Comparison of personal rating and efficiency. Formulas. How to increase efficiency in WOT. How to raise your personal rating World of Tanks What determines your personal rating in

If you think that you cannot raise your statistics in World of Tanks alone, then this is a complete delusion. Percentage of victories is quite easily raised by company battles, however, it has little effect on personal results. Now we will analyze the main aspects for increasing personal achievements.

Let's go over tactics. You need to start playing World of Tanks during the 30 second countdown before the start of the battle. During these 30 seconds, it is necessary to visually examine the lineups of both teams. Take into account the weak and strong points of the setup of allies and opponents, while taking into account the map on which they hit. Further, based on everything, a certain tactic is built. It is based on individual actions. You can never rely on a team (this applies to playing in random). Therefore, given the type of technique, it is necessary to do what seems most reasonable in terms of helping the team and a chance to win. Often you have to ignore the type of vehicle and show skill, shining, for example, on 268 of your medium tanks.

As the saying goes, the “extra” blames himself in case of defeat, and the “cancer” blames the team. Ways to raise a personal skill in WoT are closely related to tactics, more precisely with successful tactics. To a greater extent, it is necessary to think in the course of the game than to do "ololo" rush. It is necessary to think over all actions, risking less, losing less damage. In principle, the ability to survive, to a greater extent, shows the skill. Damage, damage by exposure, number of kills - these are the three main things on the way to raising your personal rating.

And now let's move on to the classic methods of increasing or increasing your personal rating.

Play more on maxed out tanks

Going from level to level, many stop playing on an already upgraded tank with an improved crew. This is mistake. Moving from tier 6 to tier 7 tank, we get another lengthy process to improve modules and increase crew skills. As a rule, the percentage of wins, the average damage per shot and the average experience gained per battle, begin to decrease sharply, because. on a stock tank, it is difficult to resist opponents, especially those who are ahead of you by one or two levels. In order to balance your losses on stock tanks, you will need to win at least the same number of times on top ones.

Play as a team

Company, platoon battles, not bad enough, can increase efficiency and rating in particular. Moreover, it will not take thousands of fights to increase. In this case, the main thing is to select a good close-knit team. Be sure to use a microphone to communicate. The principle is quite simple. Entering the battle, you can group up and take the desired position or the whole flank, while quick communication via Skype, for example, and not via chat, will allow you to determine your goals. It is quite clear that by killing the enemy we make a minus barrel for the enemy team and, of course, we record the kill on our balance. The only negative in this method of raising the rating is that it is not easy and problematic to assemble a good team for everyone to go into battle at the same time.

Play premium tanks

Yes, if it so happened that premium equipment is gathering dust in the hangar, and even in addition to the 5th or 6th level, it’s stupid not to use it for your own purposes. For example, those who bought the E 25 tank destroyer are already well aware that in addition to making money, it perfectly raises the efficiency of the account as a whole.

There is one more piece of advice worth giving. Never complain about the team. You have to blame yourself for the team losing. This will be an additional incentive for subsequent battles in World of Tanks. The experience gained will not go to waste. The next time, when such heavy fighting moments appear, personal skill will prove itself, for sure.

5 years and 4 months ago Comments: 35

Many players at the beginning of their tanking career have no idea about statistics at all. After a while, having upgraded their equipment, they learn about clans, about some kind of efficiency, and the like. In this article, I will try to describe in as much detail as possible the main efficiency ratings of efficiency, the personal rating of WoT, and also introduce the calculation formulas.

The main statistics of World of Tanks.

The main statistics of the quality of the player's game can be viewed in the game or on the official website. In the game, by clicking on the "Achievements" button, on the site, entering "My Profile" where you will find everything: from information about the financial condition of the account to statistics on the classes of gaming equipment. Now more.

What useful data can be found in WoT statistics?

First of all, the majority looks at the percentage of victories, which is influenced by many factors: damage dealt, survivability, help to allies, teamwork, the quality of the opponents' game, and also to some extent.

