Unified Russia submits me to court. Why "United Russia" is not a batch of rogues and thieves United Russia thieves

The Lublin District Court of Moscow, who refused in early October, Vladimir Sviridov in the early October in recovery of 1 million rubles from the lawyer Alexei Navalny for those invented by him the slogan "United Russia" - the party of Zhulikov and thieves, "when making a decision, was guided by the European Convention on Human Rights and established practices for cases On the protection of freedom of the word of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). This follows from the text of the court decision, write "Vedomosti".

The slogan "United Russia" - the batch of Zhulikov and Vorov "was born in early February from the response of Navalny on the radio station" Finam-FM "on the question of attitude to the party.

"To the party" United Russia "I am poorly. "United Russia" is the batch of Zhulikov and thieves, "he said. Later, in his blog, Navalny called on his supporters to maximize the slogan on the Internet. As a result, the main search engines on request "United Russia" began to issue the phrase "batch of zhulikov and thieves" by the first "prompt". In response to repeated threats to the prosecution, Navalny replied that this statement is its "evaluation judgment". The court reached only one claim - Sviridov, who left the court without satisfaction.

"Navalny's statements<...> Reasoned the overall relationship of the defendant to the United Russia party ... Specific members of the party<...> Not called and did not mention, "the decision says. The truthfulness of estimated judgments is not to be proof, reminds of the court with reference to the ECHR position.

"Freedom of expression is one of the essential foundations of a democratic society ... It applies not only to" information "or" ideas "that are favorably accepted<...> But also insulting, shocking or causing anxiety, "concludes court.

Regional courts, considering the claims of United Russia about the scandalous slogan, show great ingenuity. Thus, last week, the judge of the district court of Chuvashi fined the entrepreneur, who was poster on the building of his office "United Russia" - the batch of Zhulikov and thieves, "for 1000 rubles for violation of the rules of election campaigning.

The lawsuit against the director of AgroFirm Leader LLC, Edurad Mochalov, filed the chairman of the local branch of United Russia, who had previously achieved an initiation against the entrepreneur of the criminal case. The defendant in court said that he did not recognize his guilt. According to him, the poster, in which its estimated judgment is described in the text, is not connected with the upcoming elections and has been posted long before their announcement. However, the judge came to the conclusion about the proof of the defendant's guilt in committing an offense, provided for by Part 1 of Art. 5.12. Administrative Code, - distribution of printed campaign materials without providing their instance to the appropriate election commission, together with information about the location of the organization, manufacturing and ordered materials.

rusanalit. — 11.06.2012 So that you understand - here are mostly those uniniefers, which, as well as the head of the Presidential Administration of Kabardino-Balkaria, became a victim of disassembly in power itself - only therefore we learned about their theft. So what is it - only the top of the iceberg.

Just an hour I spent by typing in the search line of Yandex "Arrested Unitedview" and "Arrest member of the EP" to get the list below - most of the time went to the transfer of links from the "network" to the file. And somewhere after watching a pair of hundreds of links, I threw this lesson - the resulting seemed more than enough.

Frankly speaking me hit two things:

1. The story with the Party Faction United Russia in the Tver City Duma, almost completely - together with the chairman of the Duma (eats. Member of the EP) - who provided a convicted person from 2.5 to 7.5 years. (Number 31 list)

3. History with mayors Smolensk: both mayor-unios were under arrest (No. 36 and No. 38 of the list). Apparently in Smolensk honest unincesses left at all.

1. March 6, when receiving a bribe with a political, the head of the Mozyrnian District of Udmurtia, Vladimir Maksyutin, was detained.

12/14/2011 Vladimir Viktorovich Maksyutin was nominated by the WFP "United Russia" faction for the position of head of the municipality Mojginsky district and was chosen by a majority vote.

2. The deputy of the Legislative Assembly, a member of United Russia Sergey Sofin, is arrested.
# Date: Apr 23, 2010 22:15

The investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee on the Primorsky Territory are investigated by a criminal case against the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory of Sergey Sofina, who is accused of committing a crime under Part 4 of Art. 188 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (smuggling). In April of this year, Sofin was announced in the federal wanted list.

