The look of Yandex mail has changed. Everything interesting and useful for a novice computer user

Yandex browser is one of the most popular and nimble browsers today, it is practically not inferior to Google Chrome. Accordingly, due to the great popularity, developers are actively engaged in covering holes and introducing new technologies, including changing the design of the browser.

For many users, the updated mode is not suitable, and for various reasons - from unpreparedness for changes to increased system glitches. In the updated mode, in addition to the redesign, live wallpapers appeared, which, in turn, load the system more. Plus, due to the fact that the design is new, various glitches may occur. Nevertheless, the main reason why users want to return the old Yandex is the lack of official support for Windows XP, because the system has not yet completely receded into the past.

There are two main ways to return the old design:

  1. Use the standard design return function provided by the developers;
  2. Take advantage of the distribution of older versions.

For users who want to simply return Yandex to the old look, but the browser itself works without glitches, the first method is suitable. Users experiencing difficulties using the new version of the browser will be able to use the second method.

How to return the old Yandex interface?

The replacement of the interface is provided by the developers, most likely only at first, so that there is no panic around the design change, because people are so arranged that they perceive the changes poorly. Since there is such a function, using it will not be difficult, you need to:

  • Open the Yandex browser;

  • Go to the browser settings by clicking on the icon of three horizontal stripes located in the upper right corner and selecting the appropriate option;
  • Next you will see the column “Customizing the appearance”;
  • Here you should click on the big button “Turn off the new interface”.

Thanks to these simple actions, you can return the familiar and beloved appearance of the browser without using any crutches and additional programs.

How to return the old version of Yandex?

This section is intended to restore not only the previous browser interface, but also install an older version with it.

The need for this action arises mainly among users of Windows XP, who may have difficulty using the updated browser.

Nevertheless, other operating systems may be subject to lags or glitches, which were not in the previous version.

There are at least 3 options to achieve this goal: get a portable browser distribution with the version you need, ask tech support to provide previous versions of the browser, or roll back the system.

Using a restore point

It is best to return the old Yandex browser using the system rollback, though the method implies that before that you had a fully working and successful version of the browser installed and you created a restore point at that time.

The method is quite simple and even, most likely, you do not have to roll back the entire system to a saved point. You should simply:

  • Right-click on the Yandex browser shortcut and select the “Properties” option;
  • Next, click on the "File Location" button;
  • Exit the folder by going to the root section of the directory;
  • Now click on the folder in which the browser files are located with the right button and select "Restore the previous version";

  • Next, select the point you need and follow the instructions.

If this method did not help you, you will have to clear the user data (cookies, cache, etc.) of the browser and try again or return the entire system to the restore point.

Installing the old distribution

Officially, Yandex does not provide access to outdated versions of the program, but there are still ways to get the program.

A normal online installation file will not suit you in any case, since the current version will be downloaded from the site. Only the portable stable version will help you here.

There are two ways to find a suitable file: simply search the Internet or ask for technical support. If you choose the option with an independent search, you may encounter a situation where the distribution is infected with a virus or there are extensions showing ads. In this case, it is better to search on trusted file hosting services, reducing the risk of system infection.

There is also the opportunity to beg the distribution kit from browser technical support, explaining the situation with the lags in your system with the new version. Supporters usually respond to such requests and provide a download link.

Most likely, before installation, you will have to delete information about the operation of the new browser so that there are no errors during installation and use. Often, if this is not done, then the browser does not allow you to log into your account in the browser and get information from the cloud (passwords, user settings, extensions).

Also, probably, immediately after installing the version you need, it will simply be updated to the current one and you will have to start the installation again. In this case, you should find a file called updater.exe in the folder with the browser (sometimes in the folder with user information) and simply delete it. You may need to first complete the process from the “Task Manager” to remove it; it will have the same name.

Thanks to the methods described in the article, you can both simply return the familiar and convenient appearance of the browser, and restore its functionality after the update.

If you still have questions about the topic “How to return the old design of the Yandex browser?”, You can ask them in the comments

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Honestly, I don’t remember when it happened, but somehow I downloaded Yandex Browser, installed it and then bam - a new design. I did not even immediately doper that this is a new design, I thought maybe a different browser altogether. I had some clouds that moved ... It was unusual, because there was no standard window and in general the design of the browser wasn’t that bad ... just some kind of strange, well, not like with other browsers

Wait a minute guys! I managed to do it, really! What am I talking about? Well, of course, about how to return the old Yandex Browser design, everything worked out, I found a way to do it and shared it with you! So go ahead, read about it!

Honestly, I didn’t think that it was possible to return the old design of Yandex Browser, because I’m already used to the fact that they often make inconvenient out of the normal, but it turned out that everything can be returned as before

The new design of Yandex Browser, it is like this:

I don’t know about you, but to me he’s something not very, well, too unusual and these clouds, what kind of freaks are these ..

