How to view closed groups VK. As "in contact" close the group: Easy and fast way

Community B. social network "VKontakte" are used for various purposes, ranging from entertainment and ending with business. But we do not always need publicity. In such cases, we will be outlined closed groups. On how to make a closed group, considered in the article.

Closed VKontakte groups have always used some of their charm. They are closed OT. public Access. They discusses information only between their participants.

Let's start, perhaps, from the definition. Closed (or private) Community VKontakte is such a community, in which the access to unsigned users is limited. That is, see news, posts, photos, videos and any other materials can only participants (subscribers).

In closed groups get much harder than open. Going on their pages, you will see about the following:

You can not subscribe yourself. Here you will need to either submit an application, and then wait for its approval by the administrator, or get an invitation and accept it.

It is also worth noting the fact that only groups can limit access, but not public pages. If you have a public, then turn it first to the group, and then make it private or closed.

As a rule, people enjoy this opportunity to share information with a limited circle of persons. For example, you made a group where only your close friends consist, and do not want anyone to see what is published there.

Also, this feature serves as a certain disclaimer. For example, if you publish material that is not intended for minors, then you can limit access and take / invite only adult users of VK.

Types of groups VKontakte

There are two types of groups with limited access:

  • Closed;
  • Private.

In the first case, it is possible to become a member by applying or accepting an invitation. In the second - only at the invitation. What type of use, you already decide on the basis of your preferences and needs.

It is worth noting that private groups are more inaccessible, as the hit in such a community does not depend on the user itself and its active actions.

How to create a closed group of VKontakte

So, we figured out that they represent the closed and private groups. Now let's go to how to create them.

  1. Click the Create Community button.

  1. In the window that appears, enter the name, specify the subject and, be sure to place the point opposite the group. And click Create.

  1. Next we will transfer to the settings page. Find the group "Group Type".
  2. The default is worth it open type. We should also choose closed / private.

  1. Click "Save".

Thus, we created a closed / private community.

As an open group to make closed VK

There are different situations, including such that there is a need to limit access to the existing community. Unfortunately, not all the leaders know how to do it.

In fact, everything is quite simple, a step-by-step instruction is below:

  1. Click on the Trootch button and go to Community Management.

  1. On the right, select the "Settings" section (as a rule, it will immediately be opened).
  2. Next, locate the group "Group Type" and select the desired option. If there is no such line, then you have a public page (about how to translate public to the group, read further).

  1. Save the changes.

After the proceeds done under the avatar, the following will appear:

Now, only subscribers can see the news. Everyone else will have to apply or wait for your invitation.

Similarly, you can also change the type back to "open".

How to translate a public page to the group

As we said earlier, only a group can be closed, but not a public page.

If you encountered any difficulties when transferring a public to a group, then the instruction presented below will help you:

  1. Go to the community page.
  2. Under avatar is a button with a three-way. Click on it.
  3. Select "Translate to group".

  1. Confirm the action.

Remember! Translation can be made once every 30 days. Therefore, your decision must be weighted and well deliberate, as it will not be possible in the near future.

How to add people to the closed group of VKontakte

One of the most frequently asked questions when working with closed / private communities is "where to accept applications for accession?".

The whole snag is that if there are no applications, it will not be indicated anywhere. This confuses many administrators. They are trying to find a page with applications when they are not, and, as a result, faced with failure.

So, to accept an application must be an administrator (not moderator) and follow the instructions:

  1. Go to "Community Management".
  2. On the right to find and choose the "Participants" section.

Important! If there are applications, then in the Participants section there will be an additional subsection "Applications". If there are no applications, there will be no such subsection.

  1. Go to the subsection "Applications", and then approve or deflect them by pressing the appropriate button.

As you can see, it is the absence of a subsection "Applications" causes many questions on this topic. But knowing this feature, you will never have such problems.

Now that regards sending invitations. Almost all community leaders know how this is done. But we decided to discuss this moment.

