Reasons for the transition from an industrial society to an information society. Agrarian, industrial and information society

Agrarian society can be characterized from various points of view.

In economic terms, an agricultural society, as its name implies, is based on agriculture. Moreover, such a society can be not only land-holding, like the society of ancient Egypt, China or medieval Russia, but also based on cattle breeding, as the nomadic steppe powers of Eurasia (Khazar Khaganates, the empire of Genghis Khan, etc.).

Methods of distribution of a product produced in a company and (or) means of its production (for example, land):

1)Redistribution(economic relations are redistributive, i.e. redistributed). The entire production product is collected in a "common boiler" and distributed in accordance with the social status of each. This position is determined by different criteria (origin, need, special merit or ability, for example, magical, etc.)

2)Market(economic relations - market). It is based on a system of equivalent exchange of a product produced by some people for another product made by others.

Characteristic of a traditional agrarian society is the dominance of redistributive relations, which can be expressed in various forms: centralized state economy of ancient Egypt and medieval China; Russian peasant community, where redistribution is expressed in regular redistribution of the land by the number of consumers, etc. However, even with the dominance of redistributive relations, the market in one form or another always exists. But, as a rule, market relations are limited to a narrow circle of goods, most often luxury goods of that time: the medieval European aristocracy, getting everything they needed on their estates, bought mainly jewelry, spices, expensive weapons of thoroughbred horses, etc.

Medieval European subsistence farming was a form of redistribution, since the king, emperor and even the Lord God himself (represented by the church) were considered the main owner of the land, and any feudal lord, taking possession of his (even if really hereditary) estate, symbolically transferred it to the lord (in “Common cauldron”) and received it back, taking a vassal oath.

AT sociallyagrarian society was characterized by a rigid personal attachment of each person to the system of redistributive relations. This attachment was manifested in the fact that each member of the society was included in some collective performing this redistribution, and depending on each of the “elders” (by age, origin, social status), who determine who should receive and how much your work. Consequently, the agrarian society was divided into numerous collectives, and the transition from one to another was difficult (was it easy for a medieval peasant to become a master or even an apprentice, of some craft workshop or become a knight).

Man was valuable insofar as he belonged to a certain estate and outside of it lost all significance. Moreover, not only the position of the estate in the social hierarchy was valuable, but also the fact of belonging to it. Therefore, the peasant was not at all offended by his peasant share; he did not envy the representatives of other groups if his estate rights were not violated.

Another criterion for social division can be called community:peasant neighborhood community, craft workshop, merchant guild, monastic or knightly order, monastery, thieves' corporations. A person outside the community was seen as outcast and suspicious. Therefore, expulsion from the community was one of the worst punishments in any of the agricultural societies.

Political structurethe vast majority of agrarian societies were determined and determined to a greater extent by tradition and custom. Power could be justified by the origin, scale of controlled distribution (land, food, water in the East) and reinforced by religion (which is why the personality of the ruler was often deified).

More often political structure of the agrarian societywas monarchicalthat is, at the head of society was the monarch - king, king, emir, sheikh, sultan, emperor. And even in the republics of antiquity and the Middle Ages, real power, as a rule, belonged to representatives of noble families.

In addition, the merging of power and property is characteristic of agrarian societies — those who had great power controlled both the property of society or the richest possessed power corresponding to wealth.

The cultural life of agrarian societies was also determined by traditions, and was determined by estate, communal and power relations. The term “tradition” can be considered as an oral transmission of socially and culturally significant information from generation to generation. Hence the orientation of people's consciousness to the past, to the reproduction of the same patterns of behavior and relationships. Therefore, the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial progress in an agrarian society is practically unrealistic.

The 18th century marked the emergence of new phenomena in society, which changed the economic face of Europe. It is, first and foremost, about industrial revolution.In place of the home organization of production, consisting of a family of landowners, servants and serfs; or the family of an urban artisan, unmarried apprentices, civilian workers and servants, large-scale industry came with thousands of hired workers at one enterprise, with large workshop areas and sophisticated equipment.

Thanks to the success of medicine, improved sanitary conditions of life and quality of nutrition, mortality is reduced and average life expectancy is growing. The population is also increasing. People are increasingly migrating from village to city - in search of a more comfortable life, various leisure activities, and great opportunities to get an education. This migration of the rural population and its transformation into an urban expansion of the share of the urban population and the spread of urban lifestyle was called "urbanization".

Urbanization is becoming an integral part of another process - industrialization(from French industry- industriousness, art in crafts and industry). Industrialization- The process of creating large-scale machine production. Industrialization - the application of scientific knowledge to industrial technology, the discovery of new energy sources that allow machines to perform the work that people or heavy animals used to do. The flagship of industrialization was England, the birthplace of machine production, free enterprise and a new type of legislation.

During the transition to an industrial society, particular development division of labor:tens of thousands of new professions appeared, most of them unknown to agrarian society.

Industrialization is associated not only with the industrial revolution that began in England, but also with the political revolution of the French Revolution. The first gave humanity economic freedoms and a new social structure — division into classes, and the second — political freedoms and rights, as well as a new political form of society — democracy.

In this way, industrial society- this is an industrial society or such a stage of development of a society that replaces an agricultural society. The term belongs to A. Saint-Simon, and the concept of industrial society became widespread in the 50-60s. 20th century (R. Aron, W. Rostow, D. Bell and others). The formation of an industrial society is associated with the spread of large-scale machine production, urbanization, the adoption of a market economy and the emergence of entrepreneurs and employees.

Industrial society became in the XIX century. in Western Europe and America. Its main features: machine production, rational (technologically feasible, cost-effective) organization of social labor, a free market, a state system that ensures the unity of civil rights, equal opportunities, including for education and social advancement.

The timing and pace of industrialization in different countries is not the same (for example, Great Britain turned into an industrial country in the middle of the 19th century, and France in the early 20s of the 20th century). In Russia, industrialization has been successfully developing since the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Since the late 20s. industrialization was forcedly carried out by the totalitarian regime by violent methods due to a sharp restriction of the standard of living of the majority of the population, exploitation of the peasantry.

In addition, individual characteristics of industrial society were considered in the framework of various theories.

According to theories of social mobility(formulated by P. Sorokin) industrial society is a system open to the movement of people from one social group to another with a greater or lesser social status.

Within institutional theoryenglish philosopher C. Popper believes that industrial society is open society(rational thinking prevails in such a society, there is criticism, individualism). The opposite of an open society is a closed society (it is distinguished by the presence of a mandatory official ideology, submission to authoritarian rulers, collectivism).

By theories of modernizationindustrial society is a system, progressive, developing. Modernization, according to a number of scientists, leads to convergence, that is, to a mutual mixing of the characteristic features of society, to uniformity in the structure, life and development between industrial societies.