If you count, then to win in a random random battle with players completely equal in skill, each gets 6.6% of influence, the same for the enemy team. If a player, for example, scored 2%, then the remaining 4.6% falls on the shoulders of the allies, which aggravates the situation. The team's chance of winning will depend on whether all the team's players can eventually gain 100% influence, since even the players with the highest statistics can make a smaller contribution to the result due to circumstances, the combat vehicle (its configuration and crew leveling). These are quite approximate calculations, and it is unrealistic to accurately predict the chance of winning.

Damage dealt (DMG), what is it?

To be honest, everything here is extremely simple, you need to take as many hit points as possible from the enemy’s equipment per battle, and it’s worth remembering that one of the keys to success is the concentration of fire on one enemy. Dealing damage in priority is the goal of TT, PT, PT self-propelled guns, only then as support for ST and LT.

Without a covenant - no success

The performance is strongly influenced by the quality of exposure, which is a priority for LTs, which, by their very nature, cannot live long. I don’t know why many players consider their role on LT not so big, but the flash at the end of the battle can decide its result, so you need to live on LT, this is the most important thing.

World of Tanks personal rating.

Personal rating is an indicator of gaming skills and experience, which is calculated taking into account:
  • - Percentage of wins
  • - Damage dealt with your help
  • - Average damage per battle
  • - Average experience per battle
  • - Survivability
And the formula for calculating the personal WOT rating looks like this:
  • bc- total number of battles (battlesCount)
  • win- percentage of wins (real number from the interval 0..1)
  • survive- percentage of battles in which the player survived (real number from the interval 0..1)
  • hit- percentage of hits (real number from the interval 0..1)
  • xp- average experience
  • dmg- average damage dealt

There are many opinions on personal rating, as well as questions.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that the percentage of survival according to the formula is equivalent to the average experience, i.e. you can just stand and hide the whole fight while increasing your personal rating, absurd.

The personal rating also includes the percentage of hits, beginners who at low levels like to shoot at houses and fences, not knowing anything about the rating, and they simply kill him. As a result, these two indicators are not indicators of the quality of the game, but simply “chicks”. They will brag to their comrades saying that my personal rating is higher than yours is the same as buying cheap spoiled ice cream and showing off the wrapper. Wargaming even created a hall of fame on the official website in the "my profile" section, this indicator can only support the player morally, but is not an indicator of the quality of the game. A personal rating is used when playing in team battles, where, for convenience, a "chick" is displayed next to each player and commander, so that it would be easier for players to select a team "equal" in skill without looking at the statistics of each player separately. We hope that in the next patches the developers will make changes to the formula for the better.

Efficiency of World of Tanks.

With the help of players and fans of the game, World of Tanks was created (Efficiency). Previously, to view this rating, it was proposed to install "" in the game, it allowed the player to see the efficiency of allies and opponents in battle, as well as the chance of winning in percentage terms. Now the "reindeer" is part of.

The following indicators influence the number of efficiency:

  • -Medium Damage
  • -Average number of frags
  • -Average number of exposed enemies
  • -Average Base Capture Points
  • -Average base defense points
  • -Average win rate
  • -Average experience per battle
  • -Number of fights
  • -Medium Tech
For reference, you can look at some formulas for calculating efficiency:

Naturally, no one will substitute data, for this there is on our website.

How to raise efficiency statistics?

For those who lack a couple of “chicks” in terms of efficiency, there are many ways to quickly and efficiently earn them. The first of them is “brain pumping” (no offense), meaning that you need to study, study and learn to play again, look, and all the like on our website, and there are also a lot of them on the Internet. As the saying goes: "It's hard to learn - easy to fight."

And if there is no desire to study, then use the incompatibility of mathematics and psychology in favor of efficiency. The most banal and easiest way to increase efficiency is to pour money into the game, buy and raise statistics on it, but this option is more suitable if you are planning to create a twink.

Let's say that we have an account with 5000 battles and an efficiency of 1000. To raise the efficiency to at least 1200, we will need about 2000 battles with an average efficiency of about 1400-1500, which is quite a lot for players who have low-level vehicles. If an approximate formula is applied to other figures, it will turn out that the more fights, the more difficult it is to raise the statistics.

