Teams in world of tanks. Customizable battle menu for WOT Wot team during battle

In world of tanks, there is not, has not been and will not be balancing players in teams according to their level of play. At least that's what the developers say. But we know that their official position can be as changeable as a spring wind in February.

Naturally, the skill level of world of tanks players can vary from phenomenal, but almost zero. Unfortunately, the level of the tank here does not always affect the distribution. Sometimes the battles of the tenth level amaze with such mistakes, which not everyone makes even at the first levels. This implies the fact that victory can be determined not so much by the actions of tanks in battle, but by the basic distribution of good and bad players on teams.

Today we will discuss this topic, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the system of balancing by the level of the game. Do not expect in this article on www. To believe it or not is again a separate question, because conspiracy theories are so attractive and often true.


It is bad when the outcome of the event is already predetermined from the outset. Within the framework of a computer game, this is not fatalism, but a very boring situation. It makes sense then to play if the question of victory or defeat has already been decided in absentia by the wot team balancer. It is even sadder when the difference in the level of the players of one team exceeds by an order of magnitude, then we observe very fleeting battles.

The losing team does not have time to do anything useful, just merge. Such situations are commonly referred to as "turbosleaves" or "turbo-damages". With regret for the site, I note that with the growth of the popularity of the game, such battles occur more and more often, especially during the period of powerful promotions. Indeed, if a deer team fights with good players, then even a very good player who accidentally ends up in a team of weak players will not have a chance to win.

I’ll make a reservation right away that I’m not calling for you to immediately give up, based on the statistics of the players of your own and enemy teams. Firstly, statistics often lie, because many purposefully stuff statistics for themselves, but they don’t really know how to play. There are also occasions when weak players win, but this rarely happens. Even for such an accident, it is necessary that the bias in the average level for the teams is not too serious.

The main problem is not even the fact that the outcome of the fight is very predictable, the whole problem is the quality of the game. Such a fleeting battle (turbo drain) is equally unpleasant both on the part of the losing team and on the part of the winners. There is no pleasure in such battles, and there will not be, because there is not even a hint of a fight.

The solution suggests itself, you need to introduce a system for choosing opponents according to the level of the game. A similar system operates in the second Starcraft, no one complains. That is, your opponents will pick up a player who is approximately equal to you in level. They began to play better - the opponents became stronger, it is always interesting to win, there is always a chance to win too. There is a so-called ladder system.


But such a ladder system (the principle of a ladder, the gradual strengthening of opponents, steps) has its drawbacks, as well as the features of the world of tanks, which theoretically prevent its introduction into the game. In fact, in single-player games it is interesting to compete with those whose level of play is comparable to yours, otherwise the game will get bored very quickly, there will be either easy victories or fatal defeats.

But world of tanks is an online team game, so the average level of team play is important, taking into account the levels of tanks (if there are weak players on top tanks, this will greatly reduce the chances of winning). This simplifies the situation, but if the skew is strong, it will be the same. What we observe in the form of fatal defeats and easy victories, where you can not even reach the enemies in time.

With the selection of teams completely of the same level, the battles will become boring. After all, equivalent opponents will confront you, and the price of a mistake can greatly increase. There is also a chance that the battles will be even more boring, but here on I see the problem in the overall game balance, and not in the matchmaking system. But the main negative feature of the ladder system in wot is its deviation from the developers.

KVG openly and explicitly states that there will be no consideration of the level of players in the selection of teams. In part, they explain their decision with the same arguments that I indicated just above. There is no democracy in the world of tanks, the players have no rights, the whole game is only in the power of the KVG. So for those who want to change something in wot, I can recommend choosing , since such ones are now available. Here we either use the product or refuse it, the developers do not provide other options.


But many have already got used to not taking the word of the KVG, there are quite obvious reasons for this. But we will not analyze them today on the pages of, there is a separate article on the site about the perfidy and hypocrisy of developers. As for the selection of teams, many people began to notice that if the percentage of victories on vehicles gradually goes up, then then they will be destined to be part of teams of players so weak that they can no longer influence the outcome of the battle.

There are also suggestions that if you win on a tank, then in the next battle there is a higher chance of falling down the list of teams, from where it is already more difficult to influence the victory, especially for slow and heavy tanks. This theory was confirmed in the user agreement of the game and according to some semi-secret data. Other theories exist at the level of rumors and speculation.

