Skype appeared in the world. Skype information. Narching and development of the utility

With announce Skype. Most users have long been associated with something incredible solid and serious. Probably, Skype is really a serious thing, since so many people enjoy them and so many other people want to be aware of how the first they use it. Only here is the story of creating Skype, and the history of its further development from the words "serious" and "solid" if not very far, then at least clearly not close.

Exactly Skype To date, it is almost an absolute leader in terms of the number of dark stories, semi-easiest divisions and patent scandals. In the history of the program, so many dark spots that, according to this criterion, it can easily gain the title of world champion in gray schemes. However, while it's just words, let's go to the facts.

Skype Prehistory: Pirates Make Kazaa

You can not believe me, but the founders of the program (not developers, I ask you to see), people became far from the most impeccable reputation. For completeness, let's move at the very beginning of "zero" when two enterprising companions Janus Fris and Niklas Zennstrem (in the photo on the right) came up with and brought the program for sharing files Kazaa.. The program, which in its time broke a lot of records by the number of downloads.

Site say that the founders of the file sharing engineer were mainly organizational and marketing issues, and our former compatriots were employed by the implementation and creation of the project - Estonians Yan Tallinn, Writing Casesalu and Ahty Heinla (in the photo on the left). All three programmers studied in the same class.

And so, until the end of 2001, the files of the file sharing network were just wonderful, but then thunder hit: immediately several very large musical labels were submitted to the owners to the court for violation of copyright. In fact, the program was found illegal, and its owners are Pirates accomplices.

I had to urgently go to the "underground" urgently: the possibility of arrest and the subsequent punishment was not illusory. Estonian programmers did not interest the investigation to the pore, but then the turn had reached them. Fortunately, no accusations were submitted.

Relleaves ended only at the end of 2001, when Kazaa owners resell the service of the Australian company Sharman Networks..

B. The owners did a very wise move, registering exclusive rights to the data transfer protocol in advance. Global Index P2P. In Offshore (Virgin Islands). Now they possessed a secure patent, to which investigators from Europe could no longer reach. But for which such complex frauds were held, I will tell you in the next section.

Creating Skype.

I have already spoke to AK, the basis of the work of Kazaa lay a P2P-protocol, which, in fact, was the main chip of the service. Its unusualness is that the protocol code is closed and extremely complicated, and all transmitted data are subject to mandatory encryption. In addition, it is convenient because when it does not need some special, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bthe roles that are connected to computers. Accordingly, it drastically complicates the interception and tracking any transmitted information.

And the mive on the hands of such a large trump card, it would be just a crime not to create something innovative on its basis. Actually, this is exactly what the enterprising and far-sighted Yanus Fris and Niklas Zennstere were received. After receiving money to start a new project from one famous venture capitalist, they began developing a perfect new client to transfer voice and other types of messages.

In Syu, it was also known for every Skype today.

P. Skype owners have already been the guys "in the subject" (the same team of Estonian programmers), did not have to wait for a long start - August 29, 2003 The first official release of the program, which immediately drew the attention of thousands of users.

What exactly took Skype? Perhaps the main advantages were simplicity of use and excellent sound quality. Later - also multiplatform. In fact, a powerful blow under the entire industry of cellular telephony was applied, because now communication between users at any point in the world was completely free.

In other matters, Skype became popular not only among law-abiding users, the service attracted all sorts of criminals, drug dealers, terrorists, and in general, who did not even welcome their negotiations. Due to the fact that the data was practically guaranteed to be protected from interception, Skype became a favorite tool to communicate many dark personalities.

Ehloa, before the Skype Skype Office, the Skype Office came complaints from the exploration of a good ten countries. Requirements were similar: to ban, declassify, allow. Only the founders of Skype were people already scientists: on their side there was an impeccable legal framework, which 100% defended from an external invasion and attack anyone.

Ebay and Skype

By 2005, Skype became popular so much that they were interested in the largest planet. To tell the truth, the auctionists did not know what this service was granted to them, but they felt his colossal potential, and therefore began negotiations on the purchase.

Ebay announced the sale of Skype for the fabulous amount of $ 2.6 billion for that time for that time, the founders of the service became billionaires, the programmers were rebuilded: each of the starting troches received $ 42 million.

