How to make more RAM. How to increase RAM with a hard drive. RAM for laptop or desktop computer

Owners of somewhat outdated computers and laptops often complain that there is not enough RAM to run resource-intensive games or programs. But it plays one of the most basic roles in the system, since it is into it that additional application components are loaded in the form of dynamic libraries or parameter settings files. This is where we have to solve the issue related to how to increase the RAM on a computer (“Windows 7” as an example of an operating system). An ordinary user can use several simple methods, which will be discussed further.

How to increase RAM on a computer ("Windows 7" 64 bit) in the simplest way?

Let's start with stationary computer systems. As a rule, the motherboard has several slots for installing additional memory sticks, and accessing them is as easy as shelling pears, you just need to remove the side cover. With laptops, the situation is more complicated, although the proposed method can also be used in them.

Actually, in the simplest case, solving the problem of how to increase RAM on a computer (“Windows 7”) comes down to buying brackets and installing them on the motherboard. True, here you need to take into account the type of supported memory, since it will be impossible to install the strips of modern generations in the old connectors, and if they are installed, they will not work. Moreover, they will cause conflicts with the issuance of a blue screen (BSoD).

How to increase RAM on a computer ("Windows 7" 32 bit) due to optimization?

On the other hand, the question can also be interpreted as its release by unloading unnecessary or unused modules. But the system itself (Windows 7x86) does not index more than 3 GB of RAM, so installing additional brackets is absolutely inappropriate.

To begin with, as a solution on how to increase the RAM on your computer ("Windows 7"), you can suggest disabling some startup items. To do this, use the msconfig configuration section in the Run console) with the transition to the startup tab. Ideally, you can leave only the ctfmon service, which is responsible for changing the language and displaying the language bar in the system tray.

You can also use the Programs and Features section in the Control Panel, where you need to deactivate unnecessary components of the operating system (for example, disable the Hyper-V module or the print service).

Virtual Memory Usage

Another technique that allows you to solve the problem of how to increase RAM on a computer (“Windows 7”) is to use the so-called virtual memory, which is responsible for the pagefile.sys paging file.

Usually, after installing the OS on a computer or laptop, the default is to automatically determine the required size of the above file, but you can increase it if you wish. To do this, you first need to use the system properties section (RMB menu on the “My Computer” icon), then go to additional parameters, use the “Advanced” tab again in the system properties, click the advanced settings button in the performance section and on another one on the tab "Advanced" use the button to change the settings, which is located at the bottom right.

Now in the virtual memory section, you need to uncheck the automatic size selection line, and just below you can set your own amount, which will be used when there is a shortage of main (RAM) memory. But here you need to clearly understand that it is not recommended to set too large a volume, since the access will be made to the hard disk on which the space is reserved, and it is much lower in speed than a similar access to RAM. In addition, sometimes there are situations when the system will first of all access virtual memory, and not RAM.

Installing additional memory with an external drive

Finally, let's see how to increase the RAM on a computer ("Windows 7") with a flash drive. This, by the way, is one of the most common and most acceptable options. To do this, you can use the Ready Boost program from the developers of Microsoft Corporation. USB devices, memory cards, and SSD drives can be used as media. But first you need to make sure that the media meets the requirements of the application itself (read and write speed, minimum free space, etc.).

If all the conditions are met, we connect the media and through the PCM go to the properties section. After installing the program, a special tab will appear in the window, on which you need to mark the line for providing a device for Ready Boost technology, after which you can independently set the desired amount of cache and save the changes.

BIOS settings

And the very last way is to enter the primary BIOS system when the computer boots, find the Shared Memory or Video RAM options there. Then go to the menu and for the DRAM Read Timing settings, reduce the number of timings.

The smaller their number, the higher the performance. But you should not get carried away, because too low indicators can adversely affect the operation of the entire system.

What to prefer?

It seems that you can experiment with BIOS settings only as a last resort, but disabling unnecessary startup items, system components with the parallel use of removable media as cache devices, and even with system optimization, will suit all users without exception. In this case, you can not even use virtual memory.

Sooner or later, each user comes to the decision to increase the computer's memory. The main reason is that you can speed up your PC and its performance without changing the entire device. RAM has two important ones:

  • work frequency;
  • volume.

It is these two functions that need to be expanded in order for the personal computer to increase its performance at times.

The indicators that are responsible for the frequency of the RAM are designated as DDR with different numbers: 200 - 400. This will fully correspond to a frequency of 100 - 200 MHz. This type of memory belongs to DDR SD-frames, but recently a worthy replacement has appeared for them. The market is actively replenished with new types of memory that have extended performance: DDR 2 SD-frames - DDR 4 SD-frames.

In connection with such innovations, it remains to find out how best to increase it so that it is effective and does not hit the wallet hard.

Where to start

Before you take the first steps to increase memory, you need to find out what type of RAM is installed on your PC. This information is in the documents that came with the computer if it was purchased from a certified store. If not, then you will have to focus on the appearance of the computer or use special software. There are also some recommendations that allow you to determine how much memory is needed on a particular device. So, in working with Windows 7, the minimum amount of memory should be from 1 Gigabyte. And the bigger it is, the better.