3. On December 30, 2010, the UFSB staff on the Vladimir region detained the head of the city of Alexandrova Gennady Sine, suspected of an attempt on fraud in particularly large amounts. According to investigators, the symine together with the accomplices received from two entrepreneurs a large amount of money for solving the issue of the allocation of land for the construction of a cottage settlement. In 2002, Simin was elected a deputy in the city council and headed the Fraction "United Russia", and in 2007 he won the election of the head of the city of Alexandrova.

4. On November 24, 2005, the Leninsky District Court of Perm decided to elect arrest as a preventive measure for a deputy of the regional legislative assembly from the United Russia party Igor Pastukhov, suspected of raping a teenager.

5. There are a "Friendship-2" construction company in Russia, which was built, and did not finish the house in the Moscow region Domodedov: hundreds of families, paying money and not having received accommodation, pickets and hunger strikes were satisfied.

But, fortunately, Marina Ignatova which controls "friendship-2", not only the State Duma deputy. She is a member of United Russia. In addition, Ms. Ignatova - President of the Cultural Foundation "The Fortress of Por-Bazhyn" (in the Board of Trustees - Gryzlov, Shoigu, Patrushev, Nurgaliyev, etc.), as well as the executive director of the Russian Geographical Society, the Board of Trustees of which is headed by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin .

Therefore, when two years ago, deceived by the "friendship" the shareholders staged a picket at the State Duma building, the older women and men were simply beaten in bloody porridge.

6. The police of St. Petersburg detained a national one and the head of the Children's Society "Tsarist Selo", which turned out to be a dangerous pedophile. A quarter of a century district deputy and part-time teacher of history committed the rape of boys, among whom his adoptive son was. The 50-year-old deputy of the Primorsky District of St. Petersburg Andrei Smirnov banned on the lists of United Russia.

9. In Stavropol, the head of the city administration Igor Bestuzhy, who was suspected in an attempt to get a bribe in the amount of 50 million rubles. Another grave consequence for the City Manager can be his exception from the party. In United Russia, they emphasized that they would not suffer in their ranks of people who came across bribes.

10. A member of the United Russia knocked down a teenager. The culprit of the accident disappeared from the scene

In the Saratov region under the wheels of the car belonging to the Speaker of the St. Petersburg District Assembly of deputies Alexei Zharukkov, the 14-year-old boy died. The car deputy after an accident disappeared from the scene, but later it was found.

11. In Khabarovsk, the court arrested the head of the Department of Health Administration of the Sakhalin Region Andrei Vasilchenkov. An official, a member of the Political Council of the Sakhalin Regional Office of United Russia was detained in Moscow and delivered to the capital of the Far Eastern Federal District (DFO). He is suspected of fraud during tenders for the supply of medical equipment in favor of the Khabarovsk company.

12. In the Stavropol Territory, the question of the arrest of the chapter of the municipality, which is suspected of a suicer rape of the group of adolescents from the orphanage. The crime was committed on December 31 right in the building of the Palace of Culture. In 2004, Zazain was re-elected for a second term. He is also a member of the All-Russian Political Party "United Russia".

Dynamics of the process of the corruption and criminal process in the ranks of "EP" in 2006 such is.

13. Tver Region

Charges under Part 8 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (obtaining bribes with a large-scale group in large amounts) in relation to 15 deputies of the City Duma Tver, including the majority of the members of the United Russia faction and Speaker Gorduma from this party of Viktor Mitarév.

14. Nenets Autonomous District

Detention in connection with the accusations of economic crimes of the Governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, also a member of United Russia Alexey Barinov.

15. Orlovskaya oblast

Detention on suspicion of obtaining half a million bribes of the ex-vice-governor of the Oryol region, a member of United Russia Alexander Kislyakov and a number of officials from the number of trusted persons of the candidate from "EP" for the post of mayor of Eagle Pavel Merkulov (the leader of the regional branch of United Russia).

