Optimizer day in Russia. Specialist in working with search engines, SEO-optimizer Plus I pay for you learning from an experienced specialist

The word "google" ('Google IT' in English version) entered the daily life, as well as the search engine itself. Yandex, Google, Yahoo, Baidu (Chinese search engine) and hundreds of other search engines every day help Internet users find the necessary goods, services and information. Those times passed when the hostess recorded recipes for dishes in a notebook (do not let God forget), and the magical secrets of gardening were transmitted from the neighbor to the neighbor. Now the main means of obtaining new information became a search engine.

To buy a new kettle, the user writes in the search bar "Buy a kettle" and checks several sites that will show him the search engine. Usually, the user does not watch sites on the first page of search results. It is unlikely that he will look at the 21st and 38th website. Therefore, companies whose sites are located in the top ten search results, have a greater flow of customers and more profit than those whose sites are located on.

In order for your site to rise in search results, it should be interesting to users and cause trust in the search engine - to meet its algorithms for the selection of the most reliable and high-quality sites. Setting the interaction of the site and search engines is engaged, that is, by search engine optimization (English Search Engine Optimization).

What does SEO specialist do
SEO-optimization in the nature of the tasks refers to and. Although the sechars themselves are jokingly say that their work is similar to "shamanism". Information ranking algorithms inside search engines may vary several times a day, so SEO specialists are forced, based on their experience and knowledge, to predict the "moods" of each search engine at the moment.
To promote the site in the search, they:

    ✔ Analyze competitors and their presence on the Internet.
    ✔ Form semantic kernels - keywords and search queries for which users will find a site.
    ✔ detect and correct all the technical errors of the site allowed when it starts: Incorrect HTML code, incorrect page display settings, no / duplication of META tags, no H1 headers or entire pages, the download speed of the site pages, etc.
    ✔ Create a new content to accommodate on the site (or on other resources with reference to the site). Each article should not only be interesting and easy to read the user, but also "transparent" according to the structure for the search engine.
    ✔ Improve the site navigation.
    ✔ Increase the opening speed of pages on the site.
    ✔ Register the site on external resources to increase the "trust" of search engines.
    ✔ Prepare reports on promotion results.
    ✔ monitor the work of the site.
    ✔ Follow the current information in the SEO area.

average salary
✔ 60 000 - 200 000 rubles per month

Where to learn the future SEO specialist
As for some of the newest, which are on the border of IT and other destinations (,), there are no ready-made educational programs for any universities in Russia or in colleges. Employers appreciate the experience and portfolio of successful projects, not a diploma. To master the Aza SEO, you can go through short educational courses or study yourself with books and training videos. The most famous courses on SEO today offer Netology, Mail.Ru, Seopult, Cybermarketing, Yandex, Ashmanov and partners, Geekbrains. However, if you want to build a career or your own business in SEO, it is desirable to get the formation of an information technology or mathematical profile.

What universal competencies are needed by the sechard in work
Work in the IT departments of companies, in companies on internet marketing, and more often by freelancers. Therefore, in addition to the necessary technical skills, they are important social competencies, competent speech and ability to find a common language with customers. The most important competencies of the "Ceeshnik" include:

    ✎ Trainability
    ✎ Permanent self-development
    ✎ Systemic thinking
    ✎ Communicability
    ✎ competent Russian and English
    ✎ Attention to detail
    ✎ analytical mind
    ✎ Skill to see and solve the problem
    ✎ Patience
    ✎ Methodology
    ✎ curiosity
How to develop in SEO now
If you have a desire to try yourself in SEO, start with creating and promoting your own website.. On it you can explore the target audience, technical features of SEO, to comply with the quality of the HTML code and the skill of copywriting, as well as put "painless" experiments on checking search algorithms. And when your site will take a high place in search engines, it will be the first point of your future portfolio.

What else can you do to master SEO skills:

    ✔ Watch online free video optimization video encouraging in Russian and English.
    ✔ Read the Literature on SEO, Internet Marketing and Business Online.
    ✔ Attend free offline and online SEO and Internet Marketing Conference.
    ✔ Try your hand in IT, in particular, in internet marketing and SEO, will help the "Professionals of the Future" camping. In the camp you can chat with the pros and ask the most pressing questions about the profession.
    ✔ Cut on a summer internship in an Internet marketing company: SEO specialists often need an assistant for routine work - collecting the semantic kernel, monitoring new information, search for competitors. In the internship you can learn all the tools and "chips" of real soshers in a short time.

