How to get out of a permanent ban wot. Why was I banned? How to find out what exactly caused the ban

Belarusian development team from Wargaming for a long time and with persistence she proved that there are no cheats in their game and cannot be - there are only bots. In this case, a reasonable question arises - why then mass bans?


cheating(from English to cheat- cheat, cheat, cheat) - the use of specially created or modified programs or equipment in online games to obtain an undeniable advantage over other players.

And so, the story is in the spirit of the best spy action movies. For better understanding, it is better to start by listing what is currently known:

  • there is such a creator of forbidden mods (cheats) as huragan1987;
  • not so long ago, an excellent modpack was created by his forces, which had a paid version (it cost 300 rubles), where, in addition to other prohibited mods, there was a unique cheat;
  • this mod showed in real time all opponents, even those that did not glow;
  • the other day, many users of the assembly received a permanent ban, which is surprising, because the struggle of Wargaming with cheats was only a myth until recently;
  • as a result, users agreed on two options - either Wargaming, after the micropatch on the 25th, was able to track the users of the modpack itself, or else huragan1987 received enough money from the potato and leaked all the users of its assembly to the developers.

Let's figure it out!

The new cheat is probably familiar to players who follow the news (they wrote about it). In short, the function of tracking the position of allied tanks is built into popular mods. This information is transmitted to the modmaker's servers, and if there is such a player in the opposite team, then you will see where all the enemy equipment is located. The coolest cheat that completely breaks the balance, just imagine!

It looks like this

As you can see, absolutely all the tanks of the enemy team are shown on the minimap.

Some time after using the modpack, massive bans from developers began. In the topic of modpack support, swearing begins and huragan1987 writes such an answer (click on the picture, a window with the full version will open)

Wargaming acted with grace unusual for it - the IP address was simply replaced in the modpack files and all the data was not merged to the modmaker's server, but was sent directly to the developers!

But this is just one way of developing things, some users suggest that huragan1987 got enough money and leaked all the buyers of his assembly. This, of course, is a blow to reputation, but this option should not be discounted either.

By the way, it turned out that other creators of cheats for popular games are also engaged in calculating the location of the enemy team. I am publishing screenshots of the mod, which is in development, which shows the position of the equipment, regardless of the light. But so far it is not freely available.

Types of blocking:

  • Enabling read only mode - making it impossible to send messages in the game, on the forum and in game channels for a period of one day to a permanent (unlimited) block.
  • Blocking access to the game, forum or account as a whole for a period of one day to permanent (unlimited) blocking.

The restriction can be imposed from one day to a permanent chat or game blocking (that is, forever).

How do I find out why they banned me?

The restriction is imposed on the account if your actions violate the terms , and . The blocking message always indicates the section and paragraph of the rules for violation of which you are blocked. Examples:

Chat blocking:

Account blocking:

Forum read only mode:

Blocking access to the forum:

How to find out what exactly caused the ban:

  1. Open and find the item indicated in the ban message.
  2. Carefully read this paragraph of the rules and try to remember in what situation such a violation could take place.
  3. If you are sure that you have not violated the rules under this paragraph, and that no one else (for example, acquaintances or family members) has access to your account, you can always.

To find out what is included in different types of violations, click on the desired item in the list below - its detailed description will open. The list of violations is based on the Laws of the Game.

Mat, profanity, insult

This includes:

  • any insult to another player;
  • any use of profanity (swear words);
  • rude, abusive and offensive language that goes beyond the culture of communication.

There is no strict list of expressions that contradict this paragraph of the Rules of the Game. The decision on punishment is made by the administration of the game, guided by the norms of generally accepted morality. Most of the insults and swearing in the game are hidden by the built-in swear filter.


This includes:

  • mass mailing of information that the user did not request, in which he did not show interest or to which he did not give consent (spam);
  • abuse of text wrapping (splitting a sentence into separate words);
  • repeated duplication of messages of the same type;
  • creating messages that do not contain meaning;
  • multiple duplication of battle results in game channels;
  • abuse of recruiting - advertising and searching for players, groups of players and tournaments (advertising from one group of players more than once within five minutes is considered abuse);
  • abuse of writing messages in UPPER CASE;
  • misuse of punctuation marks;
  • abuse of in-game emoticons;
  • posting information that does not correspond to the subject of the channel.

