HTTP mail Google. Mail Gmail COM: Registration, Login, How to send a letter. What to do if you can't enter the mail (Jimeel or Gmail) is the world's largest email site. It is belonging to Google search engine and here you can create a box for free, as well as with him get Google Account. And, it means, both disk, YouTube, Google Play, access to other services.

one . Open the website. Click on "Create Account" below.

2. Fill out the form on the right side.

Name and surname. Here you need to specify your data, preferably real. After all, if you suddenly have difficulty in the box in the future, then thanks to this information you can return access. If you wish, this data can then be hidden.

Username. A very important field is the name of your box (login). It should consist only of English letters, you can also use numbers and points. It you just need to come up with and print.

This is the email address (e-mail), where letters come. It is his own and it will be necessary to say a man so that he can send you something.

With the choice of username, problems may arise. The fact is that each such login is unique - it belongs only to one person. And very many names are already registered, but it means that they cannot be chosen.

Suppose I want to get the Umnik login. Print it in the field and press the ENTER button on the keyboard. The system does not allow such a name - says too short.

Well, then, I finish a couple of letters and press ENTER. But Google again does not like: it turns out that such a name is already busy.

Low below the system shows the logins that are free to register. Google automatically folded them from my name and surname, and also added something similar to me.

You can choose any of them. But I advise you to work hard and pick something better - shorter and easier for memorization. The fact is that this name will be changed will not be changed.

Of course, you can then register another box, customize the redirection of letters on it from the old address. But why such difficulties, if you can immediately choose a normal name.

To simplify the task, after entering the desired login, press the ENTER button and see what system offers. It will show different free names after each press. Maybe something will suit.

If the name is free for registration, then after pressing the Enter, the field for its input will not be highlighted in red.

Many first do not understand how important it is to have a good address. Of course, if the mail is not needed for correspondence, but for something else (registration in Google Play, for example), then any name will suit. But if you plan to receive letters on it, the address is very and very important.

Ideally, he must be simple and not too long, so that you can dictate on the phone. It is desirable yet without numbers and points. And no "pupsiks", "beauties" and "pussy"!

It is very funny when Puzatik45 is written on the business card.

Password and password confirmation. Here you need to print an alphanumeric code that you will open your drawer. Only the letters of the English alphabet and numbers can be used in it, the size must be at least eight characters. It is very desirable that the letters were different regis (and big and small) - so hackers will be more difficult to hack the box.

Be sure to write down this password in a safe place!

Checked: It is forgotten instantly, but you will simply not be able to enter without it in my mail.

Date of birth. These fields are also mandatory for filling. Information from them will not be used anywhere. As in the case of the name / surname, it is better to specify its real data. So it will be easier to return access to the box if problems arise with the entrance.

Other information. Mobile phone, spare address EL. Mail and country - this data can not be indicated.

3. After filling all the required fields, click "Next". If the system does not allow, it means that some field is filled not as it should. It will be highlighted in red, and just below it is written that it is not so.

four . A window appears, in which the registration conditions in will be written. They need to be taken, otherwise the box you will not get.

The "accept" button will be available only after you familiarize yourself with them.

That's all! The box is registered and google informs his address. We write it in a safe place and click on "Go to the Gmail service".

Immediately after that your new mail will open.

E-mail address

If you carefully read what I told before, I must remember about the username. I said that it was the address of your e-mailbox. But this is not quite like this: each mail on the Internet, apart from login, there is another part. In the case of Google, it is @

It turns out that the correct name of the e-mailbox consists of a username (login) and consoles @ And this address should be one solid word without spaces. The point at the end is not put.

Example Properly written addresses:

This is the full name and you need to dictate to people, writing on business cards, sites and in other places. If you give a person only a shortened option, he will not send a letter - it just does not reach. But only the address should be your own, and not the one that is written in this picture :)

How to find out the address of your box

As soon as you fell into your new box, Google welcomes you and briefly tells about the possibilities of mail. The window is we closed - it will not appear anymore.

To find out the address of your mail to Hmail, you need to click on the icon with the letter of your name at the top on the right. A small window will appear, where it will be written.

How to enter your mail after registration

Well, we have a box. But how to get into it after time: day, two, month, year ...