16. Volgograd Oblast

The detention of the mayor Volgograd Evgenia Ischenko in corruption charges. The decision to exclude from the "United Russia" on the eve of the arrest was canceled.

17. Khakassia

A criminal case was initiated against the rector of the Republican State University Valentina Kuzmin (a member of United Russia). He is suspected of assigning or waste cash.

A criminal case was initiated against the General Director of Khakasgaz OJSC and the deputy of the Supreme Council of Khakassia Alexander Icbaeva (Member of the United Russia faction) under article 199 of the Criminal Code - tax evasion. In addition, under investigation there are other prominent representatives of the party of power.

Thus, criminal cases regarding the Minister of Sports of Khakassia Anver Kurbanov and the Deputy Minister of Agriculture Yakov Bodyagin are initiated by the results of the control audit of the Accounts Chamber of the Republic, which established a multitude of violations and non-targeted use of budgetary funds.

Criminal Cases Regarding the head of Khakassia Alexei Swan, his former First Deputy Vasily Tsygana, Chairman of the Voronov Industry Committee, Minister of Health, Burnakova, Minister of Agriculture and Industry Alexander Trayuse and Chairman of the Tourism Committee Valery Sidorchuk, according to Valery Kovaleva, became the result of the inspection General Prosecutor's Office.

18. Saratov region.

Applications for extortion and theft of budget funds are checked to the Secretary of the Unified Russia's Secretary Council, Vyacheslav Volodin, with whom a former member of United Russia spoke, Ex-Minister of the Government of the Saratov Region Gevorg Jlavyan.

Detained with political when receiving a bribe of 300 thousand rubles for permission to supply fuel for the peasants of the area. Viktor Dreyabin - Head of St. Petersburg District Administration and Alexander Reshetnikov - Head of the Krasnoktyabrsky MO Saradovsky District (members of the United Russia. The bribener is a special fuel merchant).

Shamir Jlavyan (member "EP") is a former gene. Director of the Saratov branch of Rosgosstrakh. Put the money of the insurance company in controlled firms. The criminal case was initiated by the statement of the head company.

Surden Bayzuldinov (member "EP") - gene. Director of CJSC Otakovsovshozhoz "Labor". Sentenced under the article "Fraud" of the Criminal Code to three years with a probation for six months.

Alexander Pascal - chief physician of the Balashovskaya CRH ("EP"). In September 2005, a criminal case was initiated on the case of the hospital of damage in the amount of 15 million rubles.

Vladimir Lapkin - Head of the Monube Mo (member "EP"). According to the results of its economic activity in August 2005, the Accounts Chamber of the region sent materials to the region. Prosecutor's Office.

Alexey Naumov is the head of the administration of the Otkovsky MO MO Saratov region ("EP"). The prosecutor's office establishes that his diploma is fake. A criminal case has been initiated.

Member "EP" Igor Gordopolov - I.O. Head of the administration of the Leninsky district Saratov. At the conclusion of the employment contract presented a substrate diploma of the Saratov State University. The fact is set by the prosecutor's office. From office suspended.

Tatiana Mishina - Trustee Secretary of the Secretary "EP" V.V. Volodina, Tatyana Sergeyeva - Assistant Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation V.V. Wolodin (Member "EP"). The court found that their election by deputies of the representative body of MO was falsified. The election results are canceled.

19. Mordovia

A member of United Russia, Chairman of the State Committee for Management of the Municipal Property of the Ruzaevsky Administration, Alexander Alagulov detained on the basis of a criminal prosecutor's office. The municipal official was charged on two articles of the Criminal Code - "fraud committed by an organized group or in particularly large-scale" and "abuse of official powers."

20. Krasnoyarsk Territory

Criminal cases were initiated against the mayor of Achinsk Mikhail Achkasov and his former Zama, now the Deputy Chairman of the City Council Vladimir Borgardt, who were the leaders of the Achinsk "United Russia". As the media wrote, the first is suspected of alienation of municipal ownership in favor of his Son, the second - that used budget money to improve the housing conditions of his family.

21. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District

Against the head of the Nefteugan region and a member of the United Russia party, Alexander Klepikov opened four criminal cases. As a result of the unlawful actions of the head of the Nefteugansky district of Klepikov and the head of the management of capital construction of Chumikov, the inappropriate spending of budgetary funds totaling $ 26,988,234 of the ruble was admitted.

22. Karelia

The deputy of the city council of Petrozavodsk Pavel Beardatov, a member of United Russia, seemed as the head of the public organization "Union of Veterans of Combat Actions", awarded the Medal "For Cooking", the laureate of the "Man of the Year" contest. As it turned out, all regalia and honorary titles of beardeds acquired illegal. The Military Court of the Petrozavodsky garrison sentenced the United Russia to three years in prison.

33. The Volgograd region over the past two weeks, two members of the regional political council "United Russia" were arrested. The head of the Bykovsky Municipal District Nikolai Chevannin and the head of the Novoannin Municipal District, Alexander Vanin, are taken into custody for committing official crimes. Both detainees are headed by district branch of the party of power. February 24, this year. Employees of the FSB and the Regional Investigation Committee were detained by the head of the Bykovsky District and the leader of the local EP department.

34. The third October, at the next meeting of the Council of People's Deputies of the Greaduzhny State Deputies, considered the statement of the deputy from the United Russia party Tutaeva Viktor Ivanovich about early addiction from the deputy authority. This happened due to the fact that Viktor Ivanovich was under investigation on fraud (receiving bribes) and the past court sessions confirmed. Viktor Ivanovich convicted for 1 year of the settlement.

35. Criminals - members of United Russia:

Pedophile rapists:

Igor Pastukhov - Former deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region. Condemned for 6 years for rape of a 16-year-old teenager. In 2009, it was released conditionally early, although he had no right to early liberation.

Andrey Smirnov - Former deputy of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. A member of the Pedophile's Conditioned Gang, who raked children during a trip to the summer camps.

Vladimir Ryashetsev - Ex-deputy of the city of Mikhailovka Stavropol Territory. Accused of pedophilia, in the case more than a dozen criminal episodes. I paid for sex with children from 4 to 25 thousand rubles. Convicted for 6 years in prison.

Nikolai Volkov - Former member of the United Russia, later became a member of the "Fair Russia". Ex-deputy of the Volgograd Regional Duma, in March 2011 was arrested. He was charged with a number of rape of minors (from 7 to 16 years old), which he made from 2007 to 2009.

Nikolay Zatsepin - Head of the village of the barrier of the Krasnogvardeisky district. December 31, 2010 made depraved actions against minor girls.


Gennady Simmin (Gena Green) - The ex-mayor of the city of Alexandrov Vladimir region, in 2002 he was elected a deputy in the city council, headed the local branch of United Russia. Detained on December 30, 2010, employees of the FSB department for a bribe of 204 thousand dollars "for solving the issue of the allocation of land for the construction of a cottage village".

Vladimir Somov - Head of the Kameshkovsky district of the Vladimir region, at that time a member of the regional political council of the United Russia party. In March 2011, he walked to the election from the party of the party, but right in the midst of the pre-election race was detained when receiving a bribe of 120 thousand rubles.

Victor Krysov. - Head of the administration of the Konakovsky district of the Tver region, at that time the secretary of the political council of the local cell of United Russia. Detained for a bribe of 45 million rubles.

Andrei Rigin - Deputy of the Tver City Duma. Detained in September 2010. Accused to "commercial bribery of participants" auction for the right to conclude a municipal contract conducted by the Tver administration.

Yury Sleptsov - Ex-mayor of the Moscow region Voskresensk. Detained when receiving a bribe.

Alexander Vanin and Nikolay Chevannin - until March 2010, the leaders of the Novoannin and Bykovsky districts of the Volgograd region. Alexander Vanin detained for a bribe in the amount of 800 thousand rubles, Nikolai Chevannin - for a bribe of 180 thousand rubles.

Fraudsters and casnocradds:

Vasily Dupak - Ex-Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma. Accused in fraud and legalization of funds with a total damage over 15 billion rubles, as well as tax evasion in the amount of more than 46 million rubles.