So, it is necessary to send invitations:

  1. Under avatar, click on the "You Member" button.
  2. Select "Invite Friends" item.

  1. After the window opens with the list of your last friends. Opposite each will "send an invitation" button. Pressing it, you will send an invitation.

After the actions done, close the window and expect while your friends agree to join.

Remember that you can invite only friends and no more than 40 per day.

Pros and disadvantages of closed groups VK

Let's summarize a small line under all of the above and try to allocate the main advantages and disadvantages:

The benefits of closed / private communities can be attributed:

  • Privacy - no one (except participants) does not know what is published inside the group;
  • It is possible to choose between closed and private;
  • Pretty simple to use (especially after reading this article).

The disadvantages include:

  • Such communities are difficult to promote, since people have no opportunity to familiarize themselves with your content before joining;
  • There is no possibility to adjust the auto acceptance of applications for any criteria (for example, from 18 years and older).


We talked about open and closed groups. Disassembled all the main nuances of working with them: how to create, how to change how to add people, etc.

Now you know what the difference between Nimia can use the knowledge gained in the work. We hope our article was useful for you.

Hey! Many people have broken their head for why the developers of Vkontakte, when the possibility of creating groups of VKontakte was wondering not only on 2 versions - open type of group and. Why, and most importantly, private groups were introduced for whom? We will talk about this in this article.

Private group Vkontakte is a kind of private club, which is so easy to get. Community of this type cannot be found through the internal search on the website, it is impossible to make repographs, they can not be invited to their friends and so on.

The only way to get into the private group VK is to receive an invitation from the administrator or moderator. People from the outside will not be able to see even the logo, name, description and other community materials.

Why do you ask such secrecy? It is possible to share private information. Let's say there are private groups of seeds and, where "hang out" only proven people and where you can rummage themes and share the actual information with your "colleagues in the workshop", without fearing that the information will go beyond the group.

To make a group of private - you need to go to it and click on the "Community Management" button, which is located just below the avatar:

After you will transfer internal menuWhere at the bottom on the "Information" tab you will see the ability to choose the type of group:

Choose a group type - private. In a private group, you can get only at the invitation of managers.

Now you can invite friends only you and the Administrators and Moderators you are. The invite the Friends button is in the same right menu as "community management". You can invite only those who have not forbade it in privacy settings (\u003dprivacy) - @ who can invite me to the community. "

That's all. The rest of the functionality of the private group VKontakte is identical with open and closed communities.

If you have any questions - waiting for them in the comments!

If you decide to create a community for a certain circle of users, for example, only for your school friends, you will need to close the group after it is created. Today we will talk about how to do this in practice.

In fact, nothing complicated in the process is not, but there are some nuances that you need to know.

Perhaps the most important thing - you can make a closed group, but public page - not! After all, it is also a public page ... Therefore, if you want to close your public page, you will first need. Make it easy.

Go to public. On the right side of the screen you will see the menu. In it, select "Translate to Group".

A small window will appear. Read the transfer conditions page to the group and, if everything suits you, click on the "Translate" button.

The action itself will need to confirm the code that will come to your mobile phone.

If you have a group, not a public, then everything described above does not need to be done. We proceed to the closure of the group.

Go to your group and click on the community management item.

Staying on the Information tab, drop the page to the bottom. Here is the item "Group Type". You can choose one of the three types of group:

  • Open (can all want).
  • Closed (you can enter an invitation or applying).
  • Private (you can only join the invitation of the head).

What type of group to choose, closed or private, solve only you. If the group is closed, the user will see this:

That is, he, the user, will be able to apply for a group. But what he sees if the group is private:

As you can see, everything is very simple. You can ask your questions with the help of comments.

Hey! Today we will talk about the closed groups of VKontakte and about how to get into them. But for a start a little theory. Closed groups on the website are community, access to the materials of which is limited and is available only to the participants of this group. Those. The user from the part to get the opportunity to follow the news of the community should apply for entry and wait for its approval.

