It does not open in the browser. VKontakte does not open through the opera, chrome and in the maze

More and more people began to appear on the Internet, and at the moment you will not find someone who does not know about social networks. This article will discuss why Contact does not work, and what to do in such a situation. If you cannot get to your page or you are offered to send some kind of SMS, then, most likely, an evil Trojan sits on your computer that blocks all your actions. But it is still necessary to find out, because There are other reasons. By the way, be very careful with all sorts of viruses, because you can lose all your passwords and money.

What if not

  • First you need to find out the reason.
  • Try to solve the problem by all known methods, and start with the most effective.
  • If you were able to restore access, make a conclusion in order not to stumble upon this problem in the future.

Why is Contact not working?

Consider the main problems encountered by users on the Internet. Most often, access to the social who hid on your PC. His main goal is to steal all passwords and data. To remove a trojan, it is enough to install a proven anti-virus on the system, for example, Kaspersky or Nod 32. It is advisable to purchase a licensed version that has the latest virus databases. But if your task is to remove one Trojan, then you can download the free version. In addition, there are many tools to help you find a malicious file, you can download them on the Internet.

If you have not found any virus, then the problem may lie in another area. On each computer there is such a file - HOSTS, which allows you to make copies of pages. It is located in the following category: C: \\ WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\.

Open it and delete all information except comments that come after the "#" symbol and the given line - " localhost". This method can help you if you have such a problem: you are trying to enter a page or Odnoklassniki, but you are asked to enter a phone number in order to send a special code in the future. You should not follow these instructions, otherwise you will remove a tidy sum. Still do not know why Contact does not work? No problem. It may be that the site was simply closed for renovation, although such actions are usually reported in advance.

If you have tried all the tips, but Contact does not work, then you should download the special add-on Dr.Web.Cureit. Many people who wondered why Contact did not work experienced this application on themselves, after which they left good reviews.

And perhaps the very last step to take is to reinstall the system. Most likely, the problem lies on your computer, and something does not allow you to the page. That is why it is necessary to demolish everything to the ground. Maybe it is that you just hacked, there is hardly anything you can do. You can contact those. support on the site, but it does not guarantee you the restoration of access.

Follow all the rules to prevent data loss: install antivirus in a timely manner and check your PC for Trojans, keep track of which sites you visit, do not tell anyone your login and password, take additional security measures.

Malicious software, otherwise known as viruses, is a serious threat to any computer. And it's not just a noticeable deterioration in the speed of the machine. Viruses can damage the vital registry files that are responsible for the work of the entire system. After such an intervention, the computer will generally stop working normally, and in especially serious cases of system infection, it will not be able to load it correctly.

Another problem concerns the Internet and individual sites to which some block access. This is one of the many reasons why Contact, Odnoklassniki, or another popular resource is not loading. What to do if one morning you decided to check your page, and in response you saw only an error message or an endless download in the browser?

  because of the virus changing hosts

Quite often, the principle of a malicious program lies in changing a specific file. In this case, hosts. Roughly speaking, it contains information about all the resources visited and how the computer loads them. A clear sign that a virus has damaged this file is an error like "404 Page not found."

You may also be required to send an SMS to any number (ostensibly to confirm the questionnaire, data, identity, unlock the page, etc.). Of course, you should not go on about the scammers and do it. To regain access to your favorite resource, you will have to perform a few simple actions that return to their original state.

  Editing hosts

You can find the file on the local disk where your operating system is installed. You need to go to the Windows folder, then the path looks like this: system32 \\ drivers \\ etc. Open the desired file (the one that without the extension, if there are two) through a notepad or any other text editor to view the contents. In addition to the basic information, there should not be extra lines, for example, "".

If you are in doubt and can not independently determine where the necessary information is, and where is the result of the actions of the virus, then you can go the other way. Just delete everything, leaving only the line " localhost" (without quotes), and save the file.

In some cases, the virus constantly returns hosts in the desired state. This means that you need to include in the properties of the folder etc (where the file you are looking for) display of hidden folders. If after this another nearby, invisible duplicate of hosts is found, you must delete it.

Why does not load the "Contact": other viruses

To check the computer for the presence of a Trojan program, you must view a list of running processes. You can do this by calling the task manager. Different operating systems have their own combinations of buttons to launch it. In Windows, it will be Ctrl, Alt and Delete, pressed at the same time. So, carefully review the entire list of working processes. If there are "svc.exe", "vkontakte.exe" or "svchost.exe", then we are definitely dealing with a virus program, and the computer does not download "Contact" because of it.

Processes must be closed, but for the final disposal of the virus is not enough. Now you have to find the virus on your computer and delete it manually. The easiest way is to type in its name in the search engine by selecting the option “Search in system folders and hidden files”. Next, remove the virus found, and then reboot the system.

Other solutions

If you are tired of looking for why the "Contact" does not load (as an option, you could not identify the reason), use a couple of simple tips. Sometimes they help, sometimes not, but no one bothers to try. First, do not forget after each attempt to restore access to the resource. This will help save time and find out if one way or another has worked.

You also need to clean the registry routes. To do this, use the command line start menu. Enter the command "cmd" in it, and in the opened window - "ipconfig / flushdns" (only without quotes).

Sometimes it helps to restore the system to an earlier state. This is a built-in function of the operating system. To get access to it, just go to the main menu and select the items "Standard programs", then "System Tools". There is the function we need. Following simple prompts, we roll back the system to the nearest recovery point.

Also do not forget about antivirus. If one does not help, you can always install another one and scan the computer again. The main thing - do not panic. It is possible that while you were looking for why the "Contact" does not load, the site just carried out technical work.

