Vkontakte is another page. How to create an internal page for the Vkontakte group menu

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It should be noted right away that registering in VK without a mobile phone number will not work. Since 2012, VKontakte has taken precautions and linked the profile to the owner's mobile number. This is done in order to minimize fraudulent activities on the social network.

But there is one workaround, how to create a VKontakte account without a phone number. You can register an account for a virtual international number that will receive SMS. You can also install a special program for your computer. In this case, you do not need to indicate your personal number. To do this, you need to get registration on a specialized site. For example, pinger.com. There are a lot of such services on the Internet.

How to create a second VKontakte page for one number?

If you need an additional VK account, and you want to know how to create a second VKontakte page with the same phone, then it should be noted that there are no tricks here. This can be done very simply, since you only need one phone number. To do this, you need to create a profile and link it to your email. In the section "My Settings" there is a category "Alerts".

After confirming the e-mail, you need to unlink the number from the profile. Thus, you free up your phone for re-registration. You can do this several times, but the email address on the profiles must be different.

How to create a fake VK page?

Fake pages are created to hide your identity and personal information. It is very easy to create fake accounts. You can indicate a virtual international number during registration, which can be obtained free of charge on special services, and fill in the registration fields with false information. To do this, you need to specify the last name and first name of the person whose page you want to clone, and you can also specify any data.

How to find out who created the fake VK page?

It is almost impossible to find out who the creator of the fake page is. The only thing that can be found out is its IP address. If someone created a fake page with your data, photos, then you can contact VK technical support. Administrators will block the fake account.

How to create many VKontakte accounts?

Each person can create several VK profiles. To do this, you only need one mobile phone number and several email boxes. If you are registering for the first time, then first you need to fill out the registration form and indicate your number. After that, a link is made to the mail and the number from the account is untied. Many profiles can be linked to one phone number. This is not prohibited in VKontakte.

You can create 2, 5 or 10 VK accounts by linking each page to a new number. In this case, confirmation via email is not required. All this can be done with an existing number.

Create an account in VK

If you don't know how to create a new page in VK without a phone number, then special services will come to your aid, where you can get a virtual international number. To create a profile on VK, you need a mobile phone number. Registration in VKontakte is carried out as follows:

  • go to the "Registration" field;
  • indicate the country and mobile number;
  • we confirm the code;
  • create a password;
  • log into your account.

At this stage, registration in VK is completed. Now you can use all the options that the social network offers.

How to find out the date when the VK page was created?

When registering in VK, each account is assigned a serial number or ID-address. Looking at that number, you can understand how long ago the page was created. You can find out the ID-address by going to the page you are interested in. A number will be shown in the address bar of the browser at the top. You can determine the date the page was created by the number:

  • up to 100,000,000 - the page was created in 2010;
  • up to 180,000,000 - in 2012;
  • 280,000,000 and more - in 2015-2016.

The higher the address number, the later the page is created. It is impossible to know the exact date and month of the profile creation. You will be able to determine the year the account was created.

How to create a VK Wiki page?

Almost everyone saw links on VK.com in different communities and groups to other publics. They are in every group. Usually you are offered to follow this link to read the note of interest, and you will be taken to the landing page. There is a large post on this page with images inserted. This note looks very impressive. But it was also created in order to attract the attention of community members.

If you want to know how to create a VK Wiki page, then there is nothing complicated here. To do this, you need to create the link http://vk.com/pages?oid\u003d-XXX&p\u003dPage_name. XXX is the wiki page ID. Then you should follow this link and fill in its content.

How to create a page in VK using mail?

If you want to register in VK without specifying a phone number, look in the search engine for "how to create a VK page via mail." You should be aware that this option is no longer in effect, since the registration of an account is carried out by linking it to a phone number. But email may be needed if you want to create a second account. How to create a second VKontakte account? Everything is very simple.

After creating the first page, untie the number indicated during registration from it. Next, you need to enter the mailbox address. Only then can one more new, second page be registered to the same number.

How to create a public VKontakte page?

