What does the word bluetooth mean. How bluetooth works. How Bluetooth works

Before moving on to the question of what Bluetooth is and how to turn it on, let's consider why Bluetooth is needed. As you know, computers and laptops are constantly surrounded by various wires.

The system unit already, as they say, by definition assumes that you need to connect a keyboard, mouse, monitor to it.

Laptops have a built-in keyboard and a built-in mouse (), but still, many laptop users prefer to use a familiar mouse rather than a built-in touchpad, and therefore there is again a wire for connecting a mouse to a laptop. Also, laptops are often connected, which is larger and has a better resolution.

And then: we connect a printer, speakers, wired Internet, a mobile gadget (smartphone, iPod, iPhone, etc.), laptop power supply and so on to the computer with wires. As a result, the computer (laptop) turns into a kind of center of attraction for wires, which, in addition, like to intertwine with each other, interfere with each other, serve as a good dust collector, etc.

From the very beginning, computer designers have sought to reduce the number of wires or even abandon them altogether. For example, the Internet can be transmitted to a computer using a radio signal - this is where Wi-Fi appeared and continues to develop and improve.

Now it has become customary to connect wirelessly from a computer or mobile phone to the Internet via Wi-Fi, and no longer depend on the wire, its length, the availability of a wired Internet outlet, etc.

The developers of "apple technology" generally set themselves the task of completely getting rid of the wires. And there are even existing options for chargers for Apple gadgets that allow you to charge the battery without connecting the gadget with wires to the charger. It is enough to put the gadget on a special platform (which, to be honest, can still be connected to a 220V electrical network with a wire), and without any wires and connections, the gadget's battery will receive the necessary energy to charge the battery.

What is Bluetooth and comparison with WiFi

Access to the Internet, access to a charger, wireless mice and keyboards are only a partial solution to the problems of “extra” wires. There are a lot of wires, and I would like to get rid of them.

In this sense, a good solution is the BlueTooth technology (Bluetooth or Bluetooth), which appeared (in theory) back in 1994, which made it possible to transmit data over the air between various electronic devices, for example, between a computer (or laptop) and a mouse, keyboard, headphones, gadgets, etc. With a small radius of action (up to 10 meters), it is good, for example, to use it in an intra-room or intra-office space.

Many people have a question when comparing BlueTooth with Wi-Fi, what is the difference between them, and why do I need Bluetooth if there is Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi is also a technology for transmitting information by radio, and at the same time, computers and gadgets using Wi-Fi get the ability to connect to an Internet access point.

And BlueTooth technology allows you to connect devices to each other not only for the purpose of accessing the Internet, but also for the purpose of exchanging data with each other, in order to access "foreign" resources. For example, in this way you can connect from your gadget to the PC speakers so that the music sounds, as they say, in full force and with good quality.

It turns out that if we compare Wi-Fi and BlueTooth, then Wi-Fi is more powerful than Bluetooth and operates over long distances, but Bluetooth is more versatile than Wi-Fi. Although over time and with the development of both technologies, these differences are gradually erased.

Wi-Fi can be compared to an invisible wire that connects a computer, laptop or mobile gadget via radio to an Internet access point.

It can be a Wi-Fi router in the apartment, it can be a smartphone that distributes the Internet, it can be a laptop that distributes the Internet, etc.

And BlueTooth can be compared to an invisible wire that connects any electronic device to any other electronic device via radio.

Bluetooth usage examples

If, for example, a laptop is connected to a mouse via BlueTooth, then the mouse moves the pointer on the laptop screen, but there is no wire between the laptop and the mouse, a radio channel works instead of the wire.

If the headphones are connected to a smartphone via BlueTooth, then you can hear music or talking on the phone through the headphones, but there is no wire between the headphones and the smartphone, it is replaced by a radio signal. There are many similar examples of the use of BlueTooth technology, this technology is currently being actively developed.

So, mobile and stationary electronic equipment has received the possibility of wireless connection. Communication cables are not needed. By setting up a Bluetooth receiver and transmitter, personal computer (PC) users were the first to appreciate the convenience of the new technology.

When connecting electronic devices using BlueTooth technology, a radio communication channel with a changing high frequency works. A mobile phone or any computer peripheral exchanges information of any type.

Using a mobile phone headset with Bluetooth technology, you can talk on it, being with the headset at a distance of a meter or more from the mobile phone. Motorists immediately took advantage of this. When they receive a call or want to talk, they turn on the button on the car panel, switch to speakerphone, without holding the phone in their hand. This not only does not interfere with driving, but generally becomes the rule of driving a car. Thanks to the use of BlueTooth, Free Hand technology ("free hand" or "free hands") becomes the rule of good manners while driving a car.

From the history of Bluetooth

With Bluetooth, not everything worked out well right away. With the introduction of the BlueTooth 1.0 standard (1998) into electronic equipment, the connection turned out to be unstable and unprotected. In addition, different devices are poorly combined with each other.

But already adopted in 2004, version 2.0 allowed data transfer from device to device at a speed of 2.1 Mbps. (recall that at first it was 1.6). In addition, electronics began to consume less electricity.

In the third version of Bluetooth technology, the data transfer rate has increased to 24 Mbps. And the BlueTooth 4.0 technology, developed in 2010, had a range of up to hundreds of meters and was intended for miniature electronics. To do this, the signal transmitter turned on only when transmitting data, saving battery power.

Soon, high-speed BlueTooth with Wi-Fi technology appeared (as noted above, BlueTooth and Wi-Fi technologies are gradually converging), the transmission frequency increased to 2.48 GHz, and the radiation power dropped to 0.0025 W.

The BlueTooth 5.0 version has already been presented, featuring a wider bandwidth and the ability to connect up to 8 electronic devices to one module.

The Bluetooth technology was called “blue-toothed” (this is how the word “bluetooth” is translated into Russian) by the nickname of the Danish king - Harald Blue-toothed, who united different tribes into one kingdom a thousand years ago.

It was created by the Swedish company Ericsson, intending to replace the RS-232 interface, which was created back in the days when there was no talk of personal computers, and no one then expected such a rapid development of computer technology. As you can see, this was done.

Bluetooth technology has many different profiles, one of them even supports H.263 video transmission (HDTV standard). That is, the technology has reached speeds at which video information can be transmitted, which already means that this technology can be used almost everywhere where electronics work, for example, to transfer data from video cameras, etc.

