How to reduce the consumption of Internet traffic. Where does the traffic flow? How to find the "leak" by the simplest means. Monitoring programs that consume traffic

Hello friends, today in a telephone mode helped to solve one problem to his friend, you can tell a regular customer. He called and said that the Internet is very slow, and he has CDMA from Intertelecom and a tariff, which gives 1000 MB per day. But that's not the point, he told me that the Internet is very slow, almost nothing comes off. Well, I immediately thought that this provider has some problems, anything can happen.

Problems with transferring large files

Virtually all companies transfer large files. These files consume a correspondingly large amount of traffic. But the bottlenecks hiding in any network, make it even slower transfers. A single-component network is overloaded, can quickly lead to a significant loss of bandwidth.

Get a full overview of bandwidth usage

The tool reads data traffic to complete the router provides detailed statistics about what services and programs are using their bandwidth, and where they can be potential bottlenecks. This ensures that you can react proactively to all bandwidth problems and fix them before they become serious.

But when I set up the computer for the last time, I installed it, so that he would not spend too much, and he told me that the quota has already been spent 21 percent, and it grows, although all browsers are closed and nothing rocks. Then it all became clear, well, almost everything, some program uses the Internet, and uses it seriously.

It remains only to find this program, and block it, or delete it. And then this is completely outrageous, browsers are closed, and the Internet is used. According to the client, there were no unnecessary programs on the notification panel, and automatic, checked.

"We all can work with peace of mind, knowing that our systems are constantly monitored."

Using monitor bandwidth is the key to better network management. You will enjoy a quick and complete overview at any time using our dashboards and applications. But how does the bandwidth test do? Task 1: In order to test the maximum return on the bandwidth of the channel, you will need to use your line at maximum power. This means that there will be more resources for other data during the test. In other words, you are a crippled network.

Honestly, I did not even know how to know which program, or the process secretly uses the Internet, I have not met with this before. But here I caught my eye antivirus ESET  NOD32 Smart Security. And I thought that he also has a network screen, in which most likely you can see what program, or the process loads the Internet connection. Especially since the client also installed ESET NOD32 Smart Security.

Task 2: for a 100% measurement, essentially two computers are needed that will be directly located at the ends of the line, whose throughput is for testing. Otherwise, you simultaneously check all the network devices that appear in the "test track."

For these reasons, you can not directly measure throughput throughout the test, but you can check the line speed when generating short peak loads, for example by downloading a small file every few minutes to measure the load time.

Making sure that the antivirus can see which program uses Internet traffic, I advised to do so (if you have the same problem, do it together :)):

Open ESET NOD32 Smart Security and go to the tab   "Utilities", then choose "Network connections".

Tip: Are you recently on the issue of monitoring and need support?

If the line is used by others during the test, you will see the jitter in the graph and tests will not be performed with the total amount of available bandwidth. If there is no other traffic on the line, the graph should look like a very straight line. More detailed information about individual processes and their usage possibilities for increasing the efficiency of using bandwidth in the network.

Throughput of monitoring

Register here to get a free consultation by email and can learn how to best use your resources. Tip: "Hey, Matthias, what would you say to the administrator who want to control their bandwidth?". Instead of trying to measure the throughput by simulated additional loads, you should look around the action in any case to do this, and then monitor them. For example, if reserve copy, often a lot of pressure on the bandwidth and can easily recognize the absence or bottlenecks. Finding the reasons why slow applications or other problems, without a monitoring tool, is a long and expensive process.

A list of programs and processes that use the Internet connection on your computer appears. Opposite the name process / program  the current outgoing and incoming speed will be displayed and how much everything has been sent and received from the Internet by a particular program / process. Close all browsers, and look carefully at this table, a program that uses the Internet on the sly you will see right away, because only it most likely will have all the indicators from 0 B / s.

You only get about twenty sensors to monitor the bandwidth of the channel, and these sensors can be created automatically. This will allow you to plan ahead to provide higher bandwidth at certain points in time, for example, when your site is in high demand, or when users make heavy use of the application, or when they are going to upgrade.