According to a number of researchers, class conflicts on property issues and the rights of certain sections of society characterize the early stage of an industrial society (capitalism of the period of free competition), but as a developed state is achieved in such a society, cooperation relations governed by law, agreements and contracts begin to prevail.

With regard to the role of cities, it should be noted that if cities played an important, but not the main role in an agrarian society, then in the industrial one this role became a leading one.

In pre-industrial (traditional, agrarian) society, agriculture was the determining factor in development, and the church and army were the main institutions of government. In industrial, industry, with a corporation and a firm in charge. In post-industrial, theoretical knowledge became a determining factor, with educational institutions as the place where it appeared and concentrated.

Western sociologists began to consider a developed industrial society from the middle of the 20th century as a “new industrial (post-industrial)society". His theory began to develop an American economist D. Galbraith. He believed that this was a society that experienced a revolution (sharp and significant increase) in income, formed a new and large middle class of skilled workers, and most importantly, ensured a high level of mass consumption (hence the concepts of "mass society", "consumer society").

A new industrial (post-industrial) society is characterized by a separation of ownership and management, which passes to engineers and managers. Theories of the technocratic revolution and the managerial revolution are devoted to this division, for example, the theory of the "ruling elite" of the American sociologist C. Mills. Their essence is that state policy is increasingly determined by specialists who have knowledge of the laws of technological development and production management methods.

In the post-industrial society, the service sector is coming to the fore, that is, the commodity-producing economy, having reached the pinnacle of development, is giving way to the servicing economy, and this means the superiority of the services sector over the production sector.

In post-industrial society, science and education occupy the main place; in the social structure, the leading role is transferred to scientists and professional specialists; theoretical knowledge serves as a source of innovation (innovation) and the basis for the formation of politics; production, distribution and consumption of information is becoming the predominant area of \u200b\u200bsociety.

According to scientists, the social structure is also changing: class division gives way to professional division.

In the framework of this stage of development of society, two new types of resources are introduced into circulation: informational and human. Information resources are understood as accumulated knowledge that is necessary for life. Access to them is carried out through a global communication system through personal computer terminals. Information resources, among other things, include the individual knowledge of specialists. Like other types of resources, they can be sold and bought.

Thus, the basis of the information society is the human factor, which is considered along with other factors - economic, machine, natural. The meaning of the human factor is that, despite the achievements in the development of complex equipment and technology, the role of the person serving this equipment has not decreased, but, on the contrary, is growing.

REMEMBER!   Life-threatening stresses are brought to each workplace.

During operation, you should be extremely careful.

In order to avoid an accident, electric shock, equipment breakdown, it is recommended that the following rules be followed:
  Enter the computer classroom calmly, without rushing, without pushing, without touching furniture and equipment, and only with the permission of the teacher.
  Do not turn computers on or off without teacher permission.
  Do not touch the power wires and connectors of the connecting cables.
  Do not touch the screen or the back of the monitor.
  Do not place objects in the workplace.
  Do not get up when visitors enter the office.
  Do not try to fix equipment malfunctions yourself; in case of malfunctions and malfunctions in the computer immediately stop working and inform the teacher.
  Work on the keyboard with clean, dry hands; easily press the keys, avoiding sharp blows and without holding the keys pressed.

REMEMBER!   If you do not take precautions, working at a computer can be harmful to your health.

In order not to harm your health, you must follow a number of simple recommendations:
  Improper fit at the computer can cause pain in the shoulders and lower back. Therefore, sit down freely, without tension, without slouching, without bending over or leaning on the back of a chair. Put your legs directly on the floor, one next to the other, but stretch them and do not bend.
  If the chair is adjustable, then it should be adjusted so that the angle between the shoulder and forearm is slightly more than the straight line. The body should be 15-16 cm from the table. The line of sight should be directed to the center of the screen. If you have glasses for continuous wear, wear glasses.
  The shoulders should be relaxed when working, the elbows should touch the body slightly. The forearms should be at the same height as the keyboard.
  If you work hard for a long time, your eyes will overwork, so every 5 minutes take your eyes off the screen and look at something that is far away.

Proper fit

The most important thing

1. When working at a computer, you must remember: life-threatening voltage is connected to each workstation. Therefore, during operation, you must be extremely careful and comply with all safety requirements.

2. To ensure that working at a computer is not harmful to health, it is necessary to take precautionary measures and monitor the proper organization of your workplace.

Safety Poster

From an industrial society to an information society

After studying this topic, you will learn:

How do information revolutions affect the development of civilization;
- What are the characteristics of an industrial society;
- what is the information society;
- what is the essence of informatization of society.

On the role and significance of information revolutions

At the dawn of civilization, man had enough basic knowledge and primitive skills. As society developed, participation in information processes required not only individual, but also collective knowledge and experience, contributing to the correct processing of information and the adoption of necessary decisions. For this, a person needed various devices. The stages of the appearance of means and methods of information processing that have caused fundamental changes in society are defined as information revolutions. At the same time, society moves to a higher level of development and gains a new quality. Information revolutions determine the turning points in world history, after which new stages of the development of civilization begin, fundamentally new technologies appear and develop.

The first information revolution is associated with the invention of writing, which led to a giant qualitative leap in the development of civilization. It became possible to accumulate knowledge in writing to pass it on to future generations. From the standpoint of computer science, this can be assessed as the emergence of a qualitatively new (compared with the oral form) means and methods of accumulating information.

The second information revolution (mid-16th century) began in the Renaissance and is associated with the invention of printing, which changed human society, culture and organization of activities in the most radical way. Typography is one of the first information technologies. A person has not just received new means of accumulation, systematization and replication of information. The massive distribution of printed materials made cultural values \u200b\u200bpublicly available, and opened up the possibility of independent and targeted development of the individual. From the point of view of computer science, the significance of this revolution is that it has put forward a more advanced way of storing information.

The third information revolution (the end of the 19th century) was connected with the invention of electricity, thanks to which a telegraph, telephone and radio appeared, which made it possible to quickly transmit information in any volume. There was an opportunity to provide a more rapid exchange of information between people. This stage is important for computer science primarily because it marked the emergence of information communication tools.

The fourth information revolution (70s of the XX century) is associated with the invention of microprocessor technology and the advent of personal computers. This stimulated the transition from mechanical and electrical means of converting information to electronic, which led to the miniaturization of nodes, devices, instruments, machines and the emergence of program-controlled devices and processes. Computers, computer networks, data transmission systems (information and communication systems), etc. began to be created on microprocessors and integrated circuits. Thanks to this revolution, for the first time in the history of its development, mankind has received a means to strengthen its own intellectual activity. This tool is a computer.

