The best antivirus program. What is the best antivirus for a computer? Key features of Avast Free Antivirus.

In my previous reviews with the rating of the best antiviruses, I indicated both paid and free products, best shown in the tests of independent anti-virus laboratories. In this article - the TOP of free antiviruses of 2017 for those who prefer not to spend money on Windows protection, but at the same time to ensure its decent level. Another rating: (includes paid and free options).

In this world of ubiquitous computers and constant threats from hackers, protecting your computer is a must. The key way through which a malicious program attacks the system is the Internet and its popular service - the Internet. There are many ways to protect and remove malicious programs from our computers. To ensure the security of your computer, one method is not enough. The more levels of protection, the harder it is for hackers to use your computer. Here are five simple but important steps to protect your computer.

Also, as in the previously published antivirus lists, this rating does not rely on my subjective preferences (I myself use Windows Defender), but only on test results conducted by such laboratories as,, Virus Bulletin (, which are recognized as objective majority of antivirus market participants. In doing so, I tried to take into account the results for the three latest versions of the OS from Microsoft - Windows 10, 8 (8.1) and Windows 7 and highlight those solutions that are equally effective for all these systems.

The firewall introduces the role of guard. There are two types of firewalls: a software firewall and a hardware firewall. Each of them performs similar, but different purposes. A firewall is the first step to ensure the security of your computer. This creates a barrier between the computer and any unauthorized program attempting to penetrate the Internet. If you are using a home system, turn on the firewall forever. This makes you know if there are any unauthorized attempts to use your system.

Who did not get in the rating

Antivirus is another means of protecting your computer. This software, which helps to protect the computer from any unauthorized code or software that creates a threat to the system. Unauthorized software includes viruses, keyloggers, trojans, etc. this can slow down the processing speed of your computer, delete important files and gain access to personal information. Even if your system does not contain viruses, you must install antivirus software to prevent further virus attack.

A warning:  since there may be novice users among the readers, I want to draw their attention to the fact that in no case should you install two or more antivirus programs on your computer - this can lead to hard-to-solve problems with the operation of Windows. This does not apply to the Windows Defender antivirus built in Windows 10 and 8, as well as to separate utilities for removing malicious and unwanted programs (not being antiviruses) that will be mentioned at the end of the article.

How antiviruses are tested and what influences their position in the rating

It plays an important role in real-time protection, its additional advantage of detecting threats helps the computer and the information in it to be safe. The software may include additional features, such as e-mail protection, pop-up blocking and identity theft.

Install antispyware software

This information is redirected to a third-party website. Like antivirus software, anti-spyware software offers real-time protection. It scans all incoming information and helps to block the threat after detection. Comes with built-in anti-spyware protection.

Using complex and secure passwords

  The first line of defense in securing the system is strong and complex passwords. Hackers can find complex passwords. Use a password of at least 8 characters in length and include a combination of numbers, letters that have both uppercase and lowercase, and a special character.

The best tested free antiviruses

Most companies that manufacture antivirus products provide independent tests for their paid antivirus or comprehensive solutions for protecting Windows. However, there are three developers who are tested (and have good or excellent results) namely free antiviruses - Avast and Panda. This list will not be limited to me (there are paid antiviruses with free versions, in the table I noted them with pluses), but we will start with them, as with proven solutions with the possibility of evaluating the results.

Hackers use certain tools to quickly access passwords in a few minutes. One recent study showed that a password with 6 characters with all lowercase letters can be broken down in less than 6 minutes! What kind of protection would you recommend?

Key Features of AVG Anti-Virus Free

Gwilym. Some people are more prone to accidents than others, and some are less sensitive to threats. Some are at risk in the more dangerous parts of the Internet. Some need to protect very valuable information. Software can not protect people from themselves.

Separately, I will mention 360 Total Security - getting to the first place in almost all tests of antiviruses about two years ago, having overtaken paid counterparts, this free antivirus was disqualified and no longer present in the tests. A similar situation later was repeated with another Chinese antivirus - Tencent PC Manager. About these options for protecting your computer and laptop, too, be sure to mention.

Today's malware is written by professionals who are engaged in business to make money. They are less interested in viruses that replicate themselves - their delivery mechanisms are e-mails and websites. They do not want to show off: they want their malware to remain hidden.

The best free antivirus for Android

They are interested in collecting financial information and passwords, etc. But there is a tendency. Antivirus companies began to protect the vulnerable operating system and browser code, but we may have reached the point where vulnerable antivirus software does more harm than good.

