What is a permanent ban in wot. What is a permanent ban. Comment of the creator of one of the "chito assemblies"

A permanent ban is the most severe punishment not only in World of Tanks, but also in any other game. It is unlikely that anyone will like blocking a player’s account forever, but at the same time they give it out for a reason, but only for the most serious violations of the agreement and the rules of the game. At the same time, many people who receive a permanent ban sometimes sincerely do not understand why they received such a block.

That is why it will be useful for everyone to learn basic information about the features of such a blocking.

What it is?

A permanent ban is an indefinite ban, that is, a punishment that does not provide for the possibility of further unbanning. It is issued for the most serious violations, so there is practically no threat of getting it for an ordinary player, and you should not worry about it.

Among all existing types of blocking, this one, for obvious reasons, is the most serious and significant. And not only for the reason that it is indefinite, but also because in the vast majority of cases such bans are peremptory. WoT accounts cannot be returned.

In other words, having received a ban for a week for some minor actions, you can still somehow challenge it through support, but with a permanent ban, often no one will even consider your proposal. There is only one reason for this - such a decision in the vast majority of cases is carefully thought out and weighed beforehand.

Account transfer

WoT accounts can only belong to a specific person, and transferring them to the wrong hands is strictly prohibited. In fact, there are situations that even after the message "I am the owner's brother" you can get a lock. After all, this already suggests that the account was transferred into the wrong hands.

At the same time, it is worth noting the fact that such a blocking in the vast majority of cases is issued after the introduction of any messages in chats that are monitored by moderators and administration representatives. And at the same time, there are a lot of "black markets" where accounts are exchanged and sold regularly with minimal risk of getting blocked.

The same applies to the sale of clans, since such messages can also often be found in the game chat.

Data extortion

A permanent ban in World of Tanks is periodically issued to various scammers who try to lure data from other users by any means. Even for a simple message "say your login / password" they can already be banned for quite a long time, not to mention the fact that some even try to threaten users with violence in real life or in some other way (hacking mail, account, etc.). ).

The administration not only in WoT, but also in almost any other game, regularly indicates that moderators or any representatives of the project management will never need the personal data of users, therefore, it is impossible to disclose them to anyone in any case.


In general, there is a lot of controversy over whether they can get banned permanently for any kind of insult. In fact, such situations happen from time to time, but they mainly refer exclusively to those cases when the player actively and publicly tries to humiliate or severely insult the administration or the management of the project as a whole.

This is quite natural, because every person has feelings, and, receiving some negative statements addressed to him, some administrator may react too harshly in response and give an eternal ban. However, it is worth noting that this case refers to those in which there is still an opportunity (but not a guarantee) to return your account back - it is enough to apologize to the administration through the Support Service.


By far the most common reason players are put into an indefinite ban. Recently, it is for World of Tanks that various programmers have been releasing a huge number of a wide variety of cheats that provide a significant advantage over ordinary players. It is quite natural that the use of such programs for people who play honestly is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, therefore, in most cases, the administration punishes this with a permanent ban.

It is worth noting that cheating is mainly determined by the system in a semi-automatic mode, so filing any appeals or other attempts to get your account back is often completely pointless.

At the same time, it makes no difference whether you used cheats to get any combat advantages (increased damage, money or vision through walls, etc.) or simply activated a bot that entered battles and played instead of you - the system recognizes everything types of programs and is regularly updated, so you can get a sudden block at any time.

Inappropriate Behavior

Of course, this is a fairly broad concept, which also includes not very significant offenses, for which you can even in principle not receive any punishment, but there are also things for which you will be banned forever.

In particular, this applies to propaganda of Nazism or any terrorist organizations. An example is the recent blocking of a large number of players who belonged to one of the largest clans, who on May 9th decided to line up their tanks in the shape of a swastika and spread this photo on the Web.

It happens that an account is blocked for any reason ... Let's analyze these points, and the possibilities to remove the blocking of an account.

