How to add contacts to Skype from Odnoklassniki. How to add friends in Skype: Tips and Recommendations

" is an a bright representative Programs allowing you to communicate with friends through video link. Use Skype is very simple, even elderly people with pleasure and ease can talk with their loved ones through this program.

How can I add a person in contacts (or differently - in friends) in Skype? This article will consider the main methods as well as possible problems When adding friends.

Instant way to add

Consider the fastest and efficiency of communication with the other. What is needed for this? Of course, that each of the users is registered in Skype, know the username (login), email, which he specified when registering, phone number or name and surname. The easiest way to look for through the login of the internal system.

  • At the top of the screen, on the left you can find a string to search for people. She is over the list of contacts.
  • Enter the login or other known data in the Login field and click on the Magnifier to start searching.
  • The program will display users suitable for your request. For example, by conducting a search by name and surname, you can get a very large number of people from different countriesBut with the same names and names.
  • Often, it is not possible to find the right person in such a list. In this case, it is recommended to clarify its username in the system or email address.
  • After the desired person was found in the appearing list, you should hurt for an invitation. A dialogue will open and the opportunity to add to friends.
  • Write a short message to find out you, and send a request.

Remember that a person will be added to the list of friends only after your invitation accepts. Of course, it will be displayed there before, but you will not see his status.

More about adding users

Another option is carried out through the "Contacts" menu. This button is at the top of the program window, next to the "view", "tools" and "calls". Click on it, and then on the top line - "Add contact".

Click on its account, write an invitation and send it by clicking on the appropriate button.

If the user is not in Skype

In the left part of the window, click on the "All" button, and then select the link "Invite friends to Skype". Next, you need to fill the necessary fields. Enter the name of a person, its mobile phone or email address. Click on the "Send" button, after which a friend will receive an invitation and can easily register. Of course, this method does not mean that the usual registration in Skype is no longer available.

If you do not understand and do not know how add contact in Skype, Do not worry, it is done very simple and almost automatically. It is more difficult to find the right people on the Internet, and then, as they say, the case of technology.

How to search and add subscribers in Skype

To add something, you need to find it first. To search for users in Skype, there are various features.

After that, send a message to the subscriber, after the answer, the contact will be added and when this person is in the network of his avatar will be highlighted in green.

How to add phone number in Skype

To add a phone number to contacts in Skype You need to go to the menu " Contacts" And choose item "Add contact".

After that enter the number using the keyboard and click "Save the phone number".

  1. You can designate it with the flag of the country of residence.
  2. You can specify phone type - Mobile or stationary, working or home.

You can not open the list, but simply try to call the subscriber. After the call is completed, you will be asked to add a number. After adding acquaintances, all of them will be visible on the Skype input page with the status - if on the line and is available, it is marked green, and if outside the access zone is gray.

In general, call and add phone numbers can be exactly the same as in the usual cell phone. Details may differ, but general principles are completely the same. And if you did not find a subscriber, and the call was sent to you? Or did you get a text message? How then to add to the contacts in Skype? If you want to add a user who he himself turned to you, use the same context menu. After the end of the negotiations, click right-click Mouse and select item Add to Contacts. Further set the desired parameters and can now contact this person with one click on his icon.

How to add second user to Skype

Create a shortcut to launch the second user (profile) Skype. To do this, go on the next way:

"Local disk (C :)" \u003d\u003e "Program Files" \u003d\u003e "Skype" \u003d\u003e "Phone".

The "Phone" folder contains the application - "Skype.exe". On the file application "Skype.exe" by clicking the right mouse button, and select the item in the context menu

"Send" \u003d\u003e "Desktop (create a shortcut)".

Click on the label with the right mouse button and select the "Properties" item in the context menu. You will then see the "Properties: Skype - Label" window (or your name) in which we will make changes.

In order not to confuse the program different types accounts, enter credentials better from account Skype., not from account microsoft records. New account skype You can create from the program window if you click on the "Register" link.

After that, two user Skype Can use their accounts (accounts) simultaneously, independently of each other. You will be interested in material .

You can also add to skype back Other additional accounts. This will require creating new shortcuts, and then enter into the properties of shortcuts, for example, such parameters: / secondary1, / secondary2, etc.

Using skype Each time you enter manually data from your account is not very convenient, so this process can be automated.

How to run two skype automatically

You will need to add the following parameters.

/ UserName: LoginSkype

/ password: Password.

Please note that you should also add account settings through a space.