The impetus for the fourth information revolution was the invention in the mid 40-ies of the XX century, electronic computers (computers). Further work on improving the principles of their work and element base, that is, component parts, led to the emergence of microprocessor technology, and then personal computers. For a better visualization of the relationship of these processes, we consider and compare the achievements in the field of computer technology, as a result of which the generation of computers has changed (Table 1.1).

As can be seen from the table, the emergence of a new type of computer was determined by the invention of a new element base. From the standpoint of informatics, the fourth information revolution can be connected with the advent of fourth-generation computers - a personal computer, which allows solving the problem of storing and transmitting information at a qualitatively new level.

The information revolution that took place in the 70s led to the fact that human civilization by the beginning of the 21st century was in a state of transition from the industrial phase of its development to the information one.

Let us consider what are the main features of these periods and how the transition from one phase to another was carried out.

Table 1.1. Generations of computers

Characteristics of an industrial society

Industrial society is primarily focused on the development of industry, the improvement of the means of production, the strengthening of the system of accumulation and capital control. It replaced the agrarian society, where relations in agriculture related to the system of land use and land tenure were decisive.

The transition to industrial society took place quite intensively, almost simultaneously in many countries of the world, and was associated with the second industrial revolution, the results of which were especially pronounced in the middle of the 20th century. A major role in the preparation of this revolution was played by the successes of natural science of the late XIX - early XX centuries. As a rule, its beginning is associated with the discovery of an electron, radium, the conversion of chemical elements, the creation of the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. The invention of electricity and radio had a huge practical impact on the development of industry. The second industrial revolution, often referred to as scientific and technical, marked the complete overhaul of the technical base and production technology. Soon, this process spread to other areas: agriculture, transport, communications, medicine, education, and everyday life.

In order to get a comprehensive understanding of industrial society, it is necessary to answer the question of what industry is, what it gives to humanity, what it consumes.

As a rule, industry is divided into two sectors - mining and manufacturing, the task of which is to provide mankind with the necessary raw materials, means of production and commodities. In an industrial society, an important role is played by the process of innovations in production, that is, the introduction into production of the latest achievements of scientific and technical thought: inventions, ideas, proposals. This process is called innovative.

Industrial society is a society determined by the level of development of industry and its technical base.

The criterion for assessing the level of development of an industrial society is not only the level of development of industrial production. The volume of consumer goods and durable goods produced should also be taken into account: automobiles, refrigerators, televisions, washing machines, etc.

Characteristics of the Information Society

Since very recently, no one had imagined that very soon humanity would be on the verge of a new era in the development of civilization - information.

In the information society, the activities of both individuals and groups will increasingly depend on their awareness and ability to effectively use the available information. It is known that before taking any action, it is necessary to carry out a lot of work on the collection and processing of information, its understanding and analysis, and, finally, finding the most rational solution. This requires the processing of large amounts of information, which may not be possible for a person without the involvement of special technical means.

The use of computers in all spheres of human activity will provide access to reliable sources of information, save people from routine work, accelerate the adoption of optimal decisions, and automate the processing of information in the production and social spheres. As a result, the driving force for the development of society should be the production of not a material, but an information product. As for the material product, it will become more “information-intensive” and its cost will largely depend on the amount of innovation allowed in its structure, on the design decision, on the quality of marketing.

In the information society, not only production will change, but also the whole way of life, the value system, the importance of cultural leisure in relation to material values \u200b\u200bwill increase. Compared to an industrial society, where everything is aimed at the production and consumption of goods, in the information society, the means and product of production will be intelligence and knowledge, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in the share of mental labor. A person will need the ability to be creative; the demand for knowledge will increase.

The material and technical basis of the information society will be various kinds of systems based on computer technology and computer networks, information technology, telecommunication systems.

The information society is a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing, sale and exchange of information.

At the beginning of the XXI century, the picture of the information society created by theorists is gradually acquiring visible outlines. It is predicted that the entire world will become a single computerized and informational community of people living in houses equipped with all kinds of electronic devices and “smart” devices. People’s activities will focus mainly on information processing, and the production of energy and material products will be entrusted to machines.

Informatization as a process of transforming an industrial society into an informational one

Today, the world has accumulated enormous information potential, which people cannot use to the full extent due to the limitations of their capabilities. This situation, called the information crisis, put society before the need to find ways out of this situation. The introduction of modern means of processing and transmitting information in various fields of activity served as the beginning of the evolutionary process of transition from industrial to information society. This process is called informatization. In order to understand the role of this process in history, we can draw an analogy with the concept of “industrialization”, which meant the transition from an agrarian society to an industrial one.

We give a more complete definition of informatization, based on the wording used in the law of the Russian Federation “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” adopted by the State Duma on January 25, 1995.

Informatization is a process in which conditions are created to satisfy the needs of any person in obtaining the necessary information.

Now in any country in one way or another, the process of informatization. Some countries are already on the threshold of the information society, while others still have a long way to go. It depends on many objective factors, which include economic and political stability, the level of development of the country's industry, the presence of a state transition program, and many other factors.

Informatization of society is one of the laws of modern social progress. The term “informatization” resolutely replaces the term “computerization”, which was widely used until recently. With external similarity, these concepts have a significant difference.

In the computerization of society, the main attention is paid to the development and implementation of the technical base - computers that ensure the accumulation of information and the rapid receipt of the results of its processing.

In informatization of society, the main attention is paid to a set of measures aimed at ensuring the full use of reliable, comprehensive and operational knowledge in all types of human activity.

Thus, the informatization of society is a broader concept than computerization. The emphasis in it is not so much on technical means, but on the essence and purpose of socio-technical progress as a whole. Computers - this is only the basic technical component of the process of informatization of society.

Informatization is not a tribute to fashion, but a regular process of the development of society at a new stage, where the basis of all processes is information and knowledge. Informatization of society has a revolutionary impact on all spheres of human society, changes the living conditions and culture of people. For each country, its movement from the industrial stage of development to the information one is determined by the degree of informatization of society.

The process of informatization of society is the basic component of the fifth information revolution. The result of the process of informatization is the creation of an information society in which the main role is played by intelligence and knowledge.

Test questions and tasks


1. Highlight the main characteristics of each information revolution.

2. Using information from the Internet or from directories, select several indicators that most characterize the level of development of an industrial society.

3. Using information from the Internet or from directories, select several indicators that most characterize the level of development of the information society.

4. Compare the development levels of several countries and draw a conclusion regarding their belonging to the phases of development of human society.