It's easy enough to create a public page. To do this, your page in VK must be attached to the cell number. To create a public, in the section "My groups", enter the name and check the item "Public page". Next, you should select the type of community. For example, a famous person or company. After that, you can start filling the content of the Wiki page.

If you do not know how to delete a public VK page that you created yourself, then follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • delete all posts on the wall;
  • remove all administrators;
  • delete the creator of the page, in this case yourself;
  • this function is located in the "Page Management" section.

But even in this case, there is no 100% guarantee that the page can be deleted. You can post information on the wall that violates the rules of the social network, then the page will be blocked.

Since 2012, registration of new accounts on the VKontakte social network is impossible without activation by a mobile number. This decision was made by the social network due to the increase in the number of automated bots. As such, it served as a business hindrance for many smm professionals who used the new accounts to promote groups and pages. But not everything is as bad as it could have been solved. It turns out there is a powerful way to create a page without using a phone number!

Technically, the number is still necessary - these are the rules of the social network. But why use your number when you can do without it?

The standard method, of course, will not be discussed. Although it is quite easy to find SIM cards in the public domain, it will require additional investments. In this connection, a much more sophisticated option was invented to get a tasty account.

The method, which will be discussed below, does not violate the current VKontakte rules. There is no need to bypass the existing functionality of the social network or try to harm other users. Such registration involves authorization via Facebook.

Registering a new page via Facebook

As you might guess, to implement the plan, you need to have a page on another popular resource, that is, on Facebook.

There are enough pitfalls that you have to face to register. We'll have to use a real mail and number to get a Facebook page, but all the work will only be rewarded. But first things first.

So, it all starts with registering an account on the American social network. Many do not have it, others may have registered "incorrectly" and such an account will not work. Now let's get down to the details.

Taking into account all the nuances of registering on Facebook, we can say that this process does not take much time. Here, as in VK, when receiving a new account, you need to take care of the availability of a free phone number. Let's make an assumption that you do not have a similar SIM card. For this reason, you need to skip straight to the TextNow resource. It provides free internet calling services. You can get a free number here. Go to the corresponding site https://www.textnow.com/ and find the "Sign Up Free" button located on the top right side.

The resource is remarkable in that although it asks for real user data, it is not necessary to enter them. The reason lies in the fact that it does not provide for verification of the information received through confirmation of the letter to e-mail. Simply put, you can create countless accounts. Do not underestimate the resource at all, so enter data that is likely to be real. After all the fields are filled in, click "Sign Up".

After loading the next page, we will be asked to enter the area code where you reside. It is enough to write 305. It is directly related to the United States. Click "Continue".

Next, a notification will appear about the successful creation of a new account. Now you have a mobile phone number that you need to copy, because you will need it to register a Facebook account. It is better to leave the link with the site open. * In a new tab, follow the link https://www.facebook.com/ and create a new account. The best solution is to use your real first and last name, otherwise the system will not accept the new request. Copy the ready-made data received on TextNow into the line with the phone number. Don't forget to put +1 first. Specify the date of birth, click "Create account".

We return to the site with the received number again. Messages with a number to confirm registration with Facebook should arrive there. Copy the combination of five numbers.

A registration notification appears and an offer to find friends follows. We omit this moment for later.

Registration on VKontakte via Facebook involves importing data from one system to another. Thus, we need to confirm the newly created account using email.

The correct solution would be to use a clean e-mail address or one that was not previously used for authorization in VK. You can create a new mailbox on any suitable resource. In the example, the option with the patron of VK, Mail.ru will be considered.

We go to the main page of the resource and find the button "Register in mail".

It is necessary to fill in all the available fields, including clicking on the item "I do not have a mobile phone" and finish what you started using "Register".

A captcha will appear, which must be entered in the field located nearby.

It remains to link the newly created mailbox to the Facebook system. To do this, you need to visit the settings located in the upper right corner of the site.

We find the "General" tab, the "Contact information" column, make changes using "Edit". We mark in the item “Add another email. the address…".

We enter the mailbox registered a few moments ago.

We confirm the changes using the password from the social network.