Many users, even those who have antiviruses (protection programs in these cases, as a rule, rarely help) had a problem with entering the social network Vkontakte. This problem usually occurs after installing infected programs or after visiting malicious sites that infect your computer instantly, and this problem manifests itself after a system restart.
Recommendation: Do not download programs for downloading music or utilities for promotion of Vkontakte groups. Usually your computer is infected from there.

In most cases, only the system hosts file is infected (changes in this document occur). So, if your browser (opera, Mazil, Chrome) does not open Vkontakte or instead of a social network, any other site opens, and there they demand to transfer money / send SMS, do the following:

1. Find a text file hostson your computer using Windows search, or manually get to:
For Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / 7/8:  WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ hosts
In Unix platforms, by the way, there is no accessibility problem.
Next, you need to open this file, after which you will be asked to select a program to open the file, select Notepad (Notepad, AkelPad - if not, download any of them).
2. Fix the hosts file:
The correct hosts file on Windows 7 (about others as well) should look like this:

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP / IP for Windows.
# This file contains the IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on line The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address must be at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a "#" symbol.
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# :: 1 localhost

If you have a full Russian version of Windows, then the hosts will be translated into Russian. When found in the document sites like:

Be sure to delete them, then save the file. If you are in doubt whether everything is deleted, you can completely delete all the entries in this document and save.
Note:  Can't edit file? Access is denied? Then restart your computer in safe mode and from there edit the file. Now you can go to your favorite site.

Other ways to restore health VKontakte.
After each method, it is recommended to restart the computer and check if the site opens:
1) Use the free utility Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool!
2) System Restore.
Start -\u003e All Programs -\u003e Standard -\u003e System Tools -\u003e System Restore
Roll back to the day when everything worked.
3) Reinstall the operating system. 100% working option.

Alternative site:
You can also get into the social network VKontakte via this address:
this is the official website of VK, so do not worry and feel free to enter your data, as passwords will not fall into the wrong hands. This site was created to solve such problems.

Hello, dear visitors of our site. Want to know why VKontakte doesn't work? Today, in this article we will try to consider the problem of why contact does not work. Today, every day comes a lot of viruses. Therefore, usually if the contact does not work, then this means that a virus has got on your computer.

This is the first likely reason why VKontakte does not work. Surely there are other reasons why this social network may not work, but the main one is a virus. In other cases, the social network usually works without interruptions and problems with access to it. Let's find out what to do when the contact does not work.

However, we still start with a virus check. To do this, we recommend using any free antivirus, a link to which can be found on our page. There you can find links to popular antiviruses, which may even help to solve the problem of Contact.

The reason why the contact does not work can be one system file, which we will now search and check for unnecessary records. This file is called HOSTS. We already wrote about him. By the way, using the link provided, this file can be downloaded for your operating system and replaced. How to do it? It's simple, just go to the system directory:

Windows \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc

The folder with the Windows operating system is usually located on drive C. As you can see in the next picture, the hosts file is present along the path we have listed.

To open it, you need to use a notepad, which you need to run as an administrator, as shown in the following screenshot.

After you start Notepad as administrator, you need to find the hosts file and select it by opening it in Notepad.

An infected file might look like this:

As you can see, lines have been added to the file that need to be deleted. Or even like this:

As can be seen from the previous picture, the hosts file can be infected "secretly," that is, the lines required for deletion can be registered at the bottom of the file. It needs to be checked. And easier, download the desired file from the article, the link to which we have already given above.

That's all. If our instruction did not help and after replacing the file and checking for viruses, the contact is still not working, write about it in the comments, we will try to help.

Despite the fact that the health of the Vkontakte site is provided by a large number of computers, and is monitored by experienced specialists, failures still occur.

On users this is reflected in the inability to go to your page. When you try to open a contact, you get an error message.

How to fix it, and what to do in this case, I will show you now.

The most common - the browser can not open the requested page.

You will see such a picture in the event that the VKontakte site is currently not working.

Error variations may vary:

  • Request timed out
  • Site is not responding
  • The browser failed to display the webpage.

It all comes down to the fact that we can not go to the VC website.

Why is the VK site not working now?

  Two main reasons can be singled out - the problem is on the side of the VC itself, or else it is a matter of your computer or internet connection.

It's time to determine which of the problems is observed in this case. And this is done very simply. It is enough to open any other site in the browser. If you succeed, then your computer and the Internet work fine. And the problem is on the side of contact.

What then should be done? Be patient and wait. In my memory, the most serious problems were resolved in a few hours. More often within an hour. Today, the VKontakte site did not work for 10 minutes. Then everything was fixed, and access was restored.

More difficult if the problem with your computer. Here you have to tense up a bit.

We fix the problem with access to the site vkontakte

First of all, you need to do two things - reset the browser cache and reconnect the Internet.

Reset browser cache

Let's do it on the example of Mozilla Firefox. In the upper right corner, press the menu button.

All is ready.

Reconnect the Internet

It's easier here - just turn off and turn on your router. Or break and reconnect the connection.

Now we check - the VKontakte site should earn.

If it does not help, then, most likely, your computer is infected with a virus (see). Here you need to do the following.

Download AVZ and Cureit anti-virus utilities, and perform a full scan. Found threats will need to be removed or neutralized. And be sure to check the system file hosts - there should be no extraneous entries.

Video Tutorial: why the VKontakte site does not work


Thus, there are only 2 main reasons for the inoperability of the VKontakte site. Problems on their side - they are solved very quickly. Just be patient. And do not look in the panic for the answer to the question “Why does not work today”.

Most often, you just need to troubleshoot your computer. With this guide, you know how to fix them. That's all!

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