Bluetooth official site

The official website of Bluetooth is in English, but now the browsers Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, etc. have built-in translators into Russian, so you can catch the meaning.

How to connect laptop via bluetooth

To establish a BlueTooth connection between two devices, you must first turn on BlueTooth technology on both devices.

As an example, we will show how this is done when establishing a connection between a Samsung laptop with Windows 8 and a Samsung smartphone.

On a laptop (Windows 8 operating system), this is done by changing the PC settings:

  • "Settings" button on ,
  • then click on the inscription "Change computer settings",
  • open the "Wireless" tab (number 1 in Fig. 1),
  • now you need to move the “Bluetooth” slider (switch) to the right (number 2 in Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. How to turn on Bluetooth on Windows 8

bluetooth on android phone

Turn on Bluetooth on Windows 8 laptop. Now we turn it on on the smartphone under.

You can connect Android via Bluetooth in the "Settings" window, the "Bluetooth" button.

In the window that opens, you need to move the Bluetooth technology enable slider (number 1 in Fig. 2):

Rice. 2. Turn on Bluetooth on your Android phone

You need to wait a bit after turning on Bluetooth on Android, while the inscription "Turning on Bluetooth ..." is displayed (Fig. 2).

Then information about the smartphone itself will appear in the "My device" section, and devices available via Bluetooth will appear below in the "Available devices" section of the same name (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Bluetooth on Android: turn on visibility for other devices

On fig. Figure 3 shows that in the "Available Devices" section there is no Samsung laptop to which you want to connect, although Bluetooth technology is already enabled on the laptop. To see this laptop and connect to the laptop, you need to check the box next to the inscription "Press to turn on visibility for other devices" (number 1 in Fig. 3).

After checking the box, in fact, the connection of the smartphone to the laptop will begin. The system takes 2 minutes for this. The time counter is after the inscription “We see all Bluetooth proximity devices” (number 1 in Fig. 4 - 1:57). For the allotted time period, you need to make a connection.

Rice. 4. Start connecting a smartphone to a laptop via Bluetooth

During the connection, an access key will be generated, which will be displayed on the screens of both connected devices: on a laptop and on a smartphone.

On a smartphone, confirmation of the access key consists in pressing "YES" on the banner "Request for Bluetooth connection" (number 1 in Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Confirmation of the Bluetooth access key on Android

The laptop will also display an access code identical to the code that will be visible on the smartphone screen. To do this, you must first select a smartphone on a laptop with Windows 8 among other devices by clicking on its label (number 1 in Fig. 6):

Rice. 6. On the laptop, select a smartphone among the devices visible using Bluetooth technology

Then you should confirm the identity of the codes visible on the screens of the smartphone and laptop (number 1 in Fig. 7 - the "Yes" button):

Rice. 7. Confirmation of the access key via Bluetooth on a laptop

Having done everything right, we will see:

  • on the smartphone (phone) screen - information that the Android phone is connected to the laptop (number 1 in Fig. 8 - SAMSUNG-PC is authorized):

Rice. 8. Confirmation on the phone screen about connecting the Android phone to the laptop via Bluetooth

  • and on the laptop screen we will see the connection of the laptop to the smartphone (number 1 in Fig. 9 - Nadezhda (Galaxy Grand)):

Rice. 9. Confirmation on the laptop screen that the Android smartphone is connected via Bluetooth to a laptop with Windows 8

It should be noted that when connecting a smartphone to a laptop for the first time, there may be a delay associated with the need to install the appropriate ones in the laptop (Fig. 10):

Rice. 10. Automatic installation of drivers when you first connect your smartphone to your laptop via Bluetooth

After connecting a smartphone to a laptop using Bluetooth technology (Bluetooth), it becomes visible, for example, as an external data drive, from which you can, say, then download all the screenshots that were taken on it during the writing of this article.

How to download data from a smartphone to a laptop or PC over a wire without the Internet is another story that has been described.

How to disable Bluetooth

Bluetooth turns off in the same way as it turns on, that is, the exit is through the same door as the entrance.

To disable Bluetooth on an Android smartphone, uncheck the box next to the Bluetooth option (1 in Fig. 2).

To disable Bluetooth on a laptop with Windwos 8, move the slider (switch) "Bluetooth" to the left (number 2 in Fig. 1).

About Bluetooth security

For safety, you should not use BlueTooth technology unnecessarily, as unauthorized access to a PC, laptop or gadget is possible.

For example, by connecting BlueTooth somewhere in a public place where there are a lot of people, you can see many devices that are accessible via Bluetooth, belonging to strangers. Another thing is that not every user can connect, for example, to someone else's mobile phone or laptop. But this applies to ordinary honest and decent people.

If an attacker who wants to intercept the transmitted information intervenes in the process, then he will do everything possible to use it for his own purposes.

For example, having received a PIN code, which is inadvertently recorded, say, in a smartphone of an outsider, such a "hacker" gets access to listening to the conversation, to mobile phone data, or even to other people's bank cards.

Therefore, a special highly directional antenna has been developed to transmit data via BlueTooth over long distances. But ordinary users do not have this equipment, so their mobile devices are at risk. Accordingly, if there is no need to use Bluetooth on a mobile device, BlueTooth must be disabled on this device.

This is the main rule of working with Bluetooth technologies:

Turn off Bluetooth if you don't need it.

Here we, perhaps, will put an end to the description of one of the examples of the use of Bluetooth technology. Although this is very strange, because there are many options for connecting devices using Bluetooth technology.

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Bluetooth provides the exchange of information between devices such as personal computers (desktops, pockets, laptops), mobile phones, printers, digital cameras, mice, keyboards, joysticks, headphones, headsets on a reliable, free, ubiquitous short-range radio frequency.

Bluetooth allows these devices to communicate when they are within a radius of up to 100 meters from each other (the range is highly dependent on obstacles and interference), even in different rooms.

