Smart posts on the VKontakte wall. Vkontakte statuses. How to put an emoticon in Vkontakte status

The number of vkontakte users continues to grow. If earlier in the network for the most part there were young people, today older generations have also begun to pull themselves up here. This gives an impetus to the fact that statuses for VKontakte are becoming more popular. So many of them have never been written, they have never been so meaningful and wise. The time has come to assume that social networks will begin to play not only an entertaining role and the role of connections, but will also take on some of the educational functions. We can say that VKontakte statuses are already successfully moving in this direction.

Cool statuses for VKontakte

Of course, in order to be interesting and attract attention, you need to be able to write cool. VK statuses are mostly cool and interesting. Our site can help you speak in a way that people understand you and that your statements are not worse than others.
VK is a serious resource where everyone reads each other with great interest. Cool thought forms can make the user popular.

I warn you, I know boxing, karate, sambo, kickboxing and many other scary words ...

Oh, Great Contact, brain absorber, let me eat for half an hour ...

If you have enemies, do not be discouraged - it means that someone is not indifferent to you!

Most of the things in my house get lost because I hide them so they don't get lost.

My boss doesn’t talk to me for the third day, because in VKontakte in the line: place of work I wrote “Monster Corporation!”

Lord, what kind of "man" is so frightened? Every second profile is closed ...

I wonder why so many people hide their friends list? Are you ashamed that you know them?

I want a prince! Hear the prince! There is nowhere to place horses in the stable.

Who gets up early, that contact gives out =)

I wanted to put a password to the mail "x ... d". But they said that it should be longer ...

There are men with the status - "I AM SUCH ONE!" You look and think - AND GLORY TO GOD!

Instead of doing something useful, everyone thinks to write this in the status.

If you woke up on the street, then you fell asleep there

A genius sleeps in any of us, and every day it gets stronger.

Every man has a right to the left

Sclerosis can not be cured, but you can forget about it

How much vodka do not take, still run twice

If you're arguing with an idiot, he's probably doing the same.

Set big goals for yourself - it's harder to miss them!

How many girls are good, but something pulls on the bad

A drop of nicotine kills a horse, and a hamster is torn to pieces

No one can bring us to our knees! We lay, and we will lie!

Smoking is harmful, drinking is disgusting, but it is a pity to die healthy ...

If someone offended you ... don’t pout, don’t get angry ... come crack in the face ... step back and smile))))))

Near Lukomorye, green oak. There is an Internet on an oak volume. The scientist cat hangs on VKontakte, leaving the songs for later.

This is not life, but we are...

Peace is an inseparable unity, not war and disputes in parliament!!!

Don't laugh at the person taking a step back. Maybe he's taking a run.

The best friend is the one who says several times a day: “You are a fool ...”, and then adds: “all in me!

If the gloomy forecast promises a week of rain. Do not rush to hang your nose and scold the weather, wait. It will immediately become brighter, it will immediately become warmer if you remember your friends.

Just smile at yourself, people, the world - and everything will work out for you !!!

If you want to know the shortcomings of a girl, praise her in front of her friends.

With every man next to him is the woman he deserves ... So if you were traded for a fool, do not be discouraged ...

The best friend is the one who says several times a day: “You are a fool ...”, and then adds: “all in me!” 🙂

I saw your new girlfriend... so you need it!!!

His online, I don't care anymore.

New VK statuses

In the new year, although it has just begun, many new interesting statements have appeared. This makes everyone happy, because it shows that people continue to think and invent new solutions to old problems. The emergence of new thought forms was also influenced by the events that marked the beginning of the new year, and the fact that people changed a little and received new judgments about some old and ordinary things. They say that “the new is the well-forgotten old”. In this case, the old truth is only half right. In fact, many statements have no analogues, and you can see this if you look through the collection of our resource.

The one who loves very much will return. The one who waits a lot will wait.

You can be among different people, the number of which you will not pay attention to, but you will always notice the absence of only one

A real man is determined by his actions ... and everyone can ride on the ears.

If there is no strength of mind, muscle strength will not help you

It's always like this with girls: you pester - impudent, you don't pester - you moron!

We take offense, quarrel and get angry only at those whom we are so afraid of losing, whom we love so sincerely.

For me, it is a value to have a friend or friends who are not affected by time, weather, or distance.

My best friend now lives in another city. It feels like she took a part of me with her! Appreciate your friends, they won't always be around.

She got drunk on my birthday, I brought her to her senses, she came to my house, lay down on my bed, drinks my tea from my mug ... I love her.