There are varieties of such an idea that the more battles a tank has, the less likely it is to get into the top team, this idea is especially relevant for premium tanks (only bought - you will be in the top, then at the bottom of the team list). But here I would not go further in my assumptions, excessive fantasy leads away from the truth no worse than its complete absence.

Is the solution a compromise?

Still, the popularity of the world of tanks has reached unprecedented heights, and learning the game is not at all necessary. It is important for developers that there are many players online, as well as that they donate as much as possible, that is, they invest more real money in the game. That is, KVG is of interest to online players and donations, all other indicators are of less interest to them. A simple confirmation of this theory is the terribly low average level of players, and its dynamics is negative.

So more and more often any player on the team will be surrounded by frankly weak players. Many will play in platoons more often, and they bring their own imbalance to the game. So the number of uninteresting battles, where it is problematic to do anything, will increase. The solution can be called a compromise option, when opponents will be selected not according to the personal level of the game, but according to the team level. That is, as before, weak and strong players will be on the same team, but opponents will have a similar composition in the team.


I would like to end the article on this constructive and somewhat ambiguous note. But it will have to end on a pragmatic note. Developers are unlikely to do anything in this direction, since this makes little practical sense for them, online in the game is only growing, and wot owners do not complain about income either. So, in terms of the balance of teams in terms of the level of play, everything will remain the same, in any case, no changes are planned. If this situation annoys you a lot, it’s easier just not to play World of Tanks.

A help screen with a list of control keys in the game can be viewed by pressing F1.

In battle mode

Key Action
F1 Calling up the help screen in combat
W, A, S, D Tank management
C Forced reloading of the "French" drum without waiting for it to be completely empty
R, F Turn on cruise control and change the speed of the tank. Double tap to set maximum speed
paintwork Fire
PKM Hold: Stop the turret tracking the gun marker. When aiming at an enemy: turn on auto-aim. When there is no target in the sight: turn off auto-aiming
Scrolling or PgUp/PgDn Camera zoom out/zoom in. In sniper mode: change the scope magnification.
Up/down/left/right keys or mouse movement Turret and/or camera rotation
SHIFT Enable/disable sniper (or howitzer) mode
SPACE Short stop for a shot; if the tank was in cruise control mode before pressing it, after the shot it will continue to move at the same speed.
Keys 1-3 (top row) Switching between types of tank shells
Keys 4-6 (top row) Use of equipment (first aid kits, repair kits, etc.)
CTRL Hold: Cursor on
CTRL + LMB On the mini-map Message to allies: "Attention to the square!". The specified square will be highlighted on the mini-map.
CTRL + RMB On the minimap (for howitzers) Switch to howitzer mode while aiming at a point on the map
TAB+CTRL Hide/show command lists
ALT Hold: Show tank icons and player names
Z Hold: Order Menu
X Turns on the parking brake when playing tank destroyers, art destroyers or other vehicles without a turret to be able to look around without moving the tank hull.
PrtScr Saving a screenshot in the game folder
ESC Exit to the main menu of the game
5 years and 4 months ago Comments: 13

Good day, dear tankers! Today I will describe the main tank controls in World of Tanks. The article will be useful for reading by novice tankers as an instruction manual for the operation of a combat vehicle.

Quite simple and intuitive, especially for people who have played computer games more than once. I will list the main keys in the game with the default control settings.

Tank movement:

- W, S, A, D used to move the tank hull (forward, backward, turn the hull to the left, turn the hull to the right, respectively);

Double key press R full forward - turns on the automatic movement of the tank in the forward direction, while holding the button is not required W, but with buttons A And D can be steered; button press S stops the tank;

Double button press F full back - the action of the button is similar to R, only turns on the automatic movement of the tank back;

- R/F cruise control (when moving forward, backward);

- Space hold stop the tank while moving for a shot, after releasing the button, the tank continues to move;

X the handbrake is used when playing tank destroyers and self-propelled guns to fix the hull; disables body rotation when the sight reaches the horizontal aiming angle. Press again to turn off, or start moving.


