New facebook cover sizes. Facebook event cover template. New. Don't Forget About Mobile Cropping

There was a desire to organize a Facebook group of interest. FB allows these groups to be branded a little.
For example, you can put a photo for the cover there. However, you need to remember that someone watches FB from a computer, someone from a phone, someone makes an icon for the group. In general, on each screen, this photo is cut differently, and if you want to put a logo or something important on the cover, then you want it not to overlap with text or cut around the edges. There is a place on the cover that can be safely used for something important and without worrying that it will be blocked or cut off.

Let's start with the sizes. The cover should be 851x315 pixels in size.

Next, we adapt to the browser. Here we must remember that there is text with the name of the group on the left. Control buttons on the right. And more importantly, a dark gradient is applied at the bottom. This is done in case that if you have a white cover, then the text with the name of the group (also white) would be visible.

Next, we have a fit for the screen of the mobile application. Here our image is heavily cropped around the edges.
And plus everything the place is eaten up by the name of the group. In total, there is very little space for a place for a logo.

And last but not least. Some smartphone users display group shortcuts on their desktop. The icon is taken from our cover photo. The thing is, there is a cut here.
We look at the greenest square in the center.

Now that we have put all our layers on the picture, we can see the very field that we can safely use for the logo and not be afraid that this field can be cut off by Facebook.

Then we can upload it to Facebook. True, here we are in for another surprise. Facebook greatly optimizes image quality. And no matter how much we want, but the quality suffers. This is especially noticeable if a monochromatic logo is used. For example, the red color completely leaves in terms of quality. Alas, I could not find a solution to this problem.

Below is a link to a Facebook group cover PSD template. We open, we open.

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Facebook image sizes


Facebook image sizes are very important, as is the entire visual component of advertising.

Every day, 300,000 photos are uploaded to Facebook!

If you represent a brand and are actively promoting on Facebook, you need to know all the ins and outs of image size to make your brand look its best.

This article will tell you about the exact dimensions of images for Facebook and the best services for creating and editing images.


Facebook image sizes. Updates 2017

To get started, check out what's new on Facebook in recent months.

1. Facebook page cover

Facebook cover onPC 828 x 315 pixels And 640 x 360 pixels for smartphones. It seems like everything is simple, right? But if you create a picture format for a PC, it is not a fact that the same quality will be on a mobile phone or tablet. Follow this.

Also catch the fact: 90% of users access Facebook through mobile devices! In my opinion, everything is obvious. Make better pictures for the mobile version.

Another nuance. When uploading to Facebook, the image quality is slightly reduced. So keep the size small at high resolution.

And when you update your cover photo, immediately check how it looks on mobile to make sure the text stays the same.

A portion of life hacks when creating ads on Facebook:

  1. Minimum text. A large amount of it looks cumbersome and such advertising will not give the desired effect.
  2. Select 2 or 3 colorsand make it bold.
  3. Yellowincreases conversion by 14.5% .
  4. Eyes and lipson the image increase CTR.
  5. Recommended Sizefor the news feed 1200x900 pixels.
  6. For advertising in right column size it should be 254 x 133 pixels.

Show that you are a real person!! Leave a comment and tell us what you think.

The page of a user or a brand is, by the standards of social networks, its face. After viewing it, visitors can already draw some conclusions about the owner, become interested in him or remain indifferent. To personalize the pages, Facebook introduced covers - photos that adorn the profile header. In fact, they are exclusively an element of decor, so they do not play any functional role. However, the developers of the social network have established requirements for choosing a photo, in particular, the size of the cover is limited.

We decorate the hat

So, the photo in the header is another opportunity to emphasize the individuality of the account owner. It doesn't matter if it's a personal or public page, the function is available in both cases. You can put almost any photo, because. there are no hard limits. The main thing is that the standard rules of Facebook are observed - no pornography, pictures and inscriptions that offend the feelings of users, calls for aggression, discrimination, etc.

