Skype does not see a sound card what to do. Skype problems: no sound. Update and reinstall the program.

SKYPE is a popular program for communication. However, there are occasional serious failures that interfere with full-fledged communication. What should I do in order to fix the problem and still use all the functions of the program? What to do if you can not hear the interlocutor, despite a strong desire for communication? Despite the lack of easy recognition of the sound card in SKYPE for system failures or virus damage to the computer, the opportunity for successful communication remains.

The first textbook will be devoted to one of the simplest and most important functions of this program: record sound. One of them is something that she can write down. Basically, it records everything that your microphone can choose, and nothing more. However, it will record everything that goes through the microphone with a very good pick-up. Best of all, you do not need any special configuration or open different tabs.

The first thing to do is to make sure that the microphone is connected correctly. There are different types of microphone and audio input. Make sure that the microphone you use is suitable for inputting your computer's sound card. This parameter is relatively simple and usually is not required. But in some cases, this may be necessary.

How to troubleshoot problems with a sound card

In most cases, problems with the sound card lead to the inability to hear the interlocutor.Despite this situation, one should not worry. Most likely, the reason lies in the temporary failure of the program, and the usual reboot of the computer will be a rescue. If you still can not find the sound card on Skype after the computer boots, you need to perform an additional procedure.

At least, knowing how to do this, will not hurt anyone. There is a small toolbar where you select the sound source. Select the microphone or input that works for your computer. Each computer has different hardware and software configurations, and there may be different ways.

The next step is to configure both incoming and outgoing audio volumes. This is extremely important, because if any of them is not regulated, the final result of sound recording can be compromised. Set the output and the input volume to a convenient listening position. If it is too loud, the sound may be torn and incomprehensible. Something like this can happen if it's too low. Again, the level here will depend on the quality of the installed equipment.

First of all, you need to check the sound settings, and the speaker, the volume level.

The next step is to check the equipment for sound reproduction:

  1. Control Panel.
  2. Reproduction.
  3. Microphone (Recording).
  4. Sound scheme (Sounds).
  5. Settings for phone conversations (Communication).

If the drivers are out of date, you just need to reinstall them from the device, complete with audio equipment or from the official website of the manufacturer. The solution of the issue will be pleased with the speed, if only one sound card is supposed to be used. Problems are most often caused by the use of several cards, because you need to choose a suitable card, focusing on connecting the microphone to it.

To start recording, just press the button with the red circle. The program will automatically create a new editing line and start recording the audio curves. Visually check that the sound curves fill most of the space and that they are not too small or too large. Remove any other audio lines that you may have opened or started a new project, and start recording.

Why lap sound in skype

Do not worry about the beginning and end of the sound line, as this can be fixed after recording. When you finish recording, just press the record button again, the red circle or the stop button, the yellow square. Now comes the most difficult part of the audio recording, but at the same time it's pretty simple.

Correct microphone setting for SKYPE

The obligatory task is correctly, since only with a positive solution of the problem can we expect to have successful communication.

  1. SKYPE settings: Tools - Settings.
  2. Adjusting the sound (section "Microphone." You must select the correct device with orientation to the operating system settings).
  3. "Loudness" with the presence of a green band when speaking into the microphone.

If desired, you can enable automatic tuning of the SKYPE microphone.

At the beginning and end of the file, some unwanted noises or periods of silence may occur. Once the part is selected, just click "Delete" to deselect it. This step is relatively simple, but requires attention. There are two ways to save a file: as a project or an audio file. This will come in handy later when you create great sound changes.

The first option will save the entire recorded audio track, and the second will save only some choice that you might have on the audio track. The advantage is that the installation is extremely simple. Save the file to your computer and start it. To save a file, a location selection request is selected.

Communication can be successful and enjoyable if you know and understand what settings are required.

As with any program, users can encounter various bugs and problems while chatting in Skype. One of their kinds is sound problems that appear during voice or video calls. What if there is no sound in Skype? About this - later in the article.