- Mouse movement/keyboard arrows movement of the sight, turret, aiming at the target;

- Mouse movement while holding down the right mouse button, a review without turning the tower, moving the sight;

- Mouse scroll wheel, keys PgUp, PgDn zoom zoom in / out of the camera / scope, switch to sniper / arcade mode;

- ctrl+ click right click for self-propelled guns, the inclusion of an art sight with aiming at the selected square of the minimap.

- alt hold to turn on the alternative mode for displaying tank icons.


- Click left mouse button shot;

Cry right mouse button on the target, the inclusion of auto-guidance, auto-tracking for the selected target;

Cry right mouse button, E key off the target auto-aim off;

- Shift manual inclusion of the sniper / arcade mode of the sight;

- C reload key;

Keys 1, 2, 3 the keyboard selects the type of projectile used, one press of the button selects for the next shot, the dual loader immediately proceeds to change the type of projectile to the selected one.

Keys 4, 5, 6 use of consumable equipment depending on the installation slot; after clicking, you must select the module to be repaired, or the crew member to be cured

Combat Chat:

- Enter enabling combat chat, opening the message editor line, sending a message after writing;

- Tab switching between message recipients (own team, enemy team, message to own platoon/company); by default, messages are sent to their team;

- Esc when open combat chat or click left mouse button outside the chat window, exit the combat chat message editor;

Combat interface:

- Click left mouse button on the minimap while holding the button ctrl indicating the team a square on the minimap;

Buttons + And - - respectively, increase and decrease the size of the minimap;

- M show/hide the minimap;

- ctrl turning on the pointer;

- Ctrl+Tab changing the appearance of command lists (ears);

- V- show/hide the entire combat interface in battle;

- Z opening a general menu of orders after opening it is necessary to select an order with the mouse pointer and confirm it by clicking left mouse button to send to the team;

Z when hovering over an ally/enemy, opening a menu of orders with a list applicable to that player. It also requires selecting an order with the mouse pointer and confirming its sending by clicking left mouse button.


- Button T when aiming at the enemy, a message to the team Support with fire at **, for Atakuya self-propelled guns, where ** is the nickname of the player of the enemy team;

- F3 message to the team Protect the base!

- F5 message to the team That's right! - used as a confirmation of an order, or a confirmation of the completion of a combat mission, as well as a battle cry after a team's victory in battle ☺;

- F6- message to the team No way! - refusal to perform a combat mission, or disagreement with an order;

- F7- message to the team Help needed!

- F8- message to the command Reloading more (where - the number of seconds remaining until the end of reloading), or Ready to fire!, if the projectile/cassette is already loaded.

- Esc opening the main menu of the game. Attention! Do not leave the battle until it is over if your tank is not destroyed and you are capable of any actions to the detriment of the enemy! Provided

Do you know that...

For the New Year 2012, the game was added. At the same time, it was created two years before (in 2010). After the map was released to the main servers, a bug was noticed: the prop of the tower from the inside was easily shot from the Shaft cannon. Two days after the opening of the map, measures were taken, and the use of this bug began to be punished, and a week later the bug was completely fixed.

In 2009-2010 there was a party "KPTO" ("Communist Party of Tanks Online"). This party was engaged in the development of various programs for TO.

In 2011, the developers decided to arrange a competition-race in which it was necessary to constantly turn the tower. For this, a map was created called. She was engaged in a special association of players - "KPTO" ("Communist Party of Tanks Online"). It was supposed that on the map it would be impossible to use supplies (neither purchased, nor falling from the sky). The party fell apart and the card was never released. It is worth noting that the map was developed by the legendary Figishe.

The Ricochet gun project appeared back in 2009. it was planned to be called "Volcano". Cannon shots were originally supposed to not bounce off surfaces and were blue in color. Back then, the Vulcan/Ricochet was a machine gun, but during the testing phase, the idea of ​​bouncing balls arose, which later developed into a full-fledged cannon, now known as the Ricochet.

When they first started testing the Hornet hull, it consisted of: a central part and four side ones, each of which was lower in level to the central block, and there were tracks on each side block. The Hornet was then modified to its current state due to its overly futuristic design and the complexities of gravity and traction.