It is most effective to increase the efficiency on vehicles of a higher level, since the final battle indicators are much higher, in team and company battles you can increase the percentage of victories, but at the same time, the average damage will suffer.

The best option is to assemble platoons, apply various tactics will be much easier and more effective, the chance to "drag" the battle or "bend over" is much higher. When playing, you need to choose the right equipment and download the right branches, watch and read the guides, they will definitely help you navigate the game correctly and safely get what you want.

Article author: Voven95

When World of Tanks was released, then the players played the game, fighting on virtual tanks among themselves. Over time in World of Tanks came another goal of the game - the numbers. Big numbers. The higher your numbers, the better your balls.. your ability to play this game. Now we are talking about the various ratings of the player's statistics. At the moment, there are several indicators of the player's efficiency at once. This Performance Rating, which has the designation EFF or RE, rating WN6, WN7 And WN8, Bronesite rating, as well as own rating Wargaming, with the designation WGR. By the way, there is a rumor that a rating is being developed now. WN9, which will be even more detailed and better calculate the effectiveness of the player on the battlefield.

All of you probably know where you can see your statistics. Well, if you don’t know, then we have a special section on the site where you will find out the rating WN7 And WN8, RE And WGR (WGR is displayed directly in the client without installing additional modifications on the tab " Achievements») — .

By the way, a little hint for what each rating is responsible for. WN(X) are responsible for the average damage inflicted, and RE- for defending and capturing bases, as well as for the number of frags.

Not all players have good stats. Over time, such players begin to wonder: “ How to raise your efficiency V World of Tanks and what should be done for this?". In this article, we want to give all players advice on what and how to do to increase their efficiency in World of Tanks.

What is statistics in World of Tanks? This is the result of your actions on the battlefield. The more battles you have fought, the clearer the statistics data.

Let's start from the very beginning. Many players with weak stats are often asked to platoon with experienced players who have good stats. When asked to take them into a platoon, they say that they supposedly look at how an experienced player plays and take something for themselves. If that's what you're doing, don't do it. You will learn absolutely nothing and, in general, will become an extra player in the team, because you will follow the actions of a skillful joint commander. In this case, you will not benefit the team. You will not be focused on winning, but only on the actions of your teammate. All that a weak player will get from these battles is a slight increase in the percentage of battles. But it is unlikely that an experienced player will keep with him in the platoon a player who is not useful.

Remember! You are part of the team and you must bring some of the success to the team. If you can’t break through enemy vehicles, then you shouldn’t climb on it. Stand in the bushes or around the corner of a building and shine. After all, until the enemy is done with the one who shines on him, he will not go forward. The more your tank remains on the "live" list, the better. When you can move and shoot, you give some benefit to the team. Even just the psychological benefit that you have negatively on the enemy. When any of the players looks at what and how much equipment is still in the opposing team, and if there is more of it ... Then in most cases he will play more carefully.

The above described couple of paragraphs is not the whole guarantee of the success of good statistics. This is, shall we say, just an introduction. We will now discuss the main points.

Number of battles

Pay attention to how many battles you have fought. If you have fought less than 5,000 battles and have not very good statistics, then you should not be upset. You are still learning the game. Learn cards, techniques, game mechanics. I'm not going to say that you need to fight exactly 5,000 battles in order to learn everything. All people are different, and consequently they learn differently. Let's say it took a certain Vasily 1,500 battles to study everything, but Alexei and 5,000 battles were not enough.

But again, the more battles you have fought, the more difficult it will be to correct the statistics.

Equipment type

Be sure to determine the type of technique that will be easiest for you to play. There are as many as 5 types of vehicles in the game: heavy tanks, medium tanks, light tanks, self-propelled artillery mounts (SAU) and anti-tank self-propelled artillery mounts (PT-SAU). One of the five types should definitely be easy and comfortable for you to play. I would like to add right away that the easiest tanks to use are heavy tanks, but even that is not all. Heavy tanks can forgive player mistakes. Tank destroyers can be considered the second type in terms of ease of play, followed by medium tanks.