Anatoly Snap - Deputy Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region. He is incriminatedized by theft of budget funds in the amount of more than 4 million rubles, allocated under the federal target program "Preservation and restoration of the soil fertility of agricultural land and agrolandscapes for the period up to 2012".

Sergey Voronov - Vice-Governor of the Irkutsk region. Condemned for embezzlement 42 million rubles. For six years, the colony of the general regime.

Vasily Dzorev - Head of the Znamensky district of the Omsk region. Suspected in the embezzlement of budget funds in the amount of more than 50 million rubles. The money was allocated on the national project "Development of the APK" for the construction of a school in the district center.

Vladimir Yermolaev and Vladimir Sveshnikov - Deputies of the Republican State Council of Chuvashia. Ermolaev is accused of non-payment of taxes in the amount of 19 million, minters - in concealment of funds.

Vladislav Skvortsov - Mayor of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Accused to exceed official powers.

Nikolai Simonenko - Deputy Governor of the Bryansk Region, Chairman of the Committee for Agriculture and Food. Suspected of 60 million rubber fraud.

Andrei Pischennikov - Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory. From January 2009 to September 2010, the tax on income from the wages of its employees. However, in the Firm funds, the man has not transferred in full. The remaining money suspected through the cashier spent for personal purposes.

Thieves and gangsters:

Yuri Petrov - Deputy Tambov Regional Duma. Accused in the abduction of the partner in the production of cigarettes "Prima". According to the investigation, the suspect ordered to hold during the year of the merchant, owing his factory money.

Mikhail Lysenko - Head of Thengels of the Saratov region. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he was the head of organized criminal formation.

Sergey Chapesk and Sergey Tsinovyzy - Once deputies of the district council of Stanitsa Kushchevskaya. The leaders of the criminal group, on the account of which are dozens of killings.

36. On February 27, the Investigation Committee at the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation announced the detainment of the mayor of Smolensk Edward Kachanovsky and his deputy Valery Osipov on suspicion of extortion of a bribe in the form of an apartment worth 2 million rubles. "Of course, the question of the guilt or innocence of Eduard Kachanovsky, which was listed by the prominent" United Russia "of the Smolensk region, only the court can solve.

Http://socialism-vk.livejournal.com/187546.html So that you understand - here are mostly those uniniefers who, as well as the head of the Presidential Administration of Kabardino-Balkaria, have become a victim of disassembly in power itself - only therefore we learned about their theft. So it is only the top of the iceberg. ...

They fully assure that they are not crooks and no thieves. Here is a dying.

On February 2, I was on the radio station of Finam-FM. At some point, the presenter asked me: "How do you feel about the party of United Russia"?
Answered the truth: " By the party, the United Russia I am poorly. Unified Russia is the batch of crooks and thieves".
Here you can see, from 4-10

And then:
Ordinary citizens turned to me, not public, not known and not officials, but the United Russia consisting of the party with a request to give the legal opinion the words of Alexei Navalny about the party. They are ordinary people who receive the average salary raising children living in the country that they love. And they are unpleasant when they are on the whole country, only for the fact that they entered the party in United Russia, accused of air radio stations, calling the thieves and crooks. And so they have a desire to submit it to court.
.... and I will defend the good name of those people who turned to me for help ..... ordinary, no one known, not officials and not politicians. Simply members of the party, who offended Alexey Navalny statement.

From here

I really imagine: I come to court, and there are private citizens. Teachers, doctors, engineers and even one milkmaid for the best sample. They were all forced to distract from raising children and receiving average salary To unite and protect your honest name.

Until ordinary citizens not visible. But there is a lawyer Gorgadze, speaking on their behalf.

Radious google says that

Is an honorary president (!!) clubs on rhythmic gymnastics (!!)

In general, it is very not indifferent to my humble person and smises me a variety of strong epithets in his tweet.

Well, the Code of Ethics Sumurai lawyer prescribes to refrain from assessing the action of other lawyers, so I will leave your numerous jokes with myself.
Nevertheless, I treat Mr. Gorgadze's behavior with understanding, remembering that he is closer to the skills of rhythmic gymnastics - there is the main flexibility and the ability to quickly catch abandoned items.