What should I do if my interlocutor does not hear me in skype

He will only ask for it once, so there's nothing to worry about. Then just select the name of your file and you're done! Now just click and enjoy the new recording. Enjoy and make more records. This tutorial is for everyone. There will be no command line, let alone programming. Some actions may increase the volume of the sound, which can damage your equipment. Here is the procedure that we will follow.

The first layer, called layer 0, is the hardware layer. In general, there is one software device for each hardware component. Most of them have two, since they are stereo. Note that the built-in output includes the speakers and the port of the connector, the first one is selected if the port is free, otherwise another port can not be used.

Step 1: Check the sound settings on your computer

The problem "the sound does not work in Skype" refers to those situations when the user called someone, and instead of the interlocutor's voice he hears silence. If this happens to you, try verifying the correctness of the output device. Do the speakers work? Are they connected to a computer? Are they included in the network? If you gave positive answers to these questions, then the next thing to do is to open the general sound settings on your computer or laptop. Very often (especially for Windows users) there is no sound in Skype when it is turned off in the operating system settings.  To check this, click the speaker icon on the taskbar in the lower right corner of the screen.

Then we can identify the new layer, which is the system. By definition, the operating system on the computer connects the hardware and applications. Naturally, therefore, we will find the fourth layer, which is an application. So, here are two examples to see where the sound goes.

As we see in the previous image, we have three relationships, we will try to modify them, but we can not touch what is between the hardware and software. It has an entrance and an exit. It is called a "virtual device", because it is not connected with any equipment. His principle is childish: his entrance and his exit are connected.

A new window opens, in which you can see the volume level of the speakers, system sounds and Skype. As you can see from the picture - the Skype volume mixer is at zero, which is why the conversation is not audible interlocutor.

Special drivers for sound

Simply choosing and determining its input and output, thanks to the two methods described above. The second problem is obvious: we have more sound in the ears. There are several ways to restore it. This allows you to select an additional output. For example, integrated output. One of the first interesting things you can want is to record several sources at the same time.

How to troubleshoot problems with a sound card

To fix this, we will create a new virtual device. To do this, click the button in the lower left corner and select "Create an aggregated device". An aggregate device can accept only other input devices of the software. But if we had an additional output, for example, a sound card? For this we will create a device with several outputs.

It is not always the case in the mixer of this program. The problem of "no sound in Skype" can occur and if the minimum value is a mixer speakers. However, in this case all the programs and videos on the laptop or computer will also be without sound. Everything should work fine if all the volume mixers are above the average mark.

The keyboard causes the volume slider in the menu bar. third-party software. It is the most popular video chat program in the world, which is also widely used by companies for meetings or remote negotiations. This guide explains how to solve this problem.

Update the sound card drivers

Before installing any of the programs listed below, we recommend that you carefully read the manufacturer's license agreement. Sound card - Wikipedia article on the history of sound cards, the technologies they use and their major manufacturers. With it, you can check if there is a problem with your sound card. You will also find out the version of the currently installed audio driver. This should not bother you. You can safely skip this check. Sandra also has a free version that has limited capabilities, but is extremely useful.

Step 2: Go to the settings of Skype

If other files are audible normally, and the sound disappears only when making calls to Skype, it may be the case in the settings of the program itself.  Quickly get into the desired settings section by selecting "Sound settings" in the "Calls" menu.

His advantage over Sandra is that it is translated into Bulgarian. If your computer was purchased to the latest version, your computer will contain information about its components. Device Manager. The "System Properties" window opens. Go to the Hardware page and click the Device Manager button. Improve the performance of the sound card. However, this is also important for your sound card. The update also affects the sound of computer games. Update the sound card driver.

A driver is a special software designed to manage a specific hardware component. The latest version of the sound card driver will be available on the manufacturer's website. New sound drivers usually improve the sound quality. Updating the chipset driver - the chipset is the "base" on the motherboard.

If during the call you could not hear the interlocutor, then the problem is in the columns. Therefore, on the right side we are interested in the settings of the speakers.

Many users do not have a check mark next to "Automatic speaker setup", but instead a slider showing the volume level is visible.