Avast Free Antivirus

If in the previous year the first place was free antivirus Panda, then in 2017 it's Avast. And for the tests the company provides exactly Avast Free Antivirus, rather than paid complex protection packages.

Judging by the results in various tests, Avast Free Antivirus provides close to the leaders of paid antivirus ratings in Windows 7 and Windows 8 and only in Windows 10 shows a slightly worse result (97% in Real-world tests in Windows 10 against 99% in previous OS by the results of the end of last year from, similar results in Virus Bulletin and AV-test, but without reference to the OS).

Key features of Avast Free Antivirus

Shah on Twitter: You misunderstand your ignorance. He wrote on twitter: You ignore all the best advanced security, piling tricky formatting of the format and other unsafe code in the kernel. Do not think that protection from malicious programs means launching an antivirus program and adopting a multi-level approach.

Paid antivirus software

Most malicious programs use security holes that have already been fixed, sometimes several years earlier. Fourth, make sure that you have a good backup of all your personal data. Fifth, perform periodic checks to make sure that the antivirus program you selected does not miss anything.

Thus, despite the conflicting reviews of Avast users, which mention frequent suggestions to upgrade to a paid version, and possible problems with the removal of this product, we can assume that the antivirus performs the task of protecting the computer from viruses perfectly.

There are at least a dozen worthy alternatives, so you do not need to use one that you do not like. Do you have another question for Jack? In addition, find out which of the best free antiviruses suits you, if you are not a complete computer developer and want to provide complete protection for computer viruses. Update: our now is alive!

Their shadow grows all over the Internet. Threatening to swallow your personal information and use it for malign intent or simple disclosure to the public. New and new viruses continue to appear every day, thereby making it necessary to protect our system from the constant threat that they pose! But the exorbitant price charged by these companies in exchange does not make much sense!

Using Avast Free Antivirus should not cause any difficulties for novice users, the only nuance is that after installation it is required to register to get a free Avast license for one year (which can then be extended), otherwise the period of use is 30 days.

Of the additional features of the program:

Many of the best free antivirus programs are under development, and some of them can easily give paid hard work for their money. It offers a seamless installation, non-intrusive notifications and detailed user scanning.

This suggests that there are many opportunities for developing rootkit detection and anti-phishing protection provided by Anti-Virus. But it looks like the product has lost a bit of space in blocking malware. It also provides a sandbox through which you can check the threats created by unknown programs.

  • Create an emergency disk to boot from and scan the computer for viruses. See also: .
  • Scanning add-ons and browser extensions is the most common reason for the appearance of ads and pop-ups in the browser.
  When installing the anti-virus, you can configure which additional protection components you need:

You can download the Avast anti-virus on the official website

The program does not have a system of parental control, firewall or backup. If we had to evaluate this antivirus when using advanced computer users, then undoubtedly this antivirus skipped better positions. Since the program occasionally requests user input, it is not suitable for amateur users. The intrusion prevention system and protection against phishing still have a long way to go. Offering smoothly fast scanning, it also boasts protection against malware, spyware protection, browser protection and cloud scanning.

Panda Free Antivirus (Panda Protection)

After disappearing from the ratings of the above-mentioned Chinese antivirus 360 Total Security, the best (for today - soon the second place after Avast) among free antiviruses for the consumer segment was Panda Free Antivirus, showing in 2017 close to 100% detection and removal results in both synthetic and real-world tests on systems Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10, conducted by various methods.

It is also one of the smallest antiviruses, as well as protection against malicious programs. In addition, protection against malicious software, it also provides website ratings that make it easier for the user to decide whether access to the website is secure or not.

Free antivirus software

Excess of advertising can be very unpleasant. You could also improve the protection against phishing. However, only friendly design is not enough for ranking in terms of anti-virus protection or additional functions. The recently introduced function of profiles that adapt the software to perform certain tasks, such as watching movies, games or general office work, has improved the user experience with a huge margin compared to previous versions. In addition, it includes the protection of online banking, a two-way firewall and a parental control system.

The parameter by which Panda is inferior to paid antiviruses is the effect on system performance, but "inferior" does not mean "slows down the computer" - the lag is relatively small.

Like most modern anti-virus products, Panda Free Antivirus has an intuitive interface in Russian, standard real-time protection functions and computer checks or files for viruses on demand.