5. Give examples that reflect the process of informatization.

test questions

1. How do you understand the information revolution? Are they inevitable?

2. What caused the information revolution? Tell us about each of them.

3. Give a brief description of computer generations and relate them to the information revolution.

4. What defines an industrial society?

5. Is there a connection between the industrial and information revolutions?

6. How do you represent the information society?

7. Is our society informational? Justify the answer.

8. What is the essence of the process of informatization?

9. What is the difference between the processes of computerization and informatization?

10. What determines the fifth information revolution?

Option No. 124402

Answers to tasks 1-20 are a digit, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Record answers without spaces, commas or other additional characters; do not copy answer words from the browser, enter them by typing from the keyboard. By completing task 29, you can show your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, select only one of the proposed statements (29.1-29.5).

If the option is set by the teacher, you can enter the answers to the tasks of Part C or upload them to the system in one of the graphic formats. The teacher will see the results of completing the tasks of Part B and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to Part C. The points set by the teacher will be displayed in your statistics.

Print and copy version in MS Word

In the transition from the industrial to the information society

1) manual labor is replaced by machine

2) the importance of science and education

3) the role of the agricultural sector is increasing

4) a democratic state is being formed


Relative truth is knowledge

1) unreliable

2) false, erroneous

3) reliable, but incomplete

4) shared by the majority


Students study economic literature relating to the creation and use of material resources of society. This is an example of activity.

1) material production

2) educational

3) value-orientation

4) socially transformative


Are the following judgments about personality formation true?

BUT.   Hereditary, innate, individual properties of a person do not affect the formation of his personality.

B.   The formation of a person’s personality is associated exclusively with social interactions.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are incorrect


At the peak of business activity

1) cyclical unemployment is high

2) structural unemployment is high

3) high inflation

4) inflation is low


In country A., coal was no longer used in the energy sector. Most of the mines closed, the miners lost their jobs. What type of unemployment is observed in country A.?

1) cyclic

2) structural

3) friction

4) seasonal


The subject of taxation is

1) company income

2) legal entity

3) property of the enterprise

4) hectare of land


The figure shows changes in demand for cars in the corresponding market (demand line D has moved to a new position Dl). (P is the price of the goods, Q is the quantity of the goods.)

This movement is primarily associated with

1) improving the technology of automobile production

2) reducing the costs of car manufacturers

3) an increase in the volume of public transport services

4) increase in population income


Are the following judgments about inflation true?

BUT.   A salary increase cannot cause inflation.

B.   An increase in the supply of goods cannot cause an increase in inflation.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are incorrect.


In country Z, peasants and the urban poor are limited in access to quality education and health care. This fact is reflected

1) social mobility

2) social inequality

3) social structure

4) social control


In recent decades, the demographic situation in Z has caused great concern to the authorities. Statistical studies of various demographic aspects are regularly conducted, including the age-sex composition of the working-age population. The data from one of the studies are presented in the diagram.

What conclusion can be made based on the diagram data?

1) The number of men of working age in 2000 is greater than in 1990, 1993 and 1996.

2) The number of women of working age is decreasing from year to year.

3) The number of men of working age is growing faster than women.

4) The number of men of working age is growing more slowly than women.


Are the following judgments about social inequality true?

A. Social inequality arose with the transition of society to the industrial stage of development.

B. Social inequality is expressed in the unequal access of social groups to the scarce resources of society.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are incorrect


The communicative component of the political system includes

1) political parties and movements

2) relations of civil institutions and government bodies

3) political ideas and doctrines

4) methods of political participation of citizens


The main point of conducting an election campaign is to

1) provide support to candidates for elected posts

2) enable voters to get acquainted with the programs of applicants

3) activate political life in the country

4) help parties gain experience in the political struggle


Every 5 years, parliamentary elections are held in country Z. The seats in the parliament are received by parties with more than 9% of the vote, and the winner is the party or block of parties with the most votes. Which of the following features is characteristic of this type of electoral system?

1) All officially registered political parties are represented in parliament.

2) The number of deputy seats is determined by the percentage of votes won by the party in the election.

4) In the country, single-mandate constituencies are created to nominate candidates and conduct elections.


Are the following judgments about electoral systems true?

A. In a proportional system, only one candidate is elected from each constituency.

B. Under the majority system, the absolute majority of the votes is gained by the candidate for whom at least 50% + 1 voter has voted.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are incorrect


Which of the offenses is administrative?

1) collection of voter signatures in a prohibited place

2) theft of property belonging to the criminal

3) falsification of election results

4) publication of an article discrediting the honor of a citizen


War crimes and crimes against humanity in accordance with international law

1) have a limitation period of 5 years

2) have a limitation period of 10 years

3) have a limitation period of 20 years

4) do not have a statute of limitations


Citizens of a foreign state performed construction work at the entrepreneur’s summer house. The district inspector, having checked their documents, found that they did not have documents allowing them to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation. What kind of administrative responsibility will citizens of a foreign state be brought to?

2) confiscation of tools

3) expulsion from the Russian Federation

4) disqualifications


Are the following judgments about international humanitarian law true?

A. International humanitarian law prohibits the use of certain weapons, such as anti-personnel mines and shaped-charge shells.

B. International humanitarian law prohibits the use of physical torture or degrading measures against captured soldiers.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are incorrect


Write down the word that is missing in the table.



Below are a number of specifications. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the concept of “state apparatus”.

System of bodies, authority, officials, representative democracy, competence, executive and administrative bodies, public order policing bodies.

Find and indicate a characteristic that relates to another concept.


Establish a correspondence between the main functions and the law enforcement authorities of the Russian Federation that perform them.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Find the human properties of a social nature in the list below. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) the ability to joint transformative activities

2) the desire for self-realization

3) the ability to adapt to natural conditions

4) sustainable views of the world and its place in it

5) need for water, food, rest


Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

(A) Elite or “high” art is in decline today. (B) The circulation of literary classics fell. (B) Modern composers rarely create opera works. (D) All this has a most detrimental effect on the aesthetic tastes and preferences of the public.

Determine which text positions are

1) factual nature

2) the nature of value judgments

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Read the text below that omits a series of words. Select from the list of words that you want to insert in the place of the gaps.

“A man lives in ________ (A), and his actions are determined by the formation, development in the human collective. You can not live among people without entering into certain ________ (B) with others. In the conditions of modern Russia and the emerging new social relations, market ________ (B) and competition, the role of a meaningful orientation of a person in the environment significantly increases. Without an understanding of what is happening around, it is impossible to navigate correctly in life, to establish normal relationships with other people and public ________ (D). And social psychology provides invaluable assistance in this. Social psychology studies ________ (D) psychological phenomena that occur during the social interaction of people. The role of ________ (E) at the disposal of social psychology has now increased significantly. ”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Choose one word after another, mentally filling each gap. Please note that there are more words on the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

1) knowledge2) society3) group
4) position5) attitude6) the norm
7) pattern8) behavior9) economics

The table below shows the letters for missing words. Write down the number of the word you have selected in the table under each letter.