The appearance in June 2011 of the Shaft gun caused a real sensation among tankers. After the release, Shaft was bought at a rate of 3 pcs. per second! Later, its characteristics were edited, resists were introduced. But a day later it was seized, the crystals were returned, the description was changed. On the first day of the test on the test server, Shaft's maximum damage in aim mode was 150 - 175 - 200 - 250 units (for M0 - M1 - M2 - M3, respectively), on the second day - 200 - 225 - ~275 - 300.

The first film about Tanki Online appeared together with the Fairy Tale Screening contest in 2011. It used ordered materials from the game, had its own plot. There may have been short films up to this point, but they weren't as famous. FAK19 player has created the most popular movie series - "B-mashina". A total of four films were made. In the future, FAK19 decided to make a remake of "B-mashina" called "New Evil". FAK19 movies are filled with a lot of special effects. Editing was carried out in the program "3D Studio Max". YouTube channel: MrFAK12

The first gold in Tanki Online was a denomination of 1000 crystals. Initially, no one knew where and when this bonus fell. The first gold fell on the Kungur map, on a fund of 700 crystals, it was taken by a tanker with the nickname Noosya. Later, gold boxes began to fall on almost all cards, but their denomination was cut down to 100 crystals. Now there are gold box drop points on all maps.

In 2010, a special modification of the weakest Smokey gun called the Smokey XT was introduced. This modification cost 3,950 crystals. It was only available for purchase for a week. The Smokey XT was better in every way than the regular Smokey M3. It was assumed that a good player would be able to recoup the cost of the Smokey XT.

In 2009, the developers decided to create a gun that could deal damage to opponents and at the same time heal tankers from their team. This is how the Isis cannon was born. The first concept of Isis only healed and looked like, in its appearance, reminiscent of models from the game "Half-Life". Later it was converted into a two-pronged tank turret. Isis also allowed to heal herself when shooting into the void. This ability was too strong and was removed. In November 2014, the visual effect of the shot was redesigned, and on February 16, 2017, the gun lost its lifesteal.

During beta testing (May 2009) Tanki Online received an award at the Game Developers Conference (GDC 2009) in the nomination "Best game without a publisher". This suggests that already in the testing phase, the game has earned recognition in the gaming industry.

In November 2009, Tanki Online made it to the finals of the popular vote "Runet Award" and took 17th place in it. This is despite the fact that the game was only six months old.

In the summer of 2012, Tanki hosted an action timed to coincide with the European Football Championship. During this promotion, the denomination of gold boxes increased several times, and as a result, it was calculated that in a little less than a month, players caught gold worth 90 million crystals - in the current economy, this is almost a billion crystals!

On September 27, 2012, an unusual battle called “Kasim vs Sun” took place, in which community manager Maxim Khusainov and technical support specialist Ksenia Ignatieva fought against each other on “vassmoks”. Maxim won with a score of 22:19. Players could support Maxim or Xenia by purchasing a special paint worth 100 crystals from the garage. 47,341 paints were bought for Kasim, 18,004 for Sun, 4,844 for both players at once, everyone who bought a paint for Maxim was enriched by 59 crystals.

Every year on October 31, Tanks celebrate Halloween. In 2012, during the promotion period, the special card was created 59,597 times, and the special gold box was dropped 12,008 times. There were some interesting coincidences: on October 30, 2012, a tanker with the number 16,666,666 registered in the game, and the tweet about the holiday special issue of the video blog became the 666th. In 2014, there were 45 ghosts on a special Halloween card. And in 2015, on October 31, tankers spent a total of 196 years in the game and caught 440,000 gold, and the Halloween map was created 184,652 times. The winner of the competition for the best gold catcher - a player with the nickname Ti-To - caught 195 boxes and received VikoGrom XT as a reward.