Despite the fact that poor technical support, combined with the difficulties encountered when installing on systems that are already infected with malware, can cause problems for the average user. Its tiny main window and unobtrusive style are great if you want a strong, noiseless and free antivirus solution.

It hardly allows you to be present on the computer and provides better protection against computer viruses. The software is also lightweight and runs in the local cache when the network is unavailable. It offers effective protection against phishing and impressive detection rates combined with first-class blocking of rootkits.

Among the additional features:

  • Protection of USB drives, including automatic "vaccination" of connected USB flash drives and external hard drives (prevents the infection of certain types of viruses when connecting drives to other computers, the function is included in the settings).
  • View information about processes running in Windows with information about their security.
  • Detection of potentially unwanted programs (PUP), which are not viruses.
  • Very convenient (for a beginner) setting of antivirus exceptions.

In general - a convenient and understandable free antivirus, working on the "set and forget" principle, and its results in the ratings speak in favor of the fact that this option can be a good choice.

Only not very positive side of this antivirus is that it will automatically quarantine files, which, in its opinion, are dangerous. The set of functions that it possesses distinguishes it from all others. Easy installation, an all-encompassing heuristic search engine and an access protection package are a pretty powerful blow.

He was praised for its performance and easy use of system resources, and also proved to be an effective tool for detecting malware. Give us your suggestions below and help others to get better protection from computer viruses.

You can download Panda Free Antivirus from the official site

360 Total Security and Tencent PC Manager

Note:  on this point, I can not say that these two antiviruses correctly include in the list of the best, but to pay attention to them makes sense.

Own amateur tests PCMag

Regardless of your more general goals, maintaining your device's performance is a critical first step down the road to better security. So, before you start worrying too much about strong passwords, personal communications, and secure deletion, for example, you need to make sure that your computer is not vulnerable to hackers or suffers from malicious software, often called malware, such as viruses and spyware . Otherwise, it is impossible to guarantee the effectiveness of any other precautions that you can take.

As I wrote above, the previously free antivirus 360 Total Security, being tested by all the mentioned laboratories famously bypassed most paid and free counterparts on the totality of the results. Also for a while this product was present among the recommended antivirus software for Windows on the English site of Microsoft. And then disappeared from the ratings.

What you can learn from this guide

After all, there is no point of locking your door if the burglar is already down, and it's not very convenient for you to look down if you leave the door open. Assani is a human rights defender in a French-speaking African country. His two teenagers, Salim and Muhindo, offered to help him with the usual routine computer work that he was asked to do. Having seen the state of their computer, they offer to teach it the basics, how to keep it healthy and functional. Assani also likes the idea of ​​using free software with open source, but he is not sure if it will be more or less safe, so he asks for their advice.

The main reason for disqualification, from what I was able to find, is that during testing the antivirus changed its behavior and used not its own engine for searching for viruses and malicious code, but the BitDefender algorithm included in it (which is a long-standing leader among paid antiviruses) .

Whether this is the reason not to use this antivirus - I will not say. I see that no. The user who uses 360 Total Security can also include BitDefender and Avira engines, provide almost 100% definition of viruses, and use a variety of additional features, all for free, in Russian and for an unlimited period of time.

From the comments I received to my review of this free antivirus, most of those who once tried - usually remain on it and are happy. And only one negative feedback, occurring more than once - sometimes "sees" viruses where they should not be.

Among the free-of-charge additional functions (in addition to including third-party engines of antivirus):

  • System Cleanup, Windows Startup
  • Firewall and protection from malicious sites on the Internet (as well as setting up black and white lists)
  • Running suspicious programs in the sandbox to exclude their impact on the system
  • Protecting documents from malicious code-extortion programs that encrypt files (see). The function does not decrypt files, but prevents encryption, if suddenly such software was on your computer.
  • Protect USB flash drives and other USB storage devices from viruses
  • Browser security
  • Webcam protection

Another free Chinese antivirus with a similar interface and history - Tencent PC Manager. Unlike 360 ​​Total Security, it does not currently have a Russian interface, in other respects the functionality is very similar (except for some missing modules). Antivirus also has a third-party anti-virus engine from Bitdefender.

As in the previous case, Tencent PC Manager received high marks from independent anti-virus laboratories, but was later excluded from testing in some of them because of abuses caused by the fact that the product used techniques to artificially improve performance in tests (in particular, used "white lists" of files, which can be unsafe in terms of the end user of the antivirus).