Now, and always in general, experienced players everywhere cuckare ... shout that the simplest type of vehicle in the game is self-propelled guns. Maybe. But! Without playing on other types, you will not be able to immediately understand where and how you can conduct high-quality shelling of the enemy. By playing on other types of vehicles, you will learn all the pros and cons of self-propelled guns.

Completed machinery

Damage dealt

The main indicator that greatly influences various efficiency ratings is the damage you deal in battle. On a low-level vehicle, you will not be able to inflict large numbers of damage, so pump out at least Tier VI of the vehicle as soon as possible. On low-level tanks, you can only get yourself a percentage of wins, but this is not accurate either. The percentage of wins has little effect on the statistics in general, but the high average damage... The more damage you do, the higher your indicator of various statistic ratings will be. Try to inflict damage in each battle, which is equal to the sum of your durability points - this is your minimum task for each battle.

Thinking about action

You should set yourself the goal that you only want to win and deal damage. If you can convince yourself of this goal, then you will do everything to achieve it. In the game you will start to connect your head. Before the start of the battle, evaluate the technique of opponents and allies. Over time, you will begin to understand where this or that enemy tank will go, which sector of the map and from where the self-propelled guns can shoot. If you have already installed the so-called Olenemer, then be sure to try to kill the player who has good statistics. It is he who can bring a lot of trouble to your team. But this should be done wisely, and not just fly out to such a player. In a fight with a disabled player, when you simply fly out to him, most likely your tank will be destroyed by this player. Better think about how best and harmless to yourself to damage him. And most importantly, if your team has a player with very good statistics - NEVER stop him from playing. Do not interfere with the movement of his tank, do not close the scope. And even if you need to cover him, cover him with your tank.

Position on the map

During his game in World of Tanks You have probably already found some places on each map where you are good at playing. There are no self-propelled guns, there are no destructible objects. There you can deal damage to enemy tanks with impunity. Hold this position until the combat enters the offensive phase. The allies went to press the direction - help them do it. You shouldn't go anywhere alone.

Take advantage of your technology

Each machine has one or another advantage that allows it to be implemented on the battlefield. So, for example, if your tank has good vertical aiming angles, then take a position in some kind of hollow and inflict damage on enemies without showing your tank in its entirety. The enemy will only see your gun, and if you hit the gun, the damage does not pass. If your tank has a strong turret, then again find a hollow where you hide your hull and beat off enemy shells with the forehead of the turret. If you are playing a tank destroyer with high average damage, then just don't get caught in the light and wait for the enemy vehicles to light up.

your computer

It seems that what kind of influence on the statistics in the game can a computer have? And quite serious. If you have a weak computer, then the game will freeze at inopportune moments, which will be used by the enemies by destroying your tank. You should strive to ensure that your computer gives out as much as possible. FPS(frames per minute). For a normal game to be 60 fps. Well, since this is an online game, the Internet connection must be good. The lower ping, the faster the game will react to your actions.

If you still have a computer of a weak configuration, then install the program WoT Tweaker. The program will allow you to turn off various additional effects and thereby increase FPS.

team play

World of Tanks- a team game and this must be remembered every fight. You do not play alone, but together with other 14 players. By teaming up with another player, you will be one step ahead of those who play alone (but do not forget what we talked about at the very beginning of the material). Find yourself a player who is equal to you or slightly better than you in terms of statistics. Be sure to communicate by voice during the game, so you can coordinate your joint actions and bring success to the team as a whole.

Your condition

Everything depends on you as a player. It's not a job, it's just a game. There is no need to go there every day at the appointed time. If you have no desire to play, then just do not enter the game. Headache - do not sit down to play, but rather eat, sleep, etc. Neither the computer nor the game itself will go anywhere from you. They will dutifully wait for you when you come and sit down to play.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in raising your game statistics. You just need to correctly and intelligently set all priorities. We hope that our material helped you and you understood what needs to be done so that your efficiency ratings begin to grow. Good luck!