In general, at the top, in the upper right corner there is a button, the icon of such sticks is horizontal, here we click it and in the menu that appears, select the Settings item:

By the way, you can also get into the settings if you simply go to this address:

browser: // settings

By the way! It turns out that in the settings you can also turn off Yandex Zen, I don’t know what it is at all, but I definitely don’t need it! To disable, you need to uncheck this checkbox:

Well, now about the design, we twist the settings further and there will be a button Show advanced settings below, click it:

We turn further, by the way, sorry that again is off topic, but if that is, then there is still the necessary option to enable blocking of shock advertising. So what? If this advertisement is also unpleasant to you, as well as to me, then put a tick here:

In short, I scrolled, scrolled and did not find the setting! But this cannot be, because I remember exactly what it was! Damn, I was already scared, I thought maybe they removed this option to disable the new design, but fortunately not! It’s just that it used to be a checkmark, so I was looking for it .. But this turns out to be a button and it is not in the advanced settings at all .. In general, it’s near the Zen disconnect checkbox of some kind, in general, this button is:

I pressed this button, then there was such a message, I clicked Turn off.

Instruction manual

Launch the browser in the usual way and enter in the address bar. Press the Enter key or the arrow button to the right of the address bar in order to go to the Yandex main page. If the address bar is not displayed, configure it: right-click on the toolbar and set the marker opposite the “Navigation Panel” item in the context menu.

Find at the top of the page the inscription link “Make Yandex your start page” and left-click on it. A small dialog box opens, follow the instructions contained in it: drag the Yandex icon onto the home icon on the toolbar. This is the fastest way to make Yandex your homepage again. You can also set the correct parameters for this in the settings.

Regardless of which browser you use, the principle of actions will be similar, only the names of buttons and commands may differ, but in meaning they coincide. The Mozilla Firefox browser is taken as an example. In the "Tools" menu, select "Settings". If you do not see the menu, right-click on the toolbar and set the marker opposite the menu bar item.

After a new dialog box opens, make sure that you are on the General tab. In the "Launch" group, enter the address of the Yandex home page in the "Home page" field. To confirm your actions, click OK, the window will automatically close.

If you install the Yandex Bar add-on, you can go to the Yandex main page at any time, even if it is not home. In the right corner of the toolbar, the company icon of the software provider appears, which you need to click on to go. You can download Yandex Bar from the official site. For each browser is provided. So, for Mozilla Firefox you need to open the page, for Internet Explorer - and so on.


  • how to switch to Yandex

With frequent use of the popular search engine "" you do not need to type its address in a line or search in bookmarks each time. By setting it instead of the start page, you can automatically get to it when you open the browser.

Instruction manual

The steps to save Yandex as a start page differ depending on the used browsers and their versions. In each of them it is installed in different ways.

In Opera, click on the top browser icon, open "Settings", then - "General Settings" and in the line "Home" write the address of the desired page. To save the settings, click OK.

In Internet Explorer, the transition to the settings is carried out by clicking on the gear icon. Select "Internet Options" and in the line "Home", specify the desired address.


  • how to change the homepage on Yandex

A home page is a web page that, by default, is the first to appear when your browser starts. If your keyboard is equipped with multimedia keys, there is probably a button that is responsible for instant launch, which is very convenient. Sometimes the settings go awry, but restoring them is always possible.

Instruction manual

Changing the home page or launch page could happen when you were, for example, in a search engine and accidentally clicked on the “Make Start Page” link. The first and easiest option is to return everything as it was - the presence of a similar link on your site. If you do not remember the exact address of the site, and it is not saved in bookmarks (or in the "Favorites"), you can find it by name using the same search engines: Yandex, Google, Rambler, etc. If the site does not have a link “Set as start page”, you have to go to your browser settings.

Internet Explorer Go to the settings by clicking on the gear icon. Click "Internet Options", and in the line "Home", enter the desired address. If you’re on the required page, click the “Current” option. Then click OK.

Opera Click on the browser icon at the top, select "Settings", then - "General Settings", in the "Basic" tab in the "Home" line, type the address of the desired page. To quickly bring up the “General Settings” menu, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F12. To save, click OK. If you are on your page, click “Current Page” and the browser will automatically enter its address.

Setting up in the Mozilla Firefox browser is also quite simple. On the top panel, select the “Tools” tab, then “Settings”, a window will open, open the “General” section in it. In the line "Home page" specify its address. You can also enter it manually, copy it from the clipboard, or select one of the options: “Use current page”, “Use bookmark”, “Restore to default”. To make a saved bookmark as the home page, use the middle button, indicating the location of the desired bookmark. Click on it, then add to the line of the main page of the browser.