Free antiviruses not participating in the tests, but supposedly good

The following free antiviruses do not participate in the tests of anti-virus laboratories, however, instead of them in the ratings, the top lines are occupied by paid complex protection products from the same development companies.

We can assume that free versions of the best paid antivirus software use the same algorithms to detect and remove viruses in Windows and their difference is that some of the additional modules are missing (fayvroll, payment protection, browser protection), so I think it makes sense a list of free versions of the best paid antivirus software.

Kaspersky Free

More recently, a free Kaspersky Anti-Virus - Kaspersky Free. The product provides basic anti-virus protection and does not include numerous additional security modules from Kaspersky Internet Security 2017.

During the last two years, the paid version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus in all tests gets one of the first places, competing with Bitdefender. The latest checks under Windows 10 also show the maximum scores in detection, performance and usability.

Reviews of the free version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus are mostly positive and one can assume that in order to prevent infection of the computer and remove viruses, it should show excellent results.

Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition

The only antivirus in this review without the Russian language interface Bitdefender Antivirus Free is a free version of the multi-year leader in a set of tests - Bitdefender Internet Security. Recently released updated version of this antivirus acquired a new interface and support for Windows 10, while retaining its main advantage - "silence" with high performance.

Despite the simplicity of the interface, almost no settings and some additional options, I personally refer this anti-virus to one of the best free solutions that, in addition to providing a decent level of protection for the user, will almost never become distracting from work and does not brake the computer at all. Those. if we talk about my personal subjective recommendations for relatively experienced users - I recommend this option (I used it myself, I installed a wife a couple of years ago, I do not regret it).

Avira Free Security Suite and Avira Free Antivirus

If previously only free product Avira Free Antivirus was available, in 2017, in addition to it appeared Avira Free Security Suite, which includes, in addition to the antivirus suite of additional utilities.

  • Phantom VPN is a utility for secure VPN connections (500 Mb of traffic per month are available free of charge)
  • SafeSearch Plus, Password Manager and Web Filter are extensions for browsers. Checking results of search, storing passwords and checking the current website accordingly.
  • Avira Free System Speedup is a program for cleaning and optimizing your computer (includes useful things like searching for duplicate files, uninstalling, and others).
  • Software Updater is a tool for automatically updating programs on a computer.

But let's stop on the anti-virus Avira Free Antivirus (which is included in the Security Suite).

Free Avira AntiVirus is a fast, convenient and reliable product, representing a limited version of Avira Antivirus Pro, which also has the highest ratings for protecting Windows against viruses and other common threats.

Among the functions included in Avira Free Antivirus - real-time protection, real-time virus checking, creation of a bootable disk for scanning for viruses Avira Rescue CD. Additional features include checking the integrity of system files, searching for rootkits, controlling Windows Firewall (enabling and disabling) in the Avira interface.

Anti-Virus is fully compatible with Windows 10 and in Russian. For downloading is available at the official website

Not very popular with us, the free antivirus AVG AntiVirus Free shows almost the same virus and performance detection results in some TOP antiviruses with Avast Free, and by some results (including tests with real samples in Windows 10) exceeds it. The paid version of AVG has some of the best results in recent years.

So, if you tried Avast and you did not like it for some reason unrelated to virus detection, AVG Antivrus Free might be a good option.

In addition to standard real-time protection functions and on-demand virus scanning, AVG also has "Internet Protection" (which includes checking links on websites, not all free antiviruses), "Protecting personal data" and e-mail.

At the same time this antivirus in Russian (if I'm not mistaken, when I last installed it, there was only an English version). When installing the antivirus with the default settings, the first 30 days you will have the full version of the antivirus, and after the expiration of this period, the paid functions will be disabled.

You can download AVG Free Antivirus at

Windows Defender

Windows 10 and 8 have their own built-in antivirus - Windows Defender, as well as additional security modules, such as the Smart Screen filter and user account control (which many users inadvertently turn off).

In the comments often ask questions about whether enough is only built-in antivirus Windows 10 and how good it is.

There is no unambiguous answer here: both in the tests and in the statements of Microsoft itself, Windows Defender provides only basic system protection. Is it enough for you - I can not answer, but I can point out some points that speak in favor of the fact that, perhaps, you can get by with such protection:

  1. You do not disable UAC (User Account Control) on Windows, or may not even be running under the Administrator account. And you understand why sometimes control of accounts asks you for confirmation of actions and what confirmation can threaten.
  2. Include the display of file extensions in the system and you can easily distinguish the image file from the executable file with the icon of the image file on the computer, flash drive, in the email letter.
  3. Check the downloaded program files, and if they are packaged in RAR, unpack and double check carefully.
  4. Do not download hacked programs and games, especially those where the installation manual begins with "disable your antivirus." And do not disconnect it.
  5. You can complete this list with a couple of other items.