There is a category of indicators, thanks to which you can evaluate the effectiveness and combat capability of each player. The most fundamental of them is the personal rating - this is the totality of all the player's combat achievements, his behavior on the battlefield, participation in team battles and general activity.

He calculates from a certain formula, which includes many factors, at first glance insignificant - the player may not even suspect their existence, as well as from the totality of these factors and their mathematical relationship to one another.

Without going into calculation and computational details, it is possible to answer such a question as how to raise the personal rating of World of Tanks, taking into account many features of the game, which will be discussed below.

To increase the value of the main indicator, first of all, you need to control the number of wins - the higher the percentage, the higher the personal rating will be

You should approach the organization of each battle with a share of responsibility so as not to reduce this figure. The next item that affects how to raise your personal World of Tanks rating is survivability, regardless of the outcome of the battle - even if the team hit the dirt in the face - you should not give up. The rating of surviving players does not decrease, but it is quite possible that it increases, depending on the achievements and feats performed on the battlefield.

Another point is the amount of damage per battle.

Accordingly, the higher this indicator, the more rating will be awarded, for this it is worth taking care of the best equipment for the tank. The rating is also affected by the total number of battles on the account, increasing these indicators - the rating will grow, and experience will grow with it.

An important fact is that even if the level of the tank is not so high, and the amount of damage dealt leaves much to be desired - this is most likely the way to describe scout tanks - you can achieve an increase in personal rating by increasing the number of illuminated vehicles and the amount of subsequent damage dealt to them from teammates.

This makes the tactics of playing on light and medium tanks competitive and viable.

The overall calculation of the rating is made by a complex algorithm for calculating all the above data. It represents the general equivalent of interest in the game and success in the gaming space. Therefore, wanting to raise it, you should not stop your choice on any one of the parameters.

Do you want to learn how to play World of Tanks? Below are collected as many as 25 tips from professionals. Applying them in battles, you can easily raise the statistics in tanks and become a "handy" player. Many beginners do not understand that WOT is a tactical game, and it is not enough just to play it in order to be TOP. If you're one of those guys and your stats are below 50%, don't fret. After reading this article, you can easily increase your win rate to 60-70%.

What not to do in WOT

Before moving on to the secrets of good performance, let's immediately outline what NOT to do.

  1. teach others to play. If your stats are below 70% and you feel like your team is " just downs!”, most likely down is you, do not be offended. Don't try to teach your teammates through chat before the fight - it won't get better, but there's always something worse.
  2. Mothering teammates. « Yes, you are noobs! Burn in hell! Creatures, freaks, non-Russian bastards!!! Uporants obossleigh!!!- LOL 😀 . Few of us people who play tanks have not written something like this to our team. But you don't have to do this. First, you undermine the morale of the players, distract them and get on their nerves, which makes them play even worse. Secondly, if you still won’t achieve anything, then why waste letters? Don't worry, be happy ^^.
  3. Prove your superiority to someone. « Well, you, schmuck, go 1x1!"No, forget it. Don't give a damn about the opinions of others. They think they are cool - let them think. You play for fun, not for cheap show-offs.
  4. Look for cheats, hacks and other easy ways to win. There are no working cheats, as well as easy ways. Learn, develop and you will be happy.
  5. procreate twinks. « Oh no, my stat is imperfect! We urgently need to create the 131st twink and make 90% there. This time I can do it!!!"No, it won't work. You're the bottom, calm down.

These are all destructive paths that only lead to noobness. You will never learn how to play if you think like a noob. In fact, this list can be supplemented for a long time, but for now we will limit ourselves to the main 5 points. So, what to do to raise WOT statistics?

Play on a good PC

If you have 15 fps, 24000 ping, and the dual-core processor of an old laptop is crying blood, you can not read further. If you do not have the conditions for a comfortable game of HERE, there can be no talk of any improvement in statistics. Stop bullying yourself and others and play better with 60 fps and peace of mind.

