What household appliances are really dangerous to health? What household appliances are the most harmful

Electrical appliances and fire hazard

In modern life, the role of electrical appliances is difficult to overestimate, because not a single house, apartment, or office can do without them. Regardless of which device is used and in what mode, it is necessary to clearly understand the handling rules.

Subdivision of electrical appliances into groups

For clarity, we will try to systematize the types of electrical appliances, combine them into groups. So, today the main sections in the classification are:

  • electrical appliances for cooking - stoves, ovens, all kinds of large and small household appliances, both built-in and freestanding;
  • those devices with which water is heated (regardless of size and displacement);
  • heating appliances for residential and non-residential premises;
  • household appliances to create the required level of electrical appliances for living comfort (irons and hair dryers, vacuum cleaners and waste shredders, etc.);
  • tools (household and professional).

Any of the above groups has its own differences, but in general, everything is simple: all devices that are powered by the mains are considered potentially dangerous, since they are one of the most common causes of the occurrence and spread of fire in the room. Only realizing that such equipment has an increased fire hazard, you can save your home or work place from sometimes irreversible consequences.

So, cooking appliances are considered the least fire hazard, but their work should be closely monitored. If fat enters open heating coils, an instant fire may occur. It is worth studying the instructions in which each manufacturer necessarily indicates methods for cleaning from fat and other accumulations in order for the equipment to work correctly. Irons and hair dryers, as well as other small household appliances, will not tolerate neglect: the iron left on the ironing board when turned on will cause a fire in a matter of minutes. Despite the fact that manufacturers are carefully considering the issue of protecting the devices themselves, there is also a need for increased attention from the user.

Professional equipment and power tools are used in a variety of conditions, including complex ones. It is very important to observe the temperature regime and monitor the level of humidity in the premises. The limit values \u200b\u200bare also indicated in the performance characteristics and manufacturer's instructions. Thanks to the enhanced fire protection systems, this technique is considered reliable. But heaters are perhaps the most dangerous segment. A feature of this group are heating elements that are in the public domain. During the operation of any heaters, you must strictly observe the rules, in no case do not cover them, do not install them close to the walls, and carefully monitor violations in operation.

Electricity and number of appliances

It is known that at the time of designing the electrical network in any building or building, future loads are calculated. Often, household appliances cause a fire in those houses that were built 30-40 years ago, and the wiring in them is simply not designed for so many different devices. in this case, they are perhaps the most frequent scenario.

One of the main rules for using electrical appliances is control: if there is no personnel on duty at the office or production premises, all appliances and household appliances must be de-energized. In addition, in modern buildings, at the design stage of the system, all kinds of protective systems are taken into account, well, and in buildings “aged” it is necessary to install well-proven fire safety systems, as well as alarms.

Among the most common causes of fire when using household electrical equipment in different directions can be noted:

  • faulty sockets and problems with wiring;
  • the use of morally and physically obsolete equipment, which also does not have the proper level of protection against fires (old irons and electric stoves, home-made and remodeled heaters);
  • ignoring basic safety rules: for example, drying things on heaters, heating with stoves and ovens instead of special appliances.

There are a number of prohibitions, which are based on numerous tragic cases of fire, which led to significant material waste and, importantly, to harm human health. So, one of the main rules says that it is strictly forbidden to place household appliances, especially heating, near switchboards, in boiler rooms, in rooms where electric motors work. In the same way, it is forbidden to use your favorite electric devices that have visible damage to the cables or their insulation is broken.

All the rules for the operation of electrical appliances are aimed only at providing the necessary result with complete safety for humans. Electrical appliances and fire hazard   are in close proximity

Scientists all over the world have long concluded that electromagnetic radiation from household appliances is detrimental to human health. It negatively affects not only the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the body, but can also cause infertility. Swedish experts found the safety threshold in the intensity of the electromagnetic field. In their opinion, it is equal to 0.2 microtesla.

Rating of the most harmful devices

Mobile phones, cordless phones. Although they have relatively small electromagnetic waves, it is their modern man who so often leans against his head so close that it negatively affects his well-being: it leads to headaches and poor sleep.

Computers Radiation from this technique extends in all directions. In addition, it was found that the level of electromagnetic rays in the user area exceeds a biologically hazardous level. Therefore, the distance from the monitor to the person is important. It should be at least 70 cm. In this case, do not forget about the time limit spent on the computer.

Refrigerators with NO FROST system. Modern refrigerators with a non-freezing freezer are the most dangerous household appliances of all. The radiation from the compressor exceeds the permissible norms in such devices by a distance of about 1 m. Therefore, approaching it, it is better to know in advance what you want to get out of and not to linger at the open door.

Air conditioners. Like refrigerators, air conditioners have very strong electromagnetic waves. It’s best not to get closer to them than two meters. In addition, they can cause pneumonia, bronchitis and ODS.

