contact Me

Contact Form by Contact Me is an affordable constructor having a standard set of basic functions in its arsenal. It works only after registering on the site. This procedure is simple and free. Developers believe that it is better than other promoted plug-ins, even CF7.

This constructor has a variety of necessary functions:

  1. Sends notifications immediately to mail and phone.
  2. Allows you to add a script into the form.
  3. Supports logo for the map, data on the company and references to social networks, etc.

Pushes web resources owners for more from the use of such a development, only the availability of registration on the CONTACT ME website.


The Formcraft plugin was originally created and supported only as a premium application. Not so long ago, his creators have made a free version - FROMBUILDER, accessible to each Internet user.

It supports the design of different forms in its embedded editor. It has less opportunities, compared with the premium version, which has a script logic, auto storage and a variety of customizable fields. However, he is recognized as one of the best for today (both free and premium version of the application under consideration).

Visual Form Builder.

Another Visual Form Builder designed is a development that allows you to create and monitor all the forms from one place. With just one click, you can manage fields, antispam and reorganize previously created forms. It sounds tempting, right?

The advantages of this plugin are:

  • The possibility of changing the order of elements in conventional dragging.
  • The ability to export the data to the CSV file.
  • Sending controlled messages with confirmation.
  • Ability to specify a multitude of URL addresses.

And minus only one - if you have a very big site, it is better to use another plugin, because this one stores all these forms in the database of your WordPress. And this can significantly reduce its performance and disclosure. It seems to me that you understand, the consequences of the overload (long-term loading, reducing the number of views and so on.).


nForms resembles a fairly simple template, with AJAX sending. The created form will be displayed using a special shortcode or widget. This is a rather interesting option, but is not suitable for any site (you need to compare the result with your layout). This application provides you more than just a contact form. Are interested in? Then spend the experiment, perhaps this form will be a kind of chip of your site.

Gravity Forms.

Gravity Forms is the most complete solution for creating a feedback form to the site. Many consider it the most advanced for the WordPress. Such a development has a visual qualitative editor, allowing to create complicated variations. And the designer is built into the designer, facilitating the use of long developments and embeding them into a large number of pages.

In addition, the constructor has a filling indicator that is notified as far as the form is filled. You can call indisputable pluses:

  1. The presence of functions that are absent in other constructors (a real-time calculator, creating forms of orders).
  2. Presence of dependent fields, pages or sections.
  3. You can select the Send button.

But the minuses will have to attribute only the high cost of the plugin. But this is a very controversial minus, because the application is able to offer a slightly more than the contact ordinary form. Do not you need it?


Supplement Mapped Contact Applies a slightly modified process to display form on the site. This is an excellent solution for a large company or network of firms, because it may designate branches on the Google map. It turns out that it is a pretty useful plugin, do you agree?

An important advantage is the ability to specify the location of each place discussed on the site. Just place a shortcode (short code) in any entry or any place on the page. It is easy to do this, so any interested person will cope with such a procedure.

Ninja Forms.

In the last period, the Ninja Forms plugin began to gain popularity. This forms constructor differs from the other power and the presence of the most understandable editor, which is used priority in paid plugins. When using it, it will be available to the construction of its unique form by the usual drag and setting the blocks. All fields are created on any of the selected languages, including Russian.

The positive parties of such a development can be called:

  1. Quite wide functionality.
  2. The presence of a convenient switch to possibly the preview and test of structures.

The negative parties will be:

  • a huge number of settings capable of confusing the novice user.
  • premium premium modules that can be connected separately (such as receiving payments, mail mailings).

Ninja Kick.

Ninja Kick is the most unusual solution of all that is different in that it displays a separate panel from different sides of the site. There is a lot of settings in its functionality, most of which are aimed at adjusting the appearance of the form. The settings for the fields are very small and it is slightly upsetting Internet users.