Choose from the proposed signs of the rule of law. Write down the answer in numbers without commas or spaces.

1) the presence of a system of taxes and fees

2) separation and independence of the branches of government

3) a system of checks and balances of the branches of power

4) the rule of law, its equal effect for all

5) ramified law enforcement system

6) the ratio of the national currency with the currencies of other countries


Choose a concept that summarizes the rest of the concepts in the series below. Write down this word (phrase).


Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

A man cannot exist in the world without learning to navigate it. Orientation depends on the ability of people to adequately comprehend the world, correlating knowledge about the world and knowledge about themselves. Therefore, the question of knowledge is one of the most philosophical.

Cognition in a first approximation can be defined as a set of processes that provide a person with the opportunity to receive, process and use information about the world and about himself.

Those phenomena or processes on which the cognitive activity of people is directed are usually called the object of knowledge. One who carries out cognitive activity acquires the status of a subject of knowledge. The subject of knowledge can be an individual, group, society as a whole.

Thus, cognition is a specific form of interaction between the subject and the object of cognition, the ultimate goal of which is to obtain the truth, which ensures the development of the object taking into account the needs of the subject ...

Hence the need to investigate the relationship mechanism that arises between the subject receiving knowledge and the object as a source of knowledge, between the subject and knowledge, between knowledge and the object ...

When considering the problem of the relationship between the subject and knowledge, a complex of questions arises. In part, they arise in connection with the development by the subject of already accumulated knowledge (monographs, schemes, formulas, tables, etc.). The development of ready-made knowledge has its own specifics, and the latter sets its “rules of the game" to the subject of knowledge.

In addition, in the relation between the subject and knowledge, the problem arises of assessing knowledge on the part of the subject, determining their adequacy, completeness, and sufficiency to solve a specific problem situation.

And finally, there are problems in the relationship between knowledge and the object as the source of this knowledge. These are questions of the truth of knowledge, its criterion. All knowledge is always knowledge of a specific object. In this regard, the question arises of the adequacy of the grounds for the transition from a "vague" perception of the object to rational conclusions about the object, the transition from subjective to objective.

(And, And, Kalkoy, Yu.A. Sandulov)

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On the next page you will be asked to check them yourself.

What two aspects of the subject's connection with knowledge do the authors single out? Illustrate each of them.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

A man cannot exist in the world without learning to navigate it. Orientation depends on the ability of people to adequately comprehend the world, correlating knowledge about the world and knowledge about themselves. Therefore, the question of knowledge is one of the most philosophical.

Cognition in a first approximation can be defined as a set of processes that provide a person with the opportunity to receive, process and use information about the world and about himself.

Those phenomena or processes on which the cognitive activity of people is directed are usually called the object of knowledge. One who carries out cognitive activity acquires the status of a subject of knowledge. The subject of knowledge can be an individual, group, society as a whole.

Thus, cognition is a specific form of interaction between the subject and the object of cognition, the ultimate goal of which is to obtain the truth, which ensures the development of the object taking into account the needs of the subject ...

Hence the need to investigate the relationship mechanism that arises between the subject receiving knowledge and the object as a source of knowledge, between the subject and knowledge, between knowledge and the object ...

When considering the problem of the relationship between the subject and knowledge, a complex of questions arises. In part, they arise in connection with the development by the subject of already accumulated knowledge (monographs, schemes, formulas, tables, etc.). The development of ready-made knowledge has its own specifics, and the latter sets its “rules of the game" to the subject of knowledge.

In addition, in the relation between the subject and knowledge, the problem arises of assessing knowledge on the part of the subject, determining their adequacy, completeness, and sufficiency to solve a specific problem situation.

And finally, there are problems in the relationship between knowledge and the object as the source of this knowledge. These are questions of the truth of knowledge, its criterion. All knowledge is always knowledge of a specific object. In this regard, the question arises of the adequacy of the grounds for the transition from a "vague" perception of the object to rational conclusions about the object, the transition from subjective to objective.

Those phenomena or processes on which the cognitive activity of people is directed are usually called the object of knowledge. One who carries out cognitive activity acquires the status of a subject of knowledge. The subject of knowledge can be an individual, group, society as a whole.

Thus, cognition is a specific form of interaction between the subject and the object of cognition, the ultimate goal of which is to obtain the truth, which ensures the development of the object taking into account the needs of the subject ...

Hence the need to investigate the relationship mechanism that arises between the subject receiving knowledge and the object as a source of knowledge, between the subject and knowledge, between knowledge and the object ...

When considering the problem of the relationship between the subject and knowledge, a complex of questions arises. In part, they arise in connection with the development by the subject of already accumulated knowledge (monographs, schemes, formulas, tables, etc.). The development of ready-made knowledge has its own specifics, and the latter sets its “rules of the game" to the subject of knowledge.

In addition, in the relation between the subject and knowledge, the problem arises of assessing knowledge on the part of the subject, determining their adequacy, completeness, and sufficiency to solve a specific problem situation.

And finally, there are problems in the relationship between knowledge and the object as the source of this knowledge. These are questions of the truth of knowledge, its criterion. All knowledge is always knowledge of a specific object. In this regard, the question arises of the adequacy of the grounds for the transition from a "vague" perception of the object to rational conclusions about the object, the transition from subjective to objective.

(And, And, Kalkoy, Yu.A. Sandulov)

Decisions of tasks with a detailed answer are not checked automatically.
On the next page you will be asked to check them yourself.

Choose one of the statements below and write a mini essay based on it.

Designate at your discretion one or more basic ideas of the topic touched by the author and open it (them). When revealing the main idea (s) indicated by you in your reasoning and conclusions, use social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical principles), illustrating them with facts and examples from public life and personal social experience, examples from other educational items.

To illustrate your theoretical propositions, arguments and conclusions, provide at least two facts / examples from various sources. Each cited fact / example should be formulated in a detailed manner and clearly connected with the illustrated position, reasoning, conclusion.

C9.1 Political science:   “Truth does not always belong to the majority. But it belongs to the minority even less. ” (S. Dovlatov)

C9.2 Political science:   “When individuals form a mass, the dignity of each of them individually perishes under the feet of the crowd.” (V. Schwebel)

C9.3 Political science:“Where great sages have power, subjects do not notice their existence. Where small wise men rule, people are attached to them and praise them. Where even lesser wise men rule, the people fear them, and where even lesser ones, the people despise them. ” (Lao Tzu)

Decisions of tasks with a detailed answer are not checked automatically.
On the next page you will be asked to check them yourself.