Name and logo

The word Bluetooth is the English translation of the Danish word "Blåtand" ("Blue-toothed"). This nickname was worn by King Harald I, who ruled Denmark and part of Norway in the 10th century and united the warring Danish tribes into a single kingdom. It is understood that Bluetooth does the same with communication protocols, combining them into one universal standard. Although "blå" means "blue" in modern Scandinavian languages, it could also mean "black in color" in Viking times. Thus it would be historically correct to translate the Danish Harald Blåtand as Harald Blacktooth rather than as Harald Bluetooth.

bluetooth logo is a combination of two Nordic ("Scandinavian") runes: "haglaz" (Hagall) - an analogue of the Latin H and "berkan" (Berkanan) - the Latin B. The logo is similar to the older logo for Beauknit Textiles, a division of Beauknit Corporation. It uses a fusion of reflected K and B for "Beauknit", it's wider and has rounded corners, but it's basically the same.
History of creation and development

Bluetooth specification was developed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (Bluetooth SIG), which was founded in 1998. It includes Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Toshiba and Nokia. Subsequently, the Bluetooth SIG and the IEEE reached an agreement whereby the Bluetooth specification became part of the IEEE 802.15.1 standard (published on June 14, 2002). Ericsson Mobile Communication began work on the creation of Bluetooth in 1994. Initially, this technology was adapted to the needs of the FLYWAY system in a functional interface between travelers and the system.

How Bluetooth works

The principle of operation is based on the use of radio waves. Bluetooth radio communication is carried out in the ISM band (Eng. Industry, Science and Medicine), which is used in various household appliances and wireless networks (licensing-free band 2.4-2.4835 GHz). Bluetooth uses Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) to spread spectrum. The FHSS method is easy to implement, provides resistance to broadband interference, and the equipment is inexpensive.

According to the FHSS algorithm, in Bluetooth, the carrier frequency of the signal hops 1600 times per second (a total of 79 operating frequencies 1 MHz wide are allocated, and in Japan, France and Spain the band is already 23 frequency channels). The switching sequence between frequencies for each connection is pseudo-random and is known only to the transmitter and receiver, which every 625 µs (one time slot) are synchronously tuned from one carrier frequency to another. Thus, if several pairs of receiver-transmitter work side by side, they do not interfere with each other. This algorithm is also an integral part of the transmitted information confidentiality protection system: the transition occurs according to a pseudo-random algorithm and is determined separately for each connection. When transmitting digital data and audio (64 kbps in both directions), different coding schemes are used: the audio signal is not repeated (as a rule), and digital data will be retransmitted if the information packet is lost.


Bluetooth 1.0

Device versions 1.0 (1998) and 1.0B had poor compatibility between products from different manufacturers. In 1.0 and 1.0B, the transfer of the device address (BD_ADDR) was mandatory at the stage of establishing a connection, which made it impossible to implement the anonymity of the connection at the protocol level and was the main drawback of this specification.

Bluetooth 1.1

Bluetooth 1.1 fixed many bugs found in 1.0B, added support for unencrypted channels, received signal strength indication (RSSI).

Bluetooth 1.2

In version 1.2, adaptive frequency hopping (AFH) technology was added, which improved the resistance to electromagnetic interference (interference) by using frequency separations in the hopping sequence. Also, the transmission speed increased and eSCO technology was added, which improved the quality of voice transmission by repeating damaged packets. HCI adds support for a 3-wire UART interface.

Major improvements include the following:
Fast connection and discovery.
Adaptive Frequency Spreading (AFH), which improves immunity to radio interference.
Higher than in 1.1, data transfer rates, almost up to 721 kbps.
Enhanced Synchronous Connections (eSCO), which improve the voice quality of the audio stream by allowing retransmission of corrupted packets, and can optionally increase audio latency to provide better support for parallel data transmission.
Support for the 3-wire UART interface has been added to the Host Controller Interface (HCI).
Approved as IEEE Standard 802.15.1-2005.
Introduced Flow Control and Retransmission Modes for L2CAP.

Bluetooth 2.0+EDR

Bluetooth version 2.0 was released on November 10, 2004. It is backwards compatible with previous versions 1.x. The main innovation was the support for Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) to speed up data transfer. The nominal speed of EDR is about 3 Mbps, but in practice this allowed to increase the data transfer rate only up to 2.1 Mbps. Additional performance is achieved using various radio technologies for data transmission.

The standard (basic) data rate uses GFSK modulation of the radio signal at a rate of 1 Mbps. EDR uses a mix of GFSK and PSK modulations with two options, π/4-DQPSK and 8DPSK. They have high data rates over the air - 2 and 3 Mbps, respectively.

The Bluetooth SIG published the specification as "Bluetooth 2.0 Technology + EDR", which implies that EDR is an optional feature. Other than EDR, there are other minor enhancements to the 2.0 specification, and products may comply with "Bluetooth 2.0 Technology" without supporting higher data rates. At least one commercial device, the HTC TyTN Pocket PC, uses "Bluetooth 2.0 without EDR" in its technical specifications.

According to the 2.0+EDR specification, EDR provides the following benefits:
Up to 3x (2.1 Mbps) transmission rate increase in some cases.
Reduce the complexity of multiple simultaneous connections due to additional bandwidth.
Lower energy consumption due to reduced load.

Bluetooth 2.1

2007 Added technology for advanced request for device characteristics (for additional filtering of the list when pairing), energy-saving Sniff Subrating technology, which allows you to increase the duration of the device from a single battery charge by 3-10 times. In addition, the updated specification greatly simplifies and speeds up the establishment of communication between two devices, allows updating the encryption key without breaking the connection, and also makes these connections more secure, thanks to the use of Near Field Communication technology.

Bluetooth 2.1+EDR

In August 2008, the Bluetooth SIG released version 2.1+EDR. The new edition of Bluetooth reduces power consumption by 5 times, increases the level of data protection and makes it easier to recognize and connect Bluetooth devices by reducing the number of steps it takes.

Bluetooth 3.0+HS

3.0+HS was adopted by the Bluetooth SIG on April 21, 2009. It supports theoretical data transfer rates up to 24 Mbps. Its main feature is the addition of AMP (Asymmetric Multiprocessing) (alternatively MAC/PHY), an addition to 802.11 as a high speed message. Two technologies have been provided for AMP: 802.11 and UWB, but UWB is not in the specification.

Modules with support for the new specification combine two radio systems: the first provides data transfer at 3 Mbps (standard for Bluetooth 2.0) and has low power consumption; the second is compatible with the 802.11 standard and provides the ability to transfer data at speeds up to 24 Mbps (comparable to the speed of Wi-Fi networks). The choice of radio system for data transmission depends on the size of the transferred file. Small files are transferred over a slow channel, while large files are transferred over a high-speed one. Bluetooth 3.0 uses the more general 802.11 standard (no suffix), meaning it is not compatible with Wi-Fi specifications such as 802.11b/g or 802.11n.