Everything is very simple: usually the program for the Internet (browser) remembers the data from the mail and loads it automatically. You only need to open site google , and in the upper right corner, click on the picture with small squares, where to choose the mail icon.

Immediately after that your box with new and old letters should be opened. And if suddenly the program for the Internet will forget the data from the mail, then you will need to introduce them.

Why do you need an electronic box Gmail

Of course, first of all, the mail is needed to send and receive emails. In addition to text, you can send documents, photos and other files.

Hey! Today I would like to talk about post service gmail (Email from Google). Surely, you are already familiar with him, personally I met relatively recently, about 4 months ago. Before that, I was "sat" on Mail.Ru, but after the transition to Gmail, I realized that the latter is really the best in the world. Why? I'll tell you about it just below.

What caused me to go to another postal service? It is beautiful, that is, now my mail has the following form: [Email Protected]website. Not bad, yes? Yes, of course, this can be done in Yandex, but for some reason I stopped at Gmail and I do not regret it. Register by It's not difficult, but still I recommend you instead of the usual registration immediately make a beautiful mail with your own domain name (how to do it, I told).

How I Use Gmail email

1. Clean the "Inbox" folder.

In the folder "Inbox" I have only current letters that require any actions: to answer, follow some actions, etc. When some letter becomes irrelevant, I'm just send him to the archive. What is the archive? These are letters that are not visible in the Inbox folder, but are available for search. Here is the "Archive" button:

Also, letters that are sent to the archive are available through the "All Mail" folder. Thus, in the folder "Inbox" I always have purity. If you are sure that some particular letter is definitely useful to you, then instead of "archiving" you can safely click on the "Delete" button.

2. Mark important letters.

Some letters require urgent response or extremely important to me. And at the time when I deal with the mail, first of all I go to the folder "marked":

Mark the letter is very simple: enough in the upper right corner to click on the "star":

If one is small for you, you can use a bunch of marks. To enable them, you need to go to Settings -\u003e General -\u003e Stars:

3. I use the "shortcuts".

For example, at the moment it passes and I am very convenient to collect letters from each participant in a separate folder. What did I do for this?

  1. He opened a letter from the Marathon member, he pressed the arrow in the upper right corner:
  2. From the list chose "Filter similar letters":
  3. In the "From" field, Email member of the marathon fits and clicked on the "Create Filter according to this query" button:
  4. In the "Apply shortcut" string clicked on the "Select Label ..." button:
  5. Already there I clicked on the "Create Label" button:
  6. Gave the name label (in my case I wrote the address of the site from this member) and clicked on the "Create" button:
  7. That's all! The label is created, now all letters from [Email Protected] will automatically fall into the folder:

Thus, you can filter email box letters, on the topic, etc.

To each label, assign a certain color, thereby clarity will increase in times:

4. Mark as read automatic letters.

Frequently comes with letters from stock exchange, type, rotapost and others. I need them, but I do not like when they are "unread letters." For such letters from the stock exchange, I also create filters, just in step 4 of the previous item (see above), I put a tick on the contrary "Mark as read" (I do not create labels for letters):

6. Actively I use the search.

Need to collect all the correspondence with a specific addressee? Not a problem! Gmail make it very simple. Just drive the address of the mailbox you need and voila! All letters from him before your eyes:

Very much saves when the person with whom you correspond, does not use the post history in email. Then still be surprised why I do not answer their letters? And sometimes I do not even remember what I was talking about with this man. Honestly, the search is very useful. I am also looking for all sorts of keywords and really find the letters you need.

Also in Gmail is very pleased that all letters that are answers are going to chains of letters (saving places in the list of letters and the convenience of surveillance in history).

7. It is very convenient to use Gmail email through a mobile phone.

You can easily find the app practically for any phone here. . Or you can use the browser version of the Gmail site, it is still very convenient (the mail "narrows" to the screen size). Also, a lot of applications produce third-party developers. For example, on my favorite iPhone I use the Sparrow app, which is really very convenient. I use mail in the browser on the iPad, everything works great.

