How to customize the start page in chrome. How to change the start page in Google Chrome (Google Chrome)

Any browser that will be installed on a smartphone will have its own default start page. The home page is a site that the user always gets to, as he re-turns the browser (including Google Chrome) or opens a new tab when working with the application.

The start page has several advantages:

  • Allows you to start working from scratch every time and without long closing of all tabs;
  • Has a search bar, which makes it easier to find it while working, as well as in the lower part - bookmarks and other applications (analogy with synchronization with other Google programs that are connected to the same email address);
  • You can download a version of Google Chrome, where the start page will also contain frequently visited sites;
  • This is the best option if you only use the Internet and your browser to find the information you need.

There are not so many disadvantages here, and most of them can be eliminated or get used to, and in addition to the absence of virtual (visual) bookmarks in the form of rectangles, which many users of the computer version of Chrome liked so much and the impossibility of installing themes to design the appearance, everything else is stylishly and harmoniously supported the name of a well-known company Google.

Possible alternatives when choosing the type of start page

When starting the Google Chrome application, the user either goes to the home page, where the search engine will be in the center, or he can choose the following browser start options:

  • Opening previously closed tabs in the last session of using the browser (this will work here, provided that you do not have the function of clearing the system and deleting the cache enabled, because all information about closed tabs is just added to the cache);
  • Set the desired address in the settings, which will be loaded first of all when the software starts;
  • Install the version of Chrome, which will be discussed below, and instead of a simple search engine, a function will be included that will add bookmarks in the form of squares for more convenient use.

This is where our freedom of choice is limited. Google does not yet offer any extensions in the mobile version and does not create additional programs that would change or increase the options for the home page.

Typical startup problems

The most important problem at startup is the appearance of errors like an unsecured connection or lack of a network on the smartphone.

To solve this situation, it is necessary to check and correct the specified data in case of non-compliance:

Another problem is the problem in trying to change the start window to a different address. But Google Chrome will never change settings without your knowledge and even more - permission.

To solve the problem, it is enough to do the following:

  1. We open the application called "Google Chrome" or "Browser".
  2. Press the "Menu" button on the phone control panel or in the upper right corner of the browser.
  3. We select "Settings" and go to the application settings.
  4. We are looking for the "General" tab and from the list we need the item "Start page".
  5. Going into it, we will be asked to change the URL address.
  6. Enter the site address we need, for example: "" (without quotes and with the words www).

Other problems are not common, so there is no need to talk about them if you are using the browser only for its intended purpose.

We set the look of bookmarks, as in the computer version of the browser

If you like the way your bookmarks and favorite sites are located on the PC version, you can do the same on your smartphone. It will look something like the photo below.

This feature can only be installed in mobile browsers "Chrome Beta" and "Chrome Dev" and it is still in beta testing.

The process itself after installing one of these versions of Google Chrome will take you no more than one minute.

After the standard Google has been replaced with one of the necessary ones, we do the following:

There are no differences between browsers in terms of performance and feedback from sites, so you can use any version, but this function did not start in regular Google Chrome.

What is a Welcome Page? Let's understand what the Google Chrome start page is and what it is for. When you start Google Chrome, the first thing you see is the window shown in Figure 1. This is the welcome page. It is also called the start page or quick access page, although in reality these are slightly different concepts.

Without applying the settings, such a page looks aimless and empty. So, if you have not changed anything in the settings of the start page, then after launching the browser you will see a window similar to that in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Google Chrome start page

At the top of the page there is a bookmark bar, which serves to store and quickly access the sites that you save yourself. To the left of the bookmarks bar is the "Applications" button, by clicking on which you can view already installed applications or download new ones in the Google Chrome store. You probably immediately noticed the squares on the page. They are called tabs, they serve to quickly jump to the most visited Internet pages. This is why this page is referred to as the "Google Chrome Quick Access Page".

How do I customize the welcome page?

All changes to the Google Chrome quick access page are made through the settings menu in the Customize and Control Google Chrome window. You can open this panel by following these steps - open the browser, click on the icon in the upper corner on the right side and select the "Settings" item in the menu that appears (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Setting up the welcome page

In the window that appears, go to the "Settings" tab. You will see the section "Initial group", in which the start page is actually configured (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - Setting up the welcome page

The Starter Group section contains three different choices:

  • Quick Access Page - After launching the browser, the start page will open with bookmarks and most visited sites.
  • Continue from where you left off - Launch will open the pages you viewed and left open before exiting Google Chrome in the past.
  • Next Pages - When you select this item, you manually add pages that will be displayed when the browser starts.

Google Chrome start page extensions

For many users, it is inconvenient that in the Google Chrome browser you cannot choose the sites for tabs on the start page yourself. But it is much more convenient when there is an opportunity to choose Internet pages for quick access. This problem can be solved by installing a specific Google Chrome extension. It is assumed that you can download and install special browser add-ons. They provide the ability to change the welcome page the way you want. Below is a description of one of these extensions.

FVD Speed \u200b\u200bDials add-on
The welcome page of the Google Chrome browser can be customized to your liking using the FVD extension. To download it, you need to go to the Google Chrome store and enter the add-on name in the search field (Figure 4, Figure 5). After installation, the FVD icon will be displayed in the upper right corner.

Figure 4 - Google Chrome Store

Figure 5 - Google Chrome Store

After installing the add-on, the quick access page will look as shown in Figure 6. You can also delete, create, group your tabs and divide them into categories. Now the matter is limited only by your imagination.

Figure 6 - FVD Speed \u200b\u200bDial

Setting up the start page in the Google Chrome browser - this is a business that does not require a lot of time and which even an inexperienced user can handle. You can make your work on the Internet easier and more comfortable thanks to the standard browser settings and using special extensions.