Bluetooth 4.0

The Bluetooth SIG approved the Bluetooth 4.0 specification on June 30, 2010. Bluetooth 4.0 includes the Classic Bluetooth, High Speed ​​Bluetooth, and Bluetooth Low Energy protocols. High Speed ​​Bluetooth is based on Wi-Fi, while Classic Bluetooth is made up of protocols from previous Bluetooth specifications.

The Bluetooth low energy protocol is intended primarily for miniature electronic sensors (used in sports shoes, exercise equipment, miniature sensors placed on the body of patients, etc.). Low power consumption is achieved through the use of a special operation algorithm. The transmitter is switched on only for the time of sending data, which ensures the possibility of operation from one CR2032 battery for several years. The standard provides a data transfer rate of 1 Mbps with a data packet size of 8-27 bytes. Two Bluetooth devices can establish a connection in less than 5 milliseconds and maintain it at a distance of up to 100 m. For this, advanced error correction is used, and 128-bit AES encryption provides the required level of security.

Sensors for temperature, pressure, humidity, speed of movement, etc. based on this standard can transmit information to various control devices: mobile phones, PDAs, PCs, etc.

The first chip supporting Bluetooth 3.0 and Bluetooth 4.0 was released by ST-Ericsson at the end of 2009.

Bluetooth 4.0 is supported on MacBook Air and Mac mini (since July 2011), iMac (November 2012), iPhone 4S (October 2011) and iPhone 5 (September 2012), iPad 3 (March 2012), LG Optimus smartphones 4X HD (February 2012), HTC One X, S, V and Samsung Galaxy S III (May 2012), Explay Infinity (August 2012), HTC One X+ (2012), HTC Desire C, Google Nexus 7 (2012) ), Sony VAIO SVE1511N1RSI.

Hello everyone, dear users of the best mobile portal Trashbox. Today is September 1, the official day of knowledge, and in the meantime I continue my interesting column "How it works." Before starting, I would like to congratulate all the students on their day - good luck with your studies and don't you dare miss it - you will regret it. Today I want to talk about Bluetooth, one of the most popular wireless interfaces. Let's find out what Bluetooth is and how it works. The most interesting under the cut.

Bluetooth (translated means "blue tooth" or popularly "bluetooth") is one of the wireless network technologies that provides information exchange between various devices, including personal computers, laptops, mobile phones, printers, cameras and other similar products. Bluetooth allows devices to communicate - the maximum range is 100 meters from each other.

The main task of Bluetooth technology is to transfer data between devices without the help of wires - providing economical and cheap radio communication between various types of electronic devices.
The principle of operation is based on the use of radio waves, and the Bluetooth technology itself is a small chip that is a high-frequency transceiver. It operates on the ISM (Industry, Science and Medicine; industrial, scientific and medical) band, since these frequencies do not require a license to use - they are free for use worldwide (exceptions: France and Spain).

The fundamental principle of building networks based on Bluetooth is the method of spreading the spectrum with frequency hopping (FHSS - Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum). The FHSS method is easy to implement - it provides resistance to broadband interference, and the equipment is inexpensive.

The transmitter breaks the data into packets and transmits them using a pseudo-random algorithm, in which the carrier frequency (pattern) changes 1600 times per second and takes on the value of one of 79 sub-frequencies. The switching sequence between frequencies for each connection is pseudo-random and known only to the transmitter and receiver.

Several devices connected via Bluetooth form a so-called piconet (Piconet) - a collection of two to eight devices operating on the same template. Within a piconet, one of the devices is the master and the other is the slave. Bluetooth technology can support several slave devices - up to a maximum of seven. The master is the user device that initiates communication. It also controls the operation of devices in the piconet.

Bluetooth allows you to transmit both voice and data. The voice is transmitted over three audio channels at a speed of 64 Kbps each. The data rate is approximately 720 Kbps in asymmetric and 420 Kbps in fully symmetrical or full duplex (two-way) mode. The "blue tooth" can work at relatively short distances. According to the specifications (versions 1.1 and 1.2), it has two classes of adapters: class 1 (class A) supports distances up to 100 meters, and class 2 (class B) works within 10 meters (still the most common class among specifications) .

Currently, the newest Bluetooth specification has an index of 4.0. The Bluetooth SIG approved the specification on June 30, 2010. The Bluetooth low energy protocol supports the transmission of data such as temperature, pressure, humidity, speed sensors, and others based on this standard can transmit information to various devices: mobile phones, personal computers, smartphones and other similar mobile products.

Also, Bluetooth technology can be applied in various areas of mobile life. You can easily use it for the following purposes:

  • For automatic synchronization between devices. For example, as soon as you enter new data in the address book on a laptop, the corresponding entries in the desktop computer are automatically updated, and vice versa
  • For automatic backup synchronization. An example would be this situation: the manager changed your action plan while you are on vacation. The office PC sends the changes to your mobile device, which automatically connects to the laptop and transmits the modified schedule
  • To use your laptop as a speakerphone. By connecting the wireless headset to a laptop, you can use it in the office, car or at home
  • To connect all participants in the exchange of information. Being at any business event, you can quickly discuss the issue of interest with all its participants. In addition, you can remotely perform control functions. For example, turn on the projector
  • To transfer various multimedia content from anywhere. The camera connects to the phone (wirelessly) and you add comments using the keyboard on your phone or laptop. Photos and text are sent to the addressee

All of the above is just a small part of where Bluetooth wireless technology can be used. Now there are already such exotic options as embedding modules based on this technology in printers, memory cards and various other devices.

In the near future, Bluetooth technology, in addition to mobile phones, smartphones, and other connected devices, will even be built into household appliances. One has only to imagine it: a TV, a vacuum cleaner, a refrigerator, a microwave oven and other household appliances can be controlled using a smartphone - just like with a universal remote control. In addition, alternative solutions are currently being developed that should seriously compete with the so-called "blue tooth" and even possibly surpass this technology.

A modern person is surrounded by an incredible number of mobile and electronic devices, and therefore he must be aware of the latest news of new technologies and know well what the basic concepts and terms of communication and communication mean. One of the most common technologies for building communication networks in the world is Bluetooth (bluetooth, bluetooth) - the function wireless communication, without which in our time it is already impossible to do.

To date, all models of mobile devices are equipped with wireless technology bluetooth, and its latest version Bluetooth 4.0 is built into all flagship mobile devices from Samsung and Apple. The fourth version of bluetooth is the most advanced, it allows you to transfer data wirelessly from one smartphone or tablet to another at a speed of up to one megabit per second at a distance of 100 meters.