This plugin is very interesting and unique, but it is hardly suitable for a serious site. Its most often use the owners of entertainment portals or bloggers.

Here we also reviewed different additions to create the reverse form WordPress and came to the conclusion that for different situations, sites and goals you can pick up your plugin. As they say: "There would be a desire, and the rest will be found."

Step-by-step guide to create a feedback form

Now let's see how these forms are created using the example of the CF7 application:

If you need to finish or change fields, then find a list called "Generate Tag" and select the required field type from the list. This feature allows you to get a form of absolutely any complexity. Such functionality allows you to easily create unique products.

  1. After the manipulations carried out, you will see how the form for visitors will look like. She will be the easiest and most particularly remarkable, but if you have the initial programming skills, you can play with styles.

So we figured out how to make the form through the Contact Form 7 application. It is not difficulty, right?

I have a desire to say a few words, about the protection of your mailbox from the influx of spammers: "To help you, it will not add spam to you, it will be worth adding to the feedback form. It is installed using the "Tag Generation" function. And for its operation, Really Simple Captcha is required. Having finished tune the addition, you can forget about the problem with spam.

And through the plugin, you can configure the form of a letter coming to your mail. To do this, you will have to re-refer to the template of the created form. It will remain to type the text that will be in the received message indicating the name of the corresponding fields necessarily in square brackets! Do not miss this moment, otherwise you will not get the desired result.

And in conclusion, it can be said that the form is ready, it remains only to edit messages as needed.

So you can independently create forms for communication on WordPress. This is a rather laborious process that occupies a decent amount of time. If for some reason you will not fully understand the entire process of creating or editing, then freelancers will come to the aid, they can enjoy the design form. These are people who can help you in private, and they take not so much for work, as in private firms. I want to recommend you proven sites, where they perform such orders qualitatively and on time:

In conclusion, let's summarize:

  • construct the feedback form on the site through the plugin;
  • this is the easiest and fastest way.

Now there are many plug-ins for every taste and even a wallet, so the choice is only for you. However, if you do not want to create a form yourself, you can ask for help to professionals in your business.

Well, everything is still.

Sincerely, Elena Isotova.

By default, there are no such functional in WP, but plugins and specially designed configurations for the engine come to the rescue.

Feedback WordPress Plugin CONTACT FORM 7

Establish free Contact Form 7, which is translated into Russian. In the standard version, it includes:

  • Email address
  • At the request of the phone
  • Message text
  • Caps

Add Coupling Recaptcha.

We install the plugin standard through the WordPress admin, it looks like in the panel.

CF7 in search

You will configure the Google Recaptcha, go to the integration section, and click on the link. Must have an account in Google.

Link to Rekapchu

It will transfer to the service, set up the items as in the screenshot, correctly enter the domain, down to send below.

Skipping CAPTCHA

Copy the data for capping, both keys.

Keys access

Go back to the WordPress plugin and click the integration settings button.


We enter the keys copied to the recaptcha service, write to the appropriate sections and save.

Saving settings

Creating a form

We go into the settings and create a new form. We erase standard marking.

We erase standard lettering

We enter the name of the new project and click the Text button, because the name will enter the text without rules.

Field Text

A pop-up window appears, configure the needs.

Generator tagov
  1. Type determines whether the visitor must fill in the field, I set yes
  2. Name Do not change this unique identifier
  3. The default value, introduced the phrase that I will see inside
  4. Use instead of the aggregate, that is, while nothing will be entered the inscription will be displayed.
  5. I do not advise you to use the Akismet field
  6. To add styles, enter Class or ID, made Pole-IMYA
  7. Insert the tag in the common field

Similarly, press the e-mail button, we see the same interface.

Mail generator

Mail input can be done through the text, but then you will lose the validity check function. Plugin will check if there is a sign @.

We add a section of the text area and the phone (optional), the principle is the same.