Ideally, of course, put the author's photo. Owners of personal accounts often set beautiful photos of their loved ones or a picture that reflects their interests, dreams, and main activity. In turn, in brand publics, it is logical to put a logo, a product or a picture symbolizing the service provided as a cover.

One thing that definitely needs to be taken into account when decorating the page header is the size of the image. The fact is that Facebook developers have set parameters according to which any selected photo will be cropped or stretched. Those. if you care about how aesthetically pleasing your profile header will look, you need to adjust the picture before posting.

The first requirement is that the selected image must be at least 399 x 150 pixels in size. The header will be displayed differently, depending on the device on which the page is viewed. To be more precise, on the web version, the photo will be displayed as 851 x 315 pixels, and in the Facebook app on smartphones - 640 x 360. Also note that the header will contain a profile photo, the size of which is 160 x 160 pxl (in smartphones 140 x 140), i.e. in the bottom left corner of the header will overlap the cover.

Thus, you should first adjust the size of the cover photo in order to get the desired result. You can do this in any graphics editor. Even standard Paint allows you to crop an image.

Almost every business and person uses Facebook, from personal to work pages. Most likely, this is an integral part of any marketing strategy. It could even be your main professional site.

Therefore, it is important to make the most of this platform to ensure that your social media profile is flawless and professional. A sloppy image, bad cropping, or text that doesn't scale well can create the wrong first impression. Here are ten tips for creating the perfect Facebook cover image that people will want to click on.

1. Know the specs

The first piece of the puzzle in a Facebook cover photo is size. There's nothing worse than missizing an image and creating a major Facebook glitch. And if you haven't updated your cover photo in a while, it's a good reminder to check the specs because they change periodically.

As of March 2018, the following specifications are available:

2. Choose the right image

Facebook is a highly visual medium, the image you choose can make or break interaction and how users feel about your brand or page. You need a great image, so you must:

  • Choose a high quality photo or high resolution illustration.
  • Find something that is easy to "read" or understand, even if it's small on the screen.
  • Choose an image that represents your brand and shows a person or product in action.
  • Try to make an emotional connection with the images.
  • Find a photo that fits the space well. Crop the image with editing software to make sure it looks great at 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels high and that no vital parts of the image are missing.

3. Add a CTA

While it's not part of the Facebook cover design, think about what users will see when they go to your profile. Combine a cover photo and an associated call to action to help generate leads, calls, or website clicks. A great photo can help stimulate interaction.

The call to action buttons are right below the photo on the right. Make sure you include something for users to do.

4. Use your branding

Facebook cover photos should match your overall branding. Use the same style of images, colors, and labels as in all other communication lines.

All parts should have a consistent appearance so that when the cover photo appears - as a change in users' feeds or when visiting your Facebook page - there is no doubt who the image belongs to.

Think about branding in terms of how profile and cover photos work together on your Facebook page. They appear side by side in square (profile photo) and rectangular (covers). In the feed, the profile photo is in a circular container, while the cover photo retains its rectangular shape.

5. Try Video

A great Facebook cover image doesn't have to be a photo. You can also upload videos. The main thing is to follow the specifications.

Add a cover video in the same way as a photo, keeping the following in mind:

6. Don't Forget About Mobile Cropping

Now here's the main trap of the cover image - it gets cut off on mobile devices. While the cover photo displays 820 by 312 pixels on desktop screens (pretty much everything you've downloaded), the mobile image is a little more square and has some of the top and bottom parts of the image automatically cropped.

While you can't upload a single image for mobile users right now, we know how much of this image will be displayed on mobile devices: 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels high. The resizer uses the full width of the image and takes roughly the same amount from the top and bottom of the image for the Facebook mobile cover photo.

Select and crop your image accordingly.

7. Make it Shareable

Look for an image that contains a lot of emotion or action that is relevant to your audience. Include a hashtag or a small block of text to inspire action. Choose colors that stand out in the ribbons - bright options can work great, as well as signature colors to establish a visual connection.

8. Keep the image simple

Don't overwork your Facebook cover photo design. Most people will probably see it as small - think phones when serving your content - and trying to do too much with one image may not be successful.