Quickly diagnose the capacity

Is your bandwidth slowly reaching its limit? This will allow you to plan the acquisition of new resources at the right time. By detecting and eliminating the bandwidth of the concealers, you will increase the efficiency of your network. This will also benefit long-term savings.

The client noticed this harmful program immediately. It turned out that this is some kind of torrent client program ZONA. So she lay quietly in the autoload, was launched along with the computer, and as soon as the Internet appeared, she continued to download some movies. Mercilessly and quietly, spending an already small limit of 1000 MB. And then 10 kopecks for 1 MB, which is not very cheap, and such programs can devour all the money from the account.

As a result, you will play an important role in improving the effectiveness of employees as increasing customer satisfaction. The story always repeats: you will not reach the end of the month with the mobile data transfer rate offered by most operators. And this before, having one or two gigabytes on the Internet, gave many opportunities to see mail or search information on the Internet.

The problem is not only that we use a lot of Internet on mobile phone. The most popular applications and websites in recent years are increasing their weight, mainly due to the greater presence of video and images in high definition.

I advised you to immediately remove the program, if you do not know how to do it, then read the article. After the deletion, this program, the Internet worked well, and was no longer used incomprehensibly than.

By the way, you can simply prohibit using the Internet for a particular program, or process. Just click on the right program  right-click, and select "Temporarily disable network connection for the process". In order to allow the use of the Internet, just uncheck the same way.

Disable automatic download

In addition, this is not all text messages. But there are ways to limit unnecessary expenses or make you spend less without giving up. You do not need to download this photo right now, when you do not want to see it. The application configuration is the screen that you should use in the first case to give a grace period to your megabytes.

From the application settings, you can stop the automatic download of photos and videos. There is also a "Lower Data Use" option when using application calls that are performed using the data rate. Every day they are more persecuted by photos and videos.

Such things are friends. It's also good that it was a program that just downloaded movies, but it could be a trojan that would send information from your computer to intruders. I hope that my advice from personal experience is useful to you. Good luck friends!

This application compresses traffic and improves speed

If we can not get out of the phone for a moment, the solution is to make the data we consume less. This is called compression and consists of all our navigation through a remote server, which transparently compacts it. You will almost imperceptibly sacrifice some quality of photos or video, but notice that you consume less and everything goes faster. It does not cost anything to see if the usage experience is not changing too much, and if it is able to reduce this megapixel, which leaves you up to two days from the beginning of the new billing period.

An actual problem for the owners of tariffs with a limit on the speed or volume of information (as well as USB Modems) or "low-speed Internet". It seems that the Internet is there, and there is not enough speed even to open the pages on the Internet. If you are accustomed to this and have reconciled, then you can continue to not pay attention. But still I think everyone will be interested in what programs or applications use Internet traffic.
By the way, sometimes you can find out and see some unfamiliar process or application that you do not know, and it can be a virus or a spy program that send your data (or monitor your actions) and send it to someone through the Internet.

Set Borders

This panel, available from the settings, is very practical for measuring the consumption that we produce during the days of the month, and set a warning that we lower the piston before we stay without a megade. It is becoming increasingly common to use the Internet over the phone, and plans of these operators do not always cover all customer needs. If you stay in the middle of the month without data on your mobile phone, you are faced with a dilemma: suffer without using data on your smartphone or buy an additional bonus.

Find out what eats your Internet traffic in several ways.

1)   Through the standard. But here there is one big bug: only in Windows 8 it shows on the tab Processes  in a collumn Net.

In other editions (versions) of "Windows" this is not. More precisely, there is, but there is not what you need.

2)   Through and various network screens that provide.
But here too there is a snag - not everyone gives such an opportunity, but there are also paid options. Although I use and I'm happy with it. It shows, by the way, that it uses the Internet, too. As with all firewalls in principle.

But these bonds are not cheap at all. In fact, consumer associations reported that they asked the government to take measures to ensure the availability of flat data rates on the mobile phone or, at least, at lower prices.