Hair dryer. In addition to the fact that the hair dryer is very harmful to the hair, it creates a very powerful electromagnetic radiation, which negatively affects the human brain.

How can we reduce the negative impact of household appliances on human health?

Electric kettles, irons, table lamps, vacuum cleaners, washing machines and, in particular, microwave ovens are sources of danger that it is almost impossible for a modern person to refuse completely. But you can take some measures to minimize their negative impact.

First of all, you must keep a distance. You need to understand that no walls or partitions will save from electromagnetic radiation, so it is best to protect yourself and not use several powerful devices at once, for example, a mobile phone, hairdryer and computer.

One of the most effective ways to protect against the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation is the use of special devices to neutralize this radiation.

Another measure to reduce the harmful effects is the rejection of the use of carrying cases for powerful household appliances. In addition, it is important to disconnect an unused device from the power supply - this way radiation will be several times less.

The main factor affecting the body of any electronics is electromagnetic radiation, which negatively affects the internal organs, and especially the brain and nervous system. The reason for this negative impact, even with a very small low power, is the duration of such exposure. We spend a lot of time near harmful household appliances, so it is important for healthy lifestyle advocates to follow the rules for safe handling. What devices most of all put our body at risk, and what you need to know about them?


Cordless phones with which you can walk around the apartment or yard have long become a familiar attribute of every home. The main danger of their use is the proximity to the head when talking. It is in this position that the electromagnetic waves emitted by cordless telephones affect your brain as much as possible, causing headaches and affecting concentration and memory. Try to talk less on the phone, instead of many hours of conversations, so beloved by old friends, it is better to meet in person and discuss the latest news and gossip during an unhurried walk in the park. This is much more useful - a walk will enrich the body with oxygen and energize you. All of the above applies to “mobile phones”, adjusted for the fact that their radiation is still less.

Table lamp

If you have such a lamp or a bedside night lamp, in its soft glow it is pleasant for someone to work, and for someone to read a book before going to bed. Be aware that lamp radiation is very small, but since we have been exposed to it for hours, it can be very dangerous. Especially harmful are energy-saving light bulbs, since they emit more into the environment, including harmful ultraviolet light.


Without a refrigerator, modern life is unthinkable: what our ancestors didn’t have to do to save food for a long time. Glaciers, cellars, harvesting dried vegetables and fruits for the winter - thank God that it got around us. But be aware that the more modern the refrigerator, the more powerful the compressor is in it. Especially hazardous radiation, several times higher than the permissible safe standards, is recorded in new freezers equipped with a la No Frost systems.

In order not to put yourself at risk, you need to know that the compressor unit is located near the back wall, and nothing bad will happen to you if you decide to look for a piece of sausage that is missing somewhere longer by opening the door. But if there is a bed behind the wall from the compressor of the refrigerator and you are surprised at a bad dream, it would be better to move it to another place or change the location of the refrigerator itself.

TV and computer

Modern technology has reached such a level that the radiation of televisions and computer monitors, in contrast to previous generations of kinescope, has become almost invisible. The main thing that is now in danger is your eyes, because the constant focusing of your eyes at a single distance causes the eye muscles to become loose. It is especially harmful to look at the glowing screen in a dark room. If you are used to reading high-volume texts, it is better to purchase a special reader, the screen of which is made using electronic ink technology. Such screens usually do not emit light, simulating text on paper, but are illuminated by an external source, like a regular book.

Well, do not underestimate the influence of the infosphere on the psyche - getting used to watching monotonous shows and TV shows, hanging for a long time on social networks and daily encountering negative news agencies, it is difficult to develop spiritually and intellectually. TV and the Internet is good, but in moderation.


This device, although it emits, is reliably shielded. The radiation inside it is quite powerful, but already at a distance of 30 centimeters it becomes safe for you. Most of the terrible stories about the "microwave" are associated with its effect on the food prepared in it. Do not be alarmed, modern research proves that heating with microwaves can actually destroy beneficial vitamins, but this effect is not more pronounced than with any other heat treatment - cooking, stewing or frying.

A vacuum cleaner

Thanks to the use of an electric motor, the radiation from a vacuum cleaner is quite large. Manufacturers are aware of this, therefore they supply this appliance with a sufficiently long hose. This is done not only for the convenience of cleaning, but also to minimize the effects of electromagnetic waves. Try to move away from the vacuum cleaner, and it will be absolutely safe for you.


Here the reason for powerful radiation is the same - the work of a powerful electric motor. You should not be near the operating washing machine - start it and leave the room. Many people neglect this rule, especially when placing this appliance in the kitchen, and not in the bathroom. It is better to think over the installation location of the washing machine in advance so that during operation do not approach it at a distance closer than one meter.