It only takes one person to go crazy.

Girls who watch hockey are BEAUTIFUL)

The man asked the wise man: "Which woman is the most beautiful?" He thought and replied: "Beloved."

The most comfortable place in the world… Hugs of a loved one!

Oh, it's a wonderful feeling when you annoy someone and they have steam coming out of their ears and you just stand there and laugh.

Remember, whatever you do behind people's backs, you do it in front of God.

Life is a wonderful teacher who charges so dearly for a lesson.

Few people find a way out, some do not see it, even if they find it, and many do not even look for it.

Girl, why don't we know each other yet? - GOD PROTECTS YOU, STUPID CREATION!

Only now I really thought about the fact that I hate you. I don't need your friendship. After all, you did not appreciate mine, for 2 years.

The happiness and unhappiness of a person depend as much on his temper as on fate.

We all came into this world for a special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Be the architect of your future.

If a guy threw the first one, it means he himself realized that he is not worthy of you!

Each of us needs a person who will not leave, will not leave.

There is no such woman who could not convince herself that she was right!

Someone is ready to separate loved ones, protecting their secrets, while someone cannot entrust a secret even to himself.

Or maybe really, you need to be with someone who loves you, and not who you love.

Beautiful statuses for vkontakte

As before, great attention is paid to the beauty of thoughts. On our site, as before, love dominates. The most beautiful sayings are dedicated to her. She is the queen and legislator of that direction of thought, which is dedicated to the sensual side of man.
They speak beautifully about feelings and about relatives. This category of thought forms helps people get closer and begin to understand each other, forgive mistakes and strive for positive thinking.

A woman's heart is like a deep ocean full of secrets...

Happiness is not a life without worries and sorrows, happiness is a state of mind.

According to statistics, the doors of all the respondents are tightly closed in their hearts. There is such a habit among the abandoned: not to trust any of the people.

the greatest beauty, power and wealth are really useless; but a good heart transcends everything in the world.

Fate is fate, but the choice is yours!

Breathe in Beauty... Breathe out Love...

God made you an expensive original, don't become a cheap copy.

Failure does not mean that God has abandoned you. This means that God has a better way for you.

You don't have to be important, it's important to be needed...

If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first!

Let's cross out the past. Ahead is an awesome beautiful future.

You say: "Time is running out." Madmen. This is what you are going through.

Men who do not forgive women for their little flaws will never enjoy their great virtues.

Don't worry, everything will be fine. And luck will knock on the door. Indeed, it is real! Believe!

Love without respect does not go far and does not rise high: it is an angel with one wing.

Only the one who gave him the most happiness can cause the most terrible pain to a person.

Alas, happiness is given to us for a short time.

Love is not a choice of the best, but one's own. And often fate makes this choice for us.

I didn't give you 101 roses, but I gave you 1 heart...

Indifference makes a woman nervous, and care makes her affectionate. Every man has what he deserves.

I smile when it hurts, I cry when I'm offended, there is only one person who will help me, this is my MOM!

And a man should also leave beautifully, as well as come ... That is, forever ...

VK statuses with meaning

It is worth saying that the administration of our site has long noticed the desire of our users to search and find in our collection something that is endowed with deep meaning. This pleases us and directs us towards replenishing the resource with what it says about a person’s ability to analyze and speak subtly.
Meaningful statements are our hallmark. Will you be able to understand their meaning and appreciate the hidden desires of those who wrote them?

Good afternoon, readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about the main page of the VK profile and find out what the VKontakte wall is and what it is for.

What is a VKontakte wall and why is it needed

So, speaking in a simple and accessible language, then a wall is a bulletin board on which you or your friends can place ads (that is, records). After a post is posted on the wall, it becomes visible to all users and appears in the news feed of all your friends or followers. People who view the news or visit your page can read the content of the post and learn some information from it.

Your "bulletin board" can be opened to all users or set privacy settings so that only a certain category of people. Let's take a look at what settings we can set for the wall below.

How to hide the VKontakte wall from outsiders

So, as we have already said, for this you need to set the necessary privacy settings (if you forgot where these settings are, then read the article). Go to the "Settings" - "Privacy" section, and select the "Wall posts" section. Here we see who can see other people's posts on the wall, who can write on your "message board" and comment on your posts.

So, in the settings, I see that all actions on my wall can be performed by all users. I don't really like it - let's say I want only my friends to be able to do it. You can select any privacy setting from the drop-down list.