  • The first and most common type of ban is blocking the in-game chat, which means that you insulted your allies in battle, or used foul language. The scale and terms of punishment here are progressive, depending on the frequency of getting into a given ban, and VG uses an in-game complaint system for the ban, created for the convenience of players. And yes, the developers know if you expressed yourself in combat or not, because. I have personal experience of dealing with this issue, where I was provided with screenshots from battles almost a month ago. The more often you use foul language in combat, the longer you will sit in the "bath".
  • The second and no less common type of blocking is timkill (team damage) - fire on allies in battle. When shooting at allies, you are awarded penalty points when they gain a certain number - the player’s account first acquires a blue nickname color, and then it is blocked (right in battle), in total you can inflict damage on an ally 2 times with impunity, but remember, if you set fire to an ally, each HP deducted from him will be protected by you as damage that you personally inflicted (even if you did not want it). 1 time - a ban for an hour, after the period increases exponentially, 3 hours, a day, a week, a month, and as a final permanent block. If you “suddenly” become light blue in battle, then you need to be extremely careful, because any ramming of an allied tank by you will lead to account blocking, and you will also be blocked for flooding an ally if you are the last one who contacted his hull. The exception is art - she, in this type of ban, was given a big discount (3 destroyed allies - and you are in the bath). Remove the blue color of the nickname, you can shoot and destroy enemy tanks, just exit the game and rest for a week - it won’t give you anything, you need to “wash off” the sin in battle, only after a certain amount of enemy damage, your nickname will turn back white colors.
  • ban for unsportsmanlike behavior in battle, propping up and pushing an ally, punished in the same way as for teamkill
  • ban for botting - perhaps exists, but this is not certain, because it is not known for certain whether the VG is struggling with this type of violation, but periodically reports on the work done)))
  • and the most terrible and peremptory type of blocking is a ban for the use of Prohibited Modifications (ZP - they are also CHITs) !!! (banned in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries). For the first time, you will receive a warning with a suggestion in the form of blocking your account for 7 days, if you continue to use the RFP, you will be permanently banned. without the possibility of recovery. The list of RFP - cheats is here, unfortunately, wargaming has removed its own topics from the official forum, so the link is only to a third-party resource. And yes, the fight against cheaters is underway, I know from personal experience, because. in 2016 he used a script - automatic fire extinguishing, and even received a 7-day ban for it, so think about it, is it worth risking your account?
  • and lastly, if you think that you have been unfairly banned, the only place where you can appeal the punishment and remove the block from your account is the User Support Center (CSP), on the site https://worldoftanks.ru/ they are located in the upper left corner support.

Do not break the rules of the game!!!

What is a permanent ban? and got the best answer

Answer from Sei chewa ™[guru]
Ban (exile, exile,) (banana, bath, Account Blocking Forever) - account blocking for a certain or indefinite period. In this case, the account owner cannot post messages, and often - and view the resource on which he received a ban.
Only a moderator or resource administrator can reward a user with a ban.
Permanent (eternal, permanent) ban - ban forever (on some forums it is a ban for 30 years, and on some, give them free rein and the engine is normal, at 999999, 1024 and the like, it all depends on the capabilities of the forum engine (which, by the way, , usually a variable that stores time has nothing more than an int type that limits it to more than 2 billion seconds from the time of January 1, 1970, that is, it does not allow you to set time intervals more than a hundred years).

Answer from Nikulin Nikita[newbie]
This is a permanent ban. You won't be unbanned. A ban is an exception, an exile. In games, they ban by GuID "y, or by IP (possibly by both). In any normal projects, they ban the name of your computer (in general, something from the system parameters - with licensed Windows - a very serious problem).

Answer from Spasenko's novel[newbie]
play tanks less and that's it

Answer from Danya EnVyUs[active]
You can ban by serial number, that is, it is banned (hard drive) and you will not be able to log in if through another laptop / computer or buy a new hard drive

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What is a permanent ban?

Most likely you are already aware that Wargaming after today (October 15), and for sure it will be on Monday October 17 (because no one works on weekends) is preparing a large-scale ban on accounts for using prohibited modifications. We found several different versions of what is happening: from World of Tanks warnings to permanent bans of absolutely all accounts using cheats. Let's figure it out together.

How many times have accounts been checked for banned mods:

So, there has really been a lot of news lately about the ban of World of Tanks accounts, and it's time to weed out some fakes that were invented by schoolchildren who came from class.

