The girl on the cover of gta 5. Taxi depot missions in GTA V. General rules for finding girls

Recently, scenes of violence, prostitution and homosexuality have been appearing in games more and more often. And the GTA series, starting with Vice City, was full of such more than others. Night butterflies in Grand Theft Auto 5 are an integral part of the city. The release under the number "V" was not an exception, but rather a rise to a new level. The developers have made contact with the ancient profession obligatory, and in order to complete the storyline, you will have to use the services of a prostitute in GTA 5. The article will consider only this part of the game world.

GTA 5 is limited to 17+, so it is not recommended to play and read this article to persons under passport age!
Attention! The game often contains scenes of tobacco smoking.
Well, the prohibitions are stipulated, the introduction is over, let's go directly to the review.

Where to find a prostitute in GTA 5

In Los Santos or Blaine County, prostitutes go to work at night, except for story missions (for example, "Murder - Panel"). As in real life, prostitutes are available to the public, i.e. they can be found almost everywhere on the streets, and the elite ones, which cost more, are incomparably better dressed and do not get into small cars.

The main characters can interact with both types of babes in three different ways. And each next method will cost more. Basic is oral sex. Further and more expensively follows a normal sexual intercourse. And the most expensive will be long and hot sex. Moreover, any option will increase the level of endurance of the character. Well, opponents of such types of fishing will still have to go around the corner with a night butterfly at least once to fully immerse themselves in the plot.

If strength and money allow, you can arrange for several sessions in a row. At the same time, there are girls who will like the main characters, then they themselves can start flirting, and after the services offer to go to the light next time. Compared to GTA 4, the appearance of prostitutes has become more realistic and juicy.

How to pick up a prostitute in GTA 5

First, you need to be on city streets in the evening or at night. Secondly, elite ladies can afford to appear only in places indicated by markers on the map:

Map of prostitutes in GTA 5

Thirdly, to remove an elite ass, you should get a prestigious car with a convertible top and molded shapes.

If you think about it in advance, you can remove the negative experience of the beauty's refusal. Just imagine: a lucky man drives up to a girl in an expensive car, honks, attracting the attention of an elite prostitute. A hot beauty majestically approaches the car, sits on the front seat and pressing the pedal to the floor, you fly away at maximum speed to look at the lights of the night city. Well, or to the nearest empty parking lot, where unforgettable sex takes place for a previously agreed amount. Moreover, the choice is made simply: the price of services will appear in the upper corner of the screen.

In GTA 5, the behavior of prostitutes on the street has changed somewhat. If you stop nearby and do nothing for a couple of minutes, you will be asked to move away and not interfere with work. If you ignore the request, then she will make a call to the police and you will earn 1 star of violations on the spot.

Strippers in GTA 5

In fact, they look like prostitutes, but with completely different functions and you can find them in a strip club. They take money for undressing and still dance very beautifully and do not like rough touches.

You can order a private dance for $ 40, and then either by flirting or lightly touching, you can fill in the scale that appears on the screen. If possible, she may invite you to tea with her. In this case, you will have to pick her up from the back of the club by car and then watch a spicy video, after which she will give you her phone number and, possibly, a candid photo. By the way, prostitutes will never give their number. If your hands are itching to hit a sweet ass while still in the strip room, you have three attempts before you are thrown out into the street, or become the owner of the Vanilla Unicorn Club and spank without restrictions after completing the "Peace and Peace" mission while beating the game for the hero Trevor.
But there are two strippers in the game who will not go with any of the heroes for any tricks and persuasion, these are Peaches and Cheetah

Starting from the first parts, GTA 5 developers are actively introducing the fair sex into the game, and if in multiplayer mode it is possible to play for girls, then in single player you are surrounded exclusively by NPC ladies. Based on the experience of past games in the series, for example, GTA: San Andreas, players ask the question: "How to meet a girl in GTA 5?".

Initially, RockStarGames stated that there would be no opportunity to meet girls, however, everything is less clear than it seems, because when starting a relationship with a lady, each player pursues one goal. So, how is the female community represented by the example of NPCs with whom you can interact:

Dancers from the strip club Vanilla Unicorn.

Unfortunately, in the entire vast world of GTA 5, Rockstar managed to establish only one strip club. Entrance to this place is free, and until you order a private dance, you will only have to spend money on drinks and “money rain” for dancers. By the way, thanks to the money rain, the attitude of the girl who gets the cash improves towards you, and this will play a role in the seduction during the private.

