Program for reproduction of articles. Reproduction of articles, Generating the Web program. Filtration by the uniqueness of generated texts

In the last post, we talked about the promotion of the site articles and how I promised, in this post I describe in detail how to propagate an article?

IN website construction Always primarily appreciated the content, it is perhaps the most important component of success. Even if your site is in the top, but does not have interesting content, unfortunately, the visitor is not interested in the site. And as a result will never return to him.

Something I retreated a little from the topic ...

It is clear to everyone to promote the site articles need a huge amount of content and this is natural, since each published article should be unique from the point of view of search engines. Otherwise, the search engine is gluits, and as a result, these articles will be perceived as one posted article.

On the expanses of our glorious Runet there are many programs for reproducing articles, both free and paid.

I will not give a numerous list of these programs, since in this case there is no need. I will show you one single free program and how to use it.

My choice fell on the Generating The Web, this software is absolutely free and multifunctional, and the quality of his work is more than satisfying me.

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Download This software can be from the site by reference:
So downloaded, installed, launched ... This is understandable.

Now find for example any article and insert it into the main program window ...
I took the beginning of my post and try to multiply it:

Before multiplying the text you need to process it. What do I understand, under the concept of text processing? This is a selection of synonyms.
Synonyms in Generating The Web must be recorded in a specific format, namely: (word by text | Synonym 1 | Synonym 2 | Synonym 3), etc., the amount of synonyms unlimited.

When I processed part of the text, that's what I got:

These synonyms as you see, not only selected for certain words but also phrases.

Now we need to ask how links in the text will be automatically disposed. To do this, bookmark Links and click "Add Multiple"

After we added, what links we will use in our articles, we return to the "Source Text" tab. At the bottom of the window we see the "General Settings" area.

Number Indicate - "Max"

Generation type - "Random"

We put a tick opposite "Delete Similar" and "Links"

Then click on the "Options" button in the window that opens, specify the generation parameters: shingles and% similarity.

I put 4 schingles and% similar to 5% - with such parameters of the article turn out at the exit with great uniqueness.

Next, click the "Generate" button after the generation of text is going.

When the program made approximately 200k generations, you can click the Stop button and go to the "Results" tab

So I have already clicked "beg" and I'll go smoothly.

Hmm ... While smoked the program went through more than 440k text options ... Well, the more the more articles.

So, as a result, we received 15 unique articles with placed links.

The articles would be much more if the synonyms would have picked more and the text would be more in the number of characters. But the essence of the post was to show how the SOFT GENERATING THE WEB works, and not hesitate a greater number of articles.

At the final stage, click on the results of the Right Mouse button and select "Save everything", set the name of the TXT file and admire the results.

If you seriously decide to promote your site with the help of content, for which I personally use the stock exchange, then you should understand that it is not possible to place links on other sites only in one article, since the search engines will not take into account the reference weight of the page of the same content.

For this, we have to do from 1 article 1000 unique with the help of the method of reproduction of articles with special services or programs.

In order not to write many rewrites of one post, it will be easier to multiply it and below, I will show how this can be done in simple ways in a few minutes.

Reproduction of articles - It means to make it so that from one article it turned out 10, 20, 100 options. In this case, the resulting text at the output must be unique.

I hope that you understand the importance of unique posts, and if not, then wait for the filter "".

What is the essence of the method: you write one unique article and make several rewrites of each sentence, and also select a few synonyms to all words. Through the program skip the compiled pattern, as a result of which the program will generate new articles, automatically replacing words to your rewrites and synonyms.

How to propagate the article

1) First we write a unique article. In order to test its uniqueness, there are a lot of services that provide this service on the Internet.

Personally, I use a lot more useful for me. Insert the article there and select the search engines in the settings, which you want to check it out. I celebrate everything.

Dalled Zhmem. "Check uniqueness" And if your article has from 90% and above, then all super can go to step 2.

2) Now download the program SEO-ANCHOR-GENERATOR (The link is verified, no viruses are detected). With its help, we will multiply future articles. The template that there is a default delete and insert your text there.

3) Now we will select synonyms for each word of this text. The program works for this principle:

An example of my text template: I am (author | Creator | Developer) blog.

As a result, the program will generate three proposals:

That is, the program takes the words close to the value from the brackets and substitutes to new proposals. In order to write down the synonyms, select the word and press the "Input Wizard".

In this window, write with a new line of synonym with a dedicated word or phrase and click the "Paste" button.

The main thing is to choose such words if possible that the meaning of the text does not change. The more write synonyms, the more the program will be able to multiply articles.

At your experience, I was convinced that even two, three words, to get a lot of rewrites at the exit.

As a result, we all our synonyms are concluded in such brackets "()", and among themselves are divided by the sign "|" . From these words in brackets and new articles will be generated.

We click "generate" so that the program began to substitute words from "()" in new proposals.

Look at the result.

4) Now select synonyms or phrases for each word in the text. It can take a lot of time.

