Lite version of the search engine

As you probably already know, the general methodology for using search engines is quite simple: I went to the site search engine, entered the search word (phrase), clicked on “Enter” (or the “Find” button) - get the result - a list of links to Internet pages containing the word or phrase you specified.

The difficulty lies in the details, which are actually important: how to avoid the "heap of garbage" in the search results; how to make the search engine find the exact mention of the word (phrase) you need, and not all references in a row on all Internet sites; why in the list of found resources the most necessary and interesting sites are far from the first place. And also why the search engine did not find anything useful at all, although you know for sure that this information   There is on the Internet, and a few dozen more “why?” and “how?”.

Earlier it was said that the best and most used Russian search sites are Google (Google), Yandex (Yandex), [email protected], Rambler (Rambler). The best foreign search engines are and It should be borne in mind that all these search engines have their own individual characteristics.

Search relevance

When a user visits a search engine page, he fills out a search form by entering keywords   for searching. For example, if you want to find documents on billiard clubs in St. Petersburg, then you enter the words: “billiards” “St. Petersburg”. In accordance with the request, the search engine displays a list of documents.

In this regard, a list of documents found is displayed according to their relevance. The first item on the list is the document, which, according to the search engine, most matches the user's request. search engine

The main advantage of Yandex is the ability to find pages on the Internet for a given search word, regardless of the form (case, declension, etc.) in which they are used on sites. In addition, if you type a word with an error, Yandex will try to correct you yourself and find sites already by the corrected word.

Yandex search results

The figure shows a typical Yandex search result with an indication of the elements.

Google Search

Standard Search Technique with using google (read in Russian as Google) is no different from search by other search engines. However, due to the lack of all kinds of additional buttons, information, services, etc. on the main search page, its use may seem more convenient. Especially she fell in love with those who have a slow Internet connection. By going to the Google web page, you don’t have to wait until all kinds of banners, pictures, indicators (like most other search engines - the same Yandex and Rambler) are loaded on it - Google simply doesn’t. Search page   will boot almost instantly.

At the same time, poor design does not in any way indicate the modest possibilities of the search engine. google systems. On the contrary, it is the most powerful and developing search engine in the world!

If you need to conduct an international search (search on sites different countries   and languages), then you better use it. At the same time, Yandex can be recommended for searching Russian-language resources; it was specially developed and adapted for this task.

Rambler information retrieval system

The search method using the Rambler search engine is the same as the Yandex method described above, because recently, the owners of Rambler abandoned own search engine   and began to use search technology   Yandex.

Go to the website, enter in the search field the right word   or phrase and press “Enter” (or click on the button “Find!”).

If search engines do not see the site

If you cannot find the pages of your site in Google or Yandex, then you have serious problems.

There are several reasons why the site is not indexed by search engines:

1. Search engines have not found it. This problem can be fixed quite easily.
  2. Search robots find the site, but cannot index it. This is a serious enough problem, although at times getting rid of it is quick enough.

Invisible site

A search robot finds such a site, for example, by clicking on it via a link. But, going to it, can not read the page, or part of the pages.

For what reason can this happen? In subsequent posts I will discuss this issue in more detail, but for now I will focus on two possible options.

- The webmaster uses navigation on the site that search engines are not able to understand.
  - The site creates dynamic pages that search engines do not want to read.

Site navigation

The site may contain excellent readable pages, but search engines cannot understand site navigation. What I mean. Search robot logging on home page   reads it well and even includes it in the index, but cannot go further. If when searching for a site in Yandex or Google, you found only the main page, then apparently this is your option.

The question naturally arises, for what reason a search robot cannot make its way across the site. Maybe that navigation system   created by technology Javascript, and most search engines ignore this technology, because they are not able to find the link in the script.

I will give an example:

I met sites on which the navigation bar on each page was made in exactly this way: the page called the JavaScript script contained in the menu.js subdirectory menu. Search engines usually do not want (or simply do not know how, if this wording is suitable) to read the menu.js file.

In order to help search bots quickly find all pages on the site, I recommend using these methods, regardless of whether the navigation structure is hidden or not:

Try to place text links on the site. Have you ever noticed that many sites besides the main navigation structure have another one created by simple text links, usually at the bottom of the page? Do the same.

Create a page withHTML-map of your site. This page should contain links to the pages of the site, preferably all. Better if you post a link to this page ( page withHTML map) below, in the same place as other textual navigation links.

Dynamic pages

The problem may be that website is dynamic. This is when the pages of the site are created "on the go", after a request by their browser. Data is extracted from the database (Database), inserted into the page template and sent to the user's browser. It happens that search engines are not able to read such pages   (but at present this is not such a significant problem as it was a few years ago).


Check the URLs of your pages (just see how they look in the address bar of your browser). Lets say your url looks like this:

http: //

it nice and clear url. The path consists of a domain name, two directory names, and a file name.

Now an example:

http: // prg \u003d 1

Look, the name of this file ends with the characters? Prg \u003d 1. This parameter is sent to the server so that it “knows” exactly what information is needed for this page. If your site has similar urls   with one parameter, then there’s nothing wrong with that, Google and Yandex read without problems and index such pages, but less well-known search engines are likely to fail.

And another example:

http: // & DID \u003d 36 & CATID \u003d 19 & ObjectGroup_id \u003d 99

This url can create serious problem for indexing. The URL has a lot of obscure and strange characters after the file name:

DID \u003d 36 & CATID \u003d 19 & ObjectGroup_id \u003d 99

There are 3 parameters - DID \u003d 36, CATID \u003d 19 and ObjectGroup_id \u003d 99- This is unreasonably much. Not all search engines will be able to index such a page.

There are also problems caused by session identifiers — URLs that change with each new page load.

Take a look at this example:

http: //; jsessionid \u003d 05E7FFD8S4H3V5F6K9FC9PAR3F7T787Q64

At each new visit to this site, a special ID (Identification Number) is assigned to the visitor by the server. That is, the URL of this site is always different and never repeated. Google and Yandex will not index such pages.

Try to make your URL “clean” and understandable for search engines, without using extra parameters.

I hope that my article has been useful to you.

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