Telephone and text area buttons

Previously, the integration of Cappping in WordPress, in the CF7 basic version there is no button to insert Captcha, for this, a shortcode is created under the rest of the elements.

It remains to add the send button, select from the list and set up its output.

Button Send

As a result, this code turned out.

Final code CF7.

Setting up sending letters

Changing the parameters of the letter

  1. Field tags created earlier
  2. Email address where letters will come
  3. From whom and the topic, fill out at will
  4. Additional headlines, fully clean
  5. We prescribe a letter in the body that we wish to receive by mail after sending. For example, I scored mail and inserted, the corresponding tag opposite this word.
  6. Downstairs click Save


Test the remaining tabs of notifications and settings, you can change the text that is in different situations.

Insert form on the site

At the top of the page shaped short code, copy it.


We go to any entry and insert.

We put shortcode to the page

After pressing the button, reinforce the site with the display of the work done.

Final option

Good features from developers to WordPress - make a product in advance that supports CF7, which makes life easier and do not need to prescribe CSS styles in the site code. My topic supports the plugin and displays a very beautiful picture. If not satisfied, then the Class was prescribed to each field, use it to change the design. Checked the topic of the topic, letters come quickly. About the rest of the ways, read the link.

To the whole material apply the video instruction, show not only the creation process, but also as make a beautiful form designbecause the text all the process is not described.

Make fields horizontally in line

I looked into the Internet and was horrified how many manipulations do. I will not show you all the design, this is the topic of any big manual. We go into editing of the form and turn the fields that we want to build horizontally in DIV with a class, see the code.

Field name, mail and phone I want to build a line. Do not forget to save changes.

Wrap in Div

We go to the WordPress admin. Appearance\u003e Editor\u003e Style.css register styles for WordPress feedback to the end of the file.

Flex-Form (Display: Flex;) @Media Only Screen and (Max-Width: 655px) (. Flex-Form (Display: Block;))

We prescribe styles

From styles it is clear that the div with the Flex-Form class assigned the Display property: Flex it sets the location of the elements in the string, without additional parameters, the space is divided equally.

The second entry shows when the screen resolution has reached 655 pixels, the form changes the property with Flex on Block and the form will begin to appear as before with the fields under each other. This limit in 655 is changing individually, the style is made to make the feedback on mobile devices normally.

Pop-up feedback form

Positively at the reception of applications act from CF7. Plugin for outputting the pop-up window will popup maker. I will not describe, the reference to the material is located in this paragraph. In addition to the article.

How to add to Elementor

To insert the form in Elementor you need to use the section Shortcode. The form is created according to the instructions above, it means there is a shortcode from CF7. Go to the creation of a page in the element and in the search for items looking for a shortcode.

Search element in Elementor

The element processed the query

Use the subject setting

Most WordPress templates have no tools to create in automatic feedback mode. But our templates from WPSHOP have a built-in function, which is displayed using a shortcode. We will analyze on the example of root. I turn to the creation of the page, then look at the snapshot.

Superstructure in root.

  • We prescribe the text [ContactForm] (without gaps inside brackets)
  • We press preview

A page with an already adapted, marked and a tearful form, by which the visitor can get feedback to the administrator.

Root work built-in function

Feedback through widgets

Insert feedback in widgets simply. It will help the text widget, we carry it into the active zone and prescribe a shortcode into it.

We use the text widget

We set the title, enter the configuration into the text area, go to the blog and see how feedback is processed.

Form in widget

Feedback without a plugin

If you prefer the ways without a plugin, that is, an excellent instruction, found on the Internet if the code owner appears, will be happy to put a link.

Open the file function.php for editing, we prescribe the bottom code how to use.

/ * feedback code * / add_shortcode ("art_feedback", "art_feedback"); Function Art_Feedback () (OB_START ();?\u003e

Created a form in the HTML markup WordPress and tapping it on a shortcode. I think this approach will be convenient, because you can remove the block anywhere.