Play on top technology

Try to completely abandon stock tanks. Buy the necessary modules for free experience. To increase the stat, you need to play on the top technology. If there is no free experience, but you really want to play, buy it for a donat and finally download the missing modules to be on equal terms with your opponents.

Bring your ammo

How are you going to win if you can't repair your tank after a critical hit? What happens if you suddenly break the chassis or set fire to the engine? ALWAYS carry consumables with you and use them on time.

Play with upgraded crew

A trained crew provides a significant advantage. Try to play on the vehicle where the crew is pumped as well as possible. This will make it much easier for you to increase your stats.

Play in a platoon

Create a platoon of 2-3 players and play together. But do not recruit a team according to the principle " 1 cripple is good, but 3 is better". Choose as partners those players who are equal to you or better than you in skill. If you recruit everyone in a row, then what's the point in a platoon? With the same success, you can go in a random solo.

Play with voice

If you and your partners will be able to talk, for example, via Skype, it will be much easier for you to coordinate your actions. You can call each other for help, focus opponents more effectively, and generally work as a full-fledged team, and this already means a lot.


It's very easy to scream You are all downs! Who am I playing with?”(recognized yourself? 😀), but the reality is that if you didn’t die last and didn’t cause the most damage in battle, then you didn’t do enough, and you are no better” these downs". Try to live to the very end, but do not stand idle. Just let others go ahead and use your firepower wisely. By correctly applying this advice, you will already raise the statistics in World of Tanks by at least 5-10%.

Fulfill your role on the team

Each class of tanks has its own role in the team.

  • Light tanks- This is primarily mobile intelligence. They ride forward and "shine" enemies.
  • Heavy tanks- the main power and armor of the team. They are always on the front line and try to draw fire on themselves, but they need support.
  • medium tanks- This is a shock group. They always go where they are needed and attack in groups together with the LT.
  • Self-propelled anti-tank installations- This is the defense and support of the whole team. They stand behind everyone and control the map, covering allies.

Of course, it is not necessary to follow every word written here pedantically. Situations are different, and sometimes even tank destroyers can rush instead of TT and ST, but doing this at the beginning of the battle is extremely stupid, you can understand why.

Deal maximum damage

Many players have "tunnel vision": aiming at the enemy - grazing him until he shoots or dies himself, not paying attention to what is happening around. If you want to get a stat, start learning how to deal as much damage as possible in fights. Do not focus on one enemy, attack everyone who catches your eye. If you see a "shot" (for 1 shot) - kill immediately without hesitation, since the numerical advantage is the strongest.

Watch the minimap

Every 5-10 seconds evaluate the situation on the map and the balance of power. If you do not do this, you can forget about good statistics. Get in the habit of always looking at the map. That way you'll know what's going on and you'll be able to quickly accept " fateful» decision for your team, such as saving an ally by supporting them with your firepower or even taking a few shots for them. It's not the hands that decide, it's the eyes that decide - keep them open.

Don't rely on allies

The biggest mistake you can make in World of Tanks is thinking you have a team. NO, forget it. Although you are in the herd, you are on your own, and your goal is to survive, while causing the most damage. Don't count on your allies to read your mind and help you or follow your directions - they won't. Instead, try to understand THEIR intentions and help THEM. It will be much more productive.

Don't play "drain" tanks

You can, of course, say that drag” is real on any technique, but it will be cowardly nonsense. Not all tanks are equally good. There are cars that are the hardest to play. If your goal is to increase the statistics in WOT, give up such tanks. Just drop them and play the ones you know how to play.

Learn from your mistakes

Every time you fail at something, analyze it. Turn on the replay and see what could have been done, what was your mistake, what would have happened if you had acted differently? The military calls it Debriefing". Do this as often as possible, then you will learn something. Just playing fights making the same mistakes over and over is a lazy noob tactic.

Explore the maps

Start the training mode and ride on a map that you can't play on. Try to find the most effective positions for the tank, and then try them out in real combat. I guarantee you'll be surprised how you didn't notice before." this magical mound”, because of which you can pick out the entire enemy team 😀 .