Nevertheless, the local inhabitants are the most disposed to hone their pickup skills. Your goal is to come to the strip club "Vanilla Unicorn". We must immediately warn you - if you start shooting the guards, then the chances of leaving more than one are equal to zero. So put your weapons away and start choosing the object of desire.

After the choice is made, we go after the girl to a private booth - a dance awaits us there, during which you can flirt and even touch the stripper absolutely free of charge, however, you should not get too carried away, because the bouncer is closely watching the room. If the character begins to be very persistent, then he will definitely be driven away. Thus, the best option would be to dissolve your hands only when the guard leaves to check other rooms.

In addition, if Trevor has already taken possession of the Unicorn in the storyline, then nothing threatens our characters - not a single bouncer will raise a hand against the boss's friends. By the way, a lap dance is a prerequisite for 100% completion of the game.

After a short series of harassment, the sympathy indicator will fill up and the player will be presented with a choice of new options - a pair dance or a visit. By the way, not every girl will call for a visit - you will have to choose one of the following list:

Nevertheless, even these ladies can give Franklin a turn. Apparently, the young African American is odd to Michael and Trevor, in their opinion.

If the visit is still approved, then take your car and drive up to the back entrance of the club, a girl will come out of there, often not even bothering to change clothes, and sit down to you. After that, following the GPS data, we go to her apartment.

Further, everything is the same as before - the panorama of the city, voluptuous sighs, and then the hero-lover leaves the house. A nice bonus will be the dancer's phone number, and after a while, an erotic photo of the girl will also appear. Thus, it is now possible to repeat the circumstances of the night without dancing, only by calling her.

Liz and Ursula

Liz is a girl we meet in one of the taxi driver missions, they will open only after the acquisition of real estate (Downtown Cab Co.). On assignment, Franklin will have to give a ride to her young man, who turns out to be a very impudent Latino. After Liz appears on the horizon, Franklin makes several jokes in her direction, which provokes a skirmish in which the character has to beat the girl's boyfriend (or just shoot him). Then, as if nothing had happened, we complete the order by driving Liz to her friends in Little Seoul. The reward is about $ 450 and the girl's phone number, which can be used in the future.

In addition to Liz, the player is also given the opportunity to get to know a girl named Ursula. It can be picked up south of Mount Chiliad, on North Kalifa Way. After the girl tells heartbreaking stories all the way, the player is given her number as a reward. After that, you can call her. An interesting point is that after getting to know Ursula more closely, Ursula can give oral pleasure to the character while he is taking her home.

Night butterflies.

Of course, one cannot fail to mention the priestesses of love, who have been familiar to the player for a long time. They are also available in GTA 5, however, over the years of evolution, these ladies have advanced much further than you might think - so now they will not get into your car if it is a rusty rattletrap from some barn at Sandy Shores - you will have to look for an expensive car.

As soon as the girl nevertheless climbed into the passenger seat, go to the alley and choose from the proposed list of services.

Thus, it becomes clear - although there is no opportunity to meet girls as such, there is a great alternative, which the developers called Booty Call or "call girl".

Grand Theft Auto is a series of games about a criminal who performs various missions, known to many as simply GTA (GTA). The appearance of girls among the characters was a nice addition to GTA San Andreas. If you find a girl in GTA, it will not only diversify the hero's life, but also help in completing missions. Let's talk more about how to meet your love in this game.

How and where to find a girl in GTA

To begin with, we will decide with which girls and where you can start a relationship. Some girls you will not avoid in the course of missions (because everyone has a chance to start a relationship). There are two such girls, you will meet them in the story. Others will have to be found - these are 4 more options for the development of relations.

So, pay attention to the blue arrows hanging over the girls - these are the ones you can approach and get to know. After meeting and successful dates, your girlfriend's house will be marked with a red heart.

GTA: how to build a relationship with a girl

Finding a girl in GTA is half the battle, because you will need to achieve her location. Consider several options for beautiful courtship: in general, everything is like in life.


Deliciously feed the girl if she is hungry. And what a date is complete without bars, cafes or restaurants. By the way, the choice of them just depends on the girl. Feel free to invite and look at the reaction of the chosen one, and then adjust the actions along the way.