It would have been a period of recognition and tranquility, it was possible to rest on the laurels and spend the baryrs. Nothing like this: the former owners of the service managed to enter the same river twice. It is not paradoxically, but they sued Skype, accusing the company that it is not entitled to consider the P2P protocol with his property, since the patent for the invention is still on the hands of old owners. Heathro, agree?!

I will not tell you about long twist, koi, by the way, did not last one year, I will only say that the noise was fair. The result of all this is: In November 2009, Skype was sold again, and the former pirates received a 14% of the actions of the service and place in the board of directors. And this is without a penny of investments, by the way. They just abandoned the legal prosecution of eBay (illegal use of a patent, remember?).

Since those four years, while Skype owned eBay, the service managed to turn into a "candy", becoming truly popular and beloved throughout the world. For a larger effect, I will show only one digit: the number of users has grown from 55 to 400 million. The service was waiting for new owners who could afford so expensive toy.

Microsoft era in Skype

And the big fish pecked. In 2011, an agreement was reached on the purchase of Skype a well-known company for again a record $ 8.5 billion. Of course, Microsoft lawyers have now done everything so that the patent confusion has not happened. Skype rights were obtained in absolute volume, and the cunning Janus Frisis and Niklas Zennstrem again raped a considerable profit in the form of hundreds of millions of dollars for their own package. In fact, for the same product, they managed to receive money from different companies twice. Here, truly, the sharks of capitalism.

N-Owls took up seriously, the benefit of their resources were almost endless. It is thanks to powerful technical support and enormous financial influxing today Skype is one of the most popular and in demand in the world of programs. The number of users has long passed for half a billion, and this is how experts say, far from the limit.

In from such she, incredible history of creating SLYPE. The history of the service, which brought billions to someone, and someone alone headaches and numerous problems. And this, I can assure you, only a small part of Iceberg. Many facts are still reliably hidden from the general public and it is unlikely to be promulgated at all.

Skype is intended for personal and business communication at any time, in any circumstances, on any devices, such as cell phones, computers or Alexa.. Unique opportunities voice and videovonkovAs well as text messages in Skype help to communicate and work together. It is suitable for making calls one on one and in the group.

You can hold collections on Skype and arrange meetings with colleagues, share impressions and celebrate holidays with friends and relatives, and also study new skills with a teacher. Skype - free app. You can send messages, perform sound and video calls, including groups up to 50 people!

And making some money To your account, you can call on ordinary phones and send SMS messages. You can only pay for the already perfect calls or subscribe to the call plan, depending on what you are more suitable.

Download Skype today and start adding friends, relatives and colleagues to your contact list. Find them in Skype will be easy, because Skype has long been used for various purposes hundreds of millions of people.


Skype was founded in 2003 and today is a division of Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) with headquarters in Luxembourg.

sitemunications Sarl.
23-29 Rives de Clausen
L-2165 (Luxembourg)
Company registration number: R.C.S. Luxembourg B100.468.
Authorized Representative: Lauri Paal (Lauri Paal)
VAT code: LU 20981643

That is the time to tell what Skype is and how to use it. And also consider the basic functions of the Skype program. The age of information technologies, telephone conversations do not allow fully satisfying the needs of people in communication. Without virtual communication in different manifestations nowhere. Of course, both means have their own strengths and weaknesses and successfully coexist with each other. The main disadvantage of telephone communication is its cost. Especially when it comes to conversations of long-distance, and even more so if there is a long-distance on cell phone. Here the virtual way of conversations is ahead of the opponent significantly.

After an old-good e-mail, the most popular means of communication on the Internet is the exchange of instant messaging. One of the common means is used for communication - Skype service. The project began its existence in the distant 2003. The first versions attracted users of ease of installation and registration of the account. Today it is used worldwide for business and personal communication. The number of registered accounts is more than half a billion.

Download Skype.

To work with the system, you must install the system client on your computer - the Skype program. You can download the installation file with free, and also do not forget about the page on my blog, which is located. The post history, the contact list and other Skype information stores not on the user's computer, but on your server. Thanks to this, you can not be afraid of losing them due to problems like reinstallation of the operating system and others. It also makes a convenient operation for several computers, for example, as usual, homemade and workers.

