Tanks slow down on windows 7 what to do. Optimizing and accelerating World of Tanks. Slows down World of Tanks! Well what can you do

Slows down World of Tanks? Or do you have a weak computer? Or did you enter the game after the next update and WoT began to slow down terribly? If all this is familiar to you, but this course of events does not suit you, then we read this article to the end, delving into every line of the text. And, if everything is done correctly, then you will part with the brakes of the game forever ...

So let's start:

Why World of Tanks slows down:

First, let's check such a banal thing as system requirements. I know, I know, now start:

So, minimum system requirements for playing world of tanks:

Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.
256 Kbps.
Processor (CPU): and here is the most interesting in 2014 this figure was 2.2 GHz, in 2015 added to the numbers: "supporting SSE2 technology", A in 2016, the numbers 2.2 GHz were removed, but written in words "With two or more physical cores"(but as far as I know, 2 cores began to be released as soon as the processor frequency exceeded the threshold of 2.6 GHz, so we draw conclusions)
Random access memory (RAM): 1.5 GB for Windows XP, 2 GB for Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10.
Video adapter: GeForce 6800/ ATI HD X2400 XT with 256 MB of memory, DirectX 9.0c.
Audio: compatible with DirectX 9.0c.
about 27 GB.

The minimum requirements, therefore, are minimal because you start the game, but it will be difficult to play comfortably, believe me. So it is unlikely that the client will be able to remove the “brakes” and “freezes”. Here you can’t do without upgrading your hardware ... The parts recommended for replacement are, of course, the processor, video card and RAM ...

Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 - 64-bit.
Internet connection speed: 1024 kbps or higher (for voice chat).
Processor (CPU): Intel Core i5-3330 (for those who do not know: 4 cores at 3 GHz - not sickly).
Random access memory (RAM): 4 GB (or more).
Video adapter: GeForce GTX660 (2 GB) / Radeon HD 7850 2 GB, DirectX 9.0c.
Audio card: compatible with DirectX 9.0c.
Free hard disk space:~36 GB.

The recommended requirements are certainly not exorbitant, but for old computers it is, as they say, “like walking to China” and if you are reading this article, then you have something in between these two characteristics. As usual, either the video is weak, or the RAM is not enough, or the percentage was inherited from someone's "piece of iron"

Slows down World of Tanks! Well, what can be done here?

If you have lags and brakes due to the processor and even more so if this very processor is single-core, then you can’t do anything about it, will have to change, well, he “does not take out” the game now, although in 2014 it was still possible to play on this ... alas

By the way, I wrote about how to choose a good computer in an article, I recommend reading it.

Next comes random access memory (RAM). What can be done with her? Physically, of course, nothing. But you can, after all, remove unnecessary garbage, all the programs that are loaded in your tray (who doesn’t know, the tray is where the Windows clock is, usually the lower right corner). That's why you need all sorts of managers there when playing (viber, mail, icq, skype, etc.) - close it! Torrent?! Definitely OFF! Not only does he "eat" the operative, he also clogs the Internet channel. Next, the browser, brrrr ... Look in the manager how much Google Chrome “eats”. Be horrified! We close! The rest of the browsers (because they also consume a lot), we also close it! I would even close the antivirus for the duration of the game (by the way, NOD32 has a game mode that frees up a certain amount of RAM for games), and it’s not possible to completely disable any antivirus so simply.

Special aesthetes use programs like Wise Memory Optimizer, which clean up memory from unused data (personally, I would not recommend using these, because I myself caught the “blue screen of death” on a test computer with winXR installed).
It’s better, of course, to buy RAM up to a decent 4 GB, especially if you have an old computer, then the RAM for it (DDR, DDR2) will cost mere pennies, and the comfort from it will be felt for a very, very long time. On the test machine, I played on a dual-channel RAMe (DDR2) of 4 GB (2x2GB) and everything was fine!

Next in line is ours video card.

If there is not enough video memory, then we try to remove the excess using the program W.O.T. Tweaker downloading it for the current version of the game client on the Internet. In the tweaker, you can remove such extras. effects that cannot be disabled from the game client, such as flying dirt from under the tracks, optical effects from a burning tank, etc. But it's worth it, trust me!

If the fps in the game shows too little 5-10, then you can try starting the client in "safe mode":

this will disable all installed mods and you can safely say that fps sags due to mods. For example, I met fps drawdown from mod . About more detailed graphics settings, I will post a video clip at the end of the article. Read more…

It happens to someone that the computer hardware is far from weak, and up to the latest versions, and in the tray it doesn’t hang out anything extra (like a torrent), but the worl of tanks slows down anyway. Then the problem is most likely in the Internet provider. Pay attention to the ping in the game, if it exceeds 50 ms, then something is wrong, or the provider is to blame, or you are running some kind of program that requires an Internet connection, or a virus, such as a Trojan, has got into your computer, which constantly sends packages on your internet channel.