Keep track of the teams

Pay attention to what classes of equipment the enemy has and which you have. Based on this, you can make a more correct decision where to go, where you are needed, to predict the course of events. For example, knowing where all the medium and light enemy tanks will go, you can take an advantageous position and deal a lot of damage already in the first minutes of the match.

Take up the height

The fact that in battle you need to occupy a height, Sun Tzu wrote in the treatise "The Art of War", which (for a minute!) Is about 2.5 thousand years old. This tactic is successfully used by the military in reality, it works no less effectively in World of Tanks. Try to always be higher than your enemy. You will be surprised how much easier it will be to win fights.

Create Focus

If you see your ally attacking an enemy, help him immediately. Together you have 2 times more chances. If you carefully look at how the extras play, you can see that none of them is particularly torn into the "inferno". They are more focused on supporting teammates. Just shoot where you can get the most out of it. Example: if several enemy LTs or STs are spinning an allied tank destroyer, then it is necessary to help it, if possible.

Don't freeze in place

Shot - switch from sniper mode to arcade mode, hide behind cover, assess the situation on the map, change position, if necessary. If you just stand behind the nearest bush and sit there the whole fight, don't expect anything good. Not only will you not be able to increase the average damage and stat, but you will periodically face the streams of angry calorie of your allies through the chat.

Use the features of technology

Most tanks have their own chip". Somewhere this is a huge one-time damage or DPM, somewhere - very high maneuverability and speed, somewhere - excellent armor. Use it all wisely. If your tank destroyer can destroy 80% of the enemy's durability with 1 shot, then you don't need to shine it left and right. Take a comfortable position with maximum visibility and wait for the right moment to make a big splash. Well, if you have, say, excellent vertical aiming angles, then shoot from the hills, from the hills, from behind the hills - the hills are your friends. Find out what the main feature of your tank is and use it to the maximum.

Shoot naked

Try to always carry ammunition with increased armor-piercing, bought for gold. It often happens that 1 shot decides the outcome of the battle. If you shoot with gold, you will increase your efficiency by about 1.5 times, which means that the statistics will grow. Well, if you don’t have money for permanent gold cartridges, just carry a few “for black fight” with you.

Get rid of twinks

Stop mocking yourself by creating one twink after another in the hope that the statistics will improve. Play honestly on the main account with your shameful 30%. This way you will at least have a strong motivation to learn how to play. In addition, TOP content (in our case, these are tanks of high ranks) in games is always more interesting than the initial one.

Play in the sandbox

It is customary to consider battles on tanks of 1-4 ranks as a sandbox. If you're having a hard time with stats, buy some good entry-level tank and go randomly bend over single-celled ones! World of Tanks beginners play like drunks, so it will be quite difficult to merge the game. Unless the same “sand extra” comes across in the enemy team.

Change the server, equipment, game time

Sometimes the game doesn't work at all. As you do not go into battle - some crayfish merge fights. In this case, you can change the server or tank. If this does not help, try to enter the game at another time, when the concentration of shkolota online is lower.

Learn from the best. Watch esports tournaments and just records of good fights. So you will learn a lot of new things for yourself: interesting positions, profitable tactics, subtleties of playing a certain technique, and much more. Everything you learn, immediately put into practice and test to understand whether it suits you or not. In the end, we are all different.

Don't forget to rest

If you play tanks a lot, you will definitely become a psychopath, I promise you 😀 . You will be terribly enraged by your teammates, you will be nightmare in every possible way from constant losses, you will hate everything alive when you are shot by KV-2 at the beginning of the battle. One American video blogger even died after a daily stream, which I wrote about in the article "".

This is normal, and so inevitably happens to anyone who dives too deep into the World of Tanks and sits at the game for 7-27 hours straight. Take a break, hello? On the statistics in tanks, the world did not converge like a wedge. Eat, take a walk with friends, do your homework, do push-ups from the floor, chat with the girls. And when you get bored late in the evening after a busy day, then get into the tank and treat the enemy upholders with steel. I guarantee it will be much more fun and easier to play 😉 .

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