Skype allows you to communicate with four ways. But with any of them, before starting the conversation, it is necessary to find a source in the system. This can be easily done on a unique identifier, name or email address. After finding the user is added to your list of contacts, after which it will be easy to resume communication. You will also be visible the status of the added user ("on the network", "not online", "no in place", "do not disturb").
The first and most common is an instant text messaging. In this mode, you can create multiplayer chats with a large number of participants or to rewrite TET-A-TET. To add users to a conversation, you need to click on the "Talk" buttons menu - "Add People".

After that, a window will appear in which you can select users from your contact list. Also in this mode you can transmit files. You should not transmit large files (more than 50 MB), since the program is not intended for this and the procedure is performed not quite effectively with a large amount. This function suggests a quick transfer of small files like photos, text documents, so to speak, without breaking away from the conversation. But I will tell you a secret, I had to transmit files with a size of almost 100 megabytes via Skype. The second method is a voice communication. This means that if acoustic speakers and microphone are connected to your computer (or you have a laptop), you can call the interlocutor using Skype. At the same time, you will communicate in real time as it would be by phone. At the same time, the program window can be collaborated and continue to do your affairs at the computer. It can be very convenient when you need to explain to a friend how to use any program. Convenience is that you can simultaneously open this program on both computers and without being distracted by a set of text to learn. In this mode, you can also arrange a conference. But the number of its participants is limited.

A separate sub-clause can be called a very convenient way to demonstrate their screen to the interlocutor. This feature can be useful with the above-mentioned learning situation, or if your interlocutor helps you solve the problem with the computer. To activate this feature during voice call, you need to click on the "Call" menu - "Screen Demonstration ...".

The third way to communicate - video call. In this case, you do not only hear the communication method, but also see the interlocutor, and he is. Naturally, your computers must be equipped with webcams. Up to 5-10 people can participate in the video conferencing. Video and voice communication time, the ability to send text messages and files. This can be useful for sending hard-acting phrases, such as WEB links.

Fourth - calls to stationary phones. In order to take advantage of it, you must credit money on your virtual account. To do this, click on the "Skype" menu - "Make money to Skype ...". Tariffs for calls to stationary phones from Skype is usually significantly more profitable than telephone communication.

But in each particular case (call to a stationary or cell phone) you need to always clarify the tariffs for the country. Due to the characteristics of the legislation, the price of Skype calls can be somewhat exaggerated. This feature is very popular, and this is quite understandable given its convenience and benefit.

You can use Skype not only with the help of a computer, namely there are also versions for phones and tablet computers.

So, what is Skype we understood, now you need to understand how to work with this program. On the blog, I have repeatedly published information about this program. I think it will be useful to you:

News: Dear readers Website, soon on the blog there will be mega interesting interviews, from the program developers themselves (who will be visited while the secret). Negotiations are being conducted now, and after a while you can learn about them much more than anyone. I can say one thing that these programs are installed in most users.

Glitch in Skype.

Who invented Skype

Before hacking the bot or how to deceive the bot, it is worth understanding what "bot" is. In simple language, the bot is an assistant program who will unquestioning to fulfill all the teams given to him in Telegram. For example, it may in the morning to offer a selection of interesting news user, and in the evening you recommend the film.

To perform data and similar functions, these small helpers use the same interfaces as ordinary users.

"Language" of bots

Before you start hacking a bot, first need to know what the client code looks like and what language it uses.

You might think that C # (si Sharpe) was used to write the program, which is a very popular and modern programming language. He received popularity due to the autonomy of the program, a large functional and a small number of RAM.

But this is not so, for the computer version, C ++ was used, for Android - Java. Also for bots acceptable languages \u200b\u200bare:

  • HTML;
  • Python;
  • Javascript.

Payment in Telegram

In financial operations, telegrams are an intermediary. The client sends the necessary data by its credit card specifically to the payment system. Then the response of the payment system and all the necessary information are transmitted to the bot developer, after it can process and complete the operation.

Here the bots greatly simplify buy-selling for both sides. Buyer can from any corner of the world and at any time of the day to purchase some product from the seller.And for the seller carries out sales, since he does not need to constantly sit in the application and wait for buyers.

However, any controversial payments are responsible for developers of bots and providers of payment systems, as telegrams do not participate directly in financial transactions.

Hack a bot

Most programs that promise to hack bot act on the same system:

  1. Download program.
  2. Run the downloaded application.
  3. Act.

In most cases, the site that offers and assures that "crack" can easily bypass the telegram security system and deceive the bot, is malicious, and download, and even more so run the downloaded program is categorically impossible for the safety of its device.