A word about 3G modems

Pro 3G modems(4G modems) I don't want to talk here. A whole article has been written about this:. In it, I explained why everything is so bad when playing via a USB modem and which WoT game server you don’t connect to, the ping is still huge, sometimes up to 300 ms. It remains only to regret such people who, apart from 3G, do not have any i-net, and there are not a few of them. And to say that the world of tanks is slowing down for them is to say nothing ...

Well, and probably the last reason that lies in the operating system itself. As the programmers say “windows must die” ... And they don’t say it for nothing. During the operation of Windows, any slag is collected in the system registry, ranging from old entries about long-deleted programs and games to new entries from some satellite mail, Yandex browser and, God forbid, from some kind of virus that alone can create up to a million false registry entries in order to load the full percent.

So, over time, all this loads the work of the operating system itself, then how long it takes for programs to start running or the same text editor for a very long time opens or saves documents. Here know that Windows has come to an end. And do not expect from her super speeds and even more comfortable playing WoT.

There are only 2 ways out. The easiest and almost painless for the brain is to remove Windows and install a new one. The second is to start a complete cleaning of the computer, removing unnecessary programs, defragmenting disks, cleaning the registry. Long and painful. But it's up to you.

Well, as promised, at the end of the article I post video from the developers themselves(by the way, many thanks to them for it) about how to optimize graphics in World of Tanks. This video talks in detail about what fps is and what each slider in the settings is responsible for, how you can achieve an increase in fps and what it will cost.

Adjusting graphics in WoT since version 1.0

And that's all for me! Many thanks to all those who mastered this article to the end! Good luck in setting up the client, huge fps for you and no lags, so that later you don’t ask why World of Tanks is slowing down.

Do not forget to share in the comments who and how defeated lags, brakes and friezes in World of Tanks. After all, your comment can help a hundred or even a thousand people!

Dear players, before asking your question, take the trouble to read all the comments, perhaps there is already an answer to it. All duplicate questions will be ignored. Thanks for understanding!

Not every PC user can boast of the high performance of his unit, in fact, everything is completely different, most users of the World Of Tanks game use standard computers. In this regard, there is such a problem that the game starts to "slow down". When hammering into the address bar of the query, the World Of Tanks game slows down what to do, each user wants to get an answer to his question.

So let's still figure out why this is happening and what actually needs to be done.

The game itself was created on a fairly powerful and reliable engine that prevents the elimination of cheats and any other out-of-game cheating programs, so certain computer parameters are required for a normal game.

First you need to compare the minimum requirements of the game and the corresponding data of your computer. If your data turned out to be slightly less than the requirements, this does not mean at all that the game will not start, but the greater the difference between these requirements, the harder it will be for you to play due to all sorts of freezes.

From the above, it can be understood that the game slows down due to the lack of performance of your computer.

The best way to solve this problem would be to buy a new PC or replace the processor and RAM with more powerful ones suitable for normal gaming. The key factors that affect the performance in the game are: processor, video card and RAM. If at least one of these components does not fall short of the minimum requirements, then you are unlikely to be able to play comfortably.
So why does the World Of Tanks game slow down, what should I do?

Superficially, we have already sorted out this issue, now it’s worth going a little deeper. The first cause of this problem is insufficient video card memory. This issue is resolved by lowering the graphics to the minimum in the game settings, as well as disabling additional effects.

The second reason is the lack of RAM. The best solution would be to purchase new memory, it is not so expensive and the result will be much better.

But if such an opportunity is not provided, then it is necessary to suspend all downloads, if any, and close all unnecessary programs, be it browsers, players and other third-party software that steals your performance. You can do this using the task manager, but if this does not help, you need to download additional software that allows you to stop all unnecessary processes.

The BigWorld engine used in the game, although it provides a chic server part, the structure of which is capable of holding enormous loads and excludes the possibility of using classic cheats, the client part is a little lame, in particular in terms of optimization, distribution of resource use on multi-core computers, as well as graphics. But what to do if world of tanks slows down?