Invite a girl to a bar with a dance floor, and go ahead: you can play a mini-game, score points and watch the girl's further actions: you may be able to win her favor.

Driving a car

If your desired asked for a ride, do not waste time! During the trip, look at the girl's pleasure indicator that appears, in particular, its changes with speed. If the indicator grows in proportion to the speed - press the pedal to the floor. But if the girl screams, and the indicator goes down - slow down, your lady is clearly not one of the extreme people.

General rules for finding girls

As a result, we list three basic rules, following which you will succeed with beautiful ladies in the game:

  • First, we carefully observe the card so as not to miss the right girl.
  • Secondly, we choose the right actions when courting (take your time!).
  • Thirdly, we pay attention to the reaction of your chosen one and, if necessary, correct actions.

If everything goes well, read about the further development of relations in the article.

Many gamers are interested in whether it is possible to meet a girl in the game, how to find her and what can be done with her. In general, the theme of women in the Grand Theft Auto series has been relevant for many years and has been actively discussed in various circles. Let's try to understand the "female" issues in our article.

After the release of GTA 5, the developers once again forced to talk about themselves as misogynists. No, of course there are girls in the game, and they are found literally at every turn: family members of the main characters, plot characters, moths and strippers, random passers-by, finally. But all of them are served with a fair amount of irony, and cause nothing but a smile. The only exception is, perhaps, Taliana Martinez, who has her own catchy story and strong character. But she, for all her virtues, is just a 40-year-old low-level bandit. What can we say about other female characters in the game: basically they are parodies of certain stereotypes accepted in society.

But we will not discuss individual women in the game, but will answer more interesting questions for gamers: how to meet a girl in GTA 5, is it possible to start dating one of them, and how interesting it is to spend time with the fair sex.
We will immediately have to upset the connoisseurs of strong relationships and family ties. Finding a permanent darling, as it was possible in the previous parts, will not work in GTA 5. But this does not upset at all. One has only to remember the boring Sims-style dates from GTA: San Andreas, and the soul begins to rejoice that all this was cut out of the fifth part. On the other hand, players can still "shoot" young ladies and have fun with them. What else do we need? :)

How to meet a girl in GTA 5

Consider all kinds of ways to meet in the game.

Night butterflies

The easiest and most primitive way to get acquainted is to “pick up” a girl of easy virtue on the street. Here in GTA 5 there have been some changes compared to the previous parts of the game. Firstly, priestesses of love will not sit in your car during the day. Be sure to wait until the sun goes down. Secondly, these ladies have become much more demanding. None of them will sit in some rusty hutch - you can immediately look for a sports car or at least a decent expensive sedan. And thirdly, now they can be found not in every district of the city. Butterfly map to help you:

When the lady is in your car, go to some secluded place. An alleyway or an empty parking lot is fine. After finding such a place, you will be given the option to choose what exactly you want to do with it. Services are priced at $50, $70, and $100. In this case, the last two options differ only in duration. It is not necessary to be limited to one thing: you can try everything that she can do. Most likely, many will be upset by what they see: no explicit scenes will be shown to you. The girl will not even undress, but simply climb on your character, simulating sexual intercourse. Not the most fun sight, to be honest.

In addition to this obvious way to have sexual contact in GTA 5, there is an opportunity to “call the skin”. It consists in the fact that you can call the number stored in your mobile phone and arrange a quick date with not the most demanding of the fair sex. The scheme is simple: first you need to "remove" the girl or earn her trust by completing a special mission, and after that she will gladly agree to meet with every phone call.


The first way to find a skin is to take advantage of the only strip club in the game, Vanilla Unicorn. It is located between Down Town and South Los Santos near the highway. Seducing one of the strippers who work there will not be difficult. Book a lap dance (it will cost you $40) and start flirting and touching the girl without the guard noticing. Beware of the bouncer: if he sees you touching the dancer, he will immediately kick you out of the club! However, if by this time Trevor has already bought the Unicorn, then the guards will treat the entire trinity of the main characters condescendingly and will not notice your violation of the rules of the institution.