Today an integral part of any communication is email. It is very convenient to use it, because you can immediately edit the interlocutor a file of almost any format or accept the incoming one. It is very important to create an email address and that it is easy to use and reliable. Therefore, this article will help you learn about mail

Use this mailbox is easier than simple. In order to enter the server, you need to register your own account in Google. In this article we will describe how to enter the mailbox. In addition, we will tell you how to configure it and edit in the future, as well as to protect Gmail mail.

In the event that you have not yet covered your own account on the Google server, proceed to its registration. Then come back to this page to be aware, how to login and configure the Gmail mailing address.

Causes of testing difficulties at the entrance to the mail

Following the creation of your own account, the server automatically authorizes you. That is, you will enter the gmail saved mailbox at the same time. However, to use them successfully, you will be forced every time you will come in and out of your own drawer in order to protect your correspondence. It is especially important to make an entrance and exit from Males if you went to it not from your computer (from the worker, for example).

Since there are people who face the problem of entering the mailbox from Google, then we are interested in what exactly is connected. We have tried the most different computer techniques, and also worked with completely different software. But we did not have any difficulties to find out: entered in the mail from any device with a standard way. Given this experience, we came to the conclusion that, perhaps, some steps are reproduced incorrectly.

Sometimes incoming users do not share emails and The first from Google, the second - from a completely different server. Therefore, you need to make sure that you are trying to enter exactly the saved box from Google. In addition, the mailbox interface is sometimes changing, which also causes some difficulties when trying to go. But in fact, you need to abstract from the appearance of the service, since everything happens in a standard way, despite the updated interface.

Gmail mailbox: How to go and go out?

If you wish to use mail and enter the Gmail mailbox, do the following:

If you need to exit Gmail email, look at the right upper corner of the page. You will see there your own photo. Click on it and click in the "Exit" menu.

Google email settings

Today there are very convenient features in the mail (interface, way of work) that you will definitely wish to change on your discretion. For example, you have the opportunity to create a permanent signature, change the type of shortcuts or choose another topic for the appearance of the mail.

In order to change the Gmail settings, you need to do the following: Pay attention to the right upper corner of the page. There you will see the gear icon. Click on it and click "Settings". It is here that you have the opportunity to transform and change the category you want.

Attaching contacts

Mail from the Google server contains a very convenient feature. It makes it possible to create, save and go to the necessary contacts in the address book specifically created for this. This feature gives you the opportunity not to clog your head by all addresses of emails of your interlocutors. In addition, it is possible to go and make additional information into contact. For example, mobile, date of birth, accommodation address.

If you decide to add contact:

To go and change contact data:

  1. On the line of the left menu settings, click "My Contacts".
  2. Select the contact in which you want to make changes.
  3. After that, you have the opportunity to create any changes in contact information.

It is also worth noting that in the case when you send an email to an unknown system, the server can automatically put the appropriate address in your contacts. By selecting "Contacts" in the menu, you can easily add changes to information about this contact.

Email and Contact Transfer

Maybe in another electronic box you have a ready-made list of contacts? But the mechanical import of each individual contact takes too much time? Then this setting is for you. Mail from Google Server contains a function that allows you to carry the list of contacts from almost any other mailbox. In addition, he gives the opportunity to import all your correspondence.
Transferring letters and contacts is convenient from Yandex services, But it is also possible to make from other email. For this:

  1. Click the gear icon from above in the right corner of the Gmail page. You need to go and click "Settings".
  2. Select the category "Accounts". Check mail from other accounts (using POP3). Following the guidance information that appears on the setup screen, you can easily transfer contacts or letters.

Gmail email security

If you think that you are an ordinary person, a simple user and no one wants to enter into your post office, no one will encroach, they are very mistaken. Today there is a huge number of attackers who wake up mail for mercenary purposes. Undoubtedly, if your mail is used exclusively for domestic correspondence with friends, then we are not worried about. But in the case when the mailbox is tied to other important accounts, especially financial (for example, webmoney), you must protect your own box and means so that no one can enter it. A lot of servers make it possible to associate important personal pages with a mobile phone number. Nevertheless, most of them continue to synchronize with email address.