In the near future will be relevant and in demandBecause search engines remain our main navigator on the Internet, and commercial companies are in dire need of improving the flow of customers. The only one danger for the specialty of the soster It consists in popularizing search engine optimization skills. On the Internet there are suggestions to become a SEO specialist for 4-6 days, and therefore future generation of adolescents as easily unlighten the basis of SEO as creating a page on social networks or website on WordPress.

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Looking through the profile forums and blogs. The colleague shared the Casey Promotix Promotix from St. Petersburg - added to the bookmarks, I studied later. I go to the office about 10:30 - flexible schedule allows you to move the working day.

First of all I check the mail

Notifications about the changes occurred in the Robots.txt client sites come daily. Starting work with the new customer, we form this file so as to close unnecessary to indexing the page, for example, the "search results", and open the necessary, for example, "category" or "delivery information".

With the help of notifications I find out when the customer accidentally entered the change file. Today it happened with the Site of Avtodiler. Checking the file, it turned out that the changes appeared due to the change of the CMS system. I am writing a client and duplicate recommended robots.txt.

I look through the content monitoring notification of the progressable pages. To begin with, checking the report on the correspondence of titles Title and H1 reference values \u200b\u200bfor each of the projects. Standards are loaded into the inner system, which daily cheapes these values \u200b\u200bwith real. If something on the site changes, it is displayed in the table coming to the mail and I can quickly react. Today, the reports came across the sites of the dental clinic and university, but the webmaster has not yet managed to make the recommended headlines on them, so everything is fine.

The following critical checks are associated with a server response other than "200 OK" on the progressable pages. Check helps to respond quickly if links to some pages have been deleted or not available. Today, reports on pages that have already been added to the system, but have not yet been placed by webmasters on sites.

If an update of the search base occurred, notifications about the results of visibility on projects also come to the post office, but yesterday there was no update.

I continue the morning ritual and watch notifications in the Yandex.Vebmaster panel for each client. Recently faced a problem that managed to solve exactly thanks to the daily test. The client who is engaged in the delivery of sushi in Russia, put the clickjing code on the site. The mechanism places invisible elements on the site, which, for example, automatically make a subscription to the members of the site visitors, without their knowledge.

Immediately I saw a notification that the site had a filter and positions for most requests dropped sharply. Promptly wrote a client, and he, in turn, quickly removed the code. After three weeks, the site's position was restored. Today, fortunately, it did not find problems for all clients.

I turn to checking data on traffic in Yandex.Metric

The company for the delivery of sushi position in the middle of the week has decreased slightly. The usual story for customers of this topic - traffic grows to the weekend. But for another client - auto bard - the drop in indicators on Wednesday is not characteristic. I study a cut on traffic sources, the reason is in closing from indexing regional pages for users of Krasnoyarsk. Recently hid them, because they did not belong to the promotion of the site on his requests. In general, the problem is not critical: as soon as we figure it out with keywords, open pages and traffic will be restored.

The next step is to check the tasks executed by webmasters. In the evening, the colleague sent a changed layout of the manufacturer of the manufacturer of thermal insulation materials. I check the correctness of the names of goods in the listing of the directory, correctly filling the attributes of Alt ... in images and product description. Everything is done perfectly, I send the client to approval.

Another webmaster rejected the structure of the site of the dental clinic, you need to check it for compliance with the technical task (TK). The colleague moved part of the pages to the new addresses, deleted the "empty" pages, updated the main and additional menu, but missed part 301 of the redirects. I specify which pages he forgot and send a task to refine.

Now you need to prepare TK for copywriters to write texts to the regional parking lot

Distributing key requests via pages using an internal clusterizer tool and manual processing. With the help of the "Text Analyzer" service, I scan Top 10 issuing by keywords for each group and get a list of phrases you want to use in texts.

The tool suggests that it should be about each page of the site: the number of keywords themselves, the options for their combination, recommended subtitles and text volume. Manually check the correctness of the recommendations, add a few phrases, additionally study texts on sites in the top search top. At the same time analyzing the anchor core of competitors for the main key phrases.