We open the mail and confirm the changes made. The email address becomes part of the Facebook account.

At this point, the preparation of the page for subsequent import into VK ends. This is where a problem arises that must be reckoned with. The full version of the site does not allow for registration of accounts whose mobile number belongs to free telephony services. Most likely, a similar scheme was disclosed and now there are a number of restrictions.

The way out of this situation turns out to be unexpected - you need to use the mobile version of the network located at https://m.vk.com. There is little left to do.

The risk of getting banned for this is present, but it is insignificant. It is important that the block is not added to the mobile version of the site, otherwise the ability to register in this way will be impossible.


With the help of unhurried sequential actions, you can get a new account in just 5-7 minutes. This applies to phone registration, new page and subsequent mergers between email address and data from one social network to another.

Using such a simple method, you can create over 100 new users per day, and then start promoting them using related services or free software.

We need such accounts primarily for the promotion of pages, groups and publics. And to receive benefits from them, it is enough to register on one of the exchanges.

We will guide you through all the steps of VKontakte (VK) registration. Open main page where registration is located - when you click on this link, the VKontakte website will open in a new window, and you can switch between it and this page, which will help you.

What is required?

Registration is free and all you need is a mobile phone at hand. This should be exactly your phone, because if in the future you need to restore access, the code will be sent in SMS to it. When registering a new page, it is necessary to indicate the number. It is impossible to register two pages to the same number (more precisely, it is possible, but the first page will lose its link to this number and you will not be able to access it).

If someone has already entered the VKontakte site on this computer, then first you need to exit from there - the button "Go out" there in the upper right corner.

First step: first and last name

So, let's start: enter your first and last name under the heading "Instant registration" or, if there is none, press the button.

Look at the picture below: this is how the place where you need to enter the first and last name looks like. To start typing, click on the white rectangle where it says "Enter your name", and when you enter, click on the second rectangle where it says "Enter your last name":

Enter carefully, with a capital letter and without mistakes! Then click "Register".

Second step: your classmates

Now VKontakte will offer you to choose the school where you study or studied - this will help you immediately find classmates. The country will already be selected automatically, for example, Russia, and the city must be found in the list (it is easier to do this by starting to type the name - the first two or three letters). The site will then allow you to select a specific school. But if you want, you can skip it right away - there is a button "Skip classmates search."

Step three: your fellow students

After that, there will be a similar step - looking for fellow students. Here everything is the same - choosing a country, a city and then choosing a university. As with finding a school, you can skip this step. You don't have to say where you studied if you don't want to.

Fourth step: mobile phone number

Now an important step: you need to enter your mobile phone number to receive a verification code. This step is required.

Why does VKontakte website need my phone number?

The point is that the name and password do not provide sufficient security. Pages that are not tied to a phone are often hacked, and it is not so easy to restore access if there is no link to a number. If your number was specified during registration, then access can be quickly restored by ordering an SMS with a code and entering it on the recovery page. It is of course free. No paid services are connected to your number. VKontakte does not collect numbers for a secret database or some dark purpose. It just so happens that every day someone forgets their password or for other reasons cannot enter their page, and linking to a mobile phone number is an effective way to prevent all these people from hysteria.

VKontakte says the number was recently used. What to do?

If during registration you indicate your mobile phone number, and VKontakte says that this number has recently been used or is already linked to another page, then the fastest solution is to use another (but not someone else's!) Number. You can, for example, buy a new cheapest SIM card. This will already allow you to register. Later you can try to link your old number to the page, this is done in the section "Settings", next - button Change phone number. If it does not work out, contact VKontakte support and to speed up the process, immediately indicate your number to which you should link the page.

What is the reason? As you know, phone numbers that are not used by the owners (for example, more than 3 months) can go on sale again. If the previous owner of the number tied it to his VKontakte page, and then after the period of inactivity expired, the SIM card became invalid, then this number could get to you. This is how it could have happened.

Important: each phone number can be linked to the VKontakte page only a few times. The site remembers all numbers. In addition, always remember that if you have lost access to the number to which your page is registered, you will need to link it to a new number (in "Settings").