Bluetooth technology is designed to carry out data transmission not only between similar devices, such as between two smartphones, but also between devices of different types. For example, computer and mobile phone. Thanks to bluetooth, a wireless connection is created, with which you can transfer any information, including photos, videos and audio files from one medium to another. Bluetooth is also used to connect a controlled device with a controller or signal transmission allowing you to use your headphones wirelessly.

Translated from English, the word "Bluetooth" means "blue tooth". So called wireless technology is not accidental. Bluetooth is the nickname of the Danish Viking king Harald Bluetooth, who lived in the 900s and is famous for uniting Norway and Denmark. He got his nickname the king of the Vikings because of the front tooth, which was darkened. When choosing a name, the developers of Bluetooth technology apparently decided that, by analogy with the king-unifier of the lands, it would unite computers, mobile phones, tablets and other telecommunication devices with each other.

The principle of operation of Bluetooth technology is based on the use of radio communication in the ISM range, which is free from the need for licensing and does not require large investments to purchase equipment. The level of resistance and confidentiality when using Bluetooth is high, since data transmission occurs according to a pseudo-random algorithm and the frequency switching sequence is known only to the devices themselves.

The latest models of all mobile phones, tablets and laptops are equipped with bluetooth, the presence of which is indicated by a logo icon in the case or on the screen of the mobile device. When a bluetooth connection is established, the corresponding icon appears on the screen, and when data is exchanged, an additional indication appears.

In addition to mobile devices, bluetooth technology used in desktop computers to provide communication between cameras, mice, keyboards, printers, scanners, headsets and headphones. All this equipment can communicate at a distance of up to 100 meters with Bluetooth adapters with flash drives, which can now be found on sale in any hardware store. Sometimes wireless communication is supported even between devices located in different rooms.

To connect various devices to a personal computer via Bluetooth, you need to install a bluetooth connector port on the computer, which looks like a simple flash drive and connects via USB. The program and drivers for working with Bluetooth are usually supplied in the kit, if they are not available, you must use the universal program for working with BlueSoleil devices.

When a connection is established between two devices, one of them is the master, the other is the slave. On both devices, turn on Bluetooth and then perform scanning bluetooth wireless network. The list of available devices is displayed on the screen of the mobile phone and in the program on the computer. The device name can be set. To make a connection via Bluetooth, you need to know the name of the device you want to connect to and find it in the list. Then, on one of the devices, a password is entered, and on the second, this password must be confirmed. After that, the connection is established and data can be exchanged between the devices that have become paired. The Bluetooth port connected to the computer is usually equipped with a light indexing, when there is a connection and data transfer, it lights up and blinks blue or green.

Worthy of special attention bluetooth headphones that allow you while driving, playing sports and walking. A wireless Bluetooth headset is attached to your ear, while the phone itself can be in your pocket or bag at this time. The headset has a button that is used to answer and allows you to adjust the volume. Call quality in use bluetooth headphones high and low Bluetooth signal strength eliminates the harmful effects of mobile communications on health.

Using bluetooth, you can exchange information between electronic multimedia devices: computers, mobile phones, etc. Bluetooth allows them to communicate on the inexpensive, ubiquitous 2.45 GHz frequency. The established connection is reliable if the gadgets are removed at a distance of up to 100 m.

Bluetooth is a wireless radio technology. It is designed to combine various digital devices. Bluetooth 4.0 version is energy saving, compatible with the previous ones. This technology allows you to increase the operating time of the device after a full charge from the battery by more than five times. In addition, the speed of data exchange and the stability of the connection have increased. The latest version 4.1 has a number of improvements regarding communication with mobile devices. Bluetooth technology uses short range transmitters. There are two types: built-in directly into the device, external - connected via a PC card or USB port. Differs from IrDA (infrared port) in a large range, high speed of information transfer. For bluetooth, there is no need for a direct line of sight of the receiver. High speed IrDA devices were not widely available. They were supplanted by modern ones - Bluetooth, WiFi.

No cables are required to connect Bluetooth devices and transfer multimedia information. Both devices must have a built-in bluetooth adapter. When it is activated, each device starts searching for another one that is within the valid range of the signal. At present, the radius has increased from 10 m to 100 m (30-40 m in an apartment). This is connected with the emergence of a large number of peripheral bluetooth devices that work without bulky, inconvenient wires: keyboards, mice, headphones, modems.

The bluetooth frequency range - 2.45 GHz is universally available to everyone. The FCC limits the range used by devices. The problem is that there are an extremely large number of them: bluetooth, wireless networks, microwave ovens. Audio and video equipment operating in the Home RF range is even more common. Increasing the Home RF range will cause a conflict between them.

Signaling, security, radio communication devices operate at a frequency of 2.45 GHz - they also interfere. Bluetooth uses fast frequency hopping to solve this problem. This tuning makes it possible to transfer data faster than others operating at the same frequency. The attenuation of interference makes the bluetooth connection the most stable and strong.

Each user who wants to take advantage of wireless technology must make sure that the bluetooth microchip is present in the device, otherwise it must be purchased and installed. On a computer, the adapter is connected to a USB port. The system itself will automatically detect a new device within reach. Usually no driver installation is required. If the operating system indicates the adapter as an unknown device, then install the driver from the disk that came with the kit.

After the driver installation is complete, you need to activate the bluetooth to start searching for other devices. The adapter must be active on both devices. If the scan result is positive, a list of available devices is displayed. Find the one you want, pair and start transferring data.

Despite the emergence of new methods of data transmission, Bluetooth technology is still in demand. Almost all laptops are equipped with a wireless module, so the question of how to turn on Bluetooth on a laptop periodically arises from different users.

Hardware enable

On some laptop models, the Bluetooth module is controlled using a hardware switch located on the device case. Sometimes the switch is responsible for turning on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth right away, so be careful.

Another way to enable the module is to use hotkeys. For example, for a number of Acer laptop models, you can turn on bluetooth using the Fn + F3 combination. The module is enabled in a similar way on ASUS (Fn+F2) and HP (Fn+F12) laptops. To find the desired button, carefully study the row F1-F12. Look for the key with the Bluetooth icon and press it in combination with the Fn button.

Pay attention to the indicator lights. When you turn on the wireless modules, the corresponding icon should light up. If it is enabled, then you can proceed to configure the adapter in the system.