The official language of communication in the game and combat chat is Russian. The use of other languages ​​is allowed in combat, tournament, clan, platoon channels and personal messages.


We are talking about messages like “Give me gold”, “Oh, give me a tank!”, “Lend a hundred rubles through a web wallet, I’ll return it tomorrow.”

Messages of this type should not be confused with soliciting for personal information (such as username / password) and requests like “Let's give up accounts”, for which there are more severe penalties.

Account Transfer

Insult on any grounds

This paragraph is similar to the paragraph about the use of profanity, but here we are talking about insulting a group of people. This refers to the classic insults aimed at nationality / religion / race in general.

Such a violation is assessed by the administration as more serious than insulting one user, and is punished more severely.

Dissemination of personal information of third parties

Example: if you are playing with someone in a platoon and you know their real name, then you cannot tell it to anyone without the consent of the player himself. Personal information also includes information about health, financial situation, place of residence, phone number, email, etc.


We are talking about messages like “Press Alt + F4 to turn on the headlights” (placing deliberately false information), phrases like “The administration only bans and does nothing”, “Admins don’t give a damn about the players” (slander against the administration), etc. .

Extortion or extortion

We are talking about messages like “Give me your username / password, otherwise I will burn down your house”, “If you do not tell me your password, I will hack your mail”, etc.

Remember: the administration will never ask for your username or password - only scammers need this information.

Pornographic and erotic materials

Any information of a sexual nature is not allowed in the game due to age restrictions.

Promotion of drugs and alcohol

The mention of alcoholic beverages and drugs, as well as actions that can be carried out with them (as well as a call for such actions), is regarded as propaganda of the substances mentioned. Example: expressions like “Oh, I would like to drink beer”, “Don’t drink beer”, etc.


We are talking about messages like “I will find you and break my arms”, “Tell me the address, I will come, I will tear out my legs”, “I would like to find the developers and knock them on the head” and the like, carrying a direct or indirect threat to the person to whom they are addressed (or unaddressed, referring to a group of people).


  • Any statements that are in any way related to modern politics (in particular, to modern politicians) are prohibited.
  • At the same time, the attitude and emotional coloring of the message are not important. For example, the phrases "Ivanov is a good president" and "Ivanov is a bad president" equally violate this paragraph of the Rules of the Game.

Insulting the administration or moderators

  • This paragraph generally duplicates the paragraph on insulting users. The only difference is that the insult is directed at representatives of the administration, so the punishment is tougher.
  • Please note: discussion of the actions of the administration is also prohibited. If you have any comments about the work of moderators or complaints about the administration, you can send them to the User Support Center.

Unsportsmanlike conduct, botting

Types of unsportsmanlike conduct:

  • Pushing.
  • Collision.
  • Support.
  • Locking an ally's vehicles.
  • "Timdamage" and "teamkill" (causing damage to allied vehicles and damaging modules or destroying allied vehicles).

    "Timdamag" and "teamkill" are fixed by an automatic system, which imposes a restriction on violators that is not subject to appeal. There are situations when a team player provokes damage to allies. In such situations, you should not react with a violation for a violation. Do not give in to provocations. Any damage to allied vehicles, regardless of the situation, violates the Laws of the Game.

  • Fixed fights or similar activities of any kind (excluding training rooms). A fixed fight is a fight in which a player or a group of players receives hard-to-reach statistical indicators, including the fulfillment and / or assistance in fulfilling the LBZ, by collusion of the participants of both teams.
  • “Pumping” the accounts of other users, as well as any other non-sports assistance.
  • Blocking or similar actions in relation to the technique of a player included in the user's team.
  • Passive (pacifist) behavior towards members of another team, clan or alliance of clans. Passive (pacifist) behavior is intentionally not opening fire on an enemy tank and coordinating with the enemy team.
  • Running more than one copy of the game on the same device.
  • Botting is the use of programs that imitate user actions in the game (bots), clicker programs, keyboard and mouse control macros, and other similar methods of accumulating in-game achievements.

    Bot breeding is recorded by a semi-automatic system.

  • Other forms of unsportsmanlike behavior at the discretion of the administration.

Messages related to organizations and people that violate (have violated) the law

  • Nazi statements of various kinds;
  • messages promoting the activities of terrorist organizations and their figures, for example, “For the al-Qaeda!”;
  • other types of similar messages at the discretion of the administration.