But as long as this is not possible, if possible, there are several things that can be done to maintain the data plan long enough to not end because of the connection or not to come to the wallet. On the site, we developed this guide to collect a few tips and tricks to extend the life of the data plan.

3)   Through third-party special programs.
I consider this option to be the most good and effective, because it is suitable for all versions of the OS and does not need to be paid, because all the programs are free.

The first program, which deserved universal recognition, is the TCPView  of.

From the positive, it can be noted that it does not require installation (portable) and takes up little space (284 kb). Of the negative in it, only that it does not have a Russian-language interface. But it will not be difficult to understand it.

Beware of updates

Application updates implement new features and fix bugs. Setting them is important, but it generates important data traffic. Other applications and widgets are constantly receiving information that is not always necessary. For example, weather widgets are updated every few minutes to show the temperature and rainfall is always on the screen, although this is sometimes necessary.

Notifications about different applications are one of the most problematic functions of smartphones. And the fact is that although it seems that the phone "receives" data, messages or signals, in fact it is he who constantly "calls" the server to see if there are new functions.

After starting the file, the main window is the following:

It immediately displays all the programs that use the Internet, with features such as the port used, and others.
In addition, you can save this list in the text file, as well as customize the display.
When you click on the process's PCM, you can learn the process properties (Process Properties), terminate it (End Process), close the connection (Close Connection), copy (Copy) and find out what the system thinks about it (Whois ...) (I did not earn )

Disabling notifications is one way to prevent this persistent data leakage. But it can be very difficult for you to not know anything about your social networks for hours or even that this measure is counterproductive, if in turn turn off notifications that you will check manually every 3 minutes. Therefore, you can also schedule updates for notifications. Thus, each, for example, 15 minutes, receives notifications of various applications social networks, messaging, or e-mail  and thus limits the consumption of data.

The second program is NetWorx

It does everything the same as the previous program, namely it monitors and shows which programs are accessing the Internet. The most important and pleasant difference is that it is Russified and has many functions.

After installation and / or startup, the program is minimized in and when the PCM is clicked, the following menu appears on the icon:

Better if there is a mobile version

Web pages become more interactive and complete. but mobile versions  Web sites that are easier and easier often access voluntarily or by default. They are less visually attractive, and experience is somewhat more gray, but using them has several advantages. Not only do they consume less data packets, but they also load faster and avoid the difficulties of using the mobile phone because they have too short texts or links.

On many sites that we request, there is an application designed for mobile devices. These applications are not only adapted to the screen size of the phone, but also optimized for downloading data. A typical example is a newspaper: when you log into a regular network of communications, you can automatically download ads, animations or videos that trigger consumption. Checking the press through multimedia applications also prevents this.

In fact, the main thing that we need is to find out what programs the Internet is eating. This is in the menu Instruments - Connections

In it, you can also find out which applications are using and you can end the process by clicking the right mouse button on it.

The disadvantage, I think, is that you can not recognize the properties of the file, and therefore you can only guess what the file is and where it is.
Probably, therefore, it includes many functions, such as:
- General statistics, in which you can find out how many received / sent per day / week / month or from other users (if there are several accounts).
- Schedule of current speed.
- Measure the speed of the Internet connection.
- Set a limit (quota) for using Internet traffic. You determine how much you can spend per hour / day / week / month, and then the program will notify you about the limit.
- You can trace or ping the route. In simple words - write the ip address or url of the site, and the program determines how long it takes to send / receive the response and the request. In general, this is for more advanced users.

Broadband on mobile devices already allows the streaming video and music services to work on the phone with sufficient speed for the convenience of the user. Unfortunately, the operators' plans do not always correspond to the connection speed. These services consume a huge amount of data, or at least large enough to pay off the fee for several hours. You have to be very careful and make sure that you have enough reserve before you can watch a TV show or movie on your mobile phone through one of these applications.

Well, that's it. With the main task, namely how to find out what programs and applications consume the Internet connection, you figured out and know what to do.

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