The first mention of the mysterious player Godmode_ON can be seen in vlog #61. The second time he appeared in video blog No. 64, and in video blog No. 80 he completely fell into the “Question of the Week” section. It then took 59 Smokey shots to destroy Godmode_ON, of which 5 were critical. Thus, taking into account the parameters of Smokey and Mammoth that were relevant at the time of the release of the video blog, protection from at least Smokey in the Godmode_ON paint was about 85%. In vlog issue #103, a mysterious person appeared who "collected all the mines on Silence" - perhaps it was Godmode_ON? In question of the week No. 118, Godmode_ON drove along a path of mines and was blown up only on the 41st - considering the parameters of the Mammoth that were relevant at the time of the release of the video blog, protection from at least a mine in Godmode_ON paint was about 95%. In vlog #130, Godmode_ON caught a gold box for 5001 crystals, even though the maximum value of April Fools gold was 5000 crystals. The next appearance of Godmode_ON was in issue of the week #133, where he was shot at once by six tanks. And in question of the week #146, Godmode_ON first used Hornet, not Mammoth. Who is this mysterious player? An indirect answer to this question is found in video blog #145, where Nikolai Kolotov's profile says "Not Godmode_ON". Hint to the contrary or just a joke? Looks like we'll never know the truth...

It took four and a half months to create the first test version of the Tanks. The first non-developer player registered in Tanki is GlebNikitin. Alternativa's server programmer Aleksey Kviring (arts80) was the very first person to register in the game. The first map in "Tanks" was the Tribute prototype.

By mid-2010, the game had approximately 200,000 registered players. On December 19, 2010, the mark of one million registrations was taken. June 6, 2011 - registration number 3 million (player with the nickname katyana). January 4, 2012 - seven millionth registration (player with the nickname stepan1234567891). March 25, 2012 - the milestone of 10 million registrations was overcome (player with the nickname lYonsl). On the Day of the Tankman 2012, an account was registered under the number 15,000,000 (a player with the nickname adilov.amir). February 5, 2013 - twenty millionth registration (player with the nickname tolik755). End of July 2013 - thirty millionth registration (player with the nickname nadja8201).

The game "Tanks Online" is most popular at home - in Russia. This is followed by Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Germany, Moldova, Georgia, USA and Saudi Arabia.

The official Tanki Online VKontakte group appeared in January 2011. Once, community manager Maxim Khusainov promised to swim in the hole if the number of subscribers in the group exceeded 500,000. On September 27, 2014, this mark was passed, and on New Year's Day, Maxim fulfilled his promise - he began to lead the first video blog of 2015 from the hole.

The most capacious map is Düsseldorf (40 players), 36 players can enter Berlin at the same time, 32 players can enter Temple and Madness at the same time. In turn, Temple is the most spacious map, Berlin is just a little behind, and Dusseldorf closes the top three. The smallest cards are Island, Hill, and Ping Pong.

In the summer of 2014, the World Cup was held in Brazil, and "Tanks" could not stay away from this event. In the "Football Fever" promotion, players were offered to purchase one of 32 colors that symbolized the countries participating in the championship. Those who bought the paint for the country that was included in the top three were returned up to 50% of the crystals spent on purchases during the promotion period. In total, 555,502 paints were purchased, of which 111,000 were purchased for Russia (the most popular paint), 38,007 for Germany, which became the champion, 17,641 for Argentina, 15,819 for the Netherlands, and the most rarely bought paint was Kot-D "Ivoire - only about 1000 pieces. About 887 million crystals were distributed as prizes for the promotion.

A little about the names of the items: a long time ago, Rail was called Fear Machine, Ricochet could be called Volcano, Hornet - Raptor, Viking - Centurion, and Hammer - Magnum. As for the Volcano, game designer Semyon Strizhak (known as Nut) jokingly promised that "the machine gun will never be called a Volcano, otherwise I will grow two extra fingers on my hand." By the way, the gun-artillery was eventually named Magnum.

The observer mode (spectator) in the game did not exist from the very beginning. And the first fight, broadcast with the help of a spectator, was the TOF Dream Team III upper bracket quarter-final between the International and Hard and Difficult teams.

In the summer of 2014, the Tanki Online team visited the gamescom exhibition in the German city of Cologne. In honor of this event, the Cologne card was introduced into the game for a short time, on which gold with a doubled value fell. During the promotion period, 191 million crystals fell on gold boxes, and about a million players visited the map.

Filming of the video blog is usually carried out on Wednesday, although the preparation of stories begins much earlier. Thursday and Friday are spent on video editing.