Finish testing, check answers, see solutions.

Edition: Informatics. Grades 10–11


The era of the scientific and technological revolution radically changed the concept of the world, sweeping society with a stream of diverse information. Nowadays, information is considered as a source of resources along with labor and capital, and information systems and technologies - as a means of increasing productivity and labor efficiency.

Children and adults, workers and scientists, writers and representatives of the exact sciences like to dream about the future of our civilization. One thing is certain - information and everything connected with it will play a decisive role in all areas of life. We are on the way to an information society based on reason, intelligence, erudition.

In this tutorial, you will get acquainted with the general picture of information processes taking place in modern society. The requirements for the person himself are changing. Its necessary quality is a high level of information culture. Developed intelligence, the ability to competently work with any information, professionalism - these are the main characteristics of a person prepared for life in the information society.

The purpose of this tutorial is to give you the opportunity to consolidate already acquired and acquire new user skills on a personal computer in the most popular software environments today. The ability to work freely on a personal computer is an essential component of modern information culture.

In addition, the contents of the textbook should help you realize your creative potential. If you have a penchant for writing, then the textbook provides an excellent opportunity to learn how to beautifully design and illustrate your work in Word and PageMaker software environments. Someone wants to try himself as a director, artist, screenwriter, sound engineer. By exploring the PowerPoint and Access environments, you can always bring your vision to life by creating a video clip or multimedia product. Someone else is preparing himself as a manager. In this case, you need to carefully study the section that describes the paperwork. In this book, everyone can find something useful for themselves.

I wish you success! We hope that computer science will help you in choosing a life path!



Theme 1.1 From an industrial society to an information society
  Theme 1.2 Presentation of the information system
  Theme 1.3 Introduction to Information Technology
  Theme 1.4 Informatics in the life of society

This section outlines general issues related to understanding the role and importance of information in the development of our society at the end of the 20th century.

You will learn about the reasons that led to the transition of our civilization from the industrial phase of development to the information one. This process is not spontaneous, it is due to the need to process the information that has swept us in recent years. Even traditional products are becoming more and more capacious in terms of information, since in their development more and more space is given to information technology. To successfully compete in the market with other similar products, you must constantly monitor global development trends in this industry, be aware of all the latest ideas, projects, publications.

Each country has developed a set of measures aimed at ensuring the timely receipt of reliable information and its processing. The higher the level of development of the country, the more intensively this process takes place, which is called "informatization". Its ultimate goal is the formation of a society in which information-literate people live and work, skillfully using computer systems and technologies. If you do not have the necessary level of information culture, then living in an information society will not be easy.

One should not think that the information culture is acquired spontaneously and for this it is not necessary to make your own efforts. Working with information today requires that a person freely possesses computer technologies, knows different methods of processing information on a computer, knows how to properly formalize tasks, and freely works in the environment of information systems.

The formation of information culture takes place within the framework of the discipline "computer science". You will learn about its main goals and objectives, the reasons for its occurrence, you will understand why this young field of knowledge has a crucial role to play in the formation of a new type of society.


From an industrial society to an information society

After studying this topic, you will learn:

  • what do the concepts of "information", "data", "information processes" mean;
  • how information revolutions affect the development of civilization;
  • what are the characteristics of an industrial society;
  • what is the information society;
  • what is the essence of informatization of society.

    The concept of information and information processes

    The term "information" comes from the Latin "informatio", which means clarification, awareness, presentation. From a rationalist perspective, information is a reflection of the real world through messages. A message is a form of presentation of any information in the form of speech, text, images, digital data, graphs, tables, etc. In a broad sense, information is a general scientific concept, including the exchange of information between people, the exchange of signals between live and inanimate nature, people and devices.

    Information- information about the world that increase the level of human awareness.

    Computer science considers information as a set of conceptually interconnected information that reduces the measure of uncertainty about the world around us. Along with the concept of "information" in computer science, the concept of "data" is often used. We show what their difference is.

    Data is the results of observations of objects and phenomena, which for some reason are not used, but only stored. As soon as the data begins to be used for any practical purposes, they turn into information. Based on this, it is possible to define information as “used data”.

    Consider an example. Suppose you have solved a difficult task given to your home. Arriving at school, you meet your classmate who could not solve this problem and asks you to show him the solution. Everything that you tell him (decision logic, calculation, answer) will be perceived by him as information that helps to increase his level of competence. On the contrary, if you present the same information to another classmate who solved this problem and received the same answer, then for him your message will not be information, since he will not find anything new for himself here.

    Another example. Suppose you have a radio running constantly in your home. Pay attention to how you perceive the information transmitted through it. Not everything serves as information for you. It depends on your interest in a particular message. Only in the case when a certain message has brought you something new can we talk about receiving information. In other cases, the message is reduced to a simple data set.

    Information brings a person new knowledge about objects, processes, phenomena. The information processing process is very complex and depends on many factors, both objective and subjective. Throughout his life, a person is constantly involved in all kinds of information processes.

    Information process   - the process as a result of which the reception, transmission (exchange), transformation and use of information is carried out.

    With the help of the senses, people perceive information, comprehend it and, based on their experience, available knowledge, intuition, make certain decisions. These decisions are embodied in real actions that transform the world around us to varying degrees.

    Information processes take place not only in human society, but also in the plant world. Why do the leaves fall in the fall and all the vegetation falls asleep during the cold weather, and when spring comes, leaves, grass, flowers reappear? Why do certain plant species bloom at the same time of the year? This is also the result of information processes. The cell of any plant perceives environmental changes (temperature, humidity, time of day) and reacts accordingly.

    Similar, but already more complex processes occur in the animal world, representatives of which perceive information by the brain and spinal cord. The degree of brain development determines the reaction of the animal to incoming messages. So for a dog and a hedgehog who live in the same apartment, the same event can carry different information. For example, a doorbell tells the dog about the appearance of a person, while for a hedgehog it has no meaning. But touching the hedgehog's needles serves as a danger signal for him, and he turns into a ball. The dog reacts to touch quite differently.

    But let's not get too carried away with examples. One thing is clear - in human society, in the plant and animal world, a great many information processes constantly occur in which people, animals and plants participate in accordance with their capabilities. This is what distinguishes living nature from inanimate nature, which lacks the organs of perception and signal processing of the external and internal environment. Here, changes can occur only as a result of physical or chemical effects, and not an information process.

    Since the mid-twentieth century, the intensity of information processes has increased significantly. The avalanche-like flow of information flowing onto a person is no longer perceived in full; navigate it becomes more and more difficult. Sometimes it turns out to be easier to recreate a product than to look for an analogue made earlier. The counter process is the constant updating and improvement of ways that help a person to perceive, transform, store and use information.