Causing damage to the game, game administration, users

  • Using cheat programs, bot programs, prohibited game mods, geodata (maps) bugs, game client vulnerabilities, websites, etc.
  • Mention of prohibited modifications, bot programs, bugs, as well as their discussion in chats.

Obtaining game elements in violation of the Game Rules

Obtaining game elements, game achievements, as well as in-game currency, premium equipment, premium accounts and other additional features of the game in violation of the Game Rules, User Agreement, other rules of Wargaming, or the rules of individual promotions and contests.

Dissemination of confidential information about games

You can distribute only the information that was officially announced by the project administration.

Using the game in ways not provided for by the User Agreement and the Game Rules

Use of the game in ways not provided for by the User Agreement, Game Rules, other rules of Wargaming, as well as beyond the normal gameplay.

Violation of the law, moral standards

There is no exact list of statements related to this item - such cases are considered individually by the administration and employees of the User Support Center.

Use of prohibited clan names, tags, mottos and descriptions

For information about which names, tags, mottos and descriptions of clans are prohibited, read the Rules of Clans. This paragraph lists all prohibited variants of names, tags, mottos and descriptions of clans and the measure of responsibility for violation of this paragraph of the Clan Rules.

Use of banned clan emblems

For information about which names, tags, mottos and descriptions of clans are prohibited, read the Rules of Clans. This paragraph lists all prohibited variants of clan emblems and the measure of responsibility for violating this paragraph of the Clan Rules.

It happens that an account is blocked for any reason ... Let's analyze these points, and the possibilities to remove the blocking of an account.

  • The first and most common type of ban is blocking the in-game chat, which means that you insulted your allies in battle, or used foul language. The scale and terms of punishment here are progressive, depending on the frequency of getting into a given ban, and VG uses an in-game complaint system for the ban, created for the convenience of players. And yes, the developers know if you expressed yourself in combat or not, because. I have personal experience of dealing with this issue, where I was provided with screenshots from battles almost a month ago. The more often you use foul language in combat, the longer you will sit in the "bath".
  • The second and no less common type of blocking is timkill (team damage) - fire on allies in battle. When shooting at allies, you are awarded penalty points when they gain a certain number - the player’s account first acquires a blue nickname color, and then it is blocked (right in battle), in total you can inflict damage on an ally 2 times with impunity, but remember, if you set fire to an ally, each HP deducted from him will be protected by you as damage that you personally inflicted (even if you did not want it). 1 time - a ban for an hour, after the period increases exponentially, 3 hours, a day, a week, a month, and as a final permanent block. If you “suddenly” become light blue in battle, then you need to be extremely careful, because any ramming of an allied tank by you will lead to account blocking, and you will also be blocked for flooding an ally if you are the last one who contacted his hull. The exception is art - she, in this type of ban, was given a big discount (3 destroyed allies - and you are in the bath). Remove the blue color of the nickname, you can shoot and destroy enemy tanks, just exit the game and rest for a week - it won’t give you anything, you need to “wash off” the sin in battle, only after a certain amount of enemy damage, your nickname will turn back white colors.
  • ban for unsportsmanlike behavior in battle, propping up and pushing an ally, punished in the same way as for teamkill
  • ban for botting - perhaps exists, but this is not certain, because it is not known for certain whether the VG is struggling with this type of violation, but periodically reports on the work done)))
  • and the most terrible and peremptory type of blocking is a ban for the use of Prohibited Modifications (ZP - they are also CHITs) !!! (banned in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries). For the first time, you will receive a warning with a suggestion in the form of blocking your account for 7 days, if you continue to use the RFP, you will be permanently banned. without the possibility of recovery. The list of RFP - cheats is here, unfortunately, wargaming has removed its own topics from the official forum, so the link is only to a third-party resource. And yes, the fight against cheaters is underway, I know from personal experience, because. in 2016 he used a script - automatic fire extinguishing, and even received a 7-day ban for it, so think about it, is it worth risking your account?
  • and lastly, if you think that you have been unfairly banned, the only place where you can appeal the punishment and remove the block from your account is the User Support Center (CSP), on the site they are located in the upper left corner support.

Do not break the rules of the game!!!

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