Tanki Online's birthday is June 4, 2009 - the start date of open beta testing. The first player to reach the maximum rank (at that time it was Marshal) was the legendary T7000. In April 2010, the Chinese server started working. And on April 16, 2014, Tanki Online was launched in Brazil. The first generalissimo in the Brazilian locale is a player with the nickname limadj2, he reached the mark of 1,400,000 experience on September 2, 2014, having spent about four and a half months on leveling. As a reward for his high-speed passage, limadj2 received a fully micro-upgraded Viking M3, Ricochet M3 and Zeus paint.

Sometimes, in honor of any holidays, the funds in the game increase. The biggest funds in the game were on August 2, 2015 - five times.

On May 9, 2015, it was possible to purchase an infinite supply pass for only 70 crystals, which was valid until the restart on May 10. In that day, it was almost impossible to find a player in the game who would ride without a "garland" - except perhaps for those who played in PRO battles with supplies turned off.

The first of the players to see and test the early demo of "Tanks on Unity" were German players at the tank meeting in the town of Wildflecken, which took place in early July 2014. In June 2015, players from five cities of Russia touched the demo version of the new game as part of the TO Rally event. And in October 2015, the well-known video blogger DJAGERnout228 visited the Alternativa office and not only played the beta version of the game, which had already received the final name Tanki X, but also spoke about his impressions in a video blog.

During the 2014-2015 New Year holidays, an entrance to Tanki Online was registered from North Korea, a country where Internet access is severely restricted. Who could it be?..

A long time ago, the game had the so-called "Hall of Fame" - an in-game window that displayed the statistics of all players: earned experience points, the number of tanks destroyed and their own deaths, wealth and rating - a conditional number calculated on the basis of a complex formula. The higher the rating, the higher the tanker was in the Hall of Fame. At the same time, one of the components of the rating formula was the number of crystals purchased for real money, so the top positions of the "Hall of Fame" were occupied by donors who specially invested considerable amounts in order to get ahead of their rivals. The Hall of Fame was later removed from the game for technical reasons.

On Halloween 2011, the Pumpkin Tank Hunt competition was held. It was necessary to find three different players in the game with special pumpkin guns (they were given to administration assistants) and post screenshots with them in a special topic. And on New Year's Eve 2011-2012, the New Year's Card contest was held, the winners of which received a unique snowman cannon for several days. Both the pumpkin cannon and the snowman cannon were essentially Smokey M3s with unique textures.

The maximum number of tanks that can be destroyed with one shot is 39. To do this, you need a fully micro-upgraded M3 Rail and 39 players lined up on the Düsseldorf map in mode.

In ancient times, it was impossible to have more than 32766 units of each consumable. This was due to the insufficient dimension of the data type of the variable in which the number of consumables was stored. This defect has now been corrected.

In Tanki Online there are maps whose names repeat the names of real geographical objects. In particular, many of them are named after objects in Perm or cities in the Perm Territory (it is in Perm that the office of AlternativaPlatform, the developer of Tanki Online, is located).

  • Aleksandrovsk is a city in the Perm Territory;
  • Barda - a village in the Perm region;
  • Gubakha - a city in the Perm Territory;
  • Kungur - a city in the Perm Territory;
  • Molotov - the former name of Perm;
  • Osa - a city in the Perm region;
  • Solikamsk - a city in the Perm region;
  • Esplanade - square in Perm.

Nauru, Kiribati and Guinea-Bissau are the most "non-tank" states in the world. Only one Tanki Online player lives in each of them.

The most popular mission in the game is to take first place in a battle. On the second place - to collect N repair kits, on the third - to collect N accelerations.

Right now, open testing of the game's HTML5 client is underway on the main servers. Right now, only a small number of new users are being directed to the new version, but as development progresses, more players will get access. If you have accessed the HTML5 version of the game but want to switch back to the stable Flash version, please follow the link.

Periodically, the game holds an action called "Crazy Weekend", the essence of which is to fill the frags. For destroying a certain number of tanks in standard battles, participants receive valuable prizes.

From November 16 to November 23, 2017, a real battle was held in the game between the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. To participate in it, you had to buy paint in the Garage for 1000 crystals for one of the social networks, install it on your tank and go to battle to destroy enemy tanks in paint for the opposing side. 122,000 paints were bought for VKontakte, 39,000 for Odnoklassniki. The VKontakte faction won the event with a score of 52.54%. At the end of the action, the paints remained with their owners forever.