We go to creating a page in the WordPress pane, write, click on view.

In Gutenberg in any text block insert the string.

We introduce the output

Going to the site will see not formed form, the fields work, but the letter will not be sent, because the PHP handler is not tied.

Bad appearance

Now you will configure the appearance, insert this code into the style.css file of the active theme.

#ADD_FEEDBack (Margin: 20px 0 0; position: relative;) #art_name, #art_email, #art_Subject, #art_comments (Padding: 10px 5px; Display: inline-block; width: 49.548%; Border-Radius: 3px; Border: 1px Solid #DDD; Font-Size: 0.9em;) #art_subject (width: 100%; margin: 5px 0;) #art_comments (width: 100%;) #ADD_FEEDBACK .Button (Border: None; padding: 10px 20px; Color: #FFF; font-size: 1em; display: inherit; margin: 10px 0 0 0; border-radius: 3px; background-color: # 2f94ce;) #Add_feedback input: Focus, #ADD_FEEDBACK INPUT: Focus, #ADD_FEEDBACK Input: Focus, #ADD_FEEDBACK TEXTAREA: FOCUS (Color: # 444; Box-Shadow: 0 3px RGBA (68, 68, 68, 0.2);) .error-text (Background: # F59E9E; Padding: 15px 0px; text -align: center; Color: #FFF;) .error-name, .error-email, .error-Comments (Display: Inline-block; Font-size: 11px; Position: absolute; top: -30px; color: White ; Border: 1px Solid Red; Padding: 5px 10px; Line-Height: 1.1; Background: Red; Box-Shadow: 0 0 3 px 0px RGBA (0, 0, 0, 0.3); ) .error-name: Afterter, .error-email: after, .error-Comments: After (CONTENT: ";" Position: Absolute; Left: 20px; Bottom: -10px; Border: 5px Solid Transparent; Border-Top: 5PX Solid Red;) .error-Comments (TOP: 16%; Left: 0;) .error-name (Left: 0;) .error-email (Right: 4%;) .Message-Success (Background: RGBA ( 0, 128, 0, 0.5); Color: #FFF; padding: 20px; text-align: center; margin: 20px auto; border-radius: 3px;) #add_feedback .error (Border: 1px Solid Red;) #ADD_FEEDBack .required: After (CONTENT: "*"; Position: Absolute; Left: 20px; bottom: -10px;) #art_name: Focus :: - Moz-Placeholder, #art_name: Focus: -moz-Placeholder, #art_name: Focus : -ms-input-placeholder, #art_Email: Focus :: - WebKit-Input-Placeholder, #art_email: Focus :: - Moz-Placeholder, #art_email: Focus: -Moz-Placeholder, #art_email: Focus: -ms- Input-Placeholder, #art_comments: Focus :: - WebKit-Input-Placeholder, #art_comments: Focus :: - Moz-Placeholder, #art_Comments: Focus: -moz-Placeholder, #art_comments: Focus: -ms-Inpu T-Placeholder, #art_Subject: Focus :: - WebKit-Input-Placeholder, #art_subject: Focus :: - Moz-Placeholder, #art_subject: Focus: -Moz-Placeholder, #art_Subject: Focus: -ms-Input-Placeholder ( Color: Transparent)

We update the style.css on the server and see how the feedback is transformed on the page.

Thuscale block

Create FEEDBACK.JS file and put code into it. We download to hosting to the JS folder of the active theme.