If you set all sections to "Friends Only", then only your friends will be able to view other people's posts on your wall, write and leave comments.

You can completely hide the wall only together with the page. To do this, you need to add the user to the "Black List". There is no other way to close the wall on the VKontakte social network yet.

Entries on the wall "Vkontakte"

If our wall is a bulletin board, then the post is exactly those ads. It is enough to submit this same ad - and immediately your post will appear in the news feed, and your friends will find out about it by viewing the news. Let's see how to create an entry and what can be added to it. and what can be done with it.

How to write a VKontakte entry

Writing on the wall is easy. Take a look at the wall. Immediately below your photo feed, you'll see a window with the text "What's new with you."

As soon as you click on the window with the mouse button, it will expand and all the tools will become available.

Text is entered in the main field. On the right is a set of emoticons - there are a great many of them. In the lower left corner are attachment tools. Here you can add a photo, video, music, or click on the “More” drop-down list, and then attachments such as documents, notes, maps, graffiti, product, poll, or delayed publication timer will become available.

Note! You can also write on your wall from the “News” section!!! If you go to the news page, then at the very top you will see a window for creating a record - exactly the same is located on the wall from the very top. If it suddenly dawned on you while viewing the news of your friends - it is not necessary to go to the wall to create a post, you can instantly create it directly from the “News”.

Post editing

Please note that you can edit your post within 24 hours. After that, editing the VK record is impossible.

To perform this action, you need to hover over the three dots in the upper right corner of the window and select "Edit". After that, you can change the text or attachment. When finished editing, click the "Save" button.

Recording attachments (photos, videos, music, documents, etc.)

You can add an attachment to any post. The list of possible additions includes: photos, audio and video recordings, documents and notes, maps and graffiti, products and surveys. Attachment tool is located in the lower left corner. Photo, video and audio attachments (as the most common attachments) are implemented with icons, while other attachment options are offered in the drop-down list.

For example, you can add photos from the VK album or upload them from your computer. It is also possible to take a picture from the webcam and attach it.

In the same way, you can add a video to the post. You can attach a video recording either from those already downloaded, or enter its name or search word in the search bar, and select the desired video from the proposed list.

Also, when searching for videos, you can use the advanced search by the desired criteria. To do this, you need to point to the icon with two sliders and set the necessary parameters.

It's the same with audio. In addition to media files, you can attach any document (in addition to executable files such as .exe, .apk, etc.) - for example, a text file or a scan in PDF format. You can write a note or draw graffiti, pin a location on a map, and create a survey or list an item for sale. As you can see, the options for attaching attachments are quite wide and satisfy almost all the requirements of social network users.

Views and likes of VK records

Any entry on VKontakte can be put like (“Like”). This is done elementarily. There is a heart icon in the lower left corner of the window. If you click on it, then in such images you will put a like. After the like is placed, the icon will darken and the counter will show the new value (+1).

If you just hover over the icon, a pop-up window appears, who exactly liked the post. You can go to this window and see there by name which of your friends and users rated your news.

The number of views is displayed in the lower right corner of the window. There is an icon in the form of an eye and a view counter. If you are viewing a post for the first time, you can clearly see how the number of views will increase by one.

It’s just that you won’t be able to find out who looked at your VK entry. The social network only shows the number of views of the post, and does not provide any more information about the visitors to your page. Therefore, you will not be able to find out who exactly looked at your wall.

How to pin a post on the wall "VKontakte"

To pin an entry, you need to move the mouse cursor over the icon with three dots in the upper right corner of the window and select “Pin” in the drop-down list.

After you pin the record, the inscription “Record is pinned” will appear at the top of the window, and the “Unpin” operation will become available in the drop-down list

It should be remembered that the fixing time is not limited by anything, and the post fixed on the wall can stay as long as you like until you unfasten it yourself. She is always above all posts (even new ones).

How to repost a post

There is a special function for this, which is activated by clicking on the icon in the form of a horn. Next to the icon is a counter with the number of shares, and in the pop-up window (just like with likes), you can see who exactly shared the post.

Timer and delayed recording "VKontakte"

In a social network, it is possible to publish the created post not immediately, but to postpone the publication time for later by setting the exact time of publication. To do this, after creating the entry, select the Timer section from the “More” drop-down list.

After that, it remains only to select the date and time of publication and wait. At the designated time, he will appear on your wall without any additional actions. This function is often used in groups when many posts are written at once, and then they are published, for example, one per day at a certain time.