Theoretically, such a program can be created completely, having studied the encryption protocol and spending a lot of time writing such an algorithm. However, it is impossible to find such a program in open forums.

Telegram Sender.

In fact, this program is an ordinary spammer. A group of developers found a small way to get around protection, and created its program. The program works easily:

  1. Write some text.
  2. Payment.
  3. Get the result.


Scripts in the telegram application serve to automate any action or creating a bot. You can download them easily from the official site of developers.

Also using scripts can also be for cheating bot in telegrams. After all, the bot is a program working on a certain specified algorithm.So the hacker simply simply reproduce some request algorithms, namely certain plugins that generate specially questions in such a way that the bot allows you to purchase a certain item for free.

It is difficult to imagine the modern world without Skype, but few people know when he appeared. This service allows you to exchange not only text messages, but to perform voice and video calls. 2003 was marked by innovations, which forever changed the digital world. From the moment of occurrence there was a lot of gradual changes that improve the interface, and therefore a user with basic skills may quickly get comfortable.

Historical excursion

Skype has paid and free versions, and therefore everyone will be able to choose the appropriate option. The developers were able to integrate Facebook with a messenger, and it allowed to save more time. It is difficult to come up with a program that could enjoy so great popularity, and therefore the history of creation is important.

First stage

As soon as work begins in the messenger, users often appear the desire to get answers to simple questions: "In which year and where did Skype come up with?". Estonia - a country where worked:

  • Ahty Heinla;
  • Come caasesal;
  • Yan Tallinn.

They were able to create a KAZAA file sharing, which is very popular at one time. Scandinavians were able to be the first not only to invent, but also embody the idea of \u200b\u200ba program that allows to maintain constant contact with relatives and close, where they were not. Invent Skype, in the form in which he became known to the general public, was able to Janus Friesia and Niklas Zenstster.

Then they had a simple, but a brilliant idea - to provide each user who has permanent access to the Internet, the ability to unlimited communication. The date of the first official release is August 29, 2003. The country of residence no longer had a fundamental importance, since it was possible to contact someone in just a few seconds and absolutely free. At some point, the program has become not just in demand, but also one of the irreplaceable.

First profit

Not knowing who invented Skype, it is difficult to argue about their true intentions of developers. The bright and memorable appearance of the messenger did not give any profits, and after all, the efforts should not remain in vain. When users could have the opportunity to exercise direct calls to ordinary numbers, using reduced prices, the first profits did not make long wait. Belong to the number of profitable projects - the task is not the lungs, but Skype managed to deserve to withstand competition. Wikipedia writes that after 2 years, the company's capitalization amounted to about $ 35 million per quarter, and many interesting events begins with this.

In 2005 the largest auctioneBay. became to belong a messenger. It was hard to predict the final result from such a transaction, but everything was most benefited. The year 2006 was marked by the growth of the company's revenue, which in monetary terms amounted to about 195 million dollars. Who owns the idea of \u200b\u200btotal improvements in the program - mystery, but you can talk about impeccable strategy and plan. Ebay was able to withdraw Skype to a new level, constantly involving active users.

A short-term coma in the development of the company comes in November 2009, when eBay decides to sell a controlling stake (70% for $ 2.5 billion). Noteworthy is the fact that the initial creators received places in the Board and 14% of the shares. They did not qualify more for more and withdrew legal responsibility.

Together with Microsoft.

In 2011.yearMicrosoft decided to make a valuable acquisition by exchanged $ 8.5 billion on the company's controlling stakeSkype.. This deal was unprecedented by the number of money spent. The board of the company hatched its plans, and therefore they painlessly broke up with such a sum. Messenger is available in almost all countries, and even Russia, possessing such a big length, does not experience problems.


Today Skype can be downloaded for a variety of devices and platforms starting from Windows and up to Linux. New markets continue to expand, and this requires a certain mobility of developers.

The messenger was able to surpass the initial ideas of the creators, since the initial scheme was improved and improved. Consumers were able not only to make calls to different countries, but also to conduct group sessions.

Thanks to Microsoft, the program managed to reveal its true potential and grow out of simple calls. Each user is provided with a unique opportunity to exchange information and file chat files. The creators, for sure, are satisfied with the results of their work.

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