How to disable comments in the VK community. How to close comments on a photo in VK

Comments are an important criterion for tracking advertising statistics of your business and user interest in content. This is the fastest way to obtain data on the productivity of the leading case. VKontakte is not only a place for those who like to have a good rest, but also a platform for actively earning money, promoting their resource. It starts with communities, where tracking growth through comments is the first step into the world of statistical data analysis.

Correct work with comments - a breakthrough in the development of the VK group

Only after entering the career ladder of the group, a person monitors every "rustle" on his community wall. But with the development of the group and the increase in the audience, it is extremely difficult to maintain the report manually, and it is physically impossible to view each post several times a day. Not paying attention to this issue, the project gradually loses its speed of promotion and acquires negative features.

Post comments are an easy way to ask the administrator a question of interest. The sooner the user solves his problem, the more satisfied he will be, and will start offering your content to his friends.

Manipulations with comments in VKontakte groups

Basic operations:

You do not need to enable it - this feature is the default. But their convenient viewing requires competent settings.

From computer

To monitor updates to your project, you need to perform several steps:

Only community notifications are displayed here.

With Android OS

Once configured, you can see the selected group notifications in your news feed.

How to disable comments in the VK group

Lack of opportunity to express your opinion avoids disputes between participants. It is cost-effective if the community content is not commercial, but informational:

  • the topic of the group does not imply answers to user questions;
  • has a purely entertainment character;
  • does not require active discussion.

From computer

The only way to disable comments in the VK group is to close the wall.

With Android OS

It is also necessary to turn off the news wall.

Find a comment from a specific person

On the main page of the group on the wall, select "Search" and type the message of the person you want to find. And its content and author can be viewed in the community notification feed.

The internal VKontakte functionality for viewing group comments may not seem very convenient. Therefore, you can install additional applications that make it easier to work with them.

When it comes to filtering messages, it is not necessary to disable all comments; it is enough to check the keyword filter for profanity. Thus, you can avoid 90% of spam mailings by adding a list: earnings on the Internet, money, sports betting, etc.

Remember that people like to communicate with each other, to have a debate about a problem. If you remove the comments altogether, the promotion and further development of the group will suffer greatly. For example, having a lot of positive reviews about your online store significantly increases sales.

Hello, friends! We have already told, in general, from all users, from those people who are not your friends, or select certain users who will not be able to view comments.

Today, let's figure out how to see all the comments that you left on Vkontakte and delete those that are no longer needed, and how you can delete other people's comments under photos, posts and other things on your page.

How to find your comment on VK

If you want to see all the comments that you have ever left under the photos of friends, in groups and others, then go to your VK page from your computer and select "News" in the left menu. Now in the menu on the right, click on the "Comments" button.

A list of all records, photos, videos with your comments will open. New comments will be shown at the top of the list, below are those that you left a long time ago.

The filter area appears on the right. For example, to view only those photos that you have commented on, leave a tick in the "Photos" field.

How to delete your own or someone else's comment

We figured out how to find your comments on Vkontakte. To delete the one that is no longer needed, move the mouse cursor over it. After that, a cross will appear in the upper right corner of the comment - click on it and the comment will be deleted.

In order to delete the comment of another person in his profile, for example, he commented on your note, photo or video, you need to do the following. Find the required post or photo and open the list with comments. Find among them the one you want to delete, hover over it and click on the cross.

If you want to delete the comment of another person, which was left to someone else's photo, video or other, then you will not be able to do this. But you have the ability to "Complain" on the comment.

Deleting Comments

If you enter Vkontakte through a mobile application on your phone or tablet, then to delete unnecessary comments from other users to your notes, photos, open, for example, a photo and click on the button below to open the entire list with comments.

We are looking for the one that we want to delete and click on it.

A small menu will appear. Select the "Delete" item in it.

Comments are disabled for many reasons. Annoying spam and unauthorized ads. Active controversy, not related to the topic of posts. Provocation of the administration, incitement of racial and religious hatred. All this often leads to the need to close community materials from comments.

In this article, we will take a closer look at how to disable comments in the VK group.