I even had a whole day, to multiply one article, but believe it is worth it, since the search engines give more preferences (they are considered more thematic and have a lot of weight) links surrounded by text. The more you can generate articles, the more you get working links.

Here I am in a few minutes, on an ambulance hand, redid my text:

After the generation, I got a huge number of articles, but most of them are very similar to each other. Therefore, press the button "Deleting similar" And sift all the most repetitive articles.

But just in case, do not delete your template, but then suddenly come in handy.

That's all if a new version of the program came out or another way of promoting the site in the top will appear, you will learn about it first if subscribe to the update blog via email.

These programs will make it easier to facilitate the life of the network optimizer. The first time will be hard, and then everything is easier and easier. So you can simply multiply the article. Successes!

The other day actively engaged in work with articles, as promised, I think to check in practice this method of work, and this is not only that, but rather simply bring the project to the top. Experienced in this experiment - the site about the game Gothic 4. I am going to prove to potential buyers that there are good prospects, given that the peak of the popularity of the game (more precisely inquiries) will begin with late autumn + all winter. Therefore, it is not bad to prepare the foundation for this thing now. In general, the niche of computer games is very interesting, there are positive moments, somehow tell about it. So, let's go back to the topic of the post - you can place articles both at the paid sites and in the internet are full of free options - blohestings, services offering to create your own simple site and have it, plus, of course, directory articles.

But for this you need the source material - the article itself. The effect of the same texts is minimal, good when each of the published notes is more or less unique. Therefore, a mandatory point of such promotion is - that is, the generation of texts from the 1st unique pair of hundreds of similar, but not the same materials. For Gothic, I decided not to risk and ordered this service from one person on a grayer, which is engaged in it - for 55 articles I paid 14 bucks (1.4 WMZ for 100 characters in the article). In principle, the texts turned out to be very good, I am satisfied with the result, it remains only to know how PS will be perceived :) Who will be interested in contacts - write to ICQ.

Nevertheless, there is a second method - to do everything yourself. There are some online programs for reproduction of articleswhich, in principle, also allow to achieve very good results. I've been interested in this question for a long time I was interested in a long time ago, somehow I tried to study the text generation module in AllSubmitter, but its interface is so cumbersome that it turned out not so simple. But now, since now the question with articles has become sharp enough, I had to search on the network, blogs another software to solve the problem. And I found it.

SEO Anchor Generator.

First, thanks to the author of the blog Shakin`a for the article as from one article to make thousands where he spoke about his experience with the program called SEO Anchor Generator. .

Although it is not positioned as an articles generator., and suitable for descriptions, ankors, her can be used. The main features are very standard for this kind of programs:

  • support for 3 types of structures (sores: (x1 | x2 | x3), permutations:, permutations with separator: [+ separator + x1 | x2 | x3];
  • support for nested syntax;
  • highlighting syntax, brackets;
  • limitations on the length of strings, the number of results.
  • error correction: several gaps, a big letter in the word after the point, adding spaces after punctuation signs, etc.
  • mixing results;
  • removing the same rows;
  • saving generated rows to a file or copying to the clipboard.

This program for generating texts is free. To start work, if you have never been reproduced by the articles, I recommend to read the documentation and try the program in work on simple designs. In addition, it will help you get used to the interface and deal with a variety of settings.

Generating the Web.

A little later, I found another very interesting program from a company on the side, which is developing CEO SOFT - Generating the Web. . It also extends absolutely free, but here She has more opportunities than the first.

The program performs all the basic tasks for reproducing the articles, which I said came out - permutations, sorts, correcting errors in the results, restrictions on the number of generated options, etc. I will indicate only its differences:

  • rearrangement with different separators -, as a result, we obtain, for example - 2, 3, 1 and 4.
  • using variables (#Set% Var% \u003d SomeValue) - variables go before text, help make the design more readable.
  • saving results into one or more files, while saving generated articles, you can select any convenient separator to one file.
  • Arrangement of references in the text!

Separately, 2 very unique features should be noted.

Synonyms substitution With the help of external dictionaries! - In the program built 2 dictionaries, plus you can connect custom dictionaries. Moreover, if you add synonyms in the so-called "database of recently used synonyms" and then used in new tasks.

Removing duplicate by the Shingal method - In addition to accurate coincidences, there is such an interesting method that allows you to get the most high-quality unique multiplied articles. As parameters you specify the length (number of words) of the Shingle and the percentage of similar texts. For example, I put the Shingle - 3, the similarity of 10%, as a result of which from several millions of options received about 50 articles satisfying the requirements.

That is, the smaller the length of the Single, the more uniquely the results and, of course, the longer processing will be made. The more percentage of similarity - the more texts you remain after filtration. By time, the process takes a lot, but I bet on the quality of the articles, so it's not a lot about the fact that "long" do not really worry. My work algorithm is - I smack the text on small paragraphs, after which I begin to add options for the bust and permutations to each of them. Then I launch the generation of text and take the next piece of the article - while I do it, the results on the past will be ready. Then I pour all this into several files - for example, I got 3 files for 3 text paragraphs. Well, at the end randomly from different files, a combining final version.