JQuery (Document) .ready (FUNCTION (VAR Add_form \u003d $ ("# add_feedback"); // Reset $ field values \u200b\u200b("# Add_feedback Input, #ADD_FEEDBACK Textarea"). ON ("Blur", Function () ($ ("# Add_feedback Input, #ADD_FEEDBACK TEXTAREA"). Removeclass ("Error"); $ (". error-name, .error-email, .error-comments, .message-success"). Remove (); $ ("# Submit-Feedback"). Val ("Send Message");)); // Sending Var Options \u003d fields \u003d (URL: feedback_Object.url, Data: (Action: "feedback_action", nonce: feedback_object.nonce ), Type: "POST", Datatype: "JSON", Beforesubmit: Function (XHR) (// When sending, change the inscription on the $ button ("# submit-feedback"). Val ("We send ...");) , Success: Function (Request, Xhr, Status, Error) (if (Request.Success \u003d\u003d\u003d True) (// If all fields are filled, send data and change the inscription on the Add_form.After button ("

"+ +"
") .Slidedown (); $ (" # submit-feedback "). Val (" Send Message ");) Else (// If the fields are not filled, display messages and change the inscription on the $.each button (, FUNCTION (KEY, VAL) ($ (". Art_" + Key) .adclass ("error"); $ (". Art_" + Key) .before (" "+ Val +"");)); $ (" # submit-feedback "). Val (" Something went wrong ... ");) // During successful dispatch, we reset the values \u200b\u200bof the $ fields (" # add_feedback "). RESET ( );), Error: Function (Request, Status, Error) ($ ("# submit-feedback"). Val ("Something went wrong ...");)); // Sending Add_form.AjaxForm ( Options);));

JS folder on server

Now load the second part of the code in function.php.

/ * second part * / add_action ("WP_ENQUEUE_Scripts", "art_feedback_scripts"); Function Art_Feedback_Scripts () (// Processing the WP_ENQUEUE_Script fields ("jquery-form"); // Connect the WP_ENQueue_Script script file ("feedback", get_stylesheet_directory_uri (). "/js/feedback.js", Array ("jQuery"), 1.0 , True); // Set the data of the AJAX WP_LOCALIZE_Script object ("feedback", "feedback_object", array ("URL" \u003d\u003e admin_url ("admin-ajax.php"), "nonce" \u003d\u003e wp_create_nonce ("feedback-nonce" ),));) add_action ("WP_AJAX_FEEDBACK_Action", "Ajax_action_CallBack"); Add_action ("WP_AJAX_NOPRIV_FEEDBACK_Action", "Ajax_action_Callback"); Function Ajax_Action_Callback () (// array $ er_message \u003d array (); // Check nonce. If the check did not pass, you block the sending if (! WP_VERIFY_NONCE ($ _ POST [NONCE]], "feedback-nonce")) ( WP_DIE ("Data shipped from the wrong address");) // Check on spam. If the hidden field is filled or removed, then you block the sending if (false \u003d\u003d\u003d $ _post ["art_anticheck"] ||! Empty ($ _ post [ "art_submitted"])) (WP_DIE ("this spam");) // Checking the names of the name, if empty, then write a message to an IF error array (Empty ($ _ POST ["art_name"]) ||! isset ($ _ post ["art_name"])) ($ er_message ["name"] \u003d "Please enter your name.";) ELSE ($ art_name \u003d sanitize_text_field ($ _ POST ["art_name"]);) // Checking mail fields if Empty, then write a message to an IF error array (empty ($ _ POST ["art_email"]) ||! isset ($ _ post ["art_email"])) ($ er_message ["email"] \u003d "Please enter your email address mail. ";) elseif (! preg_match (" / ^ [[: Alnum:]] * @ + \\. (2.4) $ / I ", $ _post [" AR T_Email "])) ($ ERR_MESSAGE [" Email "] \u003d" Email Address Incorrect. "; ) ELSE ($ art_email \u003d sanitize_email ($ _ post ["art_email"]);) // Checking the letter theme fields, if empty, then write the default message if (empty ($ _ POST ["art_subject"]) ||! isset ( $ _Post ["art_subject"])) ($ art_subject \u003d "message from the site";) ELSE ($ art_subject \u003d sanitize_text_field ($ _ post ["art_subject"]);) // Checking the message fields, if empty, then write a message in IF error array (Empty ($ _ POST ["art_comments"]) ||! isset ($ _ post ["art_comments"])) ($ er_message ["Comments"] \u003d "Please enter your message.";) ELSE ($ art_comments \u003d sanitize_textarea_field ($ _ POST ["art_comments"]);) // Check the array of errors, if not empty, then you pass a message. Otherwise, send an IF letter ($ er_message) (WP_SEND_JSON_ERROR ($ ERR_MESSAGE);) ELSE (// specify the destination $ email_to \u003d ""; // If the addressee is not specified, then we take the data from the IF site settings (! $ email_to) ($ email_to \u003d get_option ("admin_email");) $ Body \u003d "Name: $ art_name \\ Nemail: $ art_email \\ N \\ NSP: $ art_comments"; $ Headers \u003d "From:". $ art_name. "<" . $email_to . ">"." \\ r \\ n "." Reply-to: ". $ email_to; // Send a letter WP_Mail ($ email_to, $ art_subject, $ body, $ Headers); // send a message about the successful shipment $ message_success \u003d" Message Sent. In the near future I will contact you. "; WP_SEND_JSON_SUCCESS ($ message_success);) // Just in case, we kill the process of AJAX WP_DIE ();)