Google Chrome You need to find the wrench icon. Click it and in the new window select the "Settings" option. The first window that opens after clicking is the main settings section. In the first parameter - “Start group” - put a mark in the line “Home page”. Just enter the page address in the blank field. You will see this page when the browser loads.


  • how to change Yandex homepage

The search engine is one of the most popular. In order not to type the site address in the address bar each time, it is convenient to make Yandex the start page.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - One of the Internet browsers: Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome.

In the last article, we touched on the topic of registering a mailbox on Today let's look at the topic: "Yandex mail settings". Many users are not even aware of some of the useful features that Yandex mail provides today. For example, Yandex mail can remove Spam without you, collect your mail from different mailboxes and perform many other useful actions.

After registering the mailbox on Yandex, the Yandex service automatically starts, the mailbox settings wizard. If for some reason you did not use these settings, then these settings can be easily found later in the mail settings. So, let's move on to setting up Yandex mail.

The main settings of Yandex mail:

  • The choice of design. The first setting in the list of settings is the choice of the theme for changing the appearance of the mailbox. There is a list of topics among which you can choose any one and change the look of the mail.

Even in this settings section, Yandex offers a new three-panel interface for mail.

By clicking on which, before your eyes at the same time there will be a list of letters, and a viewing window, and its contents. This appearance of mail is well known to those who used email programs. It is specially made for those users who are accustomed to working with such programs, and when such users are faced with the choice of mail, the familiar mail interface plays an important role.

And soon, most likely, this type of design will already be the default in Yandex mail.

  • Information about the sender. Here you can configure everything that you were asked to configure when you first start the mailbox. And in addition, here you can configure the subscription of the letter, which will be displayed at the end of each letter.
  • Mail collection. In this tab, you are prompted to configure the collection of mail from your other mailboxes that you add. For example, I have mail to or Gmail and so on, you want all incoming letters to come to Yandex mail, this is what this Yandex mail settings tab is used for.

After you enter the mail address and password, you can receive mail from your other mailboxes. In the figure you can see that I have configured the translation of letters from my other mailbox, which is located in Mail to Yandex mail.

  • Folders and tags. Here you can customize the folder structure, as well as customize the labels with which you will mark different groups.

  • Inbound processing rules. Here you can configure filters by which you can assign various conditions for the collection and processing of incoming emails. By clicking the create rules button, you can familiarize yourself with the rules and configure the filters themselves.

For example, if a letter from such a [email protected]  or with such a topic, then delete this letter, delete it or transfer it to a special folder and the like rules.

  • Security. Here you can change the password from Yandex mail, attach a phone number to restore the password in case of theft or loss. It is a pity that only to restore a lost password you need a phone number, and not in order to protect mail from hacking as it is arranged in Gmail mail.

These are the basic settings of Yandex mail, now let's move on to some features.

What can Yandex mail do?

Of course, we won’t talk about all the little things, for example, “What is a mailbox and why is it needed”. We will mention only some features of Yandex mail.

Firstly, with regard to the fight against spam, it can be confidently stated that the level of protection against spam is quite good. And you can add that the spam protection of Yandex lends itself to training in some way. For example, if you marked a message several times as spam, then in the next Yandex will no longer skip this message in your Inbox and so on.

Secondly, letters can be dragged to a specific folder or button (for example, "Delete"). Dto do this, move the cursor to the desired letter and hold the left mouse button and drag the letter. In which places you can drag, will be highlighted in a specific color. Agree, a pleasant trifle, right?

Third, pay attention to the small flags next to the names of the sender of the letter. These checkboxes will help you to mark as important, specific letters from the list of letters. After that, you can easily find all these marked letters by going to the "Important" folder.

Fourth, in Yandex mail you can notice some useful things, such as the fact that when you write a new letter, under the "Send" button, there are a number of useful properties. For example, plan the date the letter was sent, or notify if the letter was not answered within 5 days. Or use SMS notifications about letters, for example, you send a letter to a specific recipient and want him to pay attention to it in the near future. You can check the box “Send SMS notification to the recipient”, after you send the letter, you are prompted to enter his mobile number and send CMC for free.

Fifth, if you receive a letter in a foreign language, Yandex mail will offer you to translate the letter into Russian instantly. Which is very convenient than switching to a special service and translating a letter there. And if you need to write a letter and send it in a foreign language, then you just need to click on the "Translator" button.

After that, the workspace will be divided into two parts and you can easily write a letter, and the translation will be displayed in another part of the workspace. Today Yandex mail allows you to translate letters into 7 languages, and these are English, French, German, Polish, Spanish and Turkish.

Sixth, Yandex mail scans all incoming emails for malware.

In the seventh, Yandex mail introduced the ability to manage mail using the burning keys. You can configure the hot keys by going to the mail settings and launching the “Other parameters” item. There you can configure the sound notification of incoming emails.

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