In conclusion, I would like to tell you about one more setting of the records window. In the lower right corner, next to the send button, there is a padlock icon. If you activate it, then the entry will be visible only to your friends.

How to clean the wall "VK". Deleting entries

In order to delete all entries from your VKontakte wall, you will have to use the delete function. Any published post has the option to delete it. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the icon with three dots in the upper right corner and select "Delete Entry".

After that, the post will be deleted. By the way, until you close the site or refresh the page, the restore function will be available. After refreshing the page, it will be impossible to restore the post.

Clearing the entire wall at once, deleting all the posts, will not work. Previously, such a function was available in one click, but later the developers decided that it could be used by attackers who hack into user pages. Imagine - a person's profile is many years old, a bunch of posts are posted on the wall, which reflects, one might say, the history of a person's life on the network. And then some bastard in one click removes it all. So this feature is now disabled. Some bloggers offer various working scripts to remove all posts from the wall at once. For security reasons, we do not recommend doing this. Think several times before deleting all information from your wall - won't you regret it later?

Well, that's all for today. Good luck to you!. 🙂

Then interesting posts for VK on the wall of a group, public, or personal profile must be added regularly. By maintaining and warming up the interest of your audience, you not only retain current subscribers, but also attract new ones by posting viral cool content that an active audience will be willing to share.

Finding the most popular posts on VK is actually not so difficult. The main difficulty is to learn how to select the most juicy content among that daily ton of news, memes, pictures, photos and videos, bringing only the best of them to your subscribers. You can, of course, follow the path of least resistance and collect posts from neighboring communities close to the topic, but your subscribers, for the most part, will definitely not be happy with such actions (soon the comments will be filled with shouts of “BAYAYAN !!!”).

One of the key mistakes of many beginner communities is that they use hackneyed posts (aka "bayans"). This is not the best tactic and most often it does not lead to anything good, even if these pictures and memes are very cool. Content is of key importance in the development of the community, so it needs to be given special attention. Follow global trends, respond to new hype in time and use situational marketing. To facilitate the analysis of information and the preparation of materials, there are a number of resources where you can find good ideas for:

  1. this site contains the most Vkontakte. The rating can be viewed by likes and reposts. Temporal filtering allows you to run posts from the last hour/day/week/all time.
  2. here users themselves collect the most interesting content from various sites and social networks. The Russian equivalent is .
  3. the vastness of the resource has collected a lot of useful, often voluminous, information (news, facts), so it is an excellent source for creating solid posts.
  4. And here you can dig up a lot of interesting collections, life hacks and interesting facts on a wide variety of topics.
  5. is a good source of photo content that allows you to make cool posts.

Using these services wisely, you can come up with tons of ideas and build a great content plan to make your community unique and interesting.

What and how to post?

It would seem that nothing complicated, take a record and publish it in a group. But no, it's not that simple. In this case, you need to take into account factors such as the topic of the community and the frequency of publications. Now in order.


You can post up to 50 posts per day in a group (VK limits), but you don’t need to try to use up the entire limit. The frequency directly depends on your subject. If these are serious business projects, online or offline stores, narrow niche communities or other similar topics, then in this case quality is better than quantity. In such communities, it is enough to post 1-3 posts a day, alternating informative information, interesting facts and humor with posts that reveal the main topic of the community (for example, information about a new product in a store or news about an upcoming business conference).

If your community has a wide range of topics (travel, love, funny pictures, movies, music - as an example), then a large limit of posts is in your favor. Such projects require frequent posting and usually post from 10 to 50 entries a day, alternating funny memes with posts about love, sad pictures with educational facts, etc. It all depends on the topic, and more on that later.


I am sure that none of the people reading this text will place a post in the vegan group about the divine taste of barbecue just taken from the fire. I think the example is clear, but now a little more detailed.

Find your niche. Find your topic. You should not post the same type of posts, you need a variety of content, but you must clearly understand what you want from the community and what its goal is.

If you are a business coach, you will need beautiful motivating content on the topic of making money and free time. Store owner - give your target audience informative stories about the brands you sell and the use of the items offered, find cool memes that your potential buyers will like, and do not forget to periodically indicate your contacts in your posts. Entrepreneurs - tell us about the benefits of your product, its advantages, show the inside of its production, be open to customers. Flower sellers - write posts on VK about love, tell me that beautiful flowers will be a very good gift for your best friend, add romance and cuteness to the group. And the same examples apply to everyone else! Study the audience, interact with it, and then you will understand it.