A 32-bit operating system will support a maximum of 4 gigabytes of memory. Accordingly, for a 64-bit one, a maximum of 192 gigabytes is suitable.

Change the amount of virtual memory

Operating systems such as Windows offer virtual memory to expand the computer's memory. This option involves using the hard disk as temporary storage. This method will allow you to highlight the additional capabilities of the computer and partially unload it.

Important! You do not need to change the parameters in the virtual one itself, they already have the optimal settings for work.

In order to expand virtual memory, you need to perform several sequential steps:

  • click the "My Computer" icon on the desktop and select "Properties";

Click the "My Computer" icon on the desktop and select "Properties"

  • then open the tab called "Performance";
  • there will be "Virtual memory", where you need to manually set the "Virtual memory settings";
  • after that, you will need to decide on the hard drive, which will be used for this purpose;
  • it sets the maximum and minimum volumes;
  • after the performed actions, the “OK” key is pressed twice. Next, you should restart your computer.

Important! Without rebooting the personal computer, the changes will not be able to take effect.

If virtual memory is not your option, you need to be careful when choosing RAM in the store. You should remove the already existing memory bar and only go shopping with it. This must be done in order not to be mistaken with the type of RAM that is right for your laptop or PC.

It is also desirable that memory sticks made by the same manufacturer work on one computer. This is a guarantee of stable and long-term operation of the system. Take into account the fact that the power of modern computers will require at least two gigabytes of RAM on the same device.

Video - How to increase RAM on a computer

Technology does not stand still: it develops day by day. Take the same phones as an example, a few years ago they had only 512 megabytes of RAM, and now some devices have ten cores and all six gigabytes of RAM. Sometimes not every computer or laptop 3-5 years old can boast of such capacities. That is why we decided to talk with you about how to increase the RAM on your computer. In fact, the process is simple, you just need to deal with some features so as not to harm your “old man”.

To begin with, let's think about why increase the amount of RAM at all? The fact is that all programs that are currently running are loaded into the RAM. In other words, every program running on your computer consumes a certain amount of RAM: every browser tab, every game, every mini-application and even the operating system is loaded into “RAM”, which is why it makes sense to increase the amount of RAM to increase system performance.

Increasing the amount of RAM on computers

Let's start with the basics - the first thing we need to do is identify the type of memory currently installed. Roughly speaking, there are only four varieties of it - from DDR1 to DDR5. The main differences are in the maximum frequency at which it operates and the amount of memory. There are two ways to help you find out exactly what type of memory is installed on your computer's motherboard. Let's start with the most interesting:
  1. Unscrew the system unit, remove the main cover;
  2. Remove the RAM bar from there (do not forget about the unclamps at the top and bottom, they must be moved so as not to break anything);
  3. So, if the bar is in your hands, look at what type it belongs to - this information should be indicated on one of the sides;
  4. If you have a computer 3-5 years old, most likely it has DDR3 RAM with a frequency of 1333 MHz.
The second way is not so interesting, but extremely simple - programmatically:

As a matter of fact, we received the information we needed. Time to move on.

How to find out the number of RAM slots on a PC

Again, there are two options to determine the number of slots. The first again comes down to disassembling the computer: you should remove the cover and count the number of free memory slots. The second is software:

To determine in which exactly the bar is installed, and in which it is absent, you should stop at each one - choose one, look at the information on the right side. If it is missing, then the slot is empty. And vice versa, if there is information, the slot is occupied by a RAM bar.

Single-channel and dual-channel operation modes

Based on the simplest logic, one can guess that in dual-channel mode, two RAM sticks are switched on at once, which makes it possible to increase computer performance.

If you are far from technology, we suggest considering the simplest example: there are two pools. One pipe is connected to one, two to the other. Which one will fill up faster? That's right, the second one is similar with RAM, the computer with two “pipes” will work faster with the same amount of RAM. The greatest increase in power will be noticeable in heavy applications: games or in the browser, if a very large number of tabs are open. As for the difference between two-channel, three- and four-channel, it is not so big - it fluctuates within five to ten percent.

Single-channel RAM controllers in processors with minimal performance (a good example of this is Intel Atom). Dual-channel - in the 1155th socket; three-channel - in the 1366th socket; four-channel (the most high-performance and, as a result, the most powerful) - in the 2011th socket.

How to install a new bar of RAM in a computer

To begin with, a banal advice - turn off the computer. In no case should you perform such procedures with the computer turned on, you run the risk of being completely left without it. So let's get started:
  1. Open the system block;
  2. Find memory modules there;
  3. Loosen the fasteners, insert another RAM stick;
  4. It is important at the same time to support the motherboard from the back so as not to damage it;
  5. If you are sure that the bar is firmly seated, click the fasteners.
  6. Now start the computer if it starts normally and does not make strange sounds (for example, it beeps unusually);
  7. Next, go to the CPU-Z program and see the total amount of memory, if it has increased, you did everything right.
As you can see, there really is nothing complicated - you just need to unscrew a couple of bolts to remove the side cover and put the bar in the appropriate slot.