Driver installation

After enabling the adapter hardware, you need to check that the wireless module drivers are installed correctly in the system:

  1. Open device manager.
  2. Find equipment that provides Bluetooth functionality.
  3. Make sure the device is working properly.

Update device drivers if necessary. Choose automatic search. If this installation method did not help, go to the laptop manufacturer's website and download the software for your laptop model.

Establishing a connection

Some manufacturers (Samsung, Lenovo, ASUS) pre-install utilities for managing the Bluetooth adapter on laptops. If you have such a program on your laptop, then it is better to use it to add / remove devices and transfer files. If there is no proprietary utility, or you cannot use it, then you can establish a connection via bluetooth using the built-in system tools.

Windows 7

If you set the hardware switch to the "On" position or used hotkeys to launch the adapter, and then made sure that the wireless module software is working correctly, look for the Bluetooth icon in the notification area. With it, you can quickly add a new device.

If there is no tray icon, use the following instruction:

Another way to establish pairing with Bluetooth equipment:

The system will start searching for available devices. If the adapter drivers are working properly, and Bluetooth is enabled on the device that you want to connect to the laptop, then in a special window you will see the equipment available for connection. If you connect a phone, a code will appear on the screen that you need to enter on the mobile device to establish pairing.

If the built-in Windows tools do not solve the problem with adding a new Bluetooth device, try using third-party programs to establish pairing, such as BlueSoleil or WIDCOMM. These utilities are suitable for different models of laptops and wireless adapters, establishing a connection with peripheral devices and making it possible to transfer and receive files.

Windows 8

On Windows 8, Bluetooth configuration is carried out through the Charms bar, which can be called up by moving the cursor to the upper right corner of the screen (or using the Win + C combination). Further:

The adapter is enabled and configured - now you can add a new device. Turn on Bluetooth on the phone or other device you want to connect to your laptop. Return to the "Change PC settings" section and open the "Devices" section. Click Add Device to pair the equipment wirelessly.

On Windows 8.1, the order in which the adapter is enabled has changed slightly:

  1. Call the Charms panel, open "Options".
  2. Go to the "Change PC settings" section.
  3. Open the Computer and Devices tab.
  4. Find and open the Bluetooth submenu.

The laptop will automatically start searching for devices available for connection. At this point, Bluetooth should already be running on the device you want to pair with the laptop.

Windows 10

With the release of a new version of the system from Microsoft, the procedure for turning on Bluetooth and adding a new device has changed a little more. Since the Charms bar is no longer in Windows 10, you will have to go the other way:

  1. Expand "Start" and launch "Settings".
  2. Go to the "Bluetooth" tab.

The computer will start searching for Bluetooth devices. There is also a "More Options" button - click on it to make sure that your laptop is detected by other devices.

In the "Discovery" field, set the permission for Bluetooth devices to see your computer's name. Additionally, you can turn on alerts and display the wireless connection icon in the notification area. With this icon, you can later quickly add new devices, view connected equipment, transfer and receive files.

Features of using Bluetooth in phones and smartphones

The first phones were only able to transmit voice, but in recent decades they have advanced so far in their development that they can now send text, graphics, video and many other types of data to other devices. An important role in this is assigned to the Bluetooth radio module (literal translation into Russian sounds like “blue tooth”), which today can be found in almost every mobile phone, as well as in laptops, computers and as separate devices.

Bluetooth Basics

Initially, the Bluetooth radio module was invented as an alternative to a wired connection for various devices. Thanks to him, there is no need to constantly carry with you and connect, if necessary, various cables. Today it has become the world standard, and you can use Bluetooth in any corner of our planet. This radio uses the 2.4 GHz (low frequency radio) frequency for operation. This range is not subject to compulsory licensing, so anyone can work with it.

Depending on the class, Bluetooth modules can operate in a range of up to 1 to 100 meters, but this is in theory. In practice (in conditions other than ideal), the range in each of the classes will be 10-20% less than the reference. Physical obstacles do not interrupt the radio signal, but only slightly limit its range. This is its main difference from the older method of data transfer in the phone - IrDA.

Externally, Bluetooth is a small microchip embedded in another electronic device. This article will discuss the possibilities of Bluetooth as part of a mobile phone or smartphone.

The earliest Bluetooth specification, 1.0, can still be found on the oldest phones. It was far from perfect, as it allowed data to be transferred at a maximum speed of 721 Kbps and was characterized by poor compatibility between devices from different manufacturers. In versions 1.1 and 1.2, this error was corrected, and they were widely used in mobile phones a few years ago. To date, the most popular versions can be called Bluetooth 2.0 and 2.1. The first (Bluetooth 2.0) added support for EDR, which provided an increase in data transfer speed up to 3 Mbps, and the second (Bluetooth 2.1) began to work with energy-saving Sniff Subrating technology. On a number of recent mobile innovations, manufacturers have installed Bluetooth 3.0 radio modules, the main difference of which from the previous ones is the ability to transfer data at speeds up to 24 Mbps (comparable to the data transfer rate via Wi-Fi).

Bluetooth capabilities in a phone are largely determined by the set of supported profiles. Among the most useful and popular profiles are Handsfree (allows you to use a wireless headset for calls), Serial Port (PC serial port emulator), Dial Up Networking (network dial-up), File Transfer (file transfer), Basic Printing (image printing ), A2DP (allows you to transmit high-quality sound to wireless headphones). Each phone may have a different set of supported profiles, but the features that will be described in the last three sections can be offered to you by any modern phone that has this radio module installed.

Advantages and disadvantages of wireless communication via Bluetooth in the phone

The advantages of the Bluetooth radio module in the phone include the following features:

  • the presence of Bluetooth allows you to exchange data with other devices (of course, also equipped with the same module) without using an additional accessory - a data cable;
  • the presence of a Bluetooth module has a very slight effect on its cost, so it is installed in almost all modern models of mobile phones and smartphones (the only exception is extremely cheap phones designed only for making calls);
  • to use the Bluetooth module in the phone, you will need a minimum of additional knowledge;
  • the possibility of mutual influence of different phones with Bluetooth, which are in close proximity to each other, is excluded;
  • when connecting two devices with Bluetooth modules in each of them, no additional accessories are required;
  • The Bluetooth radio uses battery power more economically than Wi-Fi.