Since it passes through the sound card information before the processor is processed, this is of great importance for its performance. Therefore it's good to have the latest version of the chipset driver. You will find it on the manufacturer's website or on the motherboard manufacturer's website. Two versions are available: free and paid. Naturally, the first one is more limited, but you will still like it. Despite its ugly and very simple interface, the player works very well and is especially suitable for older computers due to its low system requirements.

In the picture it is at a minimum, it is because of this during the outgoing or incoming call the user may not hear the interlocutor. Move it to the right, increasing the volume. And now click on the next button "Play".

Unfortunately, his work was stopped. However, the program can be downloaded from the official site. Transformation between different audio formats. - Free software with open source and excellent converting capabilities between popular video and audio formats. With it, you can also split and merge files, insert subtitles into movies and much more. The software supports plug-ins, enhancements, and built-in special sound effects for sound processing.

Copying Audio CDs Music is recorded on audio CDs in the form of tracks for which special software is required for copying. The copy itself is called copying or extraction. Each sector of the disk is read twice or more, and if an error is detected, an attempt is made to delete it.

If the problem was in the slider position, then in the speakers or headphones you will have a sound, and the volume indicator will turn green.

If this does not happen, you should check what your Skype takes for the speakers. Sometimes the settings are lost, and the program can not find real speakers, so it takes another device (for example, a microphone) for them. You can find out by clicking on the name of the speaker model. When you do this, a drop-down list will appear.

The program has a simple interface and works very easily. Over the past few years, this program has expanded significantly and has become a professional software package that includes mixers, synthesizers and other music creation modules in a variety of styles.

Trying to support all platforms?

And since this is another widely used application with many functions, we looked at it more closely. Despite this, it can be stored on all possible platforms. The big plus is that users can not use competing software and switch to other communication protocols. In all cases, these are 32-bit versions.

And even if you do not understand the "hardware" at all, just choose in turn all the options that Skype offers (usually there are not very many of them) - and click on "Play" again. These actions often help to fix everything, if the sound disappeared in Skype.

And finally to check if the problem is solved, you can use the test call in the Echo / Sound Test Service. This is the robot Skype, which is in the list of contacts for everyone.

You need to log in or register for the first time. The application window is completely empty, although some of your contacts are already added to your account. To add them, you must click on the bottom of the application logo icon on the left and leave the group views turned on. In addition to the contacts themselves, you can access most of the options, settings and functions of just over two icons located in the lower left corner and using the notification icon in the toolbar.

Updating and reinstalling the program

On the right, through the icon at the bottom left, you will see quite detailed settings. On the "General" tab you can configure the call, go to the "Missing", "Language", "Style" and folder to save the received files by default. Regardless of authorized contacts or all.

If these actions lead nowhere and instead of the voice of the robot you have silence in the columns, most likely Skype can not detect the sound card. To solve this problem, you need to reinstall or update the driver. But you only need to do this if no other way to solve this problem has helped you.

Step 3: Other ways to solve the problem

If you are sure that the drivers are all right, but there is still no sound in Skype, there are a number of other solutions that can help you.

1. Reinstall the program. Sometimes this is the easiest way to find the answer to the question "Why is there no sound in Skype?". Bugs happen in the work of any program, you just were not lucky enough to stumble upon them. Check if the latest version of Skype is on your computer. To do this, select "Check for updates" in the "Help" menu.

If you click this button, you will receive a message that the new version is available for download, install it on your computer.

Now test the sound again in the settings menu. If it does not work, remove Skype and reinstall it.

2. Check the connection to the Internet. If everything worked well, and the sound began to disappear already during the conversation, it is possible that you or your interlocutor had a problem in the Internet connection. Skype is designed in such a way that, at the first problems with the connection, it reduces the sound quality, so as not to interrupt the call. If you are connecting via Wi-Fi, move the device closer to the router. If you have a wired Internet, check if the Ethernet cable is connected well.

3. Closing unnecessary applications. Some applications on your device can slow down the work of Skype. For example, torrents or streaming video. Try to close all unnecessary applications - perhaps, problems with sound will disappear.

We hope you learned why the sound does not work in your messenger, and managed to successfully fix this problem! Well, if you have other problems with this program, for example, during a conversation you do not hear any other programs, read the article "Skype mutes the rest of the sounds."

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