    On the role and significance of information revolutions

    At the dawn of civilization, man had enough basic knowledge and primitive skills. As society developed, participation in information processes required not only individual, but also generalized knowledge and experience, contributing to the correct processing of information and the adoption of necessary decisions. For this, a person needed various devices. The stages of the appearance of means and methods of information processing that have caused fundamental changes in society are defined as information revolutions.

    The first information revolution is associated with the invention of writing, which led to a huge qualitative and quantitative leap in the development of civilization. There was an opportunity to accumulate knowledge and transmit it to future generations. From the standpoint of computer science, this can be assessed as the emergence of means and methods of accumulating information.

    The second information revolution (mid-sixteenth century) is associated with the invention of printing, which changed human society, culture and organization of activities in the most radical way. A person has not just received new means of accumulation, systematization, replication of information. The mass distribution of printed materials made cultural values \u200b\u200baccessible, and opened up the possibility of independent and purposeful personality development. From the point of view of computer science, the significance of this revolution is that it has put forward a qualitatively new way of storing information.

    The third information revolution (the end of the 19th century) was connected with the invention of electricity, thanks to which a telegraph, telephone, and radio appeared, which made it possible to quickly transmit and accumulate information in any volume. This stage is important for computer science primarily because it marked the emergence of information communication tools.

    The fourth information revolution (70s of the XX century) is associated with the invention of microprocessor technology and the advent of a personal computer. There was a final transition from mechanical and electrical means of converting information to electronic, which led to the miniaturization of all nodes, devices, machines and the emergence of software-controlled devices and processes. Microprocessors and integrated circuits create computers, computer networks, data transfer systems (information communications), etc.

    The impetus for the fourth information revolution was the invention in the mid-40s of an electronic computer (computer). Further work on improving its elemental base, i.e., the parts and its components, led to the emergence of microprocessor technologies, and then a personal computer. For a clearer picture of the relationship of these processes, we consider and compare the achievements in the field of computer technology, as a result of which the generation of computers has changed.

    1st generation (from the mid 40s). The elemental base is electronic lamps. Computers are distinguished by large dimensions, high energy consumption, low speed, low reliability, programming is carried out in codes.

    2nd generation (since the end of the 50s). The elemental base is semiconductor elements. Compared with previous generation computers, all technical specifications are improved. For programming, algorithmic languages \u200b\u200bare used.

    3rd generation (since the mid-60s). Element base - integrated circuits, multilayer printed wiring. A sharp decrease in the size of computers, increasing their reliability, increasing productivity. Access from remote terminals.

    4th generation (from the late 70s to the present). The elemental base is microprocessors, large integrated circuits. Improved specifications. Mass production of personal computers. Directions of development - powerful multiprocessor computing systems with high performance; creation of cheap microcomputers. Experienced development of intelligent computers. The introduction into all areas of computer networks and their integration, distributed data processing, the widespread use of computer information technologies. Thus, the emergence of a new type of computer was due to the invention of a new elemental base. From the standpoint of informatics, the fourth information revolution can be connected with the advent of the 4th generation computer - a personal computer, which successfully allows solving the problem of information storage and transmission at a qualitatively new level. The information revolution that took place in the 70s led to the fact that human civilization at the end of the 20th century was in a state of transition from the industrial phase of its development to the information one. Consider what are the main signs of these periods and how the transition from one to the other was carried out.

    Characteristics of an industrial society

    Industrial society is primarily focused on the development of industry, the improvement of the means of production, the strengthening of the system of accumulation and capital control. It replaced the agrarian one, where relations in agriculture related to the system of land use and land tenure were decisive.

    The transition to industrial society took place simultaneously in many countries of the world and was associated with the second industrial revolution, the results of which were especially pronounced in the middle of the 20th century. A major role in the preparation of this revolution was played by the successes of the natural sciences of the late XIX - early XX centuries: as a rule, its beginning is associated with the discovery of an electron, radium, the conversion of chemical elements, the creation of the theory of relativity and quantum theory. The invention of electricity and radio had a tremendous practical influence on the development of industry.

    The second industrial revolution, often referred to as scientific and technical, marked the complete overhaul of the technical base and production technology. Soon, this process spread to other areas: agriculture, transport, communications, medicine, education. The way of life of people gradually changed.

    In order to get a comprehensive understanding of industrial society, it is necessary to answer the question of what industry is, what it gives to humanity, what it consumes. As a rule, industry is divided into two sectors - mining and manufacturing, the task of which is to provide mankind with the necessary raw materials, means of production and commodities. In an industrial society, an important role is played by the process of innovations in production, i.e., the introduction of the latest achievements of scientific and technical thought: inventions, ideas, proposals. Recently, this process has been called innovative.

    Industrial society   - a society determined by the level of development of industry, its technical base.

    Characteristics of the Information Society

    Until recently, no one imagined that very soon humanity would be on the verge of a new era in the development of civilization - information.

    In the information society, the activities of both individuals and groups will increasingly depend on their awareness and ability to effectively use the available information. It is known that, before taking any action, it is necessary to carry out work on the collection and processing of information, its comprehension and analysis, and finally putting forward the most rational solution. This requires the processing of large amounts of information, which is sometimes beyond human power without the involvement of special technical means.

    In the information society, the use of computers in all spheres of human activity will provide access to reliable sources of information, save people from routine work, accelerate the adoption of optimal decisions, and automate the processing of information in the production and social spheres. As a result, the driving force behind the development of society should be the production of an informational rather than a material product. As for the material product, it will become more “information-intensive”, and its cost will largely depend on the amount of innovation allowed in its structure, on the design decision, on the quality of marketing.

    In the information society, not only production will change, but also the whole way of life, the value system, and the importance of cultural leisure will increase. Compared with an industrial society, where everything is aimed at the production and consumption of goods, in the information society, intelligence and knowledge are a means and product of production, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in the share of mental labor. A person will need the ability to be creative; the demand for knowledge will increase.

    The material and technical basis of the information society will be various kinds of systems based on computer technology and computer networks, information technology, telecommunications.

    Information society- A society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing, sale and exchange of information.

    At the end of the 20th century, the picture of the information society created by theorists is gradually acquiring visible outlines. It is predicted that the entire world will become a single computerized and informational community of people living in apartments and cottages, equipped with all kinds of electronic devices and computerized devices. Human activities will mainly focus on information processing, and the production of energy and material products will be entrusted to machines.