The disadvantages of the Bluetooth wireless connection in the phone are as follows:

  • despite the moderate battery discharge rate when Bluetooth is on, you should still use this module carefully, especially if you cannot recharge your mobile phone in the near future;
  • limited radius of the module in the phone - usually up to 10 meters in open space. Concrete floors of buildings can reduce this radius by 1.5-2 times.

Bluetooth in the phone for communication

Using a Bluetooth headset with a phone equipped with this radio allows you to free your hands while talking on the phone. The headset is attached to the user's ear, and the phone itself can easily lie in a pocket at this time. This method is especially in demand among busy people who often have to answer calls, as well as among supporters of an active lifestyle, motorists.

Today, there are so many ways to communicate via mobile phones that it is difficult to tell something new about any of them. Unfortunately, most of them work on a paid basis: regular calls, SMS, MMS, emails, messages in ICQ or messages in a social network. All of them will be paid in accordance with the current tariffs of your mobile operator. There are, of course, very loyal tariff plans, where some services will be very cheap or even free, but these are special cases. Nevertheless, there is a way to communicate for free, and it is implemented just through the Bluetooth wireless module.

In addition to the Bluetooth phones themselves, only one thing will be needed: a simple Java application, which will provide the interface necessary for communication. Quite a lot of such programs have been created, but they are called very similarly: Bluetooth Chat, Blue Chat, Blueeee! im. The vast majority of these applications can be quickly and free of charge found and installed on your mobile phone.

After installation, it is enough to activate Bluetooth in your phone and make it "visible" to other devices. After that, you can turn on the search and try to find your interlocutors. All messages sent and received will be absolutely free, and the chat can support up to ten conversations simultaneously in private mode or real chat - when all messages are visible to all connected users.

Bluetooth Chat interface

Bluetooth in phone for work

A mobile phone with Bluetooth can be a great help if you need to surf the Internet from a computer or laptop. Using a mobile phone to access the Internet today is difficult to surprise anyone. But in some cases, users do not even realize that, having a PC or laptop with a built-in or external Bluetooth module at hand, you can check mail, ICQ or your page on a social network with much greater comfort. To do this, you need to turn on Bluetooth on the phone and on the computer (or laptop), activate on each of them the ability to be discovered by other devices, exchange control codes (although you can connect without them - it all depends on the selected connection settings). When the computer and phone "see" each other, in the PC settings, select the "Dial-up network connections" service. That's it, now you can access the Internet using a mobile phone, which in this case will act as a GPRS modem.

Having at hand only a phone and a laptop (or PC) with Bluetooth modules (and in many modern laptops it is installed by default), you can quickly transfer files from one device to another, including synchronizing organizers, phone books, and backing up important data , exchange electronic business cards and much more.

Bluetooth in your phone for entertainment

A mobile phone with Bluetooth can be a good replacement for the remote control for your computer or laptop. In order to connect two devices with it, you will need to install special software on your phone. For example, it could be anyRemoote or Bluetooth Remote Control.

Bluetooth Remote Control interface

In the application settings, you can specify with which of the programs the phone will work as a remote control. These can be audio and video players, image and presentation viewers, and a number of other applications.

If your phone has Bluetooth with the A2DP profile, then you can safely buy Bluetooth headphones and listen to music with them. This is extremely convenient - you do not have tangled wires, the music connector on the case does not loosen (and this is a big problem for phones that have been actively used for 2-3 years). In order to connect the headphones to your phone and seamlessly stream music to them, you must follow the standard steps to enable the "visibility" of each of them, as well as search for and add each other to the list of connected devices.

Examples of Bluetooth Headphones

By the way, in fact, you can manage not only music or programs on your PC, but also many different gadgets. So, a few years ago, the company released the Bluetooth Car 100, a gadget in the form of a small car that could be controlled just using a phone with a Bluetooth radio module.

Recently, new technical inventions appear on the commercial market at an unprecedented rate and in huge numbers. What the next designers just do not invent to make our world, already advanced in the technical sense, better, more utilitarian and more convenient. Bluetooth is one such innovation in the twenty-first century. Remote control was an additional option for consumers. Bluetooth support solves many problems in the operation of most computer developments. More about this technology below.

Versatile technology

What is Bluetooth? Bluetooth is a universal electronic device that makes it possible to transmit specific material over a certain distance from one gadget to another. In this case, material refers to all kinds of text documents, photographs, music files, not very voluminous videos, computer programs, etc.

The Bluetooth peripheral was developed a little over ten years ago and quickly gained acceptance around the world. To date, such an invention has already been somewhat forgotten by many consumers, but this does not adversely affect the mass character of its everyday use, since almost any mobile device has a transmitter that performs a similar function. In addition, it was Bluetooth that became the basis for the production of Wi-Fi, which is widespread today. So we can safely say that Bluetooth is the ancestor of Wi-Fi.

I must say that even after the creation of wireless technology, such a development is not inferior to him in fame and is actively used not only by conservatives, but also by the younger generation. Bluetooth is widely used in business as well. However, the technology is not as often in the field of view and is usually classified as a standard feature in today's smartphones.

Scope of application

A Bluetooth peripheral is a great way to save space and bring some order to your smartphone, computer, laptop or other media. It is in this way that this device is often characterized by modern computer pros. And indeed, if we turn to history, we can find out that this product was created not only to get rid of wires, which always either hindered work or took up too much space. In addition, a single wire malfunction could be the reason for stopping all processes. But if you organize work using a wireless connection of devices, then the risk of breakdown is reduced to a minimum.

But this is not the main purpose of Bluetooth, as it is mainly used to transfer a variety of material from one device to another, without even trying to understand the full potential that this simple device has.

How bluetooth works

What is Bluetooth and how to use it effectively? Let's try to understand the nuances. There is nothing complicated in the operation of Bluetooth for a computer, even for an ordinary user who hardly understands various programs and components. After initiating the material transfer process, you only need to confirm your intentions and make a perfect file selection. To transfer from one device to another, for example, several photos, you only need Bluetooth technology on both media. You need to activate the function, after an automatic search, select find the desired device (the default device name will be the name of the smartphone model) and try to connect. After you need to confirm the connection on the second device. Then you can easily transfer files between smartphones or laptops. You can optionally use a Bluetooth headset for your phone. This is a typical diagram showing only a part of the useful properties of the option.

Today, users are offered a wide variety of remote devices that work offline, facilitating widespread use and freeing users from additional wires.