A micro-update came out a couple of days ago

"On October 11, one of the micro-updates of the game added an informer to the client. In the wot_9.16.11312_9.16.11080_client.wgpkg file, you can find the account.def file. It contains the following information:

Autobahn time. warning level. Clan ID.Session tracking. Python logs.
So, if you used cheats after the 11th, then you will be banned. If not, delete them until the situation clears up."

January fake.

Checking for cheating when entering the game

"There is an insider from reliable sources that the system will work for about 5 days. The system is automatic, upon entering the client it will check the player against a pre-assembled database of cheaters, which was leaked.
Today the patch was rolled up in connection with this, so who is afraid for your acc - do not go into the game for N days (there is no exact information when it will be turned off)"

most likely fake.

What do developers say about this topic?

Comment by Foton64rus

Wait for the official announcement, soon, but for now, no comments, do not wind yourself up.

Comment of the creator of one of the "chito assemblies"

In the last 3 micropatches, we haven't found any files that track players or look for anything offline from the WG side.

European WoT sources (Germans)

The first wave will not affect everyone, they will ban for a period from 14 to 30 days, no more. Yes, it will be a "demonstration performance". Approximate circulation 10-50 thousand.

First wave of bans November 29

On November 29, 2016, some players received a ban when entering the game. Violation: use of cheats (forbidden mods). Deadline 1 week.

What to do if you are banned? Nothing. It remains only to wait and continue to no longer use such mods.

More bans expected in WOT? Yes. The next event that the developers will check is "". Read the whole truth in a special.

Second wave of bans January 5, 2017

The developers continued to fight against cheaters in WOT. On January 5, 2017, unexpectedly for everyone, cheaters received bans.

How many were banned in the second wave in the RU region?

  • 1618 people was banned permanently (forever). These players have already received a warning and a ban for 7 days. But this did not stop them and the cheats were reused. Accounts lost;
  • Warning ban for 7 days received 33,087 accounts.
What are the statistics of bans in other regions?
  • NA (US) - 479 for 7 days and 19 permanent;
  • EU - 5300 for 7 days and 181 permanents;
  • ASIA - 207 for 7 days and 13 permanent.
What mods caused you to get banned?
Most likely due to the assembly of mods.

The third wave of bans March 13, 2017

It became known about a new, third wave of bans in World of Tanks. How many accounts have lost their lives this time?
  • 17,988 player accounts received an initial account ban;
  • 5742 accounts received a permanent block for repeated violations.

Fourth wave of bans May 4, 2017

  • 18,871 player accounts received an initial account ban;
  • 5453 accounts received a permanent block for repeated violations;
  • 3 supertesters also received a ban.
Moderators urge not to violate the rules of the game.

Fifth wave of bans July 6, 2017

  • 8757 players received a warning;
  • 3579 players are permanently banned.
Players who broke the rules were also punished.

Sixth wave of bans September 28, 2017

  • 13,124 players received their first and last warning;
  • 3185 accounts were banned indefinitely
WG promises to continue to monitor violators (this is not the last wave of bans).

Seventh wave of bans November 29, 2017

  • Warned: 13,391 accounts for using GP (forbidden mods);
  • Forever: 2937 for repeated violation.

The eighth wave of bans February 28, 2018

Restrictions received 60 226 accounts for using prohibited programs and permanently blocked 5 156 accounts for repeated violation.

Eleventh wave of bans February 6, 2019

- We checked ALL players who took part in the "Soldiers of Fortune", including those who did not get into the "Walk of Fame" (played less than 5 fights).

As a result of the audit, sanctions were applied to 22.643 players(total players participated: 222.411 - approx. WE), who used prohibited modifications (ZM).
As a result, from the prize zone to the tank was removed 4.563 accounts, and in general "Walk of Fame" moved to 19.776 positions.

Twelfth wave of bans February 20, 2019

2 weeks ago Wargaming banned only clan players, today they ban the rest as well. Everything is as always, a warning (block) for 7 days or a permanent ban.

What mods are considered banned?

The list of banned mods is always on the forum.

Recall that we recently published, who used banned mods for 8 months in a row and does not worry that he will be banned.

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