We check the form for performance. The problem may occur if you did not correctly download the JS file in the WordPress, and the path before it is not correct, namely in the second code in section // connect the script file.

Fill and send a letter

Such a letter comes to mail from feedback.

What comes after sending

Excellent, coped, were able to make a feedback form in Wordpress, three different methods, if you ask questions, we will understand. Successes!

I Like Dislike

Contact Form 7 can control numerous contact forms, where you can flexibly customize the contents of forms and mail with a fairly simple markup. Forms have built-in support for AJAX sending, Captcha, Akismet filter spam and not only.

Documentation and support



  1. Download the entire Contact-Form-7 folder to the / WP-CONTENT / PLUGINS / directory.
  2. Activate The Plugin Through The Plugins. Screen ( Plugins\u003e Installed Plugins).

You Will Find Contact. Menu in Your Wordpress Admin Screen.


1) Do Not Use 2) Do Not Use 3) Do Not Use The Forms Seem Nice And Straightforward, But Are Riddled with Glitches. There Are More Than 1000 Support Requests; Most Are Unanswered. File Uploads Fail WitHout An Explanation. Forms Also Fail with No Explanation. There Aren "T Useful Solution OR Error Messages, Just Lots of Frustration. If you don" T Want to Spend Many Hours of Frustration Only to Later Uninstall This Plugin, Don "T Install It in the First Place. Try Something That Actually Works, Like Everest.

Participants and developers

"CONTACT FORM 7" is an open source project. The following participants contributed to the development of the plugin:


Magazine Amendments

For more information, see Releases.


  • CSS: Adds An Explicit Ltr Direction Style Rule for Code Inputs.
  • Accessibility: Uses. Error Instead Of. Error in warnings.


  • CSS: Removes a Style Rule from the Stylesheet That Was Unnecessary and Conflicting with Twenty Twenty's Rules.
  • REST API: RetRieves The Contact Form ID Explicitly from the Route Parameters.


  • Config Validator: New Test Item for the unavailable_html_elements error.
  • Config Validator: New Test Item for the Attachments_Overweight Error.


  • recaptcha: We present the WPCF7_Recaptcha_SiteKey and WPCF7_RecAPTCHA_SECRET constant.
  • recaptcha: We present the filter interceptors WPCF7_RecAPTCHA_SiteKey and WPCF7_RecAPTCHA_SECRET.
  • Adding a $ status parameter to the WPCF7_FORM_RESPONSE_OUTPUT filter.
  • Creates a random code when the user is a registered user.
  • We present WPCF7_ContactForm :: Unit_tag (), a public method that returns a tag of the unit.
  • recaptcha: gives a different message to the spam magazine in cases where the response marker is empty.
  • Consection Checkbox: Support Label_First option in a conciliatory form of form.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the impossibility to cancel the selection of the parameter in the Mail tab.