The author of the site is limited to the defender of Windows in the last few years (six months after the release of Windows 8 moved to it). But he has on his computer from third-party software installed two licensed software packages from Adobe and Microsoft, one browser, GeForce Experience and one portable text editor, also licensed, something else is not downloaded and installed on the computer (programs from articles are checked in a virtual machine or on a separate experimental laptop designed for these purposes).

Additional Information

Recently, one of the main problems of Windows users has been various kinds of page changes in the browser, pop-up ads, self-opening browser windows (see) - that is, various kinds of malware, browser invaders and AdWare. And very often, users who run into these problems have a good antivirus installed on their computer.

Avast Free Antivirus  - an excellent free antivirus, which has earned the recognition of millions of users around the world due to its reliable protection against Trojans and viruses in real time. The new version of Avast boasts an updated intuitive interface, several new features (AutoSandbox and updated Intelligent Scanner), improved performance and, most importantly, one of the most extensive virus databases in the world.

Key features of Avast Free Antivirus:

  • A huge, constantly updated database of viruses;
  • Excellent protection against rootkits in real time;
  • Firewall that protects the computer during Internet surfing;
  • A modern engine that provides excellent program performance;
  • Automatic and game modes of operation;
  • A handy widget on your desktop;
  • Intuitive, eye-pleasing interface;
  • Free version!

Avast Free Antivirus provides the user with a new AutoSandbox feature that allows you to automate the process of placing suspicious files in a sandbox, where you can perform a full analysis of the file and, if necessary, cure it. This function allows you to save a relatively large percentage of files from instant erasure, avoid system errors related to the removal of important system files and so on. Also, the new version of Avast includes a built-in remote support function. The user can connect to the computer of another user (only with permission) and provide him with technical support or help, which is quite convenient, since it makes it unnecessary to have a customized program for remote access on the computer. In general, Avast Free Antivirus is an excellent choice for the average user, providing him with everything necessary to keep the system clean.

    Full review »

360 Total Security  - A powerful set of tools to maintain the operating system in an order that includes modern antivirus, tweaker for optimization and a tool to clean the system of garbage. This is a free anti-virus solution that is able not only to protect the computer from external threats, but also to optimize its work, to help correctly distribute system resources in order to increase the speed of processes. The application itself is based on five active engines, four of which are responsible for protecting the system, so you can be sure that the 360 ​​Total Security quality fully corresponds to its name!

Key features of 360 Total Security:

  • Excellent protection against viruses both in real time, and when scanning;
  • Use of several separate modules for protection;
  • Automatic verification of connected media;
  • Convenient integration into browsers;
  • Cleaning the system from junk and temporary files;
  • Excellent system optimization;
  • Absolutely free version!

360 Total Security is an excellent choice for both novice PC users and advanced users. The first receive at their disposal a reliable system with many automated functions, which will protect the computer without the direct involvement of the user. The latter will appreciate the flexible settings of the application, the ability to change profiles, keeping them different settings, features to optimize the system and many other interesting options. App design does not cause any issues and allows you to use all of its aspects without unnecessary questions and help. Protect your computer with 360 Total Security!

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Panda Antivirus Proserves one single purpose - it protects the user's computer from the most known types of virtual threats. And we can say with confidence that she is coping with this remarkably. By installing the Panda, the user gets at his disposal an extremely simple but effective shield from any virtual threat. A fairly large base of Panda viruses is constantly replenished by both developers and users who are "lucky" to find new varieties of viruses. Well, in the elementary interface of this free antivirus even the child will understand!

Key features of Panda Antivirus Pro:

  • Automatically detects malicious software;
  • Blocks malicious sites;
  • Updates the virus database almost every day;
  • Special modes of operation for games and multimedia playback;
  • Anti-rootkit firewall;
  • Automatically scans connected USB devices;
  • Intuitive interface;
  • Free version of antivirus!