In the event that you value outgoing information that is synchronized with your Mail, and you wish to prevent Gmail mail hacking, you must correctly configure mailbox. Enter the "Settings" (from above in the right corner after pressing the gear):

  • first make sure that the "Use only http" option is selected on the General panel. If there is no outgoing tick, then you need to put it. This is necessary so that the data proceeds in an encrypted form. In the event that the checkmark is not worth it, and you are used by mail in a public place with free access to Wi-Fi network, the risk appears that the attackers will intercept information in unencrypted form and will be able to enter Email;
  • those who use mail clients will be forced to change the connection type settings with simple to secure (TLS). On the Connection Settings panel, you must click on a secure connection type, as well as change the port of the mail receipt (POP) from 110 to 995, the send port (SMTP) from 25 to 465. Usually ports vary after clicking on TLS connections;
  • for those who do not use mail programs, it is worth disabled this feature: go to the "Shipping and POP / IMAP" panel to put the "Disable POP" checkbox and "Disable IMAP";
  • you must enable double authentication. Its presence is the difference between mail from Google and drawers from other servers. After establishing a double authorization, to enter the input to the mailbox, you will need to enter a password sent as an SMS message to your mobile phone number. It significantly enhances the security of your email.

How to enable two-stage email authentication?

For this:

  • you need to enter the Accounts and Import panel, click "Change Password Recovery Settings".
  • on the outgoing page, enter the personal mobile number. In addition, there is an opportunity to specify another email, by which you can restore the forgotten password (to bind another e-mail is also not entirely safe, so I recommend not to bind it);
  • click on "Other Google Account Settings";
  • on the page that appears in the "Security" branch, click "Change" two-stage authentication. In a new window, select the "Get configuration" parameter;
  • in the initial field, specify your actual mobile number. SMS messages from Google will come to it with confirmation codes. In the event that the phone number is already synchronized with the account, skip this field, as the number will already be there;
  • select the "Reliable Computer" option. It allows you to enter a confirmation code from the selected computer solely once in 30 days.

So you included two-step authentication!

Passwords for applications

Following the establishment of two-stage authorization, any applications that used the username and password of your Google page will stop work. An error will appear as a message: "Invalid username or password". So that they work, as before, you need to generate and change application passwords. To do this and that passwords have been saved, carry out the following (after two-stage authentication):

  • click "Create Passwords" or click on the link:;
  • on the Enrification page you liked your name for the password;
  • click "Create Password". The creation wizard will give a password. He must be saved by you, because it will be no longer possible to find. It is issued exclusively once. Naturally, it will later be changed to those invented personally. His name does not matter. It will work with any application;
  • then enter this password in the application by replacing them the name of your google page password.

Use with pleasure!

Google search engine is very popular and every day a large number of users are interested in log in and postage checkbox. Many services are integrated into the mail options. This is a convenient, reliable and secure e-mail service.

By creating your own account in Gmail, automatically integrates to Google+'s social network, YouTube, Play Market (Applications for Android), Disk (10 GB of Personal Information Storage), Documents, etc. After registering and entering mail, data synchronization occurs.

  • enter your post and password;

  • link to enter mail will be displayed at the top of Google page.

  • log in to Mail Gmail (Gmail) can also be from the Google search engine page, the right button " To come in".

If the login failed because of the wrong password, it is necessary to check the layout language, upper or capital mode ( Capslock.), is an additional keyboard included ( Numlock). If nothing helped, press the button " Need help"and, following the instructions, restore the password (more details below in the article).

Registration in mail

If there is no registration in Mail Gmail, then you first go to Google's search engine. Thereafter:

  • the data entry page required for registration opens;

  • fill out all the lines, enter a check number from the picture and click " Further";

Automatic login in

On the login page in Gmail mail (registration must already be passed), the switch " Remain in the system". After starting the browser by pressing the button " To come in"the mailbox opens. Now the GMEIL will open automatically.

Notifications of letters without entering Mail Gmail

For more convenient work with mail, special applications are created that are integrated into the Google Chrome browser and will automatically notify the sent correspondence, without logging into the mail page. Such additions includes Checker Plus for Gmail. After installing it, on the right in the browser (Google Chrome) will be displayed an email icon and notification of sent letters (more detailed information after clicking on it).

Also, this addition simplifies work simultaneously with several personal mailboxes, has a voice alert and control, makes it possible to use mail even when the browser is closed, etc.