So here :) In my opinion, it turned out very good results. So, if someone goes to multiply the text, I could take on this workman :) Hazing is better, of course, you yourself understand the program - spend a couple of hours (even if even days), but as a result, knowledge will be very valuable.

Who else programs for reproduction of articles use? Or order services?

P.S. You can also order the reproduction of the article by Textprom, it is convenient and qualitative.

P.P.S. Posted. The cooling program for the compilation of the estimate is expert estimation.
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Generating The Web is a program that can be useful to some authors engaged in the rewriting of texts. With it, you can slightly automate workflows and speed up writing.

A rather interesting feature of GTW is the ability to automatically check the source text syntax. In other words, she is able to analyze the linguistic structure of proposals and, in case of errors, to report them to the user.

Display synonyms

It's no secret that any reparatra sometimes has to replace certain words on reasonable synonyms. Using the program under consideration, the user disappears the need to constantly look for them on the Internet: here they are displayed automatically.

However, although in the program files and there is a standard dictionary containing the base of synonyms, for some reason they are not displayed. You can only add your own user dictionary, but this is a rather time-consuming and unnecessary process, because there are many other services that do not have such problems.

Generation of texts

In addition to the standard display of options for replacing text fragments, you can use the automatic generation of all possible options with all words from dictionaries.

But it is obvious that this function does not suit the authors who are engaged in writing meaningful articles for readers.

Plus, there are also additional functions after generation: delete similar options or mix them.


  • Free distribution;
  • Russian language.


  • Some functions are bad or incorrectly;
  • Not updated since 2012.

The result suggests itself - if you use the Generating The Web program for rewriting articles for sites, which people will read in the future, then it is best to contact other similar programs. However, the functions implemented here can come in handy for other texts related to texts.

For the external optimization of the site, and more precisely, a lot of unique content is required for article promotion. Today I will tell you how to get it with minimal temporary and financial costs. Namely, I will tell you about what is reproduction of articles and show programs for reproduction of articlesthat will help us (let robots run, not a person).

It's no secret that the positions of the site in search engines and the rest of its statistical showed not only from unique and useful content, but also on the number of links leading to it. Links, like unique content you can buy, as well as get it by registering on the forums, commenting on foreign and so on.

But these options are less effective than before, as today, search engines love natural references, those that are surrounded by a unique thematic content, and not any profiles and comments. We can get them by reproducing the articles from our resource, that is, we will use the promotion method and promotion of the site, which has recently become very popular among optimizers. A small video on the topic of article promotion:

You learned about the benefit of article promotion. Based on this information, you should understand that without reproducing articles it is difficult to do when it comes to large-scale advancement. It will be even harder to do without programs for the reproduction of articles (with their speed, a hundred people will not be compared with their speed).

This is the process, as a result of which an article in a single copy is transformed into several articles of the same content, the same subjects close to the level to the initial one. At the same time, each of the final. These articles are created to accommodate in the catalogs of articles in order to obtain external thematic references to the site and an increase in reference mass.

To obtain the greatest effect and growth of reference mass, it is necessary to place several dozen different articles in different directories that will be obtained by reproduction.

The easiest way to get a lot of articles is to make rewritten your posts (make their unique copies). But I do not suggest you write them yourself, as it takes a lot of time. The automated decision has long been found, good people wrote programs for reproduction of articles. Although the text created by hand is always better.

When using such a program for reproduction of articles, you can get several hundred unique posts from one single, while applying much less effort, if this process was carried out manually. I will offer you programs that work not only with synonymization of the text (changing words synonyms), but also allow you to change the structure of the entire supply. My choice is due to the fact that Yandex has recently become less and less trusted with synonymized texts.

Article Clone Easy.

The program for reproducing articles Article Clone Easy refers to the category of free software (they do not ask for money). It not only applies to free access, but also supports Russian and English, which makes it possible to multiply articles in English, and of course, there is an English and Russian base of synonyms that will be needed in the exhaustion of the vocabulary. And, most importantly, in addition, you get the instruction manual. Although all of them little to each other are similar.

In order to get several options for one sentence, you must use the following formula

(once synonym | two synonym | three synonym | four synonym)

For example, there is a proposal: Petya eating a spoon-cauldron. From it, we need to get two or three options for this sentence with a keyword "ate" or replace it with synonym. To do this, write the following formula.

(Petya | Vanya | Arthur) (ate | Kushhal | Used) (sauer cabbage | hur | pasta) (spoon | fork | hands)

As a result, we get:

Generating the Web.

The program for reproduction of Generating The Web, as well as the previous option, is very simple in circulation, accessible to any user, has a large number of diverse tools in its arsenal and it extends freely.

After you completed the reproduction of articles, you should read the obtained options to eliminate small shoals that the computer can do (he understands it bad).

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