How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of electrical appliances?

What you should know about healthy appliances for healthy lifestyle advocates:

    Do not buy devices that are too powerful, often multi-kilowatt models are not only harmful, but not too necessary. Having escaped the influence of cunning marketers and taking not the most expensive instance of a vacuum cleaner, you will cope with cleaning in the same way as with a more powerful device, but at the same time take care of your health and family budget.

    Several powerful electrical appliances should not be included in the network at the same time. This is an extra load on the wiring, and on your body.

    Extension cords, especially folded rings and loops, serve as an additional source of electromagnetic waves. Avoid using them when connecting powerful equipment.

But, most importantly, observe the distance recommended by scientists during the operation of electrical appliances, and then radiation will not be scary to you!

Anna Meister

Everyone knows that electric household appliances are unsafe for health. How to protect yourself from harmful effects?

Modern man is surrounded by technology from all sides: a TV, a refrigerator, a microwave oven, a hairdryer, a computer, an air conditioner, a heater and many others - it’s hard to do without them, because they make our life so comfortable. And including one or another of them, we, of course, do not recall such side effects of their activity as electromagnetic radiation.

However, scientists have long determined that electromagnetic fields adversely affect the central nervous system, cardiovascular, reproductive. And some even claim that they can cause cancer and cause it. But since no one is going to refuse the achievements of civilization, we all face the question: how to protect ourselves from the harmful effects of our assistants?


Refrigerators equipped with the No frost system are considered the most dangerous - they emit electromagnetic radiation in a radius of up to 1.5 m. And the walls are not an obstacle to this radiation. Therefore, to prevent a friend’s refrigerator from becoming a systematic pest, firstly, you don’t have to stay near it for a long time, and secondly, you don’t have to place a bed, and especially its head, behind the wall so that there is a refrigerator through the wall. That is, no permanent neighborhood!


If the case of the microwave oven is not damaged, then in principle it sufficiently reliably protects against electromagnetic radiation. There is nothing wrong with the products prepared in such an oven - increasing microwaves, the frequency of oscillations of the particles of a substance (product), only increase its temperature. Let's just say that a working stove is no worse than an always working refrigerator - just stay away from it when it is turned on, at a distance of 1.5 m.

Electric oven

When cooking, try to be at least 30 cm from it. In no case do not cuddle up to it!


The degree of "wrecking" when the mode is on is similar to that of an eternally working refrigerator. The best way to protect: place your indispensable assistant in the bathroom, and while working, washing clothes, do not spend it especially.

TV set

Since most of us cannot watch it, when buying and installing, there are three main rules to consider:

  1. The more modern the model, the safer it is.
  2. Try to install it at a distance of not less than 1.5 m from the eyes.
  3. Before choosing a place for a bed (especially the headboard), ask your neighbors where their TV is - remember that the walls (even the supporting ones) do not protect against EMR.
A computer

Recently, it was a luxury item available to the elite, but today it is available in almost every home. And, as a rule, children sit at computers even more often than parents. Therefore, teach them to use this appliance correctly, since it is one of the most powerful emitters of EMF, since it has two radiation sources at once: a monitor and a system unit. You must adhere to the following basic rules:

  • it is better to install the computer in the corner of the room - this will reduce the impact from the back of the monitor, install the system unit as far as possible;
  • do not forget that the distance from the eyes to a should be at least 70 cm;
  • when working at a computer, take a break of 15 minutes every hour;
  • ventilate the room where the computer is installed more often;
  • make friends computer - living plants partially neutralize the harm of EMF;
  • buy modern models - they are safer;
  • give up the habit of staying at a computer at night: the light coming from it is harmful to the eyes; in addition, such "gatherings" adversely affect the nervous system and can provoke.
Hair dryer

One of the most harmful electrical appliances that creates electromagnetic radiation, tens of times higher than normal. In addition, performing its immediate function, the hair dryer is dangerously close to the head. Therefore, try to minimize the use of this device - hair from this will only become healthier.

General protection rules
  1. When buying an appliance, be sure to pay attention to the mark of its compliance with the requirements of the "International Sanitary Norms of Acceptable Levels of Physical Factors in the Use of Consumer Goods in Domestic Conditions".
  2. Automatic control equipment is less harmful - try to get just that.
  3. Pay attention to the power of the household appliance: the lower the power, the lower the level of its field, which means that a less powerful appliance is safer.
  4. Choosing a “warm floor” system, especially if you plan to install it in a children's room, be sure to look for one that provides a lower level of magnetic field.
  5. Try not to include several sources of magnetic field at the same time.
  6. When planning an apartment, take into account an important aspect: household appliances should be placed at a distance of not less than 1.5 m from the place of your permanent stay.
  7. Try to keep the wires flat and not tangled in rings and loops.
  8. Do not purchase electric lamps with shades facing down - it is safer when the light is pointing up.