  • Permanent contact: presented contact list selector.
  • Permanent contact: Presented Additional Constant_Contact configuration.
  • recaptcha: Presented filter interceptors WPCF7_RecAPTCHA_ACTInce and WPCF7_RecAPTCHA_ThReshold.


  • recaptcha: Changes the reaction to empty response tokens.


  • Presents the integration module constant contact.
  • Updated Recaptcha module to support Recaptcha v3.
  • Adds dark mode style rules.


  • Fixed the problem of inconsistencies between get_data_option () and get_default_option () in the WPCF7_FORMTAG class.
  • Unlocking PHP errors arising from unlink () calls.
  • Presented WPCF7_IS_FILE_PATH_IN_CONTENT_DIR () to support the Uploads constant.


  • It clearly sets the POWER_TYPE argument in the register_post_type call (), to correct the problem associated with an unauthorized increase in privileges.
  • Local file attachment - It is forbidden to specify the absolute paths to the files located outside the WP-CONTENT directory.
  • Configuration Validator - adds a test element to detect incorrect attachment file settings.
  • Fixed a bug in JavaScript backward compatibility features for outdated browsers that do not support HTML5 filler attribute.
  • Checkbox consent - disables the DO-NOT-STORE Form-Tag feature.


  • CSS: The use of the cursor style is not allowed when you hover on the sending buttons in inactive state.
  • Checkbox Consensia: Audit of the user interface of the tag generator, to encourage the use of the best personal data protection options.
  • Implementing the WPCF7_ANONYMIZE_IP_ADDR () function.
  • The Consent_For option is presented: Storage for all types of shape tags.


  • Added section "Privacy Notifications" to the readme.txt file.
  • Updated content in the meta block information.
  • Use get_user_locale () instead of get_locale (), where it is more appropriate.
  • Checkbox Consensia: Reset the status of disabled send buttons after successful use.


  • Fixed incorrect use _n ().
  • Configuration Check: Fixed Incorrect Number of Warnings On the Advanced Options tab.
  • Configuration Check: Fixed incorrect processing of a special mail tag [_site_admin_email] in the "From" header field.
  • Acceptance checkbox: These Class and ID attributes have been applied to an incorrect HTML element.
  • Configuration Checking: If for mailboxes, such as CC or Reply-To, there is an additional mailing header, but a possible empty value, the error "Invalid mailbox syntax" will be returned.
  • Explicitly specify the fourth parameter add_action () to avoid transmission of unintentional parameter values.
  • Check if the target directory is empty before removing it.


  • Additional settings: on_sent_ok and on_submit have been removed.
  • New Additional Setup: Skip_mail.
  • Flamingo: The header of the incoming channel varies with the change in the title of the corresponding contact form.
  • DOM events. The entire API response object is available through the Event.detail.apiresponse property.
  • HTML Mail: Adds the attributes associated with the language in the HTML header.
  • File download: Sets the adoption attribute in the download field.
  • A new WPCF7_MailTag class is presented.
  • Allows you to interrupt the attempt to send mail using the WPCF7_BEFORE_SEND_Mail action interceptor. In addition, you can set user status and message through an interceptor action.
  • Checkbox Acceptance: Allows you to specify conditions in terms of the contents of the form tag.
  • Checkbox Acceptance: Supports optionality option.
  • New special email tags: [_site_title], [_site_description], [_site_url], [_site_admin_email], [_invalid_fields], [_user_login], [_user_email], [_user_url], [_user_first_name], [_user_last_name], [_user_nickname], and [_USER_DISPLAY_NAME].
  • New filter interceptors: wpcf7_upload_file_name, wpcf7_autop_or_not, wpcf7_posted_data _ ($ type), and wpcf7_mail_tag_replaced _ ($ Type)
  • New Form-Tag functions: zero-Controls-Container and Not-for-mail

In order to create unique forms for different tasks, we need a universal WordPress plugin - forms constructor. Free, standard constructor forms of CONTACT FORM 7 is limited by functional, it is complicated for a beginner and takes a lot of time to master the knowledge of the code, so we will not consider it. Premium plugins are a lot, remember the market leaders, this is:

  • Formcraft
  • eForm.
  • Super Forms.
  • Usernoise Pro.