But back to the process of seduction. In the lower right corner of the screen is the girl's sympathy scale. Touching the dancer will give a serious increase in the scale, and normal flirting will give a small one. When the level of the scale reaches the required level, the girl will say that she wants to invite you to her home. After that, you can select the appropriate item from the menu. Drive your car into the parking lot behind the club. The girl will get into the car, and you can go to her house.
Of all the strippers working at the club, only four can invite you home: Sapphire, Juliet, Nikki and Infernus. The rest, apparently, are waiting for their husbands at home.

The catch is that each of these four can still refuse the black Franklin, although they will gladly go with Michael and Trevor. Here is such racism from the developers.

But let's say that you were lucky with the lady's favor, and you ended up at her house. Here, fans of adult films will again be disappointed: nothing interesting will be shown again. When you and your friend enter the house, the camera will remain outside and the time will be fast-forwarded. The next thing you will see is how your hero goes out into the street in the morning. And no boobs and explicit scenes. Oh yes, you will now have this girl's phone number stored in your phone, and you can have fun with her in this way whenever you want. Just keep in mind that you should call in the evening, during the day the dancer will say that she is busy, and it will not work to meet her. A small bonus after a night of pleasure will be a moderately candid photo of your passion, which she will throw on your phone almost immediately after parting.

Ursula and Liz

There is another way to find a girlfriend. It consists in completing two additional missions, as a result of which two girls will agree to short meetings with you.

In the first case, we are talking about a “random event”. The mission is available to Franklin and Trevor. Driving along the highway south of, you will meet a tourist who will ask you to give her a lift home to the lighthouse of Mount Gordo. From the conversation on the road it will become clear that the girl, to put it mildly, is not herself. According to her, she had an unhappy childhood: her mother locked her in the basement, shaved her head and dressed her in men's clothes. And now she lives alone in an old house on the edge of a cliff. In addition, as the developers hint, she is guilty of the death of at least two people. Franklin will quickly conclude that the girl is crazy, but Trevor will find a common language with her (who would doubt it). After completing this simple mission, Ursula will give the protagonist her number and become his "skin". You can find her on the waterfront in Sandy Shores, and the trips will be accompanied by oral sex (which, of course, you will not be shown).

In the second case, you must complete one of the missions of the taxi driver. Available only to Franklin and only after he purchases a taxi station. In one of the missions, you will need to take a girl named Liz to a guy. Everything here is not as scary as in the previous case: listen to a little whining about a jealous partner and get a phone number for this, which you can use at any time when you want female caresses.
Well, that's all, perhaps. We hope we have fully disclosed this topic, and you will no longer have a question about how to find a girl in GTA 5.

Any protagonist in the game can pick up a prostitute. They can only be found at night and mostly in Los Santos. A few can also be found in Sandy Shores and Paleto Bay.

To get 100% in statistics, you need to use the services of prostitutes at least once. Near the first Franklin's house, you can usually meet a couple of undemanding girls.

Sex with prostitutes increases the stamina of the protagonists and restores health.


A suitable machine is required for removal. Special services cars, buses, trucks and other special equipment will not work. Motorcycles, rusty and broken cars - also by. Also, do not forget about the appearance of the protagonists. You should not come to the rental in one underwear or, for example, in a women's outfit.

To rent a prostitute, you need to drive up to her and stop. You need to drive up at low speed, otherwise the girl will be scared. When she notices the protagonist, honk or press the action button. The prostitute will get into the car and you will need to take her to a deserted place - one where you would hide from the police.

When you find a suitable place, the protagonist will turn off the headlights of the car and turn on the lights in the cabin, and the girl will name the price list. $50 is a blowjob, $70 is traditional sex, $100 is traditional sex, outwardly no different from the $70 option.

During sex, you won’t be able to see anything, and you won’t be able to switch between first and third person views. If you have chosen a service with a first-person view, you can use the right stick or mouse to look around. In third person, you can choose between a couple of fixed views and also move the camera a little with the right stick or mouse.

You can get no more than three services at a time, after which the prostitute will report that she needs a break and leave. You can also limit yourself to one or two services, and then escort the girl out of the car using the appropriate command.

little things

  • Prostitutes often ask the protagonist to meet them again, but never leave the phone, unlike strippers.
  • NPCs can also pick up prostitutes. Unlike GTA IV, where the NPC with the prostitute just left, in GTA V they will find a secluded place and have sex.
  • If you stand next to a prostitute and do nothing for a long time, she will ask you to leave. If you do not comply with the request or behave aggressively, may call the police or run away.

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