In the fall of 2017, Tanki Online hosted the #KhochuvTO video contest, in which participants had to be told why the developers should invite them to the TO office. The tanker is the winner Sochi Areda, his competitive work can be viewed at link. Video report of the trip: part 1

Part 2 .

On November 24, 2017, on Black Friday, containers appeared in the game - boxes with previously unknown contents. They were sold in the Shop, and also dropped in battles instead of the usual gold boxes. The containers were removed from the game on November 28, and on December 24, for the New Year holidays, they returned permanently. Now they can be purchased in the Store, caught in battles, or received as rewards for chains of daily quests.

The "Storm" mode was introduced into the game on December 13, 2017, although it appeared in the game earlier - for the celebrations of the New Year 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. The essence of the regime is as follows: one team is defending, and the other is attacking. The blue team needs to defend their base, which is designated as a point in mode, and the red team needs to deliver flags to the blue base. It's simple, and most importantly - a lot of fun! The highlight of the mode is that the red team has several flags at its disposal, which means that the blue team needs to repel attacks from several sides at the same time.

chat device

Chat lobby

The lobby chat is available while the player is out of battle (in the game lobby). It is divided into several thematic channels. Messages in chat channels are visible to all players in those channels. However, each language version of the game has its own set of chat channels.

Messages sent to lobby chat can be directed to a specific player. Such messages are still visible to everyone, but they are additionally highlighted for the recipient. To write a message to a channel addressed to a specific player, you need to left-click on his nickname (for example, in a chat) and select the "Write in general chat" option, or hold down the Ctrl key and left-click on the nickname.

If the player's nickname is not in the chat, you can copy it from somewhere in any way, paste it into the chat (however, you can type the nickname in the line yourself), put a semicolon after the nickname ;

Combat Chat

Battle chat is available when the player is in battle. It is activated with the Enter button. Accordingly, messages from it are seen by everyone who is in battle. If a player is in a battle with command mode, then he has the opportunity to write to both all participants in the battle and allies. To switch between general and team chat, you need to press the Tab key while typing a message. You will see all messages, but those that were written in the team chat will be highlighted in the color of your team. It is impossible to write private messages while in battle.

Chat channel "Violations"

This channel works in the "write only" mode and is intended only for complaints about violations in chat and battles. Players see only their own messages and targeted messages with answers from moderators in this channel. This allows you to avoid flooding in the channel, keeps complaints private and speeds up the processing of complaints by moderators. If you constantly ignore the rules, you can be banned for flooding.

  • violations in the battle: link to the battle/nickname of the offender/type of violation;
  • violations in the chat: chat channel/nickname of the offender/type of violation.

Private messages

Private messages - this is the ability to send other players personal messages that are visible only to the addressee. In this case, the addressee must be online, and in which chat channel and in which language locale it does not matter.

To write to a player private message, you need to click on his nickname in the chat and select the option "Write in person" or hold down the key combination Ctrl + Shift and left-click on the nickname.

If the player's nickname is not in the chat, you can copy it from somewhere in any way, paste it into the chat (however, you can type the nickname in the line yourself), put a colon after the nickname : and a space, and then write the text of the message.

Private messages cannot be sent if the recipient is offline. In this case, the sender will see a warning " This player is offline ' instead of your message. If the player only accepts messages from friends (the "PM only from friends" option is enabled in the settings menu, disabled by default) and the sender is not a friend, the sender sees a warning " This player only accepts messages from friends ' instead of your message. If the player is in combat, the sender sees a warning " This player is in combat and cannot read your message. ' instead of your message. Ignored player messages are not displayed in chat.

Chat Availability

Anti-flood system

An “anti-flood system” works in general and private chats. It has two parameters: the "price" of sending a message and the "price" of one character - this cost is measured in milliseconds. This means that the limit works not only on the number of messages, but also on the number of characters per unit of time. This format allows not to ban the user, but to block the possibility of sending a message for a few seconds. The limit may not exceed your entire message, but only part of it, a few characters. Extra characters are highlighted in red, and instead of the "send" button, a timer appears, announcing when it will be possible to send a message of this length. You can simply make the text shorter and send it immediately, or wait until the entire message becomes available for sending.