And, for starters, a few examples of good posts. 1 and 2 - can be successfully used by the tourism business, or by some romantic or feminine destinations. 3 is a great option for the store community. 4 is an example of correct (top) and incorrect (bottom) situational content.


Don't put off posting until the last minute. Decide on a topic, draw up a content plan, prepare the best materials and then start! Start, but continue to regularly monitor suitable information resources and choose the most interesting, useful and delicious content for your subscribers. Experiment, combine, supplement the main theme with dilution materials, but do it competently, prudently and carefully, and let them be yours.

Internet services for business.
Link to the material is required!

Probably, many modern users would like to write something interesting and unusual in their status?

However, not everyone has the time or special imagination for this. Indeed, in the statuses they always write all the most interesting and unusual. If you do not know what to write in the status in VK, then this article will help you.

In our article, we will give many examples of what you can write in your status, depending on your mood or social status.

We have collected the most frequently asked questions:

  • What can you write in VK status for boys
  • What can I write in VK status about love
  • What can you write in VK status about life
  • What can I write in the status of VK funny

Let's take a closer look at all these examples.

What to write in the status in VK for boys?

Below is a list of examples of what a cool, tough guy can put or write in his status.

  • The serious problems of every man begin with the words: “I just thought…”.
  • Wisdom says: "Do not laugh at someone else's past, because you do not know what future is prepared for you."
  • Always do everything from the heart, and if you don’t want to do it, then it’s better to do nothing at all.
  • Love your mother, honor your father, respect your brother, protect your beloved, and only fear God and no one but Him.
  • To make life brighter and more interesting, find a person who looks at the world through your eyes.
  • Friendship is not for sale - because it has no price.
  • If it seems to you that everything is over, know that sooner or later you will get over it.
  • Remember why you started this path and never give up over trifles.
  • Rejoice today. After all, it is not known what will happen tomorrow.
  • I had a lot of suffering in my life, but despite this, people laughed with me, not cried.

What can be written in the status in VK about love?

If you have a sentimental mood or want to share your love with others, then statuses about love will suit you 100%

  • If you feel comfortable being silent with a person, know that he is the one.
  • Never lie or deceive your loved one, and only then will he begin to trust you, and most importantly, sincerely love.
  • The man asked the sage a question: “Oh Great One! You have seen everyone and you know everything about everyone. So tell me, which woman is the most beautiful? The wise man did not think long and answered: "The woman who is loved is beautiful."
  • Guys like those girls with whom you can just talk and take a walk. And not those dolls with nothing in their heads.
  • Every happy couple looks the same, and every unhappy couple is unhappy in their own way.
  • Silence can be oppressive, but with a loved one, this silence turns into comfort.
  • What does an ideal relationship look like? When a guy and a girl fight like spouses, chat like best friends, flirt like 16 year olds and, of course, take care of each other like brother and sister.
  • What happiness when a girl or a guy has a loved one who makes them smile and enjoy life every day.
  • When we are with him, I begin to envy myself.
  • Happiness is when you both have affectionate nicknames.

What can be written in the status in VK about life?

Below we have collected life quotes that will suit the mood:

  • Remember that nothing in this life lasts forever. And sooner or later the bad will go away, bringing you a good and invaluable experience.
  • In a world of gossip, the fittest survive.
  • Got a problem? Solve it! And if it doesn't work, then stop making a problem out of it.
  • The most terrible enemy is not the one who betrayed, but the doubt that deprives you of courage and courage.
  • No one can change their past, but everyone has the opportunity to start over.
  • Do not run after those who betrayed. After all, thanks to them, you became who you are now.
  • To become great, you need to learn how to use everything that fate bestows.
  • Do not complain about fate, she does not complain about you.
  • In the morning, when there is no one, the world seems clean.
  • Be yourself…the rest of the roles are already taken.

What can be written in the status in VK funny?

And of course, funny quotes in the status where without them:

  • Am I the only one who feels like a world hero when I turn off the microwave one second before turning it off?
  • Tonight I couldn't sleep at all. Why? Yes, under the windows, teenagers sang one melody, but I couldn’t fall asleep because of this, but because I knew the words of the song by heart.
  • When I was little, I always nibbled on the edge of bread bought from the store. It was at these moments that he was tastier than at home.
  • I am glad that I am not the only one who, after a stormy night, writes SMS messages to his ex! We have it mutually.

We hope that you will send your comments on how to supplement these lists, we will be very grateful to you.

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