Panda Antivirus Proan excellent choice for users who want to get high-quality protection against viruses with a minimum of effort. Most Panda features are automated, the program constantly scans RAM and hard disk for threats and suspicious files. The new application engine allows you to reduce the system's consumption of system resources to a minimum. Antivirus boot disk Panda Cloud Cleaner makes it possible to cure an infected system that can not boot itself. It can be a bit of a strain on the number of false positives, but it's not so bad - the program takes care of you! In general, if you need an excellent antivirus that perfectly copes with the support of the system in good condition even without the user's participation in this process, Panda Antivirus Pro is the best choice!

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AVG Anti-Virus Free - a popular antivirus the main characteristic feature of which is deep integration into the system and which can be absolutely used for free. The program automatically scans files and programs at their start, which avoids infection by viruses, trojans and spyware. The program also provides the user with a scanner that is customizable according to the schedule. Thanks to this function, you can control both the process of checking the computer for infected files and the process of their treatment. The new version of AVG completely updated the interface, which now boasts a pleasant appearance and convenient menus.

Key features of AVG Anti-Virus Free:

  • Fast and high-quality scanning of the system;
  • Automatic scanning of the file when it is first launched;
  • Scanner on demand / scheduled;
  • Constant updates;
  • Useful security modules (Link Scanner, e-Mail Scanner);
  • Intuitive interface;

AVG Anti-Virus Free  can boast of excellent indicators of system protection and a fairly low consumption of system resources. Unlike the paid version, which, of course, contains more tools and functions, the version for free use works much more stable, receiving the same technical support in the form of updates. The speed of the program is amazing, and the e-mail scanner will save you from having to install specialized applications, since it copes 100%. A new unique feature - Link Scanner allows the user to use an antivirus to scan the site without accessing it, which can be very convenient. It is AVG Anti-Virus Free that is the "default" choice for more than 5 million users around the world, and it remains for us only to notice that it is quite deserved.

Key features of Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition:

  • Reliable protection against viruses and Trojans;
  • Easy to use;
  • Convenient blocking of malicious sites;
  • Uses record few system resources;
  • Does not brake the system;
  • It runs on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Vista.

Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition ideal for home use, since it does not burden the system with unnecessary processes, while providing a high level of protection. Unlike many other antiviruses, BitDefender does not bother constantly pop-up windows and does not require user participation in their work. A huge virus database provides the highest level of protection, and an intuitive interface allows users to use it even to users who have never before encountered anti-virus programs. Try this wonderful antivirus in action and make sure it is one of the best representatives on the market!

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Comodo Antivirus  - A powerful free antivirus for complex protection of the computer against viruses, trojans, hacker attacks and other malicious software. Thanks to advanced heuristic analysis of files, Komodo excels at identifying infected files, allowing them to be cured faster than they will harm the system. Installing the antivirus is even easier than using it - during the installation you will be asked to select a variety of settings to make it easier to work with the program after installation.

Key features of Comodo Antivirus:

  • Large base of viruses;
  • Built-in calendar to automate scanning;
  • The best indicators of heuristic analysis among competitors;
  • Convenient isolation of suspicious files in quarantine;
  • Fast and high-quality technical support;
  • Almost ideal proactive protection;
  • Cute application design.

Comodo Antivirus  perfect for beginners and advanced users, because it successfully combines rich instrumental, convenient settings for automation of processes and has a nice interface. The newest Comodo engine allows you to practically not boot the system during operation, and also shortens the standard long wait time during, for example, the process of scanning a computer for threats. As a result, we have a wonderful customized antivirus that will serve faithfully for many years.

    Full review »

Dr.Web Antivirus  - A free antivirus solution for detecting and destroying viruses and other malicious software. Thanks to the effective heuristic analyzer, Doctor Web easily discovers new unrecognized types of virtual threats even in social networks, and proactive multistage protection protects the system from any danger during Internet surfing or the use of untested media. The base is compiled by independent laboratories that improves the quality of the virus database.

Key features of Dr.Web Antivirus:

  • Multistage protection system;
  • Modules for scanning USB-media, e-mail and so on;
  • Protection of user data from damage;
  • High speed antivirus scanning;
  • Personal firewall for protection against hackers;
  • Does not slow down the computer;
  • The simplest interface with a cute design;
  • Free Trial!

Dr.Web Antivirus  can satisfy even the most demanding user's requests: the high speed of the application allows it to scan the computer in minutes, an active network filter makes you forget about any danger on the Web, and the convenient and intuitive interface exudes convenient menus, quick access buttons and is easy to customize. In general, Dr.Web anti-virus has all chances to become your irreplaceable assistant in keeping your PC in order.

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