Find a great photo. Trim it to proper specifications. Publish it. Ready.

9. Keep text to a minimum

The most difficult element in creating a Facebook cover is the text. Think of the two trims available - desktop and mobile. Think about the size that will be displayed to users.

If you can't stick to something short and easy to understand - like a logo or a hashtag - you can generally avoid cover text. Don't clutter up a great image with words just for the sake of having them there. Any text elements should be added with a specific purpose and usability in mind.

10. Still stuck? Start with a constructor or template

Still unsure about cropping and straightening to get the perfect cover photo? There are several Facebook cover templates and tools that can make this task easier for you. All three possible options are free, although you will need to register for an account.

The nice thing about the facebook cover builder or template is that all the sizes and shapes you need are created for you. You don't have to worry about cropping or editing images if you're not good at it. Each of these tools allows you to place your photo in a frame that is the correct shape and size and export it for easy upload to Facebook.


Remember that every time you create and upload a new Facebook cover image, your followers will be notified in their feed. Make changes and choose the right moment for this with a specific goal. Include a comment or link to support interaction when changes are made.

Consider changing your cover photo seasonally or whenever you offer a new product or service. This simple update can keep your profile fresh and create an easy piece of content to share.

All successful work!

What is the first thing a user sees when they visit a business page on Facebook? Her cover. She can leave him indifferent and not inspire confidence, or hook and turn him into a client. How to design the cover so that it starts to “sell”? What size is the most optimal and effective? What you need to know about business page design changes since 2016? What subtleties about their covers do not even know the market leaders?

Cover sizes or how not to make a mistake with the parameters!

We have already told you on our blog about Facebook's general standards for page design. But in 2016, there were changes in the design of pages for doing business, and accordingly, new requirements for them appeared. More details can be found in official help center. Our task is to tell you about the most important thing.

This is the look of the Facebook page in 2017

The profile photo, more specifically the small square image on the left, is displayed at the following resolutions:

If you want your photos to look good, use the PNG format when uploading. Facebook doesn't provide the ability to adjust cover images. The only function you can use is to move the image up or down. Therefore, you have two options: to develop and implement the face of your page on your own, or to entrust this step to a specialist in this field - a professional designer.

Pay attention to one important nuance: when a potential consumer enters the page, he sees the buttons that are located at the top:

It can be seen that a small part of the image is covered.

The top area of ​​the image is now viewable.

Conclusion: Do not place important information at the top (for example, logo, address, phone, e-mail, etc.)

Further, if the image loaded in the size of 820 by 312 is displayed completely on the computer, then in the mobile version of the application the picture will be cropped, that is, only its central area will be visible.

This is an example of displaying a Facebook cover on a computer screen (820 by 312 pixels)

Here is how the same cover now looks in the mobile version of Facebook. Two zebras fell out of sight, and after all, in their place, important information for a potential buyer could be located (top news, company contacts, logo, promotions, etc.)


You have two options:

  1. Place the information you want to convey to your audience in the central area of ​​the cover.
  2. When uploading an image, change the height of the image (use a value higher than 312 pixels).

Here is a visual example of how the cover will change if you upload an image with parameters of 820 by 475 pixels.

The picture is displayed in full, all the animals are in place, which means that all the necessary information will be visible to the user.

What You Should Know About Facebook Business Page Redesign

In mid-2016, Facebook underwent an update, which resulted in the location of some individual tools changing. For example, many pages have used arrows on their cover pages to grab the attention of users and encourage them to take certain actions. Now, due to the redesign, their location needs to be adjusted.

Arrow on cover highlights free wallpapers

Now see how the page renders today

A pretty girl with a beaming smile is the company's new way of getting our attention.

There is also a function to add a “hot” button containing a call to a specific action. Since it is located in the lower right corner, it will be much more effective if you adapt the design of your cover to this feature. Place the main elements of the image to the right so that they transfer the consumer's attention to the area you need.

Note how the Oreo cover clearly demonstrates this method.

Official company account

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