Fifth step: verification code

By entering the number and pressing the button "To get the code", you need to wait for an SMS with a five-digit code. It must be entered on the website to confirm that it is you - a living person who has a mobile phone in order to restore access if necessary.

Where to enter the code? Here in such a field:

Just enter the confirmation code and press the button "Send Code".

If several minutes have passed and the code has not arrived, click on the link "I haven't received the code." Another SMS will be sent to you.

If she does not come, you can ask the robot to call you at the specified number - it will dictate the code by voice. To do this, click "Yes, let the robot call" otherwise - "No need, SMS came."

Sixth step: password

Now all that remains is to set a password with which you will enter the site in the future. It needs to be invented. The password should be secret, and no one should know it except you.

A special place for entering a password will appear. It's good if you come up with a complex password, with large and small letters and numbers. The complexity of the password will be shown by the indicator as you enter it. If the password is good and complex, it will be underlined with a green line and next to it it will be written that it is a strong password. So you're done. And pay attention to what language you enter the password in - Russian or English. On which one you enter it, on this you will need to enter it the next time, otherwise the site will tell you that the password is incorrect.

Tip: write down the password on a piece of paper and hide it in a safe place without showing it to anyone. Sometimes the password is simply forgotten.

All! Registration is over and you can click "Enter the site."

The last step: login to the site

It is convenient to enter the VK site through the "Login" start page, especially if among your favorite sites there will be not only VKontakte, but also others - Mail.ru mail, Moi Mir, Odnoklassniki and others. You can add any sites to the "Login" (site address) and go to them with one click, and at the same time you will see right on the start page if you have new messages, letters or something else new.

After logging into VK, your personal page will open, which you can start filling out. For example, for a start, you can put your photo - click on an empty place where it should be (there is a camera icon) or on the link "Put a photo". Everything is very simple. A download window will open, in which you need to select the desired photo from your computer. After that, the photo can be cropped (if necessary), then click "Save".

Greetings, dear readers. Social networks have long entered our lives, so all owners of absolutely any business, both traditional and remote, simply need to run them in order to be successful, so today we will talk about how to create a group on VK.

VKontakte, despite the growth of Odnoklassniki and Facebook, and even despite Instagram, remains the leader in promotion, there is a simple explanation for this.

Social benefits VK network:

  • Different audience segments.

We know that in OK the main audience is women over 30 years old, mainly from the regions, on FB - the most affluent audience, on Instagram - advanced youth. VK has all these segments from kids to bankers.

  • The habit of buying online.

VK people have a formed understanding of online shopping, they are happy to buy goods without leaving their favorite social media. networks, this is the so-called autonomous trade, that is, when we do not transfer a person to external sites.

So, we need to sell via social media. VKontakte network, what do you need to do for this?

There are 2 vectors of promotion through VK:

  1. Creation and promotion of your community.
  2. Purchase of advertising in existing ones.

We will consider both options, but today we will focus on the first.

Many people here have a question - how many to create: one or several?

How many communities to create for business?

In some cases, you need to create one, in others - several different ones, here everything is individual and depends on your business.

Most often, for one business it is still better to create one group or public page, which one is better to choose, we will analyze further. For example, if you have a travel agency, then you do not need to create several communities for different tours, for example, "Tours to Egypt", "Tours to Bulgaria", etc., because their promotion will not be as effective as if it were there was one community.

You need to create several communities in the following cases:

  • Different audience.

If your product is consumed by different audiences, for example, if several businesses operate under your brand, it is a mistake to create one community like "Shipping in Perm and abstracts is cheap".

In this case, you need to create separate communities, because these are completely different proposals for different audiences and here you need different content.

If a subscriber receives more than 40% of the content that does not correspond to his interests, then he will leave such a community.

  • Bilingual business.

If you have interests, for example, not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries, then you cannot lead one community in different languages.

  • The difference between offers in different regions.

For example, providers that provide the Internet do this, since their tariffs differ in different cities.

  • A very rich marketing policy.