Do you know the situation when the start page changes in the browser? Why it happens. This happens, for example, after installing a program that automatically sets its default values \u200b\u200band adds unnecessary plugins and extensions. Or is it the result of viruses. Let's consider how to change the start page in chrome.

What is it for

In google chrome, the start page is what the user sees first when they open their browser. It turns out she's customizable. This is convenient for users who begin by viewing a single resource. Mailbox, or news portal. Let's see how to do this.

How to change

Follow the sequence of these steps:

Press the button with three dots and go to the settings. Next, click on the link additionally. The same as in the first case. Next, in the launch settings, select three change options:

Let's consider each of these methods.

How to open previously opened tabs

Configure chrome so that the tabs that are left when you close the browser will automatically open the next time you load. We mark the item "Previously open".

Now you don't have to look for information if you closed your browser. It will load the tabs automatically.

New inset

Tell the browser to open from a blank window.

This option will be useful for those whose browser often crashes. Although chrome is a stable browser, if it is heavily "loaded" (opening many sites), then crashes are inevitable. Especially if it runs on a low-power PC.

Change through the specified pages

If you check the item "Set". Two options are displayed: add and use the current one.

The first option sets several pages that will open when the browser starts. To do this, click on "Add".

Set several sites you want. Change or remove them as needed. Click on the button to the right of the address.

They will now load automatically when you open the browser.

The second method allows you to select the desired pages from the existing ones. Click on the "Use current" button. Choose the ones you need from the list.

What to do next

We figured out how to change the start page. Now you need to understand the reasons for its change. It can be a virus or installed software, if you have not noticed that the developer wants to become the start page in the browser. What to do? There are 3 ways to solve this problem. Let's consider them in more detail.

Cleaning through settings

In the settings, look at the list of sites. It is possible that, in addition to the installed ones, those that did not add appeared. Delete them.


Find the "Factory data reset" section.

This function clears all installed settings. Only the default ones will remain.

Cleaning through a shortcut

Click on the chrome shortcut with the right mouse button and select "Properties". A new window will open where you will look at the contents of the "Object" parameter. After the "exe" extension, nothing should be written. If there is any inscription, delete it and save the settings.

The shortcut is duplicated on the taskbar and start menu, so follow the steps above for all shortcuts.

What to do if the start page is constantly changing

So there are viruses. Check your PC for them with an antivirus program. Google, offers, if the Chrome browser behaves suspiciously, to install the cleaning tool developed by it. Download it at:

How to change using an extension

The attentive reader will think. How to access a whole group of sites. Use the extension for this. For example, I have “Visual Bookmarks” installed. To install it, go to the Chrome online store. Located at\u003dchrome-app-launcher-info-dialog.


Changing the start page in google chrome is not difficult. Use the methods described above and your work will be more convenient. I like to use an extension that allows quick access to the desired site. Don't forget to check your system for viruses. Download a special utility from the developers of Chrome, and periodically check your browser with it if you notice that it began to work differently.

In simple terms, the start page is the first page that the user sees in the browser window. It depends solely on the settings, the user can easily make changes to them in order to organize a comfortable work process. After installing the browser, a so-called express panel is usually used instead of the start page. It is a collection of tiles (last opened pages). They are also quite convenient, as you can freely add and remove new bookmarks in just one click.

It is very convenient when, after starting the browser, the search engine opens immediately. That is why you can make it so that the home page was a well-known Google search engine. For example, if you need to find some information very quickly, then you just need to launch the browser and enter the required request. This way you can save time and ultimately get the information you need.

If you still need to replace the start page with Google, then you just need to decide on the browser and follow the steps described below. The instructions will cover the setup process in 4 different browsers (Opera, IE, Chrome, Firefox). They are the most common, so there is no point in mentioning any other utilities.

Changing the start page in Chrome won't take too long. There are only two steps to take:

In the Opera browser, the process for changing settings is slightly different, but also not overly complicated.

In order to make the start page of Google in the Firefox browser, follow these steps:

How to make your Google start page in Internet Explorer

Despite the fact that Internet Explorer is not very popular, some users may need to change the start page in IE.

Thus, we can definitely say that changing the start page is a trifling matter. To do this, you do not need to have too much knowledge in the computer field, that is, even a beginner can perform the setting. If you repeat all the steps described in the instructions sequentially and step by step, then no problems should arise. If suddenly the page has not been changed, then you need to try to re-read the article again, perhaps some detail went unnoticed. In order to organize your work more comfortably, you can spend a couple of minutes in order to properly configure the browser. After all, it is much more convenient when, upon entering the browser, a familiar search engine opens, and not an ordinary blank page.

Internet users have at their disposal millions of sites with a variety of useful information. You can set the most useful or frequently used page as your home page. When Chrome starts, you will be automatically redirected to the specified resource. This could be your favorite search engine, news site, social network, or useful information page. This article provides a detailed guide on how you can change and customize the start (home) page in Google Chrome.

Chrome start page

The Google Chrome browser supports the ability to create multiple home sites at once. In this case, they will all be open in separate tabs. In order to change the list, delete its elements or install new ones, you need to go to the browser settings page.

You can always change the list, remove unnecessary objects from it and add actual ones.

Some sites support a special service that makes them easy to start. For example, you can go to the Yandex portal ( In the upper part of the window there is a button "Make Yandex homepage". By activating it, you will add the resource to the list without going into Google settings. It will be possible to remove or change this site in the standard way.

Home page

The main or home resource allows you to quickly get to a specific page. To activate this service, you need to customize the appearance of your browser. Go to "Settings" and in the "Appearance" category, check the box next to "Show the" Home "button. If you need to remove the button, just disable the option.

Now click on "Change" and specify the address of the desired page, for example, the Yandex search engine. You can call it at any time using the "house" icon on the left edge of the search bar.

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