Login to without a password - password recovery

This service relates very carefully to the difficulties of users and all the steps to restore mail are already carefully worked out. The technical service is thought out by the method of clarifications, according to which it is possible to determine the present owner with high probability. This instruction will consider the most difficult method - without access to the mobile phone number and without having an attached second mailbox:

  • on the password input page from email you need to click the link " Need help";

  • a page opens with the choice of probable problems where you need to choose " I do not remember the password" and specify the email address (if it does not automatically appear). After that, click the button " Proceed";

  • on the next page you need to specify a password in the form in which he remembered and choose " Proceed" or " I find it difficult to answer ";

  • it will be prompted to use the phone number. Because This instruction considers the method without access to the phone number, then the item " I can not use the phone ";

If mobile is available, the button " Proceed", SMS code is entered and a new password is installed. On this access recovery ends for those who have a telephone tied to the account.

  • the dates of the last entry in the mail and registration are entered;

  • the next step is the answer to the secret question introduced during registration. Here you can enter the correct answer and choose " Proceed" Or click on the button " Skip this question ", if the question itself is forgotten;

  • all subsequent steps are aimed at proof of its belonging to this box. Each question of question will only stretch the gmail mail recovery procedure ( Upon completion, the system will process all data answers and provide access to the mailbox.

Subsequently, it is better to be restrained from such cases and write data in a reliable place. It does not prevent to attach the current phone number or the second mailbox. You can do it in the account profile settings

History of creating a mailbox

Google's first mailbox was launched in 2004. After the three years spent on its creation, the news published a revolutionary announcement. Available to each postal service promising free gigabyte repository the public perceived initially as a joke.

In the future, thanks to Gmail mail (Gmail), there were large jumps in this area. Forwards and these technologies began to use almost all postal Internet services.

To work with Gmail Mail, you need to create a Google account.

How to create a Google account?

Google Account - allows you to use all Google services without additional registration.
To enter any of them, you must enter the username and password of your account. - Mail Email Email - Login and Password.
If you have already created a Google account on your tablet, phone or used Gmail, Google + or YouTube services, then you already have a Google account. Using the username and password that you already have, you can enter any new Google Service.

Otherwise, create a new account.

mail Gmail. - Anyone can register a free mailbox on Google - Mail Gmail.

To register on the mail server Gmail, go to the page -

Or page - login - Google Accounts. by clicking on the link - Create an account
(If you already have a Google account, you can enter it here.)

In order to create your own unique email address on Gmail - Free Google Post Service

[Email Protected] ([email protected]),

You need to come up with and enter the registration form in Google services in the Google service, the name, surname, username, password, date of birth. eg:
Aleks Petrov.
[Email Protected] *
(Keep in mind that your chosen username can already be occupied, so maybe you will have to come up with another.)

In the password you can use letters (in different registers), numbers and other characters. The minimum password length is eight characters. Do not use passwords from other sites or words as "password", "password", as well as combinations of consecutive characters, like "QWERTY", "Qazwsx", "abcd1234". When entering simple passwords, the message will be displayed -
this password is very common. Protect an account from hacking - come up with a more complex password.

In order not to ask questions at the Reference Forum: I can not enter Gmail, I forgot Login and Password Mail Gmail ...

Be sure to save the username and password of the Gmail mail in the notebook.

Enter the data in all the registration form fields and click on the button below.

Notify the backup email address optional.

If you did not enter the phone number in the account registration form, then you will need to do this on the next page.

Google Account Confirmation using SMS

click on the icon - (Google applications) and, then mail -

gmail mail Entry from another computer.

Gmail supports two-step authentication.

When entering the account from the new device, you will have to enter not only the name and password, but also the verification code.

This is a combination of six digits (after g-), which is sent to the phone by SMS or using a voice message - G-297979

If you enter Gmail mail from another computer, then

confirm that it is you

You entered the account not as usual. confirm
What are you, by following the task proposed below.

Enter the phone number to get
confirmation code in SMS or
with voice call

Enter confirmation code
SMS with confirmation code Sent to the number +79374709535

Here, taking care of the restoration of your accountTry to remove additional phone numbers and email addresses.
"If you forget the password or become a victim of hacking, you will not be able to restore access to the account without a phone number and an additional email address."
You can not add an additional phone number and backup email address

Click on the button - Ready

Click on the icon - (Google Applications) and select Gmail Mail.