A mobile phone is far from the first in terms of radiation!

We are constantly scared by harmful emissions from household appliances. It turns out that you can independently check the level of electromagnetic radiation. The test is certainly not laboratory, but the presence and estimated strength of the radiation will show.

Turn on the radio (transistor). Switch to long or medium waves so that no stations are heard, only the noise of the receiver turned on.

Turn on the appliances that you most often use - a computer, TV, microwave, toaster, iron, electric kettle, this is not an error iron and electric kettle. You do not need to turn on the refrigerator; it is always turned on, but it works periodically.

Go to the turned on device with a radio. You will hear crackling, squeaking and various noises. The stronger the noise, the stronger the electromagnetic field, and therefore the tested device is more harmful.

Walk along the walls with the radio on, electromagnetic waves from the equipment working behind the wall penetrate through them, in other rooms. It is advisable to rearrange the beds or chairs if they are in the area of \u200b\u200bstrong electromagnetic waves.

For many years, scientists have been trying to determine how electromagnetic radiation affects a person? For example, Italian scientists have come to the conclusion that electromagnetic fields can be the cause of infertility. Americans believe that radiation from household appliances negatively affects the brain.

And Swedish experts have set a safe limit for the intensity of the electromagnetic field, it is 0.2 μT (microtesla). But all the scientists of the world have long recognized that electromagnetic radiation negatively affects the central nervous, cardiovascular, hormonal and reproductive systems.

Fatigue, headaches, insomnia and general discomfort - all this can be the result of our “communication” with home appliances. Even weak electromagnetic radiation, whose power is measured in hundredths and thousandths of a watt, is no less dangerous than radiation of higher power. For example, the impact of radiation from household appliances can be even stronger than a long stay near power lines. It turns out that you and I live long and hard on a powder keg, daily disrupting the bioenergetic balance of the body.

  • Refrigerators NO FROST

You can even sleep on the Dnipro refrigerator. But it is better not to approach the compressor of a modern refrigerator closer than 10 cm. At this distance, the field intensity exceeds the maximum permissible level. But it is better not to come close to refrigerators equipped with the NO FROST system with a non-freezing freezer. He opened the door, quickly grabbed sour cream from a shelf and ran away. Indeed, the excess of the maximum permissible norms near such a miracle of technology is fixed at a distance of a whole meter from the door.

  • Electric stoves

Cooking dinner is better at a distance of more than 25 cm from the front panel. The intensity of the magnetic field in this place is 1-3 µT (directly at the burners even more). But moving away to a distance of 50 cm, where the EMF intensity is already indistinguishable from the total field of the kitchen and is about 0.1-0.15 μT, you can safely cook! Although on an outstretched arm - it’s safe!

Electric kettles

Even these tiny but irreplaceable devices, at a distance of 20 cm, become dangerous. The radiation intensity in this radius is about 0.6 μT.

  • Irons

In most irons, a magnetic field exceeding 0.2 μT is detected at a distance of 25 cm from the handle, and only in heating mode. Here you can’t help yourself. We have to endure the flour of electromagnetic radiation - how can you iron it at a distance of 25 centimeters from the handle?

  • Washing machines

The field of washing machines is much more intense. At the control panel, it is more than 10 μT! Therefore, the operation of an automatic washing machine should not be observed close.

  • Vacuum cleaners

The vacuum cleaner has an even larger field - about 100 μT. But the vacuum cleaner, fortunately, is not an iron - the hose saves the situation.

  • microwaves

They deserve special attention. There are opinions that microwave ovens occupy the first place in the ranking of hazardous household appliances and can pose a real threat to our health. At a distance of 30 cm they create a magnetic field of 0.3-8 μT. True, their design, indeed, provides appropriate shielding.

Of course, according to manufacturers, modern furnaces are equipped with good protection, which prevents the electromagnetic field from breaking out of the working volume. But at the same time no one gives guarantees that the field does not penetrate at all. For various reasons, part of the electromagnetic field intended, say, for chicken, still seeps out. Especially intense in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower right corner of the door. And over time, micro-cracks appear on the stove in the door seal, and the degree of protection is gradually reduced. This occurs both due to the ingress of dirt, and due to mechanical damage. Therefore, do not slam the door, as in a minibus. Handle it carefully and carefully.

  • Computers

This is also a special article. Their electromagnetic radiation propagates along all fronts. Employees of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety conducted an independent study of a number of personal computers, the most common in our market. They found that the level of EMF in the user’s area exceeds the biohazard level. Therefore, staring at the monitor all day is best at least at a distance of at least 70 cm (1.5-2 m from a nearby monitor, for example, in the office).

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