Each of these plugins deserves a separate review, which is one eForm with its diverse and confusing structure, but we are not looking for complex ways and therefore our main landmarks are:

  1. Simplicity
  2. Universality
  3. Fast start of work

Therefore, in this review I will talk about the FormCraft plugin, which performs all the above tasks and many others. The choice of this plugin is not accidental, since I worked for a long time and in practice created many unique feedback forms working now. In addition, Formcraft is easy to learn, has ready-made form templates that work in a swung modal window, and deployed, embedded in any place on the site as a widget or button.

Examples of feedback forms that are made in the Formcraft plugin Look in the video

Why the forms of feedback are important

The trouble-free, well-working feedback form is the thread that binds the site owner with the visitor. I call it a string because the visitor writes an appeal, which is unknown what will end, possibly further cooperation, can be a successful deal or just interest. Therefore, our task is to ensure that the feedback form is not only the trouble-free working, but also unique for different pages of the site.

Unique forms of interaction, allow you to respond to the wishes of visitors who may arise in the process of studying the site. For example, a clarifying question often arises in the product card and for this should be a form - ask a question on the product or calculate its cost using the calculator. On the main page, it will not be superfluous to make a pop-ups of the return call order. Also, for our part, we can offer a site to visitors to get special conditions for cooperation, discounts or consultations through the appropriate form, motivating it to certain actions.

Flexibility and embezzlement in various designs of sites, one of the main advantages of good forms. Modern feedback forms should be displayed on all, on the one hand, without going beyond the screen of the screen of the smartphone or tablet, with the other without overloading the severity of processing. The versatility of the forms is the ability to simulate and alternate at your discretion various fields for text, numeric values, dates, download files, data counting, payment, capping. Make such shapes plug-ins for WordPress.

In search of an ideal solution

When I studied various plugins of forms, I stopped first on EFORM. No one had a lot of documentation and video in English, but at the same time he remained a complex system, but it was necessary to make sites and time to the deep study was practically not. Then I began to use Formcraft. This plugin allows you to very quickly create excellent, adaptive, beautiful feedback forms. Moreover, he is thought out from the point of view of understanding and mastering. On the one hand, it requires a minimum of knowledge to start work, on the other, it offers a large hidden functionality as it is developed.

Video installation plugin

Plagne forms for Wordpress Formcraft

After installation, the plugin is immediately ready for work, it is enough to make a minimum of settings. You need to make email and translate messages to Russian that appear for the user after sending the form and that's it.

Let's go on the main advantages of the FormCraft plugin:

  • Easy settings
  • Fast creation of forms based on built-in templates
  • An intuitive interface
  • Testing right in the forms constructor
  • Impeccable work on many sites.
  • Flexible settings
  • Any shape
  • Special fields
  • Full control of response messages
  • Correct display on different screens
  • Regular updates

Visualization of shapes

Depending on the tasks, you can use fields for entering numbers in a specific sequence, create an input mask, for example, limit the field to enter the phone only entering numbers in a specified format. Make mandatory filling of fields. FormCraft creates an unlimited number of fields in one separate contact form.

With the help of Formcraft, it is not difficult to make a unique reverse call request form, a subscription form, booking form, various calculators for calculating cost, polls, voting. Each form works separately, regardless of others by making sending information about yourself to a separate Email address. Also the activity of the use of forms view directly in the WordPress admin on the plug-in page.

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