At the resource that was in the top of issue, I discover that, in addition to the main references on the auto-pharmacy theme, the webmasters put links to the Suslikov Sale of Sale, "Sale of Potatoes", "Sale of pigs" and "Sale of Ostrich". I send a link to the counterpart with the comment "That's how to promote the battalion :)." I add a brief from the client and send the task to the Copyhetra Cabinet.

Time to have lunch

Together with the account and another optimizer, we usually go to local cafes and walk a little after lunch.

Returning to work, and in the mail will be waiting for a letter from male bags: the client is experiencing that there were no calls yesterday. I go to the CollTracking system and I discover that the calls were, but for some reason they did not reach the call center. I recommend to the customer to contact the telephone provider.

Now it is necessary to analyze the external reference mass of the online clothing store. I analyze the top 10 competitors: I evaluate the total number of domains, references, the dynamics of their growth, the anchor core is on the distribution of references on brand, "targeted", commercial and diluted antikram. As a result, I understand that the reference mass is insufficient, I put the task to "solve the problem in the week."

I turn to the company engaged in cargo transportation

Recently, together with the client, we decided to transfer a taxi service for a separate site. The main resource was not bad ranked by keywords: "rigging", "rigging work", "rigging works in Moscow", "Order Turnure". I decided to transfer part of the content (texts, headlines, images) from the old site to the new one. I gave recommendations on the technical part at the stage of development, and now it is necessary to check the structure, correctness of the transfer of content and filling the pages and meta tags. Web developers did everything right, so I open the resource for indexing and setting up the pagerants 301 redirects on the old site.

I conduct an analysis of the speed of downloading mobile and desktop pages. Using Google Page Speed \u200b\u200bInsights I define that the main page is loaded slowly due to non-optimized images. I put the task of the webmaster to correct the situation.

The following task is to conduct primary optimization of the site of the near Moscow holiday home. I evaluate the general performance of the site, the correctness of the assigned regions in the webmasters panels, the correctness of the site indexing configuration, compiling the Robots.txt file and the XML site card. It turned out that ducky pages are not closed from indexation. I fix the situation and form a final file.

And then the webmaster writes that he solved the problem with the download of the software site. Checking - the speed of 87 points. Compare with the main competitors in the top of the issuance of the main requests: they have 32, 34, 71, 50, 29 points. Competitors were clearly not engaged in optimizing the boot speed, so we can count on a small plus in relation to our site both from the user side and by search engines.

Returning to the site of the holiday home

Checking the settings of the main mirror of the site and process the non-existent pages by the server - we are fine with this. To search for a double, I use tools for unloading indexed pages, parser headlines and meta tags. As a result, I find 163 full duplicate, for which I recommend setting 301 redirects.

According to the brand request, I find two more similar site. The inspection of the internal service for affiliation has shown that resources are not yet affiliated with Yandex. I am writing a letter to the client with a request to comment on who belongs to the sites and for what purpose are created. This is necessary for further development of the optimization strategy.

The latter for today, the task is to analyze the competitors of the manufacturer of thermal insulation materials

The other day they decided to attract additional traffic through accommodation on the site of thematic articles. In order to compete with information sites for construction and repair, it is necessary to prepare high-quality materials with an interesting media content.

I analyze competitors for issuing Top 10 for each query group. Based on analysis for each page, make up articles plans and prepare a list of additional questions for the client. Example for query "Warming houses":

I send a letter to the client and going home where my wife and three children are waiting for me.

Russian SEO specialists celebrate the Runet Optimizer Day. The young holiday has not yet received official recognition, but has already been loved by professionals of a powerful and popular SEO industry.

Little SEO-story

The date of the celebration, no matter how paradoxically, was chosen completely by chance. In 2006, at the largest SEARCHENGINES forum, SEO specialists decided to make their own "festive sample" in a derived order. Most votes, preference was given to the warm spring day of May 28.

The new profession appeared in Russia in the mid-1990s and originated from the Wednesday of IT specialists. First, the first search engines arose: the first system was Yahoo, then giants went to the networkers - Google and Yandex. Site ranking provoked the need for specialists who know how to increase the position of the resource and raise portals in search results.