First you need to understand whether your patient (computer) is alive or rather dead, look at the settings and look at the characteristics. Here are the minimum system requirements recommended by the game developers themselves:

  • Operating system: Windows XP /Vista /7 /8
  • Processor (CPU): 2.2 GHz
  • RAM: 1.5 GB for Windows XP, 2 GB for Windows Vista/7
  • Video adapter: GeForce 6800/ ATI X800 with 256 MB of memory, DirectX 9.0c
  • Audio card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
  • Free hard disk space: 9 GB
  • Internet connection speed: 256 Kbps

This does not mean that if your computer does not reach the minimum, then the game will not start. It's just that the greater the gap between your system parameters and these characteristics (for the worse), the more difficult it will be for you to play as a result of various brakes.

Understanding the cause of the problem

Let's see why it may not be comfortable to play World of Tanks. The game slows down primarily due to lack of system resources. If the funds allow you, then of course the best option would be to buy a new PC or at least replace the processor or add RAM (if the system allows it).

What should you pay attention to? Let's take a look at a few responsible pieces of iron:

  • processor is the head of your computer
  • video card - responsible for the graphics
  • RAM - stores temporary data in its buffer

Even if one of these elements is a weak link, then you can catch the brakes. Of course, within the framework of this article, we will not delve into such equally important details as the motherboard bus or the core frequency of the video card.

Freeing up memory

Why World of Tanks slows down, we have already superficially sorted it out, now let's take action.

If there is not enough video memory

Your weak video card is to blame here. This deficiency is treated by reducing the quality of graphics in the game settings. You can also resort to the program to disable additional effects that are not so easy to cut out in the game.

If there is not enough RAM

We have to build on what we have. If you have 2GB installed or less, then my advice to you is to buy more. The RAM is not expensive now, I took 2 strips of 1,000 rubles each for 8 gigs, although it could be found cheaper.

But, if there is no such possibility, well, we release the operative. First of all, even before the launch of the game and reasonable questions "what to do if the world of tanks lags", you need to see what programs you have running. Close everything! Browser, player, all sorts of skype with ICQ and qips, torrents and other programs. We close everything!

If it doesn’t help, you can resort to the help of special software that frees the RAM from unused data. One of these programs is Wise Memory Optimizer, instructions for which you can see in this video:


For those who are experiencing problems, they wonder when playing without comfort in World of Tanks - why does the game freeze? If all of the above tips did not help, then you can get a little hardcore and delve into the issue of optimizing the client and your computer as a whole.

Master Yoda:
"Brakes in World of Tanks a weak computer causes".

  • - this material has collected links to the best tips and mods to improve game performance.
  • - a lot of useful information, including a description of the program for overclocking a video card.

Hello to all fighters.
I will try to briefly talk about the brakes in the game, and what to do about it.
Simplified for the user, “brakes” are divided into two categories:
Slow rendering (rendering) of the picture and, as a result, low FPS (frames per second - the number of rendered frames per second).
Network lags (lags) - delays in data transmission on the Internet, leading to a slowdown in the reaction of the tank to your commands and to the strange behavior of other tanks: jerky driving, random appearance or disappearance, etc.
You can view the rendering speed (fps) in the game in the upper right corner during the battle. In general, for our tank gameplay below 15-20 fps is slow, 20-30 is average, above 30 is quite good.

I must say right away that the game is not yet optimized for rendering speed - on weak and medium machines there can be strong “brakes”, especially with a large number of players on the map. We will optimize, including expecting a lot from the next version of our engine (Bigworld), which we plan to switch to in the near future.
For most people, I recommend setting the graphics detail in the lobby settings to "medium" - this will significantly increase FPS and make the game more comfortable.
Additional steps to follow if all else fails and the game has stutters and graphical glitches:

Install the latest version of DirectX. You can pick up at the following addresses:
Install the latest video card drivers.
http://nvworld.ru/drivers/ or
For AMD/Ati:
http://www.radeon.ru...ds/drivers/#wxp or
Important! Before installing new drivers, do not forget to uninstall the old ones (via Add\Remove Programs) and restart your computer.
Lags or network delays. They occur if network packets with information are lost or delayed on the way from your computer to the game server. The reasons for the occurrence of lags can be different: your communication channel is clogged, for example, with torrent downloads; for some reason, one of the routers on the way to the game server is overloaded; the game server may be overloaded with a large number of players or game sessions.
You can determine exactly where losses and delays occur using the PingPlotter program (http://www.pingplott.../pngplt_std.exe). The program is trial, it works for 30 days, although after that you can use it, you just need to wait after downloading until the “do it later” button appears. In order not to wait, you can simply buy the program.
Install and run. In the field "address to trace" we write: . In the "trace interval" field, set 1 second and press the "start" button. A list of routers (Hops) will appear, through which information packets go from your computer to the game server. We right-click on each of them and select "show this timeline graph" from the context menu. Graphs will appear for each router showing packet loss (red vertical lines) and latency (black line as a graph).
Then you can start the game and look at the graphs. If there are few packet losses on them (single red lines scattered across the charts) and delays are small (black network delay charts are mostly in the green zone), then you have everything in order with the Internet connection and you can play normally.
If, on the contrary, frequent red lines appear on one of the routers, or they generally merge into wide red bands, or the delay graph constantly hangs in the red zone, then this router is precisely to blame for the poor communication quality.
If this occurs closer to the first hops, then these may be delays from your provider or in your network (if you are connected to the Internet through your home network, for example). If this appears on the first hop, or the program does not show anything: there are few red lines, graphs are in the green zone, but there are still network “brakes”, see if your communication channel is loaded: downloads, Skype, torrents, auto-updates of programs (operating system or antivirus). It would be useful to check your computer for viruses.
If problems occur close to the game server (maximum 1-2 hops from it), then these may be server problems. By the way, we will fight this mercilessly - closer to the release, network traffic will be heavily optimized and the game will be less dependent on lags.
What to do with it?
If there are problems on your computer, then sort it out yourself: look, adjust, clean; or call a competent friend who can help you.
If there are problems on the game server, you need to complain to our technical support (although if we have problems, we most likely already know about it and are trying to fix them). For everything else, you can complain to your ISP: “Why do I have such a bad connection to this server?”. If the provider is sane, then the problem can be solved. As "material evidence" to complaints, you can add screenshots from the pingplotter (File\Save Image menu).
Here, in a nutshell, is all.

To achieve maximum speed at high settings.

WoT graphics cannot be called cool, but due to the peculiarities of the engine, oddly enough, World of Tanks turns out to be very voracious in terms of system resources. This game has a number of features:

- The game understands ONLY one processor core! This fact should be taken into account.
- The game is very gluttonous to the amount of RAM
- The game takes up a large amount of memory on the HDD, and consists of thousands of small files.

As you can see, the WoT developers scored very tightly on optimization, so we optimize the game ourselves.


Since the application WorldOfTanks.exe*32 runs ONLY IN ONE thread, buying a multi-core processor for this game is pointless. Much more important is the specific power of one core and its frequency. However, we all have multi-core processors. This fact can and should be used. Please note that only the first core was loaded during the game (and a little fifth, but more on that later).

What can be done? There is no way to speed up the first core without overclocking, but it can be UNLOADED! :)

We go into the application manager and reassign the heaviest of them to all other cores, but not to the first one. The logic here is that the first core should deal exclusively with tanks. Heavy applications include browsers, built-in explorer, plugin container for playing movies, flash animation and other voracious nonsense that hangs in the tray.

It is necessary to remove the employment of the first core from all heavy applications except Wot.exe itself

The developer claims that 2GB of RAM is suitable for the game.)) False.
Having 4GB of a comfortable game, if at least something else is running, it will not work. But you want to have time to do something in the minutes of loading, and not to watch

Therefore, you need 8GB or higher. This volume will allow you to instantly switch with the Windows button to tanks and the desktop and fly into the game a second before the start of the battle. Fortunately, RAM today costs a penny, so 16GB will be appropriate and look like an adult. By the way, please note that in the upper screenshot, only the volume that the task manager displayed was 3.5 GB.

In short, it must be destroyed. Full. Everything should sit only in a large amount of RAM and not be loaded from any files. If your RAM is 8 GB or more, you should forcibly destroy the swap file on all drives.

It is better to keep it on the C: / drive, as on the fastest one if you have a regular HDD. It is even better if there is a solid-state SSD drive for such purposes, because. in addition to a large volume, a WoT game consists of tens of thousands of files, and the mechanical head simply cannot read them quickly. Another thing is SSD, because. it has no mechanics.

Need more help. The bare minimum is a Radeon 5570+ or ​​GeForce 430GT+ with DDR3 or higher. On such videos, you will somehow play at medium settings. I don’t see the point in playing at 15fps, because smearing the enemy because of the brakes and merging will not give anyone pleasure.


A cold start of World of Tanks at maximum graphics settings in less than 7 seconds is a reality!

If everything is done correctly, then at Very High settings in Full HD resolution of 1920 * 1080 with 16x anisotropy and 8x anti-aliasing, you can achieve even more than 100 frames per second, and even in the most difficult scenes it will not drop below 50 fps. and read the theory here.

Z.Y. For owners of Intel processors with Hiper Threading support… Please note that one core with this technology emulates two threads. That is why not only the first core is loaded, as in the screenshot, but also the fifth one. Just in case, it is also better to unload it. 1st and 5th, 2nd and 6th, etc. are all paired threads of a single core.

Also, in order not to fool your head, you can.

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