Device types

The Bluetooth adapter in a modern phone consists of hardware and software parts that allow you to wirelessly transfer materials from one device to another. The technology uses radio waves of a certain frequency, which is why Bluetooth can only be used between devices that are close to each other.

A Bluetooth peripheral is a versatile unit that allows you to transfer certain amounts of information or make regular connections using wireless communication. At the same time, the structure of Bluetooth is accompanied by a large list of a wide variety of software parts that are being developed by modern companies. Due to this, Bluetooth performance characteristics, obsolete in some technological aspects, become very relevant in others.


The Bluetooth adapter by our time has "grown" to the level of a real router, which does not receive a certain amount of information using the Internet, but creates a point of contact for wireless devices. Bluetooth in this case forms a return point, which becomes a kind of remote server to maintain a connection between technical blocks.

So what is a bluetooth adapter? For example, if employees in the office have a large number of computers and only one printer, then in order to avoid crowds near a single copy of office equipment, you just need to activate the adapter and connect all computers with the printer into a single network. After that, the print queue will be visible from the monitor screen.

A BT-adapter is, as a rule, a USB device that connects one computer to others in the form of a local network with the possibility of exchanging information between its links. Information to exchange can be, for example, videos and photos, melodies, text documents, e-books and much more - any object that has a digital form. Also, a BT connection can be used to connect to the Internet, for example, via 3G or GPRS, using the modem capabilities of mobile devices.

Work with computer

What is Bluetooth and how does it work with a computer? If you need to connect your computer to another mobile device via Bluetooth, you need to download Bluetooth drivers (there are free versions) for Windaus XP and higher. This Bluetooth technology for a computer makes it possible to connect to a personal computer almost the entire range of peripheral devices and various equipment with the necessary wireless material transfer protocol for use both once and regularly. Among the connected devices, you can often see tablets, smartphones, smart watches and other devices. The possibilities of this technology in working with computers are very large.

Among the advantages of this technology, the following should be noted separately:

  • quick search and connection of devices;
  • economical use of electricity;
  • automatic protection against radio interference;
  • the transfer of material is possible simultaneously with the performance of other actions;
  • preserving the quality of images, music files and other data during transfer.


Now a little about the Bluetooth mini-headset. These are ordinary headphones for a modern smartphone, but without annoying wires. With the help of a popular and already quite banal technology, a domestic user can not tear himself away from his problems and have time to respond to calls without taking up his hands with a smartphone. This inconspicuous headset is attached to your ear and can help you work more efficiently for a long time. The device does not restrict a person's hearing and has a special button that allows you to respond to calls from your phone. Once such devices could only be seen in Western films, today headsets are widely used by ordinary consumers.

The best headset has Bluetooth speakers with a stylish appearance, plays music files with high quality and transmits sound well. Battery life without mains power for a modern headset is five to ten hours. Using the headset is convenient, the device weighs only about ten grams or less. Usually there is also a noise reduction function. In addition, the device should be easy to manage.

How to connect bluetooth headphones? First you need to enable the Bluetooth option on both devices. To activate on the user's headphones, you need to hold down the connect button for about eight to ten seconds. After that, a small light diode will light up, which thus gives a signal about the start of the device in the required mode. By default, the technology turns off after thirty seconds, so you should find Bluetooth in the menu on your device and change the technology mode to a longer one.

To establish contact with other devices, you need to turn on the search. The technology will automatically find all smartphones, laptops and other gadgets nearby with which it can connect. A stereo Bluetooth headset provides good signal reception if the distance between the headphones and other devices is no more than eight to ten meters. After the search for other devices is completed, you need to select the necessary one from the list provided.

Headset selection

Given the volume of the modern market for computer devices, a complete review of Bluetooth headsets is a large list of dozens of copies of different brands. Headsets are mainly used by car owners or businessmen who do not have the opportunity to constantly hold a mobile phone in their hands during a conversation. Purchasing a Bluetooth headset for your phone gives you the opportunity to leave your hands free and not worry about missed calls. And calling a contact from the phone book using the voice function will be a convenient additional function of the device.

Popular budget model

The budget level of Bluetooth stereo headsets is represented by devices that cost no more than two thousand rubles. For such funds, the buyer purchases a mono-earphone with a typical battery life and a set of usual functions. In order to reduce the final cost of products, the noise reduction function in budget devices is not enough for really comfortable work, so if it is important, then it is better to opt for analogues from the middle price segment.

If the budget is significantly cut, and there is a need for a Bluetooth headset, you can pay attention to the Samsung EO-MG920 model, which is produced by South Korea. A typical case weighing 9.2 grams is made of hard plastic, is sufficiently durable and stylish in appearance. Like other instances of the budget level, the "Samsung" model has a Bluetooth 3.0 interface and a voice control mechanism. Despite the budget cost, the headset can be connected simultaneously from two devices, in addition, the model suppresses external noise well, so using the EO-MG920 is quite convenient.

Among the negative points, we can single out the lack of A2DP, which means that the sound transmission will be at a fairly low level. In addition, for most consumers, the large dimensions of the headset and a quiet sound compared to similar models will also be “repulsive” reasons when looking for a mono earpiece. But, in general, even taking into account several problematic features, the model has found its niche in the commercial market due to its low price.

Other options

From the models of 2017, other options can be distinguished:

  1. For business people, Plantronics Voyager Legend is suitable. This is a stylish solution that allows you to keep busy even while driving or shopping. The headset suppresses noise well due to the presence of three microphones (two are used for speech transmission, another one is used to suppress external noise), it is charged from USB, but when connecting to a phone for the first time, problems may arise, because the device does not support the NFC protocol.
  2. The best sound from a well-known brand is Sennheiser VMR 200-II. The headset is made qualitatively, the sound transmits at the highest level. The device supports many protocols, but the cost is rather big - almost seven thousand rubles.
  3. Reliable model - Sony SBH80. The device differs in the compact sizes and long work without recharging. There are all the necessary functions, and the main feature is a powerful battery.

Radio module

What is Bluetooth and how is contact made when it comes to a radio module? The Bluetooth radio module is another technical improvement of this modern technology. In principle, this is already a universal compact device that allows you to transmit a certain amount of information in the form of sound. Outwardly, this is an ordinary speaker of small size without wires. There are speakers for the Bluetooth function. For the radio module to work, you need to activate the contact with the server for sound transmission. A computer or mobile phone can act as a server, and a music player is also suitable. After that, you can add sound on the device. The radio module transmits the sound of music cleanly and efficiently.

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