Key Features:

  • The maximum length of a single chat message is 299 characters.
  • The "cost" of a symbol when communicating in a lobby chat depends on the speed of the chat.
  • Nick falls under the system, i.e. you will also have to “pay” for the nickname of the interlocutor.
  • The same link in the chat lobby can be sent once every 60 messages. Otherwise, you will see the message "The link you are posting is already in the chat." The rule does not apply to links to battles.
  • The anti-flood system does not work in the clan chat.

Chat rules

It is forbidden and threatens to temporarily or permanently block the chat:

  • insult other users of the game, be rude, publicly sort things out in an offensive way, behave indecently;
  • use mat (everywhere, in any form);
  • flood (send messages consisting of repeated characters, repeat one message several times in a row, repeat any identical punctuation marks, symbols or individual letters in an amount of more than 5 identical characters in a message in a row);
  • write rude or provocative messages in the chat, interfere with communication conducted by other chat participants;
  • engage in trolling, incite community members to actions that have adverse consequences for them, create nicknames and take any other steps that may cause conflict or offend community members;
  • place ads without the consent of the administration of the game;
  • commit or incite third parties to commit acts prohibited by applicable law, including those related to drug trafficking, terrorist activities, calls to overthrow the legally elected government, pornography, any form of discrimination based on gender, age, religion or other grounds;
  • conduct political campaigning, political advertising, election campaigning in any form in the game;
  • disseminate information of a sexually explicit nature that is not intended for public access by persons under the age of majority (remember - including children playing here).

The rules apply to both public and private chats, although moderators do not have the ability to read private messages.

Special designations

In the chats of the game, you can meet players with the following icons next to their nicknames:

- community managers; - chat administrators; ; ; - Candidates for organizers of competitions.

Chat commands

How to add another user to the blacklist or remove from it?
To do this, there are the following commands that must be entered into the chat:

  • /block NIK - hide receiving messages from the player (works in general and combat chats);
  • /unblock NIK - resume receiving messages from the player (works in general and combat chats);
  • /blocklist - display a list of blocked players (only works in the general chat);
  • /unblockall - clear the list of blocked players (only works in general chat);
  • /vote NICK - complaint about the player (only works in combat chat).;
  • #theft - go to the Encyclopedia page "What to do if your account was stolen/hacked";
  • #wiki - switch to ;
  • #nick - go to the page with instructions on how to change your nickname ;
  • re: - the nickname of the player who wrote to you last will be substituted in the typing line.

Communication is one of the main components of any online game. Millions of users are fighting in World of Tanks, and often during the battle you need to tell your allies some information, ask them for help, or just ask a question. For these purposes, a special game chat is provided in the game client, but in addition to it, any owner of a game account in the World of Tanks can write messages in the topics of the official game forum, as well as communicate in a private conversation with another player in the hangar. How to write a message in World of Tanks to another player or team?

So, as you understand, any player has three ways of text communication with other users. To write a message in the in-game chat of the game, after the start of the countdown or during the battle, press the Enter button on the keyboard and start typing the text of the message. Press Enter again to send the message.

If you want the enemy team to see your message in addition to the allies, then click the "TAB" button: the inscription "To everyone" will appear to the left of the text input box.

To negotiate within a platoon, double-click TAB until "Platoon" appears.

How to write a message in WoT in a private channel? After authorization in the client, you can communicate with any World of Tanks player. Would you like to start a chat with a friend? Click the first icon below, left-click on a friend's nickname and select "Create a private channel" in the context menu.

In the new window, enter the text and confirm sending the message with the Enter button.

If you want to write a message to a player who is not in the contact list, use the search for contacts in the same menu and create a private channel.

In addition, you can communicate with players on the World of Tanks forum, which is available at . Open the forum address in the browser, click the "Login" button at the top. On the new page, enter the data from your game account: mailbox and password for World of Tanks. After authorization, select a topic and write your question or message to forum users in the quick response window.

Remember that in the game chat and private channel, obscene expressions are not particularly punished, but this is severely punished on the game forum. As a result, observe moral norms and principles, do not insult the players, both on the forum and in battle. No one knows who is on the other side of the screen - an adult, a schoolboy, a student or a child. Good luck and good communication!

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