After adding your Skype account data, the Object field will have this kind (quotes upper):

Confirm the changes by pressing the "OK" button.

Please note that if on your computer, Skype program starts from a shortcut created when installing the program to a computer, then the first skype main account should always be launched.

How to run two skype at the same time

First, remove the label that is created when installing the Skype program to your computer.

C: \\ Program Files \\ Skype \\ Phone \\ Skype.exe

then create a new label to start the program.

In the properties of the shortcut in the "Object" field, you must have such an entry (quotes upper):

"C: \\ Program Files \\ Skype \\ Phone \\ Skype.exe" / Secondary / UserName: LoginSkype / Password: Password

At the same time, you must enter the skype login and password of the main Skype profile, whose shortcut you deleted. After that, you can open two Skype on one computer at the same time, independently of each other and run them in any sequence.

In this way, you can add other accounts, for simultaneously launching them on the computer.

Now you can run 2 skype, or simultaneously start multiple Skype on your computer.

Skype supports work from multiple accounts. You can run two skype (or several skype) on one computer simultaneously or in turn.

Take an account in the messenger? Now it remains only to add contact in Skype so that you can start communication. How can you find friends now? The updated program offers only a string for an interactive search. It is there that all the data are introduced that are known about the user.

What information is it better to enter?

The search for a person login is the fastest method. You must enter it in the search string. She is over the list of contacts on the left side of the messenger window. Since this is a unique username, it is impossible to find two accounts with absolutely identical names.

The search is complicated when the user does not know the login. What data can be written instead?

  • E-mail. To each account Attached email. However, it may not be indicated in the profile.
  • Real names and surnames of people. Mainly users indicate valid data, but there are exceptions.
  • Place of residence. This information is also optional.
  • Phone number.

Profile - Business card account holder, but not everyone prefer to share their contact information.

To maximize the search for the search, you need to enter all the data at once, since, most likely, the program will give a long list of namesakes. The remaining candidates are subject to verification. Call context menuBy right-clicking on the profile in the list, and select "View profile".

If the profile is filled necessary informationAnd on the avatar there is a real photo, add such a friend will be easy. If the data is absent, and you are not sure that this is the person you are looking for, contact him in any other way that he tells you my login.

Sending request

If you found your future interlocutor in the list, you can now send a request in which you ask him to add you as a new contact.

  1. Click on the button in its profile "Add to the contact list". A window will appear, in which the standard greeting is already written and the request for adding. If you wish, you can come up with something your own.
  2. Click on the "Submit" button. The request will leave and you will just stay waiting when a person confirms it.

Mass adding contacts in Skype

This type of adding is used to promote any business. Please note that such actions can be similar to the spam newsletter. For this you can be blocked in the service. It is logical that at the expense of the Skype program itself, mass addition cannot be implemented.

If such a need arose, pay attention to the specialized products by the type of Skype-Combine.

Import contacts from file

Do you already have a list of contacts you value? Then time to make it backup. If you lose access to the account, and then start a new one, you will have to add all back manually. To get rid of these troubles, do the following:

  1. Click on the contacts block - additionally - make a backup of the contact list.
  2. Select a place to save the file with the VCF extension, as well as the name. It is better that it corresponds to your login in Skype.
  3. Click on "Save".

To add a previously saved list, go back to the contacts - additionally - restore the list of contacts from the backup file.

Add user to your Skype is not at all difficult if there is a login, so much faster and easier will ask him to people with whom you intend to communicate using video chat and voice calls. The algorithm for the search and adding one and the same, so it does not matter if you use Skype on a computer or telephone.

Modern messengers are intended to communicate, which implies the search and adding new contacts. This procedure is not associated with difficulties, if you know the basic information about a person. Otherwise, the success of the result remains in question. Today we will talk about how to add contact in Skype On various devices.

Interaction with a list of friends

Each user creates a unique platform for communication, surrounds itself interesting people. How to add new contact in Skype to the computer? The procedure does not take much time.

So, in the course of the story, we will look at the nuances of the procedure for different OS and popular devices. For the convenience of perception, we break a further narration into several logical blocks.

Using PC

Let's start, perhaps, with old version Programs, everything is done in it like this:

And for new Skype. The procedure is similar:

We use smartphone

To add to friends to Skype on the phone there are several ways, we will consider only one of them. To achieve a positive result, it is enough to follow the steps, the list of which is presented below:

Request for friends

In order to adopt a friend in Skype to click on the appropriate button after the template text message. The system will automatically add a new interlocutor to the contact list (it works in both directions).

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