To do this, you need to use the following algorithm of actions:

  • Log in to VKontakte. Go to the "Groups" tab. Find the community you want from the Manage list.
  • There will be three dots to the bottom right of the community photo - click on them to open the menu, then select "".
  • On the right, click on the "Sections" link. There are nine items in total, each of which can be customized according to your preferences:

  • The wall can be open, limited, closed, or turned off altogether. If the wall is open, then all users can add posts to the community wall and comment on them. Limited allows only the administration, but comments are also open to everyone. Closed prohibits the publication of news and commenting by users, but the administration can still write on behalf of the community in the comments. Turning off the wall will not delete all the records that are already there, it will only hide their presence before turning on the wall.
  • Photos use the same settings a little differently. Photos and albums can be public, then all community members can create and add them. With a limited operating mode, only the administration can create new albums. Turning off photos will also hide their presence from all participants.
  • Videos are also similar to photographs in terms of their privacy characteristics. The open type allows all participants to share new videos, while the limited type leaves this opportunity only to the administration.
  • Audio recordings are similar. All participants can add audio recordings to the public. In limited - only administration. By turning off audio recordings, you will not delete them, but hide them from your eyes.
  • Documents don't work exactly like a wall, for example. In the open mode, documents can be published by all participants. In a limited mode, only the administration can share them. By turning off documents, you make them invisible to everyone.
  • Discussions, for example, are quite similar in this respect to video recordings. By opening Discussions, you allow everyone to post new topics. By restricting, you only allow the administration to do this. By turning it off, you will remove the ability to create and comment on discussions.
  • Materials , events and goods are not an area where dialogue is possible. They are configured according to the same principle that has already been described.

How to block unwanted comments

If you don't want to prohibit commenting for everyone, you can configure the "Comment Filter" system, which can be found in the "Comments" section in the same settings.

There are two items: "Filter for obscene expressions", which removes all messages containing profanity and "Keyword filter", which removes messages containing words that you entered.

Sometimes closing comments is the easiest way to maintain a cozy atmosphere in the community. Thanks for reading!


For community leaders on VKontakte, comments are a great way to keep in touch with their audience. It is one of the oldest and most used tools. Although if the question arose, then this item will be considered below.Most people know how to competently work with user comments.

For some, comments are a support and set the direction of the vector for the development of a public, for some it's just a way to communicate with their subscribers, for some it's a place where people can get any information. It all depends on the type of activity of your group.

It is this tool that will be discussed today. We will analyze the main aspects of working with it. When posting a comment, you can attach a photo, audio or video file.

First, it is worth noting the most standard function - enable / disable (like any other section). By default, when you create a community, comments will be enabled. If you do not want people to be able to write under your posts, then simply (detailed instructions are described below).

Secondly, there are two filters in the settings that can be turned on or off:

  • Obscene language filter - removes all messages containing obscenities, insults, etc.
  • Keyword filter - if the message contains the specified word, then it will be removed.

If everything is clear with the first, then the second is worth focusing on. Since it is this feature that gives the greatest flexibility in working with comments. With proper use of this filter, you never have to worry about what people write.

For example, you have an online store. As in any other similar public, you have included comments on products and publications. People constantly write there, asking about the availability of sizes, prices, etc. But there are a number of messages that you do not want to see. For example, some annoying competitor constantly advertises his group in the comments to your posts and thus tries to entice your customers. You, in turn, simply add the name of his group (if he uses it) to the keyword filter and after that, every time he writes it, the message will be automatically deleted.

Thirdly, all deleted messages will go to the "History of operations". You can see what has been deleted at any time.

How to enable VK comments

By default, comments are always enabled. But if, for some reason, they are disabled, and you do not know how to enable, then this instruction is for you:

  1. On the right, select Sections.
  2. Find the item "Wall". Select "Open" or "Limited". And in fact, and in another case, comments will work.

  1. Save your changes.

After the done actions, a line for commenting will appear under your posts.

How to enable filters for VK comments

As mentioned above, VKontakte filters should be given enough attention. Perhaps this is exactly what will free you from the need to be a moderator and manually track each message.