    Informatization as a process of transformation of an industrial society

    Today, the world has accumulated a huge information potential, which people cannot use to the full extent due to the limitations of their capabilities. This situation, called the information crisis, put society before the need to find a way out of this situation. The introduction of modern means of processing and transmitting information in various fields of activity served as the beginning of the evolutionary transition from the industrial to the information society. This process is called informatization. In order to understand the role of this process in history, we can draw an analogy with the concept of “industrialization”, which meant the transition from an agrarian society to an industrial one.

    We give a more complete definition of informatization, based on the wording given in the law of the Russian Federation “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” adopted by the State Duma on January 25, 1995.

    Informatization- a process in which conditions are created that satisfy the needs of any person in obtaining the necessary information.

    Today in any country in one way or another, the process of informatization. Some countries are already on the threshold of the information society, while others still have a long way to go. It depends on many objective factors, which include: economic and political stability, the level of development of the country's industry, the presence of a state transition program, and many other factors.

    Informatization of society is one of the natural signs of modern social progress. Today, the term “computerization” has decisively replaced the widely used term “computerization” until recently. With the external similarity of these concepts, they have a significant difference.

    In the computerization of society, the main attention is paid to the implementation and development of the technical base - computers that ensure the prompt receipt of information processing results and its accumulation.

    In informatization of society, the main attention is paid to a set of measures aimed at ensuring the full use of reliable, comprehensive and operational knowledge in all types of human activity.

    Thus, the informatization of society is a broader concept than computerization. The emphasis in it is not so much on technical means, but on the essence and purpose of socio-technical progress as a whole. Computers - this is only the basic technical component of the process of informatization of society.

    The result of the process of informatization is the creation of an information society in which the main role is played by intelligence and knowledge. For each country, its movement from the industrial stage of development to the information one is determined by the degree of informatization of society.

    test questions

    1. How do the concepts of “information” and “data” differ?

    2. What is an information process? Give examples.

    3. In what areas of human activity do information processes prevail?

    4. What is the essence of information revolutions? Are they inevitable?

    5. What caused the information revolution?

    6. Give a brief description of computer generations and relate this to the information revolution.

    7. What determines the development of an industrial society?

    8. Is there a connection between the industrial revolution and the information revolution?

    9. How do you represent the information society?

    10. Is our society informational? Justify the answer.

    11. What is the informatization of society?

    12. What is the difference between computerization and computerization processes?

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    Slide captions:

    From an industrial society to an information lesson №1

    Lesson plan: Characteristic features of an industrial society. Characteristic features of the information society. The essence of informatization and computerization of society. Information Revolution. Conclusion. Test questions.

    1. Industrial society

    An industrial society is a society focused primarily on the development of industry, improving the means of production, strengthening the system of accumulation and capital control. It replaced the agrarian one, where relations in agriculture related to the system of land tenure and land use were decisive

    2. Information society

    2. Information society - a society in which most of the labor resources are engaged in the production, storage, processing, sale and exchange of information. In the information society, the driving force for development should be the production of an informational rather than a material product.

    The information society is a stage in the development of society and the economy, which is characterized by: an increase in the role of information, knowledge and information technologies in society; an increase in the number of people engaged in information technology, communications and the production of information products and services, an increase in their share in the gross domestic product; increasing informatization of society using telephony, radio, television, the Internet, as well as traditional and electronic media, creating a global information space that provides: (a) effective information interaction between people, (b) their access to world information resources and (c) their satisfaction needs for information products and services development of e-democracy, information economy, e-government, e-government, digital markets, electronic social and zyaystvuyuschih networks

    3. Informatization of society.

    Today, the world has accumulated a huge information potential, which people cannot use to the full extent due to the limitations of their capabilities. This situation, called the information crisis, put society before the need to find a way out of this situation.

    The introduction of modern means of processing and transmitting information in various fields of activity served as the beginning of the evolutionary transition from an industrial society to an information one. This process is called informatization.

    Informatization is a process in which conditions are created that satisfy the needs of any person in obtaining the necessary information. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” adopted by the State Duma on January 25, 1995.

    Today, the term “computerization” has decisively replaced the widely used term “computerization” until recently. With the external similarity of these concepts, they have a significant difference.

    The result of the process of informatization is the creation of an information society in which the main role is played by intelligence and knowledge. For each country, its movement from the industrial stage of development to the information one is determined by the degree of informatization of society.

    Information revolutions: - these are the stages of the appearance of means and methods of information processing that have caused fundamental changes in society.

    The first information revolution. associated with the invention of writing, which led to a giant leap in the development of civilization.

    The middle of the XVI century - typography. Man received new means of storage, systematization and reproduction of information. The cultural values \u200b\u200bof the individual have become available. The second information revolution.

    Associated with the advent of electricity (late 19th century). Third Information Revolution.

    (70s of XX century.) Associated with the invention of microprocessor technology and the advent of a personal computer. Fourth Information Revolution.

    GENERATION OF COMPUTERS Generation Element base Description 1st generation (since the mid 40s) electronic lamps large computer dimensions, high energy consumption, low speed, programming is carried out in codes. 2nd generation (since the late 1950s) semiconductor elements. Algorithmic languages \u200b\u200bare used for programming. 3rd generation (since the mid-60s) integrated circuits A sharp decrease in the size of computers, increasing their reliability, increasing productivity. Access from remote terminals.

    Generation Element base Description 4th generation (from the late 70s to the present) microprocessors, large integrated circuits Improved technical specifications. Mass production of PC. Prospects for development Powerful multiprocessor computing systems with high performance; creation of cheap microcomputers; development of intelligent computers. Implementation in all areas of computer networks, their integration; the widespread use of computer information technology.

    Conclusion: the causes of information revolutions is the emergence of new, more advanced means and methods of working with information.

    Questions: What is considered a criterion for assessing the level of development of an industrial society? What is considered a criterion for assessing the level of development of the information society? How do you understand the information revolution, are they inevitable? Cons of the information society.

    Homework: Textbook “Informatics and ICT”, Grade 11, edited by N.V. Makarova: - p. 7 - 16, - orally, p. 15 of assignment 3-4

    Computerization - the introduction of computers, the development of the technical base. Informatization is a natural process of development of a society at a new stage, where the basis of all processes is information and knowledge.

    In the future, computers will weigh no more than 1.5 tons. (Popular Mechanics, 1949); - I think that in the world market we will find demand for five computers. (Thomas Watson - Director of IBM, 1943); “No one may need to have a computer in their home.” (Ken Olson - founder and president of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977); - A device such as a phone has too many drawbacks to consider it as a means of communication. Therefore, I believe that this invention has no value. (from discussions at Western Union in 1876); - 640K should be enough for everyone. (Bill Gates, 1981); - 100 million dollars - too high a price for Microsoft. (IBM, 1982). Can not be…

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