In folder - Incoming, your gmail mail, see the message -
Your account includes logging from Windows through the Firefox application.

Security Alerts:
Google will tell you about changes in your account data.

your account is logged with Windows device through the Firefox application.

in account [Email Protected] * Log in via the "Firefox" application
On the Windows device.

Aleks Petrov.
[Email Protected] *

Friday, January 13, 2017, 8:53 (Yekaterinburg, Standard Time)
Ekaterinburg, Russia * Firefox

You did not do this?
Browse the list of newly used devices.

this letter was sent, because Google is serious about security issues and wants you to know the action in the account. Failed to determine if the input of this browser or device was previously carried out. You may first log in on a new computer, telephone or in a new browser. In addition, you could view mail while in incognito mode, or simply delete cookies. If you did not do anything like this, the likelihood is high, that your account was hacked.

additional information can be found at the Google Account Reference Center.

Checking mailbox on

Attention! If you have a personal mail address Gmail (ends on, the location of the points in it does not matter.

if you are using a point in the username, you can get messages sent to the address that is similar to yours, but is distinguished by the number or location of points.

all messages sent to these addresses will fall to one user:

Click on the icon - (Google Applications) and select Gmail Mail.

From the folder - Incoming Clicking on - write

Write and send an email to your Gmail email address.

In folder IncomingClick on the line - first trial report.

And read the letter sent to yourself.
Your Gmail email address is running.

mail Gmail Login - Problems?

If you have forgotten the password, do not remember the username or Gmail email address to enter the account, remember the username and password, but you can not log in to Google Account.

The only way to restore access to Google account is only a form on the page - find a Google account. Try to check on the stationary computer, which most often use the one that used when registering an account Find Google Account

To confirm that Google account belongs to you, you will need to answer questions.

Google Account Recovery Shape - Find Account

Enter the email address Gmail
([email protected].),
Which you use to enter the Google account.

google - Create a data archive. How to download your data?

You can export and download data from Google products (for example, Gmail, calendar or Google photo) for local storage or use in other services.

Go to page - My account and click on the link - Control Content.

On the page - google - My Account, In chapter - Download and transferring data
click the link - create an archive.

Select Data
Select Google Services and change the settings for each of them. The archive with data services will be available only to you.

  • Specify the data from which Google services should be exported. To see detailed information and additional settings, click on the arrows icon

Select, to save your account data,
file format - zip
Select the method of obtaining an archive
method of receipt - by reference

and click on the button - create an archive

Attention. To create an archive, depending on the amount of information in your account, it is required from 5 to 10 minutes to several hours (and sometimes days).

Over time, the amount of information on the 14 services of your Google account will reach tens of gigabytes (15 GB only can be stored on Google disc.)
When the archive is created, you, by e-mail, will be sent message with reference to downloading it.
As a rule, the link to download the archive comes already on the request day.

No need to wait for the end of the creation of the archive.

In the folder - incoming, Gmail Mail, open the message -
Data Export - Data Archive Ready.

Your account is your data.
Google data archive requested on January 19, 2017 is ready.
The archive contains the following services:
groups, Tasks, bookmarks, search history, cards (your reviews and places), Fit, Google photos, Hangouts, Hangouts live, Keep, Mail Gmail, Contacts, Disk and Google Play Books.
Archive can be downloaded until January 26, 2017

In the resulting letter, click - Download Archive.

Enter the password from your Gmail mailbox. again.

On the page - data Exports: Archives, read the warnings and click - download.

If you decide to upload your photos, documents or other files to any online service, be sure to check if you can then download them back to your computer. Perhaps one day you will stop using the service, but your files will remain there. Do not download your archives on public computers and do not download them to where other users can see them.
By downloading data, you can change the account settings or delete it on the page.
Note.Content from Google Play Music does not turn on to the archive. You can download it using the download manager.

Save the archive with in a safe place on the computer,
where enough free space.

If you have access to computers in foreign people, export data to google disk or other repository that you can enjoy only.

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