So here.
I am with great pleasure to take part in this process. No cremezhulikov taught.
Will learn.
Now Yandex gives 210 thousand pages on request "United Russia - the batch of Zhulikov and thieves." Let's see how much will issue by the end of the process.

As for my legal position, it is simple: I rely on the data, including those common in the media, I personally appreciate the "United Russia" as a batch of zhulikov and thieves. This is my estimated judgment.

Let me remind you that in April last year, Boris Gryzlov (one of the leaders of the EP) called the newspaper "Vedomosti" by the accomplices of terrorists, but won when the newspaper filed for him to court. The court acknowledged that this is the "estimated judgment" Gryzlov.

Not further like yesterday, Vladimir Putin won the court against Nemtsov-Ryzhkov-Milov, who appealed to the protection of honor and dignity, after Putin said that they were "stolen billions with Berezovsky" (especially Milov stole, which is no longer in School, but even at the institute at that time he studied). The court also acknowledged this "assessment judgment."

Therefore, coming to court, I'm going to literally repeat the argument of Gryzlov-Putin. Let the judge decide what my "appraisal judgment" differs from their "estimated judgment." It will be fun.

Help me a little please with this process. There are two requests:

1. Yesterday, a representative of Putin brought articles from Wikipedia and all sorts of different Internet sites. Well, what's the worse?
I will ask you to bring comments to this post to this post. Therefore, could you leave everything in the comments a few words on the topic "My attitude to the party United Russia" and "What I consider the party of United Russia."

2. I decided to spend a survey, in order to figure out the attitude, so to speak, people's Internet masses (also private citizens, by the way) to EP. Suddenly I am brutally mistaken and I am in the minority.
For good representativeness, I would like that at least 10 thousand people participated in the survey.
Therefore, grateful for PR voting.

This is said by a survey conducted by Levada Center

What I told the Navalny so long, was accomplished. Russians who traditionally believe the speeches from the TV and constantly step on the rake, after all recognized the "United Russia" of the party "Zhulikov and thieves". This is said by the survey of the Levada Center. It is not clear, however, why the results of the elections speak absolutely about each other.

An analytical center of Yuri Levada (Levada Center) at the end of last week conducted a survey, which was attended by 1600 Russians. The statistical error of these research does not exceed 3.4%, the specialists of the Center report.

According to the data given to the question of how Russians characterize people standing in power, most (41%) characterized the servants of the people like this: "These are people who are concerned about their privileges and income." Another 34% of respondents believe that "for these people the main thing is the power itself." 18% believe that these are "educated and competent specialists" and only 10% of Russians adheres to the opinion that representatives of the authorities "take care of the good of the people."

Skeptically evaluate Russians and Putin's company to combat corruption. 35% of respondents believe that "Putin will try to fight corruption, but he is unlikely to succeed to achieve significant success, because corruption in Russia is inexperienced. It looks very scary to the question of the question, which is more important for people standing in power. The vast majority - 62% - it is believed that "the preservation and strengthening of your own power." On the question "What is more concerned about Putin's environment" More than half of Russians respond to "personal material interests". Only a quarter of Russians think that power takes care of the conservation and strengthening of Russia. Such Distribution of power, such a rejection of the power elite over the past decade in Russia has not yet been.

Finally, the question "do you agree with the opinion that" United Russia "is the party of crooks and thieves?" The affirmative answers gave more than half of the respondents - 51%. There was no such result in previous years. Back in February, only 40% of Russians affirmatively answered the same question. In 2012, 38% thought so. In April 2011, only 31% agreed with such a formula.

TK "Rain" cites the opinion of the political scientist Gleb Pavlovsky, who tried to explain so unpleasant survey results for the authorities.

"It is rather noticeable that the degradation of mass support of power continues. She is paradoxical, where the government is trying to show that she cleans himself, updates himself, she, rather, leads counter-propaganda against himself. The confidence in power disappeared even in the environment that this power supports, "Pavlovsky said.