Follow these steps to enable filters:

  1. Go to Community Management.
  2. On the right, select the "Comments" section.

  1. Check the box next to the filter you want to use (both are possible). When using the second, you will also need to specify the list of words by which messages will be filtered. Write each new word separated by commas.

  1. Click "Save".

Also note that below the settings is the "History of operations". Deleted messages will go here. Review this block periodically. There may be messages that require a response.

Track group comments

Public administrators often wonder if it is possible to track comments on VK. Many people think that there is no such function.

Indeed, nowhere in the group are notifications of new comments displayed under a particular post. But the traceability is still there. It is about her that we will now talk with you.

So, all the comments in any way connected with your account are displayed on the "News" page in the "Comments" section.

This includes:

  • Posts that you commented on;
  • Your posts (both on your own wall and on the wall of other people or communities);
  • Your photos / videos;
  • And most importantly, everything that you published on behalf of the community (posts, products, photos, videos).

Thus, if someone comments on one of the above points, it will appear in this news section.

It's pretty handy. But what if, besides you, someone else publishes notes on the public wall? How can I track comments for such posts?

Here's what you can do:

  1. Click on the post time to open in a new window.

  1. Click the More button.
  2. Select Subscribe to Comments.

It's pretty simple.

How to disable comments in the VK community

Not in all cases public comments are required. If you want to disable them, then follow these steps:

  1. Go to Community Management.
  2. On the right, select Sections.
  3. Find Wall and select Closed from the pop-up menu.

Thus, the ability to comment on entries will be disabled.

So, let's highlight the main points in working with comments:

  1. This is a great way to get feedback from your audience.
  2. Use filters (preferably both).
  3. The better you set up your keyword filter, the more unnecessary messages you can filter out.
  4. Check your transaction history periodically. People do not know which words you entered into the filter and may use them. And sometimes normal messages are deleted.
  5. Follow the latest comments through the news.


The Comments tool has been used for a long time, and it would seem that there is nothing here to focus on. But, as we can see, there are some aspects of the work that require a competent approach.

We have tried to give you the maximum amount of information on this issue. We hope this article was useful to you.

How to close comments on a photo in VK? I got this problem due to spammers. I had to spend half an hour in a new contact to figure it out. Report on the work done by me Vkontakte.

Hello friends!
Got comment spam?
An ex-girlfriend or boyfriend writing God knows what in the comments?
It's time to close this shop)!
It seems like they updated VKontakte, made a new design, stuck a bunch of new chips and buns), such as graffiti, cover, transfer votes to friends, etc., but the trick is that now what was easy to do before is not easy at all).
Now, to fix it, you have to click not on the picture, but poke around in the settings.
In general, I am showing you 2 ways to fix your problem).

How to close VK comments to a photo - 2 cool ways

I show you step by step how to hide comments on a photo in VK.

First way.
1. Click on your ava (top right).
2. In the window that opens, click "settings."

3. In the window that opens, click "privacy."

4. Go down to "write on the page."
Here comes the rich functionality for settings.

"Who sees other people's posts on my page."
You can put that only you will see them, friends, or enter the pages of users who do not need to see the info in the pictures.

"Who can leave notes on my page."
These are not comments, but posts in your account feed. The settings are the same as in the first case.

"Who sees the comments on the entries."
You can put all friends, or select several people, you can check all users.

"Who can comment on my notes."
This is exactly what we need.
Why is this option bad?
The fact that the selected person or people will not be able to comment on all your other posts.

Second way.
Here I will show you how to close VK comments to a photo by creating an album.
1. Press photos.
2. "Create an album."

3. On the page that opens, write the name of the album, description.
In the settings, you specify who can write under the photo in this album.

Why is this method good and how to use it correctly?
Look, if you have a picture that you do not want to record under, you transfer it to this album.
Now, only your chosen people will write under it, or no one, at your request).
Unfortunately, it is impossible to take only one photo, without an album.

The ways have been exhausted. What is not understood, write in the comments to the article. I agree to answer.
Bye everyone!

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