Make a group open or closed can administrator community. He and the lower guidelines - can decide on approval or reject an application for entry.

The closed type of the VK group is well suited to create a circle of communication for a narrow circle of people - a group at the institute, classmates, colleagues and so on. All this is done for one purpose - to extra eyes, Say Rector, teachers and bosses did not see their discussions and the information that users are divided among themselves.

Now I will show you how to make a group closed. About that, there is a separate post, so we will look at the existing community.

To begin with, go to the group you created and pay attention to the menu on the right. You need to click on the "Community Management" button. As soon as you do, you will transfer to the internal settings of the group, where the latter will be responsible for the type of group - open, closed, private.

Here you need to choose "closed". You can enter the closed group by inviting or submitting an application.

Now in order to get to it - the user must send an application for accession.

Or be in the list of invited. Only an administrator or moderator of a closed group can invite. In order to invite the people to the closed group you need from the menu on the right to click on the "Invite Friends" button:

After clicking on the button, the "Invitation of Friends" window opens, where you can choose who you want to see in the group and send them invitations.

In order to manage applications for accession and invitations, you need to once again go to the internal menu of the group by clicking the "Community Management" button and selecting the second tab - "Participants".

Here you can cancel invitation to join, take into a group or reject an application for accession.

From the point of view of the promotion, the closed group is much more complicated open, but the risk of losing the audience is much less here, since the user aware that as soon as he comes out of it, it will be problematic.

Of course, many of course are interested in the question of how to view the wall and materials of closed VKontakte groups, without consisting of them (ie, without being their participant). The answer lies on the surface - in no way. Just submitting an application and getting approval You get access to the materials of the group.

As a rule, if a group of Live and Administration is interested in obtaining new participants - the application is approved during the day.

That's basically it. If you have questions about closed communities VK - ask in the comments.

Good day to you, dear reader.

Are you looking for information about how to manage a group in contact? Immediately I want to place a point over the "I" -tema of the Group's management and its maintenance vary. If you still wonder - then the group, then you.

And within the framework of this article, let's talk about managing the group.

What is included in the concept of "group management"

Manage the group, it means to be its creator or appointed leader. Managers differ in their powers. They are divided into:

  • Admin
  • Moderators
  • Editors

The greatest powers among them, in managing a group in contact, are endowed with community administrators. Manage a group, it means to be able to:

  • Call a group or change its name and description
  • Give it beautiful address
  • Download and change the cover and other design group (miniature and avatar)
  • Enable and disable any blocks (, photo albums, video recordings, documents, links, audio recordings, open or close the wall,)
  • Connect an advertising company
  • Bani participants or vice versa
  • Delete recordings and comments by group members and even edit them
  • Modify the proposed posts (only for public pages or public pages, there is no such function in groups)

Well, with the concept of "management of the group" figured out, now they will answer the question "how."

How to manage a group in contact if you are creator

We believe that the group has already been created. Now what?

To begin with, we can customize the units you need:

  • Links
  • Photo albums
  • Videos
  • Audio recordings
  • Discussions
  • Events
  • Places
  • Products

We can either turn them on, or turn off, or make limited.

How is the management of the group?

Our main button, these are three points under an avatar or group cover.

We click it, from the drop-down list, choose "Community Management". Other points of the fallen menu, we will also look at the article as part of the article.

In the window that opens, we have the ability to: change the name of the group, register its description, download the cover, give a beautiful address, register a link to the site if there is.

Item "Sections"

In the next section of the right menu "Sections", we can enable the sections you need or disable the unnecessary. They are among them as: links, discussions, photo albums, videos, goods. You can edit their locations. This is done in the same window, by designating the main unit and secondary.

The main unit will appear at the very top, immediately under the description of the group.

Point "Discussion"

On how to enable the section "Discussions" and all related chips - find out from the article.