For example, the Wildberries store, it has many subscribers, the store conducts a lot of activity, is advertised, in this case, you can highlight different directions, they do this, they have a common community, there is a separate public for the sale of household goods and a group with children's goods , there is also a division by country (Belarus, Kazakhstan), etc.

The more targeted information the subscriber receives, the higher the likelihood that he will perform the action targeted for us.

When we have decided on the required number of communities for the development of your business, we proceed directly to its (their) creation.

How to create a group on VKontakte step by step?

Step 1. We go to our VKontakte page, select "Groups" in the left menu and press the "Create community" button.

Such a window appears.

Step 2. Coming up with a name.

I advise you to choose a concise and catchy name that will attract attention and reveal the essence of the group itself. In the next article, I will go into detail on how to choose the right name so that you can correct it.

Step 3. Choosing the type of community.

What to choose a group, public page or event? Today the difference between them is not so noticeable; the first, second and third formats have advantages.

Below is a table showing how the different formats differ.

Capabilities Group Public page Event
Participants write on the wall No

It is possible to disable this function

Members can "suggest news" to the communityNo No
Participants can add new photo albums, videos, audio recordings, documents

It is possible to disable this function


It is possible to disable this function

Restricting access to community content

Can be configured so that anyone can join, to join only by invitation or by applying, and only by invitation of managers


Can be configured so that all users can participate or only those invited by the administrator

Block with products displayed on the community home pagethere isthere isNo
Start and end times of the eventNoNo

This format is really only suitable for some kind of meetings, the day before the start a reminder of the event comes out

Display on personal pages of participants

The list of groups is displayed in personal information only if the member has not hidden it with privacy settings, in any case, no one is viewing it

If a member often visits your public, then he appears in the top 5 in the "Interesting Pages" block, the page's avatar is visible there and there is a greater chance that one of his friends will see your community and enter it

The list of events is displayed in personal information only if the participant has not hidden it with the privacy settings, in any case, no one is viewing it

Community invitations

You can invite 40 friends per day


You can invite members of your communities for 5000 per day

Think and choose what suits your business best: a group or a public page. Here, of course, it would be a mistake to create a public like "Effective treatment of hemorrhoids", because not everyone wants this to be displayed on his personal page, in this case, you need to make a group.

My advice - at the initial stage, create a group, so you can invite your friends to it, and when all those of them who want to join, you can transfer the group to a public page. The creator of the community can change its type on his own, without resorting to requests in those. support, if the number of participants does not exceed 10,000. In the same way as in the case of transferring a public to a group, it is allowed to change the type of community no more than once a month.

Step 4. Click the "Create community" button.

Your VKontakte group has been created, and you are in the "Edit information" menu.

Group settings

  • Name - we already have it.
  • Community Description - here we write a description of the group, indicating what it does.
  • page address - we change the address to a more beautiful one than the default set of numbers, it is advisable to make it as short as possible so that subscribers can easily remember it and find you.
  • Community Topics - choose the most suitable topic from the list and indicate age restrictions.
  • Web site - enter the address of your website, it will be displayed on the main page of the group.
  • Comment filter - automatically removes comments containing mat or words you specified.
  • Location - we indicate the address if you have an office or you have a regional group, or you want to promote some product in a certain city, for example, if you have a store or do a manicure at home.
  • A room at the Snapster - indicate if there is one (they share photos there, similar to Instagram).
  • Community posts - if necessary, connect community messages. This is a very convenient thing, messages are addressed directly to the community, and all managers can respond to them. The subscriber does not need to look for the group administrator, who often hide themselves from the block with contacts to ask a question. And administrators will not get confused about which of their several communities the question is asked. To immediately see on your personal page that the community has received a message, you need to add your group to the left menu.

Next, we enable the functions that you need, and configure access for them (who can add and edit: editors and administrators, or all community members). I think that there will be no problems with setting up privacy, especially since prompts pop up on VK.

I do not advise turning off the members' ability to comment and show all kinds of activity in albums and so on, and even more so in discussions, because the higher the audience's activity, the faster your group moves. If someone is sending spam or behaving inappropriately, then the black list will help you.