By the way, if you have four slots, then insert RAM into slots with the same color so that they work in dual-channel mode and really increase the performance of your computer.

How to increase the amount of RAM or how to find out what kind of RAM you need to buy a computer. How to find out what memory is needed and how to increase the RAM in a computer - there are different ways to get information and I will definitely tell you about them.

But first I would like to say a few words about what we are dealing with. RAM - Random Access Memory - RAM - Random Access Memory is used to temporarily store data and commands needed by the processor to perform computational operations. It is an important component of the computer that affects the performance of the PC. A small amount of RAM, a lack of memory for processor calculations - a drop in performance, which, as a rule, results in a desire to find out what RAM is installed, how to increase the amount of RAM or what memory to buy.

I wish to increase the RAM, what you need to know in order to buy memory correctly.
You should know that the missing volume, lack of RAM in the computer is filled with a paging file - a dedicated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hard disk that works on the principle of RAM (physical memory + paging file (RAM x1.5) = system virtual memory). The speed of access and exchange of information on the hard disk is much lower than the speed of the processor's calculations, the performance of the computer decreases and our PC, in fact, slows down.

For those who decide to increase the RAM, you should remember that for 32-bit versions of Windows, the maximum visible amount of RAM is 3.2Gb. So that it didn’t work out like some people did, I decided to buy memory, bought the desired RAM for joy, the total amount of memory was 8 GB, and the system sees and can use only 3.2 GB. For 64-bit Windows, the boundaries for increasing the volume are much wider: Home Basic - 8 GB; Home Premium - 16 GB; Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate - 192 GB.

For faster operation of RAM, you should use dual-channel mode - install an even number of RAM modules of the same size (2-4). If there are two RAM modules, they should be installed in slots 1 and 3 from the processor, with the purchase of an additional two RAM sticks, we fill slots 2 and 4.

The exceptions are systems with Intel LGA1366 processors, an increase in the amount of RAM from three to six - 3-channel and the new LGA2011 recommended increase in the amount of RAM from four to eight modules - 4-channel.

If you want to increase the RAM, buy additional volume, you must also consider the DDR, DDR2, DDR3 memory standard and the frequency of the memory module. If you have a 533 MHz DDR2 RAM stick, buying a higher DDR2 800 MHz stick will not be justified - your RAM will run at the speed of the computer's slowest RAM stick - 533 MHz.

Digesting information, do not forget about such a thing as real and effective memory frequency. The real frequency of RAM - Memory Speed ​​is read and indicated by programs as the maximum frequency of the bus on which it can work, or works. The effective memory frequency results from the ability to perform two operations per clock - the bus frequency times two. It is the indicators of the effective frequency that are indicated in the name of the RAM and the price lists of stores.

Memory module Real memory frequency Effective memory frequency Bandwidth MB/s
- DDR2-400 200MHz 400MHz PC2-3200
- DDR2-533 266MHz 533MHz PC2-4200
- DDR2-667 333MHz 667MHz PC2-5300
- DDR2-800 400MHz 800MHz PC2-6400
- DDR2-1066 533MHz 1066MHz PC2-8500
- DDR3-1066 533MHz 1066MHz PC3-8500
- DDR3-1333 667MHz 1333MHz PC3-10600
- DDR3-1600 800MHz 1600MHz PC3-12800
- DDR3-1866 933MHz 1866 MHz PC3-14900
- DDR3-2000 1000MHz 2000MHz PC3-16000
- DDR3-2133 1066MHz 2133MHz PC3-17000
- DDR3-2200 1100MHz 2200MHz PC3-17600
- DDR3-2400 1200MHz 2400MHz PC3-19200

To buy memory correctly, you should also take into account the timings of the RAM (latency - CAS Latency = CL) - the time delay between data transfer and the read command. With an equal frequency of modules, the lower the delay, the faster the RAM. For example, DDR2 800MHz CL4 (4-4-4-12) is faster than the module with CL5 (5-5-5-15) timings, and CL6 (6-6-6-18) will be the slowest. Of the now widespread, as an example, we can voice the timings of DDR3 1333MHz - CL7 (7-7-7-20), CL8 (8-8-8-21), CL9 (9-9-9-24).

Increasing the amount of RAM, although not, rather, if you want to buy new memory, you should take into account the fact that the memory controller is located in the processor and it is he who is responsible for the maximum frequency of the RAM. And if you are not going to overclock the processor, it makes no sense to buy RAM with higher frequencies, the "extra" frequency will be reset by the processor.

For AMD Athlon, Phenom II and 2nd generation Intel Core processors, this is DDR3-1333MHz, AMD FX processors - DDR3-1866MHz, and without overclocking for 3rd generation Intel Core processors, we can buy memory - DDR3-1600MHz. For earlier models with support for DDR2 memory, with an urgent desire to increase RAM, increase the volume, we look at the performance of the available modules. Under unfavorable circumstances, it burned out, we look at the declared support for the motherboard, it is recommended to buy memory with the maximum allowable (declared) frequency, do not forget about the timings.

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