SEO specialists who can deftly "juggle" by user requests and compose the content of the site, steel on the "weight of gold". The employment of the site of the top position directly correlated with the profitability of the resource. Cees began to apply a diverse and ever-changing set of funds to raise ratings, and SEO has become a powerful industry with fabulous turnover.

SEO-MASTER functionality

The task of a specialist is to organize a mobile chain of actions and technologies to increase the site ranking in search results. The SEO optimizer carefully studies the positions of competitors' sites, their techniques, collects and analyzes statistics, improves content and comes up with new ways to promote.

The success and profitability of the customer's business of the Customer depends on the accuracy of the manipulation and correctness of the SEO-specialist strategy. Violation of algorithms of promotion is fraught with a decrease in attendance, loss of positions and lost profitability. Optimization is honest and transparent - "white", illegal - "black" and mixed type - "gray".

Traditions of the holiday

The main mission of the holiday is to increase the prestige of the profession of SEO administrator and the expression of appreciation for intellectual and creative work. On this day it is customary to conduct thematic conferences, profile seminars, business meetings, advanced training courses, presentations. The bruise of the industry is organized open webinars, useful workshops, master classes, as well as public testing of new programs.

The best professional wishes on the Optimizer of the Runet - "Top Positions in Issuing", "High Indicators of TIC" and "Cash".

Below is the archival news about the oldest action, which is not working now.

This is a very good, a rare opportunity to save so much, if you planned to take some kind of tool to facilitate labor and automation on the reference promotion of the site, Landing or YouTube channel, video is a man, allSubmitter or a top database. The Hrumemer is still automated promoted in popular social networks Vkontakte, Facebook, classmates and Mamba, sends a massively in personal forums, "smartly" talks on the forums and makes a lot of each other.

From the side of Dr.max for charitable purposes, a very large additional discount of 60% was made on a great large textbook "SEO Monster 2018. The second edition", which I definitely recommend everyone, and 50% per mega actual textbook "SEO-Guru 2018" on mobile Promotion, promotion in Google and regional promotion. Then all discounts will be completed and the cost will rise to ordinary 90 dollars per textbook.

Promotion charitable.

Part of the funds from this action goes to help Ceeboy Vitaly Timofeev. He had an operation on May 29 and there are still many expensive procedures, hope only for colleagues, no longer for whom, I am no longer talking about how he has to live. You can participate, or by purchasing something from the tools and manuals below, or directly listing Vitaly by the details of the link.

Promotion 1. Big Discounts on AllSubmitter 7.7 + Top Base 44 or Separate 50% Discount on Top Base

I and so usually go constant big discounts (30% on the software in this set and discount on the base), and the top base itself, which is carefully collected manually, is very little, just because many need not a complete base in the work - All existing topics and regions. And also because I love to give people more than expected for some amount.

Now I made discounts even more - maximum.

Promotion 2. Software complex Xrumer 16.0

Until May 31, 2018, an additional discount is inclusive on May 31 - 500 rubles (to the first discount of $ 40, to free learning and a bonuses of bonuses).

Total powerful software for automated promotion:

- smart promotion on forums
- posting messages on other types of sites (mainly guest, comments, template boards, etc. template sites)
- mass mailing in lichki on forums
- automated promotion in social networks Odnoklassniki, Facebook, VKontakte, Mamba
- White sites promotion
- Promotion of YouTube Channels, Rollers, Playlists
- Promotion in the overseas market in any languages
- Saves you a huge bunch of money on the breakdown of Captch at any other SEO and SMM SMM, very soon, during a couple of weeks will solve and recaptcha 2 from Google. Already more than 95% of work completed.

now these days the Xrumer software complex is only 8400 rubles.

Briefly: 12400 Pay the developer after my first discount, 30% gives the developer itself.

Plus I pay for you learning from an experienced specialist!

One of the latest reviews:

And, of course, a bone of bonuses:fresh purchased bases monthly, purchased kits for improved independent parsing of Russian and foreign bases, other useful bonuses, a bunch of training materials - more than 200 articles, video, manuals, courses, etc., and different other gifts!

The new Xevil, which is part of the program complex Ghrumber, are now 99% of the Catching in the world (including on any third-party software, there are more than 100 video to use in a bundle with any other SEO and SMM software only to solve Captch).