I will only explain what materials are. We need them in case we want the "Fresh news" block to appear on the group's main page, which is a wiki page, the name of the block can be changed and the page can be edited as you please.

If you have an online store, then we connect "Products", then cards with the products you have created will be displayed on the main page of the community.

Congratulations, now you have your own VKontakte community, the next thing to do is his.

If you do not understand something and still have questions, please ask them in the comments, I will be glad to answer them. Also subscribe to blog news so you don't miss new articles.

In this lesson, I will show you how to go through a free VK registration and create a new page in VK. This can be done in one of three ways: standard on the vk.com website, via Facebook or via Google mail.

Each of these methods requires mobile confirmation. But you can register in a contact without a phone number. This is done through a virtual number - I will also tell about this.

Registration of a new VK page

The easiest way to make a page in Contact in Russian is to go through the instant registration of a new user. To do this, you just need to fill out a form on the official website vk.com: indicate your name, surname, date of birth and phone number. Registration is very fast.

There are other options for creating a page: through Facebook or Google mail. But in either case, you also need to enter your mobile number.

But to register without a number, you will first have to get a virtual phone. This is a one-time number that is used only for activation.

VK registration method pros Minuses
Standard ✔ Fast access recovery in case of login problems
✔ Protection against hacking
✘ Mobile phone number required
Via facebook ✔ Automatically add personal information from Facebook page

✔ Protection against hacking

Via Google mail ✔ Automatically add personal information from your Google account
✔ Fast access recovery in case of login problems
✔ Protection against hacking
✘ I can't always register
✘ Mobile phone number required
No phone number ✔ No mobile phone number needed ✘ It is difficult to restore access in case of problems with the entrance (page hacking, viruses, password loss)

Standard registration

one . Go to the main page of VK at vk.com.

2. In the lower right corner of the site we print the name, surname, indicate the date of birth. Then click "Register".

3. We print our mobile phone number with the mobile operator code. Click "Get Code".

4 . Within a minute, a free SMS message with a code will be sent to the specified phone number. We print it in a special column and press the "Send code" button.

5 . We print the password and click "Enter the site". The password must consist of English letters and numbers without spaces.

It is advisable to assign a complex password: longer than seven characters, among which there are letters of different sizes - large and small. And don't forget to write it down somewhere safe!

That's it - the page is ready!

You can customize it by clicking on "Continue" or do it later by clicking on "Skip".

This is what the finished, but not yet completed page looks like:

Your page should load in the Facebook tab. If it doesn't, please sign in.

2. On the VK website in the lower right corner, click on the "Continue with Facebook" button.

3. A small confirmation window will appear. Click on the "Continue" button.

4 . The import data page will load. Here you need to type your mobile with the operator code and click "Get code".

5 . We print the confirmation code from SMS into the window and click "Send code".

6. We come up with a password to enter our new page, save it to a safe place and click on the "Enter the site" button.

It is advisable to specify a strong password: from seven characters, consisting of numbers, capital and small English letters.

7. A successful registration message will appear. This means that the page is ready and you can use it.

Registration via Google email

You can also create a new page in Contact via e-mail. But only if you have Google mail (gmail.com). In addition, the phone number will still have to be specified.

one . In one tab, we open our mail at gmail.com, and in the second, the mobile version of the VK website at m.vk.com.

2. Under the button "Register" click on the link "Google".

3. Choose your account.

4 . We click on "Allow".

5 . We print our name and surname. Click "Continue".

6. We confirm the registration: we print our mobile number with the operator code and click "Get code".

7. Enter the code from SMS and click on "Send code".

8 . Coming up with a password to enter, then click "Register". The password must be composed of English letters and numbers.

Your new page in VK will be loaded. To go to the full version of the site, click on "Full version" at the bottom left.

That's all - now the site can be used!

How to register in VK without a phone number

You can register in VKontakte without a phone number. For this, there is such a service on the Internet as virtual number... This is such a temporary phone without a SIM card. You can receive an SMS with an activation code on it, and this is exactly what we need to create a new page.