  • Mood: Russia, revive!

julikov-and-thieves party.rf

As the United Russia turned out to be a party "Zhulikov and thieves"
Mideast.ru, February 22, 2011

After the dialogue found in the radio ester between the famous lawyer and blgger Alexey Navalny and United Russia Evgeny Fedorov (See http://finam.fm/archive-view/3719/), according to the results of which 99 percent of the radio listeners gave their votes to Navalny, unknowns launched the site "United Russia - the batch of Zhulikov and thieves" with a domain name " partyžulikovivorov.rf. "It's curious that this domain name leads to the main page of the official website of the United Russia party. This effect is achieved with the help of IFRAME technology. It is Navalny who calls the Eros" Party of Zhulikov and Thief ", emphasizing that this is, they say, his" subjective judgment .

This domain partyžulikovivorov.rf. Registered for the private name. You can contact the author of this initiative at two addresses: [Email Protected] and [Email Protected] . Again, it is curious that on the official domain of the EP edinros.ru. There are also real postal contacts of Union.
Site Partyžulikovivorov.rf appeared in Russia 22.02.11 20:34 FINAM FM.
The address line of the site leads to the main page of the Official Site "United Russia". ... as they say on the official website of the registrar RU-CENTER, the Domain of Partyžulikovivorov.rf is registered with a certain private person.

In RuNet, the site of partiazhulikovivorovs appeared. RF 22.02.11 18:00 GZT.RU.
The Internet appeared on the Internet, depicting the official portal "United Russia". ... On the Ru-Center registrar's website, the domain belongs to the "private person".

On the Internet there appeared the site of Partyžulikovivorov.rf 22.02.11 17:29 Metro Russia.
The page mimics the main page of the EP official website using the IFRAME technology, which allows you to watch another site within one site as it were through the "window". ... The mail addresses are specified as contacts. [Email Protected] and [Email Protected] (On the same domain there are also official postal contacts of uniniets), as well as telephone numbers that match the numbers to which the edinros.ru domain is attached.

Launched site Partyžulikovivorov.rf. 22.02.11 16:43 Lenta.ru. (8 similar messages)
Unknowns launched the site "United Russia - the batch of Zhulikov and thieves" with the domain name "Partyžulikovivorov.rf". ... The mail addresses are specified as contacts. [Email Protected] and [Email Protected] (On the same domain there are also official postal contacts of uniniets), as well as telephone numbers that match the numbers to which the edinros.ru domain is attached.

The site "United Russia - the batch of Zhulikov and thieves" appeared Vesti.kz. - 11 h. Ago
Thanks to IFRAME technology, the main page of the site Partyžulikovivorov.rf fully relays the content of the official site of United Russia. This domain is registered to an unknown private person. Mail addresses are specified as contacts. [Email Protected] and [Email Protected]...

Launched site Partyžulikovivorov.rf 02.22.11 16:57 Yugopolis
The site appeared on the site. Partyžulikovivorov. FF 02.22.11 17:01 Lenazdat.ru.
22.02.11 17:03 SUS @ NIN
Launched the site "United Russia - Party of Zhulikov and Thieves" 22.02.11 17:11 Dzd.ee.
In Russia, the site of partiazhulikovivorov was launched. FF 02.22.11 17:33 Reporter Zaporizhia
Unknown authors launched a Partyazulikovivorovi site. FF 22.02.11 17:47 Fontanka.ru.
Unknowns launched a party partitionazhulikovivorov.rf 02.22.11 18:19 Oreanda
Party "United Russia" disruled from the Domain "Partyzhulikovivorov.rf" 01:02 proua.com.

The chief editor of the official website of United Russia, Mikhail Budaragin, said that "knows about this problem."
02.22.11 Metro Russia.

"We know about this problem and we understand with this, in a short time it will be eliminated. It was not registered the domain. You haven't been able to cope with them with them," Budaragin said. "
02.22.11 Metro Russia, 22.02.11 Lenta.ru

Transition statistics - at 10:38 already 44 thousand, and from the site

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