Item "Comments"

Here we can generally disable the possibility of commenting any group posts, or on the contrary to include them. You can also turn on the filter of obscene expressions.

Working with the API Item "Working with API" at first it is better not to touch.

Item "Participants"

But the item "participants" - we will need. Here, as a group creator, we can delete any participant from the group or assign it to the manager (selecting one of the forms an administrator, moderator or editor).

Here you can send any group member to the blacklist. After the person was in the black list of your community - it will be closed access to your group.

Item "Messages"

The next menu item in the right column is "messages" by clicking on this button we fall into the edit window of this function.

If you want to write you in the name of the group and not in a personal, then it is necessary to include this opportunity. Below you can register a welcome speech that a person will see when he decides for the first time to write you something.

After connecting this feature in your group on main page The "Community Messages" button appears. And if you press it, you like the creator or admin community - it will be possible to switch the runner to the right (it is in the upper right corner), thereby incorporating the notification of the "community now online".

After that, each visitor of your group will display this inscription "Community online. They will answer right now. "- What will continue to write them back and possible to become your client.

Item "Applications"

The "Application" menu item is added a couple of years ago, and is constantly updated.

Here is presented full list Approved in contact applications. You can choose any suitable application suitable for your business and set it up in your group.

Item "Group Statistics"

In addition to the listed settings, the creator and admin group can view its statistics. And based on the data obtained, regulate the group's development vector.

It can be viewed by clicking just on three points under the cover or avatar group by choosing the "community statistics". In the window that opens, you will see 3 or 5 tabs - it depends on those settings that you did and from how much your group is promoted.

If you have just created a group, tabs will be 3: coverage, attendance, activity.

Slash all tabs to the end, you will learn who your audience in our majority is men or women, how many years they are from what kind of cities, as they got into your group, from which devices, how many new participants today in the group, which was attendance and How many people saw your posts for today or for any other day.

This is a separate very large section of knowledge in the sphere of social network "in contact" and the next paragraph in the management of the group.

Item "Add to the left menu"

This item in the drop-down menu is displayed in the same way as the previously previous group and its admin. After clicking on this button - you will see a link to your group in the left menu of the VC interface and you can quickly go to your community.

It is also convenient to the fact that you can respond faster to messages that send you potential clients In the name of the community - they will be displayed as a figure indicating the number of non-respondents messages.

Item "Translate to Group"

This item is displayed only at the creator of the group. Only the Creator of the Group can translate a group to a public (or a public page) and vice versa. To do this, you will ask the code with SMS that will come to your phone.

Translate groups in publics and vice versa is not more often than once a month, and only until the number of community participants exceeds 10,000 people.

How to manage a group in contact if you are admin, moderator or editor

First you need to get the right to administer the community from the Creator of the Group.

To do this, the Creator of the Group should go to the group, click on 3 points under the cover or avatar group, select "Community Management". In the right menu, select the "Participants" button. In the window that opens, appoint a manager of any of the group members.

A window will open in which it is necessary to choose the form of participation of the appointed head of the group. It can be an administrator, editor or moderator. In this window, it is described in detail what authority for each type of control. The community administrator has the greatest powers.

The administrator can control the group almost the same as its creator. He will not have access, only, in the advertising office, if he opened the creator of the group. But the creator of the advertising cabinet can separately open access to any admin.

The second point is the lack of authority at the admin - to remove from the group and from the administration of the group, its creator.

The third moment is that the admin will not be able to translate a group in public and vice versa is the exclusive right of its creator.

How to manage a group in contact with the phone

Manage a group in contact with the phone from an official application is somewhat difficult.

Many functions are not available there. If you still need it, you can go to the VK website through the browser in the phone.

Go to your page and translate the interface in contact to the full mode. After that, the screen on the phone will display the window in the contact as well as on the computer.

To do this, click on 3 traits in the upper left corner of the screen, a list will appear, scroll down, press " Full version" That's all - now you can manage the group in contact from the phone.

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