The principle is as follows:

  1. We receive a virtual phone number;
  2. We print it when registering in VK;
  3. We receive an SMS with a code and enter it on the site.
Virtual numbers are free and paid. But in both cases, it must be borne in mind that these are only temporary phones. This means that if you have problems with login in the future, it will be difficult to regain access to the page.

Free virtual numbers

There are services where free phones are distributed to receive SMS. They are of several types:

Websites with public numbers are the pages where the currently available phones are published. Everything is simple there: you click on the number, and a list of SMS messages that were sent to it opens.

Site addresses with public numbers:

Websites with registration - you must first register for them. After that, the SMS number will be indicated in your personal account. And here, in your personal account, you can read the received messages.

Registration site addresses:

Apps for Android are programs for the phone that provide users with virtual numbers. To get a free number, you need to install the application on your Android smartphone and register in it.

Most popular apps: Swytch, Telos, Text Me.

In practice, I've tried every free site and every app. I spent a few days on this, but I never received the coveted SMS with the code.

Some of the numbers are occupied, that is, pages are already registered on them. For some reason the contact does not accept other phones. And third sms do not come.

I see only one option: to monitor sites with public numbers and as soon as a new phone appears, quickly register a page on it.

Note: if you read other instructions for registering Vkontakte without a phone number, then they often advise the pinger.com service. Previously, it was really possible to register through it, but this method has not worked for a long time. Either the issued number does not pass, or SMS is not received.

Paid virtual numbers

You can buy a disposable virtual number on the Internet. This is a temporary phone number that is issued online for a specific period. And there are services where you can get it specifically for registration in Contact, Odnoklassniki, Viber, Whatsapp and other systems.

I tried three Russian paid virtual number services. Each of them led to a result - the code came in, and it turned out to create a page. But there are some peculiarities (see table).

Service address Payment method The cost Service features
sms-activate.ru 7-20 rubles Country numbers: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Romania, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, China and 40 more countries.

Russian numbers are quickly being bought up. Sometimes, you need to wait 1-2 hours for new phones to appear.

5sim.net Yandex, Qiwi, Visa / Mastercard, PerfectMoney, Payeer, Webmoney 10-25 rubles Country numbers: Russia, Kazakhstan, Philippines.

As a rule, they have a lot of free Russian numbers. But it happens that all SMS receiving channels are busy, and you can't get a number. In this case, you just need to try later - usually after 10-15 minutes the channels are released.

onlinesim.ru Yandex, Qiwi, Visa / Mastercard, PerfectMoney, Bitcoin, PayPal, Payeer 8 rubles, 23 rubles 8 rubles - Chinese; 23 rubles - Russian.

The reliability of services and prices could change, but as of March 2019, this is exactly the case.

Each service allocates a number for a time - usually 15-20 minutes. This is quite enough to get a code and enter it when creating a VK account. But for other purposes it cannot be used.

Step-by-step instructions for registering without a phone

Right now I will show you how to create a new Vkontakte page on a computer without a phone - through a virtual number. I will do this using the example of the SMS Activate service (the first in table).

Open the sms-activate.ru website and click on Login / Register in the upper right corner.

We fill in the registration form. Here you need to enter your email and come up with a password to enter the service.

We go to the mail, open the confirmation letter and follow the link in it.

After that, an email address should appear in the upper right corner of the site. If it doesn't appear, sign in.

On the left side of the site, select the country. It depends on which number the system will issue and how much it will cost. It is better to take the number of the country where you are geographically located. If in Russia, then the Russian number, if in Ukraine - Ukrainian.

The cheapest numbers are Chinese. But I do not recommend using them, as Contact often blocks such phones.

The list of services will show the cost and the number of available rooms.

If there are no phones available (0 pcs.), You will have to wait. New ones appear approximately every two hours. The time of their appearance is written at the top of the site.

We click on the inscription "0 rubles." in the upper right corner of the site and select "Top up balance".

We choose a payment method and indicate the cost of the room. After crediting money, click on the Vkontakte line in the left column and click "Buy".

A line with a phone number will appear. We copy it.

Open the site in a new browser tab

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