Promotion 3. 60% Discount on the latest guide "SEO Monster 2018. Second Edition"!

Attention! Already a new textbook "SEO-Monster 2020" (from May 2019, by 716 pages), you can buy it with a discount here.

Guide "SEO-Monster 2018. The Second Edition" for 430 pages on white quality promotion of sites on May 16, 2018.

To be sure! Moreover, so far such huge discounts are 60%!

One reviews:

Analysis 140+ ranking signals
434 Pages of Text
11 heads of leadership
New Cases
Mass practitioners
PDF file format
Version - 2.021
Release Date: May 16, 2018

Buyers are supported, consulting and assistance in mastering materials.

Guaranteed to update the manual to the current version.

My manual in this manual is a detailed practical chapter about the crowd marketing.

Promotion 4. 60% Discount on the SEO-Guru 2018 Guide!

A highly specialized textbook on mobile and regional search promotion, to promote Google.

Extremely relevant and important topics for spring-summer 2018.

Also take sure! Study and implement.

In the textbook, it is clear, from a practical point of view, all future problems with Mobile First are painted in terms of SEO and others, everything in the details and step-by-step instructions - what it threatens how to decide what to do.

Google now and desktop traffic will also directly depend on the mobile version of the site. How to promote mobile search, all technical and SEO-nuances, the effect of loading speed, correct translation on HTTPS, reference promotion, regional advancement in Google and many, many other extremely useful moments today.

All this is only 2 days for charitable purposes! Then the cost of the textbook will increase significantly.

Promotion 6. SEO Courses Dmitry Shakhov for 9 weeks from June 6

This is the largest and most interesting one from the proposed list - full-term training for 9 weeks from one of the most experienced SEO-experts Runet, with his personal feedback and answers to questions.

I passed the courses of Dmitry Shakhov "from and to", and I can say that this is for me - the best format for training SEO, which allows not only to know the topical theory of first-hand, but it is precisely applying it under the supervision of a well-known expert to his site And get the growth of traffic and sales.

Especially since there is now Plus now another discount of 3000 rubles on the seoknowhow code For this action in honor of the day of SEO-specialist!.

They start very soon - June 6, 2018. And you have a chance for the summer well to promote the selected site and get the system in the head, how and what to do.

Groups now make up only 40-50 people. Also on the course there is help in the employment of finalists (for someone it is very relevant).

With the development of the Internet, the number of sites is increasing. And for receiving information refer to search engines. For people who are engaged in such activities made a special holiday, they celebrate it on May 28.

Usually they are treated with a cake with a special logo, which refers to the computer industry. This event is mentioned in the media, the articles are printed in magazines.

SEO specialists celebrate their professional holiday since 2006. The date was set on the vote, which was held on the Searchengines Forum. This holiday is not recognized officially, but becomes more and more popular.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) means working with search engines with different methods.

SEO optimizers make work to raise pages in the search engine, reports 1RRE. They track the position of the site, collect and analyze statistical data, develop proposals for improving texts.

To date, this profession is very popular. From the work of the optimizer depends on the maintenance of the customer's business and its income.

CEO optimization appeared in Russia in the 90s, then the first search engines appeared. To date, the SEO industry has a million turnover.

You can submit three types of optimization:

- "White" optimization method, such sites are always interesting and occupy high positions. The optimizer monitors sites, monitor the quality of content.

- "Black optimization" are prohibited methods. Takes are used as spam, hidden text. These are real enemies for search engines.

- "Gray optimization" is not prohibited, but may be regarded as unnatural methods of website promotion. This makes it all the same to bring resources to the first positions.

Cee Day is celebrated on May 28: What is the work of the SEO of the Specialist

The work of the SEO specialist includes such steps.

  1. Analysis of the client site.
  2. Formation of the kernel of search queries.
  3. Creating a wide structure for the site.
  4. Audit, forming tasks for site optimization.
  5. Increase the popularity of pages.
  6. Content optimization.
  7. Clauling budget.
  8. Increased site usa.
  9. Increase the conversion rate from visitors to customers.
  10. Optimization by sections, categories.

On the day of optimization, it is customary to do different seminars, courses, conferences, presentations, master classes.

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